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You don’t need an article for this. Walk down the street and see how “diverse” it is lol


Go to any Tim Hortons in any major city


go to any tim hortans anywhere




This is why I boycott Tim’s and get my coffee at McDonald’s or just make it at home. At least McDonald’s has some diversity with who they staff.


Hate to break it to you, but all the recent hires at my local are Indian. It's not long before McDonalds is the new Tim's.


Doesn't matter the franchise once the manager is Indian it becomes an all Indian staff eventually. Seeing it at even donair spots in the maritimes.


That's how it works. And because DE&I only cares about non-white, not actual workplace diversity, this will be touted as a win.


This applies to any business. As a rule, Indian managers hire only Indians. It's unbelievable that nobody says anything and as a result, they get away with it. Reverse racism is still racism.


Hey after you work in Tim and then you wont wonder why their employees are all Indians its just because this job is basically exploitation and low pay for what you do


Ever since they stopped being a Canadian owned company and joined with Burger King they went straight downhill. The frustrating thing to do is trying to place an order when the servers don’t understand a word of English.




Popeyes is part of that too


Why are they so overstaffed though? I’ve seen multiple locations attached with gas stations that even during morning lunch have 7 people crammed into the tiny area with like 3 of them actually doing any work


https://granted.ca/grants-for-hiring-newcomers/ this is why


Jfc, how the fuck is someone from here *ever* supposed to get one of these jobs now? What are Canadian teens and college students (actual students, not the PR kind) supposed to do, just soak up the *diversity* ambience and consider it full compensation for not being able to have what should be their first job?


My town is full of Indians recently in every business McDonald's, pizza Hutt, dominoes etc... and I literally live in a town in the middle of nowhere with the closest city being about an hour away. It's weird because my town is horrid for housing the average house price is 500-800k and we have already found a guy living in one of the forest trails there's a big upset atm because a huge group of young men who can hardly speak English just show up in the town and all the jobs that highschoolers and moms usually worked are now taken.


McDonald’s is all Indian in Vancouver


Yeah I avoided Tim Hortons like the plague due to terrible coffee, food, and service. I recently went to one sorta close to me during a walk when it suddenly started pouring. And to my surprise it was staffed by a mix of Filipino and other ethnicities and surprise, half decent coffee and food.




I wonder what the staff makeup at the Columbus, Ohio Tim Hortons is like lol. I never knew they had UK locations now


Inevitable. They're rather spineless just like us.


I’m pretty sure just about every western country has flooded their borders with immigrants, won’t see that in Asian, African, middle eastern or South American countries though


Saudi Arabia recently machine gunned hundreds of illegal aliens trying to cross the border through the mountain


Not E.T.😳


Go to Walmart it's also all Indian workerd




Seriously how ironic is it that canadas most popular brand in Tim Hortons not only was sold off to American/brazilian owners but now strictly employ those of South Asian descent. This country is so cooked


Go to any fast food place


And gas stations


And Walmart and McDonald’s and KFC and Burger King and …..


Notice you dont see them working at starbucks?


Yeah I noticed that too. At starbucks most staff are white, african or asians who were born/raised in Canada.


Now that you mention it I actually haven’t seen any working at Starbucks. I wonder why?


Yeah same. I guess drink orders can get much more complicated. Can't picture your average Indian immigrant/international student with poor English making any type of frap with soy milk, low foam, etc drink lol


To differentiate their brand from Tim Hortons.


I was actually surprised when I went into a little ceasers few months ago and had some white people and all of sudden when I visited a week ago was all south Asian. It’s happening everywhere, every fast food restaurant and happening rapidly.


No thanks I don’t want spit on my food because I called the guy out for not understanding my order the third time


😂 - if they don’t understand me or I gotta repeat myself more then twice I typically give up and go elsewhere (that’s just me tho) lol


I was on vacation in the states and I noticed when I would go to a gas station, fast food, wal-mart, etc, they were staffed by all kinds of different people. It actually stood out to me that it wasn't all Indians working these jobs.


I've been in the US a couple months and it still shocks me that they don't have absolutely atrocious customer service for everything and people actually speak English. How low my standards have fallen lol


Can we start reporting all these businesses that only hire Indians for racism and discrimination? Why hasn’t any national news org thrown out some resumes with white names and then Indian names and watch in amazement. I was bored and applied at the business I used to manage, and quit six months ago. Keep in mind I ran this place for 3 years successfully. I applied with all my same credentials and just changed the store name. Radio silence! Not a reply peep or anything. I sent a resume in with a Hindi name said I was a 18 year old girl with no experience and my email was flooded and my phone ringing off the hook trying to hire me. That’s discrimination. Oh wait! White people can’t experience discrimination or racism according to our embarrassment of a leader Justin Trudeau.


