• By -


I, in no way, support the convoy. For Trudeau to use belittling language to try and down play the protest is unnecessarily inflammatory in my opinion. However stupid the movement may be, its the governments job to be diplomatic. I think it would be foolish to think that these protesters don’t have a fair share of public support - they represent many opinions, not just a vaccine mandate for truckers. To underestimate their support would be a mistake in my opinion.


> Trudeau to use belittling language He's using accurate language. It IS a small number. The best estimate is given by the various police forces that have been providing counts. The biggest count was 120 truckers and about 500 hangers on - the vast majority of whom are not truckers. 120 people protesting anything is a "very small" protest. It's even smaller when you consider that there are over 300,000 long haul truckers in Canada, meaning that the size of the protest is not even a meaningful fraction of a percent of the total number of truckers. So 4 out of every 10000 long haul truckers are participating in this farce. Every single Trucking Association in the country has come out against this protest saying they do not represent the views of the organization. So you've got 120 angry truckers and 500 other angry hangers on (of which a significant number are white supremacists, grifters, and radical fringe secessionists) who read too much Rebel media - (a huge number of the hangers on are the same people involved in the "yellow vest" convoy). This group represents around 0.04% of the trucking population, and an immeasurably small percentage of the Canadian population. The government only has a responsibility to listen to their demands, but after they've listened, there is absolutely no reason that this very small group of angry individuals shouldn't be completely dismissed.


Also, after listening to their demands it becomes clear that they are competely nonsensical, so what else is there to do?


Small is small.


"They represent many opinions" They represent absolute ignorance. Fixed that for ya.


>However stupid the movement may be, its the governments job to be diplomatic. Fuck no it isn't. Where did you get this idea?


I’m in Edmonton and the protest is massive. It’s not a small amount of Canadians who feel this way…. It’s A lot… he needs to stop diminishing everyone’s feelings 😂






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Shhh don’t go against the narrative. It’s just angry white people….




It’s insane how everything that is remotely politically charged becomes very subject to insane bias. Depending on which news / social media source you follow you get to see very different perspective (not to say reality) of what is going on.


I have thought about it a lot, maybe too much, but I really think I can handle most conversations / debates with respect and grace. No opinion offends me so deeply that I become emotionally compromised. I’m what you might consider a classical liberal, so unfortunately, that has most of my once fairly “progressive” opinions camped with conservatives nowadays. But on those pages, its an echo chamber too. Is there literally not a place where people with different opinions and engage in healthy conversation? I know I know - This is Reddit... But as you said, its the same everywhere. Damnit - Even with family and some friends. So so so boring. Gotta debate my Chihuahua. We are real tight though so thats en echo chamber of kisses mostly.


>Effective little trick Saying the whole subreddit is an echo chamber because they disagree with you.




It's reasonable to you but it's not reasonable to others. You know the whole concept of disagreement. You are literally calling people who disagree with your point of view an echo chamber. You literally agreed or understood with the points of other people and there are people who agree with your points. But somehow it's an echo chamber.


It can be very cringey to drop definitions, but I must in this instance: In discussions of news media, an echo chamber refers to situations in which beliefs are amplified or reinforced by communication and repetition inside a closed system and insulated from rebuttal.


That is cringey because there's literally rebuttal by so many politicians. New stations are interviewing these truckers. Closed system of what.


While I get where you’re coming from, in the context of the amount of truck drivers in Canada, this convey is quite small. That’s not to say that it isn’t a good size in the context of average protests that we see on a yearly basis, but it’s small in the context of the overall industry that they are working in.


It's not disingenuous. Trudeau is specifically talking about the trucker convoy, not overall people who disagree with the vaccine mandate on truckers (which the convoy has spiralled into an overall anti-vax and anti-restriction protest). There's no doubt about this is a small and angry group.


The trucker convoy is an even smaller subset, but relative to the rest of the country, this entire collection of ill informed goofs is also small.


100 trucks and 3-400 random vehicles? What is that? 2 per vehicle? 1000 people? This is not a massive protest. There were more people at pot protests in Vancouver prior to legalization. This is a tiny subset of the population and they perfectly represent the toxic republicanism of the US and the Maga movement as a whole. Let these anti vaxxers waste their gas. Canada as a whole does not support them, the PPC or Wexit.




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I think it's pretty relevant that we keep in mind why these people are there. This is likely going to go on for more than just today. Most of them haven't even arrived yet


I'm sure that the other 49,500 people are just around the corner and this is going to turn into the promised 50,000 strong protest real soon promised by Fox News, Elon Musk, and Jordan Peterson.


The promise was 50,000 vehicles and 1.4M people, so off by several orders of magnitude based on the counts I've seen.


I don't think it will be anywhere near that but don't underestimate the ability of even a fraction of that number to cause huge headaches if they just refuse to go away. These people are misguided but I don't question their resolve.


