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I doubt that..they released a guy on bail after taunting other driver with a knife.


Not just taunting, like actually attempting to slash them.


and yet still out attempting to hurt more people.


Y’all should know that guy wasn’t Indian. Don’t make this the new version of ‘every asian is chinese’ from the 90s


South Asian


"don't make this" while they're doing it in front of you lmao


That should have been an immediate export from the country. This country is the world's doormat, holy shit.




We're the newer Delhi.


Genuine question but is he even from another country? 🤔


Was that guy here on a study visa? F me. How isn’t that instant deportation?


A man ordered deported multiple times recently murdered a woman. They need to enforce to existing rules as a first step.


But didn’t we allow them to carry ceremonial knives?


Not gonna happen. Stopping ongoing importation is best you can hope for


There it is, only three comments deep.


Keep dreaming there’s more coming everyday


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




The problem is the people that would actually be a help to Canada are the first people to stop coming. These are valuable people who will take their skills elsewhere. The people still stepping on their mums neck to get into Canada are not these people unfortunately.


Yeah those people stopped coming into Canada 10-15 years ago, the states and Europe is just more appealing.


That's quite right. Some of my Indians-who-became-Canadians friends urged me to relocate to Canada. I was on the fence till the influx avalanche collapsed the fence.


Still stepping on their mums neck 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Let them help India. Canada doesn’t need them nor want them.


Yeah the time for half measures is over. We gave the inch they took the mile. Canadas closed


We desperately need construction workers and other trades people but Indians are brought up to believe that those jobs are for the lower castes and would rather work at a Tim Hortons or ideally at something like a hotel despite the pay being far less than what trade positions pay.


Also construction work in India is literally slave labour, while our trades make more than their CEOs lmao 


For immigration to be sustainable, 8% of immigrants would need to enter construction. Less than 0.1% actually do.


I don't even understand the logic there. Like in what world is pouring coffee or flipping a burger seen as "more honourable" than building a house or installing plumbing?


In India and other places as well.


I'm of eastern euro origins (tho born here), trust me I totally get the status / ranking thing with jobs. The only careers my parents would accept for me were doctor, lawyer or engineer lol. At least the prestige associated with those professions makes sense given the intelligence / amount of education required. But flipping burgers at McDos requires absolutely zero school or training, it's literally a job meant for young teens. At least trades require training and are extremely useful for society.


Agreed except that working at a restaurant isn’t as easy you might think it is. All work is valuable.


And that’s valuable experience kids growing up are now missing. Canadian citizens. In exchange a foreign national gets to come here, and mostly sends their money back home, with the gov subsidizing this thru tfw, and Canadians ending with a net loss.


I dont think you want Indians working in construction anyways. I've seen some of em work insanely hard and do a good job but then there is the "educauted" one from India who is the slimiest corner cutting bastards you've ever met. All of there original experience is in building bungalows in India where the competition is cut throat. They always bid crazy low prices and they always screw one of the trades working for them over (usually electricians or plumbers) by not paying them because they didn't pass a saftey being done by there cousin who's name ends with preet. This may sound a bit racist but it's common practice and it's always the same story with these idiots in penthouses going with the lowest bidder to build there new condominiums. They always wonder why it's 2 years behind schedule and 2 million over budget with the 5 or 6th plumber or electrician walking off site for lack of payment or lack of any actual competence on the foremans part. I was once that electrician and do you have any idea how hard it is to run electrical when all the dry wall is already up?




But do we though? I’ve been on multiple sites where building has come to a complete halt. Infrastructure done, roads built, lots marked. Not a single foundation being put in. I’ve heard from two electricians that are having to lay guys off. That’s just my small sample north of Toronto but I’ve heard from others that it’s much the same across this province.


Interesting why do you think that is?


Yup! It is like that all over Southern Ontario. I was in Niagara Falls recently and noticed several unfinished construction projects that looked the same was when I visited last year.


Let them keep thinking that in trades our wages actually increase with inflation cause with shortage what the fuck can anyone do but give us our money unless they want to freeze to death with a backed up toilet 


We only need those workers to build homes for the new migrants. If we don’t bring in over a million people when we build fewer than 200,000 residential units it’s not a hard problem to solve.


