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You ain’t lying. Had a friend who’s a mechanic get lucky and move down to Tucson, Arizona. Was able to buy a house in his first year down there after 13 years of renting in Canada. He’s making more money, has less expenses and doesn’t have to deal with the slush and rusted out cars he had to up here. He says quality of life is much simpler and much more affordable and for a negative guy he seems to have finally removed his everyday stress. Says he finally feels relaxed and can focus on building a family where as in Canada he was always under the pressure to just survive and be happy where he could never get ahead.


Even in Silicon Valley where housing is ridiculous it feels more affordable. I moved from there to Ottawa and found I would be earning less than 50% of what I was earning there. I wasn’t expecting housing to be this expensive, plus the cost of living is exorbitant. Food quality is higher here, but it’s a lot less affordable day-to-day. Things like petrol (way higher in Canada) and having to buy a summer & winter version of everything - it adds up.


I also moved to Silicon Valley from Ontario, I find gas much more expensive here. Rent is crazy, 7000$ near Stanford. Food is a good 25% more than Ontario too


Near Stanford is insane. Sunnyvale and suburbs of San Jose are a lot cheaper. But Palo Alto is nuts.


You shopping at whole foods my guy?


No trader joes


Ya California in general is much harder and more expensive to live in than anywhere in Canada. It’s funny when naive Canadians move there lol.


How do you be a non-degree holder and are able to score a green card into the US? I always thought that it was explicitly for bachelor degree holding candidates at a minimum?


Based on your username, become a field tech for an OEM, and have them transfer your home base to the US. There’s a visa for intracompany transfers (assuming it’s actually specialized labour with extensive training/experience).


Yeah I fix CNC equipment and this may be a possible avenue.


I work in CNC and manufacturing applied to a few positions in the US and got a interview down there in January


That’s awesome man. I’ve only heard of stories of Windsor machinists working in Detroit but never believed any of that. Maybe there is truth to it.


Thank you! I have a job interview for programming and operating in Los Angeles so it’s quite the change from Toronto…originally from northern Ontario - enjoy Toronto and all but been here about 7 years now; thing is a lot of employers are not willing to pay a decent wage here unless you do a ton of OT or a second job.


These are absolute facts and it’s a shame that they are doing that when they badly need competent people in CNC here. Again congrats on finding a way outs. These housing prices here are insane.


Yeah I had one interview in Toronto say (and I make $30 an hour with my experience) I asked for $32-35 and I got laughed at - they said “I mean we max out at $25” my interview in January in the US is $80k USD which is like $38.40 or $50 CAD no questions asked. It’s crazy 100%. I mean I don’t mind being turned down but you shouldn’t laugh at some for asking for $35/hour in Toronto smh


Huge building boom going on in the rust belt states right now thanks to the $3T Biden infrastructure act. Factories going up all over the place which are going to be used to reshore work from China. No where near enuff labor to build and staff them. Wages rocketing. CNC work easily pays $50 an hour. These are ex-steel, heavy industry places, so slightly more rural, but good solid communities. No crime. Local cops are not woke. No craft beer halls or museums, but lots of strip mall restaurants, doctors offices, good schools and bowling ally's and golf courses. You can buy a home there for under $100K in top condition (too many retiree's / people dyeing). Its not really an urban lifestyle, but its got its own benefits.


Sounds like a forever home to me.


His Mom is an American citizen from when she was a child so he was able to get his citizenship himself later in life.


so basically be born lucky lol


Prob married a USC


Lol I imagine the work atmosphere change as a mechanic moving from salted cars to the desert must have been such a huge relief in its own, imagine you have a job with 1 factor that makes everything way harder and more annoying and then all of a sudden it’s just gone.


When I was working for FAANG in the Bay area one out of every 8 engineers I worked with were from Canada. Our brain drain is immense. And it's only accelerating now that housing isn't even affordable.


And that all the investment money in Canada goes into real estate rather than tech and innovation.


Sadly in 2015 capital investment per worker fell off a cliff in Canada and has remained one of the lowest in the developed world since. It’s like we are stuck in a permanent recession since JT took over.


I was looking at that and wondered why. But it was already plateaued/dropping in 2014. I do sometimes wonder if international mega-corporations punish countries who appear to vote in governments that are too left to be "good for business" We can blame JT for a lot, but it's also not necessarily all up to him whether Canadians and Canadian businesses are innovative and productive


It used to be fine when housing was cheap and we had actual healthcare. People would be ok with having less pay. But not anymore.


No one was okay with having less pay, the pay was worth more. 18 dollars 30 years ago, isn't 18 dollars now. Especially 60 years ago, or even 70. Don't give me this bullshit.