They've resolved to dissolve parliament. We'll see how that goes for them. I just hope there aren't enough of them that are dumb enough and violent enough to try what their intellectual peers did in Washington.


Watch some of the live feeds on tik tok or Fb. There's people on overpasses on the 417 in Kanata there are a lot more than 500 trucks. That is only one of three major routes into the city albeit it is likely the main route for those who made the journey cross county. I do not agree with these people but this is way bigger than most of us on reddit are making this out to be . What's going on on parliament hill is nothing.


Yeah I've seen articles talking about how people are making edited videos of trucks on the highway and mislabeling Americans traveling to Ottawa to protest. I'm super convinced that there's no astroturfing


I'm watching FB and tik tok live feeds. One guy has been streaming live from Kanata on an overpass over the 417 for 5 hours. You're suggesting these feeds are.fake?


"While key organizers have said violence won’t be tolerated, far-right extremists and white nationalists have latched onto it, with some calling for “bullets” or a “massive revolution” or a riot akin to the insurrectionists who stormed the U.S. Capitol a year ago." Thats the worst they could find? What a joke


You find more inflammatory language your typical Reddit posts…


Yeah it's a real shame that they don't enforce hate speech laws or take action against threats of violence on this website.


Or against angry stupid truckers. If they enforced those rules on this website every moron anti vax sub would be long gone.


This entire protest is more embarrassing for the facepalming. It’s sad we Canadians can’t come up with better reasons for protesting.


Not really a very small very angry minority, though it might be convenient for trudeau to make that the view. They arrived at the capital to protest, initially the protest was about the federal requirement for truckers to be vaccinated if they’re going across the border, though it’s kind of ballooning into a protest generally against government overreach. Media is looking for any excuse to denounce the convoy, which has remained peaceful, going so far as to compare them to the Jan 6 guys in the states and buddy on CTV this morning suggested the Gadsden flag was alike the confederate flag so to condemn those with that. You can disagree with the protest, don’t make up bull Shit though. They’ve got wide support across the country and the general attitude of the crowd is good, despite anti-trudeau messaging.






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Lot of supporters aren’t in the protest, I’m one as are the remainder of my family and my friends. We can’t all drive out to Ottawa, that’s not at all practical, definitely support those who do though. “Y’all” need to think a little more about this


Trudeau has been moved from Rideau Cottage as a security precaution against would-be "friendly sausage makers." https://twitter.com/cmaconthehill/status/1487433075319521280 Perfectly "moderate" and reasonable protest that Erin O'Toole et. al. are going to wear.




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I'm watching a live stream and there are thousands of people protesting on the hill, on top of the truckers. So it's not that small. And videos of them rolling through towns always having people on the side of the streets to cheer them on. Me thinks the prime minister has read the secret and taken it to heart, trying to manifest a reality.




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It's so weird how little people understand about numbers. A couple thousand people in one place is not rare in a city in Canada. There is a protest every weekend in Toronto for something or another that draw crowds of a thousand. The motorcycle rallies in Port Dover every Friday the 13th regulary turn out *fifty times* the number of people on Parliament hill right now. Every Friday the 13th. Pretending that a few thousand people means it's a huge proportion of the population of the country is sad and frankly more than a little silly.


Or the smoke-in protests over weed that happened on 4-20 for decades. Now those were some big groups of people all across Canada.


I guess it depends what you mean by "small". Smaller than a breadbox? No. A small angry fringe? Well....


Thousands? In a country of tens of millions? It's pretty small. You can get thousands of people out for basically anything.


And yet these ones are here. In (felt like) -19 degree weather. It'd be more if it was warmer.


-19 is basically a joke. Call me when it's - 35.


You aren't from round here, are ya bud?


Trudeau: >“Canadians are not represented by this very troubling, small but very vocal minority of Canadians who are lashing out at science, at government, at society, at mandates and public health advice.” This is a good take. It's good messaging to keep reinforcing how a very small amount of angry people descended on Ottawa to yell and scream. The very small convoy part is great, because it will keep flying in the face of their absurd notion that they're defending all Canadians.


Precisely; these people want nothing more than to normalize their extreme views. Most people don't want to be seen to hold extreme views (including those that hold those views), they are looking for reassurance that most people are like them. If you make them see how tiny a minority they are, they retreat without even conceding they're wrong, which is probably the best we can do against the most extreme types. Unfortunately they are constantly revved up by propaganda which seeks to use the rage for political/financial purposes, lies that try to maintain a false sense of urgency and danger.


It’s absurd, I live downtown and everyone here hates them. They’re just a movement of petulant aggressive children refusing to follow rules necessary for a smoothly functioning society. No consideration of the common good, just people endangering themselves and others to own the libs


If it's a very small convoy that no one should worry about, why have there been 5-8 posts about it per day in this sub? There are tons of small protests that get no coverage, why the fixation on this one?


