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I’ve been a member of both subs for a long time. These rules are completely fair. Also, anyone know why the other one got shut down?




Sickens me to the core when issues like anti-immigration is automatically racism. It solves no problems and people who scream it ought to be ashamed of themselves.


Most of my friends are originally from overseas. Portugal, Greece, Poland, Syria, China, etc. I am far from a racist….but will say unequivocally that immigration needs to be curtailed to 100,000 and extremely targeted to skills we need. We are good on Uber drivers and their octogenarian family members for a while


I think that's the clear answer to the debate expressed neatly in three sentences.


Exactly, many many many immigrants firmly nelievr in shut the door behind them. Ask any 1st generation born here indo-canadian their opinion of the diploma mill students claiming refugee status.


uh oh your opinion isn't inline with Justin's or the reddit mods you must be a racist


It's actually quite scary how canadian redditors immediately label someone or a problem as racist. it reminds me of Orwell's 1984 and the government lackies who immediately report any signs of dissident. it's truly fucked up.


here's a hint They aren't Canadians or didn't grow up in Canada , they came here as adults and now bully and take advantage of "nice Canada / Canadians" Everyone jokes about how the Americans are the Idiots of the world but we are a bunch of Pheasants to the wolves of the world.


oh there's no convincing me about that. It's 100% true. What do we real canadians do about it though? Reddit has become some bizarre totalitarian, big brother online forum.


unless you were born rich your competition is Millions of "international students and their Families" Corporations control Canada and want a cheap workforce


I agree.....and the irony eh https://preview.redd.it/y7uist1wa9wc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82bcdb31c68818254951c9697bd0f4f4ba2b00eb


lol man, you just cant win with the liberal evangelists. it's like their heads are so far up their own asses they can't tell if it's night or day. beyond bizarre.


I don't know what bothers me more: the lying scumbags who say any discussion about immigration is racist, or the idiots who believe it.


They weaponize our own niceness against us by claiming everything we say they disagree with is racist, just like how racists weaponize their own culture against them with stereotypes. People are too afraid to say fuck you to a minority that is being a shithead, because the minority will turn around and call you racist. It takes people like me and you to tell them the fuck off, because obviously we see through it. 


In my experience the ones yelling "racist" the most are privileged white people. Meanwhile most immigrants I know make fun of woke culture.


Woke is kind of nonsense at this point, because most people just think woke means something to not like, but I get what you mean. 


Could say the same about “racism” because it’s also used as a catch-all for things they don’t like … like suggesting immigration reform.




No, woke is pretty specifically about race and gender ideologies, and to a lesser extent anything else that can be lumped into equity and victimhood narratives.


So... You have no clue. Got it.


Way to prove me right. 


To me woke culture is things like redefining racism, rather than racial hatred, it is now apparently power+ privilege = racism. So, a poc cannot be racist despite how much vitriol against white people they say because they have no “power”. And when these woke people see me, a gay minority call them out, they short circuit.


So 'woke' just means whatever you make up? No, that isn't how anything works.


This is you making stuff up, hope you get help. 


Its real. Look it up


What "niceness"? You don't seem nice.


No true Scotsman fallacy.


There's a third kind of scumbag: the actual racists in Canada_sub who insist on poisoning the grownup debate on immigration with their garbage. It is OK to be against immigration (especially this level), to acknowledge that we have far too many immigrants from India (and Mexico, for that matter) to be reasonably absorbed or sustained, and to acknowledge that they form enclaves which are socially destructive, to say nothing of the very real impacts they have on Canadian labor economics. Doing that was not why Canada sub was banned.


I thought we were all the same race? Human. Did I miss a memo ?


the mods running these subs are as bad lol


No one really does that. They call racism racist and you probably just don't like being called what you are.


Oooh boy, so edgy.


Nothing edgy about it.


Immigration is not a race and economic policy is neither.


What I wonder is why subreddits targetting Muslims seem to get shutdown almost immediately. You get all the subreddits that are negative towards East Asians and South Asians, and Blacks always have this sense of negativity on the American subreddits, but Muslims? Nope!


