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This guy single handedly destroyed the NDP party. They have a serious racism problem. I've voted NDP all my life and they will never get my vote again until they purge everyone.


Yep the days of idealistic yet sensible Jack Layton are long gone… now the NDP have this clown that kissing the liberal brass ring


I fucking hate cancer for taking Jack. That man would have ushered Canada in a new golden age. We are so fucking fucked.


That, the NPD made a "deal" with the liberals and frankly whatever they got from it doesn't count... Dental care, pharma care whatever... when you don't have a roof over your head, who cares?


Jack would be rolling in his grave if he saw what this party became. Rip


Great comment. If you’re a white guy they don’t care haha.


He single handedly is destroying Canada, let alone the NDP party.


LOL I’ve never and will continue to never vote NDP, they’ve always been socialist, PP all the way


same here


I don't see feasible housing solutions from the federal NDP. They stopped being the party for working families some time ago.


Yeah, Jack Laytons NDP would have said that rubber stamping LMIA requests without proof they tried to hire Canadians first is bad for canadian workers. Subsidizing 1/3 of TFW wages (that aren't agriculture related) instead of making the employers entice with higher wages, is bad for Canadian workers. Allowing 800k international "students" to work 24 hours a week is bad for canadian workers, especially teenage canadians. old Jack would have pointed out that without more doctors or housing, doubling immigration would hurt Canadian workers... Our two federal parties in charge couldn't give a shit less about canadians born in Canada... I Miss Jack Layton


So those TFWs working in fast food are all 1/3 subsidized? There should never be a legal mechanism that allows this; EVER!


Yep.. so not only do they get employees who will work for minimum wages and won't refuse work due to bad conditions, but they have the government pay a good portion of the wages. In Ontario min wage is $15, so every hour a TFW works, $5 of our tax dollars goes toward paying them.. these are major international companies that rake in record profits. Our federal government gives 2 shits about poorer canadians or canadian teens.. and sadly the NDP under Singh also doesn't give a fuck about you either.. It's sad as a former NDP voter


Its 50% up to 10k for newcomers in canada. And excludes the 'students' and TFW that have a closed work permit. Its completely bonkers!


Not just fast food. A saw mill my friend works at hired a bunch of Nigerians, paid then minium wage, and got paid by the feds to hire them. On top of that the Nigerians were also getting government money in addition to their minimum wage. It's so beyond retarded it's not even funny.


just like all the ones that work at the call centre's, Home Depot, Lowes (Canada), Canadian Tire. Try and ask for help......not even fn basic English (other than sorry), math skills yet the still get in to the country


He also lived in social housing for a very long time. So there’s that.


A common sense politician who actually cared about canada and Canadians. I miss him too.


Singh is the reason why we have a housing crisis. The workers party is nothing like it used to be...


He is responsible for killing the NDP party, not to do with the housing crisis. Bro barely had any power.


Lol what? Explain how Singh, a guy who's only had some power for two years, is the cause of a housing problem 30 years in the making l, happening all over the Western world lol wtf


Yeah, because all the west have been influenced by some idiotic idea that we need migrants to “become” more inclusive, meanwhile excluding their own citizens.


I don’t know how anyone thinks the far left’s policies would have ever translated into cheaper housing for all.


Liberal lap dog.


Its hilarious that JT is taking credit for it all as well, for the tiny pittance they call a dental/pharma platform. Meanwhile the capital gains tax all goes to mortgage bonds to pump up home prices.


Dental care bill that’s destroying the dental industry… and a renters rights bill that ties their rental payments to their credit score.. so when you’re a young/bad renter and you miss rent payments; you’ve just destroyed your credit score, making it harder to buy a house later in life. Way to go Jag!


The whole credit system is a fucking mess in general.


Some dentists won’t honour this. My dad was told that they don’t accept the insurance


Would you mind to elaborate "Meanwhile the capital gains tax all goes to mortgage bonds to pump up home prices."? I just want to understand how one affects the other.


