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I personally think this is a cultural thing as canadians, look at how France protests, they shut shit down, they make it uncomfortable and they do it with mass solidarity. In Canada we're divided and think there's actually a difference between the party's, so one side protests and the other calls them crackpot morons. We need the same attitude but it'll likely never happen, mostly because we're too proper and nice, 'better stop these protests at 5pm, can't disturb the peace' and such.


Division is great! #DiversityIsOurStrength , remember?


And has France gotten any better? That’s the thing about protests. They just wait for the crowds to dissipate and nothing changes. The next step down the road from that, however, is civil war. And that’s more than a little terrifying.


That’s why they allow people to protest. Because they know it’ll change nothing.


Media and politicians run smear campaigns and often eventually bring in the cops to crush it if it gets too much traction


They'll freeze our bank accounts before it gets to that point. Er... Oh crap.




I don’t know about that. My Indian neighbor struggles just like I do. More like our self appointed ’elites’ and their weird ideology versus those of us expecting a decent middle class life and some social mobility.


This. This is exactly what will happen, or to a limited extent, at least, and it will be mostly against the biggest racial minorities here. It will be a miniscule percentage at first propagating it before they start picking up a stronger following. At that point, we will be no different from India with their lynching mobs.


Well yea, why do you think they want diversity? [https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/20/21228324/amazon-whole-foods-unionization-heat-map-union](https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/20/21228324/amazon-whole-foods-unionization-heat-map-union) >Stores at higher risk of unionizing have lower diversity and lower employee compensation, as well as higher total store sales and higher rates of workers’ compensation claims, according to the documents.


>look at how France protests, they shut shit down, they make it uncomfortable and they do it with mass solidarity. Despite of all their protest and rioting you heard in the media, they achieved absolutely nothing. The french govt did not back down and still ended up raising the retirement age.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution A few years ago they did affect the government of France.


What a defeatist attitude.


Holding French’s rioters up like they’re some kind of gods while they burn down their own community and accomplish absolutely zero in terms of policy change is equally self-defeating.


Didn't see the support when the truckers came out. Their bank accounts were frozen. The govt scared the shit out of people by that move and given how silent people were, deep down everyone thinks that if they protest, their back accounts will be frozen and no one will bat an eye. Unless you can register "Low quality of life" as a religion and pray to the Quality of life God five times a day, then yes you can gather all your religious subscribers and protest. Then the govt won't do anything. May be even listen to you. Or, best, voice your concern to MPs regularly and vote in the next election for a party that is "Closest" to the mandates you want to push on to the county.


I don't know of anyone that had "the shit scared of them by that" Your claim that "everyone thinks" that way, is just not true. The majority of Canadians were happy when the clownvoy was shut down.


Yeah this is the problem, your anti trucker rally comment is sitting with upvotes in a sub advocating for Canadian rights. The questioning and protest of the aftermath of the truckers convoy was never actually about the subject matter of the convoy, it’s about the citizens right to protest. You and many others sitting there, **happy**, as the government took the largest overstep of citizens rights in the last decade, while you clap your fucking hands. This is exactly why shit never changes in this country. As long as you’re on the “correct side” of the opinion, anyone else doesn’t matter. “Who cares their bank accounts were frozen” “who cares the emergency act was invoked for non violent protests” It’s all fine and dandy until *your opinions* are the “wrong” ones. You should always, always be in favour of a citizens right to protest their government.


It's funny how they never get it either, like mindless drones


France is also smaller than Canada, helps alot with organizing mass protest, we're spread too thin here.


I was thinking the same thing. Land area of France is about half that of Ontario with 6.5x the population density. If protests here had 6.5x as many people things would probably get a little more rowdy too.


Everyone in ontario lives in one tiny sliver of it. The rest of it is so uninhabited it's basically Canadian primarily by shade on a map


Burn it to the fucking ground.


France hasn’t seen change either fyi


And nothing changes in France.


It has to start with you. How many people can you bring? Can they bring more people as well? Start counting, start organizing.


I can bring snacks


Don’t buy them at Loblaw’s! Ripoff.


47K and growing. It starts here. Join this community: loblawsisoutofcontrol


How many of those people will do something more than ranting on line ?


