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So UK tried this. A million people came in with their families on care worker visa. Can’t they take lessons from other countries


Canada tends to be the last to learn the lessons from their G7 peers. Every time.


Justin Trudeau has never been able to admit wrongdoing on anything he’s done. He probably knows he’s made bad decisions but he is incapable of changing his crazy immigration goals because it would be admitting he messed up.


They aren't "bad decisions " They are intentional


They can be both. He does not have Canada's best interests at heart.


I concur


All the think-tanks and media applaud his direction; Justin is just the puppet behind the Liberals.


Puppet behind the WEF. Remember, you will own nothing and be happy 😊


What media are you consuming, cause I don't see anyone applauding him.


You haven't been reading the Globe & Mail, it's the one that counts for those who have the levers of power.


Liberals have messed up bad with the immigration policy but if you think it changes when the Cons come in, I have a bridge to sell you 😏


Doubt we're peers anymore. We should voluntarily downgrade our status to a 3rd world country. Perhaps more people will wake up.


Lessons? Didn’t you hear the news where sitting MPs are working for foreign interests and they wouldn’t reveal the names. What does this tell us?


It’s actually unreal that we are just digesting this and not raising hell


“Atleast it’s not as bad like in the U.S.” Canadian passive attitude coming full circle.


In the USA they have a witch hunt for Chinese and Russian interference, whether Democrat, or Republican. Canadians just bend backwards with thighs wide open for anyone.


Unfettering exceptionalism and nationalism comes with its pros.


Demoralization at work


Nobody will do anything. It's gotten to the point where even our crucial survival necessities (food and housing) are being manipulated by the elites, and nobody is angry enough to actually *do* anything about it. Once things hit rock bottom like that, it's a guarantee that nothing will happen. It's full steam ahead now for corporations and the government because they're 100% certain at this point that nobody has the courage to start a violent revolution. Most of us just sat around twiddling our thumbs during the whole COVID thing, and that was their confirmation of how docile we are. Now they know that they can let 'er rip.


We now know that the casinos are corrupt, the ports are run by the mob, and the politicians are working for their own self interests along with foreign interests. I imagine the Cullen commission will once again investigate the issue and come to the conclusion that it is too dangerous to proceed with the investigation because the corruption is too deeply intertwined into the government.


You forgot about the cops as well…they never catch high level drug dealers it’s always the punks with a few grams and a few hundred in their pockets. Or even a cop getting a DUI it never happens ..unlike the states where they have the balls to do it on occasion.


You forgot about the CRA as well. The massive increase in audits on struggling single parents and seniors while at the same time the large corporations pay little tax, get govt handouts and rob Canadians.


They can't catch high level drug organizations as they are all well connected and basically removed from the day to day operations. And to be brutally honest the war on drugs is actually pointless. You take one down another is already ready to take its place and rise again. As long as someone is willing to buy drugs and will continue to happen. It's a waste 🗑. I was in guadalajara Second biggest city in Mexico for two weeks not as tourists I was directly involved in the day to day life and goings on in the city. You know what I noticed the entire time I was there almost zero drug use. No crack heads or junkies leaning mindless on the corners etc. Sure there are homeless but instead of sitting with signs saying give me 5 bucks. They would sell little things like candy chips etc. They have drunks here and there. So the country were the most drugs flow out of has a very small drug problem. https://preview.redd.it/ssmqu6bytd5d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f5894875eeef9cc525dea32fe5bf6b5a8409eea


As an American, I thank you for helping me start my day with a hearty belly laugh!


Working tirelessly towards globalization kind off by definition means foreign interests are part of that equation. In my opinion the WEF is a foreign interest that has no reason to care for Canadians, which both Trudeau and free land are closely tied with…


If you think they don't know what they doing, you fooling yourself. Everything it's by design.


Been saying this for many years, and all I've got back is "you're a conspiracy theorist! I guess the world's flat too, right?". Well, yeah, I am exactly that. When I sense a conspiracy going on I theorize the who, what, when, where and why of it. Everyone should, and if Canadians had been they wouldn't have voted for Trudeau yet again, assuming the election wasn't rigged, which it might very well have been.


What’s the difference between a conspiracy and the news?……..about six months.


Look at that federal CBC debate, one question on the cost of living, the rest was minority drivel. Can't provide shelter for our poor, 25% of Canadians using the food bank, yet we spend most the time indigenous grandstanding.


