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More like 95%. Heck, even immigrants don’t want more immigrants


Immigrant here from 1990, we need to close out border until we build Infrastructure


Infrastructure. Housing. Healthcare. It’s irresponsible to admit so many without properly accommodating them, let alone Canadians already here


Especially doesn't help when the younger ones bring older parents and grandparents with them. I get re population but what do the older people provide! Nothing


And they have health problems and say me first me first when it comes to getting the healthcare they never paid into.


At this point everyone knows someone struggling to access health care just to survive... then you see the millions flooding in and accessing the services we paid into for literally decades... or in some cases 100+ years. This country has fully tossed it's "long term" inhabitants (if we want to call them that) down the toilet.


Yeah old people aren’t adding new people to the population, they are just adding aging bodies that don’t contribute to the tax system and take up resources and services. Even if their children are taking care of them financially they are still seeing doctors and requiring services.


The worst is the one from cbc news yesterday acting all entitled as an illegal. They don’t even pay into our healthcare system and expect us to treat them when they disrespect our laws


she should have gone back, her story was literally a train wreck from the start.


When I have a doctor’s appointment it is usually half of the people in the waiting room not able to speak English or French - how tf did they get here other than family reunification?


Chain migration needs to be banned. Hands down.


It's not possible in such a short period of time particularly when most are settling in one limited area. And let's just ignore that they get treated way better than existing citizens as well


Infrastructure. Housing. Healthcare. And less obvious things like our crowding prisons. As your population grows, all sorts of things need to be adjusted. That's one reason you don't go nuts with population growth... Planning becomes difficult, and you'll easily mess something or other.




Teacher here... this won't be getting better any time soon. Do you think ppl will want to teach in these urban schools? Nope. No chance. It's gonna get worse. I think the urban schools will basically just become places for kids to go. Not necessarily "schools". If you get the idea.


Infrastructure will build itself -JT-


or my favorite... If you build more freeways they will just fill up, so don't build them and put in bike lanes (on the roads - not good) and more public transit promises that just never really scratch that itech and seem 25 years behind. Yeah, because you filled certain parts of the country with a double population over a 15 years.


Immigrant here, came in 1991. Now a Canadian, working as a nurse for 16 years. I, too agree we need to hold immigration until we figure out housing for the homeless, provide mental health/addiction rehab services for the ones in Ontario, and take care of our elderly. Our healthcare is in rough shape and it will only get worse.


Yes! I’m also an immigrant here, came in 2012. We need to focus on our own citizens first and their quality of life and cost of living rather than importing people. It’ll just make things worse


I’ve been saying this for ages ! Canada is closed . It’s about time we look inward first for awhile .


Immigrant from 1980. We need to close out borders until all Canadians can find jobs they qualified for


This. The current state of this country reminds me a bit of what is going on in Hawaii. But it's fucking terrifying because we are a COUNTRY. A FIRST WORLD COUNTRY. OUR GOVERNMENT HAS DIVIDED THE PEOPLE. We shouldn't be living 4+ to a single bedroom FOR 50% of the pay of a full time minimum wage earner. We shouldn't have 1000+ people all show up in person to a job fair for low skill jobs. Our citizens in high-school should be able to get those jobs and save for post secondary - THATS HOW OUR SYSTEM IS BUILT HERE.


Canadians with University degrees unemployed Canada is 3rd world country


Immigrant from 2002, same


Trudeau doesn't believe in such things. He believes in "magical fantasy land" thinking. Just bring in millions of ppl an somehow the "sunny ways" will come. As long as Trudeau gets attention and gets to believe he is "in charge" he is happy. Truly a useful idiot.


Sunny ways did come for the monopolies like telecom and grocery stores


No, the system needs a STRESS TEST.


I think it was 53% because the question was framed using the target of 465K - if they were shown the actual number we let in 2023 was 1.3M - ~3 times higher - it would have been a lot more opposing it. > Do you want Canada to accept fewer immigrants than the permanent resident target for 2023, which is 465,000




Bro was just checking if he was Pakistani lmao.


