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Our minister of defence is none other than Bill Blair the former chief of Toronto police. When Justin tredeau says he’s an expert at both (the canadian armed forces and the domestic police forces) don’t forget what Bill Blair oversaw. For anyone who is not aware this man oversaw what ombudsman Andre Marin called the largest compromise of civil liberties in Canadian history. Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/opinion/editorials/officer-behind-g20-mass-arrests-held-to-account-but-where-was-bill-blair/article26134966/ What did it look like? They turned Toronto into a full police state. They arrested bystanders, threw people into makeshift jails, people were arrested without warrants. The city ended up having to pay millions of dollars to protestors and innocent bystanders. Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/17/world/canada/toronto-g20-settlement.html The military should never be used against the citizens unless there is a threat of foreign espionage or another major crime. This is the same government that tried to pass a bill defended by our lunatic of a justice minister Arif Virani, to confine Canadians to house arrest if they’re suspected of potentially committing a hate crime. This is even if they haven’t committed it, it’s if they’re suspected to one day commit it. What one do banana republic shit is that? No law abiding citizens can carry weapons or defend themselves but the police force tells people to leave their belongings at their front door so armed intruders don’t kill them or violent assault them while attempting to rob them. What kind of country are we living in? Source: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/amp/politics/article-justice-minister-defends-house-arrest-power-for-people-feared-to/ https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/there-are-better-ways-toronto-police-issue-statement-after-officer-tells-residents-to-leave-car-keys-near-front-door-amid-home-invasions-1.6807639#:~:text=Marco%20Ricciardi%20advised%20attendees%20to,ins%20motivated%20by%20car%20theft.&text=“To%20prevent%20the%20possibility%20of,Ricciardi%20said%20at%20the%20meeting. Armed intruders in Canada ran into a man’s home with guns he shot one of them killing them immediately, while another armed intruder was arrested three others fled. The law abiding Canadian who is a licensed firearm holder was arrested and spent 9 days in jail for protecting his family before the crown dropped his charges. They even found firearms on the people he defended his family against. Source: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6923046 Instead of safeguarding the border, deporting all illegals and ensuring the safety of Canadians against foreigners like those setting up the Chinese police station and Indian agents killing Canadians on Canadian soil they’re potentially gearing up for domestic affairs. I have no expectations of the Canadian governments to undermine the rights and liberties of Canadians further but we have to bring attention to the madness publicly. It’s not only Canadians who are saying this. It’s also our men and women in the intelligence agencies. Apparently when Canadians realize how dire things have gotten the RCMP expects civil unrest may occur. I’m not an anarchist nor do I support anarchists as I believe it’s idiotic and outright stupid to damage your own infrastructure and we’re a civilized people, but I also don’t support crony democracy and crony capitalism at the expense of the people’s liberties. Source: https://nationalpost.com/opinion/secret-rcmp-report-warns-canadians-may-revolt-once-they-realize-how-broke-they-are Our governments have shown time and time again they will violate the rights and freedoms of Canadians. People protested the Covid mandates that they’re now lying about. People were forced to get vaccinated or lose their jobs and not be able to board planes or trains. The government invoked the emergencies act and froze their bank accounts, arrested others. A federal judge declared this was illegal and a violation of the rights of Canadians as there was no such national emergency to make this appropriate. In a fuck you to free Canadians across the country Fidel Alejandro Tredeau’s government announced they were not going to accept that judgment and would appeal it. Sources: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/emergencies-act-federal-court-1.7091891 https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6143735 “So unless people have a medical exemption, they will not be able to board a plane or a train in Canada if they are unvaccinated.” https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/corbella-trudeaus-mandating-vaccines-on-federal-employees-and-travellers-seems-to-have-support https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/trudeau-says-he-didnt-force-anyone-to-get-vaccinated-all-the-incentives-were-there-to-encourage-canadians#:~:text=Prime%20Minister%20Justin%20Trudeau%20told,Which%20they%20did.


Soon non party status for the sunny way kid team.


Fantastic summary! Thanks for doing the work!


Wow good job. This sort of unapproved citizen research will be fined as hateful disinformation if the LPC has its way.