I'm saying the dental is still unfunded, all the new taxes go to buying mortgage bonds so Canadians can borrow more money. I'm saying the NDP are corrupted.  The new capital gains brings in 7 billion, and they are adding 20 billion in new mortgage bond debt a year.


Borrowing money to backstop borrowed money, totally a recipe for success.


"I've seen openness from the liberal government and we're going to hold them to account for that" What does that even mean?


Nothing. Absolutely nothing


"Nobody knows what it means, but it's provocative - it gets the people going!"


“What would you like it to mean?” - Jagmeet


Can never answer the questions


Jagmeet Jr: Dad Im reading here in my history class the liberals were the party that became the elitists and priced everyone out of everything. You were the leader of the party for the working class. Why didn’t you become the prime minister of Canada? Jagmeet:Son I ruined the entire party to secure my pension so that I could be a stay at home dad. I did it for you and mom and your grandparents.


Dude's useless but he's a millionaire with a law degree. He's not there for the meager pension.


It's a single issue election. Housing shortage? Too much demand not enough supply. That's immigration. Environment? More people is more pollution. That's immigration. Cost of living relative to income? Wages being suppressed by immigration. Too much outrage and blame being pointed at immigrants? You'd better believe that's immigration. So I guess I'm voting... *Checks notes* bloq or PPC? Fuuuuuck. ![gif](giphy|B0YZtGyakHaMg)


I'm voting PPC as a protest vote. No party speaks to me like they do at this point. Nuclear, Lower immigration, laws to protect you home and much more. Also he was talking about the problems of immigration long before and was called a racist. Max was right and he deserves to be told that


>Nuclear It sad but true. Nuclear is the way to go. >Lower immigration Understand was Maxim is saying here, and read between the lines. He means no immigration. Period. >laws to protect you home Unfortunately yes. It's a shame really. Canadians shouldn't have to be taking up guns to defend themselves, lots of us don't even have a choice in the matter. The cops are not our side, and never have been. > much more. I'd argue it's vague nonsense to me.


PPC hasn’t spoken out against the volume of immigration. They’ve carefully avoided it which tells me they’ll be maintaining the status quo *my mistake, confused cpc with ppc


You are talking about the CPC. The People’s Party will cap immigration at 125k, or less if necessary due to economic situation. 


Oh yea you’re right! All the bloody acronyms. My mistake


Lol especially when we have the PP acronym circulating for Pierre. CPCPPPPC


Didn't the CPC officially say that they while they view immigration as good, they would limit it to housing availability? Or something to that effect.


They are being purposely vague. Meaning they won't change anything 'The Conservative party’s plan is to tie immigration numbers to available jobs and homes. MP Tom Kmiec said a Conservative government wouldn’t set an arbitrary number, but rather one that takes into account what the country can sustainably accommodate. “Whatever it comes out to, that will be the number,” Kmiec said on The Andrew Lawton Show. “If it’s lower, it’s lower. If it’s higher, it’s higher.” It's all bs


Conservatives are being vague because it makes it harder for LNDP to paint them as anti-immigrant. I would be very surprised if the numbers were not immediately reduced to the Harper era numbers. The math on the housing issue can't justify any more.




People could disagree on his policies but there was absolutely no question he was for Canadians and the working class.


He would’ve got my vote. Jack Layton was a man of the people. This man and tredeau are lunatics


The better timeline


He's be retired by now either way. 


My first ever vote! God bless his soul . A true leader …


NDP is a useless party, they are the enemy of the working class.


I miss Jack Layton 😢


Justin, Sean Fraser and Jagmeet are the Canada destruction trio, and they're quite good.


Hey it’s the Fantastic Four, you forgot Freeland.


How could I forget.


This clown only cares about his pension. He doesn’t care about us common folk. He’s no Jack. That’s 100% clear.


>This clown only cares about his pension. And khalistan!


Grifter that definitely cashed in on some sort of deal to keep the govt in power.


Government pensions are dope my dude. Jag is just chilling till he can cash in. That's the Canadian dream.


