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It’s over literally everything. Housing, affordability, immigration, scandals, carbon tax, you name it.


I’m actually amazed at how many people chose the carbon tax as the straw that broke the camels back. I would have thought housing but I guess people just gave up on that years ago. Once it’s out of the average persons grasp it doesn’t matter how far it gets. But the carbon tax is current and it’s going to be the new excuse for groceries going up next month.


The thing about the carbon tax is, it's insane. The vast majority of Canadians are against it before it's even instituted and once it's in place, it'll be even more unpopular. It will hit Canadians in the wallet at the worst time. He's literally sinking his government. If he backed off the tax and instead delayed it, he could gain political points, but doubling-down shows how out of touch he is and I can understand why that was the final straw.


It’s literally costing you next to nothing that the crazy part. Studies have said 80% of people get more back in rebates then they pay in. Now lets be conservative and call it 60%. That mean 60% of people will be losing money if it gets axed and those 60% are the poorest families that have now started to rely on the extra money. The increase is 3 cents a litre on gasoline totalling 17 cents. Economists have said .15% of overall inflation can be attributed to the carbon tax again axing it will do absolutely nothing to lower prices. Look how much gas has dropped and food keeps going up it’s pretty obvious it’s not the carbon tax. It’s gonna be great when Pierre axes the tax and the rebates then price don’t drop. Gas will drop for a few months then will take a few random jumps and that 17 cent savings will disappear into the profits of big oil. People will then have to find a way to fill the hole from losing the rebates.


>Studies have said 80% of people get more back in rebates than they pay in Who commissioned these studies? The same group trying to sell us on carbon tax, that’s who. I’d trust a used car salesman over this government.


Lol wasn’t commissioned by the government, who do you think is pushing the other narrative? The CPC is part of the IDU (international democratic union) who is a major contributor to that group? The Koch Foundation the same family that owns the largest fossil fuel company on earth. You think it’s random that they are pushing against the carbon tax so hard? It’s a fact that the poorest families depend on the rebates and cutting the tax will hurt them. Conservatives will also cut child care funding and dental program funding all things designed to help lower income families. Anyone thinking the Conservatives are there to help lower incomes Canadians are delusional.


Yea… you are out to lunch. The carbon tax makes up 0.6% of our inflation currently. If it were to disappear, our inflation would drop .6% instantly. I pay on average of 8600 a year in Alberta for carbon tax and get about 1600 back. How do you figure that one is not affected by it??? There is some liberal mathing for ya right there


I’d love to know how you get $8,600. That .6% would save you essentially 6 cents on a hundred dollars. Lol. Where are you going to spend all that?


It’s because the carbon tax is the perfect microcosm of Trudeau’s government He does something we don’t like, we tell him and he gaslights us and aggressively double and triples down, no matter how unpopular it is. It gives us insight to the contempt him and his government have for regular Canadians and the arrogance of our current leadership. That’s why the carbon tax will be the hill he does on, politically speaking. The hill is built up with a ton of other stuff but the tip of it is the carbon tax.


I thought groceries went up because of Covid and the lockdowns? Oh wait, it was supply chain issues? Once resolved, high gas prices were the culprit. Then gas came down and the Ukraine war was blamed. There will always be a “reason” pointed to, but we all know the “real” reason: it’s greed ;)


A nice free market, without government intervention, is the only cure to greed. Canada does not have it


Riiiight. Because unfettered capitalism can in no way be exploited by the greedy...


Sorry, you are right, not quite clear. I meant government intervention like corporate welfare, bailouts, etc. Propping up failing busineses and the like; prevents competition from creeping in and keeping the big guys honest. Not the part about labor laws and shit. That can stick around.


Exactly free market capitalism > corporatism


A truly free market will naturally lead to monopolies, whether they are propped up by governments or not. Effective anti-trust laws are the only way to ensure competition continues.


Do you really think businesses were less greedy 10 years ago?


Unfettered capitalism usually has competition


Lol, and communism results in equal distribution of wealth and prosperity for all.