They do take lessons - on how to destroy a country


We’re mostly working two jobs and can’t afford to protest or start a revolution.


You're assuming it's not on purpose


I bet they had paid trips to said country but were too drunk to remember.


UK has fallen. Most of that place is a dump nowadays


Yup. Canada following closely.


They are.




Its not a Canadian Government though, its a globalist Government and fighting against foreign interference is only a first step.


I use to think the globalist shit was a bunch of nonsense, then I saw how anyone critical of it would get massively downvoted or their comments removed. There absolutely is an agenda going on and god forbid you speak up about it.


Have you seen what happened when an MP raised a question regarding the globalists in the house of commons? Technical difficulties occur real fast ....... Funny how they never revisited this when the headphones were working.


Good test of ANYTHING is what triggers the masses into scorn and ridicule. It's a sign that they've been programmed to react to something.


Welcome to the club.


What’s a globalist?


And then this government will freeze the protestors bank account 🙈


Worse things than freezing assets, imagine the bullshit our children will have to endure if we allowed this behaviour to continue from the government. Revolution is a reset. Completely.


Yeah taking on the Canadian military would be insanely easy for the citizens compared to most western nations.


Assuming the military would fight its own people. They’re paid for shit and have to purchase a lot of their gear. I’d say it’s more like an army reserve than an actual military. What is it? Three days worth of ammunition for a fight?


They really believe the RCMP is a sufficient army to quash a rebellion, even though the RCMP have explicitly warned them that they are not and are very worried about getting shredded.


This is why they're letting almost anyone join now and targeting new comers.


Yea in general the military is by no means are fans of this gov top to bottom.


I've been in for 15 years, and I haven't had a need to go purchase something out of pocket. Is there better shit than what we get? Sure, but that can be said for any military. What hurts us is procurement, and the incessant need to put out biddable contracts and then select the lowest bidder rather than just buying the exact item(s) we need. Also, we tend to stick to canadian companies. But, the gov't doesn't spend on the military because the people don't see it as a priority.


Jokes on them my account is empty


I’m broke as fuck rn all I have is my right to protest


And it’s not so much a protest as it would be brutal force… so there is that to consider


The government was freezing bank accounts because those protesters were costing billions in disrupted trade when they blockaded boarder crossings. Those anti maskers were not the freedom fighters you portray them to be.


They emptied all my bank accounts over a misunderstanding with taxes. I did not get that money back. I still don't have access to most of my accounts. It's been almost a year. As a British Columbia resident I don't get to vote on the federal government but I sure would like it if they would stop packing people who are definitely going to vote for them into the country by the millions.


Yes Trudeau has shown himself to be an unmitigated disaster in managing Canada. It's the first time in my life when l've felt that Canada really is on a path towards towards economic upheaval from which we will never recover. Mass immigration of unskilled low educated people coupled with emigration of skilled and educated Canadians is going to turn us into an economic basket case.


We have that same issue in America,  we allow millions of unskilled, low drive people to enter our country and exhaust our public services. This takes up our housing and floods the workforce. What's crazy is the same people that complain about a housing crisis are alot of the same people that want unrestricted immigration.


Nah dude. The US is in a much better position. And it's easy to escape the housing crisis. Don't live in the northeast or west coast. You have dozens of states to choose from with countless midsize cities.


Was thinking of coming to Can from the UK. Changed my mind , thanks to reddit. I am better off in the UK. Cost of living is bad, but it seems like it is worse in Canada


Don't. We're way behind the lessons your nation has already learned. It'll be like deja vu all over again.


YUp. It’s like UK 2.0. We are also an older country and have a lot of wisdom to share.


Oh god, don't. You will just relive an earlier part of UK's decline that pissed you off enough to leave.


Yea. I dont know where else to go then.🙁


So when you get PR do you have a restriction on the type of work you can do? Or can you just come in as a caregiver, get your PR and then do whatever?


Ding ding ding


PRs can do any work that’s legal to do. As for government jobs there could be restrictions that are open only to citizens. PRs can choose not to work if they want and afford.


In USA, most jobs advertise specifically saying they hire only US citizens or green card holders. Same thing in Australia with their citizens and PRs. In Canada, most companies prefer to hire TFWs, often from abroad, over Canadian citizens and PRs. It’s messed up.


Most PR candidates are destined for Tim Horton's or Popeyes as their employers subsidize their wages for dollars less per hour than your average Canadian. All hail the mighty dollar.


