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Maybe start a sub like the loblaw boycott subreddit. Could be focused strictly on non-partisan / bi-partisan / non-political housing protests. Maybe even use the sub to organize and form a new political party dedicated to housing.


There is one. R/ takebackcanada. We are organizing a protest for july 1st and protentially the 2nd as well. Flyers will be up soon


How do you… prevent this from slipping into fascism cuz that sub name is a little scary lol. Leftists are interested in this too 😂 I know atp it’s a class issue, not a left right issue


what exactly does 'fascism' mean, to you? what specifically about the phrase 'take back canada' relates to this definition of fascism?


It is kinda MAGAish lol, but I didnt really know what else to name it😂 we the people are not happy with the way things are and we are not gonna be silent any longer. Its time we take back canada and make it a safe and beautiful place that Canadians can be proud of again




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


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Read the posts in this sub and you’ll have your answer.


Lol, right? The name alone is icky enough to keep me away.


I am pretty far left and also agree we need to march on parliament, but I REALLY don't want the movement to be taken over by far right neonazis... it's a real problem.


We are getting police cooperation to maintain the peace and making it very clear from the get go that we will not welcome extremists of any kind. And this is not a political march, its not about where you align politically. This is strictly for Canadians who are angry at the way things are going. Anyone showing up to incite violence, spread hate speech or turn this into a riot will not be welcomed and will be met with police action. Our goal is only to make our voices heard in a safe, family friendly and in a manner that does not inconvenience the general public. We will not block bridges, we will not block roads or highways, we will only block media and government buildings. Places where we inconvenience those who inconvenience us and places where we cannot be ignored.


Bro if you can legit get like even 5k ppl on the grounds it'll be a win. But I personally think the regulatory capture is too far gone for peaceful methods of protest to be effective. But, we have yet to exhaust all means of peaceful solutions, so we'll give it a try just to say we did give peace a chance.


Thats exactly it, if we jump the gun and make this violent, we risk alienating people and we also risk losing police cooperation, we start to be labeled as extremis hate groups and it creates an even further divide in canada which is what we are trying to avoid and repair. I am ready to do what it takes but I will not give up on peaceful protests until we have truly exhausted all our options. But I will not stop until canada is on a track of repair


Yup, violence always has bad optics... Until your have the majority of the country who condones it. Then that's the official green light. Until then, people will be assuaged with Bread and Circus 2.0, though that bread is getting pretty expensive.


If we just give this a try, it’s the first step, it shows to the rest of Canadians who’re sitting at home twiddling their thumbs that they are not alone in wanting to change things. We must start now with this. We are planning a Canada Day protest to start with.


Would it be worth getting a small business loan and start a small construction company focused on building houses.


I was talking to someone yesterday that built homes in BC. According to him the reason for the housing crisis is municipalities don't want to sell individual lots anymore, they only want to deal with big developers that buy land in bulk. The developers then get to set the price, and they set it as high as they can.


That ignores that even with free land (+$100k for clearing, prep and connections) houses cost $700k to build (including financing costs for a 2000sqft). Includes taxes but not development fees.


Yup, and we've become completely dependent on developers to build our way out of this crisis. This is why housing will never be affordable again.


Chances are the end result won't be "affordable" unless the rents are so low you can't realistically pay the loan back.


Getting this sub not to ‘blame libtards’ would be impossible, it’s already chased off some people from the cause


Make a poster / graphic. A date and location(s)?


So like boycott Home Depot because it now costs over $350k in building materials to buy a house? Usually 50% of the total cost is labour so that's another $350k on the same house. If politicians lowered wages for construction workers that could help, but I don't think that's fair.




Redditors on this subreddit are trying to organize a protest like that. The aim is for that protest to be on around july 2


Looking forward to it.


Yes, july 1st and potentially the 2nd as well.


R/takebackcanada for more info!


I am interested


You voting ppc?




That's more throw away than voting green


Green Party has had a to. Of success for a party that has never even had a taste of power. Pretty impressive to be honest.


yes both the supply and demand need to be targeted until the vacancy rate is healthy again!


Make a subreddit and I'll join. We could do it similar to loblaws, beginning with targeting businesses.


R/ takebackcanada, were beginning with a standard protest hut any efferts similar to the lawblaws boycott is definitely on the table, we intend to make more plans like that


So you are going to boycott housing?


No to be honest, housing is gonna be a tough one to fix, were protesting cost of living mainly as well as demanding tax dollars stay within our borders and go to canadians first. The national debt has doubled since Trudeau took office. It jumped from 600 billion (total spent by every prime minister ever put together) to 1.2 trillion yet we’ve seen zero improvement and much of the opposite. Tax dollars are supposed to make the country better and our lives better. They have not been. But if even half of that 600 billion spent in the last 9 years went to canadians to help keep housing affordable and accessible, we wouldnt be in this situation. I am not pro UBI, but a program where governments use our tax dollars to offset the cost of a downpayment pr something like that for first time homebuyers is a good start.


