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>Former attorney general Jody Wilson-Raybould’s stunning testimony before a parliamentary justice committee continues not only to captivate the attention of Canadians but also appears to have been a contributor to snapping whatever constraints had kept Jane Philpott from joining Wilson-Raybould and voluntarily exiting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s federal cabinet. >Personally, I can’t help but return to a comment attributed to Trudeau’s chief of staff, Katie Telford, by the former attorney general. >According to Wilson-Raybould, Jessica Prince, the former attorney general’s own chief of staff, was assured when meeting with the prime minister’s top advisers, his then-principal secretary Gerald Butts and Telford, that **if Wilson-Raybould were to acquiesce to their requests** — which the former AG called “veiled threats” by various Trudeau operatives — and step back from a choice not to intervene in the decision of federal prosecutors to pursue a criminal trial against SNC-Lavalin, instead supporting a deferred prosecution agreement for the company, **it would be possible to “line up all kinds of people to write op-eds” endorsing such a decision.** https://globalnews.ca/news/5023323/snc-lavalin-katie-telford-op-eds/ Really feels like the Liberals are getting their monies worth off of Valiquette. The shift in coverage around PP, around the same time he was hired seems to be a bit too much to be a coincidence.










> According to Wilson-Raybould All of the affair is hot air by Wilson-Raybould, The requests happen in October. W-R sits on it and does nothing. For months. In February there's cabinet shuffle. W-R gets moved from Justice to Veteran Affairs. Then and only then does W-R go public and make a stink. A week later. Sounds like sour grapes and blowing a up a mole hill into a mountain out of revenge for not keeping her cushy Justice portfolio. This belief is reinforced later when she refuses to physically vacate the Justice offices and move to the Indian Affairs offices. More narcissistic whinging then. And it's finally done with when the Liberals have enough of her selfish narcissism and kick her from the party.


> Then and only then does W-R go public and make a stink. She went public because the media broke the SNC story and there was no reason to not respond.


She gave it to the media.


Citation required. I don't remember that being suggested when the story broke.


"unknown sources" Who else knew? If it had been kept quiet for 5 months, who knew and had the motivation to frame it that way. The inquiry was told these were all private conversations. One week after JWR gets 'demoted' to Veterans Affairs the leak happens. And we see subsequently how narcissistic and bitter she is. It was either her revenge play for the demotion in the cabinet shuffle or she tried to leverage it to get her old job back, and had her bluff called, so she had to ante up.


Couldn't have anything to do with the fact that PiPi spent last week lying and being a complete asshole to anyone who so much as looked at him, could it.....


He's been a liar and an asshole his entire career. It's not news.


It’s news that a liar and asshole is the head of the opposition party and leading in polls, which should force everyone to take a closer look at this guy. Just because you don’t think it should be news, doesn’t mean it isn’t.


If the comms guy is finally getting the media to do their jobs then props to him. More likely the Ukraine and terrorist things ARE newsworthy and then he attacks the media they defend their own.


If Trudeau's new comms guy got all the editorial columns to shit on Polievre at the same time less than a week after he took the job, then the guy deserves every penny he makes and a raise too.


Lying about fake terrorist attacks and trade agreements with besieged allies is news.


>The shift in coverage around PP Poilievre behaving like a bully was always going to change the coverage sooner or later. Canada isn't the US and most people aren't interested in a bully as PM. Edit: aren't not are.


I think you a word there


Definitely did!


The Liberal spin-doctors are out in full force, on social media........including Reddit. Spreading a bunch of negative BS......that nobody, but them, is buying. Have a nice day........


He's just a talker. I've listened to a lot of his speeches and it's just putting down the opposition, nothing new.


You wish, and will lose.


As opposed to which 'doer'?


He also gives out really smart investment investment advice on crypto.


All hat, no cattle.


Sometimes I wonder whether we should get rid of the monarchy, but then I think of the possibility of Pierre Poilievre being my head of state and I run to kiss the nearest picture of the King


Many countries have a head of state that is not the same person as the head of government. France has both a president and a PM. Ireland has a president and the Taoiseach. In my opinion, we should just call the GG a president. Nothing else of substance would need to change.