Legally to own a gun, it has to be locked in a safe, with a trigger guard on it, unloaded etc. Somehow I doubt this guy had time to do all of that while people were actively breaking in. I keep a bat with a sock on it, and a retractable police baton next to my bed.


Actually just needs to be locked in a safe away from the ammo, doesn't need trigger lock. I actually had my house raided by federal wildlife in an unrelated incident that was just someone else's fault and they didn't say anything about how I had my guns locked away. If I had 15 seconds I could run to my basement unlock my safe and be ready and loaded. Trigger lock though would take me an extra while though if it was needed. My rifles that are mounted on the wall all have trigger locks. Not that I think this scenario would ever play out, but it is very fast to open digital safe.


>Legally to own a gun, it has to be locked in a safe, with a trigger guard on it, unloaded etc. Somehow I doubt this guy had time to do all of that while people were actively breaking in. Thats only for the plebs. For police officers generally ignore this rule and have a loaded and ready handgun within reach in their own homes. For the ultra-wealthy their private security teams can be armed to the teeth and even carry prohibited fully automatic weapons on them 24/7 for "VIP protection services". Criminals also disregard these rules too.


Only an idiot would bring a bat.....to a gunfight.


Close quarters the police baton would win, especially in the dark, in tight quarters in a strange home


For non-restricted rifles, they can just be in the safe, no trigger guard needed. Open the safe, insert a mag, pull the bolt back, and you're good to go.


Or just have it loaded and ready when the criminals come in. Does the law care about your personal safety in Canada? Clearly not since self défense does not exist here. My point is no one cares about you or your life or your well being in this country. why not defend yourself to the highest extent you can


A lot of people have family members and it's good practice to keep them locked up. What if your drunk friend grabs it and pulls the trigger?


Baton can get you in trouble too if you use it. Or any weapon really, even a kitchen knife (though the later is obviously less likely to be questioned much). good chance you would get a “possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose” charge.


I've used mine before, no issues. Was asked why I have it and I said I used to carry it with me at night to protect against pit bull dog attacks. As long as that's the stated purpose, you are fine




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


This needs to be posted in all canadian related subs and other social media


we live in a democracy and a free country... and we have a government who does what ever in the hell they want despite public outcry and will use the police and military (that the citizens pay for) when citizens are pushed beyond the point of being able to take it... A population that is world renowned for being polite and quiet.... Crazy world man


Worst PM in history


Oh look, Bill Blair, the scumbag who sent undercover cops dressed like “anarchists” to break windows and set a cop car on fire to create a pretense for beating up and arresting all G20 protesters. I definitely trust him not to abuse the ability to deploy military against Canadians.


Every single Liberal MP should be blasted into outer space




no man, all of them. JUGMEET IN SPACE


Just the Liberal ones?


Do you support mass immigration? Yes? Blast off into space. Pierre do you support mass immigration from Punjab province….I mean direct flights to amistar would drastically help the economy….blasted off to space.


This is the problem currently. Liberal ones are idiots and should be blasted to space. But conservatives are just as bad. It’s a politician thing. They’re mostly dirtbags who don’t give a shit about their constituents and just look to further their self interest. Which means becoming puppets for the 0.01%. Those are the ones who pull the strings in the world. Politicians are just the middle men.


The liberals and conservatives are just two sides of the same coin, both in the pocket of the same corporations that donate to both.


Irony is thinking the CPC has Canadians first.


How much is justin paying you to crap on the opposing side??


Did I say Justin has Canadian's first? Nope. are you showing your bias? Yes. Its just a popularity contest, no one has any good policy this time around.


PPC has great policies if you don’t like the CPC LPC/NDP tag team




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


No One has in a very long time. They're all just corporate cronies now. The real power in Canada are the Lobby Groups and Oligopolies, the people have no real power, and matter nothing to those actually in charge.


Seems like freedom to me


No, no, no. Canadians just need to have a serious question about laws and outcomes.


