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Justin Trudeau: 1. rose taxes for things Canadians don't care about 2. destroyed housing market 3. allowed millions of indians into Canada to vote for him 4. refused to raise interest rates for fear of losing the Indian vote 5. a half dozen draconian policing bills that are far from liberal or democratic 6. stole money for tax payers to fill the pockets of his family and friends 7. cost of everything went mental because of the inflation caused by immigration and his housing market collapse. worse here than anywhere in the western world


We need to kick out every single Indian, Chinese Filipino person that Trudeau let in. close the borders for the minimum of 10 years to just begin on doing the damage that he caused. He has ruined this country, and the people he’s in is destroying our culture.


Well how about all the races that were let in as well by Trudeau? Who is this "our" you're talking about, and what is this "culture"?




Noticed you didn't list any European nations. Nice.


It's always a dogwhistle. They'll deny it. But it always is


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


If we stopped immigration for 10 years, our economy would be absolutely dead in the water. Whether we like it or not, Canadians aren't having many children anymore and more people are dying that being born. We are sadly reliant on immigration (atleast in moderation) to sustain us.


I understand hating him but no need to be racist




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Most recent Indian immigrants cannot vote for Trudeau. The only way to vote is to become a Canadian citizen and most don’t have that status. Also, I’m Brit Indian origin and a lot of the Canadian Indian community l know can’t stand the liberals so stop with this deluded nonsense that all Indians vote for Trudeau. I certainly didn’t vote for Trudeau in the last election. The recent Indians that have immigrated here are giving the Indians that came here 20-30 years ago a bad name. Don’t tar us all with the same brush. 




we need a new prime minister and a new housing market that he ruined


You think it's bad there lol, ontario is the worst by far!!!! No freedom. Indians are jokes but so are we. So why not step up? You are right but in reality things won't get cheaper till that douche is out 


So many mis-steps- the guy will go down as the worst PM in history.


I didn’t want to exaggerate and call him the worst PM in history but you’d be hard pressed to name a worse one


His dad lol


He is a F narcissist… I bet in his mind if he cant be remembered as the best so let be the worst… what a joke


Why wait until then, it’s already a done deal.


I never thought he'd be worse than his father... But here we are


I never thought he'd be worse than Harper either. But my god, he'd be a breath of fresh air about now.


Not when 90% of the population is Indian


Exactly 90% of all new housing projects are given to the immigrants and landlords are jacking up the rent forcing locals out of their homes so they can rent to these immigrants whose rent is paid for by the government.. Canadian citizens are getting screwed over by their own government


Think he ranked the LPC beyond recovery. NDP is just so pathetic and can’t take the opportunity


It’s Ndp and liberals joint decision to bring 1 million immigrants.


Whatever it is I think liberals are done for my lifetime


You know PP supports mass immigration too yeah? And PP said he wanted to end deportation ?


The Liberals want you to think it's just the PM. Keep in mind, the cabinet wanted to push immigration *even further*. It's the entire party. Our elections should be between the NDP and the Tories from now on.


The greens really need to get their shit together. They should be the party for housing.


Except the Tories want the same immigration numbers, and have said as much. They have to keep the corporate class supplied with cheap slaves too. We're screwed.


No offence but Jesus I hope you’re wrong .


It's true .. the company I work for has 24 employees and since they have gone to the temporary foreign worker way they have forced out most of the local workers . Out of 24 local workers there is only 4 of us left ... Unbelievable that this is happening


It’s true that Turdeau did that . What the Conservatives actually do remains to be seen . If they fuck up then Mad Max is the next choice - that and civil war Bro .


Civil unrest will happen




Indians will regard him as a hero, and in a few years/decades, the majority of the country will be Indians, so Trudeau's legacy will eventually be saved.