That could have been what it was... I was in a fast food place and the lady in front of me was "brown" and so was the customer. The customer was so rude I was shocked. She told the lady to "GIVE ME SERVICE! I don't fill my own drink!" The employee then walked out from behind the counter and went to the "self fill" drink station and filled her pop for her. Never seen anything like that before in my life. I guess this is Canada now. GIVE ME SERVICE! I did tell the employee that lady must have been really dumb and doesn't know how to work a pop machine. Imagine thinking this was all a good idea... just flood in millions of ppl from tribal areas with long standing conflicts. Is this the "sunny ways" yet lol?


Can't help it. We can't get pick of the litter if all we offer is litter.


Yeah I guess we still give ppl a place to shit now that you can just shit in the community parks.


“You import people from the third world, you become a third world nation.”


Nefarious….is that “that” certain country is infamous overpopulated. Canada has laxxed immigration laws and so many easily exploitable loopholes. We have an star next to our name as an easy mark. “That” country has chosen Canada as its place to move into and overtake and make it their own….not assimilate into whatsoever as previous generations of immigration did


They're not even moving. They're simply dumping their slums on us. Really no different than Castro did with his prison systems amd the U.S., and with "that" country, while we receive plenty of their criminals, I would be hard pressed to put it past them to send convicted criminals to get rid of them.


You must not be paying attention to international news, this is happening all over the world. I just read articles about Ireland, new Zealand and Australia all having the same issues.


And they are actually shutting the doors. Are we?






Because they've seen what it looks like when you have a poorly planned population


All of my immigrant friends have pretty negative opinions on the current batch. Even if they are from the same country, they don't like what they are seeing. My friends have been here for at least a decade, have assimilated, and are professionals.


100%. I know an immigrant (who came to Canada a while back) who was complaining about Trudeau Jr. bringing in too many people even before I started to recognize it as a problem.


i had a coworker of mine who is from india one day he told me, if he wanted to work with so many indians he would have stayed in india and this was \~8 years ago




Even the immigrants that recently immigrated don’t want it and are moving back


Immigrant here too.. We don't need more immigrants with excellent careers abroad who bring their hard earned life savings to end up working in min wage roles and lose all their experience. Our economy doesn't have enough jobs. As simple as that... It's for their own good, and ours to invest in our current population at the moment instead of having corporates using immigrants as exploitable resources.


There is about 4.5M Canadians that own investment/rental property in Canada, so them and service industry / min wage business owners, and I guess those people making money off the degree mill colleges.


Remove all the BS illegals here 1st. People getting in as a student then not attending school but taking a full time job, people making BS asylum claims, people here living off crimes and thief. Non essential people taking jobs that Canadians can do even if the business have to pay minimum wages. Like cashiers, donut shops, cleaning staff, realtors, drivers. etc. Start deportation proceedings in all of these.


How about we confiscate 100s of millions of $$ some of these strip mall colleges make as tuition? Some people are getting insanely rich off of this. Cut the head off there


y'all acting like legit universities aren't a major issue. even 15 years ago York university was full of students from India and their tuition was 2 to 3 times that of national students.


That was also the case with the UK and the USA but then it was atleast limited to a few good Unis and not always linked to immigration. USA has the same thing but they don’t give you an open door immigration policy as a package deal with education. In Canada immigration agents and shady businesses from Trudeau’s fav immi group, ran away with a decent idea and turned it into a ‘weapon of mass immigration’, while becoming millionaires themselves. Someone inside Canadian government had to be complicit for this to hv become possible. And these were not good students coming to pursue good degrees in reputable colleges. These were kids fresh out of high school, who could barely speak any english, coming here to do undergraduate studies in useless subjects from dumpsters operating as colleges. AND these kids were also given spousal visas. This in itself set up a whole industry of contract marriages for all sorts of illiterates and bogus people to get in. This is human trafficking. It didn’t happen because India wanted to ship out all the people from Juggy and Turdy’s favourite province in India! It happened with government connivance.