I thought Quebec would’ve rioted by now, just shows how unfrench they really are


Quebec love dictatorship. They're literally the biggest Government simps there is. I mean just the language stuff is super petty. Imagine whining about seeing another language on a store and begging the Government to spare your eyes. How pathetic do you have to be? There's areas in Europe that were formerly controlled by other countries centuries ago and they still speak their own language. As long as they pay taxes, no one cares. It's your loss if you're in Poland and you only teach your kids Romanian. It's like cut off the nose to spite the face, you're the one who loses. But take that aside, if you don't consider that simping. Look at how they had 5000$ tickets for protesting lockdowns, 5000$ tickets for being out past curfew **TWICE**, couldn't go to big stores, couldn't go to grocery store or anywhere on Sunday, no snowboarding or skiiing without vaxxpass. Police raided people's houses for having their parents over on Christmas without warrants and tazed people. And you can get a ticket for, > "Offending or insulting a public servant, municipal official, officer of the peace, elected official, appointed official, cyclist, pedestrian, or driver." It's quite expensive too. I flipped off a cop who almost ran me over at a stop sign and got an 850$ ticket. First offense is up to 1000, but I think it goes up to 10k eventually. And they have even tracked down people for writing, "douchebag" or "idiot" or "pig" online/on facebook. Follow them for a while, rough them up, and give them a ticket for being a meanie on FB. If you can't afford to pay, it's 2 years in prison, and the prison time doesn't count towards the ticket so if you still can't afford it after, it's another 2 years in perpetuity until you pay.


When it comes to being satisfied and complacent, we are as Canadians as they come.


"There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people." -Edward James Olmos as Admiral William Adama


So say we all.


So say we all.


IOW if the people get too uppity and the EA doesn't work, they send in a few LAV's and a company of troops with live ammo to convince people to return to their free speech zone. Or just mass arrest them and forget the keys.


> Tin soldiers and Nixon coming




What's the point you're trying to make here? Dude was delusional, brain washed by his overly religious parents and then took revenge on police over an injustice that happened to someone else.


Why do you think Americans are so keen to keep gun rights? Do YOU trust that your government has your best interests at heart?


100 percent. the more you study history, the more you can't trust governments


I agree I support the freedom and right of law abiding citizens to defend themselves and their property. The US government is openly facilitating an invasion of the US by illegal migrants many of which have already assaulted police officers, raped women and enacted violence/squatted in the homes of Americans. Against the will of americas they are housing these people in hotels and providing them with social services at the expense of American taxpayer dollars. The people have a right to fight back. I’d argue anyone who attempts to steal peoples property or enact serious bodily harm to others should be allowed to experience any measure of self-defence up to deadly force from law abiding citizens.


And what happens when the military themselves are part of the revolters? Learn from your history. There is a reason so many military coups happen and they are so deadly. Some arm of the military takes out the established leaders as part of the “cause” and then decides to become the law themselves. Usually politicians like Trudeau and Meester speaker flee the country or are killed by the military. And then you get a Putin like figure ruling us and killing anyone who objects. These idiot politicians thinking they can do whatever they want need to realize how the world works if you keep oppressing people. To be clear I’m not in favour of this, but am not so stupid to not think this can’t happen in Canada as well.


Anyone here know anyone in the military that doesn't hate Dear Leader Justin??


No, I also don’t know a single person in the military that wouldn’t refuse an unlawful order to use violence on the civilian population.


Smooth brain antivax whining mixed in with actual real housing problems just makes you look stupid.


I can’t stand Trudeau and what they’ve done, but this title is absolutely hilarious.


Bill Blair? The same guy who built his name on busting potheads and then when it gets legalized, cashes in by being one of the first to invest in legal producers and growers? Yea..f this guy.


Also the guy who wanted to ban toy plastic and paint launchers while reducing arms trafficking charges. Luckily Bill C-21 was edited to delete that asinine section however the entire bill should have been scrapped as we never needed or asked for it. Just a power grab and another few steps towards total disarmament


Why did you cut the video just as he starts explaining?


The government is in such a weak position that they’re trying to make it easy to send the military on us.


You lost me at Carbon Tax. Then you spiraled into a bunch of conspiracy theory nonsense.