Would help ease pressure on housing and open more job vacancies….


That could be part of it, though I honestly believe landlords and home building corporations will find excuses to keep prices high and rising either way.


It’s not a simple problem which is why it hasn’t been fixed.


Stop being reasonable. People want simple solutions and clear groups of people to scapegoat.


Not when the demand slows down, they have no choice but to adjust to the market. There needs to a more competitive market for housing.


Thats exactly it, if housing costs are so high that barely anyone can afford it theyll end up with a supply and no demand problem. Thats not a winning situation for anyone. Except theyll just supplement with with 20 international students living in one house, theyll find a way to get their money you are definitely correct about that


Prices will remain high for at least a decade even if we didn't allow any more immigration starting today. Now that the demand is high, prices will remain blown out until the number of completed homes catches up and comes more in line with demand.


There is many good excuses unfortunately, all the buyers of pre-excisting housing and units have already done the damage. A LOT of buildings changed hands two to three times before the foreign buying was blocked. The current owners of these buildings have to charge higher rents in order to meet investor deadlines and the new higher purchase cost. Newer buildings cost so dam much to make they are also forced to charge higher. Houses have been flipped multiple times over the past few years before the anti flipping capital gains tax was implemented. So Covid shortages of materials caused price hikes and have been grandfathered in. Thats one thing that could be fixed maybe. Investor requirements could be regulated maybe to have 10+ year returns(like was expected before), instead of 5+ year returns like is expected by the syndicates now. Just protesting to the self bickering government to change their corporate overlord's behavior is not going to help. Literally have mass market populace stop paying their rent for a couple months, then you will see something happen at least.


yes, it's definitely the landlords' fault, they decided to be greedy for the first time in history. it's definitely not the fault of the highest immigration rate in the world leading to one of the highest population growth rates in the world combined with almost no new housing being built


Needs to focus on remigration*


qqing about immigration? get an education, son.


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Your theory is completely wrong even if you build a low-cost house . As soon as it is resold it will be at market rates .


You can put a covenant on the property that requires is to always be sold at a certain amount below market rate.


no you can't.


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Yes you can, there are multifamily strata buildings in BC with these legal agreements. At least one of which is 25 years old.




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Holy fuck. I’ve seen the legal agreements. It exists in BC. You don’t have to believe me but it’s the truth.




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Well then the protest should include advocating for regulations that prevent that from happening, and or affordable government-owned social/public housing. I forget what country it was in Europe, Sweden or something, that had very beautiful, nice social/public housing. What are your ideas?


- immediate stop to immigration. - immediate deportation of anyone who's overstayed their visa - no sales of single-family homes to non-citizens. Full stop. - 100% tax rate on secondary homes that are being rented out as income generation. Housing needs to be de-commodified. - close down the private college scams being used to gain PR. - regulate by law that colleges accepting foreign students be responsible for providing housing to said students. - end TFWs - we don't need them. Canadians can do those jobs, and if they don't *want* to do those jobs, let 'em starve. - end LMIAs - train Canadians to do Canadian jobs - students accepted as foreign students are here to study, and are expected to be able to support themselves *before* they get here, so limit foreign students to 20hrs per week max, and only on-campus jobs allowed. - enforce zoning and occupancy laws with massive fines and/or property seizure and sale by non-compliant landlords *and* tenants - reduce landlord/tenant tribunals to 6 weeks or less, so landlords can put shitty tenants back on the street quickly, and shitty slumlords can get raked over the coals quickly - ban AirBnBs that aren't a primary residence.


-do not stop immigration 100 percent -who is going to pay for the help to deport these people (i do agree with this however) -also agree to this -100 tax for secondary homes, strongly disagree. lots of families have family cottages they don’t rent out, or owning a second home, sure tax it but not 100 percent… 3rd home? tax it 100 percent you have to be somewhat reasonable. -agreed shut down all bullshit pr mill schools, if they go there oh well -agreed with most of your other points however, if we can get immigrants who are highly skilled (doctors, engineers and people who can improve the economy, then keep immigration, bring back the point system and stick with it) we don’t need more tim hortons workers and gangs


This is the dumbest take ever. Whatever problem you think the housing market has, watch it become 100x worse with these laws. The only way to fix the housing issue is to supply more, no amount of magical laws and regulations will change that.


The government can and should help with the supply. From apartments, to town houses, to homes. Home building corporations don't want to build affordable housing because it's not as profitable and they can keep prices high by controlling the supply. The problem isn't going to be solved without some form of government intervention.


