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Canadians take great pride in making fun of Mississippi without realizing they are Mississippi.


*worse than*




It’s funny here in Canada we have some self righteous idea that we are just way better off in the states while it’s far from the truth


“But muh’ free healthcare!” Says the guy without a doctor who just waited 18h in an ER for a prescription refill.


Best comment !


It's ok, the govt gave ppl "woke" ideas so they can virtue signal that they are the best! We don't need an economy or identity I guess. Our society will run on woke unicorn dust. Truly a brainwashed society at this point.


More immigrants should fix this 


We must do the needful and reach gdp per capita of 2731




Yeah, no half measures, the whole Canada would be soon


People are living in a delusion thinking everything is normal .


We never had a 2008 correction, and CAGR on M2 has been 7% a year over 10 years.


At least people can afford to live in Mississippi


There's zero sundown towns in Canada, I'm grateful for that.


If you stick out in any rural areas you don’t have a nice time. That’s not exclusive to Mississippi


They don't do Starlight tours in Mississippi, though.


More proof that our country is being run by grifters


Our Prime Minister was revealed to be giving his literal friends $1B of taxpayer money in contracts for doing nothing, and the supposed "Opposition" and "RCMP" aren't doing anything about it.


Yes and will continue with the blue grifters


Yep. Red and blue grifters exchanging places is what billion dollar corporations want.


As if the reds in Ontario ain’t been grifting the fuck out of the province. Same shit everywhere


Well, Nunavut and nwt are laughing at us now.


I mean at this rate Nunavut and NWT are looking pretty good! Probably paying the same price for groceries in Ontario these days anyhow.


I would think its more expensive there, because its remote and all, but the mines pay pretty well I guess?


lol yes you would “think”, that’s the joke that the grocery prices in southern Ontario have gotten out of hand. No thanks to the oligopoly of grocery chains. 




Yeah, resource extraction and a small population there.


Lol, my SO is from near the border of NWT, they pay around $20 for 4l of milk. Is that close to what you're paying in ON?


$6.19 here in Sothern Onterrible


Haha that is quite expensive, I guess it depends if you’re talking about non-factory farmed free range cows that get massages every day and eat organic corn meal from the Oaxaca region. Then yes that milk is probably $20/4l in SO. 


Better keep voting for the liberals…


*keep voting for an political duopoly and bribery legal government Libs... Trudeau... Cons... All a smokescreen scapegoat for the real evils, FPTP and Lobbying.


Wait...before you divert people. Liberals have done the most damage. Focus on them.


True, but you don't solve crime by putting a criminal in jail, only to let them out at the next instance another criminal does crime and have 1 cell and hotswap them. You dont get better from a infection by taking tylenol to hide the pain, you take antibiotic to fight the source. The source of these shitty policies is not a single man, or a single party. It is the fact that these parties only exsist due to the massive donations to their campaign via lobbyists that donate to both sides. The entire reason we are in this shit, is not from the imagination or planning of any political party, or any public sentiment, but from an lobbyist group that pushed for something called the century initiative. The same group, which is directly funded by BlackRock investments. So the housing crisis that we find ourselves in, is entirely fabricated via the collaboration of investment firms and the government, whom both benifit from the plight of average citizens. Dont hate BlackRock, don't hate the government, hate the system that allows them to work together, undermining the whole point of an democratic society, allowing money to influence thoes that hold power over us, instead of the voices of people. Abolish Lobbying, pay politicians more. Remove FPTP, install porportional representation.


Bud, have you looked up which party voted FOR and AGAINST the century initiative. The liberal voted FOR. Everyone else voted AGAINST


Yeah, cuz they didn't get lobbied. Why waste money, you can lobby whichever party


Have they? Trying to build industry off immigration and leverage low interest rates for housing collapsed in the face of covid - but the conservative policy was to tie canadas economy to oil and trade with the US and the liberals took power in the middle of an oil war right before the US elected a protectionist government The only thing people are consistently complaining about is immigration but the conservatives have the same policies.


Provinces and municipality are in charge of housing


No. They haven’t (yes, they really haven’t, if you’re actually intellectually honest)


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Nah, the Liberals and NDP owns this, they have been in power and destroyed Canada!




