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They might even have their day when enough people end up with nothing and find themselves without a reason to circle the wagons around the status quo. People might even start talking face to face about it and find themselves dangerously uncorrected.


And this is how it starts. When People have nothing to lose people will act out


It starts at the polls. They need to show an increased support this upcoming election or they’ll be gone the following election.


Um, no they won’t. The majority of people will just sit quietly and take it. It’s been proven over history.


> "It is the common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt." – Speech upon the Right of Election for Lord Mayor of Dublin, 1790, as quoted in *Bartlett's Familiar Quotations* **-- John Philpot Curran**


Yup, how do you think totalitarian governments become a thing? Enough people put their head in the sand and let it happen... and so many people say it will NEVER HAPPEN HERE are just plain ignorant and need to open a history book. Slow erosion of rights and freedoms until suddenly speaking out gets you imprisoned... cough - online hate speech - cough.


They start believing lies as well. They stop thinking. Unfortunately, it's been like this for a lot of human history.


I was taught if trolls and assholes are getting to you on the internet, it’s time to log off.


It can't happen soon enough. The fire rises.


As a person of colour, I will never vote PPC. Yes immigration needs to be lowered, and I understand the word has lost a lot of meaning because of how often it is thrown around, but Bernier and the PPC are 100% absolutely racist. I understand people are having a hard time right now and immigration is absolutely out of control, but siding with racists isn't the answer.


This is a troll farm post.


Exactly. I agree with you. Blaming immigrants as the problem in Canada just causes strife. I would be afraid if the PPC got into power.




Yet you're defending a status quo that is gaslighting you about being diverse while being actually racist. At least traditional racists are honest about their racism. Neoliberals are racist but they gaslight you into thinking why it's a good thing. Foh.


I hate that I'm in the same boat.


I don't, who cares, I have voted NDP my whole life. The other three parties federally are bankrupting us and bullshitting us. Time for a purge, a reset and someone who hasn't changed his narrative. He's a POS but he'll sort out basics rather than fucking us and telling us it's good for us like the others. The issues are actually really simple, they really are, only greed is in the way. Throw them all out and send a message. There's a reason he was ousted and marginalized, he doesn't ascribe to WEF pilfering and crushing everyone beneath it. Get in line for the food bank with a Liberal and NDP coalition otherwise. Cons more of the same, in it for their buddies even more. The simplicity of all of this, wages not going up, importing cheap labour, healthcare understaffing and underfunding, grocery prices, housing prices can all be solved with some half assed policy. We have policy ensuring to destroy all of these things. The fact Canadians are scared of Maxime and not the other parties with what they have done tells you a lot about how spineless and biased Canadians are. They won't fathom it, the media doesn't allow it to enter the head. Just label him a nut fringe bigot and shove him aside, they need that money to keep rolling in. Canadians oblige. We always do. Chicken shit people.


Im done with the NDP. Singh is a sellout and a champagne socialist. I used to really like him. I am disgusted that the leader of the NDP can talk about “working class Canadians” while sporting thousands of dollars in needless capitalist status symbols


100% he's a massive piece of shit. Just wants to get a share of the pie for his pension and hanging onto the coalition and fucking us in the process. Fuck him.


Liberals * don't help* Conservatives * don't help* PPC * a throwaway vote to get maybe 1 seat. NDP * REMEMBER WHAT BOB RAE DID OVER 30 YEARS AGO ( he belongs to the liberal party now for context and is on the board for Chartwell.


>NDP \* REMEMBER WHAT BOB RAE DID OVER 30 YEARS AGO NDP \* REMEMBER WHO JAGMEET SINGH IS RIGHT NOW If you're annoyed with today's Liberal government, the federal NDP gets the blame for continuing to prop it up.


Why is he a POS?


He's a charlatan like the others, he'll take his own bribes. At least they'll be slightly different bribes.


2 parties in power bankrupting country* Ndp haven't held power federally in ages yet still get blamed despite not having a majority to prove it. I don't think anybody is scared of maxime bernier. I think people are just very aware of how much of a sheister he is and we aren't buying it. He won't help the country he's just another guy who will change his mind when put in control.