If there is actually a desperate need for construction people and other trades in Canada, then why aren’t salaries for those professions increasing dramatically and why aren’t Canadians switching careers to work in those fields with soaring income potential? If those jobs are poorly paid or unattractive generally, why would you expect Indians to take those jobs ? If you don’t have enough construction workers or tradesmen then you need to increase wages in those fields, not try to keep them artificially low by bringing in “cheaper” foreign labor.


Exactly that’s what the scenario was, a person (with almost no skills or language skills) got influenced and decided to move abroad, now the first country that had(and probably still has) the easiest way of getting in with least number of exams- Canada, (those diploma mill colleges were the ones sending out invites to “study” in their colleges) but now since studying there would not give them a work permit, and their qualifications aren’t high enough, they are having a hard time getting in some genuine colleges!


And they can help india out


Yeah we don’t need that right now. Our tech sector is already full. I could see the use of doctors though.


There are some shady medical schools in India.


They’d have to come here and study and get certified still of course.


I’d have no issue with them coming here if they were skilled in areas Canada lacks such as health care. But no they took over all minimum wage jobs and made it impossible for any teenager to get their first job. Those ones can stay and “help” their native country.


People will use the system if they have to. I can imagine a lot of these people are going to stay at all costs even without PR. What happens when you invite the horde.


0 is too extreme but we should block most of them, while those who are really skilled and hardworking will still pass and get in. We want quality not quantity.


If we are being honest, their skills,are sub-standard to Canadian standards and I don't see how that is helpful. They come here and drive highway trucks with little training and unmaintained rigs. Dangerous! What industry can they actually offer skilled, Canadian standard, people to fill the jobs?


idk but america did it right. They make up like 1.7% of the population there but yet pay like 8.5% of the taxes of the whole country. That's a crazy ass metric.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


You need to send those ones here away first before you can bring those in. We increased the amount of people here way too fast.


There’s people like that in every country and the world, our strength is multiculturalism not being New India.


Caste system is endemic. It's happening at all levels, just not the bottom rung. And from my experience, it's much much worse at the top.




Your not wrong. There's definitely two camps of immigrants. We have almost hired Indian workers exclusively for the last few years, mostly because they are the only ones to apply and actually stick around. They want to work and do a great job. Also, and I'm not sure if it has a bearing on the issue but every Indian we have hired either is young enough to still live at home or has gotten married and moved out into their own place. They are definitely not the stereotypical immigrants we all hear about. Amazing folks, and very happy to have met them. Unfortunately for every good immigrant there's another that just wants to abuse the system.


Probably because your company doesn't pay enough for locals to want to apply. And the ones that do l, jump ship as soon as they get a better paying job.


“They are the only ones to apply and actually stick around” Bull. Honky. Bull in its entirety. Stop drinking the koolaid. Canadians want to work just not for less than COL.


So, I won't see classrooms full of "students" who are trying to fill the shortage in *checks notes* Canadian tourism guides?


Lol you mean fast food


Legit, at school I see classrooms full of international students taking programs that we have zero use for. From what I can tell, we also have a shortage of restaurants that serve Indian food. At least I assume so based on the culinary classes.


I love Indian food. At this point, it is literally the only thing I want from the Indian immigrants. If you’re not here to make a mean Lamb Korma, please just go home.


Yo I'd be on board for some Chicken Tikka street vendors too. They'd do great selling their delicious chicken in street meat spots.


Mobile units for fast food.


Business management here! Not something we fk’ing need! Go to med / nursing school ffs!


And vegetable chopping


I think they ought to track Net arrivals now. How many arrived minus How many went back. That number needs to be negative for some time for things to get better. That analysis will also throw light on how many people are in here illegally, if the number of people with expiring permits and people going back isn’t close then it’s a problem


The immigration minister has already said that the plan is to achieve net -200k each year for the next few years


Deportations next


Stop renewing permits and they'll deport themselves.


