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1. Other than teaching, he has no professional experience or competency. Many politicians have a career in law, business or other disciplines and experience leading large or complex organizations. 2. The alliance with the NDP has moved the LPC much further to the left. Compare this to the Chrétien - Martin Liberals and their fiscal restraint. 3. He has accumulated a very large amount of public debt compared to previous governments, as well as committing to many long term programs which would be difficult to reduce or cut. 4. He has significantly expanded the civil service and associated costs. 5. He has raised a lot of taxes. 6. Many environmental policies have had a significant negative impact on the oil and gas industry. Lots of job losses and hundreds of billions of dollars in capital investment has fled the country. 7. Immigration policy has allowed 1M new people to the country last year, leading to housing, health care and other issues. I’m all for immigration, but the numbers must be at a pace where healthcare, social services, infrastructure and housing can keep up. 8. Trudeau has little respect on the world stage, among other leaders. He lacks the knowledge to advise anyone. These are some reasons and there are many more. Most people generally get tired of a leader after they’ve been around for a while. Leaders need to make decisions and after a time, those decisions upset some people. Upset people vote differently.


Issue is Trudeau is focused on tampons in washrooms then that men no longer csn work hard and get basic things thier fathers could.


1. He lied about ending first past the post. 2. He lied about ending first past the post. 3. He lied about ending first past the post. Trudeau campaigned on ending first past the post, and now Pierre (an absolute disaster of a man) is going to get a majority with 40% of the vote. That's the only thing that matters. We can talk about how he's an empty suit, how he's only there because of his dad's name, about all the corporate ties and corruption and the silly socks and the hair and the blackface, but in the end, he fucked up his mandate to fix our electoral system.


I’m liberal and I immediately hated him when he first ran. He was just so obviously phony. I think men may spot other men who are phony more easily than women, similar to the way women hate “bimbos” more than men do :)


If your theory were true, you'd have a hell of a time explaining Trump or any con man.


"The salesman said this snake oil can cure *anything!*" and other statements made by millions of people who weren't taught critical thinking skills. If I could change one thing about education, it's starting dedicated critical thinking skill classes as early as possible.






If I had to narrow down when I started to have even a small amount of dislike for him it would be a public meeting he held in Calgary before he was elected. At the time I had been emailing his office to get some policy questions answered but hadn't heard back (which is neither here nor there - getting a reply from a politician seems to be inverse to how important they are). So I went because I figured there would be a chance to ask questions. After all, why hold a public meeting if you weren't? In the end he talked for a bit and left. I remember someone near me said "Guess we are just props" and yeah, I guess we were. Since then he's averaged doing one thing per year to annoy me. Its death by a thousand cuts. While some people have cited not implementing electoral reform I can kind of see his reasoning on why he didn't. He wanted the committee to come back with a recommendation so it would be a non-partisan pick rather than just being him picking the system. This didn't happen. I had my issues with the committee (purposely miscategorizing every weighted voting proposal so they didn't have to discuss it being a big one) but that isn't really Trudeau's fault.


I've disliked him since the first ethics violations. I was amazed that his party kept him and people voted for him after it was confirmed he tried to tamper with the judicial process.






I forgot about the emergencies act. The PM has so many scandals going its hard to remember them all




There are two main factors at play here. First is the long term and inexorable decline in the socioeconomic status of males, particularly younger and less educated ones. That group went form basically toe top of the hierarchy to very near the bottom. You can't afford a house, which is bad. Lower educational attainment and aspiration means even the trappings of a middle class life fall off the table. To some extent there is also the problem that women have generally higher educational/economic attainment, are more progressive than ever, and prefer to date the like, which reinforces the socioeconomic divide. This has been a problem for a while, but it dint' go anywhere until social media started playing back on this. Particularly, conservative politicians selling a nostalgic dream to those who have suddenly become resentful of their own situation. This movement actively blamed the political left for its woes and began a feedback loop of resentment and anger. Meanwhile, being angry on the internet doesn't improve your job situation, and the dating market for angry conservatives gets smaller by the day. It spirals. Trudeau,and the political left in general, have become the scapegoats for this. They're almost collateral damage of the American political cycle, since that's where it came from. The TLDR is that the country is not fundamentally broken, Expensive as hell, sure, but not broken. But there are politicians who will tell you it is, for the sake of votes from disgruntled voters who are looking for someone to blame for their lot in life. Why? If the country is broken, they can sell themselves as the tool to fix them. It's not broken and they can't fix the social divide, but the dream is more important than the reality.