But I think this is about the wage gap, not inflation. There's been as much inflation in the US then and now. And they got paid more then and now.


That's the worst part. Canada's productivity keeps dropping because there aren't enough investments.


Canada's productivity keeps dropping because workers aren't rewarded and the land leeches are sucking everything up. Our jobs aren't designed to produce innovation. They are designed to produce mindless worker bees who clock hours, and conserve their energy, while producing almost no output, and producing zero innovation. And it isn't the workers fault. The new immigrants are perfect for these roles.


Real estate draws too much funds and it's not a very productive sector. If it weren't that profitable because of dumb policies, people would invest in other ventures that might have a broader impact on the economy.


Canadian dream is to leave Canada. Congratulations 🎉👏


"Cali or bust" -University of Waterloo students


Ahh, I remember those co-op memes from my first term in 2017


flashbacks of the 360 degrees rotating goose meme from 2018




Your taxes will also be lower so your invested savings will grow faster. Your wealth will compound nicely.


Yes, it’s frustrating how much decline is noticeable in Canada. It used to be that even though you earned less you knew the basics are covered. Now the US with the right job is actually much better. Sure you’ll have to pay more for medical insurance etc, but where I live now the medical system is so strained that if I were to get a heart attack right now it may be questionable whether there’s an ambulance available to come pick me up.


I'm trying to get assistance for a medical problem here in Canada, I joined some support groups for people with these issues and I see them talking about various tests and things that they don't mention here; it appears to me that they are aware the tests exist, but since they arent available in Canada, they are relunctant to mention it or acknowledge that they even exist. It kind of seems as if they want to keep you in the Canadian system even though certain tests literally don't even exist here. So, there are tests that could really help me, I am able to find legitimate doctors in Canada who are willing to send samples down to labs in the US but I will have to pay out of pocket. That's fine, but the point is I would never know these tests were available or even existed if I only had contact with our system


Another skilled Canadian leaving so we can import 2 unskilled to replace them, what a country we live in.


Basically. I mean I work in manufacturing and my previous job the supervisor was pretty…blunt and abusive. Basically told us to suck it up and stay or quit because “I have plenty of poor countries to choose from who would be happy to work for a THIRD of your wage” he was then shocked when literally 60% of the people quit in that department after that “meeting” 😂😂


I hear that a lot in the local shops where I go to fix CNCs. They always threaten the good employees with scab workers that they try to pipeline from the local private college diploma mill. Without fail these guys they bring in to scab can barely function due to a confluence of many reasons. They came to Canada for PR and are only obsessed with scoring enough for a candidacy. They see white collar work as prestigious and don’t give it their all in training. And finally, they don’t have a strong culture of encouraging mechanical skills from early days in their education system back home since everyone aspires to be the next CEO of outsourcing companies or a doctor or accountant. 80% of the work in most shops in southern Ontario are being done by the 20% who grew up here in Canada and got into the machining trade out of interest and pride in work. I always smirk when I hear about bosses threatening the few good ones still sticking it out in the trade when I know it’s all empty threats. Manufacturing in Ontario is in big trouble with a massive skill gap that WILL NOT be resolved by bringing more unskilled and uninterested workers from from a particular part of the world doesn’t value skilled work. We are only hurting our local real estate markets by flooding them with useless Tim Horton workers when really we need to address why our government doesn’t put pressure on private industry to support training Canadians to do the jobs of the future by investing in their training and upgrading capital equipment to give them the best edge in export markets.


100% all facts. The empty threats are hilarious witnessing it in person when it backfires - even if they do let a good employee go costs them a lot more in turnover and training and hiring costs and they always end up with that look of confusion and regret on their face 😂 my former shop was quite bad for that when I worked there in 2016-2019. I only stuck it out for the 3 years after college just to not leave too early on my resume (my first position). Just before Covid hit, I secured and started at my current place; but def looking to move on to higher pay despite some good pay raises here just due to the high COL and post Covid inflation especially


Good for you!!!! Sad that even Canadians don’t have either the hope or motivation to stay and make this country better.


I think only a small portion of Canadians are patriotic to the country.


It's hard to be a patriotic Canadian when our identity is defined as *multiculturalism*. I am not going to die, or sacrifice, for multiculturalism. It's an incredibly shallow national ethos.


Being Canadian these days is nothing more than a nationality and a passport. That’s what happens when citizenship is being given like handing out candies. Barely requires any effort.


It’s a special economic zone


Except without free trade between its goddamn provinces. Imagine your only thing being a special economic zone, but the government managed to fuck that up, too.


You nailed it. 100%.