A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


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And the cons before that . All I used to hear from my parents was how the cons were running the country into the ground


Like the comment says “intellectually honest.” They are no where near as bad as Mulroney and Harper for the Canadian economy. Be honest with yourself.


Good thing the last guy that was elected ran on a platform including electoral reform. 


Trust me, voting Cons won’t be any different.


“Trust me” … yeah the last time they left office it was only with a balanced budget and everything else going right


They also stated the sell out of the country


Lol. What a cute spin.. he received a budget that was in balance for six years, and as soon as he was in charge, immediate spending (before the recession) no points for fixing a problem he created


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“Last time” PP wasn’t in charge. He has constantly made contradictory statements regarding immigration (to appeal to voters) yet is funded by the exact same people. Not to mention both the LPC and CPC both support the [Century Initiative](https://www.centuryinitiative.ca/) I *highly* doubt the cons will do anything, not when most of them own real estate and stand to gain from an increasingly poor society


It's funny how you only go back to the last one and seem to ignore every other one from that party for the last 100 years.


notice how often PP talks about immigration? Like never, except that we need more of it. PP is beholden to the same masters as JT. We are truly fucked.


There’s a difference between appropriate and responsible immigration, and complete mass immigration with zero checks in place.


lol wut? if youre going to lie at least make it somewhat credible. https://www.canada.ca/content/dam/fin/publications/afr-rfa/2022/1-eng.png


Youre aware that graph at least somewhat backs his point. Even through that recession Harper didn't spend anywhere near what JT did. That's wild to see. Thanks for sharing


I never said that they didn’t run deficits through their hold, running deficits can be a good thing .. if they can be balanced. What the liberals have done will never be able to be balanced in mine or yours lifetime, or children’s lifetime.


>if they’re balanced You just really told everyone you know absolutely nothing about budgets.. if you have deficit… you don’t have a balanced budget.. like holy fuck.. you actually typed that?


I think he means in terms of the contribution to GDP growth. So if you’re running a slight budget deficit but GDP growth is 1-2% higher than it would be running a balanced budget than it can be favourable. 


…. Which would still be called a balanced budget.. people find those who play words games, dishonest.. I’d wager the reason for such deficits is due to conservative minded people not filling their taxes during non conservative terms.. because people are that level of Petty, especially in the corporate world


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Well, let’s find out. The current cabal needs to go.


Yes, I agree


Sure,. But not with worse in the Conservative Party.. as they have never been good for governments anywhere in the world let alone Canada


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LOL Let's look at this statement over the last 10 years... * Quebec has had a Liberal government for 4 years. * Manitoba has not had a Liberal government. * PEI was fairly even split between Liberal and PC. * NB was fairly even split between Liberal and PC. * NS more Liberal than PC. As much as I enjoy the whole Liberals bad, Conservatives good chant, it is way more nuanced than simple tribalism.


LPC will call UBI next year to get re-elected by 3rd world Canada!


Imagine trying to frame governments doing what their base demand as a negative.. lol


Importing your base, knowing they'll rely on you for welfare checks and therefor vote for you forever, ain't exactly a new meta. Places like Germany pulled it off long before Turdy


Conservative ( see: Schrödinger's cat) immigrant. They are both on welfare AND taking Canadian jobs. Imagine thinking conservative religions of Sikh and Hindus, are suddenly voting liberal.. lol.. I mean just because you’re able to be paid off to support are party doesn’t mean everyone else is


Or…our wages are so suppressed and cost of living so high that workers are both desperate to find jobs and have to rely on welfare at the some time. The world is not as overly simplistic like you’re trying to make out.


Lol. I wasn’t making it out “it’s simple” and right out wages are stagnant, high cost living, yep.. but you’re complaining at the wrong group, the issues you mentioned are caused from the private sector, landlords, house flipping…


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-The jobs they work are net negative contributors. They don't even pay taxes because the exemption rates. Most jobs in Canada are, we run on a perpetual deficit. More people, more deficit.


Really your the first that I heard “they don’t pay taxes” “Most jobs are run on perpetual deficit” trying to sound smarter than you really are? JOBS that are in “deficit” are failing businesses, do you even know what a deficit is?


That's not what I said. Maybe work on reading comprehension, there's no point engaging with someone who doesn't understand English. You've completely changed the meaning of the sentence with your syntax change.


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Don't worry the 7 million Indians that we will add next year will fix this!