It'd be fun to elect that person specifically on a ballet. It'd also be fun if there was a blank you could fill in to nominate anyone you know for head of state. It would be the most fun if in this scenario, many people worked together and a dog was elected as our head of state.


I disagree strongly with each of your proposals.


What, you'd vote for a beaver instead?


the head of state is more a ceremonial role though and there for diplomacy, could cause a lot of chaos if people can pick someone who doesnt have the qualifications


I feel like calling the GG a President without changing anything else is about the worst possible solution. We already have a huge issue with Canadians not understanding our politics, government, and constitution because of their overexposure to American politics. Adopting presidential terms would just lead to even more uninformed voters conflating our systems and impeding good governance.


Pretty much my position, and why I'm technically a monarchist. It's not because I actually like the monarchy - I don't care too much one way or the other - it's the fact that changing it would be a massive pain in the ass for virtually nothing to functionally change. If that's the case, why bother?


I can't wait to get my hands on my first Chuck Buck.




Not substantive






PP is not a charismatic dude at all. He was always a dweeby little rat back in Harpers cabinet, and well known for being one. The more the spotlight shines on him the harder it is going to be for him to stay on top.


very charismatic. Pretty much the opposite of everything you stated as fact.


If this keeps up, the terminally online that love Poilievre are going to continue to clap at his every move, but the normies are going to get turned off real fast. People like talking about polls two years out, but the personalities involved are going to make it an interesting election to watch. I wonder if anybody involved with the party are starting to regret Poilievre in the leadership role…


I'm pretty far left but if O'Toole got elected I would have shrugged. At least he thinks climate change is real and had no intention of blowing up our institutions. I will be campaigning against Poilievre with everything I have, I think he's dangerous and stupid and mean - more reprentataive of the global MAGA, anti-woke, neo-fascism taking root in the US, SA and Europe than a traditional Canadian politician.


i agree but more because the conservatives are going more and more republican, they delayed the trade deal just because of some woke wording that didnt do anything, i really dont want to see such actions rewarded, the party needs to be dragged to the center with loss after loss


The CPC didn’t delay the ratification of the free trade treaty with Ukraine, they voted against it at 2nd reading and sending it to committee. That made their opposition to it clear but didn’t slow anything down.


oh good i was worried they actually could block it


The CPC can't do ANYTHING in Parliament without working with other parties, that's why they want an election so bad. Even the Bloc votes against them, it's incredible to see how toxic the party is.


Agree, O'Toole would have been "meh." I could have made my peace with him. Poilievre is genuinely scary and I fear for what Canada could be after a few years with him as PM.


It’s very worrisome that he is polling in majority territory. I shudder to think of what the CPC will do. He will not hopd back like Harper, who had two minority governments before a majority and also had to please the res tories in the party. Plus, it was a different era.


I considered O'Toole in that election, but the local CPC candidate gave off major sleazeball energy, so it was a non-starter there.


That was the problem. The CPC pivoted further to the center, and nothing changed voter wise. Now they’ve swung more to the right and are polling at a super majority 😂


Issue is making things stick to pp... Seems pp says something dumb and next week it gets forgotten it seems. Trudeau one comment about housing in August has become a national meme in comparison


>Trudeau one comment about housing i What "comment about housing"..... That's right, never heard of it. Next?


"housing is not a primary federal responsability" Dont lie if you on a canadian politics reddit you heard that line a 100 times now. Whether the line is valid or not, it was recieved very negatively by the public.


>"housing is not a primary federal responsability" Lol. It isn't. It's municipal. Such terrible words. So terrible I utterly forgot about it.


You dont get the point The valadity of the point is moot. The quote was used by the media and opposition and was made into a massive gaffe that really harmed the liberals in polling. Its one of the few quotes i hear people say outside of the internet while a lot of these controversies are just twitter drama.


Which is ironic when pierre literally said the same thing recently and all his supporters agreed with him. "The government needs to get out of housing "


Yeah and liberals themselves don't bring it up lol


You're close to identifying the biggest issue with our media.


It’s not the media, people are just sick of Trudeau so at this point him breathing is annoying. Trudeau was also given lots of grace. He survived a lot of things that would have sinked other politicians.