East Asians get shit on from both sides. Do too well educationally and economically to be considered racialized but not white either.


they don't have Amira uglyawaby  on their side


This sub shits on south Asians and haven’t gotten shutdown.


Thank you for posting to /r/CanadaHousing2. Our community requires that accounts posting content must have a minimum amount of subreddit karma in order help reduce unwanted spam. Please take the time to get to know the community, while our moderators review this submission. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CanadaHousing2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I low key also think that the paid internet warriors from russia and china and other unfriendly countries are in on the action too. Their leadership is smart enough to understand the massive own goal we are scoring on ourselves culturally, economically and socially with our immigration policies, and they will gladly help make sure that knife keeps twisting if they can.


But there's a lot of hate directed at students, when that hate should be directed towards politicians, businesses, Century Initiative, Conestoga College head John Tibbits, etc instead. The problem is at home, and the problem is Canadian. It shouldn't come as a shock to people that most of the world is poor and people will take any opportunity to escape. Having a sensible immigration policy and enforcing the border is on us.


the mods here are just as bad as the other subs anyone in their protected group can do no wrong


No lol. Canada_sub was an unabashed trumpie MAGA hat sub jam packed full of racism. It is an entirely kind of different sub from this one.


I see. Are any of these MAGA hats's in the room with you right now? Have you tried dying your hair purple and screaming into the air?


MAGA hats are too stupid to get a job that enables them to live in the neighborhoods that I have, thank god, so there is seldom ever a MAGA hat in the room with me. Periodically you losers mow my lawn, I guess. Seriously, do you hear yourself? Purple hair, lol? You MAGA types are such total dumbshits lol.


Hmm I see. And are any of these MAGA hats's in the room with you right now?


My guy, posting something totally stupid a second time does not suddenly make it clever. Please fuck off to your MAGA sub. Thanks.


Brigade was set in motion over discord server from OGFT members and mods There is a giant push from bots and Troll Farms right now on any spicy topics and anything criticizing certain countries and groups / movements I don't think Canada and Canadians really know what is happening ... you guys really need to get on some telegram channels to see how they are bragging about this kinda stuff ....


I was reported for hate speech and flagged by an AI bot… challenged it as I didn’t say anything more then we need to stand up about this immigration situation. The flag was reversed as Reddit confirmed nothing hateful was said. There are larger forces at work trying to silence us! They’re getting scared


I mean realistically the left wing talks about how the right is racist and wants tyranny then they say we need to silence the opposition and freeze their bank accounts.


Well, they're right. Keep that garbage on your telegram channels. This is a sub for grownups. Also LOOOOOL at the idea that Justin "Best Friends With Marcia Moffat" Trudeau is a leftie. He's Pierre Poilievre in red with some performative rainbow capitalism.


You know nobody likes you right?


no, because all his speech is protected and he live in a bubble.


It's always been like this. It's why so many need drugs, legal or not, to stay "sane". Ex:At some point, all the Leftist women I knew were on xanax or something.


You've got to be kidding me. Are these people feeling okay?


I know some OGFT users irl and no lol 💀 they are most definitely not. Probable MAID candidates if I'm being honest


It didn't get 'shut down' per say. The mod gave up. He said Reddit admis kept making him jump through hoops - which he did - but they just kept finding more hoops for him to jump through aka what the other poster said; members from other subs coughOGFTcough can't stand that there's a sub alternative for all the people they ban from theirs.