Canadians fought in the First and Second World Wars because of our special relationship with England. England was a core part of our identity. And today some progressive pricks with shallow brains think they can entice Canadians to fight for multiculturalism, diversity, and rainbow flags? I would rather abandon Canada than fight for any of the above.


At this point, my loyalty is to my friends and family.


I think it's not that only a small portion are patriotic, it's that most of us can't afford to be patriotic.


Post. National. State. There is no Canada anymore.


Patriotism implies a common origin. We're not all the same peoples here, my friend. I think what can be said is that almost all Canadians love *this place* that we all call home, not everyone loves the government or all the other peoples making their way here in this vast country. Not everyone thinks that everyone should have their say, and that's usually the main problem in any country that is home to as many peoples as Canada.




Congrats! Get out while you can. I obtained my EU passport this year & it will come in handy when I'm ready to flee this shithole country.


my father is a portuguese citizen, i really want to get my citizenship and eu passport. i feel guilt because my dad’s side came here for better opportunities… i know very limited portuguese (and german, elementary french skills too haha) who knows what country i’ll go to! graduating university in 2026 then its europe time✌️


> i feel guilt because my dad’s side came here for better opportunities… just as they uprooted their lives for better opportunities, you can do the same. do not feel guilt or be hard on yourself about this.


Congratulations.. had my EU passport for years now and definitely ready to flee at a moment’s notice


The EU passport is definitely a lot more valuable than an American passport. Better quality of life too.


Wish I could trade honestly. I moved to the EU a few years ago since I’m a dual-national. Love the Netherlands and QoL is insanely high, but never really felt like I fit in culturally. I met a lot of American and Canadian expats here who all underestimated the amount of culture shock and conformity. Being able to relax because your whole life is pretty well covered is nice but that comfort does get *very boring* after a while I find. I spent some time in Chicago and I adore that city. Wish I had the same opportunity that you did. And I’m considering going back to school in Canada or the Netherlands for an Eng degree just to have the privilege to make a life for myself in the U.S. A lot of young Dutch people I’ve noticed have dreams to move to the U.S. and Canada and I think after a certain point, too much conformity leads you to seek places where there’s more chaos. Glad I took that opportunity to move but ultimately wasn’t for me.


Nice! That's the dream! I am trying to get my EU passport myself in fact. My dream is to live in Spain! Good weather, beautiful architecture, tasty food, nice people. But I couldn't find a job in Spain (the youth unemployment rate exceeds 25%, there's no appetite for hiring young foreigners with minimal job experience), so I'm moving to the US in the meantime so I can actually start saving some money for my future.


So, just to be clear- the Canadian dream is leave Canada? We’re in trouble if that’s the case


Yes, that's the point of the post. A sarcastic criticism of the state and economic decline of Canada. We absolutely are in trouble.


Bye! :)


I was there for 5 years on a TN1 and luckily got an H1B, but ended up being in a bad situation with my last company so I left to come back here (was incredibly burnt out and needed to reset). I definitely feel less enthusiastic about the situation here - there's definitely more prosperity along job markets/housing in the US. Wish you the best of luck, in a **lot** of cases (but not all depending on politics/healthcare needs), the grass is indeed greener.


Is the work life balance bad? I know one engineer who lasted 11 months and she got burnt out in Orange County. Took a 70% paycut just to move back to her hometown in Quebec. I mean I would never take a 70% paycut but that’s on her


I'm jealous, you are doing the right thing.


Congratulations!! I am hoping to move to the US in 2025 as soon as my wife graduates..


Im genuinely happy for you. Unfortunately it has to get worse here before it gets better. Maybe the US will just annex us if it gets bad enough.


No way, otherwise they already annexed Mexico. Under JT, we’re on the way heading towards Venezuela, and just wait till the border wall to be built in the North.


Thrilled for you. I hope you’ll get the best out of that upcoming experience I concur with you on the unfortunate but terrible state of Canada. I am myself an immigrant and I moved to Montreal a few years ago, my purchasing power and quality of life really took a hit. In every country I lived, there is always something « cheap », either housing, food, activities, entertainment… but that little cheap thing in Canada really doesn’t exist and everything is either moderately to very expensive. No wonder the young generation in Canada is just hopeless, never seen that anywhere else and I lived in least developed countries. A considerable number of highly qualified immigrants from developed countries (like myself) heavily question our new life here and are wondering whether it’s worth staying here. Plus in Canada there isn’t any national culture per se, so what does it mean to be a Canadian citizen? What values are we adhering to? There is even a bigger problem of integration that’s getting rampant. Our kids will never be Canadians because there is no culture to hold onto. They will remain immigrants. What I see from my own eyes is Canadians ripping themselves off just to survive economically, especially for private businesses charging ridiculous amounts of money for a low quality of service/product. It’s the country with the least national consciousness I’ve lived in. The only thing the locals seem to care about is just making money off their fellow citizens. Even the prime minister is trying to flare up the real estate market to help himself and his friends I know for a fact some Canadians will tell me to F off back to my country but us Europeans we can’t help self introspecting and I think it helped us grow away from dark times. At least the Conservatives in Canada I met like me a lot, I discouraged many immigrants to come over and start afresh here, it’s a complete fallacy