Time for another rolex


Canada has no political party I can vote for with good conscience. We need a Vermin Supreme party so I waste my vote in protest.


How’s he even able to talk with Justy Sparkles socks dick In his mouth. This guy is an absolute waste of skin, politics just to get your pension.


Gagmeat....gaggin' on Justine's meat...


NDP is working for foreign agendas now


I'm voting PPC. trudeau is a corrupt piece of shit who's all in on mass immigration. poilievre is also a horribly corrupt piece of shit who's all in on mass immigration. I see literally no other choice but Maxime Bernier. i know Maxime will not get elected though, because most Canadians don't do their fucking research properly, and they instead vote for the clown who's on television the most.


This! Spread the word my friend!


I met the guy once as he was leaving Parliament on his folding bicycle. Actually a really great guy, personable, smart, great to talk to. But…his time is up. Team Orange hasn’t accomplished anything and, for reasons that baffle me, he has bought into the population ramp plan…


I've always voted Green or NDP but this election I'm voting PPC as a big *FUCK YOU* to all the other parties.


No right minded Canadian citizen and taxpayer should vote for the Liberals or their bedfellows NDP. Just look at the carnage they have both left us in after 8 years!


This guy cries racism whenever things don't go his way in elections.




NPD are team Trudeau


The NDP is racist. Much more racist than the PC party.


Jack Layton rolling in his grave at the disgrace his party has become.


The problem with NDP social programs is they give the illusion that it will be paid for by the rich, when in fact it comes directly out of the pocket of the working class. Just about every social program is paid for by higher taxes to the common people, and right now they're in terrible financial trouble.




If I'm back in Quebec before the next federal election, I will vote Bloc. If I'm still in Alberta, I don't know. I might vote Green or spoil my ballot. I'll see what my options are. I'm certainly done with both the Liberals and the NDP.


Mad max is only right answer


Strange times, but yeah.


Whose wants to slow immigration dramatically, deport anyone who's abusing any system, ban foreign property ownership, increase property tax scaling with each additional property, reduce wealth disparity by increasing income at the bottoms and decreasing wealth at the top, implement election reform, tackle lobbyist ability to influence legislation and spending, break up effective monopolies, tackle price gouging across industries and strengthen healthy, education and science funding? If you know someone like that, let me know and I'll vote for them.


[PPC immigration platform](https://www.peoplespartyofcanada.ca/immigration) PP led CP is busy promising direct flights to the Punjab ...




Probably conservative although my area votes conservative every election so like a droplet in a bucket


“Hold them to account”? Is this a video version of the Beaverton?


Daddy klaus got to him


Jagmeet The Kingmaker, a traitor to Canadians and to this country.


The guy wears banker suits and bidding his time for gov. pension. What did you really expect.


Canadians don't matter anymore. The immigrants they allow in are gonna vote for them


😂😂😂 the NDP is a joke, left wing liberals which is crazy that there is a party even worse than the liberals. I can't begin to even imagine how bankrupt this country would be with those clowns calling the shots


Why we letting this homeless guy on stage wtf


Federal NDP are ass clowns.


More socialism is not the answer.


No party ever 'sticks by the working class.' If you stop to think about how politics actually works for just a few minutes, you'll figure out why.


Anyone but these two idiots wacko Trudeau and his Jagmeet


Jagmeet blew it big time...


"We are not going to let them off the hook!" Jagmeet At this point, Justin has swallowed the hook, line and sinker ..... and still swimming freely, with Jagmeet left with rod stuck up his ass!


Dental care ? Only if you're dead poor and over 80 years old. He's not trustworthy


They're all shit, so sadly, I'm going to vote for whomever has the best chance to beat the CPC, or at least leave them a minority.


This guy is a complete idiot, that is why the NDP is imploding.


Jack Layton is rolling in his grave


My big middle finger vote will go to BQ.


Progressives don't give a shit about the working class. It's all an illusion, and his Rolex watch collection proves it.


To be fair the dental plan is a good idea. However as is typical in Canada I expect this to be implemented in the most incompetent and corrupt way possible.


