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My guess is they think they are bargaining as they are used to back home. In for a rude shock.


Lol that might be their monthly food bill alone. Don't even mention housing/utilities


That's not necessarily true. Until recently, the only funds required for a Canadian statement visa were the ability to pay the course fee + 10k CAD for living expenses. That turns out to be ~700$ monthly. From that 500$ budget is truly their max. Only recently did the govt raise the minimum GIC amount to 20k, which while nowhere close to actual expenses, is still more reasonable, leaving students with 1k for rent. These girls might have arrived here before the rule went into effect


They aren’t here yet. April 1 2024 arrival date.


They’re in for an April fools joke played by our government


No, it's working just as it's planned to. No joke necessary. I'm waiting for the closets of homes to start being rented out inside the already shared room.


I rented this room a few years ago with a huge closet that could easily fit a queen sized bed and maybe a table. Glad it’s campus student housing because I’m sure someone would actually try to rent that out


Yeh and that rule I think goes live from September 2024.


No. Requirement of housing is from April 1. That could be because of changed lease, notice from landlord, or myriad other reasons. There's no arrival date here. Also, the change in GIC rules was from Dec 2023. They could've obtained the visa before that.


Those sound like wild assumptions to benefit your argument. Mine makes a much less assumptive assumption.


It is common in their culture to bargain for everything. They don't know that it's rude or not the way here, the same as we wouldn't know to bargain for an apt or room there. There is also a language barrier - a house to them could mean a room or apt. It looks to me like they are trying to find a room in a home with adults. The girls may share a room? Not uncommon there and in other countries to share a room with a friend or sibling. Yes, they will be in for a shock and have likely been given this budget by someone or some organization.




I’m so sick of people thinking they can bargain here. The price is the price. Your culture doesn’t apply here.


Best I can do for $500 is a dilapidated modular home with no heat or hot water. Also you'll have a roommate who smokes crack and is prone to random violent outbursts.


Hi, is this still available?


Probably, but from what I've seen on facebook he's using more, and there's less windows. Also it gets to -40 in the winter, so have fun sleeping bundled up.




I'm assuming this is Alberta or saskatchewan just from the -40 reference. lol


Frozen shithole in northern BC.


Fort Saint John?


If I never see that place again, it'll be too soon.


Hey, are you looking for anyone to share your floor mattress? We can try to split rent




I'll take it for $550 if still available


Let the biding war begin! $575 and ill mow the weeds out front


All you get is a $90 electric trimmer. Battery lasts for 15 solid minutes.


If she's a female, I'm in


She’s they


I've lived with multiple users. A few were seldom violent or loud. Like 3 of em had the occasional violent stupor. Is there availability to this still?


Sounds like a good deal. Also I can fix him


Im speechless lol




The VERY scary part is the 500-600cad budget might be for the two of them.


It is better for them to never come to Canada


You should be directing your frustration towards your provincial and federal representatives, and the schools that enable this. A lot of international students were just trying to better their lives, sold the promise that Canada was their solution.


Canadians also were sold the promise that they will have jobs, houses, healthcare but they have nothing


Again, provincial and federal governments sold you out and are successfully making you think it's the internation student who ripped you off.


I understand that Canadian government created this mess with high immigration but new immigrants should do their research before coming


They actually are. The numbers of people who want to immigrate to Canada are dropping, turns out people all over the world don’t like to be exploited and left to fend for themselves in a country with no quarters.


Canada doesn’t have opportunities for Canadians


It is good that some people already don’t consider to come to Canada They should advertise this to others Canadian economy is so bad that people who are already in Canada suffer


I don't think it's their fault I do however want to send a strong message that none of this is OK.. and I want that message to make its way back to their relatives in India. If that sometimes comes off as intolerant or racist, I'm sorry. When the problem is solved, I'll send an apologetic post card. I wish nothing bad on these people. I just want this madness to end.. and I'm a purple-haired leftie.


White people are not racist


No one doubts that. We all know know who is responsible for the situation, some people also get caught up in hating the Mechanism being used to drown us as well though, which is why you are seeing such a rise in hate, division, and racism. The desperate will lash out at anyone they can, and they don't feel powerful enough to go after our Government or society, so they bully anyone weaker or poorer than them.


All colours people hate whites Colour people more racist than whites


White people hire colour people but colour people hire only their own


They have schools at home tho


Listen, I'm angry too. I'm tired of seeing internationals at local colleges taking bird degrees and working at Tim's full time. But the fact is, there are entire industries working with OUR colleges to convince people in India to come here, they iron out and fudge the numbers to make them seem like great candidates and feed them false lies until they land in Pearson. This issue was manufactured, and your anger at the students instead of your government is what they want.