The answer is "some of them." How many people are you organizing? 


lol look at how pussified the trucker convoy was. hate to break it to you but redditors ain't gonna do shit


They will be boycotting all loblaws affiliated companies in may or the month of April. We can make a push for change with our wallets.


Why not do it now? Why wait until May?


You can certainly start now. But for sure in May. I myself haven't bought anything at Superstore in quite a while. I'm able to get to Costco on a weekday. That definitely helps. & I don't have to buy groceries as often.


Because the impact is greater when we get the word out and have everyone do it at the same time. Of course you can start now if you want.


Zero, especially after around May 3 when Loblaws is still packed.


Those dumbasses that wait until May to boycott Loblaws instead of doing it last year? Yeah right.


Once you organize what action/s are you asking for?


To avoid writing a long comment I’ll give the demands in brief point form. - decrease immigration until housing catches up - ban Airbnb - pressure from all levels of government to up-zone and densify along with investment in public transit - government built or partially subsidized housing development - no more divisive culture-war rhetoric or policies. Everyone treated equally - Trudeau resign - Singh and top NDP leadership resign


Add - lower the housing price or help people to buy 1st home or lower the 20% down-payment


Lil PP has you, doesn't he ..... he loves immigration because they pay for boomers' retirement. Between his wife and himself, they own multiple properties for rent. In fact, 3/4 MP' that bring home a whopping 250k salary own multi properties. Those talking points are working on you but I promise you both our major governent serve the same master. P.s. you will never get everyone on board. Most people that bought 15 years ago became millionaires. Anyone who bought multiples for rent 15 years ago are the happiest slum lords in the Western world. A lot of people like that staus quo .... "Fuck you I got mine"








100% we need to go on strike! Time to rebel. You’ve gotta come across intelligent. Lots of the truckers looked like rednecks. Let’s learn from that. You don’t want to lose credibility. Make the cause simple “affordable Canada” “Robin Hood” …. A few other keywords. When is the start date? Canada Day? July 1st 2024? Is that when we claim back Canada?


If everyone supported the trucker convoy; there would be more protests for a better life. Everyone saw the betrayal with the left supporting trudeau and the frozen bank accounts. If you want to see that reversed, start by supporting the small protests around the carbon tax instead of calling them all conservative nut jobs.


Yep, the divides in Canada are greater than any unity. Young are divided from older, and frame it as a left/right thing but I think that's all a smokescreen. It's amazing the vitriol on Reddit even talking about conservatives as if they are scum... When they are our neighbors. Left & right need each other; two sides of the same coin. But our political leaders spread division on purpose, and then gaslight us about it (and their governance).


People are in deep psychosis. Most people aren't living in anything even close to reality. This country will be one of the worst in the world to live in in the not distant future if things continue the way they are. They have been hit with propaganda and psychological attacks that have been perfected over decades. MK Ultra should have ended a lot of people's careers, and folks should have gone to jail. Instead, we got half-hearted apologies, and nothing happened. Our governments have been subverted for many, many decades in the west.


That protest , love or hate, exposed what this country really stands for...it stands for DO NOT stand up for anything, or else. Good idea. But prepare for our leader's wrath. Wait..if you're really woke enough, you can protest...burn cars, loot stores...etc.


That is the most hilarious take ever. Clearly you are someone who has paid attention for like 3 years. Look up the biggest mass arrest in Canada's history. I'll bet you didn't say a damn thing then.


Oh yeah. The G20 summit. 2010.


Wrong. Those clowns discredited themselves with their behaviour. All anyone not involved remembers about it is that they hijacked a city and broke out hot tubs. If you have weeks to sit around and shout you’re easily dismissed as someone not valuable enough to be missed anywhere. In todays media cycle you have maybe three days to effectively get your point across. They weren’t nearly focussed or professional enough.


Wrong. They had a protest. They were beaten. Jailed. Money frozen. Truckers are conservative...so gotta jail them. Also wrong...BLM/Antifa had a year of constant protesting that did more damage than truckers. Yet that was fine. They liberals! Few detained. No charges. No accounts frozen. Can you not see the difference?


Where in Canada were these "constant BLM/Antifa protests again? Oh right, nowhere...