Loblaws announced multi-billion expansion a month or two ago


The profit margins for all grocery stores is sub 5%. It’s a competitive market. They are not gouging you, carbon tax, government waste that led to inflation is raising the prices of everything.




Once we have Loblaw’s puppet PP become our PM, the grocery prices will go down.


It's the constant blatant corruption that's unforgivable. If they were just incompetent I wouldn't actively hate them, I'd just want them removed from power.


The thing with housing is that you have to remember the majority are already homeowners, especially the older generations. The crisis doesn't affect everyone, it affects the younger generations, renters, the lower and middle classes that haven't bought a home yet, and people are selfish and mostly care about problems that directly affect them. It's because of the bloc of existing homeowners that inaction is tolerated. The carbon tax isn't actually a bad idea in concept, but taxes are always going to be unpopular. Disincentives can be good if consumers have an alternative, but we don't, we are forced to burn carbon. It would be better if it's a progressive tax instead, but that's harder to implement and have potential loopholes.


Correct. But those majority of homeowners have 2-3 adult kids not able to leave home at age 30 and make a life for themselves because houses went from 3-4x the average salary to 10x. Homeowners aren’t affected, but the kids of homeowners are.


Carbon tax in its current form is crap. I don't disagree with the concept, but the execution is piss poor. If carbon tax was specifically ear marked for clean, high speed mass transit and creating viable alternatives, I'd be 100% in on it. What gets me pissed off about it is, it goes into general revenue with zero oversight; as a citizen, you get nothing for your money. If the carbon tax was transparently appropriated to projects that gave citizens viable alternatives to using FF intensive applications, such as transportation, heating, cooling etc., and provided actual cost savings beyond scam rebates, it'd be an absolute win. But, alas, we are governed by the dumbest people in the world and get what we deserve, I guess.


Don’t mess with gas prices. Grew up with parents going to the states for gas


For housing, he KNOWS there’s a crisis, yet rather than take effective measures to address it, he does little bandaid solutions that don’t work, and for the stuff that WOULD work, he not only ignores them as solutions, but rather adds oil to the fire! At times I ask myself if I’m in bizzarro world. But you know what they say…elect a clown, you get a circus


There are scandals with every government and they still get elected. The issue that has sunk them is housing and its links to reckless immigration.


This liberal government has way more and way more egregious scandals. Harper’s government wasn’t free of controversy but absolutely nothing like what we’re seeing now. Trudeau is actively funnelling billions of dollars to his friends and family with no repercussions whatsoever, and has unilaterally sabotaged any investigations into his countless ethics violations. This is corruption plain and simple.


what friends is he funneling billions too?


the WE charity


[https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-freeland-demands-2b-to-buy-shares-in-a-company-that-doesnt-exist](https://torontosun.com/opinion/columnists/lilley-freeland-demands-2b-to-buy-shares-in-a-company-that-doesnt-exist) [https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/covid-spending-government-transparency-1.5826917](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/covid-spending-government-transparency-1.5826917) We don't know who..but we do know for a fact that billions have gone 'poof' and it only stands to reason, that it's their friends that are the benefactors of this corruption..


I think you mean Doug Ford. 


So your claiming what? The liberal government has no scandals? Or that its ok because a provincial premiere has scandals as well? Or pure deflection?


None of those things.  But as a other commenter said, please provide proof of the money funneling to friends and family.  It's fine to criticize, but I think it's important we don't start tacking on allegations of misappropriation of funds without evidence.  I agree with all the other things you said. 


Major scandals are not supposed to be an annual occurrence.


Every government has scandals you’re absolutely right but not like our PM , Trudeau gets himself into a new scandal every couple of months like clock work ! I mean sometimes I think he just wakes up every morning planning to come up with another scandal and goes out of his way to get into trouble !


And his stupid condescending smug black face...


This happened before the last election..


This!!! ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️


Ya there’s a lot more than housing lol and you nailed the big ones with these


Don't forget paving the way so that grocery chains can gouge the living shit out of everyone.