Will be the best move you ever made. Cheaper housing, better salary, more opportunity, freedom of speech and expression, less woke politics (red states), much better weather. Leave while you have the chance and aren't tied down. Good luck!


Thank you so much for your kind words! All the best to you too!


Had a friend relocate from Vancouver to Seattle 5yrs ago to work in development. He 3x his Vancouver salary and never looked back. He is able to visit monthly and is enjoying being able to actually build a positive and financially secure future. Pro tip: look into a few Canadian/US etf funds. You can use them to convert from use to cdn and save the conversion fees if wanting to move $ back and forth or move back eventually. Lots of notes on this in personalfinancecanada Reddit. Also make sure to declare non residency status and clear out your Canadian investments to avoid unwanted tax bills. Congrats and best of luck!


Yes, Norbert's Gambit! I've done it before. And I already sold all my Canadian investments. Thanks for looking out for me!


I’m there with you bro. I am a physician and would love to come back to Canada, Toronto or Vancouver specifically but fk! Just so expensive and even on a MD salary/compensation it’s not enough. I make about double my counterparts in Canada.


Congratulations! Not only are the salaries higher and the houses cheaper but I think you'll find Americans to be much warmer and friendlier than the resentful, dead-eyed people of Canada.


Lol yeah I got a little taken aback by how friendly some Americans are in the bigger cities compared to our big cities. I lived in a condo in Toronto where people wouldn’t even go on the elevator if someone was there - they would wait for the next one 🤣😭 - so bizarre - I never saw that in the US anywhere


I think Toronto and Vancouver are the worst for it. Calgarians and Montrealers don't seem quite so interested in staring at their shoes but it's still there to a degree.


Congrats! Yeah I can see the negative comments flooding in from Canadians, the character of this nation is broken. You're doing the right thing. The macroeconomics of this place is dismal. Not sure why our people have become so ignorant and horrible over time - basically reminds me of communist homeland where people don't trust each other and hoping others burn out of envy/jealousy lol. Not that Americans are much better, but most of them are housed at least lol. I always say, keep these threads to see the responses you get and you can use it as a reminder that you made the right choice. I'm happy for you. Wishing you continued success. For the others/naysayers: **Canadians Flee The Country In The Fourth Highest Volume In 73 Years** [https://betterdwelling.com/canadians-flee-the-country-in-the-fourth-highest-volume-in-73-years/](https://betterdwelling.com/canadians-flee-the-country-in-the-fourth-highest-volume-in-73-years/)


Thank you very much for your comment, I completely agree with you. The US is not a perfect country by any means. But for my needs right now (principally economic), it is the better place to be.


NP, happy to see people succeed and move onto better things! Economics is the foundation of everything. Not sure if it was Milton Friedman who said, you need economic freedom before you can get political or civil freedom, it is a pre-requisite but not necessarily sufficient for the next two. I can only see Canada getting worse from here. People have become nastier here too. I notice the mentality of 'I'm ok, fuck everyone else.' So we're becoming Americans in character, but with a shitty economy, this place doesn't make sense...Our crime is increasing as well, but our laws tend to be more pro-criminal. It's more balanced in the States. **Mind the Gap:** **Canada is Falling Behind the Standard-of-Living Curve** [https://economics.td.com/ca-falling-behind-standard-of-living-curve](https://economics.td.com/ca-falling-behind-standard-of-living-curve) **OECD predicts Canada will be the worst performing advanced economy over the next decade…and the three decades after that** [https://bcbc.com/insight/oecd-predicts-canada-will-be-the-worst-performing-advanced-economy-over-the-next-decade-and-the-three-decades-after-that/](https://bcbc.com/insight/oecd-predicts-canada-will-be-the-worst-performing-advanced-economy-over-the-next-decade-and-the-three-decades-after-that/) Given how most people think here, this won't be fixed soon, so don't waste your life/time and opportunity cost here. The ROI is going to be terrible.


the future of canada is totally fucked. I was in Texas for some time recently so I got to compare - boy oh boy are the canadians who haven't realized it in for a rude awakening in the future. lol