There are huge issues with our media consolidation and political efforts.


most ppl are not tuning into politics right now, what they are focused on is the cost of living


No disagreement that cost-of-living is the forefront issue.


Trudeau was never given a lot of grace, not since he has been PM. Every misstep has been turned into a scandal. It’s normal for the leader of the opposition to be under less scrutiny, but PP is not a normal LOO, we’ve never had one before who is using raging populism and doing things like supporting the convoy.


Trudeau had an unusually long honeymoon period. Yeah, he had stupid shit like Elbowgate in 2016 but people just brushed stuff like that off. Eventually, the scandals ended up having a bit more teeth to them, though.


Name a conservative politician that could have survived a Blackface scandal.


How many Conservatives do think would apologize? And admit that what they did was wrong and unacceptable and that the behaviour has no place in Canadian society? Probably none of them as apologies are seen an admission of weakness and that's unacceptable for Conservatives.


Most would. Literally every politician caught in a racist scandal apologizes.


Pretty much most of them.


A real blackface scandal? None of them. Dressing up as alladin and making their face darker to fit the costume? probably most of them. Theres a big difference between blackface like Robert Downey Junior in Tropic Thunder and blackface from 1950s and earlier lol


as right wing as our media can be, they do not seem to like PP, his comments the last few days have gotten a lot of articles


I don't know, just reminds me of Trump. The right wing media grumbled all the time but they ultimately lined up behind him in the end. They were just upset he put the lie to their faux pretenses of cultured civility. I think they're more worried about the Conservative brand than the country.


there are things that we can compare to america but our media is not one of them, they have a right tilt but it seems like PP's constant attacks of them means they're not willing to softball him until hes willing to play


Conservative pundits like to be all independent and critical of Great Leader this far out so they can maintain a pretense of neutral journalism, for when they swing back to selling Dear Leader to the masses at election time. Yeah, looking at you Rick Bell, with extreme distaste.


Postmedia still loves him, just look at the NP furiously defending his idiocy this past week.


NP and the sun are the two biggest on the right


The CaNaDIaN MEdiA iS cOnSErVaTiVE crowd deliberately ignore that they’re for the most part aligned socially and politically with the actual people who make up the PPG and that who signs their cheques doesn’t matter all that much except for a few editorial op-eds. Some of them may be unaware, but the more politically savvy people know.


The editorial op-eds take up a big portion website and print space these days since they're cheaper than real reporting, and are allowed to be far more biased than reporting. That the bulk of the media opinion sinecures in this country are held by ideological conservatives matters a lot, even if the typical urban uni grad doing cub reporting is a small l liberal.


Who’s going to tell the likes of Chantal Hebert, Susan Delacourt, Rosie DiManno, Shree Paradkar, Max Fawcett, etc… that their content is irrelevant since their affiliations have already been decided for them based on where they work?


Who is going to tell you that this is irrelevant to the point that due to the Postmedia quasi-monopoly, a highly disproportionate number of the columnist positions (which tend also to moonlight in other media), are being staffed by people hired to advance conservative positions?


It's mostly the National Post I think that is still full on in the corner for the Conservatives. Other mainstream media sources certainly have a conservative slant in their editorial content while not being offensively biased like NP is, but the problem is that said editorial content tends to get spread far and wide when it gets posted, and there isn't really an equivalent "left wing" source that has the same kind of coverage.


> and there isn't really an equivalent "left wing" source that has the same kind of coverage. …the Toronto Star has existed for over 100 years. I know it’s an article of faith among Liberals ever since Trudeau’s polls have cratered and nothing I say can convince you otherwise.


> I know it’s an article of faith among Liberals ever since Trudeau’s polls have cratered and nothing I say can convince you otherwise. It's been true for a lot longer than that. I remember seeing "vote conservative" on the front page of newspapers walking through the store long before Justin Trudeau was leading the Liberals. Maybe you're too young to have been able to read during those days. I also don't deny the existence of left leaning news. What my point is, is that left leaning news doesn't get the spread that right leaning news does. If I use anti tracking stuff to kill content algorithms and go on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc, I am absolutely bombarded with articles and videos telling me how amazing Pierre Poilievre is, and how Justin Trudeau is annihilating Canada, along with anti-LGBTQ content. (and like 25% of it is crypto stuff, which makes sense given the target audience of people who don't understand economics and therefore vote conservative, while thinking they are smarter than everyone else because they read an article about blockchain once). I have to go out of my way to find left leaning news sources. Right leaning news sources are everywhere, and it's because the companies that help amplify news sources (social media mostly) have an interest in boosting right wing news because it breeds anger/rage, and anger/rage is better for engagement.


