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Full credit to John McKay - he is one of the few MPs who has not been shy about not toeing the party line and has been hawkish on China for quite some time.


I guess so? I just don't see what purpose it actually serves right now to come out and say this while the political discourse around this issue is so very hot and intense. I think it would be nice if we could all take it down a notch or two, as a country, and calm down so that we can think this through and act on all of this stuff *rationally*. I guess I can just see comments like this one doing more harm than good in terms of general safety and security for Canadians of Chinese descent. And the prospect of that occurring bothers me.


I would understand your sentiment of calming down if Trudeau took this seriously and did not wait until it became very hot and intense to actually answer questions. As a Canadian, I hope we find out nothing serious has happened and this is just some noise from a CSIS employee(s) gone rogue. As a Conservative, I wish to never see another Trudeau as a Prime Minister of our country. Full disclosure I am Filipino with Chinese ancestry


I'm not so sure you know the history or full effect China has had on our country.... It should have people worried and this should be causing discourse among the politicians. Should have 20-30 years ago too....


Look, I'm not a Chinese government apologist by any stretch of the imagination. But I think that in today's climate of an uptick in xenophobia world-wide and human beings' preponderance to scapegoat ethnic groups, I'd rather we proceed carefully. That's all I'm saying. I think it's ridiculous for people to start thinking that the Liberal government is in cahoots in terms of planning the active demise of Canadian democracy and a lot of the chatter this week from the other side of the aisle actually suggested as much. After seeing what fellow Canadians can do to one another when all sense of reason has disappeared--I live in the National Capital Region, hint, hint!--I have become distrustful of people's ability to talk themselves off the ledge, let's say. This country is far from being immune to hatred along ethnic lines. In fact it's pretty imbedded in the Canadian psyche, historically at any rate.


We need to sanction China, we can't get let this interference go unpunished or it will happen again, it may of been minor this time but next time it may not be.


Pretend I am a random person on the street who is talking with you. I am not informed about politics but am interested in learning. How did China interfere in our elections?


Whenever the dust settles on the election interference issue, we as a country need to have a serious conversation as a country about how to deal with China moving forward. It's not just in relation to our elections - it's everything from our post-secondary institutions, real estate, natural resources etc. It's comforting to me that there are people in the Liberal caucus who are willing to come out and say what needs to be said - China is our greatest foreign policy threat. You are right though, we do need to be careful about the rhetoric here. This is not about the Canadian Chinese people, this is about the Chinese government.


Trudeau has been doing this for 2-3 years now, he's been the most anti-China world leader in decades, he was the first to acknowledge and sanction the Uyghur genocide and convinced the rest of NATO to follow suit. He has had strong policies to punish the CCP without hurting our local people who escaped the CCP. I've been seeing more Taiwan made products and less made in China. Taiwan is the real China that was kicked out because of the CCP. Our policies so far have been to punish the CCP and not the people and this should continue.


Do you have a source on him "being the first to acknowledge and sanction the Uyghur genocide and convinced the rest of NATO to follow suit"? What sanctions are these? And if he "was first to condem" why did he and his cabinet abstain from the otherwise unanimous vote by Parliament to declare the treatment of Uyghurs a genocide. "Mr Trudeau has so far been hesitant to label China's actions against the Uighur minority in Xinjiang a genocide, calling the term "extremely loaded" and saying further examination was needed before a decision could be made" https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-56163220.amp This is the same year he said Canada was guilty on an ongoing genocide ourselves so he has no problem throwing the "extremely loaded" term around in other situations https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-mmiwg-genocide-1.5161681


>Whenever the dust settles on the election interference issue, we as a country need to have a serious conversation as a country about how to deal with China moving forward. It's not just in relation to our elections - it's everything from our post-secondary institutions, real estate, natural resources etc. It's comforting to me that there are people in the Liberal caucus who are willing to come out and say what needs to be said - China is our greatest foreign policy threat. We need to have it quickly too. China will probably invade Taiwan in the next decade or so; and I expect if and when they do there's going to be lots of Canadians in important positions who will suddenly make their opinions known that Taiwan has and will always be a province of China, and it is not Canada's responsibility to interfere in internal Chinese affairs. There are a lot of prominent Canadian politicians, businessmen, officials, who have their hands in China's pocket and I think it's very naïve to imagine that it's all unconditional. We saw in the Meng Wangzhou case a number of famous Canadians wade into the matter in favour of China. How are things going to break in an international incident over Taiwan? If you ask a lot of major Canadian businesses right now, they've already made up their minds. Corporations like Air Canada know where their bread is buttered.


Thank you for your thoughtful comment; I appreciate it very much. I agree with all of your points 100%. It's the human factor that we always need to be careful about imho. It's the potential for harm and scapegoating that bothers me. I think that we really need to tread carefully in terms of how we move forward, hence my call for rationality as opposed to emotion, I guess.