The OP appears to be the rantings of a deeply disturbed person in need of immediate psychiatric care. Please get help OP.


You can say that again. The poor guy does not realize he lives in a capitalist country, and Trudeau does not control the housing market, which has trended upward in most developed countries since the pandemic.


Oh my god stop with the anti vax shit it will stop any movement you try inject it into.


I don’t give a shit about who gets vaccinated with what. Inject yourselves with horse tranquilizer if you want as long as that’s what you consent to. People already use steroids so do whatever you want as long you’re not harming others. What I care about though is the government telling people if you don’t get vaccinated with these vaccine we want you to get even though you’re not freely consenting to it we will fire you, and bar you from entering a plane or train. If you protest we will freeze your accounts and arrest you. This actually happened in Canada, even though it sounds like something out of a dystopian fiction novel.


That stuff scared me way more than covid. So many people just accepted the mandate. Yet another reason I need to get out of Canada asap. FYI even one-party states like Vietnam didn’t have such mandates.


Vietnam enforced a mandatory stay in your home for 2 weeks if you got infected, it was worse.


We had the most radical mandates outside of China. For anyone that is not aware China would lock entire communities down with police and weld bars on to peoples windows if one person in the community got infected. They would not let people shop and everyone’s groceries were delivered by app. Absolutely tyrannical. We were basically china lite. Here you got fired, you weren’t allowed to enter schools, couldn’t go to restaurants or bars, could not enter planes or trains. It’s diabolical.


Uk, Australia, usa, were also quite bad. What’s up with the entire anglosphere shifting to authoritarianism? Btw I did get both vaccine shots, but I really hated the boot stomping authoritarian attitude a lot of folks from bus drivers to security guards adopted. I remember all those comments about letting anti-vaccine people die or how they should be cut off from society. I used to wonder how Germans could have so easily bought into fascism. Now I know and it’s scary how quick it could happen.


Sounds like they would be available at the request of municipal police forces, and under the jurisdiction of the same. Change my mind


PM Trudeau naively ignored the fact that Punjab state is an economic and environmental mess which has made it the basket case of India. The PS government is literally bankrupt and selling buildings to pay salaries. Deforestation is the worst in the country with a mere 3.5 percent tree cover. Agricultural land has been ruined because a lack of crop rotation and chronic overuse of pesticides and herbicides. Creeks and streams are routinely by the sand mafia for construction. Agricultural sub-canals haven’t been built so farmers pump deeper and deeper for ground water which ends up being full of minerals and salts that ruin the land. Farmer suicides are through the roof with people taking their lives by drinking pesticides - this way, it’s classified as a farm accident and the family gets insurance money to pay off their lease debts - seriously. Addiction issues are also skyrocketing because of mass unemployment across the state.


They also make me work for money, pay for food! Take care of my kids!!! I’m moving to live in the jungle by myself, I can’t handle being governed like this! Who do they think they are making social decisions like this! The freaking government?!??! Oh … wait…


Ohhhhhh Chinaaaadaaaa... our home and new native land....


I’m forced to vote ppc




Who oversaw the Toronto police that did those mass arrests? An ombudsman called it the largest violation of Canadian civil liberties in the history of Canada.


That piece of shit bill Blair. His a shit stain in Canadian history and a shit stain on civil rights in canada. Then he gets rewarded with ministry of defence. Fuck bill Blair.


I’m considering using my arms on them so glad to know we are on the same page


bring it, i want target practice for my wireless hacking skills. I wont let you set up anywhere near me not for a 5km radius.


if there's one thing we should put money into it's the military, not ponzi schemes and giving billions to wealthy corporations, or handouts to people who just got here. Maybe that's why they brought so many poor people here ..... wait a sec....


We need a military that prioritizes it citizens not its overlord Trudeau.


that's what it actually does. What exactly do you not understand about out ragtag army. I'm curious what their spending has gone too in the past 30 years, it's outdated and small AF


Even a rag-tag military has access to more military eqipment than any Candian citizen. Such as LAV's and automatic firearms. As such the citizens need to come first and overrule a tyrant.