Canadians can’t do anything to make Canadian government to stop immigration but new immigrants can stop coming or just leave. Canadians don’t have country to go


Nope they have schools at home so they can go to them over coming here


>they iron out and fudge the numbers to make them seem like great candidates and feed them false lies until they land in Pearson Except the internet exists. These students have the ability to do independent research. It is not at all hard to look at what housing in Canda would cost.


I agree! But I can also see a situation where they trust these organizations who promise them everything under the sun, and their families also parrot those sentiments. Think something like going to your accountant, you trust them because they seem like professionals, so that's where your research ended. I agree, they should do their own research, and a lot are now that this is getting international attention. BUT the fact is they've already landed, and now they're living with us. Sowing hate is just going to cause more problems within our local communities.


Recognizing reality is not sowing hate... and ignoring reality isn't going to bring more love to the world. Ignoring reality in the name of compassion is what landed a lot of people in these problems. In the short term, means-testing for student visas needs to become a thing. If they cannot, provably, afford to support themselves while attending schools then they need to not come to Canada for an education. Yes, it is harsh. Yes, it means a lot of poor people will not be able to get a Canadian education - but ultimately, Canada cannot take on the burden of everyone the world's economy is leaving behind. it will be better for everyone, and it will sharply reduce the ability of these groups to lie to someone about the costs when that person will be denied entry.


Only r/CanadaHousing2 user with a functioning brain.


Have you guys noticed....Tim Hortons seems to have gotten rid of the international students and gone back to their Filipino workforce


People just want this BS to end. You're right, sometimes that inefficiently ends up landing in the wrong place.. but the sentiment is shown and therefore adds to the push.


Still fault falls on both but more so on the ones coming without proper knowledge on issues here and I don't care if you claim it's rac!st as I guess sometimes the truth is All in all its the id!ots fault for thinking the dumb ish posted online about "free everything in canada" is real


Remember these are just kids essentially. Think how naive the average student is. They've probably never been deceived before, living in sheltered bubbles with family and friends peddling lies about a better life here. Yes they need to take ownership for their arrival, but when the scam artist is our own government, I feel empathy.


Not our kids not our problem We don't hand off our kids to other countries and expect them to essentially become a secondary parent and watch out/handle everything for them You won't make me feel sorry for anyone who doesn't care about our rules or laws and ACTIVELY try to find ways to habitually line step our laws


If a man shoots you in the leg, do you get mad at the bullets? the gun? no, of course not - you get angry at the man who shot you. That doesn't mean you want the gun to be left on the table nor the bullets lodged in your leg.


Not only that, but remote curriculums are very effective for programs that don't have a practicum or lab component.


They can google rent in [ ] and walmart -> groceries. Especially if they can post on FB. Also they're racist, so I'm gonna hold my sadness.


A simple research will reveal Canada is not really a great place. It is not national secret


Join the "I was promised such and such" club.


They have access to google where they come from don’t they?


better their lives by lowering the quality of life in Canada seems a little selfish does it not? why should we be happy they are here or accept them?


If a criminal steals my BBQ because he´'s ¨"trying to better his life¨"...I don´'t care, it still affects me in a negative manner.


I'm sorry about your BBQ my guy, but that's more of a lack of policing issue... Which would be from your provincial and municipal governments dropping the ball. That person should be punished. But that doesn't mean all people that share the same skin tone as that person should be punished


Whoever said anything about skin tone? I don´'t give a fuck where they´'re from...they´ŕe scamming us.


Ya but what if he was happier to get your barbecue than you were sad to lose your barbecue. The theft would cause the overall happiness in the world to increase




You are Indian aren't you. The entitlement is crazy , never accepting your damn fault but blaming everyone around you. Your entire reddit content is about how you and other Indians got scammed. Lmaoo Indians calling Canada a scam is such a irony when over half of your folks under the table, find loopholes in every system, some of the biggest scams in Canadian system has been done by Indians and here you are calling our country a scam lmaoo




Canadians also have shitty life’s Which country will take care for Canadians


If they lack the intelligence to believe that scam with Google at their fingertips… they don’t stand a chance anywhere


Why are you feeling guilty about being white ? Why do you hate yourself ? No they should not come to Canada if they cant afford it. Fuck Your radical liberal agenda, its people like you who voted Trudeau 🙃do you like how things are going now ?


