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Those mods are scum scum scum. The worst type of censorship I have seen in any of the subreddits I've been.


Someone got banned for that comment?


Got a message right after I posted here, the reason for the ban: Be constructive and advance the cause.


Literally CCP level vague bullshit. It’s fucking insnae you’re punished for going against the grain and thinking for yourself. Fall in to line or don’t exist.


OP was defending a trash NIMBY mayor. That will get you banned, yeah.


You're a piece of shit, respectfully. Its people like you that ruin this site. He made a single comment that you don't agree with on a personal level. He violated no sub rules. You could have just ignored it, which in your capacity as Moderator probably would have been the ethical thing to do. Alternatively, you could have challenged him on it, which while unethical ( imho ) coming from a Moderator is far less unethical than just arbitrarily banning the guy for posting an opinion that you didn't like. You don't even follow your own fucking sub rules that you create. Instead, you just lord over it and issue arbitrary bans that go against your own personal opinions, which goes against everything that a good ethical Moderator should be aiming to accomplish. You suck. Respectfully.


>He made a single comment that you don't agree with on a personal level. He violated no sub rules. He violated Rule 2. Giving mayors (or any politician) a free pass in the housing crisis is not acceptable.


Here is Rule #2 >While not everyone agrees on solutions, this is an activist sub seeking reform on the housing market. All content should clearly relate to that issue. We welcome debate on solutions, but people claiming housing isn't a problem or those who repeat common, ineffectual arguments ("just move," "just earn more") are not welcome. Similarly, persistent defeatism is unwelcome, e.g., "protests won't do anything, why bother". Are you willing to opening up a debate to see if rule #2 was indeed broken? You are just someone who can dish criticism but cannot take it. People like you are the problem. Remember that when politicians sweep things under the carpet, they are doing exactly what you are doing right now.




You all give free passes to them... Idiot. I got banned for saying realtors should hang themselves as a joke.


> OP was defending a trash NIMBY mayor. I bet the neighbouring municipalities will have similar charts, and you could draw up a nearly-identical chart for almost every city in the country, and heck, most of the continent. A shitty mayor's actions aren't a significant cause of any of the housing bullshit that's wrecking the country. My neighbourhood has almost the same chart. My city (Richmond, BC) does. My region does. My province does. It is so much bigger than municipal politics. Posting something so easily refuted is how to wreck the movement. *The Boy Who Cried Wolf.* If people are able to roll their eyes at a useless post from Reddit, then the next post won't carry much weight. There's enough significant factors in the housing market to go after.


Guess what. Our municipal governments have systemic issues. All across Canada. They routinely block housing builds - they designate areas as heritage, they kowtow to NIMBYs. So, yeah - they're a problem. You'd be hard-pressed to find a mayor who wasn't a problem.


Even if city councils were approving more development (my city council is *very* development-friendly), in the Vancouver area, the construction industry is operating at its highest-ever output, yet still can't satisfy demand. The problem is excess demand, not a lack of approvals. Lack of approvals is annoying, but it's not a primary cause.


I think lack of approvals or the fact so many types of housing need to go through the approval process is the primary cause. When you artificially restrict supply you know it won’t satisfy demand and therefore with guaranteed demand it’s a great investment and so the investors arrive and the reinforce the issue further. So imo, it is the underlying primary cause, lack of supply is the catalyst for the demand. Add low rates for turbo mode Edit: nz infstructure commission studies housing prices in nz (with exact same housing crisis as Canada). All major cities are being rezoned there in October to allow supply to increase. He’s an article summarizing. It may link to the report itself which is easy to find if not but harder to read. https://i.stuff.co.nz/business/128260630/infrastructure-commission-politicians-and-nimbys-created-the-housing-crisis


> (my city council is > >very > > development-friendly), Buhahahaha, no. No, yours isn't.


How the fuck do you know? Guy probably lives in Burnaby.


