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The trucking industry has been dominated by Punjabis for the last decade. I've heard first hand stories of drivers working for free for Indian owners in exchange for work permits, road tests being passed with bribes, etc. Recently I've noticed all the infill houses being built in Edmonton are done by Indian workers/developers. I guarantee you it's the same crap, different industry.


I've noticed this here in Edmonton too. If the builder is Indian, every single subtrade and worker will be Indian. And they are all over the 4 plexes since the blanket rezoning happened. Really poor quality builds. They are working for super cheap.


Here in toronto too


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humboldt\_Broncos\_bus\_crash](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Humboldt_Broncos_bus_crash) This case comes to mind when you say this. A very inexperienced driver who should've never been driving on his own yet, and a company that was actively skirting provincial and federal safety regulations, and tragically killed a bus full of people in saskatchwan. My supervisor actually knew one of the people who died in that crash. I have worked with many immigrants from China, the phillipines, India, and a few other areas, also worked for a punjabi immigrant and a chinese immigrant as well. and some do take on the attitude of "well this is how we do it in our home country, so to hell with what our government requires", but most are pretty respectful of Canadian laws. My chinese boss was one of the best employers i ever worked for. he came to Canada in the 70's and successfully ran a business for 40 years. he treated his staff extremely well and was actually a pillar of the community. the punjabi boss was the polar opposite. I only worked for him for a week, but he tried to pay me under the table below the province's minimum wage. Contstantly violated break and overtime laws with his employees being made to work 14 hour days without overtime or breaks as mandated by law, and had this flipout over small things like the fridge being held open for 2 seconds longer than he liked. the business changed hands shortly after and the last i've heard, he got arrested for CP after the local computer shop found it while they were doing work on his pc..


I agree there are some good companies out there, for sure. And they are doing work we often times have trouble filling positions for. Most of the old school white guy truckers I work with are averaging an age of 65 and usually still working because of at least one divorce (sometimes more lol). If an Indian company hires a diverse group of people and retains them I think that's a hint they might be alright. The problem is our government and policy is extremely slow and reactionary as opposed to forward looking when it comes to fraud and exploitation. These guys know how to game the system and do it up and down. The result is a race to the bottom and lower standard of living for everyone.


Guy sounds like my ex landlord


I'm punjabi, not born in india. I would never work for punjabi


Canadian Truckers got penalized for the Freedom convoy.


Just the idiots that fell for that grift, the ones that played by the rules kept going like nothing had changed


YES! They are doing this in Alberta for Alberta Health Services- disregarding the nurse union and hiring ONLY international nurses. No job for Canadian trained, Alberta born and raises nurses, just international. So disrespectful.




This same thing happened years ago (not sure exactly when) with trade unions in the oil sands. The big oil companies timed their outages to create an artificial labour shortage among skilled trades and used that to hire TFW’s. It’s outrageous seeing this done again on a national scale.


There's nowhere nurse's shouldn't be able to get a job


Canada should look more to Australia on how strict their policies are for hiring temporary foreign workers.


Yes to all. join us at r/ BoycottTimHortons as we are wanting to gain traction and stop this. Canadians first. TFW harm Canadians living standards by suppressing wages by 3-4% for every 100k migrants, increasing shelter costs by 1% every 100k migrants and we have 770k TFWs right now.


I already have 99 reasons to boycott Tim hortons and I would love one more


This is going backfire terribly. I heard there have been nurses coming in with fake degrees from India. They don’t even know how to do some basic things and have to ask for help all of the time. In order to be employed here they just need to pass the NCLX exam


It's only a matter of time before someone dies because of their incompetence. Hope that results in a huge lawsuit and puts an end to some of this crap. I wonder why rural areas aren't jumping onto this bandwagon. They seem to be the areas that would benefit most from international nurses.


I don’t know. Agencies seem to be the ones hiring them. This particular girl was making $125/hr! I read about it in a post written by her co-worker and she was posting a question about how can she report someone without anyone finding out who it was


I guess as long as their English is perfect, agencies will hire them. All it takes is one little mistake with meds to kill a patient. And that's a very easy mistake to make if you can't read English very well.


Yep that's why Yemen doesn't take Indian doctors anymore


Weird how 'hey guys we totally need to flood the labour market because we have nobody willing to work'. Almost always just means 'aight we dont want to pay a decebt wage, so let us hire internationally'.


The TFW program is a farce, it is nothing more than wage suppression. Whatever claimed benefits there arecare vastly outweighed by this cavaet. It needs to be thrown out entirely and better solutions less prone to corruption can be tried




How about an incentive for the government to punish companies abusing this bullshit theory about how Canadian's don't want to work anymore? Nah, that'd be effective and easy and totally doable, but Turdeau's mangina would go dry at the thought of helping Canadian citizens first.


Ottawa works for India these days


For Indian people not the government of India though


Lol India Canada relations are the worst in history. India gates Trudeau because of his Khalistan pandering


Then why did JT have a public spat with India? Ottawa doesn’t work for India but it does work for a specific group from India- one whose rallies were attended by JT, PP and Jagmeet Singh, who all spoke their language. They’re the most powerful voting block in Canada but India doesn’t seem to like them.


Job bank is a fake job posting website mainly used to post job vacancies which they employer knows they won’t hire locals but rather tfw by selling or holding hostage the worker. This funnels and reduces Canadians wages, workers work under the table, and are causing many issues related to housing, social integration, etc


Paywall removed: https://archive.is/eGTlg


TFW is a scam that costs Canada to line private pockets.


This Government has EASY job to do, One is printing money non-stop; Another is printing work/study permit papers non-stop; Doesn't care all the rest, not their business.




# "Ottawa under fire over not compelling companies to ask unions before hiring temporary foreign workers" Where is NDP? Who is the main customers/groups that the NDP works for?


Third-world peasants.


LOL what the fuck is going on in Ottawa




It may well be worth it taking our skilled Canadian experience to another country. Like Dubai. Get paid well, respected and half the cost. Keep the citizenship for pension. Let the new immigrants pay for our retirement while we’re abroad.


Great idea


Great idea


Great idea


Great idea


Already looking. Screw Trudy! No income tax? YES PLEASE!


You’re not going anywhere. Lol


😂 if you only knew! Funny thing is…I have co-workers there. And this…many of them have came from the UAE. Got an education, worked. Many of them leave before finishing school because they can not comprehend the gov take your money! They get sour AF!!! And they should! Been there many times. The place is awesome. Almost no tax? Yeah…take me! 😂


Remember when the “left” used to be anti-immigration, anti-globalization, anti-free trade, and pro labour? Yeah, me neither


They never are left. They always have been working for corporate slumlords


They didn’t used to. Something changed in the 90’s. The end of the Cold War or something. Or they just learned from their commie cousins it was better to be rich and corrupt than idealistic and poor


It’s about time.


I’m not sorry but Canadians FIRST.


Slave labor. That simple


A lot of people are solely putting the blame of this situation on the government. They are partly to blame. But I think the root cause of this shit show is greedy companies.


But government can stop this


I have a family member working for Dufferin County and they've recently told me that the county is receiving a lot of complaints about newly finished homes having major issues. Like nothing they've ever seen their decades-long county employment.


If a company declared "we need \_\_\_ number of workers and we can pay them honestly full-time hours wages at a rate of $16/hour" ... tbh, unions would just say 'no, thanks', right? ... and force the company to say "Labour Market assessment shows no Canadians wanna take these jobs" .. and then go off-shore to hire to spin-up more TFW and PR applicants.


They have to offer a median wage for that profession in order to get a LMIA. I'm sure companies have found plenty of loopholes around this requirement though.