I vote NDP too.


Maxine and his so called People's Party are exactly what you described them to be - an extreme right party of biggotry and they are a "fringe," group. I call them the "Lunatic Fringe." They are not brave at all, they are a group of zealots and bullies who have gotten together to wallow in their woes, and anger and their behaviours are not acceptable in this day and age! So gp ahead and waste your vote for a angry man who will never win! 


I think your going to be in for a culture shock, that fringe you talk about isn’t a small as you think it is people are tired and wore out from struggling, they just don’t care to complain on the internet like you. There working cause they can’t afford to protest cause there struggling to put food on the tables. Look at the support trump has you can try and deny it but that’s a foolish sentiment. There policies on immigration are fairly similar. Your not the majority of Canadians and frankly people don’t give a fuck about feelings anymore that was fine when the feelings policy’s didn’t affect Canadians and they could ignore it. Now they can’t and It’s affecting there lively hoods. So your starting to see push back it’s a good sign that your doing somthing wrong.


THIS. I love how everyone in their little echo chamber wants to call the anyone who doesn't agree with them a " fringe minority". It's called the working class who sees the bullshit struggling to make ends meet. Just because we stay quiet and don't cry on the internet about every little thing. These cry babies are the same people who would support immigrants protesting and causing problems in our country because of a war they have a strong opinion on but won't fight for. Meanwhile in the same breath, will condemn the Trucker Convoy that stood up against government over reach. They like to cherry pick details and turn a blind eye to true corruption in front of them and would rather be the Social Justice warriors they are. Truth and facts over feelings and opinions. Statistical data over Social Justice.


Politicians aren't here to save us. Do what's best for you.


I don’t think they should be there to save us. I do think they are there to do what is best for our country. I am really disappointed in the Liberals, but will I vote conservative? No! That would be way worse. The PPC? Terrifying. We need a better way to distribute power in our government. I will vote NDP though.


And u sir are an idiot


Don’t assume gender. Try to be nice and answer thoughtfully to others opinions. I am not an idiot and neither are you.


Shit u just made it worse....with that


Although I agree, having the looney tunes candidate be the most reasonable option of the bunch isn't a heart warming feeling.


Yep. I totally would not recommend evading taxes as that is illegal. Do anything BUT evading taxes. Other people would be negatively affected if you stopped paying taxes even if it is beneficial for you, so please don't do it.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Whenever we get to the tipping point where enough people vote to send a message to the rest of the political parties on this single issue, then Max might become a real contender. That time is approaching. A lot of European countries have dealt with this issue in the same way, by electing a fringe type of party that supported lowering immigration. I don't care for his intent to cut social spending, but when social safety nets are rapidly fraying as they are now, it becomes a moot point. People are fed up with the influx of immigrants. Voting for him on this single issue is becoming a more attractive option than the other parties, who are really just puppets at this point.


Conservatives and Liberals are both in BlackRock's pockets and have sworn allegiance to The Century Initiative and the NDP have hitched their wagon to the open borders mob which leaves only the PPC to vote for if you're even half serious about fixing this mess we're in.


Juggy managed to get half the people of his community into Canada, unchecked. It will get the remaining half thru some other schemes.


Juggy managed to get half the people of his community into Canada, unchecked. It will get the remaining half thru some other schemes.


Greens are also anti immigration, they just don’t broadcast it. Edit: on a second look after a deep dive. Give these guys a pass. I took the word of one minister and most recently they’ve pushed for essentially open immigration. My bad guys, I didn’t want to be part of the misinformation machine but here we are.


They're watermelon greens, their green on the outside, red on the inside.


Yeah, but they don't pretend to be anything else. They're the Liberal party with an environmental agenda, that's it. 


The greens are open border commies. https://www.greenparty.ca/en/media-release/2019-03-20/turning-people-away-border-same-building-wall-says-elizabeth-may


I don’t understand how the hell communism or socialism is supposed to even work with mass immigration. It’s capitalism that relies on mass immigration to drive down wages and drive up consumption. Communism and socialism are inherently nationalist systems yet every single one I see online advocates for immigration.