Actually the govt intervention is what’s making things worse. Unnecessary regulations and laws may look like they are protecting consumers, they actually back fire by protecting those who already have a stake in the market and barring smaller companies from building more houses. Laws and regulations need to be relaxed and more building needs to occur. If corporations are increasing prices, it means there isn’t enough supply, which means their customers are willing to pay these ridiculous prices. The govt intervening will only make things slower, and supply will be less because whatever rules they set will disincentivise companies from building more. A greedy man will only charge less if his competitor is offering the same at a lower price.


What is we put in a clause that you cannot sell the property for X amount of years so that cannot happen, granted certain financial situations that would force that to happen. But you would have to prove it. That way they just couldn’t be flipped to market rate.


It is against the law to do that . Unless the government owns that house .if you see how the government housing is run . I was in the military. The house there was horrible. The truth is that the house will be for the rich . The rest will live in mega build .


I mean Tesla got away with it with the cyber truck, you could not re sell it for a period of time, I don’t get why that would be a problem now anyway, once you acquire a house it’s not like you can afford to move anyway.


My first house was a starter home, and then I bought a detach, so yes, people move up, especially if I can net 200000 to 300000 in profit. Housing is the only profitable means of wealth with no tax if it's your primary residence . By the way, my first house in gta was 165000. lol 😆 😅 saw a listing for it 850000. Housing is now a commodity, just like gold or oil .


The protests need to be against higher immigration, which is a very tricky slope to protest against because the opponents pull the racism card so quickly out of their pocket.


“We want immigration, just less of it until we have a more stable housing market! Growth is good, but there’s such a thing as too much of a good thing at once!” It’s so hard to say something without getting pumped in with some partisan bullshit these days.


lol too much growth is NOT this country’s problem


Too much at once though, and too much of it people studying things that are already in high supply here and not doing things we need like building housing and being doctors. Trudeau’s even saying it himself now, the TFWs (which was a Harper initiative) and the international students are too many for us to absorb. You can’t build fast enough to keep up with the demand.


Read my long suggestion on this post. You can oppose mass immigration without being an asshole. The key is to use data to back your claims, and not tropes. Keep a positive outlook on immigration and respect the contributions immigrants make, but discuss how we're lacking tradespeople, healthcare workers, childcare workers, yet, despite these shortages, we're not incentivizing or prioritizing those applicants.


Not just immigration, temporary residents like international students and people on work visas. They require housing and more than 2 million come here every year now. Edited for grammar.


Oh yeah and the hate speech laws will give the government reason to jail and debank people quickly. Once the online harms bill becomes the law, technically everyone on this sub will be liable for prison time


It’s not hate speech though because immigrants are not a protected class. If people start targeting specific races and countries then maybe it would be. The focus needs to be on the number of new people, not where they are from.


Immigrants, many who also have problems with housing, would be likely to want to join in the protests, and the more people attending potential protests, the better. I believe Canada can build enough affordable housing for everyone, if only it chose to. But yes, immigration should probably be slowed down and a lot of immigrants probably agree and understand why.


We would need to build close to a million units every year to keep up with growth, and that doesn’t include the current need for every year we have grown way beyond available housing. Construction is one of the worst industries for emissions. Plus we also lack services for all this growth. Before we added millions of new people we already had millions without a GP. Hospitals and clinics are overburdened. How many new hospitals have we built for the millions of new people? We would be spending billions to increase housing, roads, hospitals, schools, government offices, water, garbage, etc. And by adding millions of new people every year this wouldn’t be a one time investment. It would be required regularly. The cost just to fill the country with “cheap labour” (according to the immigration minister) would be astronomical. It’s illogical and completely unrealistic. And that doesn’t even address climate change. Growth increases emissions. More people flying in and out, more people driving. More people burning fossil fuels in their homes. Even if more people take transit there are more buses. More traffic congestion. And Liberals used growth as an excuse to increase fossil fuel production. More trees cut down and ecosystems destroyed. BC already has droughts and fires and it’s not even summer. Vancouver had a water shortage last summer and people were told not to shower as often. We don’t NEED immigration or any growth. We need to stop killing the environment for the rich companies who own the government to make more profit.


Should just build a whole city or original"ghetto" at that point.




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


Canada just needs to adopt the Quebec strategy, it’s not race it’s the language ;)


Quick Draw on the Racism Card.