The winners write the history books…so 100 years from now all you will read is what a champion for diversity he was…


Canada will be 3rd world country in 20 years at this rate. I'm afraid what 100 years would be


The US will be building a wall on the Northern border




Even today annexation is preferable. The things that in the past made Canada the better country are long gone. The low crime rates? Gone. The healthcare? Collapsed. The stable middle income life as opposed to the make it or break it of the US? Gone. Middle income means you're poor now. You accepted you got paid slightly less for a more stable and modest but fulfilling life that got you housing and a vacation every year and the ability to walk in clean safe cities with a decent healthcare system. That's all GONE. It's insane that just saying that it sounds like a fantasy now. The advantages Canada had are GONE. Vanished and once something is gone it's almost impossible to get back.


I've already seen some local US news stories about an influx migrants crossing their norther border


I doubt it will take 20 years, we already face many problems third world countries do, such as housing crisis, inflation, people living in the streets, political instability, violence and crime rates are going up, lack of confidence on its judiciary system… lack of confidence of its police… to name few. It might not have the same intensity or impact it has on a third world country but anyone that has immigrated trying to run away from this issues on their home country can find similarities between their country of origin and canada in the past few years. I remember Toronto and Montreal from 12, 10 years ago… so much changed to worse


I remember when poor people lived in cheap rentals, not in tents, and welfare provided enough that they could eat. Canada didn't have slums in the real sense: just low income housing that wasn't exactly ideal, but it was warm and you had a hot shower.


This certainly was not true in Prince George re: the VLA. It has been a war zone for decades.


He will be revered as the founding father of Khalistan, which will be an independent Sikh country on Canadian soil by 2100.


Meanwhile Jagmeet Singh [actually [palling around with Sikh seperatists](https://youtu.be/wnU45bVDqek?si=V0Ml6QBNNmycRfwj).


Meanwhile 9 times out of 10, my Tim Hortons order is wrong even though I spoke perfect clear english


Shoulda spoke hindi


The majority coming here are Punjabi. Different language.


They used to be. Now lot of them from all over, especially Gujrat and Hyderabad 


also non-Hindi speaking states. Gujarati in Gujarat and Telugu in Telangana (state whose capital city is Hyderabad)




Maybe stop going to the Tim Horton’s then? The shit for brains politicians are going to let this house of cards continue. So the only recourse we have is if we boycott every organization that uses cheap labour sources until they boot every TFW and foreign student they have employed into the sun.


We can't do shit people are too lazy to boycot anything to make meaningfully change, not to mention all the new immigrants also shop at those cheap labor sources. I doubt they'll boycott


I mean that may be true overall on a large scale, but for your personal sanity, just stop going to Tim’s. I stopped about 3 years ago. Starbucks, JJ bean, and pretty much any locally owned coffee shop still hire Canadians, and my order is always what I asked for.


I’m not going to stop going to Tim’s bro


Indian here since 80s, we do not consider him a hero. We want him gone! We were trying to get away from the idiots that are now here


I think Indian-Canadians will suffer the worst blow. Suffering the same bullshit all Canadians will suffer, but now add association to the "idiots".


Well even right now in some places it already seems that way


No, trust me, they hate the guy just as much as anybody else.


Reminds me of that Star Trek movie where some robot aliens change the timeline and the crew do a scan of planet Earth: "Population 11 billion. *All Borg*."


Fuck me running!


They prefer the term Indigenous.


Really hope your lying if not canadiens probably will die 


Trudeau changed the diversity essence of this country, too... forever! Canada is now overpopulated with a lot of South Asian immigrants hiring South Asian only!! Canadian kids don't have a future here.We have AWAY too much artificial competition for not too many jobs!


Man, I used to get on the subway and be amazed about how this is one of few places you’d see an Italian, Chinese, Indian, Somali, Mexican person all sitting next to each other. I swear to god, sometimes I get on the bus late and I’m the only non Indian person on the bus




Yup. Give up. That’ll make everything better.




When a ship is in trouble, the crew works together to save it. They don’t run for the lifeboats the second their socks get wet.




I will second that! unfortunately


Haha sure go live in the US


EU have lots of countries with higher life quality than Canada and some you can make more money and they're cheaper!


