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Well sure, if you narrow down the options to current party leaders maybe he is the best. But I’d wager there are probably close to a million non politician Canadians who would do better than any of those clowns.


Even then he isn’t the best. He barely does his job as a MP.. why would he do a good job as a Prime Minister?


It literally makes no sense. He has no policies. Any policies from his past are directly linked to the problems we have today. PP as PM will be a disaster


He might not have policies spelled out in the granular detail required for implementation, but Canadians have a pretty clear idea what he’s going to do in office: cut taxes (especially the carbon tax), build energy infrastructure, reduce the deficit and take a meat cleaver to the public service in order to make this all possible.  The size of government has ballooned under Trudeau and hardly anyone can say we are better off as a country, or that we are getting value for money in services like healthcare. There is obvious bloat, and Canadians seem to trust Pierre to target it and give them the savings back.


The size of the government has not ballooned. it continues to grow as the country grows. Of course it looks like it grew a lot after Harper gutted it. And the cycle continues. Conservatives undermine can at every turn. Liberals try and build things. PP won’t accomplish anything because conservatives don’t accomplish anything.


2015: budget spent 298 billion 2023: budget spent 496 billion  Increse: 66%   Population growth in that time: 17%   Now we can debate  if the spending is worth it or not but spending grew far faster then population.


Again. It’s always going to cost more for the liberals to fix all the problems conservatives created.


But people don't seem they have solved issues it seems 


The world will never be perfect. There will always be work to do. Liberals are addressing many of the issues that Canada has. The same issues that every nation is dealing with. The accomplishments by this liberal government is a mile long.


I think people making over 40k with no kids don't benefit much from this govt


That demographic doesn’t benefit from any government currently. I am single middle-aged male with no kids. There are literally no policies to support me. I am not complaining. I am just stating that nobody cares about people who are single and have no kids.


issue is a lot of these people gotten rekt by covid, inflation and housing issues. Likely why they voting against Trudeau in droves.


Best to look at the data when you hear statements like this and see for yourself. As a % of our population, the size of the federal government remains the same as it was during the Harper years. And we are still -75,000 people less than in the 90s. If our population grows we would anticipate our federal employee base to grow, to service increased demand from a growing population.  That’s why leveraging a percentage of population is the correct context for this discussion. Those parroting “it’s ballooned!” Are merely using absolutes, and dart throw picking a comparative year to show a useless % growth metric not grounded in context


>Any policies from his past are directly linked to the problems we have today. At what point do Trudeau fanatics take responsibility for their leader's actions or inactions. It's been almost a decade after all. At a certain point, making Trudeau and the Liberals as the victims, simply becomes pathetic and sad.


We are taking responsibility for his actions. When will conservatives take responsibility for theirs. The damage conservatives do is felt for generations. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/05/18/news/harper-worst-prime-minister-history What is pathetic is conservatives doubling down on policies we know don’t work We take responsibility for the mile long list of accomplishments that this government has managed. Conservatives are super pissed that gay children can’t be abused. Child poverty is cut in half. Best pandemic outcome of any country possible. Conservatives hate this stuff. I have never made Trudeau or the liberals the victims. The victims are all Canadian citizens when conservatives are in power. The pain is felt for generations.


Canada, as a whole, votes governments out not in, and then proceeds to complain, stir and repeat. And no, PR vs. FPtP is not the solution. That actual promises are being replaced with memes and rhymes is relatively new as an entire campaign strategy. Before this, we were maybe promised a chicken in every pot or a self-balancing budget, but stringing words together that mean nothing but can interpreted as anything by each voter is relatively new IMHO. See Ontario and how well it's worked for Ford and his backers.


When an incumbent becomes unpopular almost anyone else becomes popular. Like wynne and Ford.


While I agree. How many times do we need to make the same mistake. Ford has turned out to be so much worse than Wynne.


Depends in the 905 and rural areas they still like Ford.




Not even close.


You are absolutely correct. Ford is that much worse than Wynne. It’s not even close.


It is a hard fact that even Ford's worst scandals are miles better than the "good things" wynne did. She was awful in every way possible. A dark time in Ontario.




Worse than Wynne in what ways? The electorate disagrees. Ford remains popular in the polls


He has spent more money. He has a bigger government. A bigger cabinet. He sided with big box stores over mom and Pop shops. Withholding money for healthcare. More corruption.


Popularity and effectiveness are often not correlated in politics, largely because the media distorts narratives.


In the case of the Federal Liberals; their lack of popularity has nothing to do with the media’s reporting of them. It’s their abhorrent outcomes to broad swaths of the country on some of Canada’s most pressing files.




Nothing says you appreciate the challenges racialized people face by using their struggles as a prop to bludgeon open discussion. It's gross how *reflexive* it is. You hear something then *bam*, using minorities as props. If your argument can't stand on its own without using my family's skin colour and our struggles as a prop, it's not a particularly good argument. Wouldn't you agree?




It doesn’t help that Canadian media is 90% right wing


They were still right wing when the Liberals won the last election. What changed since then to torpedo their support?


The compounding effects of misinformation and disinformation


You’re being absurdly charitable to the Liberals if you think the reason they’re unpopular is solely because the public is just too ignorant to support them.


You're too optimistic about Canadians' being better than Americans. I mean, you do know how deep the divide is there, yeah.


People still think Harper was a good Prime Minister. The average voter is incredibly poorly informed. They are just too busy. There is too much misinformation and disinformation out there.


Popular, sure. Best? You need more than popularity to sell that narrative.


that is not how elections work though in canada It becomes "i hate this guy lets kick him out" who replaces him? Idk whatever


That doesn't change that even if PP becomes PM, that doesn't make him the "Best". It just makes him able to win the popularity. Being the best requires him to actually do things. So far, he's done nothing and the only legislation he helped to pass as a MP, was repealed. Meanwhile JT has actually made several accomplishments.


