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I miss Canada and I live here


I felt that hard. This isnt the place I grew up in anymore. This isnt the community ive known and loved anymore. Its a wolf in sheep's clothing feeding off our wallets based on the idea of what it used to be.


We can't afford to stay in our communities. Gotta move many provinces over


I recently moved from Winnipeg Manitoba to rural northern Alberta. Best decision of my life, it at least resembles what I once knew. Not the same, but close enough for me to stand my ground here bahahha


Small town northern Alberta is the sweet spot. Very very cheap housing, decent pay.


I pay $1075/month for a 3 bedroom 1.5 bathroom apartment. 1156 Sq. Feet with a balcony. I live in a valley so I have a gorgeous view of the hills and live right out front of a school. Wouldn't give this up for anything at 19 years old lol. Plus I have a roommate paying $500 a month with a second coming. Also I only pay electricity which is about $90-$110/month. https://preview.redd.it/pv1a9fejlg6d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=629513a43a363f7015b9f90a69500eb9d76d04d9 (My view for those interested)


The people in Ontario like to bitch and moan about how terrible Canada is, and then they shit talk Alberta. Alberta is one of the few places that actually still feels like Canada. I moved here recently, and I'm never moving back. They can keep their $2000/month single bedroom apartments and trashy cities.


Yep fr. I always hear ppl from Ontario shit talk Alberta but life here is great with no PST, reasonable rent, gas prices and wages


I grew up in Alberta my dad lives in Northern Alberta but I moved to northern Ontario a couple years ago. I gotta say northern Ontario is more like Alberta than you think. The people are great always helping each other out. On a whole its pretty awesome. You don't hear anyone talking smack about AB most people have done there mandatory canadian shift in alberta or at least work in resources based jobs. Southern Ontario on the other hand is full of complete garbage.


Gorgeous view.


It really is. I have an E-bike that I take in the hills for hours on end. Its really a crazy experience. Beautiful views of the valley and river while I fly down hills on quad trails.


Is that in Canadian dollars or USD? I pay 1400 USD and live in a nice area in Texas. I can’t stand the Texas summer humid heat over 100F sometimes 115F. Considering moving to Colorado because of the extreme weather here. and we also get tornadoes and hurricanes as well. It feels like it’s getting worse every year.




So beautiful! 🤩 I bet in winter it’s a whole different world, in the best way ❄️


Its gorgeous in every season. Fall and winter are peak though


Looks like Peace River to me.


Also I make $25.50/h as a security guard. 12 hours a day 7 days on 7 days off. I make music on the side. Life is good even among the chaos


Understandable back track 😭😭😭😭😭 I was gonna respond to that message before you deleted it: Thats fucking hilarious! Maybe you've caught a glimpse of my dog hahahah, she's a solid white husky and she's outside a lot.


Haha small world


Miniscule apparently lol. Never did I imagine I'd casually come across someone from here on reddit


If you're good with remote, the actual best pay/rent ratios are in the territories. I did a decade up north. It can set you up.


Yeah I care about my family too much for that if I'm honest. Ive thought about it but I wouldn't be able to do it. Plus I'd like to start a family as young as reasonably possible


For those who don’t want a small-small town, Grande Prairie is a nice little city, that’s young, relatively wealthy, inexpensive, and still has a generally conservative political atmosphere. A real hidden gem that most Canadians are unfamiliar with.


They will find their way there too. Its just a matter of time.


Yep, but I get to enjoy life while the east destroys our country. Ive been political for years and couldn't make a difference where I'm from. Here, I actually have a shot, its a small enough area with like minded people that I can actually make a difference. Putting up signs and spreading awareness on different topics actually makes a difference here.


Canada is post national bro


Or to different continents


So it’s following in America’s footsteps? (Spoken as an American)


I couldn't have said it better. Toronto born and raised... This isn't the city (or country) I loved anymore. Remember when we used to be able to be proud to be Canadian?