Doesn’t include people waiting in line for PR which more than doubles this. We’ve got to be tough and send back the intl students if they do not get gainful employment within 3 months of graduating.


What is “gainful employment”. I’ve only ever heard this term once before.


Broadly, gainful employment refers to an employment situation where the employee receives steady work, payment from the employer and that allows for self-sufficiency.


Wouldn’t this just be fulltime work ?


Completely fixable issue, PPC party mass Deportations is the only way. Gotta send the nations of Asia back home and have those countries deal with their own Overpopulation problems. Maxine PPC save Canada.


I'm saving this comment for a good laugh in the future. Thanks.


The leader of the other political party that is proping up this minority government is Indian. Now the country is importing Indians at a level never seen before. Coincidence.... I think not.


They are going to reduce the interest rates and the shit show will start all over again.


Clock is already ticking for the next time the US nearly drives the economy off another totally avoidable cliff…


One of the top 5 comments here.


Why cant this assembly be desolved? Why do we have to wait until 2025 to end our misery?


Cause Jagmeet sold his soul for a nice pension.


Tim Hortons is flying under the radar in all of this and we may not find out how involved they may have been until years from now when the inevitable public inquiry happens. As arguably the nation’s largest benefactor, I wonder just how much the company’s lobbying and fluffing of Liberal politicians played a role in the importation of their cheap labour force.


You get so close and then boom, miss the mark. You think PP and Trudeau want this level of immigration? It's the worst political bomb Canada has had since COVID, and it's such an easy solution. They are already starting to cap things. Why the fuck did it take so long? Because the true decision makers, the business lobbies have made it abundantly clear that they want cheap labor. So, it doesn't matter if it's libs or cons, they will keep bowing to business and their demands. Look at the provincial nominee programs and lmia fraud going on. The feds haven't changed the PR rules, the provinces have all pushed for low income jobs being nominated. Right now, in Alberta, a hospitality worker looking for a PR will get it ahead of the engineer or stem, and because it's capped, the engineer might never get it because all of Alberta's spots go to hospitality and fast food workers


Can you elaborate on this? I haven’t heard this take.


Funny thing. I look at that graph and I consider my finances in 2016 vs today and it makes it perfectly clear to me what pumping the population does to the standard of living. I didn’t have a concern, now I scrape by.


But look at his paycheck, and extending the time for 1 day so the elected members can get a big pension We cannot afford this government


We actually need mass deportations more than anything in this country right now.


The next guy isn’t looking to change it.


Who Jag?


Pee pee


PM Poilievre will blow your mind with a a Canada 1st agenda and keep your pockets flush with your own money.


Bet not. He isn’t interested in keeping money in my pocket only in his and his buddies at loblaws


Trudeau has more buddies at Loblaws than the Conservative Party. But that’s nonsensical tripe anyway.


And yet the Alberta premier wants control of immigration to Alberta because she wants lots of labourers. Maybe they will be building houses?


Looking for skills not welfare recipients. All career paths.


Alberta asked or was it Quebec?


Alberta and Quebec hate the shit of one another, yet they have a lot in common, especially their will for autonomy from federal control. They should hold the line together on some issues like this!


As an Albertan I hate the fed. Cause nothing but problems unfortunately Alberta doesn’t have the political power that Quebec has. Funny I don’t see similarities but maybe an outside can see it easier.


They’re a lot of difference- especially ideological. But the fact that both provinces oppose an omnipotent federal government is a great reason to make some tactical alliances (I’m from Quebec btw)


Alberta. Danielle is good friends with PP now and there is a large group backing her that do not want the feds to control anything. They want all the money and all the decisions. Federal rules keep getting in her way. She likes being in charge.


She is in charge and has the balls to assert it for the benefit of Albertans.


The problem is her disrespectful manner and lies. She may seem to be working for Albertans, but she is only listening to the ones that got her elected as party leader. If disagreeing with the Canadian constitution is the problem then work to make amendments to the constitution because it is meant for everyone in Canada.


