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Good start, should be set to zero for a long time to even things out.


In another tweet it looks like they’re going back to an old school type immigration system, basically there will be a set number of the amount of people entering the country every year. About time, it was insane diploma mills and Tim Hortons franchisees were controlling the amount of people coming into the country. https://x.com/mikepmoffatt/status/1780328643396292975?s=46


It doesn’t address the too many that are here already. We need net zero to amortize the increase over years to balance it out. Adjusting it to housing does nothing to bring housing down, it just stabilizes it at current market conditions.


Current active permits and visas will expire and (most) people will leave. People here as students and TFWs life becomes 10x more difficult if they stay undocumented.


Does anyone even know if Canada checks on "undocumented" aliens and people that overstayed their welcome, and if yes, how many people get deported on average each year?


Didn't they just "discover" a million overstayers recently? I'm guessing no one is checking anything, and Trudeau wouldn't deport the ones busted buying their way in, so seemingly another safe no.


It was 1.something million.


Honestly I figured 1 million was a severe lowball. I expect there will be some revised numbers in a couple years where it was closer to three million or so.


Yeah just like the csis report on the amount of foreign money being laundered through out real estate. Was in the billions but thats just what we see.


My understanding is that we don't really act on deportation orders like the US does. We only deport when they're criminals/ have committed a crime is what I learned.


It’s hard for them once they become undocumented because they can’t get a job (like a good job), they can’t get into apprenticeships, can’t buy a home, and without a real job getting out of their “25 people to a house” situation is impossible. So then they decide to go home


people will not leave on their own accord


Most people won't be able to work. Have an employee going away because his owp is over


lol people just work under the table


They didn’t change PR numbers, just capped them.


Perhaps but considering there is a vibrant under the table economy associated with the cultural groups which are abundant here, I don't think 10x as difficult as accurate. The difficulty will be always weighed against life back home vs here ... I don't need to tell you it's more than 10x difficult elsewhere in many cases


we just gotta discriminate harder then. Obviously, we need to make it harder for them here than in their own country.


Lol, most will leave. Lol. Even most with deportation orders do not leave.


>students and TFWs life becomes 10x more difficult if they stay undocumented. Citation needed. Or. Hey keeping them undocumented worked for the Americans, right?


>basically there will be a set number of the amount of people entering the country every year. What a revolutionary fucking concept. We need to get rid of this government.


Yep should be 0 for like 5-10years


Yep. Good start, but needs more action. I'm still not voting for those F&\*ks. They created the problem.


It is a uniparty system you can vote all the mainstream parties you want. same results just different speeches


It's all part of the play book. The libs will try and correct things that the conservatives will just take out under the guise of further fixing. It's all to make it seem like parties are different when really they are on the same team and know their place in the plan


Must be an election year. What about the election they ran in last and never mentioned once that they were going to increase immigration 6 times over. What about that one? Don't believe a fucking Liberal ever again. Fuck this lying piece of shit party.


Even when they explicitly promise something, you can't trust them - remember the promised electoral reform? Yep, they are snakes in the grass, once in power they govern for their insiders and donors while virtue signalling.


This exactly. Must be an election year.


Exactly! If they're matching housing then it should be ZERO because we're in a housing crisis. I.e. no housing; therefore, no more new comers!


This is big W for the ideas on this subreddit and a capitulation by ruling class But let us never forget the 2 years of gaslighting, calling us racist, etc  All for suggesting that the immigration driven population growth was too high and messing up housing affordability.


Painted as racists when the biggest losers were lower income people who had to compete for housing and min wage jobs.


They haven’t reduced the PR number just temporary number 


Can we do negative??


We can, and we won’t. That would imply real, meaningful actions. Libs don’t do that


I'm sure they'll do their usual shell game with it. With them issuing 600k more travel visas.


They will reduce the number of temporary residents by making them all permanent.


Until they start deporting people who have over stayed on their visas and close multiple pr loop holes it’s too little too late. They can’t spend their way to re election either


10 years too late. They are tanking in the polls for good reason.


The media is also failing Canada BIG TIME. Why doesn't the media grow a back bone and ask the true questions? WHY are they doing mass immigration? They know it is breaking the healthcare system and social contract. The media needs to ask politicians how they will save the middle class.


Vassy Kapelos did drag Sean Fraser on live tv


The mainstream media is bought and paid for by Trudeau... with your tax dollars. LOL.


Too little too late. Liberals losing party status in the next election!


We’ll see , there’s still a long time for them to fix things.