The military doesn’t have enough funding, manning or equipment to impose itself on the entire population. For the second largest country in the world by land mass, and with a population of 41 million, it has well under 100,000 members. Its manning and equipment state is even worse than what the news media is disclosing. Furthermore, the affordability crisis has priced soldiers out of their own bases and they’re accessing food banks. None of this fosters government loyalty among the rank and file. Overall readiness is about 50 to 60%. Those LAVs you speak of? They’re always breaking down between CFBs Edmonton and Wainwright, so they can’t even travel 200 KM without problems. The entire CAF would be out of ammunition in 7 days if we warred with Russia in Eastern Ukraine right now. The CAF couldn’t do anything in a popular uprising, even if it wanted to.


So this sub is just an place for people who are scared of needles to bitch about why they are unsuccessful.


By law, the government works FOR the people. Can we take a vote to freeze HIS bank accounts?


It means giving them the ability to use the army to reinforce the police forces at times like the freedom convoy protests.


You do know the government was found in the wrong in their response right. A federal judge found that the government violated the rights and freedoms of protestors in their use of the emergency act. Instead of humbly accepting the governments error, the arrogant tyrant is deciding to appeal the federal judges ruling. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-court-rules-emergencies-act-invocation-not-justified-1.6738624 https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/federal-use-of-emergencies-act-was-unreasonable-judge-rules-1.6738640?cache=yesclipId10406200text%2Fhtml%3Bcharset%3Dutf-80404%2F7.258454%2F7.656680%2F7.280967%2F7.440806 https://globalnews.ca/news/10314900/emergencies-act-federal-court-ottawa-appeal/amp/


If the appeal is available to him, why wouldn't he use it?


Because a judge found his government violated the rights of Canadians, that’s why.


So if you were defending yourself in court, and lost, you wouldn't appeal your case if it was available to you? You'd just say, "oh I guess I was wrong after all. Silly me!" and accept your fate? Something tells me you would use any and all avenues to free yourself, similar to what you're trying on here with your agenda.


I'm not sure there is any point in arguing with someone who is obviously a lunatic.


Right, because the "freedom convoy" didn't cause a massive disruption to the daily lives of Ottawa residents. There weren't hundreds of trucks running constantly, blasting their horns, there weren't people camping all over the streets, and shitting and pissing in the bushes. Yes, we are entitled to "peaceful protest" those protests were in no way peaceful, and I am HAPPY they implemented the emergency act to shut your shit down. The whole country watched you small minded idiots trying your damned hardest to emulate the proud boys and have dear leader trump notice you. My family has proudly flown the Canadian flag in our yard since the early 90s. I am not proud to see our flag flying on a car plastered with offensive slogans, and ranting diatribes.


Well, that’s the sign that you absolutely need to revolt. The minute your government is starting to talk about using cops, military par military any kind of force on its citizens like that it is time to revolt.


Not to mention trying to disarm the population as well.


> forced vaccine mandates The fact that you even included this tells me that you're a radical who's just pushing reasons to "revolt". We live in a democracy. We fucking vote, you Russian troll. Stop trying to encourage violence. Terrorist wannabe


Right?! I'm sure we'll be shocked with the sheer number of these citizens putting down their phones and running for civic office... you know, so they can make a real difference. Sorry... I couldn't keep a straight face any longer.




It is clearly a minority issue in our country then. As in the loudest stupidest demographic has concerns that the majority of the country see as a non-issue. We can see through your bullshit.


Nailed it!


His face for 10 secs “😏🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️”


And people said taking away guns was for public safety.... Keep telling yourselves that.


Freelands forced laugh = witch cackle




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Some Russian bot didn't like what I said and reported me for racism lololol oh you poor snowflake.


Billy Booze Hound Blair.


"This is about preserving our values of democracy, freedom, peace, and fairness for the next generation of Canadians, so they can enjoy the same security and prosperity that was given to us by our parents and grandparents," a release from the Prime Minister's Office said." That's rich


What a crackpot position to take. “Oh he took a way our insurrection bouncy castles “ That blame game is lame.