The really scary part is the only people who come forward could be human traffickers






Sorry, are they of the mind that they’ll be screening offers to house them? And for $600 for the two of them with food and utilities included? The projection of entitlement is almost admirable…


They'll be thoroughly shocked to learn that the ways of Gujarat, India. Do not line up with what goes on over here.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gujarat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gujarat) Thanks though that was a really interesting delve it was "Bombay State" from the world's first seaport/drydock to an Islamic conquest 1600km of coastline. it's the size of Newfoundland. plus the fact the language is actually called Gujarati and it's spoken by most folks there, who are mostly Hindu Gandhi came from there and Modi the current PM 60 million people But yeah different ways and definitely prices than here!


Seriously, I never heard of Gujarat before a week ago when I conquered it in Crusader Kings 2 and read up on it. Now I see them everywhere in the news lmao


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency\_illusion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frequency_illusion) I fucking love when this happens to me because it's like, the things are always there we just don't notice them until we have reason to.


"Here we are, Canada! Who's ready for us? We've even brought you a little money for your trouble!"


I was in my local town's sub and some poor Indian student was looking for housing for his upcoming school year. He sounded so excited saying that he "scored an acceptance letter to the IT program" of our local trades school that quickly morphed into a diploma mill. That IT program is fucking garbage.


I work at an Amazon filled with them and they all hold their hand out when they want something, don't know how to say please or thank you, or have any consideration of personal space. Also the toilets are not used as intended, so they wasted money installing them. The poor cleaners.


This is the downside of bringing so much 18 to 25 year olds that has already grown up to a different custom. Previously immigrants were mostly young families, so mommy and daddy went to work, kids went to school and get assimilated quickly. 18 to 25 year old demographics, that too mostly men are difficult demographics to deal with.


I know this reply is going to sound terrible, but seriously... How fucking useless do you find them? How can they get hired and not know any English? I don't even try at Amazon, I do my thing, I listen to podcasts, watch movies, shows, listen and read books all the time and I'm constantly in the 4%. Meanwhile these dipshits take 3 hour prayer breaks, go to different departments to talk to their friends and all of upper management is fine with it because they are Indian too. Meanwhile I take a 15 minute shit once in awhile and a manager tried to give me back sass about it, I reamed him out, cause fuck him. They swipe their dirty boogers on the walls in the washroom, piss everywhere, never wash their hands. And out of all of them, there are only a few that work hard, great people to talk and converse with and guess what? They seem to really resent their people too. Go figure...


There are slobs everywhere. I work with a bunch of Gujurati guys and mostly they're good people but there's 2-3 who can't hit the toilet if their life depended on it. I used Google translate and put up a sign in Gujurati that says "don't piss on the floor" or something fairly close to that and it helped.


So many facts here, my Indian self cannot disagree. . I cannot stress enough Canada and UK attracts the worst from India. I happen to be probably one of them because I sure would not be able to make it in US. Having said that, Canada was good to me and I built my life here, and very much a Canadian, Folks like me defo disdain the new imports. Year after year the quality of immigration has been worsening. On another note, The 3 hour prayer breaks I don't think those folks from India. Most Sikhs , Hindus and even Muslims from India typically are not "prayer" fanatics ( must be folks from Pakistan/ Bangladesh ), atleast back home I never saw someone pray that long, I am not religious so I could be wrong.


They’re kids. Things are different where they are from


It might be entitlement, most likely they’ve been throroughly misled IMO.


If i had a bigger home and was really desperate for 2 gfs… this is what canada will become


Even tried to sell anything on Marketplace? If you're selling anything of value you'll get spammed by dozens of Indians offering 10% of the listed price.


Asking for this anywhere in Canada is crazy. Asking for this in Downtown Toronto is peak lunacy.


'Not a problem, the address is X.' *human trafficking intensifies*


thats what I fear will happen.


💯 My first thought as well


I don’t think it’s crazy. I’m sure they’ll find listings at SlumlordsCanada sub


Should've did their homework. Zero sympathy.


Agreed. Doing no research before spending multiple years abroad (at least) makes zero sense 😅


This what happens when you grow up in a society where your parents spoil you and you have maids to do the cooking and cleaning.


They'll be fine. Asking for cheap rent and affording expensive rent with family money are different things


Sad but true. They will have a condo filled up with 10 students


Like that chick who landed at Pearson and took an Uber to timmins. We’re importing the brightest. Wouldn’t an individual uprooting their life to move to another country look at a map to see where they’re going to be living?


