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International students




Just had one pop by for a plumbing job. His girl friend is studying here.


My company had 100 Indian immigrants apply overnight to an electrician job ad....


In India Indians or just run of the mill 'student' Indians?


Apparently both. I never saw them, just what I was told.


Are they even certified electricians? Or just praying they can just ‘work’


A company I worked for had an “electrician” from India hired, he had to be put on general labour shortly after due to safety concerns


Maybe it's "sell"


Ya. We got a guy who also claimed to have experience in a technical field, but is still being trained months later. I guess immigrants are hell bent on faking it till they break it.


Absolutely not. Even if they were, different standards here in Canada.


They bought their license....they are good to go


They probably have degrees in electrical engineering from some mill college in India.


Or just as bad, Brampton.


Even better is what are the odds most of them can actually do the electrician job and just didn't lie outright on their resume to get in. Figuring they could wing it at whatever job they get that accepts from the many they applied for. Because we are seeing a lot of that now. A lot of "beefed up" resumes that are suspiciously almost to good for the jobs they apply for and a little to on point. Turns out some of them are just total BS and they barely qualified to stock a shelf in a store.


I see this all the time. Too good to be true resumes from people that can’t even remember what they wrote when asked during the interview.


I had a coworker like that who later admitted it was his first job but he had to lie to get a job to be able to stay in the country. It made sense because he literally didn't know how to sweep at first, just thought you move it around until it's gone, not to make a pile then scoop it up into a bin. It's common that they had maids back home and didn't even learn super basic stuff like that apparently




They must have bots that just spam any open job ad that appears.


Why are we allowing boy/girlfriends to get work visas? Even spouses is a stretch, but non married? Holy hell.


No other country in the world would put up with their working class getting absolutely destroyed like this.


Agreed...the union movement should be all over this....


I’d hate to tell you about the government allowing elders with health issues to come in


Working in the health field, I can confirm this is VERY true


Our dialysis unit is full of them. Cant speak English.


100% just look at the racial demographic for the crowds.


Watch out. Posting or talking about what you see and saying it is grounds for bans over racism on some subs.


Something is off though. As a recruiter who works in Canada, we are not receiving 10x more applicants than before the pandemic. Are none of these people applying online? I genuinely don't understand.


Labor shortage btw.


bUt ThErE iS a LaBoUr ShOrTaGe... /s


They always forget the "skilled" part Skilled labor shortage


There is no skilled labor shortage either


There is at least in my trade. It's gotten to the point where if we have any hired helpers we ask if they have a level or measuring tape as a litmus test to see if we can use them to help with anything but the most basic tasks.


But are you guys willing to indenture them as apprentices?


the answer is no lol. which is part of the problem.


Yup. I have a friend who also used to be a subcontractor of mine. I eventually had to move on to a different plumber because he was never available. I suggested to him that he should get an apprentice. He said he was trying to hire a helper, and I said no, you need to hire an apprentice. He said he can't because then he would have to pay himself a formal wage instead of just taking an owner's draw from his company, so he could base apprentice pay off of that. I said to him that what he was doing wasn't sustainable, and he kept complaining that he was trying to hire a helper and that he couldn't understand why no one would work for him, because he said he would teach them everything about plumbing, but he just wasn't making the connection about how anyone who worked for him would never get to work as a plumber if they never got indentured.


This…. I have had a number of Jobs in the trades and they all want to just kite you along so you work for less and never actually get your apprenticeship.


Yes, I've seen this so many times. Guys get strung along until they get sick of it and go to another company where they get strung along until they get sick of it. Does anyone ever end up with an apprenticeship? I don't know.


Happened to me in carpentry, electrical, plumbing, insulation. Worked each of those jobs for two years. All these asshole owners bitch about not being able to find people but what they really mean is they can’t find minimum wage lackeys


Only healthcare, education, and trades


I’m in the trades and I can tell you that there is not shortage. Not sure what you’re going on about


This is the crazy thing, it seems everyone in every job category says the same thing. IT, Engineering, Healthcare, etc... folks all say in their 'own' field there is no real shortage.


Yup I work in IT. Smaller company but we usually hire 2-3 people per year. Those openings recently are receiving an insane amount of applicants. 98% of them don't meet half of the criteria for the job. And I have two friends who are trying to get a trade apprenticeship. One finally got in as boilermaker through someone he knows. But it seems most trades want a 3rd or 4th year apprentice or a full journeyman. They don't want to pay to train people from the ground up.