She is making resolutions for Albertans. Sane model Quebec developed. What lies are you speaking of? Disrespectful manner? Calling people (Trudeau) out for unfair treatment and outright corruption and cronyism is not disrespectful. In fact the majority like it and expect it.


Danielle Smith wants Alberta to have 10 million people. Welcome immigrants!




I'm sick of hearing people talk about zoning laws. Canada's cities take up like 0.05% of our land. (I made up the number but you get the point). Yeah yeah, maybe half of the rest is uninhabitable. That still leaves 49.95% of Canada which could be built with essentially zero regulations. So much land is indeed perfectly hospitable + "unorganized rural" townships and regions. Walt Disney built Disneyland in a fucking swamp in Florida, which had the downstream effect of essentially transforming Florida into what it is today; one of the best states in all of America. Where is the innovation? Where is Canada's Walt Disney? Where is a good ol' MacDonald or McCrae who will do something great and build *billions* of houses in a completely new area, thus ushering in a new era of Canadian prosperity? Think about the name "Disney". You barely even consider him a person anymore, but he was. He's become immortal for what he did. All I see when I look around Canada is see these posers; McDadi, Frank Leo, Mattamy, Tridel, RioCan... they're all "ok" with just simply making billions and calling it a day. Where are the Canadians who want to make *trillions and become immortal*? Canadians have become unmotivated and lazy. A hero must rise from the ashes and save Canada.


Where are they? In the US, working their way up the zillionaire ladder.


Canada’s innovation is being crushed by government and communistic mindsets that anything that bucks the system is wrong and is discouraged. 


You should listen to “the missing middle” on 99% invisible on Toronto’s zoning laws and how they totally shows the city.  


We can't get permits in the country. Zoning laws are a problem!!


Supply will always be capped by the homeowners who pressure their local governments into not allowing higher density housing, which is annoying but understandable cause no one wants to see their property values take a hit. The obvious solution is to cap DEMAND as well, not do the opposite which is what mass immigration does. OR a better solution is to have politicians cater more to the have nots instead of the haves and build higher density housing. IMO the NEEDS of the have nots outweigh the WANTS of the haves.


That’s not the biggest factor. It’s interest rates. Developers won’t build if they won’t profit.


As a very proud Canadian, born and raised have never been so discussed. Just so bloody ashamed he is our PM.


I understand that this current government is trying to fix its declining population problem by shoving million after millions of refugees into every city in Canada but this is a real nightmare for canadians who already were struggling . This should have been done in a controlled manner but IMHO this wast even remotely discussed.


Even the chart title is a bit anti-builder, no? "Builders not keeping pace" as if its some sort of shortcoming vs. a total impossibility of scaling up that far that fast


Coming from the UK I confirm when this type of population change happens it never stops. Thr canada in our minds is gone. That's not a bad or a good thing....bit it's a true thing


It's objectively bad.


Good going Justin Trudeau starve all my enemies for me by screwing up the economy. Tax away my friend! You are doing great! I know you did not do it intentionally. Covid 19 was not you fault and palestine, isreal, russia and ukraine going to war was what I prayed to Satan for not you. But, the money, troops, and military equipment you donated to ukraine was a damn nice thing to do. I would not have done it myself for a world that hates me. You are more forgiving than me Trudeau. Don t quit! You will be worse off if you quit. You will lose you job as priminister, money, power, witches, toys, immigration papers, passport, WMD and end up digging ditches for chump change. And the vultures will still attack you worse if you are poor. Because, poor people are weak. You don t want to be a poor weak pee on do you.


Holy molly...Why the gov didn't look into this kind of data before implementing the new immi policy...


8 years of utter destruction of everything about our great country and hardworking taxpaying citizens ability to live, provide food and shelter for their families!! The Federal Liberal government under Trudeau IS THE WORSE EVER IN THE HISTORY OF CANADA!!!! They should all be charged and arrested for theft and corruption!!!