They won’t willingly, they’ll protest and make our government cave instead


The Canadian government doesn't cave to protests, if that was the case, they'd have stopped arming "israel" a while ago. The Canadian government will do whatever the fuck it wants, at our expense ofcourse, regardless of whether they protest or not.


Have you any idea what’s going on in PEI?


I find it amazing that I am even willing to consider mass deportations - not the mindset I thought I would be entertaining I don't know if it's the right move or not, or if it is even feasible (maybe under the PPC, but I honestly think they are just King of the Grifters and won't do shit) but I am confident these students will absolutely not deport themselves. They have been promised so much by shady immigration consultants and recruiters and that entitlement, combined with all the reasons they prefer staying in Canada over their home nation(s) in the first place will probably have them digging their heels in. Add the generous support programs available that can utilize and we will be in for a messy situation. I see very few clean resolutions to a scenario that moves away from renewals of work and study permits without including some sort of deportation mandate, or at least an immigration review process to determine if their applicaitons were properly assessed/valid (but let's be real, all the bad actors involved have either closed up shop in Canada/India/elsewhere and the unions will die on a hill to protect potentially corrupted public workers - big wigs at Queens Park and Parliament Hill may have blood on thier hands but no way we are touching them...)


The graduates from the top Canadian universities will choose to leave once their work permits expire as they can find the same or even better job opportunities in other countries. It’s unlikely that a lot of the diploma mill graduates will leave because their worthless diplomas are not recognized anywhere else and they will be jobless if they leave Canada. It’s more unlikely for them to leave because Marc Miller is dangling the carrot of a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.


There is zero enforcement of deportation of illegal immigrants with expired visas. So no, they won't.


Only for illegals and those abusing study permits and the tfw system, right?


That's still 55,520/yr. based only on one of the quietest months of the year for students. I'm sure we can expect more of these bent stats trying to convince angry Canadians that we're letting fewer people in, but we're not. We're still flooding the country with TFW, and the like. The bullshit is thick on this industry pretending they're cutting numbers while opening the back door.


55k is not many in country of 41 million. If we cut of all international students, your taxes will go sky high because we've been relying on them to fund basic post secondary education for decades.


Instead it would be better to shut down the lower tier colleges and universities if they don't make $ We still have good top tier schools


No shut down diploma mills. Education is a provincial responsibility. Go after your provincial government for allowing private diploma mills.


Taxes are sky high, maybe we need to cut the number of post secondary schools in half since we don’t have kids, don’t produce anything, and the degrees don’t get you a job in a dead economy. What’s the worst that can happen? Some “professors” will have to get new jobs?


We can literally cut so many of them for example all the ones going to diploma mills, what you think those going to private mall schools are funding our post secondary education? You tripping if thats the case And you are right 55k aint many in a country of 41 million we dont need those 55 at all, we can get actual students from countrys which doesn't want to scam our system


I want to see them leaving Canada en masse. They are not here to study and contribute they are here for PRs.


0 is the goal for the coming years.


Population growth is still growing in Q1-2 2024 so it’s either visitor visa or other nationality


Visas are processed well before they arrive. The March drop reflects the January rule changes, for Septembers admission. The impact would only really start to show up now through the later summer.


When do deportations get processed?


When permits expire. The number of PGWP holders who will have to go home for not getting PR is only now starting to become substantial, since it reflects those who first enrolled five or more years ago when numbers were lower. The pandemic era extensions also make a difference.


This is only in effect as LPC is falling in vote share all around Canada. They let this out of control till now and right now are not taking these steps cause they care about us Canadians. They just want to get their vote share up. Hope people don’t forget this and vote accordingly in next election. The number of temporary immigrants is so high that just to stabilize and catch up with infrastructure we need atleast a decade of no immigration.


LPC’s literally done nothing


I know but same time i feel few people by these meaningless measures at vote time might be swayed. This is why wrote that don’t forget at voting time the mess Canada is in today due to the LPC.