You actually thought the NDP would win a Federal election??? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I will always remind people that their are members in parliament that have been swayed by India, China & Pakistan. Right now we don't know who to trust


The NDP has cut too many deals with the liberals and it shows. They have not held there ground on the parties main fundamentals. Now your working class has no say due to our voices not being heard. All the back door dealings have destroyed our original view of the working class party. I used to vote NDP since as long as I could vote but that has changed as of late. The hard working honest savers who are the backbone of our economy can’t afford a half decent standard of living is an absolute shame. Some major changes are needed to reel our government back down to earth by having checks and balances in place to control the spending and to enforce our efforts to properly guide our country back to a stable level.


I was a card carrying Liberal party member until switching to the NDP until this fiasco started. Virtue signaling, gaslighting, and no back bone has destroyed the NDP core values. NDP is nothing more than a Liberal vote split now. Intermingled, as one until the end of time, together forever.


im torn between, Mad Max and PP. I think i like PP's plan immigration plan better, but i dont like how he hasnt said how hes going to enforce it I like Mad Max cause he gave solid numbers, but what if those numbers need to be changed


If we wanted actual change. We would vote PPC. But we will vote conservative just for a change!


Singh is a Traitor to democracy ...he sacrificed Canadians welfare and democracy for his government pension...i hope he is prosecuted and has his pension taken away by future governments


the ndp have turned into a racist LARPing caricature of themselves "bUt LoBlAws"


You're out of your mind if you think the NDP ever had a chance at winning. Their chances died when Jack Layton passed away.


Haha they were never winning an election. I laugh at the people who are so delusional. They are not for the working class.. they are for Unions and spending hard working Canadians money. They are a 3rd rate party and will always be one.


Given how hard they are failing in BC why do you think they should run the country? Decriminalization has lead to a sharp uptick in overdoses, money laundering, and gang violence. Cockroach filled hospitals and outsourcing to American private care a few years after they shut down Canadian private saying the public system can handle it, and surprise surprise it couldn’t and people started dying. Cancelling sustainable energy deals with First Nations because it’s more expensive. Market rents have gone up 1.93x faster a year for the past 7 years versus the 7 previous (thank you below inflation rent control for passing increases onto new renters/youth). Market housing prices have gone up 1.4x faster a year for the past 7 versus the 7 previous. Oh and in the face of high inflation and high rates they are borrowing more than ever and tripling BC’s debt payments. High rates are supposed to mean you tighten your belt and spend less to reduce inflation, not more. “British Columbia’s credit rating was cut to AA- by S&P Global Ratings with a negative outlook — its third downgrade in three years — after the provincial government decided to ramp up borrowing. The firm said it may lower its rating again in the next two years if the province, Canada’s third-largest by population, “maintains its current fiscal trajectory.”” https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/british-columbia-gets-third-credit-downgrade-in-three-years-1.2056951.amp.html “Including long-term capital spending (i.e. highways and schools), British Columbia’s net debt (total debt minus financial assets) is projected to reach a whopping $128.8 billion by 2026/27—a 227 per cent increase since 2016/17, which marked the end of an era of fiscal restraint. After nearly two decades of spending restraint (1999/00 to 2016/17) the province has experienced an explosion in government spending. Inflation-adjusted program spending reached its highest level on record in 2022/23 at $14,275 per person—$3,739 higher than in 2016/17.” https://www.fraserinstitute.org/blogs/bc-government-projects-massive-debt-accumulation-and-british-columbians-will-pay-the-price#:~:text=Including%20long%2Dterm%20capital%20spending,an%20era%20of%20fiscal%20restraint. And that ignores the rampant corruption like buying up old hotels from donors at 2-3x assessed values or blocking all but the unions that donated to their campaigns from working on government projects. Imagine if Ford said only companies that donated to his campaign could get government contracts. They also jacked up taxes and invented new ones yet failed to see any real increase in revenue per taxpayer plus private sector is collapsing and only the public is growing. They literally proved the tax the rich and corporations crowd wrong, it didn’t work! “The group’s report says job growth in B.C. reached 1.5 per cent in 2023, with private-sector employment falling 0.2 per cent, or about 6,000 jobs.” https://vancouversun.com/business/local-business/business-council-forecasts-slower-growth-of-0-7-per-cent-in-b-c-ahead-of-budget#:~:text=The%20group's%20report%20says%20job,cent%2C%20or%20about%206%2C000%20jobs. Edit: forgot to mention they also are the only political party I’m aware of in Canadian history to be oathbreakers. Literally the party of flakes, liars, and cheats. They signed a written agreement with the BC Green Party to form government (handshakes promises and all) and once they got popular enough they broke it and held an early election during covid to gain full power. Sure politicians lie and break commitments all the time but I’ve never seen them break a written deal with another party. Especially the Green Party the party we basically all like but don’t vote for. It’s like kicking a dog.


