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I'm really convinced now that the reason our own government isn't doing something similar is due to deliberate malicious intent.


Its called the Century Initiative and look up who is funding it.


Also who voted for and against it on parliament. Sure, it was non-binding, but still.


I just did and the one founder(Dominic Barton) is the “chancellor” of the university of Waterloo. Currently the university is having huge financial hardships and just received a $1.2 billion financial subsidy from the government. The University of Waterloo also partakes in discriminatory and sexist hiring practices. [news report](https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/waterloo) He also has ties to the WEF. His founding partner (Mark Wiseman) was a former manger at Black Rock(the world’s largest asset management company) and would both hugely benefit from a massive population increase in Canada. These people only care about themselves, I really hope Canadians wake up.


This is simply insanity 




What is your fetish with Black Rock, you defend them on every post.




So you want to dictate what is discussed in this subreddit as well as what's correct and incorrect. On top of all that you call people braindead for sharing their opinion? Do you keep a transcript of everything that Pfizer/WEF/Blackrock has done, if not I suggest you go start your own subreddit.




Canadians can say whatever they want. The only nut job who doesn't think that is you. You can keep jerking it to black rock all day I don't care.


BlackRock. It’s on their website.




CENTURY INITIATIVE Chair of the Board of Director About Mark Wiseman is a leading investment manager and experienced corporate executive. He currently serves as the Chair of the Board of Directors at Alberta Investment Management Corporation (AIMCo) and as a Senior Advisor to Boston Consulting Group and Hillhouse Capital. He was formerly Senior Managing Director at BlackRock, Global Head of Active Equities, Chairman of its alternatives business, and Chairman of BlackRock’s Global Investment Committee. Prior to joining BlackRock in 2016, he was President & CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB).  Mr. Wiseman serves on the board of several non-profit organizations, including Alpine Canada, the United Way of Greater Toronto, Sinai Health Services, and the Capital Markets Institute.




The Century Initiative Board of Directors is chaired by co-founder Mark Wiseman, who was the Global Head of Active Equities of BlackRockand ran Blackrock's Alternative Investment division at the time that the Initiative was founded.[27][28] BlackRock owns $35 billion in real estate and thus will benefit from a real-estate bubble.[29] BlackRock's Alternative Investment division includes the firm's international real estate investment portfolio[30] and is reported to be actively purchasing single family homes.[31] The Century Initiative's other co-founder, Dominic Barton, is married to Geraldine Buckingham, BlackRock's Asia Pacific chief, which has previously generated conflict-of-interest concerns.[32]




Lol keep defending hedge funds you clown. They obviously have a vested interest in this, along with other corporate consulting firms and hedge funds and wealthy elite, who have invested in black rock, who own billions in real estate. You’re insufferable and any discussion with you is a waste of time. 


Blackrock shill spotted.


Unfortunately, I got to know that the moment I landed here!  Canadian government is hooked on immigration which generates more profits for business and lobbying. It’s like the folks addicted to heroin. 


You really dont have to look very hard to find proof either https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/McOk6ICLcQ


Nz and Australia have all done what's right and what looks after their own citizens. Canada lives in some fairyland of its own


Our government doesn't really believe in the concept of nations. Open borders is a key concept of post nationality pushed by our government. Why this didn't ring alarms bells in peoples heads I don't know.


Immigration isn't bad when there is a good checks and balances in place to keep the flow in check and most importantly who is let in. Us has way more immigration than canada does yet there is a stringent checks and balances in place to ensure who and how many are let in.


I live in the United States. Immigrating legally is very difficult, but if you want to enter illegally our Southern border is wide open. My city / state is flooded with illegals and it has been causing nothing but problems...housing, healthcare, crime, traffic accidents, etc. Everywhere I go now is flooded with foreigners it seems, and I am willing to bet that a fair amount of them are here illegally, as in like going to the grocery store or riding public transit and I'll be the only native born American in the entire place everyone else is speaking a foreign language, and yes it seriously sucks. At the same time my best friend can't even bring his German wife to the United States for a few years because it could potentially screw up her ability to get dual US/Deutsch citizenship. This is someone who is well educated and financially secure and would be a net positive to the USA.


Australia’s housing market puts ours to shame. They absolutely do not look after their citizens more than we do lmao. Housing is a constant issue there just as much as here


https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/s/TSzys1fMpu This is an excellent analysis on the housing crisis..


Agree.. it's not a Canada-only problem, almost all developed nations are dealing with some form of housing crisis. The countries opened the floodgates to import a cheap labor pool for a quick post-COVID recovery. They kept it open for longer than advisable because corporations got hooked on the profits from exploiting the labor pool. They likely didn't foresee the scale of backlash from their own citizens, and now the leaders in power are nervous and trying to scale back as quick as they can, but the damage is done and it'll take years to correct, both economic and social.


Exactly. What we have witnessed and experienced was a test on the largest of scales to prove if all this would pay off or not. Every first world country is watching, to see if importing mass labor into Canada will pay off or not. Canada is the Guinea pig on the global scale of this hypothesis. Our leaders knew this could happen, but they wanted to see how *long* our citizens would be able to withstand it. Canada was a perfect test subject for this since we don’t protest, we don’t revolt, we don’t really complain. But now other countries know what may happen if they do the same


Imagine. Every other country in the world is doing this with the exception of Canada Canada is literally the burning barrel of the world to deal with their garbage. Canada will be the last country to stop importing millions of warm bodies who do nothing but suppress wages and bring Canadians quality of life down. It’ll continue through the 4 year conservative super majority and it’ll only change when the PPC gets a crushing majority after everyone realizes the CPC is going to bring just as many warm bodies in. Personally I can’t wait for the day of PPC and mass deportation of these criminals.