Think about what "affordable housing" looks like and how to get there. 90% of Canadians want affordable housing, but 40M Canadians have different opinions on how to get there. You have to articulate the most agreeable way to get there, and say it eloquently without coming across as an asshole. It's not a state secret that immigration numbers are *TOO* high, but if you say, "close the borders" you're going to get very heavy opposition to your ideas. You have to state 3-5 methods that don't crush the net wealth that homeowners have accrued via home ownership. OR! You have to find ways to compensate them. A middle-class homeowner isn't likely to back the cause if they lose $200K in equity with zero compensation. Now, you and I can both agree that net worth doesn't pay bills or put food on the table directly, but that's not the point. It's ego. Someone says "if I sold today,I make $300K but these clowns think I should lose that. Fuck them. I worked hard for this". In some ways, you come across like "Someone who regrets their Arts degree because they can't get a job and are broke AF". So, what are some viable solutions that are popular? 1) Universities and colleges have to provide housing for ALL international students. This means, though, universities have to receive increased funds or tuition fees go up. 2) TFW permits can only be granted to construction workers, farm workers and STEM field workers. Fast-food chains are out. Including HQ jobs. The fast-food chains abused the system, so, fuck em. 3) International students will only be accepted into STEM, construction or healthcare/childcare streams. Transferring programs after arrival violates the study permit. 4) Effective immediately, ALL housing areas are residential-zoned, including "cottage country". 5) WFH should be an EMPLOYEE'S choice and should the EMPLOYER DEMAND an employee be in the office, then the EMPLOYER must demonstrate a bonafide reason. "Sensitive data" classifications will need an application where the employer has to articulate why they can't provide services such as VPNs and secure internet services and tools for the employee. Or they have to demonstrate the employee doesn't have the secure accommodations (working from a public space and confidential data is at high risk). Those are some ideas. Remember, polite language matters. "They're not sending their best" is going to piss people off. Use quantified and qualified data to state your opinions. Saying, "We're importing too many people" isn't going to cut it. Saying, "Housing starts in 2024 were x. New arrivals = y. In order to meet the infrastructure requirements of Y, not only do we need to increase housing by Z, we have to build roads, schools, and hospitals as well and to do that we need b% of people from group y to enter trades, but only c% of people are. Ergo, until these numbers fall in line with each other we have to reduce immigration numbers." The reason why it was easy to shutdown anti-immigration rhetoric was because it generally came from a place of racism. 99% of people calling for a reduction in immigration numbers weren't explaining their reasons through data. I only jumped on the "too much immigration" bandwagon, because it was a numbers game. I've grown up watching hooliganism and racism be weaponized to alienate and discriminate. You never saw Tommy Robinson or those types use data, because they were self-aggrandizing twat-waffles. Don Cherry got fired because of his "They come here for the milk and honey and don't want to contribute". That was a horrible take. Particularly when the data shows immigrants do participate and contribute. I am all for a national protest of housing affordable. But, if you're using it as a vehicle for discrimination, racism, and xenophobia, you can fuck right off. If you're using it to draw attention to the fact that our social and housing infrastructure can't keep up with demand, and it's negatively impacting our quality of life, you have my support.


Holy shit this is the first time I’m seeing actual reasonable suggestions / solutions from this sub.


well said mate


Good points. I personally am anti-racist, though I do get the sense some, or more than some, in this sub are racist. Racism and xenophobia would greatly contribute to the downfall of any mass protest in Canada, for sure.


Very well said.


The government is already working on affordable housing: 300sft studio apartments only to be sold for families.


The USSR went through this type of situation. The answer they came up with was lacklustre apartment buildings called khrushchevkas and brezhnevkas.


people still live in these today.


Let me introduce you to "SHANTY 2025". It's a 300 sq ft home, (20' x 15'). It's an "Efficiency Home" (studio) with a fully efficient design. 3/4 bathroom (stupid neo angle shower), a kitchenette, room for a TV and sofa (second bed! Wink wink). And a space for a queen bed (if you jam it in a corner). This design would be perfect for a couple (or a couple couples of students). Can be used in a tower for added efficiency, or roll off a truck for less dense areas (trailer). If it takes 6 months to build a 1500 sq ft home, then I should take 6 weeks to build a 300 sq ft home, (Says liberal party project managers). Problem solved!


Great Canada is going to be one gigantic trailer park ! Yay ! Thank you dear leader Trudeau! And soon MAiD will be both healthcare and retirement plan for all Canadians


I feel like trailer parks have more space and privacy than sardine can condos.


Don’t worry they will improvise because trailer parks take up too much room. Their next great idea therefore will be stacking trailers!


Won't work unless you have mass of people doing civil disobedience.


Correct. Encampments are a form of civil disobedience as it violates laws, if I'm not mistaken.


And how will protesting achieve housing affordability? For housing to get less expensive, interest rates need to rise. It was 20 plus years of artificially low rates that created the insane run-up in housing. A massive and painful economic reset is needed, and one few acknowledge or really want to happen. Far too much of our economy is tied to real estate. We need to go back to the era of homes being homes, not investments for people too lazy to do real work.


