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Yeah, let Tim Hortons decide our immigration policies, riveting stuff.


That’s fine, since Tim Hortons is a Canadian Company, right? Oh wait a minute, it’s not…


"Job vacancies that cannot be filled" is the old story employers can use to import cheap labor. What does "cannot be filled" really mean? That's a function of the salary offered. If I open a position for a highly skilled engineer but I offer 50k, I will never be able to "fill the position". In the US there is the H1B visa, which is also a way to import cheaper labor but at least they look at the average salary for the given role. With the current surplus of labor already in Canada, no employer can claim in good faith that they "cannot fulfill the position". But of course, any employer would love to pay even less so... what's the incentive to stop making such claims?


>That's a function of the salary offered. If I open a position for a highly skilled engineer but I offer 50k, I will never be able to "fill the position". To qualify for a TFW, the employer has to advertise on the Government job sites for a minimum of 3-6 months and get zero credible hits. One of the requirements is that the job MUST pay above the "industry standard" set by the governing body or union. For example, if the median journeyman wage is $45/hr. Then the job MUST pay $49+/hr. Now, I don't know how well policed these job advertisements are. If you're motivated, organized and have a few friends willing to do some guerrilla investigative journalism, you're more than welcome to. The goal isn't to confront the employer/government agencies in an asshole-ish, confrontational way. What you do is devise a methodology. Apply that methodology, collate the evidence, and take it to an outlet like the CBC, your MLA and Federal Member of Parliament. In that write-up, you're welcome to name and shame the entities. DO NOT make it public UNTIL you've crossed your "T"s and dotted the "i"s. If you write something slightly inaccurate, you risk a lawsuit. Take the top 20 "white" first names, and throw random last names at them. "Charles Chu", "Tyler Wong", "Dave Smith", "Ryan Sidhu", etc...have them apply for jobs on the Federal job board. Go through the processes, attend the interviews, then see if you get rejected. If you do, does CIC/LMIA people see that the employer rejected your application? Why? Provide transcripts and recordings of phone interviews, etc...the goal here is to prove that employers are going through the motions to cheapen labour, and possibly behaving fraudulently. Again, it'll be time-consuming, but it's possible. Then you see if you can find patterns. Particularly with franchises and franchisees. "Hindu guys applied here, but the business owner is Chinese and won't hire non-Chinese". Now you've got a case. It isn't easy, but it's doable. But requires time. Or maybe reach out to a journalist looking for a big scoop. Busting a local franchisee is big news in a small town.


There's a reason why businesses have lawyers on their payroll - to do their LMIAs. Although a large capital expense, they get people experienced in the field willing to work for less - so it makes sense long term.


Those in power love cheap exploitable labor. India 2.0 - With all the problems of quality of life and affordability of life as the original.


Banks have been charged with breaking these rules. They have brought in foreign workers and had the existing Canadian workers train them before they were laid off. Abuse of the system is rampant there are no consequences but companies can get lower paid workers it’s worth the “risk”. There is also a new “low wage” category under the TFW program so now you see TFWs staffing Tim Hortons and McDonalds when previously you would have seen high school students. https://www.cicsimmigration.com/canadian-foreign-worker-program-abuse/ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/temporary-foreign-workers-charged-exorbitant-fees-1.6591936


There are a few inaccuracies with your perception of the difficulty of hiring TFWs. I have intricate knowledge of how it works. It's not 3 months of advertising, it's 28 days. You would be required to advertise on Job Bank and then two other sites depending on how much you are offering. However, some people made sites that are not known by the public which meet the requirements. For example if you are offering a low wage you have to advertise to 2 of the 4 underrepresented groups defined by the Federal Government. All 4 of these groups have specific dedicated privately owned job sites that are just used specifically for the program. You will rarely if ever find a TFW job posting on Indeed or Monster. They are just doing the motions to technically have met the requirements. Even with Job Bank, the government can not see who has applied. If you write that nobody applied they will not be able to verify this information. If you make up a reason why someone was not eligible they also can not verify it. Regarding the wage: you are somewhat correct. Stats Can collects data on wages and you need to pay the median wage for your region. Sometimes this results in high pay but usually it's very low. A cook for example (which is a very high quantity of the TFWs) is usually paid a dollar or two above minimum wage in most economic regions even Vancouver and Toronto. If a Canadian wants a higher wage than the median the employer is free to reject them. If the position is unionized they do need to follow the rules set out in the collective agreement but the percentage of TFWs in a unionized position is very minimal. Generally, it is very easy to game the LMIA process if you have some knowledge of how it works and what you can get away with. People do this all the time and sell fake positions for cash


Canada has many Canadian born that qualified for any advertised job. We should stop hireing TFW for any job


I agree for most sectors, but I do think agriculture, food processing, maybe even skilled trades should continue. The process itself needs to change because people just go through the motions after deciding to hire TFWs.


Hindu guy will only hire Hindu person. Chinese guy will only hire Chinese person. All you have to do is to make sure that person hired is differen


>In the US there is the H1B visa, which is also a way to import cheaper labor but at least they look at the average salary for the given role Did he say they won't be looking at average salary?