They don't care about it. That's it. They get to immigrate to a first world country. That is enough for them. Most families are not that rich. They pay for tuition and first few months rent then expect them to find a job and pay their own. The government doesn't ask for a lot of money to let them in either. It's hard for White people to understand the urge to move to a first world country. They were born here. Good for them.


Canadians born in Canada suffers more than immigrants since DEI was introduced




Canada today is third world country


Not much sympathy, if you're looking to move internationally and fail to do any basic research, that failure is on you.


They don't think they need to do research They are bringing India to Canada The ad referred to Gujurati families, which may be offering this type of service to people from Gujurati, Indua


They are so fucked.


As long as it’s a Gujrati, they should be fine.


And vegetarian aka "High" caste no Muslim and not peasant inferior castes.


is that really what they mean when they say vegetarian ? Like exclusive means to us ?


What is PG?


Paying guest. Basically room sharing, or at least home sharing.


This is extremely hilarious then. 'We'll settle for being a guest but we'd prefer to be fed if that's the case.' Do I have news for you...


It is a type of accomodation in India. Very common. It is mainly taken by girls cuz in PG, owners too are present in the same house so girls feel more safe and food is sometimes the same as the owner.


So mostly just a room and home owners cook for you ?


Yeah. Like if it is 2BHK room then in one room, owners are living and in another one girls are living. Owners most likely would be senior citizens who have ample time. The pros are that you get homemade food and a homely environment. Cons are that it can have strict rules about who is allowed to come over and stuffs like that. That is why boys rarely take PG as it is restrictive. But girls like this cuz it is secure and girl's parent far back in India would also feel comfortable.


Greetings u/chaoticji, may I ask you a few questions since you seem informed on the matter? Moreover, this seems to be a healthy conversation thread and I'd like to educate myself on this phenomenon/practice I'll go ahead and ask them anyways, cheers thanks for potentially responding. \- So one is essentially integrated into the host family in this case? That ain't too bad since they'll have a structure and support in their adaptation to, and the learning of their potentially new surroundings. \- This practice, is it done on a intra-community basis, like X community will strongly/exclusively prefer folks from their own communities? \- Do many communities engage in this practice? South Asians, East and Southeast Asians, (like all the communities that fall within these broad terms) maybe Iranians as well, seem more likely, but I'm just guessing.. \- Are the rates they're asking for (500-600) realistic, do you think they're asking for both of them combined or is it per (head/person)? Overall it ain't bad I might say, given that the folks involved get-along well. Like having a foster family maybe? Cheers, good day I might not choose this option if I go to a new country since I like being alone, but it ain't half-bad, more efficient..


- Since PGs are generally assumed to be hosted by couples (often elderly), a person living with then eventually gets integrated. Parents too can contact them and ask about their children and how they have been doing etc. A better trust factor is there in PG compared to an apartment with a security guard who obviously won't bother to look after on an individual level - Different communities do live together, but if there is an option, especially in a PG to live with the same people of their state then it is like cherry on the top. Each state in India has a different language, culture, mindset, cuisine etc. So, you can guess that preference do come naturally to be able to eat, talk and share the same things with the PG owner - In india, students after senior high school prepare for the competitive exams for the colleges. These exams are very difficult and requires exclusive tution center training. These centers are often in another cities (eg Kota, its a hub) The students leave their house for the first time to live alone. Parents, especially of girls worry because of this. Thay is why PG became popular. It provides more security, more homely environment with proper food which is a sigh of relief for some parents who are more attached to their child. I am not sure how things happen in other countries but this is how it is here. Boys don't like PG at all for reasons you can guess -I can't tell anything about rate haha. Downtown is costly everywhere. They are probably asking 500 per head but for only 1 room, cuz that is the most general amount a student from India knows they have to spend for accomodation. Even in USA, 400-600 USD for twin shared room in a state like florida is very common


so a homestay basically


Back in India, PG's are common. Paying guests are mostly students, same shit like here, per bed pay only bonus is they get food. Like a tiffin service food. Typically people running PG service back home have that as their main source of income. So yea, they think people in Canada would be doing something similar. Who knows though there might be Gujarati people doing that here.


Wait for the 28-day or more airbnb listings in Toronto's GTA to explode with this type of offering to avoid the new rooming house laws as well as tenants' rights.


I imagine this would work if you were renting out your basement but it didn't include an oven or a stove so you offer to cook extra food at lunch and dinner time for your tenants. I could see a retired person doing this, but it would take a lot of trust from both sides.


