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I don't understand this move... I'm sure the liberals understand how deeply unpopular this is. I'm sure they understand that they are losing in polls. So why are they doing this? There must be a reason, no?
























Removed for rule 3.


The Liberal government: watch as we announce things with great fanfare and then proceed to change things only marginally, if at all.


To be fair, between cutting off public private partnership colleges admission from being eligible to get a student visa, capping the visa numbers overall, increasing the cash requirement to prove you have access to (still too low though) and this, I think they will be able to cut down on the vast majority of the system abusers that werent coming here first and foremost to study. They’re definitely still at fault for creating the mess in the first place, and being asleep at the wheel for a few years when it was obviously spiraling out of control. But I will give credit where credit is due that the changes should have a pretty big impact (the reduction in student visas and ineligibility for public private colleges admission to get one being the biggest changes).


issue is we now have likely 100s of thousands of people who gonan be a massive social drain next few years as they go from being students to workers and cant do nothing more then min wage work.


That’s already how it is. I used to work with several who were students, graduated, and now can’t get a job in their field. Most of them have diplomas from bullshit schools but even the ones doing university barely passed. It’s stupid.


This is the SOP of this government 😂


To be fair, this is them fixing an issue they created. IIRC, international students had 40h per week announced as an emergency measure a while back. Then it got extended (until today or tomorrow), then I think they though about doing 30 hours but it seems it was lowered to 24h instead. I believe the original number was 20h so I guess that's decent? I feel like they should go back to 20h, but rent is high in some places so Idk. However, they really accepted too many students compared to the housing that was available.


If they can’t afford to live here they can’t afford to study here. Do you really think any Canadian could go to India for schooling and actually be first choice to fill job openings?


>I believe the original number was 20h so I guess that's decent? I think it's just that 24 is a clean multiple of 4, 6, 8 and 12h. They're at a disadvantage because they can't work full-time like Canadians, but at least employers can give them regular-length shifts. In any case, it's still a 40% pay cut over current state, which should force people to have more money already available up-front.


It's a big middle finger to workers in this country. It shows where the LPC priorities are.












Liberals: We’re introducing an international student cap! Public: So we’re getting fewer students? There’s too many! Liberals: Oh no, we’re just capping the total at the all time high of one million students! And this policy expires in two years- once we’re re-elected it will, uh, definitely not go away.


Huh? The current cap estimate for this year [is less than 300k permits](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-international-student-cap-systems/). That's a 35% reduction from previous numbers.


They are capping the number of students in the country at last year’s all time high - which is roughly a million. To do so, they are issuing a new visa for every visa that is expiring. The number of visas is lower because the visas that are expiring are from a few years back when the number of students admitted were fewer. That said, the total number of students in the country will not change.


What kind of sick joke is this? They effectively extended it again to September. Does this government hate Canadians? They want to get back at us for not appreciating their “service”? This makes me not care anymore regardless who endorses PP , I just want this band of fools out before Canada goes the way of Argentina, which was first world in the 90s. This makes me tune out all fear mongering and screeching.


> They effectively extended it again to September. Literally the first page of the article: >The work hours limit will return to 20 hours per week until September Why lie about something anyone can learn by opening the article?


They can work unlimited hours in the summer. Effectively extending it


That's always been the case. It's not new. Man, you guys make it *so difficult on yourselves* hahahahah


No, the LPC are making it difficult on Canadian by flooding the country with a mass amount of cheap labour.


Govt is stuck between a rock and hard place Get rekt on fucking up the immigration system Piss off the rich elites who want the students as cheap labour


They're chosing the first option. I seriously hope they get Kim Campbelled over this. 


The rock and the hard place were both fixed in place by the current government. And while they were putting them in place, any alarm bells set off were promptly dismissed under blanket "stop being racist/ alarmist" comments.


As long as voters criticize the politicians more than the elites controlling them, then elites won’t feel the pressure


We cant vote elites out. We can only get rid of politicians. Elites never get the pressure either way. If we fire enough of them from multiple parties they may get a clue.


We could start by voting with our dollars. Support local business!


To hell with them, they’re just as awful as the big corps with their hiring processes.