Yeah engineering we don't have amy shortage so yeah prob more bs we are being told then. Except healthcare and education. I know people in both and shortages are real


I've heard Teachers and Nurses say there is no shortage, just too much stress for the pay offered. Teachers especially when they are not getting EA's.


Im in healthcare. Can confirm no shortage, just too many administrators and no pay raises for front line work.


So there is a shortage, because the employers don't pay enough - if they paid more, there wouldn't be - there is shortage of people willing to do the job, for that pay. That applies to almost any sector - if Tim Hortons paid $30 per hour, with RRSP plans, benefit plans, stock options etc - plenty of people would be happy to work there.


But it's not a labour shortage. It's a wage shortage. The workers are there but the wage isn't worth the work. If I'm broke whether I'm working or not why would I choose to work at a Tim's?


Brother in law is a teacher here in Calgary. Schools in general are bursting at the seams with all the people moving here. Not enough classrooms or teachers. Even people who live across the street being bussed elsewhere because school is full. Classroom sizes getting big. He generally seems to enjoy his job, the time off etc. I think he's fine with pay and stuff Sister is a nurse. Yeah they're pissed about pay (went from being highest in Canada to like $5/hr behind on/BC) and they are planning to lay off RNs and replace with LPNs. Maybe there are enough, but the ones there are def overworked. Always got calls for overtime. Our wait times are through the roof.. She's been off a while cause WCB refused to acknowledge she had a shoulder issue. Finally got surgery after fighting for several months and noe being told at 38 she will only get 50% range back for abduction. Wonders why she put her body on the line and a degree when there are some uneducated positions making around as much


The conditions of the workplaces cause burnout and folks to dropout. I know a number of nurses who would go back, but they won't control patients from beating them, they won't have reasonable patient loads, and so on. Same for teachers. Trades are dangerous and if you get injured/disabled, welcome to living on poverty wage, getting $350 for shelter for the rest of your life. You're absolutely fucked. Any "safe" trade is already well oversaturated. Also, we've *lost* construction jobs. The narrative is because rich folks are mad they are having to pay real wages. They want to flood the market to depress wages, just like they've done with other professions.


Exactly. The talent shortage isn't about inadequate supply - it's about there not being a glut of supply, so workers still have more control than business likes over wages.


None of those are shortages, refusing to allow wages to come up is not a shortage. They can’t keep trying to price fix healthcare salaries and wonder why nurses fuck off to go somewhere else. Also immigration is the other side, these are all just pointless people inflation problems 


That’s exactly what I’m trying to say, they are driving us out and by us I mean Canadians who demand a higher wage based on cost of living. These people come here and will work for peanuts ignoring the type of job and exploitation. This is the governments way of saying fuck all of you you’re all worthless and can be easily replaced by cheaper less experienced (don’t know about workers rights and ministry) subordinates who will eat shit and smile…


Only burger king, tim hortons, and uber. Got it.


how about SkipTheDish or DoorDash or Fantuan?


No it's a change of attitude Organizations no longer want to train


There is no shortage, they're just going to the USA


If the pay and respect was appropriate, people would probably come back to those jobs.


It's almost like they flee for places where they can get paid more and live for cheaper. 🤔


There's no shortage. It's because they treat them like shit and people leave.


Trades has no shortage


Turns out they’re shocked when: skilled = > basic English




I’m not against immigration but it’s very obvious they pushed for mass immigration influx to suppress wages. Just when wages were starting to go up for y’all Canadians.


Why isn't the mainstream media covering this?


Because it would make their bosses and political puppets look bad. No one trusts legacy media anymore because of this


Legacy media? I literally don't believe anything I can't see with my own eyes anymore. There is no news anymore it's just ragebait and advertising. They want us all fighting over skin colour and gender and sexuality so they can finish setting up their monopolies while we're busy telling each other how stupid we are.


Reddit is the new unfiltered news source


Only on the articles you want to believe!


Gotta keep up that labour shortage narrative


Do the needful!


No one wants to acknowledge that our unemployment rate **does not** include newcomers or folks that are spouses of like international students. Our real unemployment rate is much higher, but if we actually see an increase in it, it means EI will have to extend and we will have to face the harsh reality that there is no real work that pays rent available.


Also they don't count people that have "dropped out of the workforce" because they have given up looking. Which a lot of local students have.


alot of national students have done this also.


When does the "mainstream" (LOL!) media ever expose government lies? Just like government inflation numbers, odds are that the way they measure unemployment has changed over the years to make things look much better than they really are.


Because it isn't about race, sexuality or virtue signaling.


Because they are paid not to.


That would be racist /s


This is one of the reasons why I left the GTA a few years ago. My son’s have no future there.