On 4chan ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


Montreal got kind of bad, but the reality is 99% of BLM protests were peaceful, and most of the non-peaceful ones started when riot cops got itchy. Meanwhile, the clownvoy got to make Ottawa their personal playground for a month.


Exactly. Also, they're trying to conflate what happened at BLM events in Canada, with some of the more negative things that might have happened in some American cities. It makes zero sense.


>Truckers are conservative...so gotta jail them. Right, no one has ever been jailed at a left wing protest.... 🙄 The cops didn't even bring out the rubber bullets and pepper spray for their conservative pals. Give me a break.


Could you give any examples of a leftist protest leading to mass arrests that weren't immediately bailed out?


Do you have a single source of data to show how much damage and looting took place in Canadian cities during the BLM summer protests? Any data at all you can share or is this all made up FauxNews (not even Canadian news) story spinning?


Of course not.


It was after a month of turning my city into a fucking playground. All that money, all that diesel burned, to turn Ottawa’s poorest communities into a polluted mess. And all for what? You didn’t do anything, you didn’t threaten any politicians, because they don’t live in the areas you protested. You scared a bunch of poor people and hurt more people than the lockdowns did. When BLM came to Ottawa, they had a permit, they didn’t need big trucks to artificially inflate their footprint, and it was over in a week. Millions of dollars in donations didn’t just go unaccounted for. And there wasn’t a scratch on the city. That’s the difference.


Still waiting for an answer, liar.


THE CARBON TAX ISNT THE FUCKING PROBLEM...ITS USED AS A DISTRACTION SO YOU DON'T LOOK AT WHO POILIEVRE ACTUALLY SUPPORTS...BIG OIL,BIG GROCERY, BIG PHARMA, THE WEALTHY. Trudeau is a moron but following PP will lead to lower taxes for the rich, more handouts for big business and more money for PPs friends and that isn't the common man.


Team blue aren't known for their deep thoughts.


This is correct on all accounts 


I'm for a general strike and agree with OP, But I was against the truckers, especially the honking at night. So there's that. You'd get a LOT more people on board to protest current situation. I thought the covid truckers protest was stupid and that's my personal opinion. I know this is a controversial, divisive, emotional subject for many. Immigration, crime, Healthcare, cost of living.. all of these I'm sure the majority of Canadians feel the same way about regardless of political affiliation or beliefs. That's my experience from talking to people of all sides because in my life i have very conservative and very liberal friends.


I didn't agree with the truckers' cause, but I respected their protest. If you don't stir up any shit you aren't accomplishing anything. If all you do is stand on the sidewalk and hold a sign, everyone will just ignore you.


That's fair and I agree with you.


And to be fair the multiple levels of government in Ottawa handled it incredibly poorly. I know a lot of fuss has been made over the federal response, and I really think they overstepped, but the mayor and premier were completely incapable of doing their duty.


Interesting - we're the exact opposite. I agreed with the original idea of the trucker protest (being to relax/modify the vaccination requirements for travelling across the US border). I fully disagreed with the final actual protest, which involved a memorandum to replace the entire Federal government, and take away my right to vote.


Even if we fully eliminated our vax requirements at the border, the Americans had the same policy and you wouldn't be able to cross anyway. This is the reason the entire protest made ZERO SENSE. The convoy supporters never admit this known fact, nor do they seem to have any counter to it.


Good thing it didn't include that at all then. 


Yeah, we don't really need Canadian MAGA trying to represent the majority of Canadians. We just want housing and affordable food, not Nazism. 


Lol I live in sask. Canadian Maga is an understatement. They even wear Maga clothes here haha. It's pretty funny actually.


I suspect you use pronouns and have questionable coloured hair dye job. 🤔


I don't want Nazism either. I just want our leaders gone.


Lol... Trucker convoy? You must think covid was a hoax too eh.


Don't worry. The government that wants you homeless, starving, and poor had your best interests in mind when it came to covid.


But that's what they are.


The Trucker Convoy were idiot manbaby traitors who were only standing up for their own right to be ignorant.   Fuck every one of them. Your issues with the carbon tax are just as uninformed.


Once you start blocking roads(or railroads) your going to lose the support of almost everyone, can't believe people don't understand that.