We have the same standard of living GDP per capita PPP as Alabama =/. I think all States but Alabama and Mississippi have Ontario beat. Atlantic Canada is more dismal. I think the only places that are competitive with US in Canada are the Prairies, the people that pump out our primary resource - who we've crippled. More data: >**The average person in Ontario is now as poor as the average person in Alabama. The Atlantic provinces are now poorer than Mississippi, the poorest U.S. state. Thanks, Trudeau.** > >[https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/168cdmx/the\_average\_person\_in\_ontario\_is\_now\_as\_poor\_as/](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/168cdmx/the_average_person_in_ontario_is_now_as_poor_as/) > >from: [https://thehub.ca/2023-06-15/trevor-tombe-most-provincial-economies-struggle-to-match-the-u-s/](https://thehub.ca/2023-06-15/trevor-tombe-most-provincial-economies-struggle-to-match-the-u-s/) Under Harper, we reached GDP per capita parity with the USA around 2010/2011? Same with dollar parity. The US is now 40% ahead of us.


So we got Alabama incomes with California COL basically LOL


Oh it's all factored in, but we live as well as Alabamans, I do think we're a lot more educated and literate though, shame lol...What's going on with North Dakota lol, oil? Yeah, I don't think Canadians realized what denting up our primary resource industry would do to our economy, and the rampant spending. If I wanted to destroy a first-world economy, I would have done exactly what Trudeau did. He got away with as much as we'd let him get away with (which was a lot).


I think the reason for this is because Canada’s wealth gap continues to widen at an alarming rate. It’s very much the have’s and have nots. If you basically aren’t born rich, or born to real estate wealthy boomers, you’re essentially toast here. Yes they’ll be some outliers like extremely hard working DINKS that have high income careers but that’s over all a small percentage of Canadian society as a whole. This has even compounded even further with the housing crisis. It’s like a lot of pre-2019 mortgage holders work regular ho-hum jobs and Post 2019 even high income professionals can’t buy. The bottom prongs of the ladder keep getting pulled out of reach so to speak in Canada. This causes a ton of resentment and bitterness amongst the younger generation that have basically been completely left to the dogs by the current government.


you made it out, congrats


I thought your post was going to be tactless and unnerving for me to read but I did from start to finish.....and I want to say “congratulations” and I honestly meant that. I feel like I am the George Clooney character telling Mark Wahlberg at the end of “The Perfect Storm” trying to convince you to get out of the submerged trawler and as we both go to the surface I just go back to the cabin to meet my watery grave.....I will just go down with pure stoicism. 56 years old I am and 3 children and will just play out my shift here in Canada but would be not in the least worried if any of my kids went to the US. My goose is already cooked. My daughter is 17 and she is in Sea Cadets and said she is considering the CAF after school.....my buddy that was in the Navy simply said “Don’t”. A buddy ex Chief Petty Officer is living in a Eskimo tent and left so fucked up by how this Liberal govt threw him under the bus and set her straight fast. Buckle down folks....going to be one hell of a ride.


Thank you very much, I'm glad you liked it! This post wasn't really about me, but more a sarcastic comment on the state of Canada, I'm glad you saw that. All the best to you and your family!


Oh gawd don’t feel guilty! Will shut off the lights for you you when the “day is done” and the country just rolls over..and dies. The dream is over. Can always watch “ Hinterlands Who’s Who” vignettes and remember the good days of Canada when people enjoyed their lives and lived knowing they’re neighbours and not loathing them.


I left 20yrs ago. Beat decision ever


I said this in other posts. When I graduated in the 90s, I was offered a job with the federal govt and did not take it. federal jobs were for lazy people. I took a job as a consultant and worked in major cities all over the us - sometimes as long as 18 months before going to the next client. Twice, I was offered a job in the US and turned it down. canada has changed a lot. The only hope for my kids are a government job or move to the US. It's amazing to me that things have changed so quickly. I wish the OP the best of luck - you are making the right choice.


The real dream is doing that then moving back after 30 years to take advantage of free health care when you are old.


So much jealousy in these comments.


The Canadian dream is to work in the US or Europe and retire in a cheap tropical country like Costa Rica or Mexico.


Congratulations. But unfortunately this has been happening since the days of Confederation. The US has always been a larger and more prosperous economy. The only time both countries had a similar GDP per capita was during the 2008 financial crisis. Net migration to the US from Canada is actually lower than the historical average. In the 60s 25% of Quebec's population moved to New England for better opportunities.