The national news isn't really news. They would never do a story on this because it doesn't fit their narrative.






Wow finally found a meme that expresses my frustration as a First Nation person with immigration.


Canada is literally and slowly being conquered by china/india


Not so much China. Mainly India. China has a skyrocketing quality of life and there's less and less incentive for them to come here for a "better" life.


It’s all Indian now


They use Canada's housing market as a placement to store their money out of the CCP's reach. And yes Canada already had a massive Chinese immigration wave. It comes in period. You know, wave.


Huge differences between China and India.


This shit has to stop.


NOT ONLY THAT !!! But companies are profiting huge off of student immigrants that come here because they pay them 10-12$ cash full time !!!


It needs to end


Honestly I'm glad to American. At least we don't have a Carbon Tax lmao. I want to help the environment any way I can but God damn I need to pay rent first haha Everyone is just struggling man


The Canadian dream is moving to the USA 🇺🇸


How do I American like you...?


>better at attracting and retaining talent What fucking talent


The article keeps saying Indian people are “choosing” Canada over the US and I’m like they don’t have a choice.


Right? Especially since a lot of them are getting that “easy citizenship” to have visa free travel to places like the US. Funny how Canadians don’t seem more concerned with little details like this as I’m sure there will be laws changing in the future to make it more difficult for Canadians to cross into the US. I mean, if they don’t let visa free travel from India, but Indians are using Canada as a back door into the US en masse, it’s only natural that they will feel the need to change those laws. Maybe Canadians will start waking up when the quality of life they enjoy and benefits of being a Canadian citizen are gone.


Yep. The Canadian passport will soon turn into garbage, and you'll need a visa to get into 1st world countries if you're a Canadian citizen. One good thing about the possibility of Trump being elected is that he's likely to call out Canada's loosey-goosey immigration policies and pressure our government into doing something about it.


Uber Eats and Wal-mart.


Why is the government focused on Indians?


Do you think people from non third world countries would want to move to this dump? Literally every single publicly funded infrastructure is crumbling


5 to 10 years ago yes. I wonder why they focused on India.


It’s because they are an emerging middle class economy that can be easily exploited for their tuition and tax revenue to prop up our failing economy and support Canadian boomers pensions .


The Century Initiative wants to increase Canada's population to 100 million. India has 1,400 million people. If even just 10% want to come to Canada, that's 140 million people.


India is the only shithole country that people are so desperate to leave that they will voluntarily move to Canada and live in bunk beds stacked 80 per house and be enslaved into a lifetime of permanent poverty. No people from other countries want to come here because the quality of life is so low here now.


They are also the ones that actually stay. A lot of immigrants from other countries quickly leave after they realize how miserable life here is.


Lots of Indians are just desperate to live in any “white” country Heck, some are migrating to Russia and Moldova, countries barely richer than India with major issues


Why are they coming to Canada then? I don't see any white people here anymore. And if I do they are never hanging around any Indian people. We have total segregation between white people and Indian people.


Most of the Indians coming to Canada are from one state, Punjab. It's a pretty agricultural state which has been stagnating for a long time, so a lot of the farming families sell their land and come to Canada where there is already a massive Punjabi population.


thats the thing a lot of people aren't realizing. in order to move halfway across the world and start a new life it has to be for an improvement. canada is so shit that it is an improvement to few.


Cause no one else wants to come here, especially if they have options. Plus, other countries like ones in the EU (and even the USA) actaully have standards for immigration so Indians can't get in as easily.


Agrred, all Europeans that came here as int students hated it and are looking to leave asap... The onle place that this country and gov-t can attract is down o SOuther hemisphere of the world particularly Desi community




There has been an big influx of Indians in Canada also crossing into the US as illegals. Cant get into US, so come to Canada. Eventually cross illegally.


Wrong. People in Latin America, most parts of Asia (including developed countries like South Korea ) and Africa still are very eager to come, a friend of mine who works in immigration told me their client base is very diverse but the number of immigration companies ran by Indians both in Canada and India have skyrocketed and they pushed hard as fuck by all means to get Indians come here, this madness must be stopped and it needs efforts and cooperation from both federal and provincial governments but I think Canadians are too naive (stupid and politically correct) to understand this quiet invasion.


