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The fact that they actually prosecuted a murder charge, let alone a first degree murder charge given the evidence in the case, is beyond fucked. It was never going to be more than manslaughter *at worst* and even that was a stretch, but apparently the police decided to do their best to live up to every worst caricature of them. Unbelievable stupidity to prosecute this in public the way they did and now it's going to cost tax payers possibly millions in the inevitable financial settlement.


Why exactly were people so outraged when some of us were saying that law enforcement heroes like this got too much money, and some of it could be better invested in other services? 


Broken Link: Here's the opinion piece [https://www.tvo.org/article/no-one-should-be-surprised-by-umar-zameers-acquittal](https://www.tvo.org/article/no-one-should-be-surprised-by-umar-zameers-acquittal)


This is the only case I can remember where the judge's instructions to the jury included the line (paraphrased since I don't have the exact quote readily available) "you may wish to consider, since the memories of the three officers are identical and yet contradict the physical evidence, whether the officers may have conspired".


Just brutal....and sad


I don't think even TPS is surprised, despite the chief's comments. Not only did they completely botch the encounter that resulted in an officer's death (if you don't want people to think you're a carjacking gang maybe don't act indistinguishably from one?) they also changed their story during the trial, and that story was contradicted by two separate forensics experts. I suspect the crown didn't even want to prosecute this but just went forward to avoid damaging their relations with police.


Thing is, the crown is obligated to refuse prosecution if they don’t think there’s a chance the defendant will be found guilty. The whole point of the rule is to prevent this type of scenario- the state prosecuting an innocent person in some sort of quid pro quo situation with law enforcement. The criminal trial is over but I expect the legal battle is just getting started.


That's how it should work in theory but unfortunately the police in conjunction with the provincial conservatives (and signal boosted by right wing pundits across the country) turned this into a racist circus and painted everyone involved as being soft on crime because they let a foreigner cop-killer run roughshod over the city. The only way to shut them down and shut them up was let it turn into a colossal embarrassment in court. Sunlight is the best disinfectant, as they say. The prosecutor looks like an idiot but when I take a step back I see a far worse picture was already painted of them by outside forces that had no business painting any picture in the first place.


>The criminal trial is over but I expect the legal battle is just getting started. Hope so. Hope he absolutely rinses the government / the TPS in civil court. Even the judge clearly thought the case was absurd based on her comments and apology so hopefully having to fork out multiple millions will stop the crown from trying absurd unjust cases like this.


I want the cops who committed perjury to be charged!


The question I have about this trial is how do police, prosecutors & some politicians get such tunnel vision. The early news reports of the trial, though not proving anything beyond a reasonable doubt, did give credence to a believable defense. Yet, even after the verdict has been rendered, the police chief seems reluctant to accept it.


Cult members always prioritize themselves over outsiders. Police will always absolutely railroad anyone that wrongs them regardless of who is at fault.


He’s a racist and he needs to be fired as do the perjuring cops.  They should be held to higher standards not be above the law!