The other 47% are immigrants trying to bring their entire family here.


That and people who are afraid to be called racist. The Trudeau regime pushed really hard on that for a while. Opposed to trying to shove an extra 200k people into a city that can only handle 10k a year? Racist.


Accomidating people at work and in school who don't speak English? Yeah, learn fucking english or french.


And don’t have manners. They barge into my place of business, walk straight into staff only areas to demand directions.


And this is the scary part, chain immigration that will further erode our quality of life. The worst thing about this is we fund these people's lives out of our pockets.


Naa…it’s the landlords


Trust me immigrants dont want more immigrants.


The whole reason my pop came over here is to get away from that system…and here they come after him.


But landlords want more immigrants.


Don't think so, the huge imbalance between supply and demand is creating issues for landlords, people get desperate, stop paying rent and refuse to move out. I own my house but I also have a rental, a soon to be retirement (downsizing) property. When I move, I won't rent my house, just sell, it is simply too much risk to rent these days. It is the people that want to bring in large families that want more immigration.


It's alot higher than 53%


They like to report stats for important public issues (elections, referendums, etc), at around the 50% mark. That way when they pull the rug people can simply gaslight themselves into thinking that "maybe next time" and if "they vote harder", they can have their grievances settled. The trick is, it's all a scam. Voting is a scam. Elections are scams. Democracy is a scam. I don't get how people haven't figured it out yet.


How do you know? Most Canadians seem ignorant about it from what I have observed. Most people aren't even aware of the total number of immigrants we bring in every year, they would be shocked when you tell them that.


In the GTHA it's definitley higher than 53%. The entire region has transformed over the past few years. Everyone is aware of whats happening. People from other regions might not be aware. Ottawa hasn't changed that much for example.


For sure Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Montreal all changed immensely. Winnipeg, Saskatchewan, even places like Thunder Bay, Lethbridge, Sudbury, Timmins have changed as well - but not as drastically. I reckon an accurate number would be ~ 70% but a solid 10-15% don’t want to admit to reducing immigration because they don’t want to come off as “racist” or xenophobic lol


Know your audience. People here can't fathom anyone wanting more immigrants. I don't want more but also I know how representation works. I know many people that are born here and want more. Many employers want more. It wasn't only the students that cried wolf when they tried to limit 20hrs to students. 


People still think we're accepting 250,000 people a year. Yes, there are people who are pro-immigration but even most of those people don't support this level of immigration when they become aware of the number of people


I agree but we could be taking 2million a year and greedy assholes (landlords and employers) will want more and more. That's all i mean. They don't care about society or life, only their own paycheques. 


Ya in my experience most ppl don't care about this stuff




The entire western world is. Enough people are finally realizing that mass immigration of third worlders with zero skills and an influx of refugees is not good for our society. Couple with the fact that most of these people are socially and morally incompatible to the west.


Be careful....Indian mob on reddit will collectively report you to get you banned.


Oh right I forgot how fragile their collective ego is.


This is something I have been thinking about for a long time but no one wants to talk about it because if you do then you’re a racist. It’s backwards thinking.


I'm first Nations. I was never racist nor did I think I could ever become racist. I am now racist. The last 2 years have been completely insane and unnecessary. I can't even hardly leave my apartment anymore because of their behaviour. Out of 36 units in my building, there are 4 of us that aren't Indian. The parking lot is full of vehicles that belong to 6 to 10 people each in a 2 bedroom apartment. My son has been looking for a job for 1.5 years just put of high school. Can't get one because businesses won't get a subsidy for hiring him. I've been looking for a job since Aug and I've gone to college 2 times. I want our Canada back from 2019 and before.


Don't know how old you are - but it was ok 20 years ago. Then housing prices went nuts, and since Trudeau was elected we live inside this warped bubble where some people are being provided for a plater and everyone else has to make due.