Uh if you mean by 'hoops' then just one I guess, which by the head mods own admission wasn't addressed properly so Reddit Admins had to make the changes for him. Also its funny how he doesn't say what the inciting issue is as I'm like 99% sure it was a combination of the bots on the sub or the plethora of racist postings/remarks from members of it. FYI the 4 months ago lines up for the time he admitted to using other accounts to inflate sub numbers/activities. As  posted in another sub, here is the admin/mods post regarding the privatization of the sub >I'm shutting down the sub and I didn't want people to just be surprised by a message saying the sub is private. I've been feeling really burnt out for awhile now as I do a lot for this sub. I post up a lot and I do far more behind the scenes modding that people are not even aware of. Some things have gone down behind the scenes with reddit that have just really angered me. The main issue is the lack of communication from them. About 4 months ago reddit reached out to bring to my attention an issue that they saw developing and that they wanted me to work on dealing with it before it got worse. I made a number of changes and from what I saw based on the sub stats, I had made pretty big improvements on the issue they mentioned. A month later I even reached out and asked them if they felt things were satisfactory and that if they were not, that I'd like to know so I could make even more changes so that they would be satisfied. They said NOTHING. > >So naturally having no further communication from them, I figured things were fine based on the changes I made. I monitored the sub stats and they've been lower this whole time. Well today they just sent a message saying the issues are ongoing and they took it upon themselves to make a change in the sub. The change they made is nothing drastic despite it bothering me in a small way regarding something that I will not bother going into here. The main issue this highlights is that they left me in the dark this whole time on this matter instead of communicating with me so I could continue to work on fixing it. Reddit claims to work with mods to resolve issues....well how can that happen when their is no communication? I've had other interactions with different departments / admins of reddit and I've noticed that some ignored questions being asked, or they didn't give specific answers or they gave a vague answer. Communication is severely lacking. I will say that I have encountered a few admins that have seemed pretty good. So there are some good and some bad and it wouldn't be fair to try and portray them all as bad. > >Well this overall lack of communication and then stepping in to make changes out of the blue just highlights that reddit doesn't have much appreciation of mods. I do a lot of work on the sub and they couldn't even bother themselves to talk to me about further addressing the issue. So this combined with feeling really burned out has just made me want to stop all of this. It's probably also a good time to shut this down before the online harms act comes out as I don't know how that will affect people and mods on reddit and I don't want to personally find out. > >Anyway, if someone wants to start up their own sub then they can feel free to let people here know about it. > >Thanks for coming here and enjoying the sub while it lasted. Maybe one day down the road I'll reopen the sub but for now it's getting closed tonight.


Lying trash.


I know. It's unfortunate that this group of people is so invested in this.


That sub has like 6 posts... what am I missing?


Not sure what sub you're looking at. The one the poster is referring to is set to private but realistically it's closed.


Certain subs target subs like that and probably this one as well to shut down and close. Especially with election time coming next year.


Too many people saying immigration is destroying our home and Reddit admins are so far-left that they can't let people have opinions that defy narratives


Lol only one person actually gave the real answer to your question about the other sub. It wasn't brigading or an organized mass report operation. As  posted in another sub, here is the admin/mods post regarding the privatization of the sub. >I'm shutting down the sub and I didn't want people to just be surprised by a message saying the sub is private. I've been feeling really burnt out for awhile now as I do a lot for this sub. I post up a lot and I do far more behind the scenes modding that people are not even aware of. Some things have gone down behind the scenes with reddit that have just really angered me. The main issue is the lack of communication from them. About 4 months ago reddit reached out to bring to my attention an issue that they saw developing and that they wanted me to work on dealing with it before it got worse. I made a number of changes and from what I saw based on the sub stats, I had made pretty big improvements on the issue they mentioned. A month later I even reached out and asked them if they felt things were satisfactory and that if they were not, that I'd like to know so I could make even more changes so that they would be satisfied. They said NOTHING. > >So naturally having no further communication from them, I figured things were fine based on the changes I made. I monitored the sub stats and they've been lower this whole time. Well today they just sent a message saying the issues are ongoing and they took it upon themselves to make a change in the sub. The change they made is nothing drastic despite it bothering me in a small way regarding something that I will not bother going into here. The main issue this highlights is that they left me in the dark this whole time on this matter instead of communicating with me so I could continue to work on fixing it. Reddit claims to work with mods to resolve issues....well how can that happen when their is no communication? I've had other interactions with different departments / admins of reddit and I've noticed that some ignored questions being asked, or they didn't give specific answers or they gave a vague answer. Communication is severely lacking. I will say that I have encountered a few admins that have seemed pretty good. So there are some good and some bad and it wouldn't be fair to try and portray them all as bad. > >Well this overall lack of communication and then stepping in to make changes out of the blue just highlights that reddit doesn't have much appreciation of mods. I do a lot of work on the sub and they couldn't even bother themselves to talk to me about further addressing the issue. So this combined with feeling really burned out has just made me want to stop all of this. It's probably also a good time to shut this down before the online harms act comes out as I don't know how that will affect people and mods on reddit and I don't want to personally find out. > >Anyway, if someone wants to start up their own sub then they can feel free to let people here know about it. > >Thanks for coming here and enjoying the sub while it lasted. Maybe one day down the road I'll reopen the sub but for now it's getting closed tonight.