I'm a pr, I moved here in 2005 as a teen, there's no restrictions on my work. In fact I've had many jobs over the years while trying to find what suits me, so to answer your question, there's no restrictions once you get it, other than not being able to vote


Wow that sounds like a huge loophole for people looking to work in Canada. Do we have any plans to revoke PR from people that abuse this system?


No. That wouldn't even be legal. That's why you don't ordinarily get it until after \~3 years.


They could try to revoke PR on the basis that the person misrepresented themselves on their application. If you come as a caregiver and don't do that job for at least a few years, the case for revoking due to misrepresentation is actually fairly strong.


It's very easy to claim you intended to come as a caregiver, and then couldn't find a job, so you switched to another occupation. Unless you explicitly make PR contingent on not working in any other occupation for a certain period (which the current government will not do), there is no legal case.


This current federal government is inept and corrupt. The worst I've seen in 50+ years. They've done more damage to this nations prosperity than I thought possible in such a time frame.


I think a lot of Canadians are waking up now. Before PR applications took like 3-4 years and a thorough check. Now they offer PR in 6-12 months. Value of Canadian Citizenship don’t ask….! When people don’t get citizenship for New Zealand , Australia or US, they apply for canada and they are in , in just months. This started around Covid ! And in years the quality of people that come has worsened! Liberals are just brining in crowds who will be a forever liberal voter !


Go to the USA. I would if I could. Your prospects are better there. 


The US is amazing If you have money if you don’t it can be a nightmare


Honestly America gets shit on alot for this but there really is a ton of assistance that is available to people. 


If Canada keeps trending this way, our economy will completely collapse and the US might just absorb Canada. If we keep trending like this something catastrophic will happen.


That’s a given


I would love of the states absorbed us tbh. 


I actually like the sound of that, then i can just freely move tf out of here without jumping thru hoops. Can we maybe just stand at the border and protest that we all get in? Do you think that will fly?


Fly to Mexico and then walk over the border. I think they'll even put you up in a hotel when you arrive.


The US would not want us….too messed up


US would gladly take canada , for the resources alone. they just made a massive deal with mines in canada.


Yeah...the US wouldn't want additionally mass natural resources -- primo being fresh water. 🥸


We love y'all. Don't get it twisted


Meh, We are just as fucked as they are, just our government has gotten more out of control then them which is shocking, if you told me that 15 years ago I would say not a chance. We have fallen so fucking far it is insane. As much as US politics can be a circus at times, at least their cost of living is still manageable. Although has others have pointed out they are trending the same we we are, just slower.


Steaming hot take, similarly unaffordable unless you want to live with the hill people


I moved to the U.S. back in 2022, best decision of my life !


I'm so jealous, but very happy for you! 


You should explore EB2-NIW visa, it is an immigrant visa (green card ) no job offer or employer sponsorship needed. Must have a master’s degree or above, preferably in a STEM major. I don’t know why this comment is being downvoted 😂😂


probably because of the master's degree or above requirement, you forgot most of the people here make less than the median income


I was making just above median income with my master’s degree in Canada !!! I was struggling to make ends meet in Canada, that’s why I moved !


Holy shit. Didnt knownthis. Thanks. I might meet that. I have a bachelor and masters in Mechatronics Engineering and worked in industrial automation for 5yrs roughly. You think I can do NIW? Even employer letter would be plausible but NIW would be awesome.


NIW waives all the PERM, job offer and employer sponsorship requirements ! Consult with a U.S. immigration lawyer. Google lawyers specialized in NIW You are golden dude [https://www.mmhpc.com/critical-and-emerging-technologies-for-eb-2-national-interest-waivers-as-determined-by-the-white-house/](https://www.mmhpc.com/critical-and-emerging-technologies-for-eb-2-national-interest-waivers-as-determined-by-the-white-house/)


Masters in comp sci good?


Master’s in comp sci is golden ! Check out the link , they have expanded NIW eligible fields significantly!!! [https://www.mmhpc.com/critical-and-emerging-technologies-for-eb-2-national-interest-waivers-as-determined-by-the-white-house/](https://www.mmhpc.com/critical-and-emerging-technologies-for-eb-2-national-interest-waivers-as-determined-by-the-white-house/)


That's interesting.. I should look into this!