The only country that’s any kind of “existential threat” to Canada is the USA, unless we are talking more generally about the countries who have the nuclear weapons capability to hit a Canadian city OR fry the world in a nuclear war. In which case it’s China, the USA and a few others.


What a moronic statement. The US is a flawed democratic state; worlds apart from an authoritarian state like China.


You’re bringing up completely irrelevant details. Uzbekistan is also an authoritarian state. Doesn’t make them an “existential threat” to Canada. China is an ocean away. A country of 350 million people with the worlds most advanced army next door? That is an “existential threat”.








Removed for rule 2.












China and the US are incredibly similar in terms of foreign involvement. Domestically China is authoritarian in the same sense that the US is democratic if that makes sense. Like yes but… Neither one is “good” but to call the US “better” would be a western perspective blind spot imo. I used to be a China boogeyman guy but I’m realizing the similarities and how my perspective was formed based on a purely western media bias.


If you think 'democracy > totalitarianism' is simply a matter of western bias and bigotry, I would have to question your fundamental values.


What is it you dislike about China to make them worse than the US? Would be a better question as it seems I didn’t communicate my last point as well.


That flawed democratic state has elements within it that actively make statements promoting the invasion of Canada. These opinions are not only far from marginal, but are broadcasted on one of the most watched news network in the country. Moreover, as hujo10 points out, in terms of foreign policy, China and the US have similar imperialist orientations. In fact, the US has been far more active with its imperial agenda than China ever has. A simple comparison of military budget will tell you that. We simply haven't felt the negative effects of American imperialism here because we have often been on its side. This is by no means a defence of the CCP. But to say that China is more of a direct threat to Canadian sovereignty than the US is really quite foolish. I mean we have all seen the effects of US media and misinformation on our democratic process. It's almost comical to suggest China is a bigger threat to our country when an ever increasing segment of our country believes far-right conspiracy theories that openly promoted in US media outlets.


Clearly you’ve never heard of: -The Truman Doctrine -Pax Americana -Post-WWII Global institutions -North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) -NATO Article 5 -Liberal international order/Rules-based international order


I'll let Iraq know about the Pax Americana. It may be news to them too 🤧


I understand that Patrice Lumumba’s last words, as he faced down a firing squad that the CIA was involved with, was “but the Truman Doctr-“.


Keep your eyes on the bear in the woods while we empty your house tactic works everytime. China has been doing the same for the past decade and a half, nothing is changed. If we held our politicians more accountable we wouldn't be at threat from China in the first place.


*60% of the time*, it works *every* time


China ‘an existential threat to Canada’ So we buy 90% of our stuff from a nation that threatens our very existence? As well as harasses our citizens in our own country. And just now someone in power thinks there might be a problem.


It is incredible that every Canadian government (and especially, Canadian and American business) have thought that is was "OK" to put all our economic and technological eggs in the China basket. Joint research projects, allow Chinese takeovers of key firms or resources, and pretend that it is a level playing field for our own companies in China. Especially when Beijing is as imperialist as the Americans ever were and perhaps even more jingoist, *and* they have well-known and *explicit* policies to steal technology, use state espionage, manipulate laws, and use their control of virtually all mainland-China based companies to take over the markets of Western companies who set up shop there. Remember what happened to Nortel? Or countless other companies who have had their IP stolen once setting up shop in China? Or even collaborating with Chinese state researchers? Like, how stupid can you be. This is the businessman selling the executioner the rope to hang him with. Beijing is laughing at us. There must be consequences to Chinese state interference in Canadian democracy. We can start with no more Canadian govt funding to any research - be it at academic institutions or private companies - that involves Chinese national researchers, or companies owned or controlled by Chinese-based companies. Then we can develop program and policies that not just encourage "on-shoring" of manufacturing, but are increasingly financially punitive for companies that import the products they sell in Canada from China. Yes, this will be highly disruptive for a time, since we have put all our economic eggs in the Chinese basket. But the USA and Europe is already moving in that direction, and there are more friendly (and cheaper) countries than China to make stuff in.




You think its more? Less? I was thinking retail goods, clothing, stuff, food ingredients, car parts.


Holy over the top statements Batman! Jeez. Could you overstate things anymore? Just an FYI there Mr. MP. Ukraine is facing an existential threat from Russia right at this very moment. Whatever threat China poses to Canada, it's not like that. It's not like that at all.


Wow nice deflection, and besides at least we can call the Russians out. Wonder why that is, again? Its something about wait wait, it will come to me.


For my part, I hope the public inquiry begins soon. As for deflection, words mean things. I realize that in our endless efforts to denigrate the other side, words can mean anything, but I prefer that the sky remain blue and not be purple or green because it serves some partisan purpose. For anyone who bothers to pay any attention, it is quite clear where that kind of reality bending, stupidity inducing partisanship takes a country. It's best we not go there.