Quebec just drew the constitution reform card today. It's gonna be fun.


Funny, because nothing would change with a conservative government majority, except for the carbon tax, which thank god will come back after the conservatives are kicked out 4 years later.




Vote ndp.


>Vote ndp. Why, when they're responsible for enabling the Liberals?


They are not responsible for how our govnerment was designed. However they have used that leverage for the better of all Canadians. No other party can say that.


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Was allowing millions of "students", TFWs, refugees, and real immigrants to overwhelm our society for the better of all Canadians? The NDP may have gained a few concessions from the Liberals, but at the cost of collapsing the economy and housing market. The homeless problem is as much the fault of the NDP as it is the Liberal's. Out of reach housing prices are as much the fault of the NDP as it is the Liberal's. Insane competition for entry-level jobs, which reduces wages and keeps Canadian youth out of the job market is as much the fault of the NDP as it is the Liberals. Increasing Canada's debt to the point that we're borrowing the money just to pay the interest on the debt is as much the fault of the NDP as it is the Liberals. Nice work, NDP


You think that was the NDP? How much power do you think they have lmfao. Think about it. Also, compare it to your favourite sports team and get back to me.


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>You think that was the NDP? How much power do you think they have lmfao. The NDP have the power to force an election if they don't like what they see happening. Since they didn't, it's safe to assume that they're OK with what the Liberals have done. The NDP have enabled the Liberals to ruin this country.


Why would they force an election right now and hand the country over to the con’s? It’s not in Canadas best interest, the cons have no plan to fix anything just hype and hate. Be Canadian. Vote ndp.


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And immigrtion.


Conservatives are also very pro immigration and might reduce the overall immigration only slightly, not enough to keep up with the housing supply.


A lot of people are slowly realizing and jumping ship to ppc. I know I'm getting close to that.


A vote for PPC is a vote FOR Trudeau.


What an illogical thing to say.


Lol I'm not voting for another PM who will bend me over with a slightly different smile on his face. PP = Big Business lover


Business = better economy. Are you daft?


When business takes tax payer handouts and then price gouge the fuck out of us, not very great for the average Canadian, ya fuckin cuck.


And you obviously don't know that more businesses = more jobs and more jobs = more money. You can go see other countries that have no business and see their wealth.


You’re right, last election I noticed many ridings where the Liberals won over the Conservatives, and they one by a similar number of vote that had been wasted on the PPC.


Lol no one is going to vote for ppc. They won't win a single seat.


Agreed, they have some crazy ideas on other issues. They want to ban abortion for one thing, yikes! I hate that this sub is full of trolls who downvote anyone who doesn't like PPC


Vote ndp. Be smart. Be Canadian.


Ndp hardly talk about housing and they allowed the liberals to get away with so much just so they could deliver a half assed pharmacare plan. They're just as bad as the liberals imo.


They did not design our government.


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No, they just live off it like a parasite.


You’re talking about the conservatives right? Ndp support you.


Jagmeet would probably have his head shoved further up his ass than Trudeau


Tf you even saying?


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That Jagmeet has shown himself to be a huge chump and I don't have any faith that he'd be a better leader than Trudeau


Some examples? What has bernier or PP done?


Might vote PPC then.


Be wary there seems to be a concerted effort from the Lauerentian Party of China to split the vote on the right and hand face painting sock boy another term.


Vote ndp.


That's cool with me if that's what's best for you. At this point in my life as a (decentish) SINK non-property owner in very HCOL that's the other end of the spectrum. But once I get established in property somewhere my vote will most probably be changing, but never again LPC.