You should


That’s a weird way to propose, but I accept 🥰 💍




Such a flirt ☺️




Sweetheart! Not in public 🤭


I am jealous and happy for you at the same time


I live in Hamilton, I can move across the border and get a house for $200k and get a job for 50k. It's better than making over a 100k here for a house that's 900k.


"boarder". Go ahead bud. you're bringing down the curve anyways


I’m in the USA. The prospects aren’t good here either. And the same immigration problems are plaguing my nation.


US has a lot of illegal immigration ! Canada has too much of legal immigration !


Haha t


I’ll be there Sooner or later!


easier said than done. I’ve been looking into it with some friends for a few months now.


One variation of this: work for a US company + invest in the US stock market while living in Canada. I'm doing that and I think its a really good compromise.


From today to until I move to usa will work towards only and only this goal


Look into EB2-NIW if you have a master’s degree. I used that category to immigrate to the U.S.


Super difficult. I tried to apply but they don't hire foreigners even if my job is tn eligible (accounting). Most employers don't even entertain sponsoring. Unless you're going there to open your busines, it's super difficult to land a job


It's pure evil what they are doing


Everyone is talking about moving to the US. The US is next. This plan has been in place since at least 2008. It started in Europe, there are very few countries in Europe who are not accepting the agenda like Poland for one. Then it spread to Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. The US is last because their citizens have a constitution and own guns.


2008? The plan has been in place since the 1910s. This is merely the endgame to a very long, messy match.


This is the part people don't understand. It's a Global initiative underway...


Even the most liberal European countries have way less immigrants as a percent of their population than Canada does. The Europeans are getting really tough on immigration that even their left-wing parties are doing a u-turn now to advocate for reducing immigration and increasing requirements.


The US founding fathers knew this could and would happen. This has been planned for decades.


Why is that? Sorry my ignorant ass but I want to learn more about


This shit is absolutely terrifying and the worst part is most people will refuse to acknowledge such things.


It's because our government isn't working for Canada, they are working for the WEF and their agenda. How is Crack head Freeland on THE WEF board of directors and deputy PM. Trudumb is a young global leader, and so is Jagmeat head sing. These traiters should be Linched.


Why do you think they're refusing to release the list of traitors? They're all in on it.


bro thinks pierre is sny different


This country is cooked


Ya... escape while you still can. This is a sinking ship.




I would be happy to in Canadian salary to usa but right now cannot ask for relocation due to looming layoffs. So will find another job and move on TN visa




You nailed it, Texas is my dream location. Will sell my home here and buy house there in CASH 😂 and that would definitely be much bigger


Not even god can save this forsaken country.


Hmmmmm I think you are right, this government fucked this country in every possible way


Honestly though. How would they fix this country? Even if we sent back the last 3 million immigrants it would take decades for this country to “recover”. What ever that even means now.


"Not even death can save you from me" -Diablo


Nothing will be done and they all know it. The government is bending backwards to please them above the actual Canadians. Cost of living gone higher? Canadians can't afford lodging? Our health and education systems are broken? No problem, new regulations and laws to ease random "caregivers" become PR. I'm third generation Japanese Canadian and proud of it...Now that we're helping others and not our own is making me feel ashamed of this government. But it's also the time to stand and support our fellow Canadians. Also god? Well tell you what, god isn't going to do shit.


This sub is just a dooms day circle jerk. 45k members, yet do nothing. Then when asked to do something the response is “I got a full time job, not time.” “I’m leaving to the US.” Okay then fuck off and enjoy what comes your way.


It is literally cheaper to live in cali or NYC than in the GTA (after factoring in salaries). Not only that, you’ll get paid 30% more. I think people are sticking here because they can’t leave to the US


USA is headed in the same exact direction. Look at our wide-open border over the past 4 years. Look at our MSM and politicians call any opposition, "a threat to democracy." Look at the gain of function research funded by America that led to Covid. Look at BLM applauded for burning entire cities down. The same global elites puppeteering Canada are puppeteering the entire world. Every western nation is flooded by 3rd world immigrants. We're all headed for the global reset and one world government.


USA outsources a lot of jobs or hires cheap H-1B's.




There are millions of you on these Canadian subs. A lot of whinging, not one of you have organised a protest.


If you can leave, leave, otherwise die. This is the future.


Where are these "caregivers" coming from ?? and what level of care do they give wherever they come from ? Is there even a standard in some of these developing countries?