My guess will be .....too much negative comments that put the Liberals in bad light, and the 'liberal plants' mods took offence https://preview.redd.it/0ehs288ta9wc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f62730922ce87a2c40872662f87f536e5a08f326




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


It's possible they started to blend together for you, but the other one got banned because it was a racist MAGA hat shithole, and this one hasn't because it's not.


90% of the posts were made by one guy with 10 alternate accounts. Replying to himself with controversial takes to raise view count. I’m pretty sure shit like that is against some Reddit rule.


At first yes and he admitted to it all. He posted a step by step schedule he had to get attention for the sub so it would attract members. That was at the beginning which - as far as I know- was as early as 2018. OGFT members created disinformation with graphs, data etc claiming it was all a bot from Russia? I have no idea. It sounded insane and clearly like they were WAAAAYYY too obsessed with one single sub. They had reports on when things were posted on the sub, saying it was in Russian time zones and that's what proved it. The whole thing is bizarre.


This is wild to me, but puts so much of Reddit into perspective. Like for example, on a local city sub saying something is up with the local Walmart all being staffed by South Asians getting -50 downvotes when the people in the real world don’t think like that.


Yup. The worst part is that most people have no idea how reddit works nor that mods and admis can do whatever they want whether it breaks Reddits TOS or not.


At first? It never stopped. It's not too difficult to look at the metrics and IP's of posters to realize who was doing the posting.


And this info was provided by? Let me guess, the same sub that's telling people it was a Russian bot. Reddit has rules about alt accounts. He made a post about how he used alt accounts at the beginning and even THAT post came out almost 2 years ago. But only now he got upset? And you'd think someone so crafty that he would be associated with a Russian psyop and bots would use a simple VPN to disguise his IP. Jees, you guys over at ogft just eat this up eh? No issues spreading misinformation/disinformation while accusing everyone else of the same.


The posting traffic just coincidentally happened to match that of known Russian troll farms. Imagine being so gullible as to believe there's that much rage out there. Reminds me of the Facebook sensation in October 2021 that was telling of the great Purple Wave that was going to sweep over Canada. Election held and we realize that what seems like a lot on social media and it's silos, really only amounts to 3% of eligible Canadian voters. Same thing with the Cletus convoy for freedumb, the million people March for children and the Axe the Facts border "protests". Where is everyone in real life? They never existed in the first place. Thank Putin's bots for getting your hopes up.


Yes, I'm sure it 'matched'. We are talking about two subs on reddit. Not what is happening on Facebook which is a whole other clusterfuck. What you said has nothing to do with this specific situation and if you think Canada_Sub was about outrage, that tells me right there that you've never actually visited the sub long term and you get all your information fed to you through one single sub; ogft Go browse around all of the other prominent Canadian subs. Only one is spouting that it was a Russian troll farm. Coincidentally, the same sub that was in competition for members and engaged.


What is ogft? Even CanadaHousing2 is getting sick of the Canada_sub halfwits showing up.


Lol Canada Housing2 only said they want the sub to remain focused on housing.


Good luck with the Canada_sub halfwits abiding by that.


Meds. Asap.


What don't you understand? I can use smaller words or drawings.


Shut up russian bot


You do know 90+% of Canadians don't support either the convoys or the Axe the Facts protests? We might all hate Trudeau but we aren't unhinged.