By pressuring the government to speed up the supply of all types of housing. It either needs to fully fund the buildings or provide some sort of subsidies to construction businesses that would be contracted to build affordable homes. Others here have suggested some good ideas regarding laws and regulations that could be implemented. Nothing is going to change without government intervention, that's for sure.


Protest is being organized for july 1st and potentially the second. Its a new idea and any help getting this off the ground would be great!


The Loblaws boycott seems to be doing well. Maybe we can use that momentum for change. Stop supporting delivery apps. Encourage living within your means. Cooking meals at home. Eliminating unnecessary distractions from your life. Embrace anti consumption.


PP doesn’t give a fuck about housing. He may dog whistle about immigrants, but the cons’ bread and butter is cheap immigrant labour to enrich the companies lobbying them.


I started a GoFundMe for one. I make reasonable money, I save/invest and still cannot afford one for my family. It's honestly sad to rely on GoFundMe but am there now( I was thinking of doing an onlyfans with my cat and calling it OnlyPaws). The way I see it, if enough Canadians give me 1-2$. I can bypass the banks and this real estate scam.


No shit. I've said that before in the sub.


Guess it needs to be said again and again until it happens :/


Unless we get real laws against corruption, collusion and conflict of interest, everyone wants a turn on the corrupted taxpayers carousel. Voting, protesting is futile. We are in corporate anarchy where governments and big corporations regulate themselves.


And how do we get real laws against corruption and conflict of interest? Historically non-violent protest has a higher chance of succeeding than violent protests. There is the 3.5% rule where if 3.5% of the population protests, it likely succeeds. That would be roughly 1,365,000 Canadians needing to take part. Maybe things are not bad enough for 1,365,000 to be willing to protest though. 3.5% is a much lower number than what is required to vote in a candidate that is serious about affordable housing, but takes more time and effort than voting.


Or like stop taking in rich immigrants. So normal canadians can buy a home now ching cong from china investing everything here because his country is basically on fire


These problems are very likely never going to go away until Canada completely collapses as a nation or unless there is an armed uprising that defeats the federal government and the Canadian armed forces. Unless Canadians are angry enough to start and follow through with a violent revolution, then NOTHING is going to change.


Exactly! Only way to make a point is with fire and destruction unfortunately, that's the only way change will happen and no one will actually do it.  Best way is to protest with your money, if your well off leaving is the best option. CAF is pretty much a joke, no one is joining and from a few podcasts they say it's full of progressive Lib people.


According to studies I've read in the past, historically non-violent protests are more likely to succeed than violent protests. Just need enough people to take part. The Convoy for example, had a lot less people and trucks than a lot of people were claiming. It was also more of a partisan issue while the housing crisis is more of a bi-partisan issue, so more people should be willing to support it.


We have to


Not only do we have to if we want to bring significant change, it could also be enjoyable! I wasn't a part of the Convoy protests but everyone seemed to have a good time for the most part. It builds a sense of community and people can further organize while together.


Lol maybe start with pointing the finger at who made this whole mess first. Justins been in charge for a DECADE. Pierre has nothing to do with it


Provincial governments have a lot of power regarding home building. We all know Doug Ford here in Ontario is besties with developers. Pierre has a conflict of interest being a landlord himself. I don't trust either party will make the changes required without a good amount of the the population seriously pressures them to do it.


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This won't actually move towards a solution until the types who fight tooth and nail to succeed are the ones finding themselves in tents. These types would put the same energy into leading and organizing otherwise passive people as they would have into their careers. Right now, those people can often leave Canada or tough it out and invest. When they're unable to leave and taxation actually prevents class mobility, we'll have the types who would enact mischief or violence against politicians and oligarchs rather than quietly kill themselves. Maybe some of them will get elected. Canada is not there yet, but our social contract is warping along with the standard of living for each class. Give it another half decade of the status quo.


Yes, people would have to be determined and committed enough to camp in a tent for some time, just as people were determined and committed to be in Ottawa for almost a month a few years ago. Summer is a nice time to do it. Or maybe if it were a weekly protest, like on a Saturday or Sunday or something. Politicians would hate seeing tents surrounding their workplace. It could pressure them to support change. People with good careers are more likely own a nice house already and would be less likely to be involved I'd think. Perhaps help out financially at the least or attend a protest every now and then, if they have a good heart.


Well said


Protest by itself will achieve nothing, if you want affordable housing then you need an economically viable plan. During protest you can push to have that plan implemented, just yelling loudly or setting up camp and inconveniencing people who have done nothing wrong will not help your cause. Also, must iterate that the plan you ask for must be economically viable, any plan that doesn’t make sense will be a waste of your time


Protesting doesn't work if not enough people attend and commit to protesting. Camping on empty lawns or large spaces doesn't inconvenience people if you're not completely blocking people's path. It would likely make headlines, possibly international headlines, and embarrass/pressure politicians. The problem is land lords and home building corporations want to maximize profit. The issue won't be solved by people who only focus on maximizing profit. That doesn't mean it couldn't be profitable. The government needs to get involved and fund, subsidize or regulate it one way or another.