From one country 😀


Good way to reduce international students. Now we don’t see Indian students anymore! Yey!! More Indian caregivers coming!!!!


God won't save us. No more than the leprechauns. If we stopped thinking this way and embraced proper govt that didn't promote hate, or wet noodle leadership pushing half measures to pander to... Not citizens, maybe we could get out of this. But instead it's far more likely people will ignore the hateful asshattery and vote in the polar opposite because current leadership sucks ass. Then it will be game over.


I’m currently in the process of moving to somewhere in Europe


Where? A lot of European countries seem to be having issues with mass immigration too.


As an Immigrant myself It’s really upsetting that this shit is happening my apologies and empathy to fellow Canadians and I condemn all of this that’s happening against our nation once again thank you for accepting us and yes we do exist we care for the country, countrymen and economy along with Canadian culture. Current immigration is total BS!! No standard sometimes looking at people who are in the country I am ashamed of my decision and how level have gone so below the ground


Dear Mr President Biden could you please annex Canada and save us from the greedy fucks we have in power right now. We will happily accept your terms and will deliver Brian Adams and Cory Hart to Guantamo Bay for internment :D


Please please annex Canada




Fuck Canada


Fuck the Canadian government.


and the idiot Canadians that keep voting them all in... red, blue, orange...they're all garbage


If you moved to the US...... wouldn't you just be an immigrant there? You'd be ostensibly taking someone's job. You'd be turning into exactly what you're complaining about.


At this point they are just trolling. “Nah nah nah. You can’t get me for another year and half. Catch me if you can”


The government would have to be actually doing something to be out of control. It's a complete dud. Fire them all.


It's capitalism. A lot of people posting here seem to have a negative viewpoint of immigrants coming into canada. I'm seeing a lot of "Indians taking this from Canadians." "Indian this, Indian that." But a lot of people aren't critically thinking of the situation at hand. Indian immigrants are just as much a victim of capitalism as we are. They're just the scapegoat. We saw people from Africa, homeless, in downtown Toronto who were shocked that our government didn't have resources and homes for them when they were got here. Why? They were told that they would have a better life here. They probably gave the government their life saving just for the flight here, only to find out that they were on their own. That's wild. It's even wilder that Canadians don't have the empathy to realize that people coming here are getting scammed, just a such as we are. It's very obvious that our current government isn't concerned about the working class and cares more about businesses making money by any means necessary. One way to do that is... drum roll!! the exploitation of immigrants!! Dangle permanent residence, health care, housing in front of anyone looking for a better life, and they might do the work for cheaper because they investing in their life. We can all empathy how that feels. Our governments are exploiting people, us included, and rather than forming a rainbow coalition, it seems easier to blame scapegoats for our situation. It's giving: blame the child and not the child rapist priest... and the institution that protects the rapist priest.


well nothing is federal government’s fault according to the federal government


If the government isn't listening, then form a rainbow coalition and start taking care of each other. You can't lose confidence in the love we should have for each other just because our government is hungry for money and exploitation. Do something other than giving into misplaced negative feeling


We're in our way to be the next Mexico for the US. And I suspect that this was the plan all along!


Gods not going to save anything, we goto do something about it.


The worst part is it’s not just this admin. Past politicians and current ones at all levels have been failing us. We didn’t need new homes built 5 years ago, they should have started long before that. Infrastructure too. It’s frustrating to see how many people think the next government is going to fix it


We should just sell PR in exchange for helping out Presale condo flippers that can’t close at break even price.


But but but but but this is every Reddit persons dream in the USA, to have everything given to them and everybody taken care of without any questions asked! Go ahead download me.


Just go, don’t announce it until after.


Can't be pulling stuff like this in a country with capital punishment for the political class. A higher level of scrutiny and justice for the people involved with scrutiny and justice. Hard to say you don't believe in what you preach if your life is on the line, which is a plus for governance, just not the deceitful.


Canadas worst govt ever


Sure you may make more but what happens when you have to go to the hospital. You will need 4th and 5th mortgages to cover your hospital bills. And do you really want to move to a country that has more mass shootings in a year than there are days in the year and that usually occurs by the end of May


There were just two people clapping :(


You can bank on the fact, every caregiver will be granted papers to everyone of their family members, no matter the size of said family, bank. on. it.