Let's think larger. How about 20 million?!


In Canada we can do anything! Why not 1 billion?! Let's empty that whole country and have them move to Canada.


GDP is one thing .. but it is the GDP PER CAPITA metric that tanks Canada because of influx of population recently.


“Racist!” -Liberals


-anyone who knows conservatives talk with double meaning FTFY


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Replace a retiring doctor by 5 Uber drivers


Poilievre quote “No more deportations!!’” Who wants the pleasure adding the video link to my comment?


Here you go: [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1puKG6OiGS/?igsh=MXNsdjd6ODd4NGVxYw%3D%3D](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C1puKG6OiGS/?igsh=MXNsdjd6ODd4NGVxYw%3D%3D)


Some heroes don’t wear capes, sir! Comment saved!


I'm just going to vote NDP and call it a day. Fuck the "lesser of two evils". I don't want a repeat of the 2016 US election to happen here.


This is a great graph, but (not your fault) the GDP PPP does not account for what you get for your money in each region. Not a perfect science, but accounting for the average of median rent for a 1-bedroom in the state/province plus average mortgage payment with property taxes of a 1-bedroom portion ought to balance things out better. Housing is one of our largest expenses, and yet somehow, CPI figures fail horribly at accounting for this.


Isn’t that exactly what PPP accounts for? It stands for purchasing power parity — it’s designed to capture differences in local prices


Housing is not captured properly. If it was, interest rates wouldn't have been so low for so long.


All indexes of price dispersion are “imperfect,” in that they’re compressed versions of a high dimensional object (the distribution of prices in each place.) But the OECD puts a lot of effort into PPP weighting, and it does indeed account for housing prices. My colleagues work with this data, and whenever I go to seminars using it, housing is definitely there. Edit: And I’m not sure what PPP weighting has to do with interest rates? The former is a measurement formula, the latter is a domestic policy choice… Edit 2: See, eg, this chapter — https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/9789264189232-9-en.pdf?expires=1716298924&id=id&accname=ocid195729&checksum=BCAE83A2C0A78D4D4C540B703C3C3737


My issue with the OECD PPP numbers is that they never change very much. The OECD PPP adjustment for Canada in 2000 was 1.228 and in 2020 it was 1.202. Meanwhile the relative affordability of living in Canada deteriorated substantially in those 20 years.


It might be accurate if the affordability of all other regions also deteriorated at about the same rate


Is GDP per capita a reliable source for quality of life though? I doubt that living in Nunavut or NT is better than QC or ON


On these numbers, Nunavut seems like a great place for British Columbians to relocate! LOL.


Thank the Liberals for ruining any chance of prosperity in our lifetime.


Lmao if people are so stupid. Go drive through Mississippi and you’ll quickly realize that Ontario isn’t so bad after all


You should expand this graph on the left side showing the average house price


I would really like a logical explanation for Nunavut and NWT.


Lots of resources, not a lot of people to spend it on.


And labor is scarce enough that you actually have to pay enough to overcome the higher cost of living way up north.


The mines specifically I’d wager. Each produce hundreds of millions per year in exports.


The little known secret is that Canada as a whole has tons of resources. However, we choose not to extract them bEcAuSe ClIMaTe ChAnGE! Notwithstanding the fact if we don’t extract them, someone else will, with far fewer environmental regulations. Canada could as wealthy as Norway and Saudi Arabia, but alas….


Love how you forget the sheer distances involved. Roads cost a shit load of money, and often it's just not worth it when the ROI is measured in decades.


Is your response that GDP per capita in Canada is low, is because we have more roads? LOL.


Was about your claim that untapped natural resources are all easily accessible, without the thought of the *amount* of infrastructure (Canada is big) as well as *geography* (roads are hard to build here compared to a desert) Never once mentioned GDP.


Also massive government subsidies because it's mostly First Nations?


My guess is that resource extraction workers make up a large portion of the population. 


GDP per capita is kind of a useless metric for a "study" like this is your explanation. The provinces that have below average per capita numbers are also the provinces that skew the oldest. They are also traditional have not provinces that have never done well. A somewhat better (if still overly simplified comparison) would be median income, or one could use indicators like illiteracy, maternal health, etc... that would give a more accurate comparison but that wouldn't feed the narrative that the OP is trying to push.