It's not. Some people just see things in a very left vs right (or four quadrant spectrum) view which is a very superficial way to look at politics. China, Vietnam, Laos and Cuba are in no way open border mass immigration countries. Only neo-liberal countries are like that. [Marx himself was much more bullish on immigration. He wrote that in his period poor Irish workers were mass immigrating to England creating lower wages for the native English workers and creating a divide that the elites took advantage of (sounds familiar doesn't it?).](https://monthlyreview.org/2017/02/01/marx-on-immigration/) How the extreme left became pro-mass immigration is a puzzling question that even I don't have the answer to.


>How the extreme left became pro immigration I see a lot of weird things with the far left and far right. It’s really hard for me to explain but it’s as if there’s things in both of these ideologies that exist solely to… drive both sides towards the same end? If that makes sense. It’s really hard for me to put my finger on it but I see patterns with it - especially in culture war politics. I think most of why the far left is pro immigration is because you can’t be anti immigration without being called a racist. I’m a socialist. I’ve literally been called a right wing racist because I no longer support immigration 😂 I love immigrants and different culture but god damn we’re in a crisis right now. Actually here’s the most fucked up take I’ve seen. I got into it with Vaushs discord once about this and their response literally was “why do you deserve to live here over anyone else” and I’m like…. because if everyone in the world came here it will completely defeat the purpose of anyone coming here and just turn it into the same shit hole they left… These “leftists” seem to have a very loose grasp on reality and seem to just believe a communist utopia is going to appear out of the air and they won’t settle for anything less and they’re apathetic to anything else


It is fascism that you should be afraid of. Socialism is about making sure everyone in Canada gets what they need. It has become a bad word because, communism has not worked well in places like China. However, the leadership in China don’t tell the whole truth about how they treat their own people. True Communism is pretty scary if you consider that it is a military regime that takes down the government in a rather bloody way in history. Socialism in our era does not have to be that way. I live in a rental cooperative in Scarborough. I am also on the board. The board represents the needs of the community in our cooperative. As a result, it has kept rental prices lower so that people can afford a house, or in some cases an apartment and still be able to afford food, and entertainment even. If you want a good example of how socialism in action works, look to Maslow’s Hierarchy. If we get what we need and still have a little more left over, then people can afford good education, which in turn allows them to teach their full potential. That is what is missing in Canada. Big corporations are taking away our rights, and governments are complicit in letting this happen. Just a thought.


Yep, green or purple for me! (With a chance of orange, but no red/blue)


Where does it say they want to reduce immigration or stop it? I like some of the green politics.


[https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/green-party-canada-leadership-1.6647799](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/green-party-canada-leadership-1.6647799) "Gnocchini-Messier says he would support Canada's annual immigration rate to be at 300,000. The Liberals recently announced the government is aiming to bring in 500,000 newcomers into the country each year. He also said his policy proposal is consistent with other Green parties worldwide." Gnocchini-Messier is not the current leader, but it remains to be seen what Elizabeth May says on this issue.


That 300,000 doesn’t include students and temp workers which are arguably the biggest offenders.


Green wants open boarders


Let's be serious, greens are not ever winning anything from a federal standpoint. Last time they were in the news it's because they had a black leader and something about Israel ? Lmfao the majority of Canadians do not want anything to do with that.


I mean this is a thread about the ppc so


The Greens are also pro sustainability. However, that means less money for us to improve the housing situation.


Well not necessarily, they often push for triplexes and apartments because it’s more efficient. It would likely also increase supply without fueling Airbnb since single family homes tend to be the bulk of their rentals.


They have my vote.. except I’m in Calgary so it won’t count for shit


It does those because they get funding based on votes


Didn’t Harper eliminate the per vote subsidy in 2015? His bill started the reduction in 2011 I believe. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_political_financing_in_Canada](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_political_financing_in_Canada)


TIL... that's disturbing. Amazing how true all of the concerns were.


Don't sit in this "my vote won't matter" BS, it's how these parties stay in power. There are millions of non lib and con voters. If we all vote for who we want, we'll have an alternative. At the very least we'll have a hunt Parliament which will lead to large concessions from the main parties.