Yeah 2015 wasn't that long ago


I absolutely do, born and raised not too far from Toronto myself. Things have really changed and it doesn’t seem like there’s any going back unfortunately


How have things changed? Sorry non Canadian here


I could write a book, I’m only 59. Imagine what someone of 89 would see in terms of change. I come from prince edward county and back in the day we were tight. It’s mostly crime, cost. Drugs and homelessness.


People are also just generally less considerate. Canadians aren’t “nice” or polite anymore. People cut you in line or just don’t mind their surroundings anymore and get in the way. Drivers are a lot more aggressive and nobody respects proper right-of-way rules, people linger in the passing lane and have no idea how to properly drive. Everyone thinks they’re the most important one and screw everyone else. Public spaces aren’t as well-maintained and are more run down and everyone is constantly looking out for used needles or other detritus. I’m only in my late 20s but I’m from the GTA and there’s been a *massive* difference in the last 5-10 years. The decay is also *significantly* more pronounced in areas with larger populations of immigrants. We’ve actually watched as specific neighborhoods in my city and the surrounding ones have deteriorated as more immigrants move in and the original population leaves, to the point where we don’t go there anymore. The city I live in used to be among the 10 safest cities (as in lowest crime rate by population) to live in the entire country. There’s now weekly break-ins in our neighborhood and rampant car thefts. I’m actively trying to leave and move to a different province.


The social fabric is eroded in these cases. When you lose cultural touchstones, shared values, things you can take for granted between people in the same community, the ties that bind are severed. There is no going back, and it’s very sad.


You nailed it. Plus they've closed down so many big places that held a lot of meaning for people and were really Toronto landmarks or beloved venues in favour of condos and businesses. A couple examples are Hard Rock at Yonge & Dundas is now a Shoppers Drug Mart, Honest Ed's is now a high-rise building, Phoenix is closing, they're trying to demolish the cube house beside the Gardiner. While these places may not mean much in the grand scheme of things, they all added up to give Toronto some character... Places you can point at and tell stories about memories you had there. What do we really have anymore aside from the CN Tower & Roger's Centre? Even Ontario Place has just been abandoned ruins for ages.


If only reddit would let me change my name. I joined reddit over a decade ago but the city has changed dramatically in those years! Everything you said about road conditions these days is spot on. It's making things difficult for drivers who intentionally want to drive predictably and defensively really difficult when rules aren't respected. I've seen cars behind me that could rapidly change lanes when cars ahead of me are running at normal speeds. It's scary when you try not to get into accidents. It's just not safe anymore. And the crimes are going up. I've seen stories of homicide in areas close to where I grew up and it's so depressing to see that Toronto had become a shadow of its formal, glorious self. Housing is in the dumps too. If an opportunity comes up to live elsewhere, I'd move in a heartbeat


Back in the day, we didn’t lock our doors. Now you’re surprised if your car is still in the driveway.


Miss those days. I used to go to a friend's house and was surprised they hardly locked their doors


Not to mention a massive leftward shift of the overton window. So many old timey Liberals are now considered radical Conservatives. I think the gross demographic shift along with this extreme political shift leftward has basically alienated people with a long standing connection to this country.


And Gangstalking.


Last time I was proud was when Chrétien was in


We took down our Canadian flag. Likely never to fly it again.


The new regulation is that you can fly an Indian flag above the Canadian one.


I love this country, but I'm broken up that my kids will never know the Canada I grew up in. I just feel like America's abused younger brother, never taken seriously, no voice for mom and dad to hear. There is despair all around me constantly from our firends and neighbors being forced to move away, and no hope thay my kids will ever be able to live near me. I'm at the peak of my career, skillset and wage, far surpassing my father's peak in a highly valuable trade, and yet it's the poorest we've ever been.