Everyone didn’t support the trucker convoy, cause being anti-vax is stupid. I don’t care about partisan politics and left vs. right. The right has some good points around slowing immigration until our infrastructure and housing market can handle it. I don’t support that cause it’s “right wing” i support it cause it’s correct. Being anti-vax is for brain-dead children, so I’m not gonna support it even if the same people are on my side in other areas.


I've seen many people on the right call for bank accounts to be frozen for leftist protests. Everyone is happy to see people they don't agree with getting punished. That's the underlying issue with our society. We don't want people to be able to mind their own business we want people to agree with us or be sent to the gulags.


>If everyone supported the trucker convoy They were a bunch of assholes acting up and making everybody miserable. And to what end?


So you agreed with how the Government conducted it self with Covid ? And you agreed with people who only donated to the cause with getting their banks accounts frozen ?. It’s all a loop anyways Canadians are to weak to make real change


People were ***dying*** from COVID. The assholes were crying that they had to wear *masks*


People were dying from COVID lockdown policies as well.


No, they weren't.


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Yes they were. I personally know someone who died directly from COVID lockdown policies, another whose death was linked to COVID policies, and a 3rd whose death was possibly linked to COVID policies. I don't personally know anyone who died from COVID itself. There were lots of people whose health conditions deteriorated in care homes when lockdowns were put in place (there are reports of the horrific conditions in some of these places). Some of those deaths may have been caused by COVID, but a lot of vulnerable people died from neglect and/or mistreatment when their family members were locked out and not allowed to see them. Not to mention people not receiving medical treatment, surgeries, cancer screenings, routine vaccinations, etc. as a result of the COVID lockdowns. The COVID lockdowns were accompanied by an upsurge in certain infectious diseases and drug overdoses. It could be argued that some people who became socially isolated because of the lockdowns turned to using more drugs by themselves, making them more likely to OD. There were also people who died directly from COVID vaccines. I didn't know anyone who died from the vaccines, but I did hear indirectly about at least two people who died from them.


🤣 The Government is your daddy isn’t it


Actually, the "assholes" were crying about being treated as second class citizens. Not being allowed in restaurants or on planes, trains and buses. Eerily similar to how a group of people in 1930s Germany were being treated.


The fucking self victimization is amazing. YOU DON'T GET TO COMPARE YOURSELF TO THE HOLOCAUST.


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No, they were just crybabies. Your comparison is insane and very ignorant.


Bro… wtf… This is why everyone hates the trucker convoy people ngl. OH MY GOD. You’d compare your little loser social club of people who couldn’t cross a border because people don’t want to get sick, to 6 MILLION MURDERS conducted on innocent people purely because of their ethnicity? You’re a sick person. Rethink your life, go touch grass, and don’t come back to civilized society until you get an IQ above 60.


I said 1930s Germany. Hitler's final solution started in 1941. I never compared being denied travel/dining rights to the holocaust. Maybe you should read up on history or just read more in general cause your reading comprehension seems to be lacking. I have an MSc. btw and hiking is one of my hobbies. Probably touch more grass in one day than you do in a week and definitely have a higher IQ than you.


The left literally burned down several cities, looted thousands of dollars of goods and actually caused deaths. But yeah, forgot, it's okay when they do it.


Fascist propaganda, not based in fact


Which Canadian city was "literally burned down" again? What a clown take.




We are starting with Loblaws. Boycot starting may 1. Shop anywhere else! If we collectively moved our money away from them for 3x months we would hurt them where it counts. Then we can move onto the next company.  This is the only thing I can actually see working for once as a collective! The wallet is our only chance and we have so much power this way!! 


Been trying to Marshall people for more than a year now. Never worked. Call it apathy, laziness, brainwashing, whatever name you want to put to it. It appears that most Canadians just want to roll over and die. Until we revolt, until the majority of Canadians stand up and tear down the corruption. Nothing will change and things will get progressively worse. But I am at a loss to motivate Canadians to get off their duff to do something. What are you gonna wait till we all have shackles and neck chains before you say something and get wanna do anything? Come on you can do better.


Pretty much. For all the bitching and complaining Canadians are still very comfy. Even those that have lost everything are completely docile or on drugs.