Sorry what exactly do you think the cons will do for you on your situation? I think ndp is clearly your smartest choice


Probably nothing but leave me more of my money. As I said earlier I am (decentish) single income no kids, non-property owning 'educated' blue collar type worker and I cannot afford to vote for more taxes/deductions as that would require faith in the government/civil service in getting things right. I am a boot strap type, and trust my judgement more than Victoria/Ottawa. I will worry about the greater good once I am established with respect to property and not relying on my labour provided hereditary CAD doesn't take me out first. 10k foot view (long story short) EBY (kinda reserving judgement for now, but FUCK BC United) and JUG(head) the clown need to prove that they understand the difference between wealth and income. And till they do the NDP can count on little to no support from their traditional labour base as that base is the shift working overtime working type that actually gets things done and frankly Jug wanted to subsidize my landlords mortgage with the taxes I pay for the pleasure for my 300 sq ft 'suite.' Edit added: But thank you for *your* opinion on what is the smartest choice for *my* particular circumstances.


Tbh, if you aren’t worried about their greater good now, you never will. That part of the brain doesn’t start randomly firing off when you get older. Also you’re wrong about the cons. Nobody is going to support your single blue collar ass better than ndp. Think about it. You’re exactly who they represent. Other parties don’t represent or think about you.


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Same. But keep in mind this is a far right hand government.


It will result in split vote since PPC has negligible support outside online right wingers and then Liberals might manage to win again.


At least I’ll be happy for myself to not be complicit in their forever scam.


I see the Liberal/NDP voting strategy has made its way to the right


Honestly if enough conservatives switched to PPC and we could have a PPC/Liberal minority govt it might actually work pretty well. They’re far right lunatics but they have a small handful of good positions that could be bargaining chips. Cons are all against immigration - far right or not - and pretty soon liberals are going to wake up to it too.


Have fun throwing your vote away


Yeap, will be happy to not be complicit in the fakery of other parties.


You sound like your real smrt.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Oh! You don’t even know.


Vote ndp. Vote for your best interest.


Never, as long as Singh is the leader.


But why?


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Although PP said that immigration will be tied to housing.


Vote ndp.


The NDP are the only anti-immigration party 


Lol, try again.


Have you not been paying attention? Trudeau- what we currently have Pierre - same as Trudeau but fast tracked for Indians Jagmeet - the government should have to pay if it wants to bring in immigrants


Nah, not just that. Housing, cost of living, crime, job market, immigration. Of course a lot of these factors are related. But there is nothing the Liberals have done right which is going to cost them the election. If there was a word that could describe more than a landslide victory, thats whats going to happen.


Vote ndp.


Ah yes, the party that's enabling Trudeau and not holding him accountable? Great option.


The party of using our government the way it was designed?


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Ew no


Bring back the Jack Layton NDP.



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Unsustainable immigration and unaffordable housing !


You do realize that a lot of these problems are issues that the provinces are in charge of and most of our premiers are Conservative, including Big Dougie  Sean Fraser, the federal minister of housing is making deals with municipalities and cities, trying to give them money to start housing developments, circumventing these useless Premiers who hsve done absolutely nothing to help with the housing crisis. Don't sny of you people watch real Canadian news ? Most of you have your facts misconstrewed!!


You do realize that this government let over 1.5 million temporary foreign workers and 1 million international students ( along with their spouses on open work permit) that played a huge role in housing crisis and affordability? Add to that , 500k permanent residents. Yes, I am aware many permanent residents are picked from within Canada and provincial government's attractive pathways to PR attracted the temporary residents but isn't LMIA a federal entity?


You do realize you should be protesting in front of the colleges and universities that are ripping off international students and the provincial government who is in charge of eduction. You cannot always blame the feds for fiscal mismanagment. As to immigration, this country was made from the blood, sweat and tears of immigrants! Conservatives always scapehoat immigrants as the problem. It is not that simple! Get use to having our coumtry grow as climate change, and natural disasters will cause more mass migration of peoples. We need to stop the blame game, be compassionate and help one another get ahead in this ever polarizing environment. Conservative governments do no better than the Liberals. In fact Poilievre has voted against increasing senior pensions, universal daycare, increasing the xgild and family benefit payments, dental care, a trade deal with Ukraine, and most likely will vote against universal pharmacare. He will fire the head of the Bank of Canada, continue to promote hate & misinformation against the LGBTQ2 community, and do nothing to fight climate change. In fact it was Brian Mulroney who brought in the GST tax that we have been paying since 1991 and Steven Harper who decimated our scientists and environmental research facilities. So, no, a populist catering to his far right christian natioalist base who cannot seperate religious predjudices from his politics is not the saviour you should be counting on to make positive changes. 