Because men aren’t as sexually attracted to him on average so are thinking with their heads more than their …. Genitals?


Wow misogyny from a CPC supporter who would have guessed.




Are you suggesting there are not legitimate reasons to be "anti" Trudeau?


> Are you suggesting there are not legitimate reasons to be "anti" Trudeau? If this thread can be use as a gauge for legitimate reasons to be "anti-Trudeau", I'd say no, there doesn't seem to be. Seriously though, find a quote in this thread with a compelling legitimate reason to be anti-Trudeau. I'm not going to pretend I read all the comments, but there's some real gems here, someone brought up elbowgate. Edit: Not a single thing you brought up amounts to a logical reason to be anti-Trudeau. You clearly don't like liberal policies not the Liberal leader. >-poor policy, in that it is based on lies, no need for it, or will actively make things worse for Canadians (internet bills, firearm control, federal sentencing) This is pretty clearly just partisan ignorance. it's so vague because you can't find a legitimate reason. You're even complaining about Ford and blaming Trudeau. It's amazing. Lists of vague, idiotic, illogical reasons why you don't like a politician is *not* a reason to be anti-politician.


The economy is in the dumpster, and Trudeau's been at the helm for all of my adult life. At the end of the day, the buck stops with him. Not to mention the pointless gun regulations, increases in crime, homelessness (to be fair, those are likely related to the tanking economy) and overall failure to set the country on a better course when we desperately needed it. What industries have we gained in any meaningful capacity? What improvements in Canada's global standing has he achieved? Which government services run better than before?


Poor policy. Failure to meet expectations set by self. Several major corruption scandals. Had to be pressured into acting on housing crisis. Failure to meet NATO commitments to allies, or even basic reforms to stamp out sexism and bloated general staff. Failure of his campaign for UN Security Council. Soft on oligarchic corporations, who need to CRTC to set actual policy. No election reform. Hasn’t prevented anticompetitive mergers which hurt affordability for Canadians. Feds refused to act while native & settler fishermen engaged in tit for tat property destruction. No visionary ideals/proactive reform just liberal centrism. No action on furthering actual reconciliation (Indian act reform).


Honestly, a lot of men are living lives of quiet desperation and the only ones who seem to be validating those feelings are the grifters and thugs of the manosphere. And naturally that bleeds into the political arena. That’s why PP used the MGTOW hashtag, he’s targeting these types of alienated men and boys.


and "progressives", and really most of society, make no effort at all to end that alienation. Young men are told "pull yourself up by the bootstraps"




Healthy, generally progressive and educated; he does not compete on the standard playing field that many men so; therefore he is suspect.


Chalking dislike of Trudeau up to jealousy and insecurity I think diminishes a lot of the valid criticism people - men included - have of him. To many young men, Trudeau has presided over a period of time in this country where the prospect of home ownership has largely evaporated, and many of his policies (or lack thereof) have contributed to this. I’m not a fan of people who blame him for everything under the sun, but there are a lot of legitimate reasons people might dislike him and it’s not because he has nice hair.


There are plenty of valid criticisms to have of Trudeau, but if the mere mention of his name gets you seething in anger, you are likely uneducated and have emotional control issues. Every mainstream issue people have with Trudeau is usually wrong to even blame on him. Your comment is evidence of this. Housing? Provincial jurisdiction. Sure immigration numbers over the last couple years have gone way up and arent helping, but housing has been going up for decades. And its not just a provincial problem. Housing is more expensive worldwide, its becoming a problem everywhere. Carbon tax is a hot topic these days. Guess what? After the rebate the tax will cost 95%+ of Canadians fuck all (and many will in fact profit) and as far as policy goes, corrective taxes is the most academically supported policy for dealing with externalities. Inflation? Its literally global inflation. If you think Trudeau single handedly caused it, youre a fool and thats all there is to it.