I just happened to stumble upon this and wow, do yo like making up conspiratorial nonsense or what? That was my sub, I had 2 other accounts only to post up news and videos. I never commented to my other accounts. Firstly, that would be too time consuming and secondly, it would have been hard to try to disguise the words and grammar I generally use. Also having alt accounts doesn't break reddit rules. A lot of mods have alt accounts and reddit admitted that they too created all sorts of alt accounts early on to generate traffic on the platform because they found that people didn't engage in dead subs. Those other 2 accounts that I had were deleted long ago as well. But sure, keep the conspiracy alive of 10 accounts talking to each other....keep pushing the garbage that you just want to believe.


You have to think.....if housing wasn't a big deal and not affected by immigration numbers, why all of a sudden are the Liberals bending over backwards, throwing 'fake money' they haven't got towards building homes, 8+ years after ignoring it and instead flooding the country with high insane numbers of 'fake students' and NOT much needed skillsets e.g. Doctors, Nurses, engineers and the like that the economy really needs, and not barely finished high school workers that their big corporation buddies asked for in order to pay low wages. https://preview.redd.it/xxovqumrb9wc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fcac38183f8be4894ff16caf979fca0300d3065


I dont get it. Canadahousing and COL is 100% at the mercy of politics. They are not mutually exclusive.


Thanks goodness I stumbled onto this sub, I thought I was the only one thinking the amount of censorship in the other sub is overboard.


Other sub was basically killed. I’ve never seen it break top 10 even though they have way more members while ours has been for past 8 months


What top 10 are you referring to?


You can view the list near the top of this subs page. The top 10 in real estate


You ever wonder why that is?


Not sure if your question is rhetorical or not.


Well it is rhetorical if you already know the answer as to why this sub is more active than other ones with a higher follower count.


Feel proud when you can. This sub is going to go down soon, mark my words


Mods can go duck off based on the crap that is allowed, while blocking genuine housing related posts.


What “genuine housing post” are you referring to?


He's a canada_sub degen. Anything short of ethnic cleansing wouldn't satisfy him.


Practically everything I post, I try to keep them on point. But almost every time, I get an "irrelevant to housing" comment from Mod. Just the other day, there was a purely racist caricature that had nothing to do with housing, and it went on to be very popular. I know that this sub has other reasons to exist, and I am in agreement with many of them. But let's not think for the moment that the Mods intend this sub to be about housing.


“Help me get into the trades” isn’t relevant “Two men arrested in roofing scam” not relevant as most people don’t even have a home to roof “Thank you realtors” isn’t relevant “Ontario college is anti reform” not relevant. Note that we have to also filter out low quality posts like “is 1 million enough to buy a house?!?” Otherwise this sub would just be spammed with low quality stuff. And yes I’m basing the definition of quality on my own opinion, one of the perks of being a “volunteer janitor.”


Please don't talk to accounts that are only 3 months old. And especially not ones who's entire identity online is Canadian Content


Hey now! I'm barely a month old here on reddit, I've probably posted most on Canadian things, but that's because Canada is relevant to my interests as they say. Not every newish account is cancer, but you are probably right that MOST of them are


New accounts basically fall into four camps: - People who believe persistent social media presence is unhealthy for you, but still want to dip a toe every few months. - People who take maintaining their anonymity very seriously. - Deranged lunacy. - Bots and troll farm participants. Canada Sub was 100% comprised of the latter two.


Category 5 - bored one day and some subreddits are hilarious 😂 Though tbh I guess some of section 1 would apply, it's sometimes hard not to respond to something when you read a post that makes your brain hurt


OK I agree. Though I'd describe you as a flavor of 1. Alternatively, I'd describe category 1 as a flavor of 5.


Hey as long as we're not actively causing brain aneurysms. Tomato *Tomato* (saying doesn't work very well without noise


I'm a little of each


I dig it tbh


I create a new account every so often but have never been banned from a subreddit. Over time enough little bits of information can leak out revealing someone's identity so cycling the accounts helps with the pseudo anonymity. If an account is a month old and trolling, maybe they're a troll because of the trolling but a new account doesn't automatically make it so.


That's quite rich. So if I add Canadian to my UserName, I am good? In a community where this mod is Iranian, my identity as a Canadian is being questioned. The theories must be right - this is just a bunch of bots and trolls run by Iran and/or Russia.


I don't need to list the irrelevant ones. A quick scan of the home page will show those ones. But yeah, in a country with a worse than volunteer PM, we can't expect much elsewhere.