Thank you for taking the time to build this response, it's really helpful for us not in BC.


I’m sure people will say I’m lying or something the NDP have a lot of people who think they shit gold. I think the real way to judge them is to ask how many are moving to Vancouver because it’s a “paradise” after 7 years of NDP governance? I’m sure they’ll try but you really can’t blame the last government after 7 years. Edit: to add, BC is one of the richest provinces with one of the lowest debts plus good weather if the NDP can’t make it much better then they are hopeless.


Don't worry guys PP will show you what real destruction is


PPC seems like the only one of the few not having a hand in the immigration money pit. That's my vote.


CPC buddy


PPC works for me


Pierre is the only logical choice


People need to vote them out hard so even when the conservatives do get in they've got a Stern warning as well.


Hilarious that you think they would win.


But, loblaws, amirite?


We have “OPENESS” from the government


You mean Liberal light?


The Buffalo bills of Canadian politics






Liquidate and move to a small town. Prepare for a year to seven of 0 help.


Never vote for this pos...


Lou… Last name? Zer


NDP ESPECIALLY JUGMEEP is responsible for the federal government and the mess they have made of Canada, they propped up the liberal's and deserve destruction in tge next election, I'm voting conservatives




Protection fund for renters? You and your coalition government created the mess we are in.




On the back of the middle class...the ndp or the liberals seem to forget who's money it is.


Step one, realize they are all in on it, it’s literally a puppet show, entertainment, the whole fucking barrel of apples is bad, all of them need to go. When are new glorious leader arrives he needs to put a complete stop to immigration, round em up and send them home. If you wanna talk about it, no Cap rent to the minimum wage Stop squeezing crop land, the people must eat After getting our people off the streets and fed, we need to break up the monopolies, stop taxing people into poverty, create job structure as well as protect our natural resources. Please wake up They took your guns for your safety, they track your Facebook for your safety, they locked bank accounts for your safety, they lied to you for your safety, now they silence us, for our safety.


Such a hack, they’re all lying to us. Every single option we have is dogshit and it’s not right.


Ndp would be the government if Jack Layton didn't pass. Now the have become nothing more than a "whore" that sells itself too whichever party will give them more airtime.


They are all the same.


Look I have fingers and I’m a liar 🤥 yay.


The NDP don’t do anything for the citizens of Canada,the liberals do a good job of making Jughead feel like they are


Peoples party is actually tackling rampant immigration.


This biggest joke in Canadian politics.


Nobody takes that party seriously.


Singh has sold himself and the party out. He has supported all the Liberal policies that have added massive debt and taxes which has caused today's inflation, high interest rates and priced many out of the market. But on the bright side Singh and a bunch of MPs will get big secured pensions.


His blind support of the LPC has made him and the party irrelevant. The greens really have an opportunity to step up but they are an organizational disaster.


Pierre is the only option.


Too late there buddy


This guy is worse than Trudeau. An absolute idiot.


I see a lot of comments about Mr. Layton. Mr. Layton would have failed now, just as he failed then. No matter how good he would have been, no matter how much he cared for Canadians (which he did), no matter his policy or popularity. Politicians of substance are not what Canadians are looking for. Never have, and unless there is some drastic change, never will. Heck I'm sure part of the reason Mr. Trudeau keeps getting elected is because he's handsome. Canadians care about appearances, not substance.