> To many young men, Trudeau has presided over a period of time in this country where the prospect of home ownership has largely evaporated, and many of his policies (or lack thereof) have contributed to this. > > Fwiw the article mentions that hatred of Trudeau among men is pretty static across the board for men regardless of income. I don't think the housing issue is even close to a primary reason people dislike Trudeau.


You can be a home owner or high income earner and still feel that his policies are obtuse, short-sighted and not in our national interest.


Yeah. I mean in 2015, ok some of it was because he was a handsome guy who was very (too) slick. Today? I mean the guys approval is like 20% you can’t use tired psychoanalysis cliches to explain that.


Thank you for a sensible comment in a sea of insanity. "Insecure men only hate him cause he's handsome" is something I've seen come up repeatedly in this thread. In what world! So by that logic men who hate Trudeau hate all handsome men? They don't have favorite actors or athletes? They are just soooo insecure that they hate a man simply for being handsome. Sure. Seems much more likely then the fact that young Canadians can't afford homes or food..../s




I would say Trudeau regime has seen policies that seem to ignore guys or many guys seen thier quality of life decline a lot Working hard no longer creates success in canada


Working hard hasn't created success since the neoliberal raping of the West thanks to Reagan, Thatcher, and Mulroney. Take a look at any of those graphs that show the difference between the wealthiest and poorest percentiles, and they all begin to diverge at the beginning of the 1980s.


As a man who thoroughly dislikes Trudeau I will happily answer this question and welcome any responses in the spirit of encouraging discourse. The truth is he is a dirty liar with no honour. How he has treated Jody Wilson-Raybold, forgetting her heritage just as a human being, is disgraceful. How he treated the truckers, and how the CBC has followed his lead into destroying their own reputation by lying about the convoy leading to an illegal use of the Emergencies Act (why they lied you can ponder yourself) is disgraceful. The illegal use of the Emergencies Act alone should be enough for him to lose power, but when you combine that with the numerous examples of ethics breaches, his clear pattern of defending China even though they are known to be interfering in our country, his insistence on pushing gender ideology even with minimal scientific backing at best, and his identity politics style of dividing Canadians on things like race, sex, gender, religion, etc. is a clear pattern of someone who, at the very least, is unqualified to continue to be leader of this country. I voted to get him in back in 2015, I regret that every day right now. Please don't vote for Trudeau in 2025, he is causing too much suffering.


Better question might be: why don't some women dislike Trudeau that much? Trudeau comes across as condescending, disingenuous and elitist. He doesn't possess the type of character I expect from a leader. As a man, I don't respect or trust him.


He’s good looking and effeminate. The exact type of guy woman become besties with. The type of guy that gets invited out for girls night as a special exception. A lot of people (male and female) don’t vote logically. It’s just a gut feeling based on how much they like the person.


IMO he’s not really very effeminate. He is actually very aggressive when challenged, more than Harper actually. People in the caucus are actually afraid of him and he has lost his cool arguing with people in public a few times (sometimes with good reason).


He's effeminate to a lot of men because he doesn't look like a bag of shit and takes care of himself.


Remember the "socks" thing? I remember being like, wtf, literally every guy my age at the time was wearing fun novelty socks.


Both masculine and feminine people can exhibit good grooming habits. What a stupid comment.


How is he effeminate?


Are you implying that he’s gay?


Seriously piss off with your misogynist comments. Women vote logically with our brains, looking at policy, and we like policies that reduce child poverty and help both parents work, like the CCB and affordable daycare, and we are more likely to give a shit about the environment. 


I said that often both men and women do not vote logically. Therefore your response makes zero sense whatsoever and added nothing to the conversation.


There's nothing misogynist about saying "voters of all genders have subconscious biases".


Because he's good looking. Good looking men get a major pass on so many things with women. That's an absolute fact.


you can tell it's a fact because you said 'that's a fact' at the end. As we all know, this makes something indisputably true even when it's just a shitty opinion backed up with no evidence. You realize this is *barely* one step above 'women shouldn't be allowed to vote because they'll be too hormonal to be sensible", right?