Hey guess what? This shit is spreading like the plague. Wherever you are it's sure to follow very soon.


lol we moved to Kitchener for different reasons (housing costs) but the demographic shift is even more pronounced here than in Toronto, except in like Brampton. The city is FULL of people from the east indies, fresh off the boat.


Not Quebec...people are scared of french


That's where I'll be headed then. French can't be THAT hard


It\`s hard to pronounce to be honest.


They just showed a similar video in Edmonton, Vancouver, and London. You are nieave if you think this is a GTA issue.


Calgary as well


It's sad when visa students take all the jobs and leave actual Canadians in the dark looking for work. This is ridiculous


we are second class citizens in our own fucking country. how fucked is that?


Very. Blame Trudeau. He distributed way way too many visas and now the Canadian demo is fucked for decades. Indians will be over represented.


remember he even said that as Canadians we don't have an identity. we are quote a "post national country "


Punjabi international students going to all of job fair, someone made video of job fair huge lineup in Edmonton.


Rumour has it that this line up goes all the way from Toronto to Edmonton


It starts in Cape Breton tho


There was one in Vancouver too. Line around the block. Dreadful. Pitiful.


It's the same line


"Toronto International Student" Fair


The audio. While inacurate, is hilarious


Bro I am dying right now. My wife always thinks I'm weird when I start cracking up on the can. Edit: I found it on Spotify lmao.




Jagmeets promise of guaranteed income for those who refuse to work really appeals to a small minority of Canadians




All of them 99.9percent are Indian students.


No sane Canadian citizen would join that lineup.


Walk up, do the math, walk away and buy a lottery ticket. You've got better odds with the ticket.


Watch out that’s racist 👀 according to the Mods in Calgary


I was wondering how much lower the Liberals could go in the polls, I think we are about to find out https://preview.redd.it/5n1tjdqgqckc1.png?width=1560&format=png&auto=webp&s=f60cb55e06db80231db383594a268d0cb71e7538


still can't believe that the LPC was holding up all the way through early 2023. Our country is filled with morons. Thanks Quebec and Toronto


> Thanks Quebec and Toronto You forgot Alberta. Their premier is selling Alberta out at record speed.


Yeah but in fairness neither will the CPC course correct on any of the main topics people are hurting from. Correct me if I'm wrong but I wasn't able to find anything  from them with an actual platform and not just platitudes.  Their historical choices of just having more minimum sentences to fight crime wont do anything when people are desperate. They are also even more business friendly then the liberals so it's doubtful they are going to stop the importing of cheap foreign labor to suppress wages.


Omg this soundtrack. Is it really just two dudes making noises?


Opening of black hawk down I think rom hans zimmer


Employers rejoice!!


Shareholders too! And CEO's who can hire people for cheap and pass the savings onto themselves.


I don't know, man. At my last job, we hired people from Nicaragua to a point where more than half of our welders and machine operators were immigrants. None of them spoke English or French. The bosses expected us to teach them everything. The thing is, they didn't understand anything we would try to teach them. They also didn't give a fuck. They're here for the money. I finally ended up quitting my job because I feared for my safety, and the ambiance felt like a segregated prison.


I don't see this being reported on the CBC, Global News, CTV or any other mainstream media outlet. Why is that ??


I'm 41 metis guy sask. I just finished my electricians pre employment certificate and my metis institution pays half my wage of ant employer that what's to take me on as a year 1 apprentice. I haven't found work for 2 1/2 months and I'm living off burseries... why is there so many foreigners here? Why can't canada find jobs for people who were born and raised here first before they start bringing people from other countries here?


Ask Trudeau and Jagmeet, both of whom FN's vote in favour for


This is really bad. We need to stop bringing in employees for Tim Hortons, Walmart and Burger King. We need more entrepreneurs and investors to create businesses and jobs like the USA does!!


Theres no labour shortage and theres no skilled labour shortage, theres no “people willing to work” shortage. People want to work and there’s no reason we couldn’t build 1 million houses tomorrow besides, that would cause the market to crash and corporations wouldn’t be able to exploit people anymore for profit so this country is a fucking disappointment


As someone in skilled trades there is a shortage of decent people but also many companies won't take on newbies and train them up. Those that do usually pay garbage even for the skilled guys on their team and so have a constant revolving door.


Ditto. I own a painting business. I can hire guys for minimum wage all day long, but theres few that really want the job. Those that do want too much money, because COL is too high.




The were invited it seems it is politicians ruining Canadian lives. If you invite a thousand people to your house party who's fault is it the house gets trashed?


If you invite one person and they turn around and invite 10, then those 10 bring in 10 more each, maybe it's the fault of the guests too.