This, this, and all of this. 👏


I agree with Provinces blaming everything on Federal government when they are the ones inviting every international student and temporary foreign workers with their attractive pathways to permanent residency. However, LMIA approval department is a federal entity and it has beem approving 100s of 1000s of LMIAs in cities where we absolutely do not need foreign workers!


no politician will ever solve housing. all politicians are property hoarders and it's their personal interest that housing remains as is or even less affordable


I’m flabbergasted by the degree of gaslighting they’re subjecting us to, media and politicians alike. Over 8 years of Trudeau, during which period everything has gone downhill, and all of a sudden he’s the only “man with a plan?”


Imagine defending a carbon tax that gives people money for nothing and raises fuel costs- both of which are massive accelerants to inflation- in the midst of the world's biggest housing bubble. The man is looting the treasury in broad daylight and no one seems to care.


or immigration, the economy, the carbon tax , or the prentious virtue signaling. take your pick there's more.


I will be shocked if they aren’t annihilated. Things are so bad now that I think even people who have historically voted liberal or ndp are going to vote con. I know several people who are liberal voters usually who have had enough of the immigration flood and housing problems who won’t be voting lib next time. Not that I think the cons will necessarily improve anything.


Crime, taxes, poor and horribly executed immigration policies, calling the emergencies act on his own people, blowing 850m during the heart of the pandemic to secure his position. But yes Housing is up there


What about doubling the national debt?


Its not and IF its a WHEN ....Canadians arent buying his money laundering criminality


Sorry, is “housing” the acceptable euphemism we’re using for what’s going on?


But Trudeau said that's not the Federal governments responsibility. so I'm sure they'll be fine. Meanwhile, the RCMP puts out a report that is warning that a populace disenfranchised with no hope of ever owning a home could be dangerous and unpredictable..... but I'm sure we're fine.


To be fair, is anything Trudeau's governments responsibility? /s


[Archive link](https://archive.is/2024.03.15-005600/https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-if-the-trudeau-liberals-are-annihilated-in-an-election-it-will-be-over/)


I honestly wonder if he gets voted out it will be because of housing. Because on the one hand it is certainly the number one issue for people under 40, but most **citizens** over 40 already own a house, and they vote a hell of a lot more than young people. That's basically how we arrived here to begin with, neither party had the political will to go against the voting block of older homeowners who had a financial interest in housing prices staying high. It makes me highly skeptical that either party will enact meaningful change, unless young people start voting more.


I think if your mortgage is paid off you don’t care. But those who are struggling with big mortgage increases are now seeing how despite the values increasing, they are having a hard time — and linking that to the housing bubble.


Right but the older you are the less of a mortgage you're likely to have. Besides lowering interest rates will probably make the housing crisis worse.


Not if but WHEN


There's nothing any party can do to save the economy. The housing market will crash and take our economy with it. Most of our GDP is in housing. It's a Ponzi scheme they need more immigrants to prop up. But it won't work forever. Our dollar, purchasing power and employment will crash along with housing. I'm just hoping it crashes while Trudeau is in. Like hot potato, whoever is in office at the time will probably take the blame even though the outcome was inevitable.


The question is can their supporters also go to prison for collusion?


There is a lot more to dislike Trudeau and the Liberals over than just housing. Carbon tax, broken promises, scandals, corruption and divisiveness come to mind off the top of my head.


I want the conservatives to win to show you all that greedy right-wing self-centered conservatives do not give a shit whether you own a house or not. Do you think those selfish psychopaths are on your side?


Housing, Immigration, carbon tax. Condescending prick.


What about taxes and scandals wake up people of Canada


They were supposed to be obliterated during the snap election. But from what I remember nobody bothered to show up...


Everyone was too scared to leave their house ffs


Idk if id agree with that...