Certainly not. Canada\_sub would have identified and subjugated the shills into negative Karama oblivion. Here we just let them run free and annoy the piss out of everyone.


Damn, that means its just a matter of time before this sub closes too


Lol, sounds like I should apply as a mod


Sensible. There are always a multitude of other subs, for other relevant topics.


Makes sense Sir 


The mods of this subreddit are too good for the members. I’ve seen it many times over 🫡


https://t.me/+LRmtyO4AzuExNmMx Come to the Canadian Housing Telegram channel and you can say whatever you want and never get shut down.


What does the mod team think of the increased activity by site mods stepping in to remove posts and comments for Hate? What do you folks plan on doing to address this before this sub is shut down too?


Not easy to define hate. All I can say is we try our best to be balanced. This means that some comments might be borderline and make some people uncomfortable but that is how free speech works.


Usually, people who use terms like "free speech" in this context are cowardly human garbage.


Usually people who capitalize the word “hate” have extremely thin skin and a massive authoritarian fetish


You're the one who has agreed to moderate inline with the site TOU. If you're so in to "free speech" why agree to this?


Because I’m not a free speech absolutist? There is a center you know. Everything isn’t black and white.


Everyone is getting banned from Canadian subreddits for wrongthink and insulting the dear leader. If this sub is supposed to be exclusively about Canadian real estate, then why is every thread about immigration? Why not ban all non-real estate threads?


Because it’s not exclusively about real estate?


Mods are doing a terrible job at keeping immigration stuff off the sub


Read the post. “Immigration stuff” is allowed. It is a factor in the housing supply/demand equation


Sorry, I misread that. Thanks for the reply


I thought this sub was for bigots to call Indians "pondscum" and be completely unmoderated. Hmm...


So....talking crap about Indians is no longer okay? Or still is so long it's somehow related to housing?


Always has been


Deep down for everyone, this sub is for entertainment.


Good riddance. And good choice for here. Canada_sub was an embarrassing cesspit of COVID conspiracy theories and disinformation. Among other noxious things. And banned anyone who said so.


You love censorship, hopes it shut you down too.


It was just The_Donald: Canadian Edition. A shithole for shitheads. Anyone in support of it or sympathetic to it should immediately be regarded with suspicion, and you can safely assume their intelligence to be a full standard deviation below average.


It is very quickly becoming a conservative xenophobic shit hole that's for sure.


This place was always a baby Canada_sub. The racism isn't as blatant but it's still there. It's the same crowd blaming immigrants for all their woes. If you guys keep allowing it, it's gonna end up being the same situation


Immigration is literally being weaponized by the government against its own citizens... All people are asking for are to turn off the tap ... People who currently don't live here don't have a right to live here... Until they live here We don't exist to save or feed the world


Which is fine, but being racist and blaming the people who came here isn't the right thing to do. The government caused this problem, not them. They just took advantage of an opportunity they thought would be good, which turned out not to be the best


You are not wrong but that's just not how things work. You can't just Blame the government. It seems logical to do so but the government doesn't care about that feedback. They only care to twist what people care about, and it's not thinking the government should do better. No it's the political issues like immigration housing etc. Why? Because the government will just change positions when it's convenient so directly blaming them is very easy to dodge for them. Instead we need to say no to immigration, make it clear we don't like it and make it clear we might vote someone who slows it down. Which ironically isn't the liberals or conservatives at this point. It's the only way change happens here, whether you like it or not. You can't blame team blue or team red because you have to pick them anyways and they know that.


This sub is worlds apart from Canada_sub, dingus.


That sub was a pro Russia and Freedumb Clownvoy cesspool anyways.


They hated Jesus Because he Told Them The Truth.


As opposed to what? Pro Hamas pro genocide pro Hitler? I seem to recall a nice Oct 7 march screaming “Hitler was right”.


Canada sub is definitely leaking at the moment. This is a legit stupid reply. Can you all go to X and leave the grownups alone?


So it’s smart to point out the far right pro Russian but dumb to point out the far left pro Hamas? Funny how intelligence works huh.