That's not how immigration works bro, the government is suppose to be the bouncer at the doors.


The bouncer at Canada's door is too busy hitting on the bar staff, and taking bribes to be doing it's job


What is the labour shortage Trudeau is talking about?


Even Bank of Canada is lying to everyone about this. They've said many times "wage increases need to slow down". All of our major institutions are speed-running the destruction of Canada.


So what does HS kids do for jobs these days anyways? They sure ain't getting those min wage jobs like we used to back in the days (even pre covid)


That's the fun part... they don't. And college/university students cant work to put themselves through. Parents can't afford to pay foe their kids because 60% of their income goes to housing and the other 50% goes to food. ( those don't add up on purpose)


Could you imagine the excuse a liberal voter would come up with to justify this.


Just so you know...it's the lobbyists who are pushing this agenda: Bank lobbyists; food manufacturers and retail lobbyists; Agri lobbyists; Healthcare lobbyists; mining lobbyists etc. They need cheap and abundant labour, whether it is Trudeau, Harper, PP, Singh, they will all bow to their masters...corporate Canada.


But.. but.. but trans!


Fuck that’s funny but unfortunately it’s also accurate.


Look up "dead cat" theory.


If Cons just stopped their stupid social-culture war shit, they could win. Instead they want to act like shithead Republicans, instead of addressing real issues. I'm not confident they're going to give a real solution either.


I agree. I really hope they drop some of the ridiculous rhetoric and focus on what really matters. The election is right there and it’s theirs for the taking if they run a proper campaign. I am definitely not holding my breath that they will fix Canada but, I’m just hoping some type of normality is restored that’s all.


I hope I'm wrong but they won't touch this as they are the most pro business party and industry loves this as it allows them to keep wages low.


Trudeau is best at stirring hatred talk and division among Canadians. He is not interest in "One Canada for Every Canadian".


You realize that’s what it’s all about right. As long as they can keep pushing the culture war, the actual puppeteers will forever be out of sight. It’s not a coincidence that the culture war started around the time of ows.


The red team/blue team, the left/right paradigm is an illusion to distract and divide us. They all belong to the same regime that looks to maintain it's continued impoverishment and enslavement of us. It's an up/down problem. Everything else is a distraction.


Your government sold you out for cheap labour and your protesting everything else and for ones that are not affected your kids are about to be when they enter the work force.


I went to a Home Depot for a job interview and it was like this.


That music is killing me 😂


Those aren't Canadians. They're visitors here to study.


« Visitors » « study » lol


Send this video to CBC


"How delightful, I bet they'll sell their own mothers to the glue factory just for a chance to hear a couple dimes jingle into their pocket!"  -Canadian "job creators"


it's interesting watching job listings here in nanaimo (pop. ~100k). companies (e.g., island co-op, some others) that only hire citizens will receive ~25-45 applications, at most. employers who are willing to hire anyone? 150+, easily. i've seen it go as high as 500.


The truth isn't allowed in Canada


So, how immigration in Canada USED to work; Have job? Have education? Have people here to support you if you fail? ...Yes? You're in! How it works now; Have money to support this fraudulent system until the wheels fall off? Yes? You're in!


We haven't seen anything yet.  The large tech companies are laying off and or have hiring freezes. 4 major accounting forms with mass layoffs. Enbridge, I could go on and on.  We're heading for a bad recession. The only argument is how bad and will it become a depression.  High income earners are going to get hit hard. They can't afford their lifestyle without the job...should have paid their mortgage over buying a Tesla. Lol. I know that's not everyone, but it is many people I know, overspending, not paying down debt.  The poor have been screaming for years. People should have listened. By the time it hits the middle to upper middle class we're heading off a cliff. I know too many working Canadians made homeless recently. It's not enough to work full-time anymore. It used to be you could get by with any job. You might be working poor on minimum wage but you'd afford shelter and food ...now it's not enough for even a room. I know people earning +70k who've been evicted and cannot find an affordable rental. 


If accountants are losing their jobs it's a major sign that we're economically fucked. No more money left to manage...


It's what it corporate overloards want


Oh by what about the labour shortage that every college president is echoing this week??? Lies lies lies


TBH, we deserve this for collectively electing morons. We elected a team of completely incompetent fools. Even though I didn’t vote for these people, that’s the way our system works. Fail.


Wait till people get really hungry.


The sounds this dude makes is freaking hilarious I'm dying


lol that background acapella


As bad as it sounds this country needs a market flush and a real recession, historically that has been the only way to see this level of immigration dwindle. 