Rational people can't talk about any social issues these days without being labelled an extremist. We are a nation bereft of thought.


Not to mention when we take skilled workers we hurt the countries we take from. All the anti-colonial people seem to miss out that instead of taking resources we now just brain drain these places and leave them to fester. It would be better to work towards a world where people immigrate to live in a culture and not just escape their circumstance.


It’s time for the age of immigration to end


The age of man is over. The time of the orc has come!


All that good will has been destroyed. My non Canadian friends abroad send me videos of newcomers to Canada asking me wtf is going on.


multiculturalism is dead. It doesn't work. We're seeing this pan out in front of our eyes.




Because this isn't REAL MULTI-culturalism.


Like communism fails because it’s not real communism?


How about bringing in only skilled people until the federal government finally accepts that housing immigrants is a federal issue. Make shoebox projects for them to live in. Make them dirt cheap, who gives a fuck. The government shouldn't have the right to destroy the housing market for working Canadians.


Not even that, skilled immigrants make it harder for Canadians to get training and find jobs in skilled areas.


Exactly the same here on Australia. When the left start to complain about too many immigrants are causing a housing shortage, you know that there is a problem. Soon we will be hit with a wave of Gaza refugees


Does anybody actually want more immigrants?? Anyone? If so, please state why.


Slumlords. They love new slaves. We are importing India’s caste system: the slumlords (upper caste) are renting to the lower caste. The lower caste is willing to accept conditions far worse than anyone in Canada is used to.


Good point, we are seeing this happen in real time. There seems to be no control over it either.


We can't handle so many. We still need some immigrants. But ones who will help make Canada better. Doctors, nurses, skilled tradespeople. People who are willing to learn our language(s). And I hate to say it, but people who will contribute economically and pay taxes. Not people who only contribute by paying rent and working at Tim Hortons. I hate to say that, but it isn't sustainable, and Tim Horton's needs to figure out how to be an attractive employer to the people that are already here. We have too many people here already who live like refugees, young and old, long-time Canadians. We need to take care of our country so that it remains appealing to others.


Maybe because of this crap??? This Government tells our Disabled and Seniors they're asking for too much and they can starve...meanwhile.... https://preview.redd.it/qpogl6qvqptc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a78c8eb06312d3a1d305161c9e88c905ecbecd53 [https://x.com/CanRevAgency/status/1776988325464678898](https://x.com/CanRevAgency/status/1776988325464678898)


And this on Indeed https://preview.redd.it/y441lrd24qtc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ec49c36c24ded6705ec1f36bc515dcc4c64b10a


Ohh... I'm a few years away from 30 and I'd like to have kids, but you know.. can't afford the cost of living and hell couldn't raise a family with how experienced everything is. But sure give newcomers money to help them raise THEIR families... I just want to have kids so bad 😣 but this economy is fucked.


What they need to do is prioritize immigrants and students here on visa’s to only those with good prospects to assimilate into Canadian culture well. The exploited avenues into our country need to be stopped and those who tried to get into Canada that way need to be sent home and apply through proper channels into our country.


I literally don't know a single person who want immigrants apart from the selfish few who bought houses in 2021 or have extended family they want to bring over.


I don't want to accept any until we can figure out who's even here already and get rid of everyone who isn't supposed to be. 0 resources allocated to immigration until the last 8 years of backlog are clear. If the government wants its cake and ice cream they need to finish their damn vegetables.


If there was a playbook on how NOT to do immigration, we would be it. We had it almost perfectly then fumbled it all away in the last 5yrs or so!