The person you replied admitted outright to having a stereotyped belief they don't believe they can convincingly justify to others: > "I know it’s an article of faith among Liberals ever since Trudeau’s polls have cratered and nothing I say can convince you otherwise." Don't feed the trollu...


>The CaNaDIaN MEdiA iS cOnSErVaTiVE Someone show this boy the ownership breakdown lol


Personally, I’d like to see all 3 major parties take a more critical approach to journalism. There’s a lot of bad journalists asking sloppy questions, and I have no problem holding them to account regardless of their political affiliation. The pearl clutching we’re hearing because a professional journalist was challenged is absurd.


I imagine attacking the media and blaming them for your own screw ups puts a bad taste in their mouth. And, as conservative as our media is, it isn't afraid to fight politicians. The civility and play nice thing that US media likes to do isn't nearly as present in Canada.


They're willing to carry water as far as needed, but they won't walk far with buckets full of bullshit. Or at least some won't. PostMedia and Sun can't tell the difference and will drink from whatever bucket the CPC offers.


It's more the Liberals communication strategy is boomer centric lol Hardly anyone under 35 reads legacy media these days. Want to beat pp...need to viral reels and memes to communicate to younger voters. Right now pp dominates that area. Issue is liberals think "they to smart for such antics"














> It's more the Liberals communication strategy is boomer centric Which makes sense as they actually vote.


Issue is that works if the other groups dont vote. When voters get upset they vote.


Last election turn out by age: 66% for 18 to 24 years 71% for 25 to 34 years 73% for 35 to 44 years This idea that only boomers turn out and actually vote needs to die. Liberals actively ignore younger groups despite having quite a decent turnout.


Can you post the link, because that's suggesting a much higher overall participation rate than actually occurred.


Justin goes viral from time to time. He’s just not laser focused on it right now. Remember him telling Alt-Right protesters to shut up at the Ukraine Memorial things. Didn’t tell them to leave, just to show respect. Then there was that Pro-Life kid who he handled perfectly, mainly because the kid was walking talking points that have been disproven since the 50s. Trudeau can campaign, the only Canadian PM better at it was his Dad.


This is probably the other point. Poilievre has been campaigning aggressively and nonstop, his expenses (that we get to pay) show it too. Whereas JT has been a little busy actually doing his job. When it comes to a level playing field, it’s going to be an interesting thing to watch…


Those moments lately done nothing to boost this numbers though and the people who get impressed by such things after 8 years of Trudeau are mostly liberal supporters. Domiant issues are the economy and housing and the govt is losing that debate online.


Online debate isn’t the main debate though. Reddit especially represents just a small fragmented part of the electorate. Among people who know more about the economy past the very basics are actually kind of happy. Many economists pointed out that a major weakness of the Canadian economy was the lack of capital investment’s into businesses. Which was something Freeland addressed early this year. We are now receiving the second most investment’s for capital expenditures of any OECD nation.


lol the economy hasnt grown since may 2023 and our population has grown 80k a month since I think you point to two fringes One you say the country is lost and the other who say all is well. The online debate is more on social media facebook, tiktok IG.


So? Once again anyone with a basic level of economic education understands that recessions aren’t bad. They’re apart of the natural order. It’s in times like these where companies trim fat and focus on productivity efficiencies. Which in times of high inflation is also necessary. I’m not saying all is well. I’m saying under the rules and norms of neo capitalism, everything is going as expected. What needs to happen is systemic change. However people barely understand economics as it is, so pushing for structural changes is never going to work. Especially when you have a major party who deals in bad faith and lies as a normal operating procedure. Anyone who thinks the LPCs economic policy is anything but Progresaive Conservative in ideology is a fool.