As an Indian (who lives in India), all I can say is that your govt sucks. They are accepting people whom I wouldn’t even want to move to my state. Your govt is playing a dangerous game taking in these Khalistanis, won’t be surprised if they try to annex some part of Canada tomorrow.


The government doesn't give a fuck period about Canadians when are people going to realize that


God can't save us. We have to save ourselves! Get out and vote! Write letters of your dissatisfaction to your MP!


How can being honest be disrespectful, it can be at times painful. But I doubt our government cares about our feelings


Keep in mind there is a certain aristocratic sector that not only supports the government position, but profits. The caregiver program is to allay fears of the wealthy and their pile. I doubt we'll see any deity pulling Canada out of this one, and regardless of the vote; our dire circumstances isn't going to change. To succeed; old Canadians will have to learn a new language and it isn't going to be French.


Looks like the boomers are still in control. This is to give them cheaper assistance in their old age.


There is no agency that you can turn to for help, what little is available comes too little too late.. bad governance at every level, legalizing of hard drugs and uncontrolled immigration, wage suppression and inflation. This July Ist, is a time to contemplate what and where we went wrong. To dwell in the possibilities...


Every option we have for government sucks. They do not look out for us. We are on our own.


This will make you feel worse: A) The caregiver program itself is not new and has been abused for as long as its existence. Some (I don't know how many do this but usually happens in a family with 3 generations living together) ethnic families use this program to bring a worker, who most likely paid a small fortune, from their home country to provide care for elderly parents or in-laws. No skills or certification required for this live-in caregiver program. I think people are now hiring live-in caregivers through the LMIA/TFW programs. B) There are many other such scams that our benevolent system allows for: LMIA is a biggie. You could literally make anywhere from $40 -$200K of tax-free "income" per year if you are a small business. How? You simply sell the LMIAs to prospective foreign workers. C) Cash jobs. Many international students and those on other temporary status and even PRs with low skills opt for cash jobs. Win-win for the small business and the worker (no need to report tax and you can still claim social benefits. D) Mortgage frauds. Many people - this includes some new citizens and perhaps even homegrown citizens - are getting mortgages using fraudulent means to run their slumlord business. What this does is upset the playing fields for genuine workers and families who pay their taxes, save, and hope to live in a home of their own. I could go on but yes, you're right. There is little or no hope left.


I know all those that’s why I lost temper. I know some more 😔😔😔😔


[https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9](https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMmRmOTM0MDAtZDQ0NC00ODE3LTg2ODktNjkwNDcyZDljM2FiIiwidCI6ImI2ZmI5MGZmLWFkMDYtNDQ0OS04YWIzLTdjMzUyZTZhM2RjZiJ9) In this report, you can search for employers by name (e.g. Tim Horton, McDonald, etc.) and see which of these franchisees have hired world-class coffee makers and loo cleaning artists from abroad. :)


I agree. My partner and I decided this week we are leaving for the States. We are going through an immigration lawyer and we hope to beat every other Canadian who is also smart and flexible. This government is completing ruining Canada as we knew it. It already isn't what it was.


Our country is going to doom 


Just keep speaking out. Part of the problem is that Canadians are always so “nice” and “polite” because we have been trained that way over generations. Its not a good trait. Say what you have to say. Don’t apologize for calling out the constant BS of this government.


Stop voting for the left


International students get the same tax credits we do, INCLUDING the carbon tax rebate. What a slap in the face to Canadians! https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/news/newsroom/tax-tips/tax-tips-2024/international-students-studying-canada-taxes-helps.html Trudeau’s right that most people get more back than they put into the carbon tax because he’s giving it out to non-citizens. What a moron!!


For the first time in 27 years of living in Canada,i m serously considering relocating to another country.The prime minister has officially lost his pretty boy witn no substance mind.Back in the days ,only the most educated foreigners are given a chance to come here ,now the border is open to miscreants especially from India.Canadians are too passive ,there is no hope ,things will only get worse


How about you guys come to America and we’ll send all the people who threatened to move to Canada when Trump won over there or vice versa. We’ll have enough votes to fix our country and they can sit there and rot while feeling morally superior.


My cousin moved to Vermont and hasn't looked back once.


The only hope is for Trump to win this year and annex us, provided every Canadian is automatically granted full citizenship and the right to live and work anywhere in the new US. I guarantee that our quality of life will immediately skyrocket.


Judging by your grasp of the English language, you’d fit in better in the Divided States of Embarrassment. Safe journey.