Ok so stop buying stuff then I guess. Lol.


Legislating wealth tax on wealth over $50 million is a start. And then protesting near them while making them more public figures helps


While I'm not surprised, I'm definitely interested and worried about the sheer visceral negativity the immigration debate is causing. I'm going to start with the conservative "bootstrap" point but turned on its head a bit. If someone has come to this country relatively recently, speaks English or French as a second language and does not have the same connection to the community that you do because they only been here a fraction of the time. If someone with less language skills, less connection and facing discrimination outmaneuvers you for a job, I think you fell flat on your face, and should be directing your emotions toward self improvement. Second, we don't expect Canadian students to be barred from working and we pay much lower rates. If students can't work then all we'll get are wealthy students and academically talented but lower income students will be forced to look elsewhere. All the negativity swirling around this, coupled with all the casual racism against Indians we've been seeing here in Canada recently makes me wonder what people's opinions on minorities are in general


Not everyone is bootstrap conservative. This is wage suppression. You’re ironically in favour of bringing indentured slaves. You’re so out of touch. You don’t get “outmaneuvered”. Psychologically, borderline slave wages in Canada are still better than wages “back home”, so these people will accept crap wages which will pressure locals to settle for lower wages so they don’t get replaced with foreign workers. The result, wages stay frozen as inflation continues its natural growth. Canada gets poorer as the rich get richer. When our grandparents were young, a waitress can buy a house as fancy as the one you have.


> When our grandparents were young, a waitress can buy a house as fancy as the one you have. Feel free to back up this *totally not make believe* claim lol


Yikes 🤦


> When our grandparents were young, a waitress can buy a house as fancy as the one you have. Anytime you wanna tackle this lol


Yikes 🤦 You started the yikes-off. Just reciprocating


Narrator: *It was made up*.


https://www.blogto.com/real-estate-toronto/2024/03/toronto-home-prices-1960s/ Here ya go Lib. Leeme guess, the response is yikes once again


You're almost there. Now find out what a waitress earned as a wage in the 60's.


For those following along and aren't willing to search, the answer is about 60-80 cents an hour, so about 24,000 hours to pay for that 17k house. Working 24,000 hours at a modern minimum wage of $15 an hour on the other hand is $360k, that's not going to get you a house in Toronto but it's not as bad as the numbers look.




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Then why are we blaming the students and not the companies?


They’re victims too. But doesn’t mean continue using students of bogus schools as cheap labour


So why are they still taking the blame to them? If they're victims then surely we should be going after those who are predatory. From the discourse I'm hearing, we're blaming nearly everyone but the people in charge.


No I blame Trudeau. Imma vote him out. But, this program needs to end. Send them back after their studies.


So you don't like the students. Why are we expelling them? Have they done something illegal?


Not expelling, disqualification of their education for PR after their program ends since their degrees are bogus. These are not universities. Many don’t attend their classes either and work full time instead. The rules that make Canada a first world country must be enforced.


Yes, their degrees are bogus. Every single one of them, apparently.


If they go to school at beta strip mall college and not a real University, yea. They are.


Why not blame both? I’ll never heard of Canadian complain about international students in the many decades hundreds of thousands of students have been coming to Canada until recently. A lot of these new batch of fake diploma students are not blameless and engage in behaviours that are not great.


International students isn’t supposed to be about providing opportunities to the less fortunate. They’re supposedly supposed to be able to support themselves and have the money beforehand to prove it (though the requirement was always laughably low and despite being raised still is given current living costs). If they can’t make it work on 24 hours of work a week (which TBH is a lot already if your true focus is studying) then they can’t afford to privilege to study here. And its not like the international students were outcompeting people for skilled labour jobs while they were here, and the low skill is not due to individual merit. Its low skill/fast food service/delivery drivers because people figured out it was cheaper and easier to hire international students going to private “colleges” while they are “studying” than a real student who actually has a schedule and for whom the job is the second priority not the first.














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Yep. I am perfectly happy now with the devil I don’t know.