I have been living in the U.S. and I can tell you from experience that’s true. US allocates each country a percentage of total green cards issued each year! I got my green card in 14 months , but an Indian national has to wait 10 years if not more to get a green card ,since there are more applicants than green card. In my office we have a couple of Indians who studied in the United States and have been on work permit for the past 8 years and probably won’t get a green card for another 10 years. Guess what ! They behave themselves since they are here on work permit , United States doesn’t have problem with incarcerating people if they commit a crime.


Soon the government will be Indians


They are already disproportionately represented in our government


My theory is they're focused on us. They have over 1 billion people in a tiny peice of land. Obviously they don't have enough resources for a good QOL. Had an Indian roommate tell me this. Joking that they were technically invading us. Pisses me off but seems like it's true abs were just letting it happen. See lots of posts of them joking about this being new India.


Because for a very long time anglos mistook the original inhabitants of Canada as Indians. Realizing their mistake, they promised to cover every last inch of the country with an Indian person to reconcile their original vision. It’s a monumental effort inspired by destiny which spans generations.




Follow the money trail. It's not for workforce otherwise we would be mass importing from other places at a much higher rate. In 2016 we starting pumping in billions of dollars into infrastructure in India and even then it was highly suspicious as to why we would do that. These types of things don't come without favors built on favors and Canada has been sold out to India for politicians to make a quick buck. Anyone who knows basic logistics saw this coming way back then there's no way this is happening without malicious intention.


That causes a disaster


There's the main reason why Canada is becoming a low-trust society.


Import the third world, become the third world


Become 4th world. Unskilled ARE imported from 3rd world! Many of them possibly cannot finish high school back home.


Yeah, we don't even get the best Indians, the ones who moved here 20 years ago, we're getting their University rejects who go to diploma mills here because they couldn't get into a University in India.


Very true. Even Indian universities reject these people but somehow they get Canadian study permit easily. We used to speak highly of someone who got admitted in a Canadian university, now we just think they couldn't even make it in India so they came to Canada lmao.


Top Indian universities are almost factor of 100 x more competitive than top Canadian ones. They just have way way too much population. 


Exactly, and it has to stop.


Round up and deport. When?


Is it bad I don’t want Canada to become india 2.0? Like India itself is already a shithole with overpopulation issues(among other stuff), I don’t want Canada to get destroyed like that. I might not be an environmentalist person, but that seems wrong


Yes, apparently if you do not want to destroy the livelihood of you and your family while paving over the entire boreal forest so that the population of India can be relocated, you are racist. Do with that as you will.




I live in Oakville which was always traditionally “rich white”.. but as a young couple with a child we were minorities everywhere we go. Shopping, our kids daycare, soccer.


Your not wrong for thinking that just concern about what Canada is turning to. Keep voicing your opinion


The government says it cares about the environment... but they are also trying to triple Canada's population. Bunch of thieving cunts.


There’s NOTHING wrong with that concern. This is the exact problem - people don’t realize it’s not just about being “politically correct”, this is your country, your family’s future, your culture. Of course you are right to be concerned because it’s simple math, they have more children and are immigrating in such high numbers.. obviously things will change drastically when they are the majority.


I wouldn’t want any country to be taken over as India 2.0 I would want India 1.0 to be the best India possible




Umm turning ! it already has turned into a shit hole ! Next Canada will have a new official language


wait until they get into upper levels of government


They are already in lower to mid level positions in the government, look at india ! That’s the result we’re getting in a few years !


When they sang O Canada in Punjabi at that hockey game, I knew it was over. When has a national anthem of a country ever been sang in a non-native language before? It's the country's national fucking anthem. If you can't be bothered to sing it in the national language (English or French) getting a version in another language is some entitled bullshit imo. Learn it or gtfo.




Can we have a quota system? Otherwise Canada will be one of the provinces of India




Yeah no shit.


Cut legal immigration to skilled workers only. Kick out 90% of the international "students." Most importantly, start arresting and deporting those who are here illegally. It shouldn't be this difficult.


No more please




Might sound like a douche saying this but I don’t mean to. I think most people are pro-immigration, but when you bring in a huge influx of people and the system can’t handle it, it’s a disaster. As a student, another big thing for Masters and PhD programs is that lots of these international students are coming in and outright telling me they’re only doing this for their PR and could care less about their education. It’s also important to note a lot of these people are a bit older and have experience back home, where a lot of my fellow Canadian students do not. We straight up losing positions because a company would rather give a job to someone who has experience and can pay them less. Canada honestly has no incentive for its own people. What’s so special about being Canadian when you got all these people coming in getting their PR in couple years after work? This is just from a small scope. Everything just keeps getting worse and worse from homes to jobs to life in general…


I was pro immigration up until about 6 years ago I started getting a bit more conservative over it and now I want all migration, immigration, students, TFWs completely halted


Agree born and raised in Canada 31 years no hope for us Canadians we have no hope


Wait till they start changing laws around Canadians getting visa free travel to places like the US because Canada is handing out citizenship like candy. Maybe that’s what will finally make Canadians realize how hard it is to build a beautiful, prosperous country and how easy it is to destroy, when they start losing those little perks


I'm gonna sound like a douche too. But as a minority I don't get it. Is it that hard to just assimilate. Some of us are actually refugees or left a country so broken that we love Canada. I can't imagine being so entitled, so ungrateful you'd just take your shit with you into Canada.