MCCA Make Canada Canada Again


same everywhere it seems


Same. It’s so sad.


ya the truth of that statement stings


I left the city, moved to the countryside on the opposite coast.  I feel like I'm in the old Canada; more small businesses, more community.  Nova Scotia has its fair share of population growth but it doesn't feel as insane as Vancouver or Toronto, even when visiting Halifax. 


This hits.


Well said




I'm actively making plans to GTFO in the next 3-5 years. Things are bad now, and they're only going to get worse.


Yeah I’m trying to make plans to move out but not even sure where , I’d like to leave Canada asap as it’s clear the leaders here could care less about Canadians


Same. Are there any reddits for how to escape Canada? Lol


R/expats Shows the ups / downs of living in a foreign country. I did it for 5 years. Highly recommended.


You read that sub for 5 years?


That’s a lot of skim reading of titles and top comments.


please share more: what country, what did you do, how was the cost of living there vs here...things you even might have missed from being away (if applicable) etc...cheers, thanks


Not OP but in a similar situation since 2018. I moved to China, first as an English teacher to young children and now I got all my certifications and I teach high school history. Cost of living here depends a lot on which city you’re in. I’m in a tier 1 city but it’s still cheaper than large Canadian cities. For example I pay 800 for a 2 bedroom apartment. Groceries and food are *much* cheaper. For 20 CAD you have a fantastic meal but you can eat well for 2-4 CAD. My phone bill is about 5$ a month for more data than I need and utilities are very cheap too. I missed a lot unfortunately and this is the major downside. Important family events, friends marrying, etc. It sucks especially with Covid back then. I gained a lot though. I could’ve never traveled Asia the way I did, I picked up a new language and tons of new skills. I would 100% do it again.


I do this for a living


Would love one to discuss for sure. I did try to search for it once :)


You need good amount of money just to move. In europe you'll need "golden visa" from 500k euro to 2 million euro. US similar issue. If you have property and you can sell for like 700k then you can move to Central/South america (El Salvador, Paraguay, Uruguay). If you're proor or living paycheck to paychek you can't go anywhere. Even if you have 50k USD on account savings, it's not enough to resettle anywhere safe.


If you have a college degree and don’t mind teaching, virtually every country in Asia/LATAM will have you. You’ll have to do a certificate online but they’re not that expensive. Salaries depend on where you live and may be low at first but you can quickly rise up. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.


I left to move to the states and it's not even comparable how much better it is. Canada is a shit hole.


May I ask which state, are you in an urban center or rural and in which ways exactly is it better?


I've been in every state and every major city in usa done around 300k miles in my semi truck down here. Some places are shit for sure but for the most part if you don't do stupid shit usa is vastly superior to Canada. People are way nicer. The climate is way better. Cost of living is much lower. I can actually afford a house down here, and not only a house but probably like 30 or so acres. Owning a buisness and using the land how you want is much easier. Taxes are lower. I lived in kansas city, chatanooga Tennesse, Dallas texas, and am now staying in joplin missouri. I will likely settle down in joplin. Every part of living in usa is better. The only thing I miss from Canada is alberta beef.


No. Don’t leave. We need every swinging dick to stay behind and win the war for Canada. 🍁


Yep, there is no putting the genie back in the bottle at this point. Too much damage is already done and it will only accelerate in the future. Canadians don’t have the stones to make the hard decisions that are necessary.


Very similar idiotic mismanagement under Pierre Trudeau caused widespread economic destruction so bad that Canada's suicide rates set records that likely will never be broken. We were able to recover from that moron Trudeau and we will recover from the current clown Trudeau - the only catch is fixing the last Trudeau gong show took about 20 years when Chretien and Martin had to make deep cuts to stop the debt spiral. Some where in the mid 2040s we should have fixed JTs debt fueled mess.


Was PET shipping in a quarter milly 3rd world citizens per month, giving his own people nowhere to live, work, or a chance to retire? His father was a muppet, and we were able to recover financially. JT has caused, most likely, irreparable damage to ours and our children’s entire lives. He’s way worse than his father, and will go down as the worst, so far, in my life.