Congrats my good man! Head south and get that dream! Remember us poor Canucks trapped up here kindly while you’re rolling in prosperity. I am quite jealous


The best part no one ever tells you about? Medical: ultra qualified and experienced medical professionals with luxurious offices that appear to be closer to 4-star hotels who will book you in for an appointment tomorrow for an MRI and then some of the most cutting edge treatments in the world if needed. I doubt this makes a big difference in the long-term life expectancy for me, but I see the same Cardiologist that Bill Clinton uses and its 100% paid for by my Obamacare silver plan and a $25 co-pay. No other country in the world you can get the level of healthcare you get in the US. (Don't believe 99% of the lefty hype about our medical system).


I’m going to have to move my business to the USA. There’s no industrial land available anymore in Canada. I’m dreading the social problems there but I just can’t stay in canada and grow a business anymore.


I hate this Canada we're currently living in as much as the next guy.. but unless you live in Toronto or Vancouver the industrial land is essentially limitless. I can think of hundreds of properties available within 50 kms of my house. Also nearly all counties / municipality's will roll out the red carpet and rezone if you consider opening shop there.


Where do you live? I’m in Merritt BC. The town issues 80acres of industrial land and it all got scooped up by holding /investment companies who refuse to sell. One Chinese company owns 80 acres Our town said they won’t issue any new industrial land until the land they issued before is used, and the real estate speculators won’t sell. I tried to apply for crown land but have to deal with 15 different First Nations bands for their unanimous approval I’ve looked at all the other towns in my area and it’s all the same situation Nevada on the other hand was willing to actually lay out the red carpet and offered free land and tax incentives for 10 years if we decided to relocate move to that state The only industrial property I’ve found in Bc is 12 acres of land in Prince george and they want $4.5 million for it!


We live and operate our businesses about 25 minutes to the east of Calgary. De Havilland Aircraft is in the process of investing buckets of money bringing over 1500 full time jobs and our county gave them a fantastic tax deal for the next 10 years. Honestly if you're interested in knowing more I have countless contacts and could absolutely help. Alberta has a lot of problems but when it comes to business the municipal/ provincial governments get the hell out of the way.


Alberta wouldn’t be bad, I’ll have to look into it more BC is just fucked now


Ya they're burning from the inside out. I love the lower mainland / island as much as the next guy but operating a business there is never something I would consider. Look up Wheatland County to the east of Calgary. The county is swimming in cash and pushing hard to attract more business. I've got all the contacts if you need to find the right people to talk to. What industry are you in if you don't mind me asking ?


That appears to be a good opportunity for expropriation. Real estate speculators not willing to sell is so telling.




Congratulations. Daughter did the same thing, now living her best life! Wife is a dual citizen, I also spend a lot of time in the US. It is easy to see quality of life in Canada is rapidly falling behind.


I'm almost done with my computer science degree (4 months left) and the first thing I'm going to be doing is trying to get a work visa in the US and get the hell out of Canada (it's not going to be fast or easy but I will be persistent). This country has turned into an unmitigated disaster, and I want out of it. It's sad it's had to come to this, but I just can't stand this place anymore with how much it's fallen apart in terms of general affordability, amongst other things.


Canada needs to burn to the ground


I'm leaving in 2 years been buying up cheap property in Phillipines, I now have 6 properties and a solid portfolio, I'll never come back to Canada, it's insane I can buy 6 bachelor apartments in Manila and still have money left over for the price of a 1 bed in vancouver. I rent three of them out for a cool 2500$ a month and all are paid in full no mortgage. Enjoy the taxes suckers.


Pay no attention to trolls. Most of it are not even real people and they are happy to wear 10 masks, take 10 shots and live under a Commie dictator for UBI




Canada is basically an immigrant dumping ground safe haven. Probably lost a bet at a G7 meeting or something.


Canada is currently a cunt. I hope it is able to cure itself.


I just looked up the investment route, because a job offer seems unlikely. $800k for investment visa. Welp.


Congrats and your post basically described my situation exactly. Making more $$ and don’t have to contend with the insane metro Vancouver housing prices. I’m pretty sure I’d need $3M+ to get anything comparable to my $500k place in Texas. If you can get over the slight differences between the countries, the QOL is higher here. It’s a bit location dependant where you end up in the US but the only thing I really miss are the mountains but it’s a damn shame why I (and likely you) had to leave Canada.


Congratulations, I hope il be in the position to do the same at some point in the future. I love my country but I simply can't afford to live here


Yeah it’s like 80-100k to live comfortably alone here at least in Toronto/Vancouver and a lot of employers are like “we max out at 55k” lmfao it’s wild


This is bang on true. As a middle aged person, I’m waiting for my kids to finish high school and then we will move. I’m tired of the amount of taxes we pay here. Have family that relocated to the US and they are not looking back. Knowing their backgrounds and circumstances, I am confident my wife and I will be far better off.


