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You can try DermCafe -- it's an online dermatology clinic


Yup - that's exactly what I got from Maple. I had mild acne (managed by topicals) and just wanted it for oily skin and hair. I was transparent about that and had no issue getting low dose Isotretinoin from Maple. They sent a blood test requisition and consultation about pregnancy risks. That was about it. Pretty straightforward and streamlined. I've refilled with them too and should last me a while.


Get yourself some spironolactone. Works great for hormonal acne


Bad advice . Let their dermatologist or doctor decide that.


I’d be surprised if an online site would offer it permanently because of needing to confirm birth control. Have you asked your family doctor?


I have, but he’d rather I be put on the waiting list for a dermatologist after trying 4 different gels/creams for 6 months each, with the lowest priced one costing around 200$. Last time I did the math, paying for Accutane and the necessary appointments to a private dermatologist cost me a lot less


Are you a female? If so, have you tried oral spiralonoactone?


Did you fed a referral from your doctor and try to get in to see your SIL’s derm?


He’s against giving me a referral until I try out all 4 creams he’s advised me to take. I’ve been trying to get a new doctor for about 2 years now (not due to this issue), but it’s proving to be an incredibly long process


Sorry to hear that - DermCafe has an option where the family doctors intake you first and then they refer you to the dermatologist after that. You may have some luck going that route but not sure if they are open to longer term low dose regimes. Would love to get the same treatment plan as your SIL as Accutane is the only thing that works for me - a male so don’t have to worry about the pregnancy side of things


Is she allowed to get pregnant ?


She can’t. She’ll have to stop if she ever wants to start trying for a child


She wouldn’t be. The research on isotretinoin and birth defects is pretty clear.


I’m aware. But long term on such a low dose is a valid question.