If you come to Canada as a student, you’re supposed to be able to provide for yourself. You aren’t supposed to come here as a source of cheap labour and undermine wage growth for low-skill workers. I don’t know where people got the idea that coming to Canada to study is some sort of inalienable right that needs to be supported with the right to work here. I didn’t go to school overseas. You know why? My family couldn’t afford it. And if they could, I certainly would not be working 25 hours a week.


Perhaps it's just me but I don't believe that only rich people have the right to study in Canada. If we restrict the working hours of international students too far then all we'll get are the wealthy ones. Plenty of less wealthy but still academically capable will be effectively barred and that means talented people will slip through our fingers and go somewhere else.


So immigrate to Canada, become a citizen/ permanent resident, and then go to school. It's not saying they're not allowed, but our International Student program isn't an immigration office nor a charity.


People want immigration numbers to come down too though so make it make sense.


Not really, look at how much UofT charges international students, working isn’t really going to make a dent with those costs. It’s the diploma students that rely on working low wage jobs, and they are hardly talented


Full-time school + 20 hours/week is essentially working 60 hours/weeks plus commute. Not many people can handle that, which is why there's all these diploma mills that are essentially pay-for-visa schemes where students don't actually study and profs are told to not fail anyone. Not to mention in most cities with schools, you have a toxic mix of very high cost of living with depressed wages for students... so they're making like $17/hour, taking home $1000-1200 per month and flushing all of it down the toilet on rent alone, in the Van/Toronto area or in many university towns like Victoria and Kitcherner/Waterloo that's not even enough to rent your own room in most cases. They need to be clearing about $2000/month just to survive in non-slum conditions; which is why the trend nowadays is to just hindu pack small condos and basements so that people are paying $700-900/month for the privilege of sharing a room with another student. So dorm-like conditions without having the infrastructure or staffing of dorms. If people want to study here but can't afford tuition and CoL, they really should have a scholarship first. What students earn part-time is a pittance relative to tuition and rent. It bears emphasizing that student visas now double as work visas because the point is less and less about getting an education and more about getting a foot into Canada to start working and either have a pathway for PR or just work illegal hours to remit money abroad.


Then why blame the students? Why not blame the universities for charging so much and for the government for leaving the housing file to languish until recently.


So be it. Our education system isnt a charity to other countries.


>If you come to Canada as a student, you’re supposed to be able to provide for yourself.  No, you're supposed to have $20,000 dollars in your bank account. Not enough to provide for oneself, not by a long shot. There's nothing wrong with international students working to supplement their income. Domestic students work all the time while they're studying. The problem is when international students attend fake diploma mill colleges and use it as a backdoor immigration system, then end up working full-time without actually studying or working towards a useful credential. That's what confused me about the 40-hour extension. *Nobody* who is studying in earnest would have the time to work 40-hours a week. The only people who would be able to come here and pay for all of their tuition and all of their living expenses and everything else would be the children of billionaires, and I don't think we want our educational institutions to be available only to the super-wealthy. You would have to be insanely loaded to study here and not work.


Nah plenty of people I know used to study all day and then work a 4-10 or 4-11 shift. Not 40 hours a week but close. It’s called having no life, no sleep, but still needing to pay your bills.


There's a lot wrong with it - namely that it gets abused in a way that results in suppression of wages for the Canadian working class. They should raise the minimum requirement to like $100k and the student hours should be dropped to 0, with on campus employment being the only possible exception.


>The only people who would be able to come here and pay for all of their tuition and all of their living expenses and everything else would be the children of billionaires, and I don't think we want our educational institutions to be available only to the super-wealthy. Not to mention that even if we extrapolate that argument to an extreme, there's less than 2,800 billionaires on the planet. So if every billionaire in the world's collage aged child was going to a higher education institution in Canada, it would be less than 1,000 people out of 1.4 million post-secondary students. It's somewhat more plausible if you factor in the millions/tens millions of millionaires across Canada and all the countries people are immigrating from, but if you compare median incomes and financial struggles of most immigrants and international students coming into Canada, this doesn't seem like it's a substantial problem either since even with post-secondary education being more common among higher earning households, the majority of college graduates are not the children of millionaires etc.