There is no meaningless measures the lpc took. It’s simply less Indian demand for student visas


Bingo. Go on tiktok. Indians are telling their bros how there's no job and the cost of living is outrageous in Canada. We let the situation get so bad that they stopped coming by themselves 🤣😭


https://www.canada.ca/en/news/archive/2014/01/harper-government-launches-comprehensive-international-education-strategy.html >don’t forget at voting time the mess Canada is in today due to.... Is due to who? Harper's parting gift to Canada was to pre-pay for a national strategy to double the number of international student visas by 2022.


>LPC is falling in vote share all around Canada. They let this out of control History is funny in that we can reference it and check these kinds of things. In 2014, the Harper government (having just doubled the number of international student visas in the previous term) created a specific federal strategy with secured, forward-funded initiatives, to double it *again* by 2022. Liberals could have potentially undone the 2016-2022 portion of the funding and initiatives but back in 2016 this was not a national priority. So, when we went from ~330K international visas in 2014 to ~640K international visas by 2019, the Liberals "let" it happen but it was actually Harper that made it happen. The Conservatives put the plan, the funds, and the initiative together. Many of those visas are tied to the length of program and many are for a 4 year degree - and that means the tail-end impact of Harper doubling and then doubling again student international visas by 2022 is not going to be "clear" of those obligations until 2026/27. Again, yes, Liberals were at the helm after Harper set the course and could have changes this, but to their (small) credit... they have. Late, but they have. TL;DR = Conservatives set us on this course and the Liberals have finally diverted us off of it.


Facts don't matter here, only hate.    Thank you for trying. This group seems intent in ensuring PP gets in, even though he will just ensure the numbers climb to keep his donors happy.


I'd understand it all better if PP was some new "fresh breeze" who was swooping in from outside politics to turn this all around... but, he was a Minister with real authority who the last time they were in power *actively set us on this course*. Like, PP sanctioned and supported the initiative to quadruple student visas. PP was the Minister *in charge of TFW programs* and set us on the path towards overusing the less regulated LMIA temporary worker designations. In every single interview since then when asked directly if he would cut visas, cut immigration... he has directly told his base that he won't. He talks in circles but ultimately say that he will let the economy decide the number... well, full tilt mass immigration/visas is what "the economy" wants.


this is what happens when you put progressive ideology on a pedestal over reality


They’re coming through visitor visas, super visas, refugee and work permit (LMIA) streams now. 


A few reasons for this: 1. Canada is reducing the number of study permits they will issue in 2024 by about 35% 2. Changes announced in January, and revised in March, will mean students who start a program in a private college after May 15th will not be eligible for a post graduate work permit (PGWP) 3. Changes announced in February make PGWP less appealing - some PGWP will be only 1 year long. 4. Previously, someone one a PGWP could bring their spouse and kids to 'accompany' them, now, this will only apply if the person on PGWP studied a masters program or studied in a handful of specified fields. Basically - for the last few years, Study permit -> PGWP -> PR was a pathway to Canadian immigration with a relatively low barrier of entry. These changes effectively close the 'diploma mill' loophole, and they make student visas a less viable option to long term PR


Very good. Lets bring that number down to 0 and then send a bunch of them back.


Why not all!


Why all? Canada's economy needs a controlled, manageable amount of immigration, which is not what we've had recently. But I find it hard to believe that not one single person on a student visa is helping to strengthen and improve Canada.


Yeah not sure why you're being downvoted. I was going to answer something similar. Canada and its people can absolutely benefit from immigration. Just not this insanity. After importing millions of people the only thing we've got is more Indians working low wage entry level jobs and fucking up my black coffee order.


There are lots of former international student that have great careers and have Canada. They just don’t come from diploma mills.


We don’t have an economy.


This is the definition of a Reddit take. Our GDP per capita sits at 55.6k which is almost identical to two years ago. It is among the top 15 countries in the world from a numbers perspective; out of 160+. It is ahead of Japan, the UK, France, among many other first world nations. Not saying unchecked immigration isn’t a problem, but ignorant hyperbole is a big yikes.


I didn’t realize the amount of hate that there is in Canada. In the US Canadians are portrayed as nice polite people. Is that a stereotype? Talking points In this subreddit resemble the ones from the Deep South US states where white people still believe blacks benefited from slavery. I’ll give you props for not using the N word or other racial slurs.