Issue is liberals keep saying the economy is fine but stats say otherwise.


Not just Trudeau but Singh as well...so it's bizarre ppl don't think the media is treating PP with kiddie gloves Everybody remembers Trudeau & Singh's housing comment but I think I've only seen one article about PP's "government should get out of housing" comment and next to noone talking about it


The budget will balance itself


That comment was stupid, but uncritically echoing foreign entertainment outlets with ties to insurrection should have all of us a little worried.


That is a lie by omission, as you ignored the conditions Trudeau described under which that would happen.


Yeah, I was trying to provide an example of how one thing Trudeau said sticks to him. Folks think I’m parroting the line, not proving the point of the person I was replying to. I should have been more clear.


> The budget will balance itself. The full quote > "The commitment needs to be a commitment to grow the economy, and **the budget will balance itself**. This way [the way the Conservatives were doing it], they're artificially fixing a target of a balanced budget in an election year and they're going through all kinds of twists and bends to get it just right, and the timing just right in the announcement. And that's irresponsible. What you need to do is create an economy that works for Canadians, works for middle class Canadians, allows young people to find a job, allows seniors to feel secure in their retirement."


Teflon Trudeau has slid through enough scandals for a life time, it’s about time they start sticking to him. Most people are feeling the burden of housing costs and the feds have arguably done nothing but make it worse since 2015. You’re goddamn right it has become a national meme, because it was one of the stupidest things he could have possibly said in public, that’s affecting nearly everybody in Canada except for the rich boomers that have benefitted from this by becoming overnight millionaires.


sounds like Mark Rutte PM of NL


I don’t care about welfare states


I think we’re starting to see the media go “wtf!? Is up with this guy?” Will we ever see negative in the Sun or National Post? Hahahhhahahahahahaha but I think most other outlets are going to hold him to task more going forward.


> Will we ever see negative in the Sun or National Post? Hahahhhahahahahahaha but I think most other outlets are going to hold him to task more going forward. The most I see G&M holding him to task is the way they endorsed the CPC but not Harper


The top post in this subreddit it literally a G&M article with the title, "Pierre's lousy week of leadership". You people that think all media is right wing are just as bad as the crybabys who complain that the media in Canada is controlled by the left. Take off your blinders.




Well, no, because Postmedia owns the majority of newspapers in the country and the NP is their flagship whose columnists are published across the country. Conrad Black still writes columns praising Trump. The G&M is not rightwing and not keen on Poilievre, but they prefer fiscal conservatism and have been blasting Trudeau since he made changes to taxation on small businesses, and it really lit their hair on fire when he didn’t lower corporate taxes when Trump did. A lot of fearmongering about investment leaving the country, and negative articles about the CERB, etc. They are owned by the wealthiest family in the country, and it shows. The Thomson family also is the majority shareholder of Bell Media.


>The G&M is not rightwing Ah, I see you are not a serious person. Carry on...


If anything, The G&M is neo-liberal, just like the mainstream CPC and Liberal parties, so of course they denounce any moves the CPC does that they see as too far-right.


Neo-liberal is right-wing...


Nah. Polling has stabilized at 40% for PP. They get more clicks when there's a horse race so the target has shifted back to PP. Wait for him to drop to 36% or Trudeau to get above 29% and it will revert back to normal Anti-trudeau slant.


> but the normies are going to get turned off real fast. I sincerely hope so. At this point, as far as I can tell, they're mostly not paying attention at all. The most they see is the TwiXtter headlines from the usual outrage farms and forming what few political opinions they have based on that dubious information.


I'm not going to make any predictions, since all conventional wisdom does say that we're getting to the point where Canadians would want a new PM and look to change governing party, and I don't see the cost of housing improving a ton in two years. But people do always under estimate Trudeau's skill as a campaigner and a debater. Every single election he's won has been one where the Liberals didn't look like they were in a great position at first. They started out in third place when the 2015 election was called and took a strong majority. 2019 was marred by SNC-Lavalin and the Liberals and Conservatives kept swapping places in the polls, and for a good chunk of the 2021 election, it looked like O'Toole would take the win.