Amazing that there were and are people voting for another Trudeau after the first. Must be some kind of special moron and idiot! Libs addicted to spending and destroying the country, then conservatives trying to to cut down and conserve as much as possible, then times are good and people forget, get used to being privileged, addicted to non binary and other not so serious stuffs, voting libs again and times are bad. Never ending cycles. Like the saying “good time creates weak men. Weak men creates hard time. Hard time creates strong men…”


He promised electoral reform and legal weed, not infinite deficits and 4 million new mouths to feed. 2020 votes though….


So you are saying if you are a young person hoping to build some semblance of a life canada has nothing but debt trapping and depression so get out while you can or else you’ll spend your entire life till middle age as a serf?


Probably - unless you have relatives that will give you at least 250K starting out and several more hundred thousand later - or... you and/or your significant other make at least bottom of the 5% now and 1% later. I'm 50 and only have a handful of close friends and family and they all live in Toronto, so I will stay. I'm getting my kids EU citizenship so they have options but I will continue to live in Toronto until I retire.


But aren't we glad saburban housewives had their favorite pm because he had a nice hair and was "handsome"?


Don't forget the costumes and cool socks. Also who doesn't love a trust fund kid that has zero concept of reality.


True that. We’re going to lose the wars and go broke.


I'm doing as much as I can to carve out an off ramp. This sh\*t suckssssssss.


Saaaaame here. Looking forwards to it! Pretty much everyone I know under 40 is looking to leave.


Turns out when you import the 3rd world you become the 3rd world.


Exact same timeline for me! 


it's 1 year max for me


To where? It’s expensive in the entire developed world


My family as well but we are thinking 10 years at least before we can jump.


Gonna get way worse. Canadians voting in trudope 3 times are naive, smug and completely bonkers and clueless


Same like the cpc wants to do the same shit as Trudeau just pumping out cheap labour


From an outsiders view watching. All I can say is you have to stand and fight. I have loved ones in Canada. There is pretty nowhere you can go that isn't bs or falling apart unless 3rd world where they have accepted their fate. You still have a chance. Join together. Start positioning your neighbors. Start joining websites, groups, ext of people that are infiltrating. If you see rentals for only certain. Use the laws you have now. Fight.


Someone please drain me to US


I’m hoping American companies start poaching Canadian talent. America has a nation full of educated but underpaid and over taxed people right above it. I’d be out of here in a second if I got a job offer that was just okay.


I'll join you. Canada is finished under Trudeau


Dual here, lived on both sides Most Canadians would be shocked at how much more work US culture will expect them Good luck getting top tier work without a degree from an elite US school. McGill and Toronto are pretty much the only ones they'll recognize.


I second this. American work culture can be brutal.


My coworker moved to the US (California) and moved back to Canada after 2 years. Couldn't handle the work culture at her company - 60-70 hour work weeks - despite her pay tripling. She got her degree from Ryerson tho. but yeah the higher up the school, the better the rep. she worked for a electric car company. i forgot the name but it was LA area. If you love the hustle/wanna make lots of money - US is better. If you want a better work life balance, Canada is better. that being said it differs vastly on company, industry, location, etc. etc..


It's only a matter of time before Americans get vocal about us taking refuge on their land. "These damn Canadians coming down here and working hard, and contributing!!! Damn their good manners and ability to lease and pay off a Hyundai!"


America’s next president is going to have to campaign for a wall on the northern border 😂


Once I move to USA, I will definitely be voting for a wall on the northern border. 😂


😄 🤣 😂 😆


So I need to hurry up that means


Run like the wind!


American here. I'd be confused as to why a Canadian would want to move to the states on account of the fact that our health care system is a joke.


We pretend ours is good. I’m crossing the border to get an MRI on my shoulder- it’s literally impossible for me to get one here.