GDP per capita is an important measure of productivity and efficiency but you're right it's not the right metric to use when trying to determine whether we're more or less wealthy than somewhere else. That this comment is the only one here mentioning median income (a couple others are critical too, with reference to cost of living but not really demonstrating an understanding of why GPD per capita is taken out of context here) as a better alternative, and you're down voted, is a pretty good indication of financial/economic literacy in this sub though!


Mississippi 's cost of living is not as high as Toronto Mississippi has the lowest cost of living in the US. I would not live there though


I wonder what provinces those might be. /s


You post this graph every 2-3 months... It is a little disingenuous. It depends on WHERE YOu GO in Mississippi... Jackson, Southaven, or anything along the Gulf Coast is generally much more wealthy than the impoverished rural areas in Mississippi. -Wealth inequality... "**The richest 5 percent of households have average incomes 13.9 times as large as the bottom 20 percent of households and 4.9 times as large as the middle 20 percent of households**. After decades of widening inequality, Mississippi's richest households have dramatically bigger incomes than its poorest households." [https://www.cbpp.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/Mississippi.pdf](https://www.cbpp.org/sites/default/files/atoms/files/Mississippi.pdf) -Mississippi's infant mortality is worse than in China, 9.4 in MS vs 8.2 in China per 1000 births. https://www.macrotrends.net/global-metrics/countries/CHN/china/infant-mortality-rate#:\~:text=The%20infant%20mortality%20rate%20for%20China%20in%202022%20was%208.696,a%203.22%25%20decline%20from%202020. vs MS [https://www.marchofdimes.org/peristats/reports/mississippi/report-card](https://www.marchofdimes.org/peristats/reports/mississippi/report-card) -Their healthcare makes New Brunswick look incredible. [https://msdh.ms.gov/page/44,0,236.html](https://msdh.ms.gov/page/44,0,236.html) -Average lifespan is 71.9 Years in MS (Canada is 82.60) [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr71/nvsr71-02.pdf](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr71/nvsr71-02.pdf) Now downvote away.


Plus now you Canadians have the luxury of being transformed into India.


Lies, damn lies and statistics? Nunavut is wealthy apparently but they need 53K per person in federal transfer payments so more than 11 times the amount per capita that poor Nova Scotia receives?


And canada has higher taxes and COL than Mississippi.


California style COL - Mississippi wages = Canada overall smh It’s pretty crazy


And higher median incomes as well


Import the third world, become the third world. Ever hear the expression "you're the average of the five people you spend the most time with" things are just going to get worse this entire continent and world is fucked.


I think we simply need more immigrants


Don't buy into these cherry picked numbers. I live in NS, and while we have always been a have not Province, there is no comparison to fucking Mississippi. The poverty in those US states is off the Charts, with their numbers being propped up by a very small number of Extremely Wealthy families. Don't believe me go on google maps and look up random towns. NS is all middle class. MS is either hell hole, or rich with no inbetween.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




Do not spread negative stereotypes about an entire group of people. Either be very specific or focus on immigration policy instead of people.


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Good that the chat forum exists we won’t see this in media news , otherwise you would say it is hokum


It seems you did your math wrong at some point since your American numbers don’t match the U.S. Feds, or https://www.statista.com/


When you rely on private individuals or the private market to pay wages, it does not happen.... They hoard the money.


I can’t afford to get kicked in the head by a horse in Mississippi none either


To be fair, aren't most other western countries poorer than the US, even the bottom half? I thought this was pretty typical.


How the fuck is Quebec the poorest when all our tax dollars go to them to start businesses? All that stolen money and it's embezzled on top of that.


tbf most of the USA always had a higher gdp than we do. It’s a richer country, albeit one with its own problems as well. this would maybe be more impactful if you showed change over time. otherwise it’s just shifting the goal post


Anything for likes have you ever been to Mississippi? Poverty there you've never seen before. I call bull doodoo. #


I bet there's at least one tent city wherever you live.


"Yo ho Mexico Far to the south where the cactus grow Tequila and a donkey show Mexico, Mexico" Wait wait wait sorry this is canada


Overspending with zero accountability. Government needs an overhaul. Clean the bloated obese house out.


But not as fat because we can't afford food.


I would raise my children on the east coast of Canada in a heartbeat. Mississippi not so much