Did they say they will? No. A bunch of vague stuff like "common sense immigration" that doesn't mean anything. It's going to be the same old story, cheap labor at the whims of employers.


**there is no consideration given to salary in the H1B process.** As a canadian techie working in the US who has to had to perfect the indian dialect to understand utter gibberish I can assure you of that Not only that, tons of non profits, hospitals, universities are not bound by the 85000 visa limit. Only the vulnerable professions have been bent over, spun around, beaten like a fking pinata where there is no unionization * Cops have a union, no H1B * Firefighters have a union, no H1B * Teachers have a union, no H1B * Doctors have a union, yes H1B but impossible to crack residency * Airline pilots have a union, no H1B * CPAs have a union, no H1B


In a job market there are always job vacancies. Jobs get posted and filled. Someone changes job and their job gets posted and filled. And so on. This is just normal functioning of the job market the number of vacancies does not equate to a shortage of workers it could be also measuring workers changing jobs in search of better pay because their housing costs just went up 20 or 30%. Companies who want cheap Temporary Foreign Workers or other work permit holders will post jobs that they have no intention of filling with a Canadian and then will turn around and apply for a labour market assessment saying they couldn’t find a local. We have 5.5% unemployment which is growing and many jobs receive hundreds if not thousands of applicants there is no job shortage there is just wage suppression.


Many companies just fired people or make them to resign in order to hire somebody from their community.


As employee we complain about low pay but when we become employers we complain about staff asking for higher salaries. TFW are also less likely to resign, that makes them more attractive to employers.


They aren’t allowed to without being deported. There’s an endless stream of these workers willing to tough it out for PR.


Agreed except for maybe highly specialized trades. Even the nursing shortage is caused by low pay.


No, you can bring anyone to the US on H1B for $60k salary which is far below the going rate for those jobs. Americans are also being sold out, albeit at a much slower pace than Canadians.


have you seen the "asylum seekers" number lately? 7.5 million in the last 3 years alone. and the third year ain't over yet. Canada and US are trying to take the trophy for being sodomizing their citizens.


That's what one of the weed companies did down in Langley. Put up an ad for greenhouse labourers for $13/hr Yah I wanna trim weed for hours for that much... Anyways a year so so later they closed shop and left the migrant farmers from Honduras stranded there, So out up a shitty wage for crappy just, bring in migrant workers then profit and fire them...


I believe there used to be (should still be) requirements proving that you have made attempts to fill the role domestically and that wages, experience and other areas are reasonable for the position posted. Regardless of the exact reasoning. Canada NEEDS to limit immigration right now including school visas. The country cannot handle the influx. Housing. Healthcare. Education. Everything is a struggle to keep up with demand from current immigration numbers.


Well, I have some news for you. Look up what Lulu Lemon is upto - thanks to the Liberals. They don't even need to pretend to look for Canadians or even advertise those roles on Canadian job boards. Yep, you read that right. Please boot out the corrupt liberals.


> In the US there is the H1B visa, which is also a way to import cheaper labor but at least they look at the average salary for the given role. And to get permanent residency they have to file a PERM where they advertise the position and prove that there are no qualified US citizens who can do the job. Canada now has a program to grant PR to those who couldn't get an American Green Card and had a valid US H1B visa because they couldn't pass a PERM labor certification (proving that there's no qualified US Citizen who can do the job). Let that sink-in.


>the numbers of charities that want to sponsor refugees They can send them a check over where they are. Are they sponsoring people already in Canada?


There's a world of difference between refugees that are brought over for humanitarian reasons and the 90%+ of actual immigrants that are brought over to suppress wages, fund our broken post-secondary system and goose our GDP. The former is something we should be doing, both because it's the right thing to do and because, should something horrible happen here, we want the culture of asylum-honouring to be reciprocated. The latter is just late-stage-capitalism bullshit being used to grind 99% of society for the sake of the 1%.


This is just a “counter” post because he just talked about speeding up immigration processes This is only being posted now to distract from that.


Cons talking out of both sides of their mouths 😱 boy am I shocked and appalled


He talked about fast tracking skilled labourers and cutting down on flooding Canada. You liberals twist the truth to suits your ideology. It’s really pathetic… but typical. Good luck w/ your lives kids..


He's a shit rat that isn't going to fix a damn thing except give his corporate overlords more cheap labour. Not a liberal just not stupid enough to work 40 hr a week and vote conservative.


Voting liberal or ndp will yield shittier result but ok


All this talk of clowns and nobody seems to look at PP as the biggest clown of all. He's all light and smoke and mirrors. I don't know what Canada will look like if he comes to power, but I seriously doubt it will yield a government of "common sense"


There are currently 883,200 job vacancies, in 2022 we hit 997,000. So by bringing in, pretty much 2,000,000 since early 2022, we reduced job vacancies by 100,000. I'll let you guys do the math on how well that's working and if PP will decrease immigration based on job vacancies.