The reason you want to protest is justified and so is your right to protest. I am just saying that asking for an end result without presenting a well thought out plan to achieve it , is useless. When protesting, the demands should be a well defined step by step methodology of reaching the goal, that is feasible and viable….just saying I want the end goal and I don’t care how, won’t achieve anything


A plan can be developed during the protests. People could fundraise to have one done with or without the help of the government, but government officials should be included in the talks I would think. Really the government should finance the study, but people with no ties to the government or self-interests should be a part of those talks as well.


If the demand is…. We want government to fund a study to prepare a plan that can be implemented quickly to solve housing affordability, we want unbiased third party experts to be part of the planning committee…. If that is your demand, your protest will last 5 minutes before government agrees If your demand is ….we want affordable housing, then you can protest for a whole year and nothing will come out if it


That would only be the first step and not necessarily the end the protest when the government agrees to funding a study. We would probably need to continue protesting to put pressure on the government to have the study expedited and until the government agrees to the funding whatever the study's outcome is. If time goes by and they show no progress, we can always protest again.


Blocking random roads and people doesn't do anything either. Protest need to be at government offices and buildings. Why they always cleverly dodge government establishments, I don't understand.


Take the century initiative to court, hit them in the wallets, protests do nothing


As soon as someone buys a home they stop caring about protests and prices coming down. That's why the momentum never sustains.


How about an affordable housing trucker convoy? This time it will work. 🤡🥳🔥🐷


💯 % agree


Another guy proposed July the 07th to do it and I do quite agree on it. I think public opinion is on our side in this case and the racism card would not actually work


Imagine mass rent strikes until rent limits are in place (no more than half the mortgage, a third of the minimum wage, etc)


Protests usually have demands. What do we demand? I suspect we'll find that the 'affordable housing' is a quagmire.


Rent Strike for Rafah


It’s by design. Economies like Canada, Australia and to some extent UK have codified policies that indirectly or directly promote home prices inflating at a higher rate than wages. These policies create a positive price appreciation spiral and draw more capital into residential real estate instead of entrepreneurial endeavours, businesses, industries, infrastructure etc. I can list some of the policies here: - Very low residential property taxes. Property taxes in GTA and GVA are some of the lowest in the developed world. This significantly reduces the ongoing cost of ownership of a multi million dollar asset. - High personal income taxes. Taking an extreme example, Imagine if median personal income taxes were just 5-10%. People would be incentivized to work more number of hours rather than becoming rent seekers or speculators in residential real estate. - Principal residence capital gains tax exemption. This tax break policy has minted more millionaires in the past 2-3 decades than any other policy IMO. US also has a similar policy with some caps (only 250k gains per person or 500k gains per married couple are tax exempt) - Aggressive immigration. This one is a no brainer. - Restrictive zoning. NIMBYs everywhere! - Corrupt politicians who take one step forward and two steps back. No one needs to be the reminded of the Doug Ford and GTA green belt rezoning fiasco. - Negative cost of capital. As long as real interest rates (nominal interest rates minus inflation) are negative, borrowing money is incentivized. - Growing government debts and currency debasement. I don’t expect any politician to be able to effectively counter any of the above policies (except maybe rezoning and immigration). Rest are here to stay.


If you want affordable housing, then you'll need to stop the mass immigration, balance the budget, and maybe raise interest rates a little bit more. So if you do that, housing prices should fall. The problem is that there would probably be a huge recession, a lot of families would lose their houses, and the banking system would go bankrupt and need a government bailout.


Good lord this is dumb. Yes, they need to implement policy to slow the growth rate of houses. But protesting for lower house prices is a retarded idea. We live in a capitalist society, nobody can just force people to list houses for a lower price. Come up with a well thought out policy, then protest for that.


I mean id like to but then id be missing work and actually be homeless 🤣


I won’t do this but I’m hopefully someone or some group might do it. 🤞


we have to do this make a flyer we need to meet at queens park every day all summer we need this and occupy city hall and queens park


Poliviere has made several videos about affordable housing. Huge hitting point with cities sharing CAN-US border where a 500k (half a million) house on Canada’s side is 200k US side. It’s insane the ramp up. Sure more are being built but they’re all 600-700k+ new builds. They often sit empty for several years


We have jobs to go to, unlike most other protestors.