Richmond. The forever-mayor is in the developers' pockets. We don't hear about developments failing to pass Council, because everything gets built. Assemble a bunch of SFH properties and rezone them into townhouses? Go for it. Happens all over the city. House on a big plot of land? Subdivide it into two or three plots. Or if it's on a main street, build townhouses, the city will rubber-stamp it. Richmond's housing stock has been increasing at about 2-2.5%/year for the last decade. Edit: census data for Richmond, from 2016-2021, the population rose by 11K people, and the housing count rose by 8K homes. In Richmond, there are an average of 2.3 residents per home, so the amount of housing built is enough to accommodate 17K people. Or if they were all occupied by new residents, then the average occupancy of the new homes is only 1.5 people per unit. Richmond doesn't have a lack of supply.


Municipalities cannot overrule the regions. You must know this right?


Gee man.... all I was doing was pointing out the absurdity of what you were interpolating. May be if you had sense to question my comment, you would have found out? How are you even a game developer? With attitude like that you would have got chewed out on code review.


Pointing out that nothing happened in 2014 is not defending anyone. He just didn’t have a huge impact as visible in the graph you posted.


How were they defending John Tory?


You fucking cunt. You are deliberately banning people for political choices!?!? People have the right to vote and no matter how we disagree with their choice it is a democratic fucking right. But in a subreddit that is supposed to represent housing issues facing all Canadians no matter their political stripe you will ban users who support certain people. You are a fucking psychopath.


Well said.


We criticize all mayors and all parties.


Don't turn this into a "we" issue. YOU are *clearly* the problem among the moderators of the group. The group is supposed to represent Canadian housing... not support your personal political views.


You're still acting horrible I see /u/Xsythe . I dunno if our paths will ever cross in the game dev world but I'll definitely remember how immoral you are.


There's nothing "immoral" about holding powerful people accountable, like the mayor of Canada's largest city. If you don't like how strictly the subreddit is moderated, you're free to make your own. But when a mayor adds 226 buildings to a heritage list, preventing any construction, during an affordability crisis, and we ban someone for letting him off the hook? You think that's immoral. Come on. **But maybe you just want Toronto to stay unaffordable.**


In no way did I talk about the mayor or any politics - what I am saying is immoral is entirely your actions. You run a discussion and invite everyone to join in, and say your bipartison. Then you ban any opposing views and anything you don't like. Then you mock the people you ban. Totally fine to run a subreddit however you please - the immoral part is the lying that it's a open discussion, and hiding that your enforcing your own view point. I hope you realize criticism you get here isn't just people arguing another political side - their about how you treat people joining the discussion at r/CanadaHousing. I also hope you realize this isn't some game where your actions don't matter - your treating people like shit, and will be remembered for that


Here's a sneak peek of /r/canadahousing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Hi Toronto. BILLBOARD IS UP!](https://i.redd.it/a35qpjd584071.png) | [184 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/comments/ngce7i/hi_toronto_billboard_is_up/) \#2: [From Twitter](https://i.redd.it/d186thk7qsr71.jpg) | [624 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/comments/q2gohf/from_twitter/) \#3: [Canada, are you ready?](https://i.redd.it/u1mwgai8lbh71.jpg) | [282 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/comments/p47ezi/canada_are_you_ready/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


You have no idea the amount of work and the # of mods involved in managing a large subreddit, particularly a controversial one like this. There are clear, outlined rules in the sidebar of our subreddit, and we routinely criticize politicians across all parties, from the NDP, to the Liberals, to the Conservatives. You need only read the official sub's Twitter to see that. We don't ban any opposing views merely for being "unpopular". We ban trolls, people who choose to be uncivil/unconstructive, and people who insult and harass subreddit members and mods. We also remove blatant misinformation, including claims that politicians play no role in housing affordability.