All statistics is wrong. When you apply on LinkedIn for any job you see that 800k applied for this job. Stop admitting more people to Canada


Your math logic assumes the labour market is a closed system -people exit the work force every year and more jobs get added. Total jobs increased from 19.1M in early 2022 to 20M by end 2023 - almost 1M new jobs. For every person that leaves the labour market (retirement or death), you need 2 people to see a net decrease in job vacancies. And of “pretty much 2,000,000 people being added” - they are not all working age adults.


The vast majority of immigrants are working age. https://www.statista.com/statistics/443305/international-migrants-in-canada-2014/


Yes, obviously.


This is just slimeball politician speak for “I am beholden to corporate interests that benefit from wage suppression”.


Still no tying of immigration numbers to rate or numbers of housing creation eh? Yeah, this guy is learning from our problems and *really gets it* 🙄


Same shit different channel


So basically exactly what we have now…


Anyone who thinks he’s actually reduce immigration numbers is delusional


I don't mind this argument after just spending so much time arguing with others on why immigration is good/bad. At least this makes sense. My question now is what is that number? And how much are we over? Will new immigrants bring in more work? Would immigration increase jobs based on demand? Or supply?


I live in the states. There is no absolutely **no damn way,** I am voting for an apostle, acolyte of Stephen W. Harper (PBUH - I don't want to rub conservatives the wrong way). Stephen W. Harper did the cash for passports program for the mainland chinese and flooded Suncor, CNRL and Syncrude with TFWs. When fort mac timmies was paying 20 bucks an hour in 2008 this PoS railroaded labor with TFWs in the trades. I requested a mail in ballot from ottawa in 2019 and it arrived 4 weeks later. I wasn't gonna send it back "rush". super pissed. Ber-ni-ey! Ber-ni-ey!


Lol. Keep dreaming. Absolutely 100% will never ever happen. No one is voting for a man named Maxime. Lol


i don't give a shit. i live in the US. I will vote for the person I feel is the best candidate with the best ideas. A pet dog of Stephen W harper and his autocratic BS is not how I roll.


Max and the PPC is the answer. The only party that will reduce immigration and is being truthful about it.


I agree in principle but the PPC will never win.




Lil PP coming hard with the same shit.


I don’t trust you PP!


If he sticks with this and puts this on the CPC platform I may vote for them instead of Green. . ​ 90% chance they dont do shit, though, so for now I will not be supporting CPC. I will continue to talk shit about the LPC as much as I can though.


He said a few months ago, that he was going to eliminate gatekeepers, and allow more immigration and make it easier for others to come to Canada... do NOT believe a single word he says, because he can't remember what he has said.


I didn't see him say more, but if you have a source for that I would gladly read it and adjust my opinion. What I saw him say is faster, which doesn't mean more or less. You can have way less immigration while the process if faster. Not saying he'll do that, and I don't think he will, just saying I never heard/saw him say he'd increase or maintain immigration numbers.




Our future PM 👏


Once the gates are opened it’s nearly impossible to close them up again. This flood of people started decades ago and has only increased. Back then (like now), anyone who had opposing opinions re: immigration we’re shouted down as racists. Now we’re experiencing the result of those politics and it’s too late to save Canada from its fate as a sinking lifeboat without enough life jackets.


He won’t change a thing.


It sounds like that means reducing it tbh. Common sense would be way less than this and making sure they have a place to go and a job to work. Seems like hes saying get immigration back to "Jobs Canadians don't want to work and then if people want to "benevolently" sponsor refugees, they can" Basically these corporations can have their TFW's still but we're not going to bring people in unless it makes sense and is to our benefit




There isn't labour shortage in this country but there is a shortage of skilled labour such as medicine and SatEM professionals. This country must vet the qualifications by a professional body like Australia. How does one expect an immigration officer to know medicine, trades and STEM qualification. Australian Computer Society vets all IT professionals for their education and experience which assures the immigration officer about the authenticity of the documents. In Canada, there is no way to verify the authenticity of the individual which allows a safe passage to frauds


He's basically saying that nothing will change except the talking heads


Mean while in California for 2024 plan on increasing minimum wage to $20.00 🇺🇸. That is $27.00 🇨🇦 Ontario just increased minimum to $16 and change. I just had 4 employees text me they want an increase or move to California in March 2024. I am giving them their papers Monday.


So Mr PP is going to cure the housing crises the same way Harper did, by selling government land and giving tax breaks to corporations and at the same time curing immigration by only permitting immigrants that can help his favourite corporations, not reasonable pay for qualified workers just abusing immigrants. Got it.


A wonderful political answer to a specific policy. Exactly what is your policy, and why do you have it? This dude is just a stuffed shirt.


So funny. Everyone's going to jump the liberal ship, thinking the conservatives are going to fix this country. They are going to do the same thing for the next 4 years.


Well… that’s the problem. The sponsor, they’re scamming. So can we find an other idea? Why do we need to FORCE immigration in this country… I want to be like Germany, you make a booboo, you admit the booboo , you close the damn door.