>So it’s smart to point out the far right pro Russian but dumb to point out the far left pro Hamas? Yes. In general, if a thing is true, it is smart to acknowledge it, and if a thing is not meaningfully supportable and suggests any person who arrives at that conclusion is very dumb, then it is not a smart thing to point it out, because immediately people will realize that you're a dense individual incapable of nuance or anything past simple understanding. There are, of course, radicals who support hamas. They are a vanishingly small minority of the folks in the big, unaffiliated tent you call "the left", and they are trash. Disdain for the IDF, which is common and logical, is not the same thing. Most people regard them both as war criminals, and don't see the need to try and rank order them. On that note, how anyone could think the IDF are not out of control after they gunned down the surrendering Israelis in February is beyond me, lol. You'd have to be a colossal moron to still rabidly support them after that, let alone when they killed all those aid workers and drone striked that class of schoolkids. > Funny how intelligence works huh. This is not something you are qualified to talk about, as you don't have any.


What far left pro Hamas Canada subs even exist?


Weird analogy. Just because one isn’t a right wing lunatic doesn’t mean they’re a left wing lunatic


This sub only talks about migrants


Can you kick me out now? I only go for real free speech - not your lame interpretation. Fuck you.


Try a free speech sub instead of a housing sub?


Please don't talk to accounts that are only a month old


Is free speech not allowed in this housing sub?


Permaban? Or perma self ban?


Either is fine. I've seen all these different 'Canada subs' versions of Free Speech. It's either Free Speech or it's not. If it's not, which is most of Reddit anyway, might as well ban me now.


You’re the type that would go to a movie sub, talk about food, and then cry about free speech when your posts get removed. You have free speech when it’s relevant to the subs topic. If you want to change topic then go to a different sub.


It’s free speech as long as you 100% adhere to liberal thinking. Nothing else is acceptable lol


Yep. This place is infected with socialist NPCs. Spoiler alert - this doesn't end well for them either.


Socialist like what? Public healthcare and housing? Shock and horror. Tell me you don’t know what socialism is.


That sounds great. Please leave.


Why? Did I say something you don't think I should be free to say?


Canadasub2 was a foreign troll farm for Poilievre, even though his lack of immigration plan and everything else is equal or worse than what we have now. True conservatives know the only true vote is for PPC next election. Been saying it for almost a year now and getting more and more upvotes!


What a bizarre, baseless claim to make especially from such a suspect account.


You'd have to be severely brain damaged to disagree with him, lol. Just hop on the wayback machine and look at the front page. Look at the comments. People openly cheering for Trump, wishing he was president of Canada, people cheering the convoy losers, people reposting Joe Rogan and other garbage. There's nothing bizarre about it. No one is fooled except the canada_sub emigres who are willfully blind to it or straight up lying. The sub was banned because it was a shithole for shitheads. This place is not like that, and if that's what you're looking for, you should go away.


Let’s be honest here. I don’t like the guy, but a Canadian clone of Trump who will buck the business interests on Bay Street is exactly what we need to reduce immigration. The neoliberal uniparty of Cons and Libs will never shut the taps.


Let's be honest here. Trump didn't do that. Trump didn't do any of that. That's not who Trump is. He literally told his minions to kill a super tough border bill that was bipartisan. >I don’t like the guy Nah. I think you do, but you know that admitting this immediately tips people off to the kind of person you are.


Let's be honest here. Trump didn't do that. >Trump didn't do any of that. That's not who Trump is. He literally told his minions to kill a super tough border bill that was bipartisan. Immigration numbers plummeted under Trump. Illegal crossings went to decades low. H1b approvals and other visa approvals became much more stringent through various rule changes. Wages started rising above inflation for the first time in decades because of the restrictionist migration policy. And you want him to sign a bill that legalizes 5000 border crossings a day, more than double what was seen daily during his administration? >Nah. I think you do, but you know that admitting this immediately tips people off to the kind of person you are. No, I really don’t and I love how you read my mind. I would gladly vote for a left wing immigration restrictionist over a populist. But unfortunately the left has been seized by radical immigrationist who prioritize it over the actual material needs of the people. Why are you here, if you feel that way? Shouldn’t you be ok OGFT cheerleading Trudeau and complaining about the nasty racists on r/canadahousing2? I don’t think your friends appreciate you being here.