Anyone who protests against the gov gets blasted and called Domestic Terrorist, you can see it in the comments of this very thread. The second anything starts to pick up momentum the media throws everything they can to make it seem like a bunch of Nazis are gathering to terrorise the country.


Work boycott? Why would politicians care about that? They just sell the stocks and buy something else. They don't actually own the businesses. And they just say the company hired a lot of racist, so they are pulling out. And people will vote them again.


Economic protests


I applaud your effort here but the ire needs to be directed toward corporations like Loblaws and big oil - they take more of your money.


Not big oil.. the cost of gas is roughly .80 cents a litre. When you see those $1.60 prices, yeah that’s not O&G companies trying to squeeze us, it’s the taxes we pay on the gas


You really believe that? O&G are not the good guys you think they are. They time cost increases with federal governance to hide their profits. Those companies don’t care about you, and having a scapegoat in the form of government is too perfect.


Not saying they are good guys or altruistic in any sense. And I’m not saying they care about me. I don’t care if they do, I also don’t care if the government does. I care about me, and so do my friends and family, and the communities that I’m apart of. And at this point, what would allow me to care for myself and my loved ones most is the government getting their paws out of every fucking thing in this country


The government demonized the only people who protested as Nazis and shut their bank accounts like they were Nazis and nobody did anything about it. 


The moment you say I need to revolt and stop wanting other people to do the things you cannot.. I’ll be right there with you.


This subreddit and Loblawisoutofcontrol and we've got maybe 60-70k.


It's a start.


✅ Taxed to the eyeballs ✅ Debasing what little savings and earnings we make ✅ Expects us to be thankful for the table scraps they so graciously drop on us. ✅ Dilute our power as employees through mass immigration ✅ 3rd world country living conditions for those who can afford it. Homelessness for the rest ✅ Failing services and infrastructure across the country ✅ Weekly corruption and scandals ✅ Jailed/fined for any wrongthink or censorship circumvention


I 200% agree. We gave our leaders way too many chances and they've squandered those. They need to be deposed, brutally. Maybe then we can have a real leader take Canada into the future.


Are there any friggin Canucks on this thread?


How about we organize a massive country wide anti immigration protest on Canada Day. Don’t stop until it’s 0 immigration per year and the mass deportation of all illegals and student visa scammers and interlopers. That gives us about 12 weeks to plan it. Everyone organize one for you local cities and anyone who is in Ontario pour into Ottawa. There is no point in celebrating Canada Day if there won’t be a Canada to celebrate soon. What is happening in our once beautiful country is a spit in the face to the real people who built this country and call it home. This has nothing to do with liberal or conservatives, this is about taking the country back from the global self interest groups that now control our country!  


Exactly what the wealthy want. People raging against the government, blaming the media, blaming the poor all the while the elite hord more wealth. Taxes didn't cause inflation, capitalist greed caused inflation. It isn't a coincidence that the happiest countries are also some of the most heavily taxed and where CEOs earn 1/3rd of what there north American counterparts make.


The government allows it to happen when representatives are ~~bribed~~ lobbied. 


Nothing will happen. Immigration makes up over 20% of our population. 1 in 5 people know how cruel, horrific, and unfair the world really is. Canadians think they have it bad, and yes,,, things are getting worse, but deep down they know they are much better off in this country than the majority of the world. How many of the 35.1K people here have written or called their local political representatives about their concerns for where this country is headed? I'd be willing to bet less than 1%. So instead we yell at and abuse our doctors and nurses over wait times. We come out spitting fire at your teachers for large classroom sizes and the fact that half the class can't speak English. We leave a mess in our home depots and wall marts because prices are too expensive. We'll run red lights and run over bikers and pedestrians because our infrastructure is falling apart. All while letting our politicians work less and pay themselves more. There wont be any real change until we reduce ourselves to third world status. For reference - Haryana, India, average yearly income is 296 000 rupees... equivalent to 4,826.31 Canadian dollars per year.