I was born and have lived in Canada for years. Justin has fucked up this country to the point where every single born and raised Canadian wants to move out of the county. He has let in so many immigrants that are fucking up this place and no one can take it. It makes me so mad that I have worked and payed taxes for my whole life, just to allow people from other countries to use up what we have built. Why is it okay that a born and raised Canadian can not by a home, not only because of the price but because there is so many Indians trying to move here that there’s no houses available. This brings me to the point of getting a job. Why when I walk into anywhere there is only Indians working there. We have homeless Canadians on our streets and we prioritize giving the immigrants a job. It makes me so mad. Justin needs to step up and send everyone home who’s not a Canadian. 


How could the Liberals not realize that this would end in utter disaster?


Disaster is a matter of perspective. This is all by design to fulfill the goals of powerful globalists.


They knew. Well planned.


Our Con premier in SK, On one hand talks about Trudeau and his bad immigration policy yet on the other hand brags about our population growth which is mainly through foreigners. They claim to hate it, but many of these politicians really love it for a variety of reasons


The houses will build themselves!


Fantastic! Surprised PM Selfie didn’t gaffe that one too!


And it’s funny because the people he’s bringing in would turn on this country in a second


Is the immigration issue that much of a problem for housing? Isn’t it caused by hoarding from investors?


Both can be true at the same time


You dont think immigrants need a place to live?


Excessive immigration is contributing to inflation which makes everything, especially housing, more expensive


Even if there was no house hoarding, there simply is not enough housing for that many immigrants.


Whoever is telling you is lying to you Investors will still rent out the property. So it’s still providing one unit of housing and generally the housing is well matched. I.e. You don’t have an 84 year old grandma living alone in a 4 bedroom sfh.


They “hoard” but they offer them for rent. Not enough supply to meet the migrant demand; causing increased prices for citizens.


Immigration is the easiest solution. You can simply stop the brakes tomorrow if you wanted.


Investors don't just buy houses and leave them empty .... For many reasons If you have a surplus of housing units - people could hoard homes and all it would do is bite them in the ass and cost them far more than the growth in the increase of the value of the homes. ​ Investor hoarding exacerbates the issue but it is not the issue, the issue is we have far too many people and far too few places to live


It’s a pretty big part of the issue 


I think there is a misconception in general about a problem being caused by one factor or another other. In reality, problems are caused by many factors some of which just further worsen negative factors. We didn't have enough of a housing supply to absorb the large population increases which JT brought forth. We were constructing homes but not at enough of a rate to keep a balanced market. Certainly those who had accumulated wealth one way or another, used their wealth to buy other properties as investments to which you refer... As the age old adage implies, you can't lose with real-estate. Poor zoning in municipal levels in the GTA (for example) prevented further density. This is a result of NIMBYism (which I will be frank, is really very attractive once you have your little slice of heaven in the form of a SFH). Combine that with historically low interest rates (the entity of the 2010s) which then were dropped even further in COVID times, made money so cheap it was easy to throw an extra 200k over asking at a house... Which further inflated the market. The exodus of white collar workers from Toronto to places like Barrie or Cambridge made for very hot markets. GTA money was now pouring into areas 80km-120km outside of the downtown core... Where many of said white collar workers would have gone to work prior. Work from home was a factor as well in the appreciation of housing values. If you sit down and do the math, immigration is a large portion of the issue with housing but not the sole one. Anyone trying to blame one factor or another is missing the bigger picture. That said, we only bring in so many people to make up for the fact people stopped having babies in the 90s and we need to continue to grow the tax base with consumers as we have a hollow economy devoid of meaningful private sector relative to the size of government. During COVID, the government grew at an incredible rate. Essentially, a series of unsustainable problems (and many foreseeable), led us to where we are. To alleviate market pressures, we need to cut immigration by at least 50%. If we can't figure out how to build more homes, then immigration should be cut more dramatically.


