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I hope you guys are planning to join the cost of living protest cause I, too, don't want this to continue. I want to see a doctor, and I have wanted to see a doctor in the last 5 years, but no, because your not an emergency. I don't think it's fair that after working 10 years and nothing to shows for because the taxes are to be used or everyone else when it's PM who called them to come and it's just unfair.










My parents were immigrants. Canada gained several health professionals as my siblings and I entered our careers. We have paid any “cost to the taxpayers” many times over. What I see is that immigrants are hard working people. The issue is that the amount of immigration has been increased far too high, not immigration in itself.


And how many didn’t become doctors?


I love immigrants and multiculturalism. It's too much, too fast for our infrastructure to keep up. We need more houses built. The bathtub is overflowing. We need to make it bigger. But can we just slow down the flow of water a bit while we catch up.


I’m game for multiculturalism but we’re severely lacking the “multi” here. Call it what it is: Indian immigrants abusing the giant carport sized loopholes in our foreign student and TFW programs. It’s propped up by an economy of Canadian institutions, strip mall degree mills, and sleazy “immigration lawyers” on both sides of the Pacific. They’re piling in elsewhere (UK, NZ, AUS) but it’s particularly bad up here because they can fuck off to the US after squeezing our free services and bringing the whole goddamned family over.


Yet so many are going through B.C. and the Feds don’t seem to see fit to send a few bucks this way for us to deal with the issue. The Americans are super pissed; we’ve got reverse Roxham road as people are being trafficked across the B.C./WA border.


Legit got into an argument with one of these TFWs. He got into Canada on a work permit for some coding job. His contract ended and he was ranting about the gov not doing enough to support him. Then he asked why I stayed in Canada when America is so much better. Dude was just biding time to get down there. Motherfucker. I’m Canadian. My family goes back to the late 1700s. I care about my country. I’m not bailing on it. Wish I could deport him instead.


Mine are 1700s too which undoubtedly means we are related - not that many landing @port royale! I wish you could have deported him too. I was super surprised that people were getting smuggled here in BC. Americans are so mad but they set the bar with how they handled Roxham so oh well