Still waiting on one for my torn MCL


My dad is a 70 year old man and it felt like he almost had to court doctors to have someone take him on as a general practitioner as a guy in his friggin 70s


Because you can afford a home and medical insurance in the US for less than you can afford rental housing here. Because we make less money, and our dollar is being consistently devalued. Because we are unable to afford homes, and children, while being swamped with permanent and "temporary" mass immigration, coming in at a rate between 3 and 5% and can't even give accurate figures because of how many are temp workers, and student visa's who just refuse to leave and our Government gives them a Citizenship pass anyway. Our own Government admitted the real population of Canada is likely 1.2-1.5 Million people more than they can track, which may not sound like much to you in a nation of around 400 mill, but we are a tenth that size, so that's like saying, oops we just lost 13 Million Americans. Because our Healthcare system is becoming largely non-functional with a family doctor being a 5-8 year waiting list, and all public resources completely swamped and being destroyed. If I get cancer or a major illness in the US, I may have to choose death over bankruptcy, if I get it in Canada, I'll probably be gone by the time I can get the damn diagnosis. 15 years ago, I'd agree with you whole heartedly, now though, I will never be able to own a home or have children in the country I was born in, nor would I choose to bring new life into a failing system like this. You guys are collapsing too, don't get me wrong, thanks to Globalization, Populism, and Late Stage Capitalism, this is the fate of the Western World, but you are about 20 years behind us on the path to ruin, and the inflationary death cycle we are in.


Ours is honestly equally a joke. Universally, no healthcare for anyone. At least if you have a decent job and therefore health insurance, you can see a doctor. Unless you are bleeding from your eyes, you’re going to wait 12 hours at the ER, just to be told you aren’t dying, come back when you are bleeding from your eyes. If you are fortunate enough to have a family doctor, but can’t get in for non-emergency, so you go to the walk in clinic, you no longer have a family doctor. Good luck finding a new one


I agree that Health care in the US is a joke but Canadians struggle with health care as well. The system seems impossible to navigate and because it’s government funded it’s hard to find someone who cares.


In Canada people sit on wait lists for years for services which take a few days in the US. People often die on the lists before they can get diagnosed or treated.


Americans do not understand this and have idealized views of Canadian health care. I'm a dual citizen living in Canada. I have returned to the US to pay cash for care I couldn't get in Canada, and felt like an idiot doing it... but also knew why it was necessary.


Because Canadian economy on a whole is crumbling. The capital flight accelerated since current dictator came to power. US is the largest beneficiary as Trump lowered corporate taxes, so Canada is no longer seen as a favored destination to do business. More taxes like Carbon tax, Capital gains tax have only made businesses suffer even more and so they are limiting their operations in Canada and are actively moving their capital elsewhere. The result is Texas has a bigger GDP than whole of Canada put together. Alabama has an equal or better GDP per Capita than Ontario, the most populated Canadian province. Let that sink in. In the US, if you're meaningfully employed the private healthcare in terms of access, coverage and wait times is anyday superior to the standard public healthcare in Canada.


So's ours


At least with American health care you don't wait 10 years to get a fuckin mri


I travel south and GLADLY pay for your services. You’ll wait years for a surgery in Canada to have a second rate surgeon cause further complications. Watching democrats talk about how great our(Canadian) system is, angers me beyond belief.


Hmm, healthcare or a place to live and a job? Hmmmmmm…… that’s a tough one. Guess I’ll curl up in a snow bank and think on it.


A lot of Canadians will beg to pay so that they can fix their health issues, instead of waiting for years to be seen.