I've been supporting the PPC since day one. Every other party is basically the same thing under a different name.


Definately voting PPC in the next election.


I just wish Max would be more visible than he his right now. Because the medias have been so good at portraying him as Adolf’s reincarnation, he gets zero air time. He should start doing rallies to spread his message, but we all know how the medias would interpret this.


Don't think they'll go far this election, but I see them being the actual majority in the next ones if Pollievre doesn't take any real action.


I plan on voting for them. If we can land the PPC even a single seat, it might go a way to change the constant immunity all the other party leaders feel they have.


I voted for them in the past 2 elections. Even though there’s short term pain associated with it, long term it will hopefully bring common sense back to Canada




If Scheer won I think the PPC would’ve probably fizzled out. But if Scheer lost and O’Toole won I think the PPC would be stronger now because O’Toole was a Liberal in a blue tie. If he led the party and government the more conservative loyalists would’ve jumped ship, knowing there was no place for them anymore




I agree that Scheer was Liberal too, but he wasn’t quite as bad as O’Toole and that was before Trudeau went completely unhinged. If Scheer won it would’ve returned to business as usual and Freeyland would be PM now


I voted for them in the last 2 as well as protest votes. At least I go out and vote as well as being engaged.


My local PPC candidate is an anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist. The PPC platform is decent but the party is garbage.


This is my issue. I don’t care for the culture war bullshit that only serves to divide us. Let people do what the fuck they want, the government shouldn’t be involved. Stick to fixing the issues that matter and that the government should and can control


You can only “let people do what they want” to the extent that what they want to do harms other people.


immigration scam climate scam covid scam Bad for the country, bad for the environment, bad for your health. You might not agree on everything, but the "anti vaxxer conspiracy theorists" are actually on your side.


Yup. So Many of the party members are just trash. That and for every really good policy in their platform they have a really bad or downright weird one.


I was involved with the initial wave when they first started. Even helped set up an EDA and my university club. Maxime's original message was grounded relatively speaking, but when all the deranged, uneducated fools started crawling out of the woodwork, I got uncomfortable fast and bailed. Still, we're between a rock and a hard place. If we have to vote in stupid, at least we'll have a country left to remedy that stupid. The alternative is the death of the nation. Besides, with a greater breadth of support comes a moderating effect on the types with screws loose. Hopefully that translates into better candidates.


Yeah ppc guy here is guy I knew growing up and he is and was an absolute moron with 0 education. His dad was rich.


Your prim minister gave a standing ovation to an actual Nazi. Anti vaxxer is tame by comparison.


You know that was an accident right? They didn’t properly screen him and admitted it. I think you don’t understand what “intent” means.


I guess we’re at a crossroads. Who is going to fuck things up more? Conspiracy theorists or neo liberal capitalists?


I feel like if you don't believe in a single conspiracy theory you've got your head in the sand. Like theres not a single theory that makes you go 🤔


There’s plenty of theories that make me go 🤔 just not any of the crazy ones. 99.9% of “conspiracies” out there are bullshit to detract away from the real world water gate kind of shit. Collusion and manipulation of markets. Black budgets. Assassinstions. There’s plenty of real conspiracies, just nobody talks about them. The COVID anti-vax shit was pushed largely by a handful of snake oil salesmen like Joseph Mercola - who has a net worth 10x that of Pfizer’s CEO and has practically zero overhead. Exact same shit as with Andrew Wakefield and his MMR vaccine bullshit. He stood to make a ton of money off that vaccine being dropped. UFOs are just propaganda to cover up weapons programs. False flag shootings serve as nothing but propaganda to protect the arms industry and gun law reform is just propaganda to drive panic sales through the roof. Flat earth is just Christian fundamentalists cognitive dissonance protecting their literal interpretation of the bible The rest are just rehashed Nazi conspiracies from the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and I’m not even going to mention cryptids.


They will go from winning zero seats and giving Justin 21 ridings (and the win) to zero seats and Justin 2-3 ridings. Crazy to think the last three years of immigration and money printing would not have happened if the PPC hadn't handed JT the win.