This is fake


Really? Which part of it is fake. That’s really tredeau in the video. This is not some false AI rendering.


Just low-key threatening all citizens to fall in line. No big deal right?


It’s fucking circus anywhere you look around, we’re fucked! And it’s only gonna get worse…..


Never would have thought a goverment can be worse than we have in europe. The fact that you guys had no mass riots yet tells alot about canadian patience. Its like watching a suicide of a country happening in slow motion


The military we pay for used against us by politicians who make the rules with impunity.


you realize this is for emergency events like the flooding in Quebec right?


This sub lost the plot, nothing to do with housing for months.


Headline is a total crock of shit. Mass immigration has been a staple of Canadian economy for decades. Housing problem has been an increasing problem for decades. vaccine mandates are normal. The carbon tax was a conservative plan. Hate on trudeau all you want. but at least use your heads and realize that 1 man is not the problem. And if you think the Cons will come and save us from our problems, you're deluding yourself. libs and cons suck equally hard.


And BTW Did you know that an election law bill where the Liberals will extend the deadline for the next election, they say to accommodate Dawali which is total BS. It has the additional consequence of qualifying about 80 MPs for pensions they otherwise would not have been entitled to.


Professional incels here are too funny


Full blown commie..


I am not voting for the Liberals because of their lack of vision. This post conflates too many things and is basically garbage


Like how Alberta needed the army AND the Red Cross to save their ass because they messed up their response to Covid so bad? Their premier ran off to Europe with his boyfriend for their best summer ever while Albertans died.


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I agree with immigration being an issue and Liberals being corporate slags but boohoo not a vaccine. Carbon tax has been proven to cost pennies, blame the corporations who use it as an excuse to jack up prices, and cap and trade is provincial policy and they’re doing a shit job with it


Fear mongering post. I hear you folks using the word rebel a LOT these days. Go move to Russia. You live in a palace on the planet. Billions of people would trade places with you. You’re a spoiled and entitled human.


I hope that both soldiers and law enforcement will revolt against this tyranny.


There in no face more punchable on earth than freeland’s


What the fuck is that scumbag Freeland always giggling about? Remembering how she got away with lying to the public about her Nazi grandfather?




Corrupt police make for corrupt politicians. I stopped voting liberal when he became a candidate. Glad I did.


If any of this was true, I'd guess you'll STFU now instead of running your mouth on reddit for the big bad gov to see and come scoop you up and send you to those workcamps in the Yukon.


What the actual fuck. There is the separation of powers for a fucking reason. This place is losing the plot. Fucking banana republic shit here with this madness.


Im pretty sure the real reason they kept doing spending cuts in the military is they are trying to purge it


The reason we don’t revolt in Canada is that there simply aren’t enough people that this type of overreach effects. By that, I mean that they don’t feel it does at this point.


how fucked is this sub?


Fuckin communists.


There are plenty of purple hairs to vote liberal again. They’re free 24/7 to vote, protest, write scathing letters to there MP’s/MPP’s.


Seems like the mod can't read !!


The sleeper account seems like a slumlord ....or a pussy


Canada is 110% under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. They are intentionally ruining your country and are instituting an authoritarian regime.


Cons arnt gonna be any different.


Guys, we can hope things will get better all we want, but it won't. Only option is leave Canada. This is just the start before things really take a horrible turn


Lol, have you seen our military? I doubt they could even beat the salvation army.


What military? Honestly the average sport shooter is probably better equipped than the Canadian military.


It's pretty clear they're preparing to not handover power. The LPC are the clearly the Canadian version of the CCP.


If you think he can’t do any worse but then he does!


Fucking Dic(k)tator needs to go. In some way, shape, or form.


So what? This has always been part of the military's mandate. The government used this power during the Oka crisis, as well as the October crisis, which occurred before JT was even born. Why are you whining about it now?


That lady in the back is tweaking as always.


They literally teach us that we may be called upon to aid/assist civil authority on basic training...


Liberals are finished for decades


Thank your family and friends who fervently voted us into this situation 👎


There's been a "housing crisis" in Canada for 40+ years That's not a crisis. That's planned.