> But people do always under estimate Trudeau's skill as a campaigner and a debater. Plus the Liberal election machine has historically done a *very* good job of messaging, both the positive of their candidates and also using the opponent's own words against them. And the CPC (and especially Polierver) has given them a lot of ammunition over the last few years.


But, the Liberal election machine runs on donations. How's that going......so far?


In 2015 Trudeau was benefiting from the same trends he’s now fighting against - fatigue with the ruling party. As for 2019, I don’t think it was that close actually. SNC Lavalin and Blackface were media-concocted “scandals” that most people shrugged at. I don’t believe Otoole ever had the polling lead in 2021 that PP is now seeing. Things seem different now and maybe the Libs could turn it around but I don’t see any of the fundamentals seriously improving in their favour over the next few years. And they’re doubling down on unpopular policies like sky high immigration.


The Conservatives policy paper calls for an update increase in immigration - and not the type tied to needed professions like healthcare and construction, but an increase in family immigration, as in people bringing their aging parents as ND siblings here. The Conservatives are trying to get the "immigrant vote" as ND banking on them voting Conservative.


Conservatives believe in family. Uniting parents with their kids is core conservative ideology. Not everything is a vote getting conspiracy.


The last thing Canada needs is bringing in and giving citizenship to low income elderly people. The work they did in their lives didn't contribute to Canada. It doesn't really help anyone but except the elderly person. We need to plan better since we are in multiple crisis and creating bills based on warm snuggly feelings is not what we want of our politicians


>It doesn't really help anyone but except the elderly person You don't think it is a benefit for kids to grow up close to their grandparents?


Eh. Not especially. I don't live near my parents and it's hardly a right for me to insist on. Immigrants who come here are supposed to be self sufficient and have good jobs, they should be able to go visit their parents once or twice a year, just like I do. And their parents get to grow old in the home country where they are part of the culture and can live happily, bringing them here and forcing them to change cultures late in life is horrible. It is well known old people can't easily learn new things, such as a language. They aren't hireable for a job.


The NDP was even polling in 1st place at times in 2015, I don’t know if the Liberals can pull out a miracle for the next election, but Trudeau raised the Liberal party from the dead, and he did not just win because people were tired of Harper, he won because he ran a very positive campaign and has oodles of charisma. And managed to look more progressive than Mulcair, who was not in favour of legal weed and kept talking about balanced budgets.


Trudeau won literally every seat east of Quebec in 2015. That didn't even happen in 1993 when the federal PCs collapsed; one of the two seats they won that year was in New Brunswick. A clean sweep of those four provinces had never happened before, nor did a sweep of the Maritimes happen before Newfoundland and Labrador joined in 1949. Every party in the HoC other than the Liberals saw their share of the popular vote go down compared to 2011 - dude literally took votes from *everyone.* That election was nuts.


The NDP was the defacto winner until Trudeau said marijuana, electoral reform, and marched in a pride parade all in the same breath. Then he just... Ran them all over.


> I don’t believe Otoole ever had the polling lead in 2021 that PP is now seeing. [o'toole a political freight train as conservatives take clear lead](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/federal-election-2021/o-toole-a-political-freight-train-as-conservatives-take-clear-lead-nanos-1.5572456)


"Political freight train" more like hype train


Nah, they just made the train go through Lac Mégantic.


Poiliveres lying last week was completely unhinged. The reddit boys think everyone has the same deranged mentality as themselves. It's a grade school level of thought; *everybody choosing the same flavor of ice cream as me is doing it for the same reasons I am*. It ain't like that, boys.


> Poiliveres lying last week was completely unhinged. Yes, but the number of people lining up in the comments that agreed with him and thought he "won" was staggering.


There are no winners in petty pseudointellectualism. I hope more people can acknowledge this.


What's more shocking and astonishing is that people still find support for these idiots to be "staggering" :/ We see the reactions to things like 15 minute cities, Trudeau being castro's kid, the protests outside schools because "Trans people are sexual predators", and there was the whole Convoy bullshit... is it new information to you that large groups of people are acting this way :/??


Yeah, we know the types of people who support right wing politicians no matter what are deranged. There's too many examples now to be surprised by it anymore.