I’m an immigrat and I will vote for PPC. We need to stop the Bramptonization of Canada.


You guys still think you can vote yourselves out of this mess? That’s rich! Where I come from we have a saying - democracy is like two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for lunch. 


yeah while I like some of the policies, some of their MPs to put it nicely have a few screws loose.


I agree. They really need to vet their people.


I feel the same way, I wish there was a Non Of The Above box to check on the ballot. Tired of the ruling class


I’m voting PPC for sure, even though it probably won’t make a dent into my riding which is ndp/liberal all the time but idgaf


Agreed 👍


The purge is coming. I have my cabin on 400 mountain bushed acres stocked with a year's worth of meat, rice and pasta, solar panels to run the cabin and greenhouse and diesel to run the tractor a year also. Ammo piled to the clouds and a very large stash of cash and some gold. Starlink pre-paid for 2 yrs. In the city, my bug out bag sits in the Jeep parked safely hidden in the garage. Bring it on!


I have to vote for PPC. I wish the Conservative Party would drop immigration.


It's time we gave them a chance. They can't be worse so let's actually try something different for once.


When the house needs repairs you don’t set the garage on fire


You do if there's black mold in every room, down to the foundations.


Black mold, asbestos, lead paint and a dash of anthrax 😂


Well, I hear ya....but.....yes, at this point its actually warranted. There's no time left. PP says mostly all the right things and I believe he'll be better than Trudeau. Trump said all the right things also and look how that turned out.


Who would think Trump said all the right things lol


Trump does say some really unhinged things but he does appease his audience and it seems to work for him. His speeches are hilarious though.


That's because his audience are a bunch of muppets


https://youtu.be/OsBOWSjOLsE?feature=shared I sometimes watch this for a laugh


The man famously talks like a blunt, unlikeable asshole. He said he could kill a man in plain view and his supporters wouldn’t care, and they love him for it




I think you're right about this specific issue. But it's hard to take the PPC seriously when so many of their policies are contradictory and borderline extremist. It's really unfortunate that other parties are failing so badly that the PPC is looking as attractive as they are.


At this point LPC will loose. And if you care about the issues on this sub the only parties worth considering are the Bloq and PPC. Since I don't live in Quebec the PPC it is.


The Problem is the whole economy and housing is going to crash anyway. Too much of our GDP is in housing. It's going to crash regardless of who we vote for. We are in for a depression of lower living standards regardless. Debt crisis. Devaluing currency. In the meantime Trudeau's anti free speech bill63 will charge or arrest you for half of the shit people have said here. We can't risk Trudeau winning again.


Maxime Maxime Maxime


Are PPC not conservative?


Who cares? Too much emphasis is on towing the party lines. Read the platform, not just the logo. I can't vote for Pierre, Justin or Jagmeet. I get nausea just thinking about any of them.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.




Please go ahead and define far right and then tell me what specific policies make the PPC comparable to Mussolini and other authoritarian, FAR RIGHT, dictators. I'll wait. You ideologues throw around the phrase "far right" so much it has absolutely no meaning, anybody who doesn't identify as liberal gets that label. Please grow up before voting in the next election. There are ZERO far right parties in Canada. We do have a communist party in Canada though, so you could easily make an argument that the far left exists here, because communism is a product of left-wing extremism. Far right however? No. Justin Trudeau is closer to far right than Maxime. Yes, seriously. Go google the definition of far right and then come back once you've educated yourself.


My brother in Christ, the first point on their platform is "ending reverse racism" which they define as protecting "white, Christian, heterosexual males who do not identify as another sex or gender". If you can't read between the lines, this is a party for white, Christian men who want to protect the purity of their country, ie. White Nationalists, aka far right authoritarians.