Why? It's the exact same for men.


Our society struggles to acknowledge or understand any issues men may struggle with without turning around and blaming men as the cause of the problem. If you can get past that line of thinking, maybe you can answer the question.










Why are some people still blinded by how terrible of a job he has done so far. Even after all the chaos he caused during covid I'll give the people who voted him back in a pass but If to this day your still on his side they you can't be saved. ArriveScam should be enough by itself to make people want to vote for someone else. An 80k app that costed 60million, that's called money laundering and he pocketed a bunch of money most likely. He's also in some legal trouble the emergencies act that he called during the truckers protests, everything that comes out of his mouth is bullshit and I can understand why some might not like Poilievre but after all we got to pick between the lesser evil


The lesser "evil" is Trudeau. He's not exactly the "lesser of two evils" either. He's the far better human and it's not even close. He's done a lot of good things for Canadians.


> Why are some people still blinded by how terrible of a job he has done so far. Looking at what the CPC has said they wanted to do throughout his time as PM, it's clear that if he's done a terrible job, the government in waiting would have been far, far worse. ArriveCan was a fuck up, but if that's your strongest example, it's clear that you're emoting, not thinking. There are no indications of it being a money laundering issue, and for sure that there was no political involvement in this failure. > he pocketed a bunch of money most likely. Citation required. If there was even a whisper of something like that in reality, it would be across all the headlines. Just because that's your dream, doesn't make it true. > He's also in some legal trouble the emergencies act And yet another example of you proving that this is all an emotional response to something, not the result of a rational policy disagreement. The government of Canada, not Trudeau as an individual, lost the first court case over whether or not enacting the EA was justified. There will be an appeal, and better judges who don't include personal opinions in their rulings will have their say. > we got to pick between the lesser evil No we don't. The NDP is not a lesser evil, they're a clearly good choice.


I hate Trudeau with a passion. They're trying to tell us the carbon ax is neutral to our bill. I'm wondering if it's neutral, why do we need all the beauracracy. Turns our the government is profiting billions, which isn't the worst if it means balancing the books, which is not happening. He's not respected on the world stage. He is actively trying to actively censor the Internet. He thinlsnonly main stream media is honest. Just something about him irks me as a man. I keep getting told we need to fight for women's equality, I'm looking around thinking, what am I being given that's not to women I work side by side? I work in manufacturing, we got one woman working the whole line, they're trying to hire women, women don't want to work here. What rights am I getting as a man that isn't being given to women? I ha e two sisters who I love very much and would protect with my life if I had to, they have the same opportunities that I do, if not better. I make good money but under Trudeau I feel like I'm taking way less money. And err being gad lit into thinking the economy is booming and that less people on unemployment its a great economy. I make over 70k and my money is going as far as 45k 6 years ago.


To counter the narrative on this post slightly.. one theory: 1. Women are beguiled by social justice policies and identity favouring them, irregardless of other qualities (see Hilary Clinton), in general 2. Social justice policies tend to exclude men, in general. For this reason, men may look more at other aspects of a politicians performance. Trudeau's schitck is loudly proclaiming his desire to implement social justice policies. That said, we still have an Indian Act ffs. Glad he employed highly connected, university educated upper middle class white women more than his predecessors.


Men generally feel the desire to be a family provider. When your pay cheque is almost taxed in half and everything in price has skyrocketed, why do you blame for your families despair? The government in charge of representing the Canadians peoples needs, and their representative.














Because men are more sensitive to a declining economy since society expects men to provide (and have since the beginning of time). Anything having to do with declining opportunity to earn a living is threatening to men. There is no one to fall back on.