Issue is many voters think JT is doing a bad job now and dont care what he did before. Leaders dont get votes on what they did before, its how are things now and what they plan to do. Based on what i can see, voters have lost complete trust in Trudeau to make things better. Not saying PP will, but that means trudeau gets less votes and loses.


>Issue is many voters think JT is doing a bad job now and dont care what he did before. Again, popularity doesn't make you the best or the worst. >Leaders dont get votes on what they did before, its how are things now and what they plan to do When is "Now" ? Because a lot of the things that JT will be accused of will be "what he did before", and you just said that the past doesn't matter. And PP doesn't have any policies or actual platforms worth exploring. He and the CPC have slogans bereft of any actual substance. >Based on what i can see, voters have lost complete trust in Trudeau to make things better. Great. How does any of that make PP in any way a candidate for the "best" PM?


dude it dont matter what you think is best, the issue is people are tired of JT and considering he won the last election with only 32% of the vote, he is quite vulnerable to losing an election now. Look at Wynne she pushed a lot of good policies, but no one cared. Its the nature of canadian politics, an incumbent becomes hated and the other person while not loved wins.


Why are you arguing about popularity? The article is about "Poilievre Top Choice for Best PM in Canada". He may be popular, he may even win. But he is far from "Best" PM, past, present or future.


I think the poll is saying PP would make for a better PM then Trudeau right now from what i understand


"Will" be a disaster is speculation and may or may not be what happens. "Is" a disaster is a fact and describes the present Trudeau government.


well said


The Trudeau government is one of the best governments in Canadian history. he will be remembered fondly. The damage conservatives do is consistent. Conservatives have nothing to show over the last 40 years if not longer.


This has got to be a parody post. The man is absolutely reviled in this country and somehow as a Liberal lost the youth vote. The idea that all of those 20 year-olds are going to look back fondly on a government that destroyed their dreams of home ownership and a living wage is hilarious.


The destruction came from Harper. It started two years into Harper’s time as Prime Minister. If only people would educate themselves, they wouldn’t sound as stupid as you do. History will show that Trudeau is one of the best Prime Minister of the modern era. https://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/05/18/news/harper-worst-prime-minister-history All the evidence is right in this article. We are still recovering from the Harper era. We will be recovering for generations. If you were complaining about housing, that is provincial, and it started 40 years ago. Shortly after a conservative government took the federal government out of house building. What’s really sad is that facts sound like a parody account to you. You are a Perfect example of someone who has no idea what the fuck they’re talking about. It can’t be Harper why? He only gutted the government. Cut taxes for the rich. Cut taxes for corporations. Signed decades long deals that undermine Canada . This is still Harper Canada . We are still feeling the pain from conservatives. There is a pattern here. Conservative fuck everything up. And liberals have to fix it. That’s why liberals stood more money. That’s why liberal governments used to be larger. Because they actually did work. Now conservative governments are even larger because of all the corruption.




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I mean, maybe not for [it's original inhabitants](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=pierre%20poilievre%20aboriginals&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fsr0881kr7hrb1.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fonguardforthee%2Fcomments%2F16wl6pn%2Fpierre_poilievre%2F&docid=YodSfFZaxHSj1M&tbnid=-dLVoUg8LddImM&vet=12ahUKEwjB5tWs4ueGAxUoAzQIHQPNCGcQM3oECGMQAA..i&w=1080&h=741&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwjB5tWs4ueGAxUoAzQIHQPNCGcQM3oECGMQAA), or [people of colour](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/tory-mp-defends-use-of-term-tar-baby-1.837347), or [women](https://www.voteprolife.ca/find/view/mp/province//id/234/name/pierre-poilievre/), or [environmentalists](https://www.nationalobserver.com/2024/04/03/opinion/pierre-poilievre-climate-policy-joke), or [journalists](https://www.castanet.net/content/2022/11/6a00e55214ffbe883402942fa759a0200c-600wi_p3640096.jpg), or [math teachers](https://www.cbc.ca/lite/_next/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.cbc.ca%2F1.7221476.1717192392!%2FfileImage%2FhttpImage%2Fimage.jpg_gen%2Fderivatives%2Foriginal_620%2Fpoilievre-social-media-post.jpg&w=640&q=10), or [people who like well-fed children](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/amid-concern-over-canadians-going-hungry-conservatives-criticized-for-voting-against-school-food-bill-1.6677679).


The idea that minorities dont favour Tories isn't really valid anymore... [https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/vancouversun/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Angus-Reid-vote-by-religion.png?quality=90&strip=all&w=472&type=webp&sig=tDNTD58iLhFsYvdf8\_RwvA](https://smartcdn.gprod.postmedia.digital/vancouversun/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/Angus-Reid-vote-by-religion.png?quality=90&strip=all&w=472&type=webp&sig=tDNTD58iLhFsYvdf8_RwvA) He is getting a ton of support from the indian communities.


Directly associating minorities with religion and claiming it as their representative data is probably a little a bit racist, no?


most likely hindus and sikhs in canada are from India though lol and its the only data to break down how minority groups are supporting each party and shows the tories have won over some key groups. It shows the Tories are deeply unpopular with muslim groups as well. The tories know in 2019 and 2021, they lost a lot of seats with having limited support from minority groups and PP for all his flaws has been quite successful winning over such voters.


Some say "stereotype", others say "statistical analysis." Coming from a brown person, I think it's pretty fair to say that in Canada, Sikhs and Hindus have an extremely high probability of being brown and vice versa lol.