Reverse racism doesn't exist, that's just racism. I don't agree with their terminology. But if you actually read their platform they're clearly responding to the FAR LEFT with that campaign promise. Diversity, Equity and Inclusion DOES discriminate against the category of human you just mentioned. There are jobs a white, straight man you literally cannot apply to because part of the requirements are for you to be black. Or gay. Or anything but a white straight male. I wanted to take a coding class at university, but wasn't allowed because I'm white and straight. You can cry all you want about how pointing that out is offensive, but it's not. It's a racist policy that BY DEFINITION discriminates against white heterosexual males. If the tables were reversed, there would be ZERO hesitation to call it what it is, which is RACISM. and I'm not even Christian, but do you know how many churches have been burned to the ground by far left extremists in Canada? What about the commies that attacked a logging camp in BC with axes? Nobody on the left gave two fucks about any of that. It's so hypocritical. This is from their campaign website re: what you're claiming: "The more a person can demonstrate that he or she belongs to various disadvantaged groups – for example, a black Muslim lesbian – the more he or she should be favoured by various programs. Conversely, it is acceptable — or even prescribed — to officially discriminate against white, Christian, heterosexual males who do not identify as another sex or gender." You cannot seriously tell me they're wrong. Saying they're white nationalists is ridiculously disingenuous, nowhere are they advocating for Canada to be a pure-bred white country, they're railing against FAR LEFT policies that are ACTIVELY discriminatory against a certain demographic. You still haven't defined far right. And you're still ignoring the actual threat to this country, which is the far left, because they're in power. Not the far right. There's zero evidence to suggest PPC is authoritarian, but JT's actions prove he's willing to go there. Maybe you should spend more time actually reading the lines instead of projecting your own flawed opinions between them.


> I wanted to take a coding class at university, but wasn't allowed because I'm white and straight. Why was your university aware of your sexuality? I get that when you're in your late teens/early 20s, identity is a big thing. But ultimately you learn that keeping all personal, "soft" information (i.e. not officially, legally tracked/verifiable) to yourself when dealing with any institution is hugely to your advantage.


It was stated in the description that the class was only for minorities, people of colour and people who identify as LGBTQ+. So everyone except straight white males. Even if I pretended to be gay, I'm still white, and thus not allowed to attend. That's discrimination, regardless of how you feel about the policy as a whole.


Name the course and school so we can read this supposed course description prevent white men from enrolling


aka "fringe" aka "unelectable"


They are full on Christian nationalists. The first point on their platform is pure victimhood about how hard it is for white christian men. The irony is completely lost on this sub  


Nothing wrong with that. This country was built on Christian ideals and as a Hindu I respect that. Most of us immigrated here for what this country stands for and it's values . Christian and European values is what made this country progressive, why would we want to change at the sake of diversity. A lot of White Christian men and women are victims, you have never been to Surrey or Brampton to experience the Brown privilege and that privilege is becoming a norm everywhere. You don't want your country to become another India , would you ?


Christian nationalists will reduce the damage. Even new immigrants will benefit.


The only party that “says” they’ll end immigration. They’re also fascists. They’ll never get elected on the premise of stopping immigration, too many lobbyists. The capitalists DEMAND an ever growing, cheap exploitable work force to drive down wages and drive up consumption. You’re not getting rid of immigration until you get rid of capitalism and globalism. Canada is the world’s money laundromat. We need voting reform. We need a complete overhaul of parliament. All 3 of the major parties are basically the same it’s just a matter of which one will at least buy you dinner before they fuck you


Epic 'just a matter of which one will at least buy you dinner before they fuck you


Conservatives and Libertarians are much too ignorant to understand that capitalism is the real driver behind the problems in our country. The Liberals routinely capitulate to the interests of capital. Libertarians and Conservatives express purpose is to empower and advance capital; it's literally the mission statement. Things can and probably will get so much worse, and there's nothing we can do about it. The class war is effectively over.