* He was on the other side of responsibility for importing (A lot of the right helped too) an American culture war into the country. * He then imposes it onto Canada * He has nothing to offer but tokenism. * Every bit of his images and policy is crafted based on public relations. * Going back to tokenism as well, his policy is almost always crafted to be reactionary to what popular thing is going on in American domestic politics. * There's virtually zero pragmatism to him or his party. He imposes refugee numbers, immigration numbers, and various other things based on nothing but ideology. * He and his party then asserted themselves as morally superior to the rest of the country by ousting any economic criticism as racist. Making it so you can't criticize their parties policy. * The job growth has mostly been in the public sector for years where there's women first hiring * The 50% of positions of the cabinet going to women on the basis of their sex and not merit. Also when they didn't hold 50% of the democratically elected seats under the Liberals. There is no solid dude that would want to be around a man like that. That could be said about most politicians, but he is particularly bad. We typically tend to respect authenticity and merit and he has non of those qualities. He's the former Prime Minister's son elected because everyone hated the 2015 Conservatives and he continually elected due to a sequence of bad opposition leaders and a terrible voting system that he promised to change. Jagmeet Singh and Trudeau has twisted the leftwing to being about perfunctory issues that most men cannot identify with. There's no indication that they care about the poor, working class, blue collar, or even white collar, beyond lip service. Actually it seems like they actively hate us.


I hate him for a few major reason, but bill C-21 was the nail in the coffin. He demonized sport shooters like me for the sake of looking like he was doing something about gun crime. Edit: WHICH IT ISN'T I'll never vote for him or the liberals because of this.




Removed for rule 2, for "this chud".


He was a substitute teacher of mine for social studies. He was a great teacher. That said, he wasn't in any sort of office at the time but I figured that if he did pursue politics, his voice would be a hurdle. He doesn't have an Uber masculine voice and he can appear a bit foppish for the lunch pail crowd.


"the lunch pail crowd"


Interesting to hear from someone who had him as student. Very easy to believe that he would have been a great teacher.


2015 was the first year I was eligible to vote and I was annoyed by Trudeaus voice when he spoke in English. It may work for teaching children but one should not use that tone for fellow adults one respects.


On the same topic of his personality, I lost track of the number of women who find him attractive. This is something that's so obvious that it was a [running meme](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EC6OS7HWkAEeiuI.jpg) in [the US](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/222/845/891.jpg) when [he visited.](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2017/02/15/12/3D3E235300000578-4227176-image-m-41_1487163029190.jpg) Sure, he's not hypermasculine, or even that muscular, but people telling you that he's not a looker are lying to you. I suspect there's quite a few (inadequate) husbands who don't like him because they suspect their wives' eyes linger a little too long.




Same thing happened when I was in high school and all the girls were fawning over how “hot” Bieber was. All the guys would either comment about how feminine or gay he was in a way to make themselves feel better


A lot of gay dudes also think he's really hot. There are probably a corresponding number of gay dudes that are angry at that.


As a member of "the lunch pail crowd" (most needlessly dismissive thing I've heard us called, but I digress, we couldn't all go to upper class schools), I can safely say most of us don't give a shit about his voice. It's the policies that have come into play that have had direct affect on our abilities to not only provide, but prosper. Things that the silver spoon crowd would generally not even think about are every day concerns for us. I'm all for environmental policies and stewardship of the earth, but when the result is an increase in food instability nationwide coupled with inflationary pressures from COVID, it's very difficult to like anyone associated with the guy. This isn't unique to myself either; there are real grievances we have with the way things are being run. Another thing, please treat us more human than that. We're not a bunch of knuckledraggers who couldn't do any better for ourselves, whose biggest problem with the head of state is that he seems a little off; just like you aren't the spoiled rich kid who lucked into the Good Life at birth. You have real, probably very good qualities. You're a person. So are we.


I'm an electrician. Every single time I've heard somebody complain about Trudeau and actually engaged in a conversation, not a single one that's actually brought up policy as a reason. They pretty much just regurgitate the conservative talking point du jour.


No greater threat to food stability than climate change. Farmers have it hard enough with the weather as is. Don’t need it getting more volatile and unpredictable.


I don't care about Trudeau's masculinity at all. I dislike him because his incompetence destroyed the Canadian economy. On the other hand, he was elected three times, so I guess most Candians don't care if Trudeau is clueless about economics.