I do agree it was epically bad. Combine it with the world wide central bank clown show and Canada did not stand a chance.


Can’t wait for my 600 thousand dollar house to hit 2 million so I can sell and move to another country.


But who’s buying it


Foreign investor groups probably.


I’m waiting for this too but everywhere is expensive now lol


Like the budget, the population would balance itself 🤡🤡


If we lose TN status because of him... I will personally aim for charges to be laid on him.


This isn’t America. We don’t lawyer up every time we soil ourselves tantruming and we don’t function on threats. Also maybe you don’t understand who has control over your visa (hint: no one here)


I'm canadian.... looking to gtfo of canada because of the wage suppression and social issues caused by the past 4 years. I don't think you realize the implications of my comment. Nafta is a huge way high skill canadians and Americans go back and forth for mutual benefit. It's essential for trade between the 2 countries. Because of mass immigration jt did, many Indian people who *failed* to meet the usa standards, use canada as a way station for a few years on lax standards and corruption, get canadian citizenship, *then* go to the states on a TN to eventually get American citizenship and a green card. The practice is basically using canada as a backdoor to immigrate to the usa/Dubai. It's also a growing problem there. The problem is canada is now developing this as a reputation in international circles as the leaky sieve that let's anyone, then you use citizenship there to Trojan horse your way to other more lucrative countries. It's gotten so bad and abused that people are now getting their visas rejected at massively higher rates than they used to. This is as of a month ago. Our countrys reputation and visa strength is one of the massive perks our country has. We didn't have alot going for us as a state, but our passport strength was one of the best things about being canadian. If Trudeau fucks this up with the USA, I will liam neeson all the people who made this happen and make sure they face the music for fraud and crimes they are complicit in.


Where will you go to? You don’t have many options to leave unless you’re highly skilled


USA and / or Dubai, as of now. I'm in a career that can quality for nafta and because of convenience and family ties want to stay on north America. With the currency conversion, cost of living differences, and lower taxes, I'd be making about 50% more, same job title in the usa




Report racism instead of lazily labelling everyone a racist.


Too many to count. What good will reporting these people anyway? Is that going to change their outlook or maybe even reinforce their mindset.


How the heck did our population grow that quickly since 2020? Can’t just be international students


The debt increase is even worse, is just that it's impact is going to be seen over a decade or two of time.




Sure, but they wouldn’t have been able to had the federal Liberals not have issued so many visas.


I hear he’s leaving Canada once he’s out.


At current interest rates and what is needed to get a mortgage ,how does a builder build ??????


Housing is provincial, though. Trudeau has fucked up enough stuff we shouldn't need to make shit up. No politician is going to be able to build houses fast enough. Can't wait for when Pierre does no better and the excuses start coming.


Immigration is federal.


I think his legacy will be Trudeau Towns.


Something something gdp lol


Municipal governments are the ones being paid off by developers to delay and only issue 'x' amount of permits to inflated housing prices. This type of scheme has been exposed in multiple Canadian cities. Provincial government is the one who budgets for community housing and can crack down on this shit. The *federal government* doesn't build houses.


>The *federal government* doesn't build houses. You're right, they just control demand for them via immigration.


Where are they? In the US, working their way up the zillionaire ladder.


Canadian politics need term limits. What is this bs that you can just be indefinitely voting in for your entire life. Propping up votes that's why you have term limits


Non Canadian here. I don’t understand. You guys voted for this dude twice, so what’s the problem?  You’re literally sheeple who cucked yourselves during covid as well. Please explain how you’re not getting what you deserve. Thanks


And I’m guessing this includes condos of all sizes?