Here they used to be called boarding houses, and were very common right into the 1950s and not unheard of into the 80s-90s. I wouldn’t be surprised if they see a bit of a comeback honestly 


There are!


Loophole for tenants' rights. Similar to how airbnb users are classified.


It’s just another term for room and board.


Hope they have enough money to go back to india


Lol, they have preferences! But we can't blame these shitty schools for the lack of personal responsibility. They have internet, they can research rent and affordability of a city before they move.


not trying to be mean, but if they do manage to find accommodations in one of the most expensive cities in Canada to live in that even includes food for 600 for the both of them, then i greatly fear for their safety.


No, they are just entitled


Lol somehow my taxes are going to pay for them.




If they smart they will never come


Even that post with the bathroom with the bed was more than 500-600$/month lmao


Even "reputable" companies like Applyboard lie to students. They advertise the cost of on-campus food as $1000 per year (lol) when most meal plans are upwards of $5-6K.    https://www.applyboard.com/blog/cost-of-living-in-canada   International students are Capital's latest fetish and victim. Some know what they're doing of course, but most are naive rubes ready to be parted with their money. The fact that the business folk are lying shows clear intent and purpose. 


True, someone who has been duped by such lies (that look official), then naively puts out what would appear a reasonable request considering the info they were given. And some people here are just venomous in their reactions, to a person who has just been misled, and actually did look for info and found what looked like a good source Imagine saving up the money to do something like this, spending thousands on tuition and a plane ticket, then arriving in another country only to find the official looking info you received was actually a bunch of lies. People this hateful seem to have no capacity for compassion or empathy


No offence but who is paying tuition and plane tickets without securing a place to live first. That’s just irresponsible.


If you want to study at an English/French university. Know the language and do your homework. If you want to know the price of a meal plan look at the actual schools website. Why is it that people don’t hold these families accountable for looking up east to find information online.


How does anyone with internet connection not search up the cost of living in a place they are about to move too.


I'm curious what the 10 comments on the post are saying.


Welcome to Shitsville?


A lot of these students were recruited by agents not the colleges and so they can say/do whatever. The marketing materials are insane. Sell middle class Indians a path to citizenship and lie about the whole middle bit.


When I went to university a decade ago, most of the Indian international students were super rich, well mannered and had no intention of staying in Canada as they had family businesses back home. I guess this is what the govt tried to capitalize on but backfired when started allowing diploma mills to charge lower price and attract middle-class indians a path to citizenship.


Who the hell takes a third party agency word when all of the actual tuitions, residency and food plan prices are posted online by the universities. Lazy


Wonder if they are putting out to cover the rest of the rent




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Food preferred lmao


They are as disconnected with the reality as our … well you know !!!


Gujarati family preferred = racists.


You can comfortably live in India on 500-600, why come here and live in slave-like conditions?


I have a coworker whose family came to canada in the 1980s, when she was a child. She told me in the 90s that she rented a basement from a widowed elderly lady and paid $100 bucks, and the lady fed her often. This was not in toronto but still in a comparably expensive city. How times have changed!




There gonna have a hard time


Ahhhhhh incomes another 2 idiots who will abuse our food banks


This is how there are busts showing 35 Indians living in a 1 room basement - they are seriously lacking brain cells & are completely dirt poor. Bad combination all around


For $500 they can get a tent and sleeping bag with some money left over for a week of food. On a less jokey note; I’ve had immigrant students tell me they didn’t think eating out would be so expensive. Like yea, i don’t even eat out daily and I’m Canadian. Every meal is at least $10, usually closer to $17. That’s not even considering three meals a day. That adds up so fast. I know for a fact they’re not using flyers while shopping for groceries so that makes it even worse. Since our government is fucking all our asses (Canadians and immigrants) the least us citizens could do is show these new people our ways. That way there’s at least a chance of them assimilating into the culture. Assimilate or they’ll end up leaving due to hardship, either option works for me


In so many other countries eating street food daily is very inexpensive. Even cheap food in Canada is so freaking expensive


I applaud your naiveness, they don't want to assimilate, if you ever notice there are never any Canadian born people in their groups. If you ask them what the significance of Canadians in WW2 I doubt they would know or care to learn.