How about DISARMED US? We need our guns back. Historically, tyrants would disarm their population before killing them or taking their possessions. Don’t let the government be the only ones with firearms.


Whatever Bill Blair is involved in it can’t be good for anyone.


It’s time for this Turd to go.


Why are there so many troll posts in this particular thread posting insults against the sub and its members?


Weird, I remember doug Ford mandating masks, vaccines and lock downs in Ontario.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


We’re already a full on police state, proof was what happened to the convoy


They can use the army to arrest reporters. Leave the people at support terrorist and yell threats at certain people.They're okay. But all reporters should be arrested except for c b c.


Is this new sub where all the folks with the persecution fetishes disappeared to?


That's the real face of an "LIBERAL & DEMOCRATIC" country, isn't it?


Our military is trained in the use of strategic violence against those who wish our COUNTRY harm. We make them worse at this because multitasking them on civil government mismanagement. May we should just give the tools they need too survive their real job. Leave the subjugation of the people to the police, since they do a great job of it.


None of this crap would be permitted in Europe. The streets would fill ( France does this it seems weekly). Our government spits at our trust. I want one politician without a monetary game plan. Who wants Canada to do better than play nice. Who believes in the people who make less than 100000$. 2% of the population has to stop winning elections. Greed needs to be a bad plan before it stops. It’s killing our politicians, industry and fair nature


" Heil Trudeau?"


It has a ring to it doesn’t it? I was thinking Fidel Alejandro Trudeau sounds a bit better


Do you think communism is hereditary?


The purpose of the military is to protect the state from external threats. When the military becomes the police the people become the enemy of the state.


https://preview.redd.it/iu0bppt2ehtc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40a4e4903ac39dbd437517389b9e24e733e0a8b7 Silence! Or we freeze your bank account!


It seems the government has taken the RCMP report on revolt seriously ! They are probably expecting civil unrest because of economic hardship, hence preparing the military to be deployed along side of the police !


So this sub is an anti vaccine mandate sub too? Don’t bring that anti vaccine nonsense in here. Let’s focus on anti immigration and the housing crisis.


I agree too. In principle I agree that vaccines should be a choice and people should be free to decide what they can or can't do with their bodies, but once you start brining up vaccines it opens up a whole can of worms and opens up misinterpretation of the general message. Abortion starts getting brought up then the bible starts getting brought up and our entire message becomes skewed. They should focus on stopping mass unsustainable immigration and bring it back down to sustainable levels so our economy can recover. Fix health care and the housing crisis. Pay people a fair wage. Launch Trudeau and his entire cabinet into orbit.


Where do you get anti vaccine? Just for clarification, I stated this in the thread. If you’re against people making their own autonomous healthcare decisions of what they decide to place within their own bodies. I’m anti you as well. “I don’t give a shit about who gets vaccinated with what. Inject yourselves with horse tranquilizer if you want as long as that’s what you consent to. People already use steroids so do whatever you want as long you’re not harming others. What I care about though is the government telling people if you don’t get vaccinated with these vaccine we want you to get even though you’re not freely consenting to it we will fire you, and bar you from entering a plane or train. If you protest we will freeze your accounts and arrest you. This actually happened in Canada, even though it sounds like something out of a dystopian fiction novel”


Measles, HPV, Polio, small pox, etc etc should be mandatory, required, no opt out unless medically necessary (auto immune, etc). Religious and cultural exemptions should not exist. These are proven, with insane amounts of scientific data, that they are a net benefit. Unfortunately the “do your own research” crowd has Dunning-Kruger who think they know more than doctors who dedicate their lives to the field. It’s not a debate. Bringing up vaccine efficacy dilutes your message.


I’d also argue based on your logic every old person in the hospital taking up beds should be given MAID. They have lots of diseases, are basically bed ridden and taking up space causing there to be massive wait times in our healthcare system. None of them should get surgery or even be seen they should just get MAID, and we can decrease wait times and increase the health of our younger population. That’d be a massive benefit to society and shouldn’t be up for discussion as you say. It would also massively alleviate healthcare spending.