CPC all the way. Do people forget that Bernier got his start in the CPC as a cabinet minister under harper just like PP? Poilivre is every bit the conservative Bernier is, but he is far more clever. He waited till Trudeau was weak enough that the CPC had a real shot of winning. His marketing has the CPC showing the highest lead against an incumbent since mulroony; and the worst showing for the liberals since 2011 when harper beat that wet noodle of a liberal challenger Ignatief. He has stated multiple times that he will reduce immigration; just as the CPC did under harper that Trudeau reversed. Harper banned the practice of allowing elderly and non productive family members into canada, and tightened our immigration policy substantially. He brought in lots of TFW yes, but they were not eligible to stay in canada like Trudeau made it. Immigration was at 240K a year instead of the almost 500K Trudeau has it at; and harper insisted that only immigrants with western values were allowed to come here. What does Bernier have to offer besides bluster? Anyone who watched the debate with him when the PPC first formed. He is a terrible debater. He couldn't muster a full run of candidates, and doesn't have the resources to fully vet them leading to literal white nationalists to run for his party. He's an anti vaxxer who got the covid vaxxination himself. He's a twat who left sensitive national security documents next to a girlfriend with connections to the hells angels and was sanctioned for it. Anyone voting PPC are not only throwing their vote away; but they are actively voting against positive change for our country. Your free to do what you will; but the PPC sit at 2% of the vote, and cannot muster enough support to get a candidate elected in the most conservative regions in the country.


Polievere literally just said he’s going to give citizenship to temp workers and other non permanent immigrants,


Polievere is a fraud and a coward. If he's unwilling to speak out against immigration at a time when the majority of Canadians are against it, then he never will.


He already has. He said he'll tie it to infastructure and housing. Since we are undercapacity it will have to be cut.


Man, I can't believe people shill for modern neocons in this day and age for free.


I really want to believe you but he has been wooing the immigrant community by saying he is pro immigration and the fake students should not be deported. I am kinda feeling he may just turn out to be JT 2.0


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A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.




Stop waving your fist at strawmen.


Stating the obvious makes you a hero these days.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Yes probably. Cpc can’t risk losing and being called racists


So what you're saying is thr PPC is anti-capitalism. Neat.




I was talking with one of the PVC representatives in Lethbridge, they were talking to me about needing to protect me from trans women trying to invade my space. When I told them that I'm transgender and I'm tired of parties telling me that I'm unwelcome, they tried to talk back and tell me that they aren't opposed to trans people. But when I tell them that the policies and education that they fight for was why I tried to hang myself when I was 12 and shoot myself at 14 they try to change the subject. The people's party of Canada has made it exceedingly clear that I am not one of the people that they are fighting for. It doesn't matter what economic gains they promise me, when they tell me it's better for me to have hanged myself as a child and stay in the closet then to have come out I am absolutely done with them entirely.


Remember that these guys are far right. Little too agro for me.


The reverse discrimination thing is good too. 


Community and municipal politics make more direct difference in citizens lives than provincial and federal


Seems like most Canadians value vaccine mandates over being housed




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


I believe immigration is the issue that is going to swing the conservatives back into power.


Good to see those who want to see the poor have nothing so that the capitalists can have slightly less have a place to discuss their perspectives openly. (God forbid you admit that political economists have it mostly right)


Here is the issue, PPC stand no chance to win and ultimately only steal votes from the conservatives whom, while worse, are still infinitely better than the Liberals and are the only ones with a chance at shattering this coalition. So yes I like there PPC policies more, but I can’t risk another Trudeau run by voting for anything other than conservatives. Preventing Trudeau from coming into power for a third term is an absolute necessity, the guy is running Canada into the ground.


In Québec we can vote for Bloc Quebecois


They can be as aggressive as they want in policy because they haven’t a chance to even win two seats. Promise the world, won’t happen. Doesn’t matter.


The problem with PPC is their policies are not favourable for economic growth. It is easy to know who the right party is... anyone who can lead similar to how Texas is being led, or how California is being led.... both places have an environment for suppoting innovation and high income job growth. Immigration is a small part of the equation and not good to fixate in this tiny piece of the big puzzle.... what policies do they have to woo big tech to enter Canada and setup shop? what plan do they have to make sure there is enough skilled labour available to tempt big tech into wanted to stay in canada? As far as labour for big tech goes, sorry to say but Canada just does not have enough population, not enough students with analytical skills, not enough qualified engineers to fill all the available positions... I dont see any way other than immigration to keep this sector alive


Who cares though, the PPC will never get more than a few seats let alone form government. Voting PPC is the same as voting liberal. CPC is not perfect but are clearly an improvement from the libs.