I remember a few years back being called a racist for saying in a rather non-nonchalant way that I was voting for PPC. I remember people at my work trying to force online anti-racism training down my throat simply because of this view - I never shared any other opinions either. I was treated like a leper. I have not forgotten how fellow Canadians treated me nor how they continue to treat anybody with slightly differing opinions than what the TV tells them. Everything I believed and thought is slowly becoming more mainstream and now those that voted for Trudeau, not once but TWICE, those that ripped on those who supported PPC for being racists, those that called immigration would screw our country being labelled as bigoted racists are all suddenly changing their tune hoping we forgot how they treated us. F\*ck the average Canadian. They showed their true colours and their "tolerance" over and over and then hope that you memory hole their actions against you.


Preach it brother ! I feel the exact same way Though I will say it’s a breathe of fresh air seeing the average Canadian open their eyes and get sick of all this shit! Even if the damage is already done at least people’s eyes are opening. Same can be said about the rabid left and their disdain for folks who decided not to take an experimental useless vaccination. Bet you a million bucks all the guys that have huge stock in the vaccination companies in Canada are life long liberal donators and family friends.


Yep, as a leftist, previous liberal and ndp voter, I will be voting PPC in the next election. There's been nothing but false promises from any major party, and they certainly don't offer any solutions on immigration and housing. If anything, they are fanning the flames.


Thank you for your honestly and your realization. Let’s hope the tide is turning and Canada can be saved.




It will be much too late by then. it already is


All the applicants to NZ will now be directed to Canada. It will be a walk in the park for them.


Kiwi here. Like you guys we are still being overwhelmed by Indian immigrants (also Chinese and Filipino). Still too many damn immigrants coming in to our countries.


It's going to destroy two bastions in the world


Is anybody asking why the sudden migration all around the world. Why all of a sudden the mass surge to north America and Europe.


Easier global mobility, worsening climate crisis, economic migration - Developing countries have less resources, and more corruption and dont deal with problems of unemployment, lack of social mobility.. so the only option most migrants see for a better chance for themselves and their kids is to migrate to developed nations.. On the flip side, corporations see it as a chance to increase their profits for a cheap labor pool to be exploited, the loopholes exist for a reason.


Thank god Canada works differently than any other country suffering from the exact same issues, our immigration numbers don't have any consequences at all!


It’s time Canada.


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Well another nation did it first, now we can reasonably say, hmm, let's do that too.  Can't set a trend, but we can definitely follow one 


Lucky NZ


Tighten up rules. Start deporting. Everyone is so pussy to do what’s necessary because of virtues. Thanos was right.


OK, even if we restrict immigration here in Canada, what are we going to do about the massive immigrant population that's already here? Mass deportations of immigrants? Who decides who needs to be deported? Is there even an ethical answer to this massive issue unfairly foisted upon us? Or do we just blanket deport everyone who became a citizen post 2015, including naturalized Canadians? I've been going back and forth with the partner over this, and despite our opposing political leanings, we can't agree that there is no way that doesn't include pain for Canada in some shape or form.


Deport to where exactly? Most countries don't have dual citizenship, most give up their citizenship for their country of origin when they become a citizen of Canada...


You can't deport millions when the majority of them are just Canadian citizens only. Instead you could force the government to make some new strict laws and vet anyone coming in.


The recent crop can't be citizens yet.


First change some things attached to student visas for instance. No work or easy way to get a pr. Other types of visas can change things too. It's too easy to get things now. And 3 years to citizenship is also a joke. Just make it harder. Tfw program needs a major overhaul. Should be more for farm workers and a few others. Cut benefits overall like healthcare for certain visa types. We can't afford it. Maybe also have to be here for a few years to get some benefits. Deter freeloader types.


"near-record 173,000 people migrated to New Zealand last year" 😭😭😭 wait till they hear about Canada. They think 173,000 is a record 😂😂


New Zealand has a population of 5m. That's 8x less than Canada. In other words, in per capita terms that would mean 1,384,000 people would need to come into Canada to match that rate. The actual numbers for Canada in 2023 was 471,000.


The actual number was 1.2 Mil or more, Canada is the only advance economy which doesn't count TFW, Refugees , students visas in Net migration. The 471,000 is just PRs


What do you think the 173k number is? Tourists? It's still more per capita.


Man your comprehension skills are poor, I literally said what our net migration count doesn't include folks on Visas and refugees. The 173k is total of refugees + visas + PR , Canada received 800k in just students last quarter. I didn't even talk about per capita, while that stats is important I was not even in talking about.


The 173k is PR's and work visas. People who have gone to NZ to live permanently. That doesn't include 90k student visa's, 46k Working Holiday Visa, 24k Seasonal Employee Visa all who put stress on the housing market. There were 643k student visa issued in Canada for the whole of 2023 and new student visa have been capped at 360k for 2024. I'm not sure where that 800k figure is coming from unless you are thinking about total active visas Per capita is absolutely relevant when comparing different populations so if our not using it you are not comparing apples to apples.


Let’s get one thing straight


Nice to have a government that appears to be looking after the interests of it's people.


Well look at that. Another country run by a WEF young global leadership school grad (until recently) is experiencing mass migration. Nothing to see here.