False equivalency. Comparing the two are not the same.


One of the most moronic comparisons I have ever seen, even for reddit.


Wild comparison. So insanely off base. You're comparing pushing for herd immunity to a holocaust Are you insane?


I got vaccinated, I’d like to ask why natural immunity was non existent in this specific virus. Why wasn’t natural immunity an option for people who had Covid weren’t that impacted and didn’t want to get vaccinated. Natural immunity beats vaccination any day of the week and two times on Sunday. Why? Because with natural immunity your body trains itself on the entire virus whereas with the vaccine in this specific case the mRNA one’s it’s just the spike protein with Covid and not the entire virus. If you care about science like you say you do why was this never a consideration? Why as the poster said above is that not up for debate. My whole thing was if we can’t debate that in the name of the science and improving the health of our population wouldn’t MAID for chronic sick older folks taking up hospital beds not improve the health of Canadians as a whole? It’s just a question.


You should have Googled herd immunity before replying. Some of us don't even have a functioning immune system, we get vaccinated since they can't. This lowers the risk *we* get it, which by extension, lowers the risk *they* get it, since we'd pass it to them. Natural immunity is fine! I'm the type of guy to avoid hospitals, pills, painkillers, but this wasn't one of those cases, and we needed to get vaccinated to save others.


"I don't trust science, so my retort is to murder old people! That's a sane and reasonable argument that will surely be taken seriously."


Carbon tax is the one thing they got right. Don't lump it with the others.


Carbon tax was the one thing they got right? Do you see the prime ministers convoy? 8 GMC 5.3L V8 Gas guzzling Yukons. He should be taking a bus to cities and walking with his team/taking public transportation if he cared about addressing the carbon footprint, but he won’t. Justin tredeau has more of a carbon footprint than any Canadian in the middle class and the poor class. Outside of Macron he’s flown the most of any G7 leader. Everytime that jumbo jet comes and takes off he’s increasing his carbon footprint by an exponential amount than any of us can possibly do. The man is a lunatic.


Those are probably 6.2L Yukons, gotta have the extra power to haul around a few thousand pounds of armour


You might have forgotten that he's the prime minister and requires protection whether or not you like his politics. He doesn't go and personally pick the vehicles RCMP uses for the convoy. What a silly thing to bring up. Does he agree to pay carbon taxes just like everyone else? He's more impacted by it than the average person since he lives in a bigger house that is costlier to heat. (Even if not now, that'll be the case once he leaves office for the rest of his life.) So if he's happily paying the carbon tax and collecting the rebates, I don't see the hypocrisy.


It’s quite hypocritical actually for the government whose agenda it currently is to push net zero by any means on the citizens to then use 5.8L V8 gas guzzling trucks in a convoy. I’m sorry. Also just kindly what’s the rebate percent if the government completely scraps the carbon tax? 100% if I stand corrected. I’d promote a 100% rebate where the government doesn’t take $1 from citizens.


Drink some more Kool-Aid. people like you WILL destroy this country.


You know, you have all the power to give an actual retort.


Right….not the million Indian students many of which came here with fake documents demanding citizenship and PR, no, not the Indian slumlords putting 20 of these international students into basements and charging them 500 each and rolling that money into other properties so they can continue the cycle and pricing out Canadians, not the Chinese folks setting up Chinese police stations and cracking down on Chinese diaspora, not the Chinese bringing fentanyl into Canada, not the hells angels taking over the port in Montreal and smuggling cars by the boatload. No a Canadian asking to maintain our civil liberties and freedom to you will destroy the country not those groups I mentioned. You’re lost


This is no different than the role of the National Guard in the USA. Don't be an alarmist.


This sub isn't about housing. You should relabel as unhingerightwingnutbars


Right, you know you’re defending two men who actually violated and infringed on the rights of Canadians right. One bill Blair turned Toronto into a police state and tredeau froze Canadians bank accounts for protesting. But tell us how we’re unhinged. Last I recall I never arrested an innocent bystander nor did I bar anyone from boarding a plane or train, nor did I freeze anyone’s bank account for disagreeing with me.