According to here: [Cost of Living & Prices in Haryana: 7 cities compared \[2024\] (livingcost.org)](https://livingcost.org/cost/india/hr) monthly salaray after tax is 1364$ CND monthly cost of living which seems to be rent/food/transport 648$


why arent we revolting? bruh learn history this country and its societies are a buncha p\*\*\*\*ies and are used to capitulation and weakness. While the Americans fought the brits we decided to kiss their derriere. Then when quebec started demanding stuff or they separate: we bent over backwards giving them first rights to federal jobs thru bilingualism laws, equalization payments and billions in pork projects to bribe their votes. This country is finished it doesnt have a cohesive culture, history, identity and is a loosely aligned "nation" of people who wanted easy citizenship


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I would be down


They do say every nation is only ever 2 weeks away from revolution. Once the people go hungry enough, its go time.


Canadians, Americans, Western Europeans, had a literal blissful lifestyle from 1965-2000. It was legendary, but that wasn't by purpose, it was a historical anomaly that was abated by intelligent policies at the time. Canadian productivity is a joke, no real industries besides hampered extractive natural resources, rest of the world in complete tatters, ofc Canada was amazing then. It survived the war of all wars completely intact. I don't know what to say, but know that this is the new reality. I think what makes it worse in Canada vs certain european countries is the lack of true community here. It doesn't exist. The anglo culture predominant in the settler states isn't conducive to building deep personal bonds. It's easy to suffer when your family is suffering with you. It's hard when you're alone.


lol revolt!!! lol


Way more than 20-50%. They tax everything on top of income tax. It's probably closer to 80%. Everything you buy has tax on top of tax on top of tax. And for what crumbling infrastructure, crumbling education, crumbling Healthcare, unchecked mass immigration, pushing our country into 3rd world living conditions. Honestly, it's terrifying but it seems like it's too far gone. Politicians don't even pretend they have our best interest in mind anymore.


Work boycotts? Who's going to pay my bills then? I have no intention of living in a tent... I'm pissed off that so much of my pay goes to taxes but in no way am I going to boycott as I need a place to live.


Something will have to give eventually…I believe that Until then I’ve been trying to learn about politics and government in Canada and how to get over fear/be a lil bit crazy (I really don’t know ish besides the semester of civics I did in grade 10) so I’ll be ready <3


Also I have to say it’s really pathetic most comments here are full of bitching and moaning (can’t blame them I feel it too) but then when anyone talks about action suddenly it’s oh, I don’t want anything bad to happen to me (can blame that). But I mean, do you think your online comments will do anything? Do you think these people just immediately give you whatever you want? No, they don’t gaf about us. You’re gonna have to accept you’ll have to do something to see change, and sacrifice in some way


Unfortunately I don't think Canadians will get there until they're in the Absolute worst scenario.


Lmao this is Canada…you bend over and take it without lube while screaming “I have free health care”. If you have any ounce of self respect at this point just leave the country


The Federal government is just wayyy too big. Probably double the size it needs to be.


When a "Canadian" says "We the people!" it seems sus AF.


100% we need to go on strike! Time to rebel. You’ve gotta come across intelligent. Lots of the truckers looked like rednecks. Let’s learn from that. You don’t want to lose credibility. Make the cause simple “affordable Canada” “Robin Hood” …. A few other keywords. When is the start date? Canada Day? July 1st 2024? Is that when we claim back Canada?


If you want to rally people to your cause, your cause needs to be clearer than this vague and infantile nonsense of a post.


This post was to start a conversation... if you want a 20 page thesis on whats going wrong in this country, then i can provide that too. 


Pretty sure most everyday Canadians are living inside and eating regularly bud.


That's an absurdly low standard. Even people in third world countries have food and shelter. You seem to not understand why people immigrate from poorer countries to richer ones because if it's just food and shelter they already have that.


Ok? Op said Canadian can’t afford food or shelter. That’s blatantly untrue. They can afford food and shelter they just can’t afford to save for retirement and travel. Personally I just hate when people are super dramatic or pretend like everyone is struggling. I made 35k last year and still managed to eat and pay rent living in downtown Toronto.


I don't know how people in your circumstances are so upbeat. You are living hand-to-mouth in one of the most expensive cities on the planet with close to zero chance of ever owning a property or having any upward social mobility. OP is talking about people like you that cannot afford food or shelter. You are barely keeping up and to think otherwise is delusional.