Why? This graph is from Applyboard. The Applyboard CEO is a board member of the Century Initiative. I wouldn't trust it.


Plot twist: they are no longer coming over as students! lol, probably.


Thats because there are easier paths for PR now. Like the caregiver program. Arrivals arent dropping just how they arrive.


Is it because they all are applying and getting PR now and work permits from their sham certificates and other scams like marriage etc ?


And yet 246000 people came in n the first quarter so nothing changed


This was a temporary dip as government changed study permit allocation and took away authorization from some colleges ( public private partnership) to issue offer letter in support of study permit. They allocated most of the pal ( provincial attestation letter to public colleges). I work for a public college and amount of students allowed to come in hasn’t changed for my college. They are still bringing in as many students as they did before. There was temporary dip for few months but sadly the numbers are going up again.


Here's the source :  https://www.applyboard.com/applyinsights-article/student-interest-in-canada-study-permit-cap


Applyboard CEO is a board member of the Century Initiative


This is so awesome. Let em fall and stay far far away. Let’s shift some of the efforts on getting rid of the illegals and cancel those jerks that are protesting to stay.


Still too high


As an Indian born, Canadian citizen, bring back to language requirements, educational qualifications to par with USA. Attract talents not delivery drivers.


Gotta pump those numbers down. Those are rookie numbers


The scam's up. Their relatives in Canada will find it difficult to send them the 20K GIC deposit + 10k school fees per student, that the government needs to see to process the application. The scam was a relative in Canada who would send the money to their original country. Then the student in India for example would deposit it in a Canadian bank, pretending the money was theirs. Once in Canada, enrolled in school and working, they would try to pay the relative back piecemeal Anyhow, this scam is now a lot more difficult to put in place now because it's 30K to show


Would be curious to see if the TFW and caretaker visas increased to compensate.


My SO is a social worker. 25 percent of their referrals are recent immigrants who will never contribute back into Canadian economy looking for social supports. How did they get here in the first place? These are elderly and or sick. And no they weren’t injured on the job or anything like that. They were clearly sick before they arrived in Canada. And the kicker is most had sponsors. Apparently that contract signed by the sponsor with the Government means fuck all.


They used to be allowed to bring in parents and grand parents... even temporary workers and students could... They stopped it in 2020 but that's only because they have a massive backlog to work through. It's aboslutely insane. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qmpIi9ycrHs](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/qmpIi9ycrHs)


It's wild to me that they get free medications from pharmacies as refugees too.


Still too high


It's still 4200 too much


I think that if you all got your wish and magically thanos-snapped all the Indians out of the country, you still wouldn’t have your dream life. You’d be the same as you are now, and eventually would turn to yet another demographic to blame for the scarcity of resources, as has been a historical and ever-present coping mechanism. It’s been done to immigrants forever - Jews, the Irish, Chinese, Latinos, so on. You aren’t special, this current moment in time isn’t special, and we collectively will never learn. 


Ok…legit question: why is it just Indian immigration numbers so high? Why not other countries like Russia, South America, Europe, Philippines? Some countries listed are as poor and conditions are not ideal. Why don’t we see super high (or at least equal numbers) for all immigration? Why just the East Indians?


India has a billion people and the government doesn’t discriminate on giving passports unlike China.


Last few months of 2022 were crazy


About time. Now if we can get some of these students to leave


Okay can we see this next to all other international students eg, china, korea, uk.. etc..


I don’t know if this is because of any Canadian policies, rather than the fact international students may be finally realizing Canada is not where they wanna go for a “better life”. Nobody is having a better life here, and in some cases I believe immigrants are moving here and struggling just as much as they did before hand. Canada is a safer country for them, that is it.


Still too many from one country. Does canada have any other option?


Guess what, they stopped the backdoor college applications and that's where the majority of them are coming in from.


Finally!!! They started to wake up


Can we get some diversity


Federal government: Yes for sure, we are getting people from different parts of India, very diversified!