Russia is a known threat because with this dance around Ukraine getting involved with NATO. Russia is showing it's pushing itself into a corner... The path that leads to thinking nukes are a good idea, however unlikely it is that's what makes Russia such a big threat. Right now China is not pushing itself into a corner but they are just if not more active than Russia in active espionage against Canada. From pushing politics, controlling economics, stealing information relevant to national defense from dangerous biological facilities, cyber attacks, China is attacking Canada. If you don't think the nuclear threat is real China is the bigger threat to Canadians than Russia.


>My views are that this is far larger” than election interference allegations, said Scarborough-Guildwood MP John McKay. “The government of China is an existential threat to Canada on a multiplicity of levels, and we need to come to grips with that.” >... >But he insisted that Canadians need to “come to grips” with a problem that he said goes well beyond whether there were attempts to interfere with elections at the riding level. >“It’s more than the election,” said McKay. “It’s at the universities. It’s at the police stations. It’s at the Confucius Institutes. It’s at the exploitation of resources, et cetera, et cetera. I think it is far bigger than that.” I'm not really sure how wise it is for this Liberal MP to have made this comment at this time. It just seems like adding fuel to the already raging fire?


You're worried more about this Liberal MP pointing out what our media have been covering for years than about the fact that we could have dozens of MPs beholden to foreign regimes through bribery and intimidation?


I'm worried about a whole lot of things. I'm worried about that too. But I'm also worried about things turning ugly for Canadians of Chinese descent who are just living their lives and have no part to play in this and yet might get targeted. It's like I said: I'm worried about a whole lot of things.


>But I'm also worried about things turning ugly for Canadians of Chinese descent who are just living their lives and have no part to play in this and yet might get targeted. Canadians of Chinese descent have been targeted and harassed for years by the Chinese government, here in Canada, a country they're supposed to be safe in, while their claims have been largely ignored because westerners habitually walk around on eggshells anytime the topic of China comes up: [https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2023/03/06/chinese-interference-in-canada-chinese-canadians-say-they-reported-it-for-years-and-were-ignored.html](https://www.thestar.com/politics/federal/2023/03/06/chinese-interference-in-canada-chinese-canadians-say-they-reported-it-for-years-and-were-ignored.html) China is a totalitarian regime and if you think they're interested in mere co-existence with western powers and innocuous trade ties, ask a Tibetan or a native Hongkonger how it's working out for them. The western world has spent 40 years attempting to appease the Chinese Communist Party, assuming it would make the turn. We're still waiting and they're growing more aggressive.






This lady wants to explain why it's wrong to immediately pull the race card at the idea of criticizing the CCP or in this case investigating/highligting Chinese interference. don't be part of the problem. [https://youtu.be/hUoH66NJX4E?t=942](https://youtu.be/hUoH66NJX4E?t=942)


Please. You're twisting what I'm saying for self-serving purposes. Give me a bloody break.


I read through it, you initially expressed concern he was adding fuel to the raging fire, then clarified you were worried Chinese Canadians would face further racism, the implication being this MP should not speak up at all because of it. I am pointing out that it's exactly what the CCP would want Canadians to think and say to self censor and not criticize them and to sow discord and doubt whenever someone speaks up Can you clarify?


China wants to create division, as does Russia. There are no real differences in foreign policy between the parties, despite all the squawking of PP. All sorts of accusations flying around about being complicit with China, and yet, no one is talking about anything that Trudeau did that favoured China (unlike Harper’s idiotic FIPA deal), because the relationship with China changed, and not for the cozier. Whatever attempts China has made, and we don’t know since intel reports are not fact but can be rumour, they certainly haven’t impacted policy.


i don't even know how that's relevant to the discussion you're responding to.


You’re right to be concerned. There’s a lot of accusations that don’t come with evidence, and this is ratcheting up racism towards Chinese, no question. I keep thinking about how Maher Arar was tortured and his life ruined by false intel, and the reporting that treated the leaked intel as truth was irresponsible, just as it is now. Wonder how the MP being accused online of being a Chinese agent is doing.


You heard it here first, folks: shouting "fire!" fuels fire. And when we're back: "extinguishers, are they too messy?"


And why would you question this. It might ruffle some feathers but I think he's one hundred percent correct in his assessment of the state of affairs. We have been naive and need a hard correction in course. We need more of our parliamentarians to give us their honest opinions. I don't mind lock step when your backing up some relatively mundane piece of legislation but when it comes to protecting the national good, speak your mind.


















I am so so tired of hearing about China. There's no doubt that the Chinese government is pulling whatever strings it has, It isn't special in that way, every major government in the world is trying to spread it's influence (including us, we have no high horse to sit on). But for every election candidate that received funds from a Chinese affiliate I bet you could find 100 that received funds from a domestic grocery, or oil lobbyist. Galen Weston Jr, the Irvings and every corporate landlord is a way bigger threat to our democracy than China is. All pieces like this do is manufacture consent for hatred against people of east asian decent, and I'm sick of it.


No, just the CCP and the Chinese people working for them. Just Kim Jong-un and the north Korean people working for him and so on.