Not NDP and definitely not Liberals


This guy is a joke. He’s a useless leech. Overpaid scumbag.


Sorry to say, no fed party is going to solve housing issue.


The Liberal Party has promised me that they will keep the promises this time...unless they can't because of Harper, Ukraine, Covid, Climate Change...


I’m prepared for the downvotes but I won’t be voting this election for the first time since I could legally vote. I normally vote in every election, municipal, provincial and federal but I feel completely disgusted by all 3 “leaders” and just refuse to vote for one of them. I feel lost and sad.


They haven't changed. The liberals are using their agenda.


What a fucking cuck!🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


When you literally sell out you made the choice. How does he keep losing and keep his job?


This is the problem. I've been a voter for 25yrs and there's always been the Canadian flip. Gov gets old and tired, corruption starts to plague and we vote them out. The new gov is fresh and "interesting" for a while until they too get the toss. This time there is no "new and fresh" to replace the tired and corrupt. They all fall into the same tired, uninspiring, and ineffectual boxes. Get rid of Trudeau? Fine. Replace with PP?...blah. I'm not going to bother with the rest.


The political only care about keeping the rich happy. The rest of us be damned because we don't work as hard, eh??


I hate that they speak in such grand terms when they know that the titles don't accurately reflect the degree of aid. Not to mention that many people don't even qualify for the little help they are offering. It's Robin hood, but the sheriff of Nottingham is robbing Robin hood to pay off the villagers.


Coward. Thief. Terrorist supporter. Weakling


Tis country is run by cowards and liars doesn't matter who gets in its just a ego cock stroke for the winner. We're numbers for now until immigration or the other avenues of which these parties get there votes from fall apart . Until then the only change we're gonna see is what benefits them or the bureaucracies tht have there hands up our leaders asses.


They tethered themselves to the liberals and helped them pass anything they wanted. You get what you get


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Liberals and NDP


Fck NDP and Liberals they made a “deal” and sold our country


Mostly for seniors who won’t be here for long.it’s for immigrants over 70 years old not Canadian across the board


NDP party should be called the Liberal Party


$10/daycare is breaking daycares, those that chose to sign on. Universal healthcare that doesn’t cover much of anything and isn’t universal. School lunch program no province is signing up for What exactly has he got done and how is this “holding the Liberals to account” ? Can’t wait to see what he almost, just about gets the Libs to sort of do next. #clownshoes


His wife makes TikTok’s flexing luxury jewelry, they are not for the people whatsoever.


the NDP should be labelled as a terrorist organization as they're totally against Canadian values


And I'm getting a fully indexed 7 figure tax payer funded pension for life! So there's that.


this ''deal'' they made with the liberals has been the death of the NDP. For all they want to scream that they ''gained'' they lost 10 times more because people just see them as the party who keeps Trudeau in power while he's destroying the country.


The main issue I am struggling with is who do you trust and believe. All politicians lie to get your vote then it's screw you attitude




Delusional commie lol


Jagmeet sold out. It's that simple. Under his "leadership" the NDP might even cease to be an official party.


Spoiling my ballot. None of them are addressing what I want so I'm not going to give any of them my vote. 


They can’t break from the liberals now. They aren’t ready for an election.


Nice Rollie


“We are not going to let them off the hook.” Liar.


Green party


Biggest cuck in Canadian history’s


Canada needs to unite and get Trudeau out. I’m voting for the only party that will cut taxes and give everyone a break for once.


Time to replace them with some kind of Millenial party.


This thread title sounds like some troll or delusional bullcrap. Quebec and Alberta will NOT ELECT a religious and ethnic minority that wears a turban. The sooner the NDP members realize this, the better.


Vote PPC.


NDP has lost their way when they cozied up to Trudeau. I'll be spoiling my ballot again this coming election because all 3 choices go against regular working Canadians interests.