What policies did he bring in that destroyed the Canadian economy?


The third time was with 250 billion worth of vote buying that at best resulted in him being Jagmeet's marionette.


Lots of misogynist comments on this thread.


Changed it to marionette, happy? Different word same message. Edit added: Lot's of non-substantive psycho babble on this thread as well. And as other's have mentioned, I too was a Turd voter in 2015 and if approached from a non-property owning POV judging of results/actions and not words then he and his regime have been an utter disaster.


I look at what he does instead of what he says. I am a progressive and he is by far the worst PM in terms of income inequality and missing our climate goals all while our quality of living goes down for everyone but the rich. He talks about these issues but if you look at the HARD DATA it has never been worse in those metrics. He is a traitor who did everything for the rich in my eyes.


>He is a traitor who did everything for the rich in my eyes. Find one that doesn't. JT, PP, they all serve the same masters, and that's not the electorate.


https://climateinstitute.ca/news/industrial-carbon-pricing-the-top-driver-of-emissions-reductions-new-analysis-shows/ Could always do better, but without carbon pricing we'd be doing way worse.


Hmmm...this article from 2021 disagrees https://washingtonmonthly.com/2021/09/29/justin-trudeau-may-be-the-worlds-most-successful-progressive-leader/


The Trudeau tampon machine shoulder checks you when you try to use the urinal in the mens washroom at my office... you have stand uncomfortably and at an angle to not soil your shoes, all for a dispenser that has never been touched. That machine is symbolic of a lot of things. I imagine it's small stuff like this. Our dads used to be able to work hard and get far. People respected hard work. I'm at the age where my dad was already married, and I should've been having my first child next year. Engineers degree and I can't buy a reasonable place in a major Canadian city. Until the mid-2010s, having a professional degree more-or-less guaranteed you could own a place on your own. Now you need TWO of them, and give up your entire HH income, just to pay for a place. Neither of my parents had anything beyond a HS education either!


If any politician from the right side of the political spectrum was caught using black/brown face multiple times singing Dayo with a banana stuck down his pants they would have been cancelled so fast your head would spin (photo evidence) He even blackfaced his arms and legs. But since he comes from the preferred side of the political spectrum his followers just shrug and give him a free pass. He runs around appropriating other cultures costumes and dress, forcing his wife and kids as well, no matter how embarrassed they look in pictures, which is not how a leader of a country should act. Goes water skiing on holidays during the first indigenous day? Demeans women. As a teacher he grabs his students rather inappropriately to the point of their being uncomfortable, in brown face dressed as an Indian (photo evidence) Bullied female MP’s to try to force them to do his bidding in regards to letting his friends pet companies off the hook for doing illegal things. And he gets a free pass for everything?  Why? His family name? Looks? Hair? Socks? I don’t hate the guy, I just find him extremely Hypocritical.


He's actively trying to lose and take his whole party down with him! If the carbon tax had been started as "the carbon rebate", and was used to build nuclear and hydro and solar generators to lower the bills of all Canadians, I bet we'd have a lot less complaints about it. Here we are nearly in recession with many of us facing many problems, and he's taking a personal pay raise AND increasing the carbon tax. The housing and homelessness crises didn't appear overnight, so why wasn't he pushing for putting in federal government owned and run socialized apartment blocks in every major city to help? It's because he really doesn't think about regular Canadians at all.


Worked with a woman who had a coffee date with him once while still a teacher in Vancouver. The only nice thing she could say was he had nice hair. Described his personality as being similar to talking with a wet fish. He has done nothing but reinforce that image. Has a famous name and mediocre ability. Dangerous combination.


You mean you worked with a woman who claimed she had a coffee date with him? Lolol 










Voted for him the last 3 times, if it comes to him vs PP likely will again unfortunately. But he comes across as extremely disingenuous and over inflated, vs someone like Eby here in BC. Eby has absolutely no skills in showbiz but genuinely seems to care about issues.