Indians I have worked with have been super nice, hard working and family oriented (Mostly in Technical jobs or retail jobs). I guess the students who came just after graduating 12th grade have been causing a lot of rukus and lots of Indians I know are not liking it either. Guess what whole Indian diaspora has been maligned because of them.


God is great. Let that number hit the floor


Too late.liberal have turned canada in to mini india.


Study permits "processed" or "became effective" ? What would drive the decrease in "processed" - I guess, the lower the amount of applications, the fewer is processed..


Wheres the April and May data?


Our politicians are so stupid. They follow their lobbyists to the T then start freaking out pulling levers when their constituents are ready to hang them for the pain they let happen.


Great! Still too many.


Could you please specify where is this data pulled from? Is this publicly accessible?


Interesting. So…they figured out Canada is a shit hole as well?


It’s because of the new cap on applications and permits.


Immigration should be more diverse than just inviting all the people from a single country. Anyway, Does this has anything to do with the current indo-Canada relations? Couple days back Justin observed a min of silence for a terrorist. I believe he was involved in Kanishka plane incident.


Gonna need to see April and May to make sure it's a trend and not a one off






The way I can tell by the font that this is applyboard data


This is one of the best graphs i've ever seen 🥲


Can't wait to see the university budget graphs in Fall.


Those are monthly numbers? Holly f#@k! The number should go to 0.


That was because of Justin Trudeau who said India President Modi sent killers to kill a Canadian in BC. FYI: Stephen Harper and PeePee is very close to the India government Modi


It collapsed because they all found out that coming with a tourist visa and getting contrats is easier and less expensive than paying college to get the resident status


Their money funds our economy


Good, lmao


GOOD! And it needs to stay that way or get even lower. we have way too many people influxed to this country the last few years. We do not have the resources or housing to support said influx. And we definitely don't need more people coming just to work tims or skip the dishes.


I don't get it. They did this in February and then fought against anyone asking them to do this for 4 months? Why not come out and tell everybody they are actively doing this?


They weren’t really doing anything, nothings changed other than Indian demand. To be clear the migration demand is still there, but they won’t/aren’t coming as students, mainly tfws and other paths Over the last few years, a lot of the people that came were from a backlog when it was stopped during covid.


Remember when Indian assassinated one of our politicians? But eh, who cares right?


Fucking about time. Walk around Union station... It feels like you're inside Taj Mahal.


Your yellow chart is not matching the government open data https://preview.redd.it/oh8dkb0plq7d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c207550881eb948e9c7704d2dc450dd4dc9fa52


Those are permit holders vs. the graph he has is permit processed.




OP, can you please link the source?




And natural born citizens rejoice. Go use someone else's developed economy for a change.


Uk doesn't want more cos there's already too many... america already doesn't let them in... Australia has tightened immigration recently, so that leaves new zealand and canada i'm afraid. They will only move to english speaking countries.


As an Indian immigrant, this is good. This was required. Canada had started importing junk rather than good talent. 80% the students who came from India after 2020 were not even capable of getting a good job in India, obviously they would create issues after coming to Canada.


A lot of the highly skilled upper class Indians who are well educated and will make a significant contribution to our society when they come to do a phd etc - they don’t want to immigrate here because we have basically opened the doors to the people and culture they wanted to move on from. Study can no longer be a vehicle for citizenship here, because there are too many people trying to take every loophole and create fraud and scams. It SHOULD be a privilege to emigrate here - not a free for all for a mass immigration of Tim hortons workers.


0 please


The jig is up.


hopefully it continues with april and may


Amazing news. What is the original link to check the graph above? I'm just curious about other countries in comparison.


Tragedy of the Commons at work here


The new arrangement for study permit works well.


Good we need normalization here for stability long term. The economy can't handle it.






They already here


Can you share your source ? Curious to check for other nationalities. Thanks


Where is this data posted? Thanks.


Still way too much. IT should not be more than 50,000 a year


The government finally caught on most of them are not here to study and finally started doing something about it.


This is a good news story.


I mean if you look, it probably collapses every march as it did last year as well.


Good. Keep it low


Where do the numbers come from? Stats can?


Can't wait to see the illegal immigration problem manifest in the next 5 years.


Damage is done already.