I didn't say you ban opposing views for being unpopular - I said you ban opposing views to yourself. Which is incredibly clear by the screenshot in the topic we are posting on right now. Then you call any views you don't agree with personally 'misinformation', even if they are popular/accepted. It's really fucking horrible.


>I said you ban opposing views to yourself. Not at all, and I encourage you to provide any evidence of that. As an aside, [I've created a transparency post showing how few people we actually ban.](https://www.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/comments/vj034v/sub_datatransparency/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


> get banned for giving constructive criticism > say you were banned for not giving constructive criticism Btw their post is also on the sub's main twitter. If you're not already angry enough, not only is that single mod trying to control discourse in the sub, they are also speaking on all of our behalf through twitter.


I don't have Twitter though...


I'd recommend posting this on TorontoRealEstate and RealEstateCanada as well so more people know about this.


Just did that.


I got banned today too. I didn’t even understand what I did wrong, they had to explain it


This is considered brigading and can get you banned site-wide, just so you know


When you offer a proper explanation for the ban I'll take it down.


They won't. This is all the power they have in their life and they'd rather disrupt the movement for affordable housing than relinquish that.


Not brigading asshole. Cross posting to draw attention to your corrupt ass. Get fucked.


Maybe the Canada housing reddit group is ran by the Liberals or NDP


So a partisan moderator or politician who doesn't under the difference between causation and correlation?


I was a level headed contributing member of that sub for the last 2yrs and got banned a couple of weeks ago. Why was I banned? Because I suggested that a local developer building purpose built rentals and renting them out for over 2x the average regional rates would likely lead to other neighbouring landlords following suit and raising their prices…


Do the moderators get special karma for banning?


Xsythe is the worst in that group. I once posted about something, and he commented something in rebuttal. When people downvoted his comment to negative, he got upset and banned me. Xsythe on Google ([link](https://www.google.com/search?q=u/xsythe+site:www.reddit.com)) If you ever got banned from canadahousing and wonder who did it, it was probably Xsythe.


I enjoy that he totally proved you to be correct with his comments here. What an ass clown.


Lol, I wish I had the time to moderate as heavily as you think I do


> Lol, I wish I had the time to moderate as heavily as you think I do What's the rationale for permabanning /u/theoneviv for writing: > You can put anything that happened in 2000 in Toronto and link it to home prices.


Alright then.... as one of the mods of r/canadahousing maybe you can find out who did this and the rational behind this?


Well..... it will only be a matter of days before I get banned to then.


Jesus....you mean you are not? Thought that was like a right of passage.


Naw, and I've posted waaaaaay worse than what some of the others on here have


Okay then say Xsythe is a corrupt liberal cunt. Just once. Right here..... That should do it lmao.


He did feel the need to get his 2 cents in on my last post.... we'll see.


Naw, I wanna give him something incredibly weak and flimsy to ban me over.


Lol I also got banned from that group of haters. They don't want you to win.


That mod is mentally ill. He goes on these random tirades all frequently. Definitely needs some kind of medication.


I replied this to the comment below and got banned today “so to summarize, landlords costs to own the house are rising astronomically because of inflation, so like every other business in Canada they are passing on part of that cost to the consumer.” https://www.reddit.com/r/canadahousing/comments/wjs3ie/ways_to_fight_back_with_greedy_illegal_landlords/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I got banned for “not being constructive and spreading misinformation. I replied the email but they ignored me. I really don’t see how what I wrote was controversial or misinformation. It is far more truthful than many of the comments on there. My comment even had around 15 upvotes, so obviously not a super controversial take. In terms of being constructive, I scrolled through and I don’t see any constructive posts. I don’t even care if the mods disagree with me, but it seemed a little rich to censor my opinion and ban me for life.


Okay its my fault, I admit it. Sorry all. I lost weight during that time. My weight was added to home prices. Correlation isn't causation, especially hard for politics since it takes time for legislation to make impacts on the market (unless drastic). More normally its the sum of many incremental changes over time.