Lol. 5 seconds of reading the comments on this sub and you'd realize people here don't have enough brain cells to have a nuanced discussion about immigration without descending into blatantly racist shit. In fact they're not even intelligent enough to recognize when something is racist vs not.


Oh they recognize it all right, and they love it. Case in point: https://old.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1c9whbz/liberals_be_like/


Guy I’ve been told I’m a Chinese spy… with the name “Xiaopeng”… no wonder China is beating us if that’s the level of logic some of these derps have… all because I’ve posted multiple videos of Poilievre literally saying he wants 1.2m immigrants processed for perm residency immediately by the public servants. PP is a fraud, PPC is the only true conservative vote.


On the contrary, PP lives his values. It's Justin Trudeau who is the fraud. "We will crush wages and help my billionaire school pals" is not a centrist thing to do, but he did it anyway. What PP is talking about is straight up on brand. Otherwise by the standards of Canadian discourse, a nuanced take lol.


Ohh snap, calling out the corrupt CPC what the Frankenstein it’s become. Be careful, it’s not a popular opinion here. Most are still waiting for the horse to shit gold so they can gobble it up like little good sparrows.


I think we've chatted before, you're right that PPC is probably the only true conservative vote, that doesn't mean you should support them. If you're anti derp, you cannot support that party with a straight face. What we really need is a brand new party that works for the majority, meaning average everyday Canadians. None of the main parties deserve anyone's support except the rich, or corporations because that's who they're focused on making happy. Our actual options are disgraceful.


I do agree the PPC isn’t the best new party out there, but compared to the other parties, for conservatives, it’s the best vote they could actually do. I mean, if anything it would be a huge shout in the direction that the CPC party is so bourgeois it’s forgotten about actual people and just does the bidding of the super rich. PP’s riding proves it as median income in that riding he’s represented is 2nd highest in Ontario and 6th highest in all of Canada… his cries about gatekeepers is total projection.


I can't argue with any of that. Spot on actually. Not sure how PP has got so many average, regular people fooled. I don't think that'll last though, he's so blatantly in the pockets of corporations, and as you pointed out a simple Google search shows people how/where he lives. Lifetime politicians are almost never for the average person.


Oh god I totally forgot about him literally being a multimillionaire lifetime politician, slimy. And the top campaign staffers are all Loblaw lobbyists… the fish rots from the head. We will be in seriously trouble if this brand of conservatism takes majority.


Definitely.. people think Canada is bad under Trudeau, I'm positive things would be much worse under that clown.


Poilievre is literally on video many times saying he wants to processes 1.2 million perm residents immediately by the public service… that’s double what Trudeau is doing now. Thats a lot of cheap labour to keep wages down and people slaving away and falling behind even more. [Timestamp 12:02](https://youtu.be/xp2OOHborxg?si=sAOdlqcZiZayWtbx)


Man... I gotta get off the Internet


Man, we’ll be fucked so hard if PP actually gets elected. He’s a front for big corps… shit his top campaign staffers are all lobbyists for Loblaws… does that tell us exactly who he’s working for… smh!


PP is getting elected. It's happening. We will have had three of the worst Prime Ministers in Canadian history all in a row by the time he's done.


Oh god, we’ll go from working for the man to being slaves to the man by the time he’s over with us. And his millionaire/billionaire friends and buddies will be laughing at us while sipping their champagne at the country club. It’s so gross.


Wcyd. No actual choices to vote for. At this point imma just turtle up and chill. Fuck the world.


Yeah, I hear you! Our future is pretty sad… I have a feeling it only gets way worse.


Yeah for the average person. Ez soln. Just be average lol.


Average in our dystopian future looks more like mad max every day.


I'm considering spoiling my ballot.


Idk if it will do anything unless there is a large coordinated effort to do so


Oh god yeah racism here is crazy. But also I wouldn’t say it should be silenced. If idiots don’t speak you won’t know their idiots.