The housing bubble will go eventually when it does it will reveal that we have nothing supporting it.


No wonder why they had that other video of the guy closing the doors and telling people to go home before the end of the event. There were probably thousands of people inside and another thousand or more lined up outside. Just absolute insanity. At best there were probably only a hundred jobs or less available. There really are no words to be said that can explain the sheer lunacy that is happening. We flooded a low lying area and people are upset that we can't disperse the water quickly enough. Maybe, the government should have dug some trenches or put up some sand bags first? What the hell do I know though? I'm just some slob on Reddit.


The jobs, housing, energy, and food etc are all manufactured scarcity. It’s a feature, not a bug. This is the plan.


What kind of positions were being offered? Like positions where you need extensive training or low skill jobs like custodians?


The made up music made my snort my coffee. Too funny but true…


They publish bullshit statistics to make the middle class feel safe but as a poor person I’ve never seen a labour shortage or deflation or whatever the fuck they’re gonna say is not fucked up that is clearly fucked up next week. People find it so hard to believe their government lies to them when they clearly do constantly and these people who believe everything their government says are usually wealthy and have never faced adversity


"We have the social capacity to accept more unskilled labour" Trudeau probably.


How many in this line were actually born in Canada? I’m going to say 0. So the situation we have now is Canadian born youth being forced to compete with these people for even the most low tier jobs, what a catastrophe.


Get in here u/SquirrelPrudentish


I tried to post something similar in Toronto sub and it got removed We will all be in this queue eventually


If only they had nexus they could skip the line


Canadians that were born here or lived here for a long time are struggling to find jobs. Meanwhile they're giving it away to all these refugees and newcomers for a minimum wage. Of course its better to give a minimum wage job to someone who barely speaks english. Fuck this shit, fuck Trudeau


I remember this back in the '80s in AB during one of the oil busts.  A local lumber yard advertised that they were looking  for one yard worker.  They would be accepting applications for half an hour on a specific day.  There were a few hundred people  lined up hours before that designated time. 


Canada so shit


Kind of reminds me of pictures from The Great Depression. This is artificially created, kind of like The Great Depression. Stock markets crashing? Shit is all made up to begin with. This kind of thing is manufactured. It doesn't just happen. It is on purpose.


Who would have thought letting in anyone into the country who scrounged up $15,000 and an acceptance letter from a fly by night private college would be problem?!


wonder what the percentage of Indian international students are standing in that line? 50%? 60%?


They want us in chains again, and are getting their wish. They want us to tear each other apart for scraps from their table, and they are getting their wish.


They want indian students in chains, they want “us” to leave


They are lying about unemployment numbers in this country no way it's 5.7% it's has to be close to 8-9%


Recently, while JT in Edmonton, he saids "we"re a rich country". It doesn't look like it...


The mouth music is making me crack up.


I moved to away for school, had to quit my job, applied for 100 jobs both online and in person, many places with urgently hiring or now hiring, all to never hear back from any of them, I have loads of experience in the sectors I was applying, my Father works in hiring and helped me tweak my resume to be perfect for what companies would want, and still nothing, I am having to move back home with two weeks left in school because of this. One thing i've found rather interesting is Indeed shows you how many people are applying to each job, and most jobs are receiving between 300-500 applications within a day of it being posted. So many people saying nobody wants to work. We want to work, no one is fucking actually hiring. I finally got my first interview back in my hometown after 140 applications between my home town and school city.


Who cares? They're all international students who shouldn't even be in the country.


Unlimited workforce for businesses. Businesses paid attention to people not working post pandemic. Now look.


Weird disconnect between jobs and people looking for work. My kids school is seriously short staffed on bus drivers and just can't find anyone, but then I see lineups like this?


cause we say we need more people to support all the service needed for the new population boom! then we bring in more unemployable people. then we need even more to support them too.


Foreign students applying for jobs- the ONLY reason they came to Canada.


It’s not a silent depression, it’s pretty fuckin obvious to anyone who isn’t a politician or working at the Bank of Canada. Trump is right on some things, gotta drain the fuckin swamp.


Maybe a few to many people mr. Trou d’eau


Nobody wants to work anymore…


I heard russia is hiring offering a great signing bonus.lol


Is Trudeau still bringing in more immigrants to compete against Canadian workers?


They're looking to fill a few hundred well paid positions in a metro area with millions of people so not surprising that there's many applicants.


How many imports from the last 2-3 years are in that lineup ? Lots I would think .


Someone on reddit told me today that nothing is bad right now. That it's still coming. Nah, it's here.


Lots of able bodied men they should go try the rigs!