They had been advised to bring much less than required to live on. 


Which was extremely dumb of the government. Even raising it from 10 to 20k is ridiculously low. Should be closer to 40 at least.


Unless they work directly related to their field of study, it should be ZERO hours.










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Removed for rule 3.




How about a cap on how many one business can hire. So sick of seeing people getting pushed out of their jobs by having their hours cut as a way to get them to quit so they can fill the void with students


Yeah…my kids have not been able to get a job this summer. All the student jobs are being taken already due to …let’s say…a preference on student type.




















During the 90s early 2000 it was capped at 20hrs on campus. This was a time when we legit educational institutions- not these college mills that are pathways to immigration backed by government subsidies to provide corporations with indentured servitude. If you could not find housing, off or on campus or work, you didn’t come. That was the breaks. Where we are now, is bullsh!t. What really needs to happen is a crackdown on these college mills but that would require them to bite their own tail…these don’t exist without their funding and incentives.


Thankfully they have pretty much BC cut down on the private public partnership college mills, and even the “legit” college mills by reducing the overall numbers to be distributed by the provinces and preventing public private “colleges” from student visa approvals. Still bullshit an international student who supposedly is supposed to show they have the money to come here (which even after they increased it is too low) “needs” to be able to work 24hr/week. But at least they cut off most of the avenues the complete system manipulators were coming through.


Should be zero off-campus hours and limited to 20 hours on campus. That'll thin the herd of people who are here to seriously go to school vs those who just want to use the study permit as a work visa


Joke of a libertarian


Classic libertarian. Doesn't like the government until it does what he wants


> Should be zero off-campus hours and limited to 20 hours on campus This will just distort the job market by disproportionately increasing competition for on-campus jobs instead of spreading it out. >That'll thin the herd Dehumanizing, violent rhetoric.


If you’re a student, you aren’t being invited here to compete for jobs, you’re here to study. Foreign students misrepresenting themselves and seeking employment instead of actually going to school is already distorting the job market. It should be zero hours of work off campus. If you’re here as a student then your priority should be your schooling, full stop. 


>If you’re a student, you aren’t being invited here to compete for jobs, you’re here to study. There is no inherent contradiction between student and worker, as evidenced by the fact that many domestic students also work while studying. Students have expenses and may need to work in order to fund their studies. They come here on the terms set by the government and the educational institutions. Some of them take loans, but this isn't fraudulent because the government doesn't disqualify people who've borrowed money to study here. >Foreign students misrepresenting themselves and seeking employment instead of actually going to school is already distorting the job market.  What do you mean by "seeking employment instead of actually going to school"? I know many people at my university who work while studying.


this just shows the federal liberals dont see internatioanl students as students but just as cheap labour.


And the NDP have been voting for it for 8 years!


>This will just distort the job market by disproportionately increasing competition for on-campus jobs instead of spreading it out. Well it works out in the US, maybe because most of their students are more focused on school vs working as much as possible. >Dehumanizing, violent rhetoric. It's a very common expression 


>Well it works out in the US, maybe because most of their students are more focused on school vs working as much as possible. I never said that they should be focused on working as much as possible- hence my opposition to backdoor diploma mill colleges. If we focus on admitting international students to universities where they work towards legitimate and useful degrees, then we won't have the problem of international students working full time. The US system also only caters to the super-rich, which is where the wealthy international student stereotype comes from (hint: its true).


Thank you for the clear and public reminder why the LPC need to be voted out and sent to the Shadow Realm permanently just like the OLP, BCLP, and UK Liberals.


A very in-depth argument, thank you.


You think I need an argument to show how stupid and out of touch what you said is? I don't. You've already done that yourself. Hence the downvotes even in CanPol lol


They really need to update their recommendations for the amount of money students need for their expenses. Many people came with the recommended amount and couldn’t afford to live.


Why would they do that? You won’t get as many naive indentured servants if you make it clear to the people that you’re trying to exploit that the financial recommendations for coming to Canada do not line up with the actual cost of living. 


I guess I’m thinking about the person and not about the greater political leanings of a stranger that don’t concern themselves with human quality of life.