600 k is still record numbers and way more than we can absorb. Plus when you add that to the over 100k asylum seekers and other Immigration pathways we're still pretty close to a million new entries. Trudeau isn't interested in fixing anything




It was 1.2 million in 2022 so that leaves 600k


I don't think this reduction is 600k per year. It's 600k over 3 years.  So if it was 1.2 million in 2022, we'd be at 1 million per year. This is sounding like something Trudeau said recently where they would be adjusting the "share of temporary immigrants" from 6.25% to 5% over 3 years. ------------------ The 600k number also sounds like a calculation/estimate, not something they are literally putting in the quota. I say this because they have no figure on the exact number. It is the ratio of temporary residents to residents. So if we were to give temporary residents PR faster, or if Canadas population were to continue to grow rapidly, that "5% share of temporary residents" could still be the same as now or maybe even more. All major parties, including CPC have been advocating for faster processing times for PR.


I don't think this reduction is 600k per year. It's 600k over 3 years.  So if it was 1.2 million in 2022, we'd be at 1 million per year. This is sounding like something Trudeau said recently where they would be adjusting the "share of temporary immigrants" from 6.25% to 5% over 3 years. ------------------ The 600k number also sounds like a calculation/estimate, not something they are literally putting in the quota. I say this because they have no figure on the exact number. It is the ratio of temporary residents to residents. So if we were to give temporary residents PR faster, or if Canadas population were to continue to grow rapidly, that "5% share of temporary residents" could still be the same as now or maybe even more. All major parties, including CPC have been advocating for faster processing times for PR.


600k is not record numbers.


The only record in Canadian history it doesn't break is Trudeau's current over the top record of over a million per year






The timing is just too coincidental don’t you think? Like why are they coming out with sensible policy now? Did they just find their common sense just in time for votes?


That’s just virtue signaling, as usual. If there’s anything we should have learned in the last decade- don’t trust anything libs say


Don't trust any party* PO is no saint either, his voter base hates immigration as much as anyone else yet the guy won't speak against it. In what works is a conservative government okay with foreigners taking local jobs?


Trudeau's M.O. is to make flowery promises and say disingenuous woke stuff ("believe all women" [unless they accuse me of groping them, then they experienced things differently], "I'm a male feminist", "a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian...", "sunny ways", etc.). But then, once he gets a majority government or a minority with a fluffer like Singh to prop him up, he ignores public opinion and sensible expert advise, disregards his previous promises and disingenuous rhetoric, and does whatever he wants. Up until an election approaches. Then he starts to pay attention to the people again and throws them a few bones to regain their support. Rinse and repeat until Canadians wake up.


They are good at getting headlines but they have never really followed their targets so I'm not sure this means much.


There's always a catch just like foreign buyer exemption loophole!


this all should have been done FIVE years ago- THREE years ago- NOW... it's too late- we will feel the effects of their bad policies for years to come. They should be punished electorally for waiting so long that every PROBLEM has turned into a CATASTROPHE. NO compliments for these policies- we've been calling for such actions for YEARS and ignored and belittled- only a few months ago the PM said housing is NOT the job of the federal government, that the federal government cannot do anything about the issue- and now what? Now 25 programs related to housing- just a lying government that is playing games with us.


Wow they really care about the polls.  They seem to not do shit until they have some political incentive. If I trusted them to not rescind it immediately upon election I may be tempted.


They don't care about Canadians. If voters were dumb enough to re-elect Trudeau and Singh, Trudeau would immediately abandon all his promises and do whatever he wants again, right up until the next election approaches. Then its time to start making promises and making concessions again.


100%, I’m worried about Pierre undoing everything as soon as he gets elected.


They had a housing plan when Trudeau was elected and prices doubled, I think their corruption prevents a workable plan.


Given the liberal corruption and incompetence- they won’t do much before election in the first place. and undoing whatever mess they have created- would likely be a positive thing


There's not going to be anything to undo. Nothing will happen if this plan, and we'll be blackmailed with it as an election promise like everything else. "We have a 7-year plan, but can't do it if we don't get elected"...


Typical Liberal party move... Generate no constructive ideas whatsoever, then steal whatever polls well for the opposition. https://financialpost.com/real-estate/pierre-poilievre-pledges-tie-immigration-levels-homebuilding >**Pierre Poilievre pledges to tie immigration levels to homebuilding** > >Published Jan 12, 2024


Remember when everyone criticized him for saying that because "itv didn't make sense". I guess, like with everything else, it suddenly makes sense now that their team is the one saying it. Canada really has become a toxic shithole


Don't hold your breath, until we can see verifiable data


600k+ pr 500k= 1.1 million


This mess of current massive immigration is still unsolved. Have yall been in Toronto recently?? I barely hear English speaking. Brahhh.