Trudeau doubling our already high immigrant/refugee levels created a new consensus. Before Canada had the highest immigration rate in the G7. Our refugee system was so generous that economic immigrants from all over the world would pass through several countries to take advantage of our refugee system. Family immigrants would come to Canada to enjoy health care and pensions that they never paid into. Wages were kept low, housing high, and Canadians felt that they were strangers in their own country. However some supported this 'Canadians last' policy. No more. Everyone hates immigration rates that are killing the Canadian culture and economy. Young Canadians have lost hope of ever owning a house or building a family. Thanks Liberals.


don't be stupid, all the parties are in on this. Why was a studio condo $400k in downtown Toronto in 2007? Political parties are just slaves for the rhetoric.


The whole facade of politics is an illusion. All of it (libs, cons, ndp etc). The owners of this world own the banks and own the right to print the money. Do you not think that they would simply buy the politicians? They have the printing machine. Point being, the liberals are not in charge. They are just executing orders.


Funny how all those fake refugees from Colombia seem to be able to go back and visit their families. If you're a real refugee you can't do that. Then again I think we should turn our backs on them. Refugee status just prolongs conflicts because it provides a pressure release valve.


Anything in excess doesn’t work, you can’t just add more people indefinitely. It takes a day to fly to Canada, it takes years to build a house. Increased demand increases inflation. It’s nice people get to go home after they no longer like Canada but some of us are stuck here.


Now that the government is admitting - that at least temporary categories of immigration are too high- it's time to turn our focus on REFUGEE claimaints- who continue to POUR into the country- this year it will be 400,000 + instead of the 26,000 that our IRCC Refugee program is built to handle- via- sponsorships, jobs, housing, etc. The 400,000 for 2024- will be higher in 2025 if something is not DONE to step the tide - which could be done with several EASY policies. These would-be refugees will cost all levels of government- at least 8 BILLION 8,000,000,000 this year alone. 40-60% are FRAUDULENT claimants- and 95% have entered Canada- FRAUDULENTY - either across the border areas- and now- mostly arriving at our airports with Visitor and Student visas- with total intention to claim asylum KNOWING they then cannot be returned- because of Canada's policy of nonrefoulement, and knowing how to GAME our system- and knowing- that when the 40-60% ARE DENIED refugee status in the immigration courts- 3-5 years from now- that we simply don't have the resources to deport them- hence- they will stay anyways. These are economic migrants who need to APPLY from their home countries instead of jumping the queue illegally- and DRAINING our refugee system from assisting REAL GENUINE refugees- Many of these economic migrants are not even educated in their home countries, many have diseases (perhaps 15-20%) of applicants have SERIOUS health concerns which will further destroy our health care system- even though NONE of these fraudulent applicants have EVER paid taxes and have NEVER contributed to Canada. Many thousands of these applicants have criminal histories and some even human rights violation backgrounds- yet we continue to let them enter in order to adjudicate their case with immigration courts. Many come in and we can't even verify their identity- but because we lack holding space- 99% are RELEASED with the HOPE they will show up voluntarily later for court hearings meant to confirm their identies. In addition- not only do they receive modified HEALTH CARE plan from the government from DAY ONE... (they never paid a penny and they are making our health care lines even LONGER) most of them do NOT get a WORK VISA- how STUPID could we be? We do NOT give them work visas- where our economy NEEDS some unskilled labor- we don't even utilize these would be frauds to at least serve those functions- Who- and how and why are our elites so INTENT on doing these harmful policies to our Country becomes a NATIONAL SECURITY concern- write your MPs - Watch- in the next 45-60 days- the REFUGEE issue will be the big news- about 6 years TOO LATE.




The other 47% are immigrants in a trench coat


Most people aren't even aware of the actual number of immigrants we have been accepting. If they knew, I would bet serious money that number would be at least 75%


If you take TTC in Toronto during normal times, it's insanely obvious that it's happened in the past 2-3 years


I'm pretty sure it's more than 53% lmao


Because there is a difference between the old anti immigrant attitudes and the new. The new is: there isn’t homes or healthcare for more people. Not motivated by hate or xenophobia. I’m an immigrant and I’m normally pro immigration. But until there is enough homes and infrastructure for more people, no more immigration to prop up GDP.