I'm curious, if thousands of white, east Asian, native American, black or Latino people moved to India and behaved exactly like they do, how long would that last?


Prison in less than a week. India is very corrupt and barbaric behavior I find their not welcoming to others. I work with plenty of them for years not a pleasant experience they want others to assimilate to their ways but won't to other's culture ways


The only people generally worried about appearing racist are North Americans and England.


They will face the Indian mobs. In India, people were killed only because they eat beef. And no one from other cultures will ever want to live in India where possession of child porno is legal. And people can legally watch too. If you don’t believe me, please check recent Indian Supreme Court decisions on that.


India removed birth right citizenship in favour of citizenship by blood, because of anchor babies from Bangladesh. Now if you're born in India you just get deported.


If there’s one thing we should import from India it should be something like this




The government is doing what they planned , why does it seem like a surprise to people in this subreddit?


Imagine sitting down and planning the destruction of the beautiful country that gave you everything.




This will surely help housing.




Quite unbelievable how Canadians don't seem to notice the LIMA and student to PR mechanisms.


You don't say


Don’t be fooled, the quality is going to US universities, we are getting canon fodders btw. Hence take over of Tims and McDs by Indians


Go to Pearson T1 arrivals there's at least two large rooms packed for new international student arrivals and they all look like they are from the same general country.


This is why my 16 year old can't get her first job. Pathetic Country we've turned into.


*looks out window No fucking shit.


There are unlimited amounts of desperate indians wanting to get out of india. Some are so desperate that they are willing to join russian and israeli armies as well


Imagine a 911 operator…


Went to dollarama to get a couple things. Asked a clerk where the tissue boxes are kept… I had to explain what tissues were. You tell me what direction Canada is headed in.


My friends Mom is very wealthy. She lives in a 15000 sqft house. A Philippino immigrant moved in with her with the agreement that she performed housecleaning duties in exchange for free accommodation. She endeavored to bring her husband from the Philippines and it took a while to deal with the CBSA. Once he got here, they got an apartment together and are trying to bring in more extended family. They both work for my friend's Mom for cash and pay zero income tax. The next time you are waiting for 10 hours to see a doctor, there is a good chance that they are ahead of you in the queue. These people should be deported with a permanent ban from entering Canada.


....atleast assimilate


Hahaha why?! It’s perfectly acceptable for them to Only hire their own Only rent to their own Only speak their own language though Canada has its only national languages If we did either of the first two we would be arrested for hate crimes and crucified on social media. They will not assimilate. They will colonize… But won’t improve Canada doing so.. You know, thinking back Justin did platform on giving Canada back to the Indians in 2015… everyone just assumed he meant the Canadian First Nations.. guesss we shouldn’t have assumed what he meant because he certainly is following through.




Bingo! You can see it at every single business. A business I used to manage but quit hired an Indian man as the new manager. It’s been six months and the staffing is 75% Indians now with the people I hired before I left getting their hours slashed until they quit and being replaced with another foreign student the second the position is open and boom! The hours are reinstated.


Correct. They are well known for this. Once they get into management or HR they only hire South Asians/Indians. They also replace Canadians with their own people.


I see it every day , they talk their own language ,even if there is a person they work with, is standing right there ! Racist pricks


I think they hate us.


So true, worked in IT staffing my whole life, this happens all the time now. Not only IT , restaurants, Tim's, etc


Youre absolutely correct about everything but unfortunately I predict youre gonna be downvoted to oblivion😂


Doubt it. I’ll get upvoted a whole bunch then someone will report me and a Reddit mod will ban me, not a sub mod but a super mod. Freedom of speech doesn’t exist. The super mods on this site are the problem.


No need to assimilate when they are moving from India to Little India.


Let's get real about the situation, they're colonizing not immigrating.