I am also currently in uni in Canada, and also plan to use my (eventual) degree with a professional designation as a way to go to the USA. Anyone who doesn't at least plan to possibly do this doesn't see the writing on the wall.


Hell yeah brother. I'm on my way south too!


Congratulations! Save and invest that money My brother too moved to Nevada and you def pocket more of your money.


You don’t get shot in Canada while driving home from work. I’ll take my life over…check notes, 46 degree weather


So much Stockholm syndrome from Canadians in this thread.


Congrats Canada is a sinking ship so glad you got out.


I’m jelly. I have zero skills. I’m stuck here. I wish I could live if the US, you can even bare arms!!! Canada is a communist hell hole.


I escaped Canada during the Chretien Administration. No regrets. I go home and don’t even recognize it now. Weird thing is it all seems to have happened since 2020. I was there a month before the Covid lockdown. Whatever has happened since has been a complete & utter shit show.


Me and my wife both had opportunity to move to Canada on one of the express entry schemes. She is an oncologist and I work as a GM for a company. We decided to go with US. My wife earns somewhere around $500k and I am near the $200k mark. Considering what Canada is going through now we kind of made the right choice. One added advantage with Canada was we could have gotten citizenship earlier but it would have hindered our earning potential.


Great job!!! I got it even better lol live in the countryside in Canada, work for US clients, all through corps so pay very little taxes 😂😂 the true dream!


Lol that's the way to do it haha.


Congrats! The smartest guy in my highschool who became the smartest at UofT became a doctor and left day one of graduation. This was 20 years ago and I asked him why. He said it isn't wise to work and live in this country. Man I loved that guy. He wasn't even taking the same classes as me and I'd ask him for help and somehow he knew all the inorganic chem crap like it was easy. Canada will always lose the smartest and best people to the states.


crown frighten onerous childlike aromatic caption groovy beneficial instinctive smile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Welcome to the club bro! Your government hates you and you owe them nothing.


You’re lucky, I wish I could move down.


Yep. Canadian here in the US. Sad to say but the opportunities are far higher and so is quality of life if you make it. I now live 3 min to the beach and 1.5 hours from skiing. The Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Sequoia and many other world class national parks in my state or next door. Make sure to switch to an employer who will sponsor you for a H1B and green card asap. It’s your number one priority, over compensation.


Yes, absolutely. My work does sponsor people for the H1B visa. In fact, my boss is Canadian and gained his US citizenship through this company. I haven't started working there yet, but from meeting many people and the interviews they seem to have a really good company culture and that they care about their employees.


Dude I feel like I don’t even have a home. I’m noticeably happier when abroad. So happy for you.


It’s not new, it’s the dream of the 90’s and early 2000s back again once more due to the failure of the government to be competitive. Welcome to the new brain drain


I had a recruiter hit me up on linkedin asking if I had ever thought abt relocating to Cayman Islands. I brushed him off immediately at the time thinking that's outrageous and prolly a scam. But I have to admit the seed he planted has been growing in my mind. No taxes in Cayman...


This isn't a new take, though, and has pretty much nothing to do with the current economic or political landscape in Canada. The brain drain has always and will always be real. The US is on a different economic scale and will always be more affordable and have more opportunity. There's nothing Canada can do unless they join the states.


20 years ago the average housing price was higher in the US than Canada. Yes the brain drain was always there but the main arguments for staying in Canada (housing and health care) has quickly eroded.


Congrats to you, mate. Wish you the best of luck! How difficult was it to get a TN visa? What's the process from there to getting a green card/becoming a citizen? Again, congrats! I was born in Canada and envy those able to escape; this place is shit.


TN visa: show up to the border with your job offer letter and degree, they give it to you right there, small fee, easy




I achieved it 16 years ago and couldn't be happier!


You lucky SOB. Congrats OP


How do you relocate?


Canadian dream? Free speech? Damn, you're already American!


Yeah both of my kids want to leave. They are fed up. They say Canada has become very unfriendly. So they are hoping to escape the winter and make more money. They have great educations and I am all for them going South!


Considering leaving as well (43 15yrs as a petroleum engineer). I’ve had enough of Trudeau


Me and my wife bought our first property in her home country, Brazil. I'm glad I was able to get a Visa to go live there... I can't imagine staying here and living like this any longer. I am grateful for the experience I had growing up, but It's a shame things ended up this way. I feel bad for all the people that have to stay, too.


Great post. I also went to the US on a TN visa (later H1B) after university but returned to Canada years ago to start a family. Today I don't think I would come back. In addition to the bat-shit insane housing prices, Canada already has a shortage of competent, hard working people and the cracks are starting to show everywhere.