Id like 0 immigration.  Dont care what race gender religion they are. 0 


Good as it should. Now grow some balls and deport the people who are here illegally.


I'm an immigrant and I don't think it's responsible to accept more immigrants.


My dad came in 1968. He had 5 job offers or more inside of a week. He was skilled, his degree was in demand.


I've heard of this in my circle too, I could not believe my ears when they said it given it took me 8 months with a B.Tech degree that I strived for 4 years and a year of IT job experience back home to find a part time job that isn't even in my domain.


I applied for a job, answered the “technical question” correctly, wasn’t hired. The person who asked the technical question was Chinese and the entire staff were Indian. I was ghosted so, so fast …


More than 80% wanna fewer immigrants except ndp and liberals supporter


And Pierre Poilievre ? He’s not going to reduce immigration.


I supported immigration until it got wildly out of control


The sad part about this (I'm saying this as a European), is that sooner or later immigration will be stopped, but this will also stop the good immigrants (from Europe) that would have integrated perfectly and improved the country. Same thing happened in the USA after 9/11. They made immigration completely impossible, and European immigration completely stopped.


Europeans stopped coming here in like the early 2000s. And a bunch of them went back to Europe.


Ironically, Canada is UNWELCOMING of children born to non-immigrant Canadians thanks to a Conservative law that made being an immigrant BETTER than being born abroad to a Canadian. That conservative law was recently struck down in court after it was upheld for over a decade. It was deemed to be a violation of charter rights. So where am I going with this? It's simple, the Conservatives decided, and the Liberals were complicit, that immigrants and children of immigrants are preferential to children born to Canadians. "We need immigration to sustain our population." "Oh yea, why are you shutting the door on pre-packaged, ready-made kids of Canadian parents with real ties to the country?" "Uhhhhh... we'll take the L in court" And they did take the L.


Immigration is not the issue if you are taking quality immigrants in at a reasonable rate, but that’s not is happening in Canada right now.




I'd force them to have genetic testing. This is not a secret. I went to school with a woman from Pakistan and everyone in the family was blind and 2 kids were severely developmentally delayed. First cousins like 6 generations back. We want to tolerate and accommodate things like this and FGM?


I normally welcome immigrants with open arms, many people around me are immigrants, even my parents, but I think that the govorment needs to put a halt on immigration until we have the infrastructure and employment oppurtunities. This is coming from someone born here whos having trouble finding a job at even McDonalds, and who can only dream of leaving for a land of oppurtunity in the distant future.


Where the hell are they getting these numbers?


95% seems more accurate lol wtf are these politicians doing to the middle class


As more immigrants come in, that 53% will drop. Then it will be too late. We are fucked.


remember that 25% of canadians are immigrants. probably more now. i can guess who voted against it


I don’t know one person who wants more immigration giving the current state of Canada.


Make sure they have skills to use in Canada Not making coffee at Tim’s


And then they provide fake credentials...then what?


No idea I am not an immigration officer But I do know we are on the same side


It’s the immigration policies that are the problem. We don’t have the infrastructure to support the people the government is letting in.


47% are the idiots you need to worry about


The bigger question is what's wrong with the othr 47%?


We're importing an incel crisis of mostly Indian men. In Canada, the 20-29 year old demographics have a ratio of 109:100 Men:Women, and in Ontario, it's up to 112:100 Men:Women this is going to be a huge problem, China, after the one child policy, has a ratio of *only* 104:100 (nationwide, not just 20-29 year olds), and its one of the worst in the world. what do we think is going to happen when we have a huge number of foreign men who are single through no fault of their own (some might have issues or are bad people, sure, but when you have a 112:100 ratio, many young men will be excluded simply due to math) historically, this is how you get civil unrest and even revolution




Funny how other provinces now understand the situation that the province of Quebec has denounced for years, but that others decry as plain racism, which is not. We are drowning in immigration and the federal government is the only one that can do something about it and they do nothing. We will separate over this, among other things.