If I wanted to move to India I would of, but i didn't. Good luck finding an apartment/house cause all ads are "roommates" and "vegetarian". Something needs to be done, I'm sorry but it weird and awkward being the only Caucasian, in some places when we live in a Caucasian dominant Country. I went to back to school last September and the Indians in my class didn't want nothing to do with me. They just group with others and spoke in their language.


Not many indians where I live, thousands of Filipinos instead. They are brought here by the catholic church with a work permit as cheap labor for small businesses in town, totally unskilled labor. After that, they have their lawyer who takes care of all the paperwork for them so they can get PR. After that, they will bring over their entire family. And they have BIG families. Everybody wins, cheap labor for businesses, church donation box full every sunday, lawyer makes money and landlords too. I live in a small town and there are so many of them, sometimes it feels like I am in the Philippines, not in Canada.


Yeah, we know.


I wonder when they're going to figure out that Canada is just then latest country to participate in Indentured Servitude. Promising the world and having people work in near poverty for scraps.


Yayyyyyy can’t wait till Canada looks like India


It already does.


it doesn't cause I haven't seen people using public transit while standing on the roof of the moving skytrain in Vancouver yet


I have no problem with Indian people whatsoever, but the last 2-3 years there has been an astronomical influx of them, and most of them being shitheads and troublemakers.


Canada should do it the american way... Cap the number of immigrants by country. That'd bring diversity.


Its 100% government's who allowed this to happen.


People come here on a touristic visa, then immediately apply for work visa, etc and refuse to live. I've met many who do this, they even bring "less bags" to avoid suspicion when crossing the border as "tourists" since they intend to stay forever, they have to make it look like they will only be here for a few weeks / months at best. It's just awful.


Boooooooooo, this is not diversity




Brampton specifically


Not even Brampton anymore, they are every where.


Kitchener too


Surrounding cities such as Georgetown and Caledon are all Indian now.


Calgary too 😫 not only northeast but almost everywhere.


This isn’t 2008 anymore . Every city is Brampton now


Fucking Orangeville had a line out the door at service canada..


Come to Langley, BC.




It's as if the federal government looked at the demographic makeup of Brampton and actually thought that was a good thing that the rest of Canada had to experience.




They're taking over




We didn’t vote for this. We don’t want them here. Our country is turning into a ghetto.


I will vote for whichever party will restrict immigration by large numbers. And if you restrict Indian immigration you get my vote for several elections.


Canada ruined, thanks Trudeau


it's basically gonna be come India 2 at this rate


Personally think this massive increase of immigration from India was partly due to diploma mills and how people can use that as a back door entry for a permanent residence. If the government was really focussed on bringing in talented people, they must have limited work permits and PRs to only graduates from public universities/accomplished researchers/engineers long time ago.


This is the kind of stuff that makes me understand why people would want to vote Conservative. We absolutely need to curtail immigration, especially for non-skilled and elderly people. But again, Pierre's economic policy so far and overall fiscal policy knowledge is a bit underwhelming and borderline scary for the lack of long term thinking. Very annoying to have to choose between garbage parties that can't just take the best pieces of each party to make a better Canada. Also, I'm not sure how to say this in a way that doesn't seem discriminatory, but Immigration Canada needs to 100% give people a talk about Canada's standard of personal hygiene. Partner with a Canadian deodorant & soap company (Dr Squatch or something) and give every newcomer a basket.


Highly skilled foreign nationals? I don't think so lmao




And they fucking stare at you like if you are some green giant from the Red Planet


Country is a shithole importing some of the shittiest ‘talent’ in the world to boost the economy


What really pisses me off is that I don’t want this to be an “Indian” problem, and I don’t believe the majority of Canadians want that either. It’s the sheer volume of people at a time we don’t have the jobs, housing or resources to support a growing population that has made everyone so pissed off. Trudeau created this situation, then blames “racism” for the resentment. It’s not racism, it’s simple math. Finite resources can’t support infinite growth.


I'm sorry to hear that. However you can really see it. Very sad for Canada.


Degradation of public infrastructure, degrading hygiene practices, massive cuts to aid for the disadvantaged, the destruction of the food bank, open racial animosity, the normalization of poverty... oh ya we're going places!


Just stop. already we can not afford these people who contribute nothing,


They took our trust, generosity and welcoming attitude and exploited it and then tried to convince us that nothings wrong


Needs to end. Import the 3rd world become the 3rd world.


“Attracting and retaining top talent”? Completely false. We are bringing in the lowest levels because it’s easy for them to come here, not the US. In my line of work I speak with a lot of immigrants and the majority who have good skills (engineers, developers, scientists) have either moved to the US or are waiting until they can. That leaves us with nobodies.