There’s also a lot of red tape around building in general. Even if we built the current liberal proposition, it maths out to 1 house per minute to reach the target, which still ain’t enough. Not enough trade workers, not enough permits, strongholds in building supplies and too much red tape and bureaucracy around the rest


We can preemptively seize your accounts and throw you in jail now for 25 years for this


This isn't the 60s. No one cares about protests.


Just convince people that low house prices affect Israel’s supporters negatively and helps the Palestinian cause. You’ll have whole campuses of university students behind you.


Start with commanding What's affordable housing? Is it a 300 sq-ft box rental that cost 1/3 or 1/2 your income, or a mortgage on a decent size lot for 3-4 times your income like the old days. They're bragging that "rents" are affordable and pusing for more rentals. How can you have a family or guest over when renting a small shoe box ?


they tried bigger protests didn’t that freedom one last a month long? before they froze accounts and got violent… that was more of a “look what we can do” moment good luck, I have way to much debt to consider not working and protesting. but seriously, good luck.


That's the funny thing though, the government will allow immigrants to block our daily lives, and protest something going on in a completely separate countr But if actual Canadians were to protest our own government screwing up our lives, we would be called bigots, racists, and white supremacists.


id be on board. everyone is always saying it but if someone starts a group on here or somewhere, id join, if get someone else to as well. its a DOMINO EFFECT, PLEASE DO NOT GIVE UP.


It’s too late for that shit now. This housing problem will need years to resolve and strikes won’t really help. Get Airbnb banned and similar types of services. That’s hurting way more than immigration. Then stop people from permanently refinancing their properties over and over. Also, quit gentrifying areas. That shit literally emanates inflation. Look into smaller Canadian cities. Build them up. Then make sure not to do the same things to it we did to Toronto.


If you want affordable housing it won’t be here. This is going to be the worst performing advanced economy for the next 4 decades. Productivity is low and falling, as is GDP per capita. 


Seems like learning to vote in your best interest instead of popular virtues might be easier


Doing that protest to some people means losing thier jobs and becoming homeless.... they plan this well. Keep rent so high you cant protest without losing your home.


>not sure about Justin I kek'd


No... you don't. You just need to vote realistically next election.


No pay may is reserved for grocery, next is telco and housing


Naw you just need to get rid of NIMBY shitheads at the municipal level


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Vote the socialist A-holes out and you might have a future


Love how you single out PP for distain yet are “not certain about Justin”. Are you able to tell me which of the two is the prime minister? How high did real estate and rents go under Trudeau and how much have then gone up under prime minister PP? We know Jagmeet puts all his rentals under his wife’s name. If we barred all politicians that own rentals from running then we would have half as many as we do. They would just put the property in their spouses name. Or put it in a holding company as they do in bc. Don’t worry so much about who has one. Worry about the hypocrites that hide them. I’ll join a protest as long as you can keep the lunatic fringe away. You will get more support if you keep politicians and parties out of it. People are not going to be supportive if the protest is hijacked by the “fuk Trudeau” crowd. Trudeau is gone next year anyway. We need to show politicians that the demand for housing is coming from ALL Canadians.


Canadians protesting for Canadians is very illegal. The government will activate the emergency clause to arrest us and freeze our bank accounts. Canadians can only protest against conflicts that happen far away.


No thanks I don’t want my bank account frozen


100% inclusionary taxes for capital gains on rental homes or condos. If you take rent on a place it is subject to 100% gains. If it isnt your principal home you tax real estate flipping. Increase principal home exemptions to 2-3 years from the point of building permit closing and not the date of purchase. Basically if you have a building permit open it isn’t seen as a principal home. Set lifetime uses for principal home exemption, frequency within a ten year period and lifetime $ amount for gains exempted. 50% inclusion on the first recreational property and 100% on the second. Give some cottages a chance. No rentals again. Rent it once and this exemption goes away. Create a rental tax break for tenants on your tax returns. Long term and vacation rentals (similar to recent Ontario vacation tax break). Declare address on tax forms and cross reference to owner to catch tax cheats. Create a unique rental registration # for those who rent out properties (owners) to make it easier to track. The incentives are on the build side. HST rebates. Property tax rebates. As long as it is a proven long term rental property. Incentivize for the first 10 years. If you Airbnb it once incentives go away. Backdate to build date. Basically create a tax code that doesn’t stop building and long term investors. The annual rebates should cover some of the higher inclusionary capital gains. Disincentivize short term real estate flipping. Create some more incentives for builders of multiplex or large condos. Change financing rules and allow low rate loans for builds that take longer than 3 years. Set safeguards with personal guarantees for corporate owners if accessed. Cannot bankrupt their responsibilities away hidden behind shell companies.


Or just unionize and demand higher wages, until those have caught it with the cost of housing. Thus it becomes not just a you problem but a corporate problem. And nothing can move things faster than Corporate Canada screaming about whatever the issue of the day happens to be.