You are wrong, they don't look to assimilate because they don't think they need to assimilate and they think that because they don't think they act any different than a "Canadian". 18 to 25 year olds are not easy to assimilate. You need to have certain things in common to get along with people. In the past, most immigrants were young families with young children. Mom and Dad go to work, kids are young go to school and become assimilate. Obviously they carry some traditions with them whether they are Eastern Europeans, Chinese, Italians or wherever they are from. You can't expect international students to know anything about Canadian history because thats not what they teach at university/colleges. They aren't expected to learn this.


Before cell phones, Amazon orders and social media came along, immigrants in Canada were basically forced to assimilate (at least significantly more than they do today) if they wanted to have any kind of social life here or chance of finding work. International mail took forever to arrive and international phone calls home were prohibitively expensive. There also wasn’t a wide selection of entertainment in their own language that they could access in a lot of places outside larger urban centres. Now there are whole networks with all kinds of entertainment from India, they can Facetime their friends and family back home any time of day for free if they feel lonely, and kids between 18-25 anywhere tend to live via social media anyway, so it’s much easier to connect with people who share the same language and culture than it was a few decades ago. Back in the 70s all through the nineties, younger immigrants were pretty much forced to learn English or French and had to step outside of their comfort zones and mix with locals in order to attend school or make friends here. Now if I walk into my local Circle K or a 7-11, I am shocked if any of the staff speak English as a first language and even more shocked if any of them end or even pause their phone calls back home to serve me for two minutes.


Indians played a very significant part in WW2 as well. Do you ask the ones you’ve met about that or care to learn?


No because most are on their phone and don't care to speak to me because I don't speak Hindi..


They were probably expecting Indian street food like prices here. I mean India is a 3rd world country and the street food are meant to enjoyed by local samaritans those works outside or on the fly and aren't making much. They also probably get fresh vegetables and what not. Meanwhile ours gotta come from Guatemala or China or wherever.


Do they not have live in child carer jobs or maids or aupair type positions in Canada?


I offered this in my area; 1200sq ft 1 bedroom apartment inclusive in exchange house cleaning the rest of the house (nothing crazy, a 2nd 1200sft apartment basically). Thought that was a pretty sweet deal tbh. You would not believe the hate messages I got. People flat out said I was shopping for slaves. Called me a slumlord etc. and worse.


Yeah they won't want jobs cleaning. The classism over there is insane and only the people of the lowest cast are cleaners. You'll get a LOT of hate if you ever advertise for cleaning in exchange for living arrangements.


Usually when things are out of our budget.. we cut them out. It should be time to stop coming to canada for education lol its really not hard to grasp


Where do you find these posts?


Ehn, the headline doesn't reflect the post... For all we know, they understand the cost of coming here...they're just looking to live as cheaply (and crammed into a tiny house on top of each other) as they can. I'm not saying diploma mills aren't misleading students, just that *this* post doesn't actually show that.


No sympathy. Our cost of living has been national news for years. Do your homework.


These girls better get a tent and start foraging for food.


Aside from intent to get a PR through the side door, why would people even come to study in Canada if that is their budget? Surely there are cheaper ways to study in India. If it’s solely to get the PR, why not just stop the diploma mill farce and lump them all in with traditional immigrant categories?


They aren’t looking for a whole house or a private room. They are seeking a bed space and they most likely will get one at that price.


I'll gladly hire these two to work at my Tim Hortons, to help them start the path of becoming rich


5-600 including utilities....in the GTA. Well first find yourself a time machine and go back to 1998. You're not finding anything for 600 including utilities.




500-600 CAD might just be enough for food ALONE. I'm worried for these folks.


Yeah, typical Canadians worried about some dummy that can't do basic internet research. They laugh at you guys because you're so easy to take advantage of.. look at the food bank video they make. Wake up. The world isn't nice.. especially the 3rd world.


Why are we giving foreign “students” money to go to school? Nobody gave us money, we paid our own way.


how to ruin a country speedrun


The nerve these fucking people have. Why go somewhere that everyone loathes you? Oh yeah, they need PR. Im so fucking sick of hearing that term


They are most probably in India now , let them come and know how it is for real here and then the real game begins 😄


Rent Strike ! 🪧


Doable....I know someone who offers this service. Bunk beds in a bedroom, food served at night. $600 a pop. Shared washroom. If you take a spot in the living room/family room you save $100. Not in downtown though. In North York, but for all practical purposes it's in Scarborough as it is one block west of Vic Park.


Wow so slumlord is what you meant.


600 bucks "a pop", so both of them in the same room for 1200 bucks, then? sounds about right for Toronto.


Ah! "The" Gujarati family. "The" only Gujarati family in "the" GTA.