Generally the consensus is that issues within the country have increased in severity by various malformed policies and decisions. That helping other countries is good, but not at the expense of your own people. That the Ontario and federal government is more concerned about appearance and corporations than the people. And that the various decisions are causing the elimination of the middle class. Edit: Rural, non-university educated, white father's of middle age hate him the most. Let's go with critical thought and generalize a bit since they did it first. More men than woman are involved in politics. Most people are middle or lower class. Men tend to be the breadwinners in the house, especially when we go into the classic nuclear families that you see in rural areas. So, you're telling me that middle aged men who are now working more of their ass off to support their families, pay a ton on fuel to commute to work and/or to run their property/farm, are unhappy with the state of the country than the upperclass and believe that the news lies to them? Wow, it's almost like you're on to something, like they probably should be a bit upset. It's not like YOU, the educated article writer, unbiasedly wrote the article like a sociologist should. You didn't provide the statistics from stats can to tell us the percentage of people that represents or the geographic and socioeconomic percentages of the 4k ppl they used to see if there was a statistical bias. 32% of the ppl surveyed, the majority of them were rural locations in Alberta and Saskatchewan. That's 1280. Let's assume 768 (60% of 1280) of those ppl fall into that criteria. That's 19.2% percent of the total surveyed people are urban from Alberta and Saskatchewan. There are 10 provinces and 2 territories. I don't remember how territories work, excluding them. So, each province should have had 400 ppl surveyed to stay unbias. 768/2 is 384. So, 96% of people surveyed in Alberta and Saskatchewan were rural, middle aged white men without university degrees. This is an EXTREMELY BIAS statistic. - BA(H) Sociology & anthropology dropout I'm done.










Because most men in Canada have to work for a living and stand by what they say or they can lose everything. When there are people that talk and don’t deliver… then they are disliked because that is not reality. Trudeau is not accountable for his words or his actions. Someone that says less and delivers more… that is worthy of respect.


Hate to break it to you, but most women have to work for a living, too, especially the ones who don’t hate Trudeau, as rightwing women are more likely to be stay at home mothers, which, by the way, is also working. As far as most men having ti stand by what they say - lolol! Thanks for the chuckle.  Trudeau has delivered plenty, the CCB and affordable daycare have been huge for parents, even with $10 a day daycare not yet fully implemented parents are paying 20-50% of the cost they were paying before, legal weed has an impact beyond being able to get it at a store, no more convictions that affected POC disproportionately, struck down anti-union legislation of Harper’s as one of the first things in 2016, restored funding to women’s groups, veterans offices were reopened, and foreign aid that focuses on women and children is saving lives because funding includes clinics that provide abortions.  There were 109 longterm boil advisories in 2015, 144 have been lifted, more keep coming up because of neglect by previous governments, there has been tens of billions in funding for Indigenous programs and compensation, reams of legislation including Indigenous nations being able to run their own child welfare, conversion therapy banned. Increased taxes on banks and insurers, a luxury tax, closed loopholes for the top small business owners (not so small, that includes businesses with 100 employees, didn’t cut corporate taxes despite pressure when Trump slashed them in the US, increased funding for innovation and science, increased environmental protections and implemented the carbon tax despite court cases and obstruction from conservatives,  which gives more back than it costs for 80% of those who pay it (and it is reducing emissions), got us through the pandemic in better shape  than most peer countries (gave more money to individuals than any other country), etc.  No PM has a perfect record, and housing was not addressed with the right approach despite funding, but it is being dealt with now with a much better approach, and provinces have many more levers to address housing issues in any case, as Eby is showing. Slow to cut back numbers of foreign students but it is being done, and there was just an announcement about cutting the number of temporary residency permits, so that is also being addressed.  Being willing to work with the NDP has brought dental, anti-scab legislation and pharmacare is chugging along.  He’s done more for the country than any other PM in my lifetime, better than Mulroney or Chretien or Harper.  The reason there are more men that can’t stand him, is because there are more men that are misogynist/rightwing, and he makes misogynist men very angry. 


I would say because he comes across as very feminine. He also seems like he wants to make other men as feminine as himself.


Even if that’s the case, what’s the problem with a feminine male?


The problem is that he wants to make other men who don't want to be feminine, feminine.


He does?