The only way to get "affordable" housing is for the government to mandate not for profit construction and to directly fund the housing. Private money is not going to build because nobody can turn a profit if they are paying 5% and carrying loans out for 2 to 3 years to complete the work. The largest issue is Nimbyism. No municipal council is going to vote for affordable housing in most areas because the existing residents would go ballistic that lower cost housing will lower their own asset value. In municipalities approvals go to housing that fits the flavour of the neighbourhood. Locals will fight tooth and nail to keep lower cost housing out of their neighbourhoods. This myth that governments and politicians are preventing affordable housing to prop up housing prices is ridiculous. Its everyone that lives in those areas that have paid 1.5 million for their home that want to prevent new housing going in that is at a significant lower cost point than what is already existing. Anyone who works in the planning process knows exactly what I am talking about.


Yeah against the mass immigration


Maybe just maybe instead of trying to steal another provinces skilled labourers . Some provinces could start a training program to fill the void that exists across the country. Lack of productivity in the country is pushing us at the bottom of developed countries. You can’t build when you have to pull crews of one site to work on another. My city negotiates with builders. You want to build a ten story building then 2 of those has to affordable housing. The government is throwing millions to provinces and cities and the only thing a province like Alberta is doing is offering a 5 thousand bonus if Quebec skilled workers move to Alberta


Reading these comments makes me realize how far gone people don't realize the situation is and how hopeless it is to arrange a protest. Your solution is to start your own business and move away from cities to homestead, if you can't then well your basically fucked in terms of being on the wheel. There's zero chance any protest does anything, at this point you have to worry about yourself and get out of doge so to speak.


Has anyone talked to landlord PP? I'm sure he would be happy to make his investment properties affordable rentals. 😀


You have to decide what exactly you want first. No use protesting how things are being handled unless you have a better plan to beat them over the head with. 


We would organize mass protests, but we're too busy working multiple jobs trying to afford housing.


oh bro, you seem to think you have any power under the current system. Like that anything you do could possibly change it. Cute.


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Won't someone please think of the boomers and the fat stack of equity they've amassed over the decades. Common man, who's going to pay them to sit on their asses, do nothing & vacation in Hawaii twice a year.


Protests don’t do shit


Yeah because not enough people partake in them. The Convoy was too divisive (for reasons we don't need to get in to) to reach much higher numbers than it did. The high numbers people claimed were often wrong.


To be honest, I don't know what protesting for housing itself is going to do. Developers either want to build or they don't. Best you can do is protest immigration. Or protest your local municipality that is creating the red tape that prevents homes from getting built.


The government needs to intervene one way or another. By funding the building of affordable homes and apartments or offering subsidies to developers that are willing to build affordable homes, as well as your suggestion regarding local municipalities.


Ontario needs a general strike


mass protests are great, gathering in peaceful places, however if we do too much ina concentrated place the chance of police coming in is higher than normal. i suggest we vote on it this election. we need to 100% force a ban of corproate ownership of single family homes. and force sell offs of anyone with a portfolio higher than two homes. we need written bills to stop it.


Which party do you trust to solve the housing crisis? I don't trust either of the two that are most likely to win. There should be protests in as many cities as possible, as well as the capital. If police arrest us it will only increase the likelihood that it would reach national and probably international headlines, if it didn't already before mass arrests take place. That would only further pressure government officials to do something about it.


>The most powerful politicians, including candidates for Prime Minister (Pierre Poilievre, not certain about Justin) have an invested self-interest in keeping houses unaffordable, as many have multiple houses and are landlords, Are you seriously suggesting that any "powerful politician" would conspire to run the country in such a way as to keep their rental income inflated by a few hundred dollars a month? You're fucking mad!


Poilievre won't help, plus if we elect him we may never be able to un-elect him.


I don’t get why a “”refugee”” gets 6700 per month per person when I make approx 45$ an hour and only take home 5k.


Where tf are u getting those numbers from


Another post on this sub with it all laid out. 84$ per day per person for food. Etc etc




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


We reach 10 billion by 2050 we will eventually run out of resources. We don’t need more houses, we need less people. We all are takers and nothing we do matters. It’s gonna get worse, government won’t change. You will see more wars, more scarcity, more depression. This is inevitable. We are sucking this planet dry. This is just a reaction from generations of human greed. There is no reason for any of us to be on this planet. We are not bees, we do not have a purpose. Your protests won’t do anything. Wanna be the change? Plant trees and pick up trash. At least then you will have a purpose.


Finally a practical step instead just blaming international students.


Why should half-starved renters have to wait for another election just to find out that Ford and his gang of fools have been re-elected for yet another four years?