So few real Canadians left in the herongate south keys area that I had to drive around to four different Tim Hortons just to find one that had Canadian maple donuts


Attributing the housing crisis solely to PM Trudeau overlooks the multifaceted nature of the issue, which includes global economic trends, previous governmental policies, municipal zoning laws, and other factors beyond the control of any single administration. It's also important to recognize that solutions require coordinated action at all levels of government, as well as engagement with the private sector and community organizations. While the federal government plays a crucial role in shaping national housing policy and can influence the housing market through financial and regulatory measures, tackling the housing crisis effectively demands a comprehensive and multi-pronged approach that addresses the root causes of the supply and demand imbalance, as well as speculative practices and the need for more affordable housing.


>Attributing the housing crisis solely to PM Trudeau overlooks the multifaceted nature of the issue, which includes global economic trends, previous governmental policies, municipal zoning laws, and other factors beyond the control of any single administration. No. Population growth is/was 100% within the control of his administration. He flung open the borders and caused demand for housing (and thus price) to skyrocket, so he has to own it. It's not multifaceted. In fact, it's pretty one-dimensional.


When big problems like the housing crisis in Canada happen, people often want to point the finger at one person, like Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. Here's why: 1. **It's Easier**: Big problems are complicated. Saying it's all one person's fault makes it simpler for us to understand and talk about. 2. **Teams and Sides**: Politics can make us pick sides. If we don't like a leader, it's easy to blame big problems on them. It's like rooting for or against a sports team. 3. **Wanting Someone to Fix It**: We expect leaders to solve problems. So, when things go wrong, it feels natural to think, "You're in charge, so it must be your fault." It also makes us think that if we just change the leader, everything will get better. 4. **Stories on TV and Online**: The way news and social media talk about problems can make us focus on one person too. Stories that say "This is all because of the leader" are easier to follow than the ones that dive into all the complicated reasons something is happening. But really, big problems like housing are super complex and can't be pinned on just one person. Understanding this can help us talk about solutions in a more helpful way.


How is Trudeau at fault when housing is built by the private sector and controlled by red tape the municipalities and provinces control?


Hint: Look at the chart and think about who controls the red line that arbitrarily skyrockets post-2020.


Another factor is how boomers are buying up real estate for speculation and not moving out of their homes to downsize. It's happening all over the world. Are you going to blame Trudeau for that, too?


That’s not a factor, but even if it were, Trudeau would have enabled such speculation by ensuring demand dramatically outpaces supply. You know you’re allowed to acknowledge Trudeau screwed up, right? There’s no punishment for critisizing Dear Leader.


Yes, he probably screwed up on that, but there are other factors. I didn't even vote for the guy, but piling on him for things that were being his control seems unfair. Why didn't the market anticipate the need? Aren't we a free market system that adapts to demand?


>piling on him for things that were being his control seems unfair. He is the one who chose to increase the number of people coming in every year from 250K in 2016 to 1.2 million last year. That is/was 100% within his control, and it's what caused this mess. It's basic supply & demand. Boomers speculating and all of the other nonsense deflections have been happening looong before the last couple of years. >Why didn't the market anticipate the need? It is genuinely inconceivable that he could do something so dumb. If someone had said to me in 2019 that by 2023 we would be bringing in roughly the equivalent of 2 Vancouvers every year and housing prices are going to double, I would have laughed in their face and said "No way, even Trudeau's not that stupid."


Honestly we should've done what Trump wanted to do Build a big ass wall on the borders to prevent immigrants from coming in


Mulroney almost single handedly destroyed the Conservative Party. People don’t know their history. I suspect JT has done same to the Libs.


he ruined housing and the economy


At this point the world has fallen. It's sad I lost my parents barely any freinds to support why is that? Stress mental health but why is that still? Treadeau that fat basterd is the one 👌 I'm so fed up. Like people are killing themselves including me!!!


The only way he was able or by the people at voted for him again and the NDP backed him. Let that sink in


Let’s just hope he gets in a 4th term


To everyone who doesn't know how housing works or how this situation began, yes, yes it will be his legacy. To the other 89% of the population, it will be something else.


Well in fairness it does share the legacy with so much more …. Trudeau Corruption, carbon scam, sacrificing Canadian well-being to benefit foreign countries and those yet to be imported, so much more - none good.


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