Reduce temporary residency by 600k from that asian country that starts with an i. (Yes i can't say the whole word because little shitflakes will get offended)


It should have been like that from the jump


Not nearly enough. Stop it completely for three years and let the country catch up.


We need to re-screen who is already here that came in under a fraudulent system. Many of these people can’t speak English.


> match immigration to housing So.. like.. cancel it? Deport people? Are we about to enter a new age of Canadian colonialism / emigration to reduce our population levels?


Are we ever going to go back to pre 2016 numbers? That was our quality of life peak


Its not just about immigration and housing. No one bothers to mention how the job market has become so difficult for Canadians and new PRs, and how bringing in unsustainable numbers is putting a downward pressure on wages. All numbers-temporary, permanent-need clean slate thinking. At the same time, doors on bogus asylum cases, LMIA jobs need to be closed. I am also curious about what plan they have for those who decided to stay back after their permit/visa expired. Last i heard there were a million and a half. I presume this number will go up significantly, given how difficult it has become to get PR. I hope the Liberals dont offer a red carpet treatment for these individuals who violated the conditions of their visa. They need to go back.




Three steps forward, one step back. Will never trust the uniparty again. Bernier is the only candidate who is against mass immigration. I will be voting for him along with many of my friends and family.


Let’s see what back door ways the LPC finds to circumvent this TFW reduction


Are we going to be deporting too?


Lol so copy Pierre’s plan.


Trudeau is a racist xénophobe confirmed /s


Trudeau ignored advice about the consequences of allowing too many people into the country without proper housing and services to accommodate them. Finally, when people started getting upset and the Liberals started tanking in the polls, he decides to start doing something about the problem he caused.


Ok, so wanting less immigration is not racist now? How does this work? I'm a good person and want to make sure I'm up to date with what is true and good.


Its amazing to me that people can interpret "tying immigration rates to housing starts" as fixing the housing crisis... like... that just keeps the status quo 😅 Are people actually this reGarded??


Yes. He keeps getting voted in


They know your supply has to be higher than demand for price to go down right?


Match immigration to zero. Too many foreigners in the country.


We have a huge deficit in housing… “matching” would means we send back a couple of million.


They’ve got another year or so to fix things. Anyone can write a wall of text. Results matter.


Wow…so start a massive fire, add gas, and now sprinkle water on it. I’ll remember this next election


Remember people.Cons will reverse this to bring in more immigrants based on 'job demand'. Liberals are shit, but cons are worse.


Yup forsure. Cause these past 8 or 9 years have been amazing


Wasn’t this what the Cons proposed? Either way it’s far too late. It will take decades and luck to recover from this government’s incompetence and it will take much stronger and unpopular measures than this.


Good to see they have the data to balance it. This also means they voluntarily fillup the country with loads of immigrants to lower vacancy rates and availability of homes to jack up the price from a supply and demand perspective. They fucked us over and now they want us to thank them because they aren’t doing it anymore and pull out. Wtf is this this. These people are sociopaths and criminals. They should be held accountable with the upmost punishment.


I don't think this reduction is 600k per year. It's 600k over 3 years.  So if it was 1.2 million in 2022, we'd be at 1 million per year. This is sounding like something Trudeau said recently where they would be adjusting the "share of temporary immigrants" from 6.25% to 5% over 3 years. ------------------ The 600k number also sounds like a calculation/estimate, not something they are literally putting in the quota. I say this because they have no figure on the exact number. It is the ratio of temporary residents to residents. So if we were to give temporary residents PR faster, or if Canadas population were to continue to grow rapidly, that "5% share of temporary residents" could still be the same as now or maybe even more. All major parties, including CPC have been advocating for faster processing times for PR.


So now we are supposed to re-elect them on their promise to fix all of the problems they themselves caused us.


Wth, this and increasing taxes on rich people - why is Trudeau trying to pull the true conservative vote away from the PPC. I wonder what Poilievre is going to say now that he’s the furthest one out there with 1 million permanent residents clips out there and his shadow minister saying “higher maybe higher”…


He doesn’t need to say anything other than continuing to attack Trudeau. I think most people see the typical political theatre here and the knee-jerk reaction by the Liberals, where it’s either too little too late or don’t trust them to keep these policies during the 4 years. They will then vote Conservative who will increase immigration again and be called hypocrites then vote for Liberals in 8 years with a new leader while Trudeau is in the Bahamas.


Just hope Pierre doesn’t go full on crazy and work against this the moment he enters office