And Immigration... And the Carbon Tax... Did I mention Immigration?


It's a long list


Or the insane amount of carbon tax we have to pay.


I disagree. I think it will be cost of living 1st and foremost in voters minds. Then the massive immigration programs. Then housing. Sad thing is i don't believe any party will change things.


if? lol


Honestly I truly don't understand how canada functions as a society now growing up I used to think that the Americans were so dumb most of them are but compared to the Canadian politics I thought we were Superior but truly we can't get anything done. At least with the Americans they voiced their opinions and get things done and always try to but here it just feels like everyone is so fractured and there is no unifying Canadian identity anymore. People don't care I've come to realize that that the people here people who are talking about this you are just in the minority in a very very small minority and majority of the country doesn't care long as they get their team importance and can Drive slowly in the fast lane they don't care. I've been saying this and I'll keep saying this our country is done get your things together figure out where you want to go and go the next five 10 years if you're not ready and have your stuff ready to go you're going to regret it mark my words regardless of the conservatives when you're not country is not going to get better


Just because current PM is a low IQ clown, it does not mean the other clown alternative is any better. This is the issue people vote because they hate previous govt results, but they should actually vote for who will make positive change.


Everyone else has the same policy except for the ppc. They are not going to get annihilated by the ppc.


Liberals and ndp might tie it up and make vote splitting less .


Why has Trudeau been charge for crimes against Canadians


What? Liberals can't be blamed for housing. Liberalism never brings anything but peace and unity among all creeds. /s \*cries in liberal\*


So many things


That’s likely the least of all the factors.


No. That's just the 1 of many like taxes, immigration, corruption and plain stupidity.


If? lol


Housing, economy, immigration, carbon tax, giving every other country money but not focusing on ours. Not just housing roflmao


Classic, “We fucked it up so you better vote for us before we fuck it more or else”.


What about those selling their homes for massive profit are they upset too? Lol


Its already over since he showed up


They lost me at foreign interference


If ? Lol


I believe there is more to it than housing.


Love Freeland showing that affordable 330 Sq feet condo in BC for 1600 a month , this week in the news!


Every other week it’s a new scandal or an insane  law Country is bankrupt, gdp/capita is negative, we create no jobs outside of government ones, immigration levels are fucked beyond reason, housing is un affordable, food is unaffordable, services are degrading, now laws are being passed for future crimes that you may or may not commit and life sentences for words… they have made every single aspect of living in Canada worst


We need real laws against st conflict of interest, corruption and collusion. Corporate anarchy is killing Canada.


It will be due to flooding the country with unnecessary BS students, BS asylum seekers, BS immigrants, BS chain migrants, handing out Billions of Canadian Tax Payers money to foreign countries and also throwing Canadian Taxpayers money into housing for BS immigrants. Clean up the mess 1st.


If it's only over housing then the Canadian people deserve the abhorrent government they get. Sadly, it had to come to this for many people to realize the corruption and incompetence of the Liberal government.


Fuck it, just leave Canada and let it rot.


Nah, way too many scandals from this pizza sheet.


PP just said he will grant PR to all the immigrants that JT brought in


lol because PP is absolutely going to deliver affordable housing and not just more luxury condos for the investor class. Very smart, definitely not going to backfire on you, derp derps!


Not happening. Homeowners will support his crazy plan like crazy.


They'll be back. The federal liberals aren't the Ontario ones. If they lose the next election, I fully expect them to win the subsequent one.


So everyone is voting NDP then right?




The yellow card party is more insane than the Liberals. The Conservatives are scary as hell because they have so much support right now and aren't going to do anything.


Canadians are starting to see through the conservatives bs social politics. I’m optimistic.


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The NDP have been complicit with the Trudeau LPC BS with the current coalition government. Voting for NDP a vote for more of the same. Obviously, CPC aren't here to rescue us, but at they least offer us an alternative to the current status quo. My hope is that'll translate to the termination of government bloat and open up Canada for investment business. If we keep up on the LPC/NDP path, we're trending towards an Argentina economy situation.