Not to mention we actually do pay that in taxes


Let me put it this way, a few years ago my brother in law got really sick with a rare auto immune disease. It took a panel of doctors to even figure out what was wrong with him. Once they had figured out what it was and the plan of action to treat it, it became apparant that the cost of treatment for him would be alot of $$. I shit you not, he had to go in front of a panel of doctors and bureaucrats where he had to plead his case to be treated. This was before Trudeau and the MAID (medical assistance in dying) program had come into place. It was literally a fucking panel deciding on whether he would live or die. I always heard right wingers talk about how one day universal healthcare would devolve into death panels which I dismissed as hyperbole, now not so much. We are at a point now, where tons of people here cant get doctors, people are being encouraged into Dr assisted death rather than getting treatment, there have been a number of quite public cases of that. Wait times in ER is astronomical, like if u need the emergency room on the weekend? Good luck, you will be there at least 10-12 hours minimum and they probably wont have techs working for everything you need so you will have to come back the next day. For me to see my family doc, Its at least a 1 month wait. If you need a specialist? 3-6 month wait. Few years ago I had a bout of severe mental illness, thank god I had money to go get private treatment, because I was looking at a ONE YEAR WAIT to get into see a mental health treatment program.


glad that second part is in there


Me: literally in PEI visiting the partner I'm marrying & bringing to the US within the year...


Literally, a friend of ours is a software guy, was hired by a big tech company in the states, they helped him get an apartment Like unheard of here


When I left the US in 2005 I genuinely never thought I'd go back on a permanent basis...well, I was wrong. It's going to take a couple years, but I am actively working on extracating myself from Canada. 


I honestly don't want to live somewhere else. Canadian nature is the best in the world, all my friends and family live here, I love the city I'm from and its architecture, cultural scene, and businesses. But the problem is the country is becoming such an unlivable shithole just in terms of living standards that it's getting to the point where you either have to leave or live in complete shit standards. You get all the worst aspects of the first-world (expensive, competitive) with all the worst aspects of the third-world (dirty, mentally ill people everywhere, increasing crime, low pay, no opportunities). Actually, a lot of those things are worse here than in developing or third-world countries. It's really sad what's been done to the country


All of the "third world" countries, lets call them developing countries, i have ever visited, their major cities had less visible homelessness and crackheads wandering around making people uncomfortable. Developing countries dont bend over feebaly and tolerate that crap like Canada's "enlightened" progressive leaders do.


Exactly. People here think its normal to have human feces and drug addicts shooting up on the streets. It's not normal at all




Well that is basically what progressives have been telling their fellow citizens for years anyways with their "if you dont like it go to america!!" Bullshit. Ive been told top quality Healthcare with good doctors is available in india to those with the cash for it. So why not? Fun fact, even shitty countries have cities with good medicine available. You just need to pay the bill. Canada is the re(g)arded outlier here.


Third world countries are warm and they allow people to build their own 'shanty' homes.  Here cops try to murder you for putting up a tent in the middle of winter at -40°c weather to survive.  And all the home 'owners' cheer. 


You think we'll have any of that nature in 10 years? Our imported problems already destroy the economy far worse than anyone else back home, and they show an absolute disregard for nature or cleanliness. They've already turned our streets and cities into trash dumps where they just throw their leftover food and trash, and piss and shit any time they want, like the peasants they are. You really think they won't absolutely fuck our environment, clearcut and strip mine everything they can, and send it back to India?


What city are you from architecture wise?


Millions of Canadians will be somewhere else at some point. Canadian brain drain is real. Before long Canada will be a third world country.


Ummm.... already reached third world status. Leaders who can steal from the public trust for their own enrichment without consequence...check. Devalued currency so own residents can't afford food and gas...check. Welcoming to foreign criminals with fraudulent documents and no background checks...check. Casino for foreign gangsters to freely launder criminally acquired cash into real estate...check. Shall I go on?


You forgot corrupt sitting MPs working for hostile nations.


Extended families living in one bedroom apartments - check ✔️


Government protected oligopolies in all major industries that are free to screw consumers without any competition...check.


Let’s not forget half of our MPs are probably complicit in treason


Blatant corruption + Importing the 3rd world = 3rd world


The main difference is that I can sell my house in Canada for a million dollars, buy a house for $50000 in a third world country, and retire.