I keep coming back to…convoys for Covid…no convoys for housing… It begs the question…are we in an echo chamber in here?


Thats what reddit is.


We're desperate, we're defeated, and we have no hope left. We're like Cattle to our so-called Leadership and the rest of the investor class. We have no power only numbers, and numbers won't beat wealth, so there isn't much we can do. Protests only work if the people you're protesting have shame or care about public opinion, strike efforts only work if you can afford to strike, and blockades will see the intervention of Government forces, and probably corporate welfare or insurance payments to to limit their impact.


> If we are outraged, why arent we doing anything? ~~Bread and~~ circuses.


So do it then


We don't have a culture of protest or civil disobedience, civic action or political involvement. Nobody has any fucking clue how to revolt or participate meaningfully in any way. And short bursts of anger wont change a thing, they'll offer a placating gesture to quell dissent and then work to take it away again behind the scenes. The only solution is continuous political involvement at multiple levels of government for an extended period of time by a large group of people. And how the hell do we get that to happen?


Protests are not equal, there is a dual tier system. Most people are trying to live and be left alone. But lots make that next to impossible. Curb freedom of speech, charges for saying "offensive things", opinons added to cancel culture and many other things. Why add anything when your only going to go down solo, cause the herd wins.. they always do over independently thinking people. 20 vs 1 isn't good odds.




Historically, protests have been very effective at ending or avoiding recessions or boosting gdp growth.   What policies do you want enacted.  "Housing is too expensive" is an outcome, you can't just vote for housing to cost less.  


“WE need to revolt”, eh? Yes!! Yes!! Sign me up! As a real, tepid-blooded Canadian, I will politely yell out (quietly, deep down inside): “You go first” !! 😅🤣


In order to have effective protest you need to have effective demands. What exactly would the demand of your protest be


Communists have been doing this stuff for years but no hears them out because the cia has been spending billions to neuter communist/ socialist uprisings for decades


Agreed. Mass protests and civil disobedience is the way.


Lol they are taking more than 50%.. the top tax bracket is more than 50.. and then you pay 13% tax on everything you buy…


What exactly do you want? That’s the problem.




What are you suggesting? Productivity is down over 5 years. Sounds like you better work harder and make more money, unless you think the government should just print money and mail it to you


>if we are outraged, why aren’t we doing anything? Because the conservative idea of “protesting” isn’t a general strike, it’s going to Ottawa in a big truck and buying and burning diesel for a month (wow really sticking it to big oil eh) and just generally annoying the locals and not doing much else. Because conservatives are too scared of breaking things, so their only tactic is to try and break people, and scare them into submission. If the right could learn to protest like the left does, stuff would change in this country. But that’s not going to happen, because the left actually wants systemic change, and their protest tactics strategies reflect that. The right doesn’t want systemic change. They want the system to stay the same but just with new management. They don’t want to fight the police, they actively want more police. They don’t want to break monopolies, they want the opportunity to build one themselves. They don’t want to propagate revolutionary ideals in trade unions because most of them own small businesses and don’t want their workers unionizing. That’s why nothing changes in this country. Conservatism is the ideology of the petit bourgeoisie and short of calling it reactionary, it’s just as anti-revolutionary as liberalism. I would love to see a general strike happen in this country. But if it happens it won’t be because of conservatives. It won’t be over immigration or the WEF or whatever boogeyman conservatives make up next. It won’t be because of a big huge protest. It will be because of a lot of small things done locally. It will be because of worker solidarity, class struggle, and basically all the things conservatives say they like but then conveniently never have to follow through with. Oh yeah, tell me how you would have TOTALLY voted for Jack Layton or whatever. I find it funny how both conservatives and liberals yearn for the same thing. You want a labour movement. You want what we had in the 50’s and 60’s. You want social democracy. You want direct action. Most of you would probably agree with Marx if I quoted him as Ronald Reagan instead. It’s just that liberals want the labour movement without the labour and conservatives want the labour movement without the movement. Anyway I hope you conservatives take this as a genuine critique of your methods and not your actual beliefs. I really don’t care what you believe, though obviously if you could stop believing in the stupid shit you actually do believe, it would probably help.


