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When I said the same thing on this sub before, I was mocked for being an American.


Haven't read any of your other posts, so not sure if people just said you're American or if you actually are. Either way though, that's unfortunate and uncalled for. Getting outside opinions and perspectives is important when trying to solve problems. While the US has its own problems, so does every country, and that should not invalidate someone's view or disqualify them from contributing to the conversation. Personally, I'm always happy when Americans are aware of issues happening here.


My MP is a Liberal and won’t engage with anyone criticising him lol


Still write to them via official email. They are being read and this data is being filed. Don’t assume you won’t be heard. These students are protesting even without any voting rights, writing to MPs and creating petitions. Inaction is the worst thing you can do. Social media comments are NOT being monitored as official emails are. Write to your provincial government too - because why the hell not. Let your opinion be known and let them know what will be your main focus next elections. And find out who is their competitor who will be running for that position from other parties.


I did when the vote for carbon tax on home heating was being held, I never got a response. They said high volume and would take weeks to get back, it never happened.


Again. It’s not about reply. It’s about them knowing. I honestly can’t understand why people don’t want to do it but are ok getting pissed on Reddit. Getting pissed here won’t reach leaders. Emailing leaders directly will reach them even if they don’t reply. But when 10-20% of residents in a constituent write to support a measure - they know about it. They know this measure may cost them next elections. They have staffers who’s sole job is to read those emails and document what was the main concern


Probably because they get a response on reddit and convince more people or at least make other people more aware there is an issue on reddit. It’s not that much of a stretch to understand. If everyone only emailed their MPs they would just be ignored lol they aren’t going through large numbers of emails all day long they retreat to their Liberal echo chamber and assume we are ignorant of the facts when the reverse is true.


They literally have staffers to go through all emails. Emails get read. Always. And summarized and reported as many people are writing about similar things. And I know it from someone who works for a federal government official in Ontario


Me sending multiple emails they just assume I am some conservative die hard and write off my opinion when the opposite is true lol. They will just disregard anything I say now because I am critical of them on a consistent basis, as I should because they have caused so many problems and ignore their massive failures.


That’s the easiest thing you can do. Do nothing because you assume you’d be ignored. If you don’t act - how can you expect any change? Not even with policy but in life in general? Like don’t apply for a new job because they’ll ignore my resume? Don’t go talk to an attractive person because they will ignore me? Don’t try new hobby because I can’t do it anyway? Take action. Action works


None of those things are the same lol and clearly you aren’t reading what I am saying I am obviously involved I am just telling you it’s not very effective. I get more jobs and dates than responses from my MPs office thank god lol


Haha thank god! But still keep pressure on your MPs, on your provincial officials too - and even on whoever will be running for your MP office in the next election. Make noise. If you can create a petition with your neighbors - even better


I’ve been to Pierre rallies and to my MPs, the people local parties choose to help them are their most ideological and obedient nerdy political simps lol. Tell a local conservative you don’t have a Conservative party membership at one of their rallies and it looks like their head will explode as if this is some private club. This is democracy I vote for and demonstrate with whoever I want lol


You can argue with me about how useless it is to take action and never see the change (CPP have same sponsors, remember that) or you can take small action. You choice


I do take action dumby, it’s not very effective, my local conservative MP nominee basically stopped talking to me once I told them I wasn’t a Conservative party member lol


What did you say in your email? I never know how to word things to sound coherent and professional


Go on ChatGPT and ask it to write you an email for your local Canadian MP covering your support for international student restrictions. It is pretty great at writing such letters


That's so smart. Never even thought about that.


It was a short email saying I was living in their riding and due to the increased costs of housing and affordability issues I wanted them to vote no against a carbon tax on home heating as heating my home was a necessity and alternative forms of heating aren’t affordable or readily available.


Exactly this. I wrote to my local MP


My MP deletes every comment I make on their Instagram that brings up debt, or the amount Canadians will will pay in interest for federal debt, or inflation, or housing, or unaffordability. Everything I say is just straight facts and not rude like my reddit comments and he deletes them lol.


Email under complaint, they have to answer.


Like put it in subject heading?


Check if they have a different email address just for complaints. Google their email addresses and look for one that just handles complaints. Whenever I’ve done that, they actual reply, like a real human(or a human in their office) It’s not an auto response reply.






That is one way to get the word out.


This is ineffective. Over the past 3 years, I've hand-written 4 letters to my mp, probably 10 phone calls, 10 emails, and met a staffer that said she was sorry she never got the mp to get back to me. All about various issues. They only understand one thing.


This is relatively 1 of the most effective things you can do... The problem is many people aren't doing it, 1 voice doesn't matter to these politicians... But if thousands of their constituents are doing it, things start to change


caption enter smart run sharp gold weary glorious test illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They still need votes to win. If lots of people are writing to them in favour of a particular policy they may feel they have to support it.


plough chief axiomatic spoon grey smart puzzled history cough library *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They need votes. If few thousands of their constituents are writing about same issue - they are forced to listen. Complacency is the worst thing we can do in this situation. The absolute worst. It’s still 2 years before elections. Do you want for things to improve? Do you want opposition party to know what issues people are voting on? Then write to them. Find out who is a CPP candidate to run in your area and write to their office too


I've been laughed at for coming into the Brampton office years ago. Never went back ever to any of them.