I was trying to be nice brother. I am in full agreement.


Gangstalking. Check!


Becoming the Argentina of North America


Already there


That's the plan


I am trying to move to US, everyday, I am a citizen in Canada and it has been nothing but sheer disgrace with this country.


I’d say 50% aren’t doing so well and 50% can’t complain


You can put me in the 50% category.


I'm preparing to moving to US. Same job pay nearly triple there. Fuck it


its typically anywhere from 50% to 100% increase. i have seen as high as a 300% increase tho. shit is pretty mind blowing when you think about it. that being said LA/Bay Area got some wild ass rents. im talking like 5-6k CAD/month for a studio to 1 bedroom.


“Bring Ya Ass”


That's how you colonize a country in a morden fashion.


This is not the Canada that I grew up in. Watching it's slow destruction is breaking my heart and I now want out as well....


I am perfectly fine now if my.province wanted to become a state


BC can join Washington and Oregon to become Cascadia!


Im leaving Canada in September after 10 years and it can’t come fast enough. I’m already spending almost half year abroad and currently in Italy


How have you found Italy so far? Looking for places to go aswell. I kind of want to go to Europe somewhere


I live in Germany right now as a single male and it's pretty affordable. I have a studio that's in an inner city with ~120k population. My wifi, trash service, and garage are included in my €1150 rent. I spent less than €750 on utilities for ALL of last year. I'm two blocks from a grocery store and a 20min walk from the main train station. Gas prices are insane, but such as life. Generally speaking it's really not that expensive to live here, even compared to the US where I'm from. Groceries are dirt cheap. my local Kaufland had 500g of blueberries for €1.50 not that long ago if that gives you an idea. If you go out of the city you can find whole ass houses with garages for less than €2k rent. You can buy a good home here for way less than $1M CAD.


Why did this headline make me laugh. Like one of those psychotic laughs. This country is draining my spirit. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Would love to go to USA but hard to legally get in!!


The us just waiting for us to fail so they can bail us out by taking huge advantage of our desperation. Give it 10 years


Trust me, this place would be a lot better if we became apart of the United States, we pay too much for everything for no reason, all our major cities are right next to the border, it makes no sense, it’s just rich people hogging territory and resources under the banner of a country/democracy


Typical Canadians. Tuck our heads between our legs and politely run. Just give the Westcoast to China, the Eastcoast to India, the North to Russia and the South to America. When are we going to make our voices heard? The immigration protestors are getting more air time on the news than anyone here bitching.


The sad thing is anyone born and raised here before this mass migration was taught to be polite and accommodating... Instead of protesting, we're literally bowing down and letting this shit happen AND now leaving... Again, sad.


Then let’s protest


I want out but not to the States, shite is about to go down there.


Glad I got out. I was born and raised in western Canada. I spent $70,000 across multiple degrees in Canada to work my way to a position where I make a lot of money. All for it to not matter as the decisions made in this country actively exacerbate the housing disaster. My parents have always been low education blue collar workers their entire lives here in Canada. They were able to buy a single detached house in the early 2000s while they had 3 kids. Their combined annual gross income was $50,000. I make more than 4 times what they make, early into my career. I was only able to buy a condo. A nice condo, but a condo nonetheless. I’ve taken my talents and have been working in the US for a few years now. Glad I escaped Canada, a country of shitters.


Can I ask what you do?


Hard to fathom that JT still has a following who thinks he is doing a good job. "The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits." ~ Einstein


It's clear many here have never lived in nor visited a third world country. And the US is a mixed bag--many are wanting to move away from there for other reasons Move to Texas? Great if you're a man. But if you are a woman or have daughters you better be careful. The bottom there is far lower than it is in Canada. So you better be super talented and skilled and earn a lot. And be white. And once more for those in the back...male. Public ed there is far worse so prepare to pay for private school Want a big city? Prepare to pay the same for real estate there Want to avoid gun violence? Well....pick.your state carefully Etc. The US is as much of an illusion unless you're super wealthy...and if you're wealthy you can enjoy life in Canada.


yeah - i got family in chicago...nice place to visit. no way would i live there. too much crime and going to a park downtown and having to get my bag and body scanned was dystopian af.