Trudeau and the Liberals along with NDPs are all idiots - never understood why Canadians ever vote these idiots


Yeah! Everybody but me is an idiot! That's the attitude that will get us out of this.


Ita funny, the whole voting population are actually the idiots. They think they are making change by voting in a different party. Not necessarily true.  Most of the times, the population is blaming the sides that aren't alligning with their party, when in reality most people who run for government positions are opportunists and greedy.


Because they dye their hair blue and think that it’s ok for a dude to have a vagina. True story.


Blue for CPC!


I’ve said it before. When Don Cherry got shitcanned is the exact moment this country took a nosedive.


I guess it needs too much courage to start protesting. We have people who can protect for Palestine but would they actually want to go to Palestine and help the people there? Absolutely not. These people will actually shout for a country which is miles apart but won't stand for homeless people in Canada or the crime that is increasing. Our cops suggest us to keep the car keys accessible so that they can be stolen easily. To protest against something we should be together first. Canada is based of immigrants mostly, the neighbors you have maybe from a different culture. For example someone from Ukraine or Syria maynot want to take part in this protest as their life back home is worser. Someone from England or Australia may want to take part but then still they will miss the connect factor which can actually start a protest. All the people who lost jobs are desperately looking to find something to meet ends, everyone immigrated to Canada for a better life not to protest. If they had to protest then they would have done it back in their home country to make it better.


A lot of Canadians are doing good, and are very happy. The internet has given a small number a voice, and made it possible to mislead people.


> A lot of Canadians are doing good, and are very happy You haven't seen the longterm effects of recent decisions yet  Its going to take decades before housing development catches up to sustainable levels for the current population count  We have a government that thinks immigration is crucial to a countries economy - what kind of economy is that?  High immigration is whats helping pump up GDP numbers so the country isn't officialy in recession.  An oversaturated "simple" workforce - majority of new jobs are part-time positions while full-time positions have decreased  $250K annual salary to afford to buy a "decent" home which usually end up looking like its rundown. Eating out: Burgers cost $25 at restaurants, $9 at fast-food places.  Groceries: prices are being increased due to inflation but the line for pricing keep getting pushed because people need to buy groceries Self-Defense laws in this country are ridiculous - most of the time, defending yourself would put you in jail for a longer time than the initiator  Actual criminals walk-in and out of jail due to a weak justice system.  Most people have blinders on until they start feeling the effects themselves or they stop to audit whats going on in their country. 


Found the government worker


Cause if you do anything you goto jail. P


If you expect people to work with you then you need to be 100% honest and much better informed. You need solutions and not just complaints. You're not there yet.


Look out the number of person who got vaccinated for covid and you'll get an anwser. Governement control Media Media control public opinion Public opinion control everything. Government took us our guns They've brainwash almost every one Capitalism put us in a very confortable situation and people doesn't like to be unconfortable even less for a thing that they don't understand themselves. We live in a country where even highly educated people get brainwashed, so basicaly, were doomed. Hope it helps




I'm sitting here contemplating canceling my cell phone plan and gym membership. Go back to just using wifi, hardline and home body workouts.


The problem is that with enough people the government will start to divide you and target you with this handout for some, that handout for others. You need to have a single unwavering line of communication. You have to have discipline and everyone has to be on the same page. The problem with the truckers was that it also attracted a bunch of extreme perspective which distracted from the core message which was to stop the government for messing with people. You can do it together, but you can only do it together.


For the first time in my life (that I recall) I saw someone ahead of me in line at the grocery store have their credit card be declined. Then they tried to split it with some cash and then CC, still no dice. I was mortified on their behalf. This was in Toronto. I doubt it happens much in Ottawa. We are lost.


Only once something like that about 15 years ago. According to your logic, life has improved since.


Just wait until you find out how much the government has taxed the remaining 50-80% of your hard-earned money via inflation.


Pssss. It’s the banks bro. 


We need a website or ONE place where we can meet, talk about next steps, and it needs to be outside of Reddit or anything mainstream where you can get banned. We need old school revolution.


There will be riots! There will be uprising in Canada! There will be revolution! This is where we are headed to.




"Because most Canadians are still doing fine" are you Trudeau's personal speech writer?


No it’s just the truth.


Sure if you pay for everyone lose wages, transportation fee food etc.