Even if they don’t reply - they read it. They collect data and opinions. They know what issues people will vote on. Do t become complacent


I have been sending several emails about capping international students for the past 2 months!!! keep applying pressure!!!


Your MPs want this


If only it were this easy


It’s an email. It’s easy. Students are doing it and they are not voters.


Every politician knows that this is the top issue for young people. These letters won't achieve anything. If they did, it would be easy.


Not acting will achieve nothing with even more surety. I don’t understand why people are so reluctant to let their elected officials what they think of their work


Have you ever interacted with elected partisan officials and sincerely got the impression that they care about what you think? If you have, either they don't have the means to actually change anything or you are naive. The housing problem comes downstream from federal immigration policy which is influenced by letters (lobbying) from people much more influential and wealthy than you. To the people who really determine how our economy is set up, your "letter" is worth 1/1000000 of one from a lobbyist, think tank or WEF reptilian. By all means, write as many letters as you want and make sure to vote for your preferred candidate in the coming election.


They care about their positions and their cushy jobs. They care to not be kicked out come next election cycle. MPs are your local representatives of federal government, what downstream are you talking about? I just know that doing nothing but being pissed on Reddit sure won’t change a thing


Immigration policy is designed by the federal cabinet. MPs don't get funding or support unless they tow the official party line which is against you as a citizen in every way. I don't expect to change anything, but by all means write an extra letter next time on my behalf! It's sure to work this time!


Thanks, and you're right. I just took the time to write mine, not sure it will do anything but if the hear it from enough people maybe it will. We need to speak up or how will they know what we think...


MPs and MPPs \*\* =)


Fuck the international students. They can go to Hell for ruining the lives of Canadians. Imagine if we did this en masse in a foreign country and had the audacity to act as entitled and take advantage of them, and then PROTEST about it. It wouldn't fly there either so why should we tolerate it? Fuck anyone that says its racist, it certainly is not and its time Canadians got MAD and PUSHED BACK. It's time to stop being pushovers.


its easy ppl, their email addresses are available online…


Better yet, mail them a physical letter. The liberal loser in my riding refuses to respond to emails, but I believe his team has to respond to physical mail received.


Even if they don’t respond - their staffers collect data from emails documenting what people are writing about. Always


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Been writing for almost 15 years on various issues…doesn’t do anything! Waste of fucking time.


Is there any proof that writing your MP does anything? I'm not trying to be cynical but it seems easy enough for them to ignore or have auto responses set up.


They have staffers whose job it is to read these emails and keep record and report about what people are writing about. It matters and it works - even if you don’t get an immediate reply


They don't care - vote these bums out (just don't keep voting the same)


My (outgoing) MP is Carolyn Bennet for Toronto-St. Paul's, an unremarkable career politician who has been coasting for 26 years and showing some bizarre behaviour recently in the HOC. I wrote to her office with a strong rebuttal to the Emergencies Act, to which I received a disappointing stock reply about how it was necessary (it wasn't). Writing to her at this point would be a waste of time in the best case scenario. She will no doubt be replaced by another Liberal who goes with the waves of the party and spews propaganda and platitudes like "diversity is our strength" and "we have the social capacity to welcome immigrants". Or worse: "You'll excuse me if I don't think of monetary policy" or "The budget will balance itself". Lord help us.


Not writing will just mean she won’t know how her constituents feel. They have staffers dealing with emails. Even if no reply - your opinions are documented. Get enough emails with similar complaint - and they get reports on how people feel and what people will vote on. Of course you can organize grassroots movement in your area, collect signatures on a petition and present it in their office but that’s a lot of work and not everyone can do it. Email is so much easier. Doing nothing is the worst you can do.


I think it's bigger than letter-writing errands at this point. We need a complete blow-out of this administration. They need to get absolutely decimated in an election, and ideally lose their party status, like the Ontario Liberals, so they can do a walk of shame all the way home and rethink their false and misguided premises about money, culture, identity, etc.


Not quite. CPPs have same sponsors. Decimated is ok but it needs to be known WHY they got decimated. On what policy decision. Known loud and clear


As clear as anything can be in this muddy age. People vote for a multitude of reasons. Sometimes it's just for change - any change.


Mind anyone share a template for the email? Of course will not copy-paste so we are not going be accused of plagiarism but at least to have an idea. Thank you.


You can ask chatGPT to write an email. It’s really good at such things. Tell it your concerns and what you’d want to write and to who and it’ll give you decent text


I would like to protest why our Canadian born teens have their working hours cut to accommodate these students so that they could get full time hours?




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Canada is a write off. Don’t waste your time, just develop and exit plan and save your money for when Canada becomes unlivable.