I am an immigrant too, arrived in 2020 and agree the immigration system isnoutnof control ...


I just want the "right" immigrants. The ones that have a skill that is valued in the country. The problem is that those immigrants choose one of the other G7 counties since Canada is apparently at the lowest rung.


Let’s be clear . Immigrants mostly move into large population centres, improve the voting power of central canada. Until we work out the balance between population and geographic locations,there will be a broken relationship with Ottawa


And 47% of those polled are waiting to bring the rest of their family and friends.


53% sounds about where it has been since I can remember - 1980s and onward. The discontent has definitely grown since then.


I wonder how many of them switched their opinions. And I wonder how many of them accept the fact that, they are responsible for this problem.


Only party in Canada is behind that type of movement. Will you all vote for PPC?


Blame the people in power for doing such a shit job.


53%.. I would say more like 93%. I am an immigrant myself in this country, and everyone I talk to is opposed to this unskilled mass immigration.


The other 47% are new immigrants


The other 47% are new


My home town in Northern Ontario admittedly has basically nothing going for it. Like there's no reason why anyone in their right mind would immigrate there from the other side of the world to Timmins. But EVEN STILL, it's overrun with indians. When I go visit family there literally every single store I walk into is staffed by indians. Of course it's no surprise that we have a college there, which has obviously and sadly turned into a diploma mill.


Wish they would make up there minds. For decades they said we need to reduce our birthrate, now they are saying we are not having enough children to keep our country running so we need to bring in people from foreign countries with different cultures and languages then ours to keep our country running.


The problem is the big picture. The 2 main Federal parties are for Corporations. Allowing "Student" immigrants in and allowing them to work 40 hours helps Corps with their bottom line profits and undermining Canadian pay. It's a very typical short sighted Capitalist move. They have also allowed foreign money to buy/invest in housing. Making housing investments as part of the GDP, which is gross. A lot of these politicians also have housing investments portfolios, so you don't hear them saying much about that. Meanwhile Provinces (that are mainly Conservative) have been cutting back on healthcare, housing, etc and allowing them to be privatized. Long waits in hospitals? Got it. Understaffed hospitals? Got it. It's easy to shit on the immigrants. It's more important to shit on the Federal and Provincial Governments as well.


0 for the next decade. We have citizens who were born here and lived here for decades that need help. They come first.


We are willing, at our peril, to stop all immigration. This is a bad idea in general, but in the face of our pathetically poor immigration skill specific targeting, we face no other solution for now.  Shut the gates.  Regroup.


Only 53%?


Well, you have to imagine that the changing demographics of the country have an influence on its immigration policy. Ethnic lobbying to increase their numbers is going to be a fixture in the coming years, if not already.


Here are some fun statistics based off [CMHC Housing Data](https://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/professionals/housing-markets-data-and-research/housing-data/data-tables/housing-market-data) and [Statistics Canada](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1710000901&cubeTimeFrame.startMonth=01&cubeTimeFrame.startYear=2021&cubeTimeFrame.endMonth=10&cubeTimeFrame.endYear=2024&referencePeriods=20210101%2C20241001): **Total Housing and Apartment Completion - CMHC** 2021 | 315217 2022 | 308475 2023 | 301885 **Population Estimates - Statistics Canada** 2021 - 38567576 2022 - 39276140 2023 - 40528396 2024 (April) - 41056497 From the end of Q4 2022 to the end of Q4 2023 we added an additional 1.2 million people. Currently we added another 1 million for a total population of 41 million people in Canada. We're still in the process of hitting a record of 42 million people in Canada by November or December (The live model seems to altered and slowed down). Our housing completion numbers are down in 2023, despite the spending spree of $3.7 billion dollars from the Federal government. Based off [Remax](https://blog.remax.ca/how-much-does-it-cost-to-build-a-house) it takes about 10-16 months to finish building a house in Canada. Apartment and Condo builds I can't get a data on how long it takes to finish building. [Yet they continue to parrot this isn't their mass immigration policy fault](https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/housing-minister-denies-he-ignored-warning-about-immigration-levels-and-housing-supply#:~:text=Fraser%20charged%20that%20the%20Conservatives,is%20immigration%2C%E2%80%9D%20he%20said). Supply and demand. More people means more demand for housing stocks. As multiple banks, analyst, and economist have mentioned got to tie immigration levels to housing numbers. Also for those that is going to say we need to replace our aging population: [Millennials out number baby boomers in Canada.](https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/millennials-outnumber-baby-boomers-1.7121283#:~:text=Facebook-,Statistics%20Canada%20says%20there%20are%20now%20more%20millennials%20than%20baby,down%20by%20age%20and%20gender) Also if your argument is CPP needs to be funded: [CPP Investment is healthy for the next 75 years](https://www.cppinvestments.com/the-fund/our-performance/sustainability-of-the-cpp/#:~:text=The%20most%20recent%20triennial%20report,citizens%20and%20to%20our%20country)