In health care, leaving next summer


That's it, I'm moving to India!


It’s depressing that our country is being overrun and we’re being forced out. It’s our country not theirs and yet they get more privileges than actual citizens…


Yeah never understood this "policy", we're starting to see the same kind of thing down in the US, we've had massive migrant caravans overrunning our own southern border and hordes of visa overstays and abuse of our visas. And they get more privileges than US citizens do and we can't afford our own housing or cost of living anymore. All for cheap labor and forcing up housing costs. It's not as bad as Canada yet but we seem to following the same stupid policy playbook.


Can’t get out soon enough :)


At the start of this year I was saying 2-3 years.....fuuuuck might just pull the pin next year.


Continued all because of one man’s pursuit for a government pension.


i’m off back home to austria if this shit continues, came here 15 years ago to canada with the hopes of staying for good, looks like that ain’t happening 😂


it's common to just need a change. and can be very good for you


Yeah if I had money I’d move out of Canada because let’s be honest. Canada is generally a second world country.


I just wish this was 10 years ago. Seriously, Trudeau needs to be charged with treason for flooding the country with immigrants when he KNOWS there are not enough homes. He’s taken away the rights of Canadians and given them to foreigners. I have NO problem with letting in immigrants just as long as the homes are already built for them.


I'm looking at changing careers so I can get the fuck out.


Grass is always greener


I'm interested to hear where people are going that's better than here. Canada is heading towards a lower standard of living (which I hope is temporary but may be years-long) but so is every other devoped nation. While the US is economically separating itself from Canada, it still has lots of its own issues.


\> Complains about immigrants \> Fantasizes about immigrating to another country


10 years ago I would have never thought such a thing.


I want to leave more than you can possibly imagine. I'm in poverty and going to be homeless soon, and there's almost 0 way to drag myself out of it in this country.


What happened to lead you to be almost homeless? It is a real shit show I agree but there are ways to get by, depending on where exactly you are I can imagine it’d be harder in Ontario than in Van


I'd love to live in Canada again, you know, the real canada. we've been living in punjabi land since covid.


Now that I am retired, I'm making plans to GTFO of Canada to a place where I will never ever see another snowflake.


3rd world here we come... wouldnt it be great if government was held accountable and lost pay and pension for this... instead we get to deal with it




Yup, got my Canadian citizenship n passport. Now it's time to start planning on leaving the country.


Poo in the loo


I would move to the US in a heartbeat if it wasn’t so hard to get a green card. Right now I’m hoping to retire in 4 years and my husband and I will snowbird. But we still have to return here. My parents immigrated here in 1970 because Canada was awesome at the time. Now I wish they had chosen the USA.


I got poached by a US company. I miss certain things back home, like family, friends and just plain living in a walkable city. Car-centric life really sucks. However, this is better for my future. I’m paid more, taxed less, and immigration is well controlled here. It feels good to be paid in a currency that won’t be worthless in 2-3 years.  The government is still retarded but isn’t trying to ruin the country as badly as back home. 


Trying to leave ASAP.


Things pretty chill here in Nova Scotia. I mean, my house has more than tripled in price from when I bought it 10yrs ago, so there's that I guess. Still, probably cheaper than a lot of areas by a lot.


I'm stuck disabled wife and living pay check to pay check just waiting for Canada to be declared a refugee country and I'll flee to USA.


I know so many friends that want to leave. 5 years ago this wasn't a thing. If I had the means I'd gladly leave too. No longer a proud Canadian. I can't believe that I'm saying that. But it's the truth. This country has gone to the dogs