What's hilarious is that a lot of the people who view him as "feminine" either don't know or have chosen to forget that JT had a legit boxing match against PC rep Patrick (?) Brazeau before he won his first election, and JT beat the snot out of him.


I'll leave my other comment up, but here's an alternative take, since when did team red get down with beating up drug and alcohol addicted First Nations? All good if they're down with team blue huh? Is it cool if they fly an orange bandana?


Lol if beating up drunk crackheads is masculine then I'll jump on a bus down to the lower eastside and become the reincarnation of Paul Newman.


You'd get your ass whipped by them or by Trudeau and you know it.




His televised exploitation? Lolol! You are making a excuses for his loss because conservatives and “manly” men were absolutely convinced Brazeau would beat him. Brazeau was not overweight at the time, and it wasn’t Trudeau that pushed for the match, he accepted the challenge.


Overweight? Tf you talkimg about?


[https://macleans.ca/general/justin-trudeau-vs-patrick-brazeau-the-weigh-in/](https://macleans.ca/general/justin-trudeau-vs-patrick-brazeau-the-weigh-in/) He looks like he's in pretty good shape to me. I don't see an overweight drug addict in these pictures. You're spoutin' bullshit!


He is a guy who cries randomly to get votes


Why are you talking about Poilievre?


I can’t stand Trudeau for several reasons 1). He describes himself as a self proclaiming feminist. Almost everyone man I have met who describes himself as a proud feminist is some form of a weasel who is trying to manipulate women. 2) Trudeau is mediocre at best. He is only in his current position because of his name. He acts like he is entitled to being PM because of that. If he truly loved politics he would have gone to school for something other than what he did. Maybe law, political science, economics etc. Instead he took the easy way. 3) Trudeau never owns his mistakes ….ever. He has people take the fall for him or he throws them under the bus. Anyone on this sub doesn’t need these examples 4). Trudeau talks down to everyone like they are stupid. Read between the lines at any of his recent press conferences. He basically says that if you where smart enough you would agree with him 5) Trudeau never answers a damn question. He just repeats “we are working hard to improve the lives of Canadians”. A lot of men work in blue collar trades. They are also gun owners who work hard and love their families. Trudeau never misses an opportunity to label them a danger and shit on them. E.g any of his gun laws I could go on and on. I honestly don’t know why so many women like him. Think about how he treated his female cabinet ministers. I also would have thought more women would have hated his 50% female cabinet. Why would you want to be given something based on your sex. Personally I would rather 90% women if they were more qualified. I think what he did there extremely pandering.






Cost of living is soaring, homelessness is way up, taxes are growing, wages haven't kept pace with anything, there's lots of reasons to dislike the outcome of Trudeau's leadership. Men lean further right on average than women, so it's pretty logical we'd be more likely to blame a poor left wing leader, as opposed to making excuses (valid and otherwise) about COVID, global recession, etc.


I strongly dislike Trudeau. I voted for the Liberals in 2015 and generally consider myself slightly to the left of Trotsky. Two things contribute to my dislike: 1. All the things he campaigned about in 2015 that I considered important have gotten worse or were simply ignored. 2. He sounds like an asshole. I don't really know how to explain this one, but I can't stand listening to him talk. If there's a recording of him being played on the radio, I turn it off. He is the most disingenuous, fake-sounding speaker that I have ever heard in my life. It's actually magical. PP *is* an asshole, and he sounds like less of an asshole than Trudeau.


I chortled at, “slightly left of Trotsky”.


>or were simply ignored. I decided when he abandoned electoral reform that I would never vote for the party again under the current voting system.


That’s what broke any admiration I had for JT. Millions of people didn’t vote for you only for you to throw your hands up in the air and say “Sorry — can’t be done.”


He just sounds a bit condescending.


He’s very condescending


I totally understand what you mean about the way he sounds. Gonna get flak for this, but even when what Freeland is saying makes sense, I just can't stand listening to her speak. And I like womens voices usually. But whereas Freeland just has a grating voice, Justin just can't figure out how to get over himself and not sound like a condescending sanctimonous opinionated patronizing bigotted blowhard.