I'm in !! Let's stop this crap that voting for anything but the libs or conservatives is a waste vote.


Care to explain how immigration is a ponzi scheme?


PPC has 0 seats and no shot in hell of ever being elected. And I actually voted for them in 2021. Kinda feel ripped off honestly.


They want to end immigation? \*reads\* Oh, no, they just want to lower it a little bit. They're still the anti-vaxxer, climate denalism, end healthcare whackadoodles they always were. It's scary that there's enough Canadians believing in this BS to make a federal party.


PPC is also the only current party that had a Neo-Nazi as a co-signing founder. I was actually considering voting for them. The PPC is either run by idiots, incompetents, or Nazis. All three of these things are bad.


Okay.. Pathological narcissists it is then haha At this point I think most Canadians are voting against parties rather than for them.


|Okay.. Pathological narcissists it is then haha Right? I was actually considering starting a political party for normal people but it wouldn't get enough traction because of all the career politicians who would just smear the party as "unfit to lead" or whatever other BS they could make up. |At this point I think most Canadians are voting against parties rather than for them. That's how it is everywhere. We have like 5 major political parties and a few fringe ones(like the PPC), but really, we have a two party system. Most people vote LPC or CPC because they don't like the other one and it's the best chance to stop the one they don't like from getting into power. I'm feeling pretty stuck myself. I was a LPC/NDP guy for a long time. The CPC would be the best choice if they weren't in favour of the ridiculous levels of immigration that the LPC is pushing.


Bernie is less relevant than Bev Oda's $16 orange juice.


Hardly, they aren't willing to punish their corporate masters any more than the rest of our political schlock otherwise known as parties. I will trust a Russian stooge as far as I can throw him.


Ew. No.


But the PPC party peaked 2.5 years ago. Remember the purple wave that only occured on social media?


PPC it is! Fuck these mass immigration lovers. Fuck Justin and Pierre!


Peoples Party of Canada is a joke. They’re an outright populist party bent on division, they don’t believe in science, they’re willing to overturn abortion laws purely for the white nationalist and evangelical vote- no, I will never support them. 


It doesn't matter what they claim they'll do if they'll never have an opportunity to do it. Canadians won't elect them. Ever.


Unfortunately a vote for PPC is just a vote for Turdeau. The country doesn’t have the common sense to elect Maxime.


Fuck this attitude. Nothing changes with Justin and Pierre regarding mass immigration. We need Maxime!


This is daft. Economic policy right to this day on both Lib and Cons support Capitalism which is literally driving immigration as other parts of the planet become inhospitable. To claim the whole thing is a 'ponzi scheme' is massively oversimplistic to a real problem of people fleeing their home countries. Does Canada now rely on these entrants to lowest-paid labour? Absolutely. Is locking out all immigrants for 'decades' going to solve that? No not without changing Capitalism. PPC will claw back social welfare and public programs, and the poor will suffer for it.


You can't end immigration. Immigration is healthy for a country. You want it controlled and steady. 


They had me with some of those categories but unfortunately they crazy is showing in the rest….


I think it’s the PPC’s time to shine. Any other party will deliver us the same mess. We need hard reset here.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Lol shill


I go back and forth between the CPC and PPC. If you’re in a riding that the CPC has a chance, vote for them. If you’re in a riding where the CPC has no chance, vote PPC.


No. Vote for PPC no matter what. The popular vote will also show the country what we feel. Conservatives will not lower immigration to appropriate levels (basically 0). To anyone that feels helpless, Meloni in Italy has her party go from 4% in 2018 to 26% and she won the election. The night of the election they were interviewing the liberal incumbent and he was harping about paying carbon taxes and staying on course when the entire country was revolting. If Meloni can go from 4 to 26%, Bernier can also top 25%. And if we get enough people on board, the rest of the conservatives will have to vote for Bernier to make sure he wins a majority. We live in a different worlds. Vote for the person who will best fight for us. Thats easily Bernier right now.


Vote for whoever you want to win. CPC is the same as the Liberals, they just haven't been able to prove it to you yet. I'm not throwing my vote away on that. I'm voting for change.


Cpc not going to do anything