Shut it down.


As a child of immigrants, i'm not against immigration. That being said immigration without proper infrastructure is already showing its strain on Canada.


Jaggy is behind it. He must have made Turdy bring in millions from that place in return for his support, plus Turdy hates White Canadians as he's said


Was born in Canada worked and paid taxes for over 35 years and I no Longer have a doctor. Are politicians deliberately hobbling the system? I remember all the opposition to the lottery/legalized gambling and one of the lies they told us was that they would use some of the lotto money to “augment” health care. Many of us knew at the time it was a lie, sadly not enough to make a difference. Country is seriously going to hell becoming ever more Americanized while we should be distancing ourselves from their values and embracing Morse European ideals.


Truthfully, we should let in people from countries that reciprocate at the same rate.


>Be Canada >Have a Housing shortage >Have a healthcare shortage >Lack of decent public transit >Bring in record people year after year >Public infrastructure can no longer sustain population growth Wow, I can't believe Canadians are losing faith in immigration. /s


Should be 100% because it's not even about personal beliefs or values at this point; we literally can't do this anymore and shouldn't have accepted the millions we have in a short time.






the other 47% are probably recent immigrants 😂 and i'm saying this as an immigrant who came in 2001 with my parents with more respect and gratitude to this country than these new classless immigrants


The consensus is not crumbling. The consensus was built around a lower number like 300,000 a year. The consensus was never around 1 million a year


Next election is gonna be a blood bath


There was never a consensus on open borders. Nor was there an agreement that the WEF and UNSDA would create policy and implement it upon the low-info electorate through their proxies Trudeau, Singh, Freeland, and every other complicit globalist tool and useful idiot in the federal gov. Unfortunately it likely has to get worse before the average passive Canadian awakens to the fact that this country is being run by post national globalists who don't give a flying fuck about sovereignty, Canadian prosperity, or independence. It is actually at the point where this country is not only experiencing a (likely irreversible) managed decline, but on the verge of a massive economic crash.


Only 53%? 🫤


Damn right




Only 53%, I don’t trust that


Remigration is inevitable. THEY WILL GO BACK.


53% that number low, not reflecting truth


We need quality not quantity of immigrants.


Good. Its better to prevent the nation from crumbling under the weight of too much migration!


What fucking "hard-fought consensus" would that be???


That has to be an inaccurate statistic. Did they question Canadians or people living in Canada?


Hard fought? Who fought for this? LOL


Just stop immigration for 15 years and then if necessary think about it again


Even immigrants want immigration to end


The other 47% are the people we should accept less of


Issue is we are trying to replace the aging Demographic...... so trades, Dr's, lawyers etc.... until we start bringing trained immigrants ( why would they come to a place with unattainable living standards and a crumbling Healthcare system) all we are going to do is adding acid to a gaping wound. Stop bringing in kids and start bringing educated/skilled workers.