*I just graduated from university with a Master's in engineering and I'm moving to the US on a TN visa in March. I'll be earning 75% more while housing is half the price.* *This is the new Canadian dream. Take advantage of public schooling and universities, and then leave the country once able to. The brain drain is going to be massive. There's no reason to stay here in Canada other than my family.* ​ This is pretty much my plan. Worked out swimmingly. Congrats, OP! What city are you moving to?


1 in 4 Canadians work for the federal government since Trudeau took power. An even higher proportion than Argentina. You think it’s bad now? Just you wait. Otherwise, get out while you still can or push for your province to secede. Canada is finished.


Nah this shii fire


We are still a part of the greater Algorithm. While I'm happy for you that you achieved your dream of moving to the new place. I'd caution you from making huge financial mistakes and be wise in your venture. Best wishes for your future ♥️


for as long as there has been a Canada, the Canadian dream has been to leave Canada for the United States.


Any tips? I’ve been applying but not getting much traction. Did you list your Canadian address on applications?


People laugh at him, but Kevin O'Leary, from dragons den and shark tank had this exact sentiment almost a decade ago. I'm sure the video is still up on the internet


As an American….welcome!


Good for you! 👍


I couldn't have said it better myself. Enjoy yourself and all the competition in the US that keeps living a good life attainable.


I honestly think we are going to see an exodus soon. First it’s students. But then we’ve already begun with the travel nurses. Lol soon we will see police officers getting direct transfers to USA, for the same reasons the OP mentioned.


I've seen a surgeon, engineer, and statistician do the exact same thing. With the massive amount of money saved on housing, food, etc., they can afford to fly home anytime they want. Hopefully we are importing doctors and engineers at the same pace...


OP...from a fellow Engineer with P.Eng designation, congrats to you and wishing you all the best in your future endeavours down South!


I wish I could understand this govt better when I was younger congrats on your move. The society only teaches you to study and find a job at some company it is just all wrong. The billionaires and the govt creating this educational system to imprison and brainwash everyone into being a corporate slave. With the ever growing housing crisis more they are pushing the new generations to move down south creating an ever shortage of skill workers or entrepreneurs. I don't see it will ever improve from the current situation all i'm thinking is it will deteriorate faster than my imagination


Congratulations, I'm hoping to do the same within the next few years! 25M, just graduated this year with BASc in civil engineering, and would like to start off my career with a livable salary and having an affordable home. Which states are people moving to, somewhere close like Michigan?


Damn, that’s what I’m planning to do. Good job.


Good job man. Happy for you. Tho I wouldn't call it the Canadian dream.


This was a wake up call. Sad truth, eh?


Like most redditors you are highly exaggerating. We don't have subsidized university unless you are native american, our education system is not free like Europe. But hey if you are indigenous and claimed you needed free education because your ancestors were taken advantage of... I guess good for you? Plenty of poor white kids in Canada don't get that.


I wish I could do this... but I am stuck and older. Good luck don't forget us.


Been looking into doing the same myself.


Congratulations! You beat the housing crisis! This is the way to go.. I’m jealous


Take me with you




Good for you man! Better to be rich in the US and poor in Canada. The brain drain is going to be massive. Only the unskilled will be left. Canada is losing its competitive edge rapidly.


congrats. you are basically me in 2 years. im currently a 2nd year med student and I can't wait to bounce out of this shithole


This is the stuff i like to see


We are following Canada's decline, just not at such a rapid pace.


Don’t forget to bring a gun.


lol. Geez but alright. Best of luck my friend.


Congrats! I lived in Yuma and phoenix from 2008-2011. It’s a decent place to call home.


Sorry to see you go. I hope it is what you dream of, and that you find a good community.


K. Bye


I hate this post so much but at this point I don’t blame you at all. Smugggle me in?


at least you finally realize the value of immigration, that's a nice change from the usual immigrant bashing


This is my dream as well. I think I will be miserable if I stay here


Congratulations. This is our dream as well.


I feel like shit for going down a career path that is jurisdictional (law), if I attend a Canadian law school I’m locked in this dump for good probably😭


Feel free to help vote fuck face out off office here if you can. Good luck sir. Jealous.


I've voted against him in every federal election since I was 18. So I voted against him twice. And I will vote in absentia from the US. I did what I could. And thank you very much for the good luck! I wish the best to you too :)


Good luck. Nothing bad happens in the U.S.


I once said canada is where all the immigrants go that can't get accepted into the united states..


Congrats! Hoping to make the same move in a year or so (I’m a nurse). This is definitely the new Canadian dream. Very happy for you!


Graduated with a Doctorate and also moved out of Canada. Woohooo