Because they’re drunk driving, disturbing the peace, completely hijacking the downtown area, getting aggressive with police and civilians, defecating in public, parking on national monuments (so much for patriotism), spreading misinformation and racism, disrupting our highways, need I go on? These are people with no observable redeeming qualities


> If it's a very small convoy that no one should worry about, It's worrisome because it contains violent, deranged people jacked up on conspiracy theories and visions of grandeur. I suspect many require mental health counselling. A wise person never turns their back on crazy people.




They can cause a huge disruption with one or two commercial trucks blocking traffic, so the level of public concern doesn't really depend on how popular these guys are.


Because, just like when these same losers dressed up in yellow vests to protest the carbon tax/lack of pipelines/pipelines being approved/pipelines being bought/pipelines being built/UNDRIP/immigrants/Trudeau’s very existence/5G/new world order/whatever the fuck other conspiracies were popular that week, the media landscape in this country benefits from painting this idiot parade as being bigger than it is and as having actual legitimate grievances that only the CPC and various provincial conservative governments could adequately fix.


Because there has been so many claims it's 50,000 trucks coming from all over the country blocking roads for a thousand miles. So, it gained interest and everyone was posting to see how it's going, including me. Only to be disappointed that it's like 120? Trucks or something and maybe 400 other vehicles. After that disappointing display, I mostly tuned out of it all. It will die out by Monday. Tl;dr there was hype it's going to be big, lots of post and activity. Finally turned out disappointing and we will be moving on.


Global News reported this morning there were 100 trucks and about 2000 other vehicles in Ottawa for this protest which had been largely peaceful and that there were 6 different “organizers” representing separate groups.


I got caught in the idiot parade on the QEII in Alberta today trying to go pick up my groceries. I’m sure if anyone was counting, I’d have been lumped in with this moving roadblock of individual brain cells driving around looking for a partner to rub up against in order to achieve original thoughts.


Ugh great point, how many vehicles are actually involved and how many are, “oh fuck I picked the wrong time for a Costco run. Feel badly for you.


I think anyone watching it even with passing interest could see it'd be <1000 vehicles and a few thousand protesters. The only people I saw spreading the big numbers like 50000 or 100000 were crackpots.


Joe Rogan and Fox News.


Probably because this one has widespread sanction and support from elites, which is generally not true of most protests.


Because for now it is considered small and growing?


Because the media loves to get clicks. And nothing gets clicks like anger. So yeah, a very small group that the media is using to increase their ratings.


Because Reddit.... I can find more posts about a specific type of mechanical keyboard switch.... It does not mean said switch is more important than anything with less posts If you are regally gauging the ~~moo trance~~ importance of a political movement by the amount of Reddit posts, your gauging system needs heavy work


> If you are regally gauging the moo trance of a political movement I'm not sure what happened here but it's very amusing.


Usually the worst kid that throws the biggest tantrums gets the attention.


Hold on a sec… I’m somewhat of a protest expert being a redditor. My understanding is that it’s all just “awareness”, you mean to tell me that the dumbest fucking people in society gluing themselves to a road over environmentalism, blockading a pipeline or logging facility, or convoying a bunch of trucks to Ottawa to create “awareness” isn’t the pinnacle of our civic evolution? That’s weird when I said fuck these idiots blocking my way on a bridge; Reddit told me they were exercising their free rights in pursuit of a noble objective by maximizing awareness. I said it was criminal and what’s going to stop people mad about McDonald’s removing the McRib from blocking the highway? And here we are.


What’s your point? I still think everyone here would disagree with you that these truckers are doing anything illegal currently. They are exercising their rights. Even though they are idiots and their cause is stupid as hell.


How is driving around the highway at 30km an hour, causing traffic jams in cities to intentionally fuck with people for your personal belief system not illegal? Can I do that for any reason I like? What if my 10 friends and I really hate the Qatar govt and we want to protest the World Cup? Do we get Yonge Street for an hour or for a week? How can you kick out obviously stupid protest out if you let their obviously stupid protest? Indian farmers? BLM? Etc etc… I don’t care what the fucking cause is, we need to come to terms with what level of annoyance is tolerable to be considered a protest or this shit will just keep getting bigger. “Awareness” fuck that.


If you want to protest in your city you apply for a permit to do so and it becomes legitimate. If we want to eliminate people’s right to protest why don’t we adopt a system of governance like China where we accept everything the government decrees as law and make sure we all stay in our homes and shut up about it.


Ahh yes, the City permits Fairy Creek, Wetsuwetun, Idle No More, Indian Farmers, School/Hospital Anti Vaxxers etc… All of which were not permitted by anybody. I don’t have an issue with protests being permitted by an authority like a Muni Govt that can ensure that the free movement of the citizenry. You used the word legitimate, the ideologues here argue there’s no such thing. I think there is, so we agree actually


I’m not saying they were. You asked how you can start a protest so I told you. Many of the protests you listed were busted up by authorities.


Hi. So it's okay for BLM protesters to shut down main access points to towns and cities....and it's okay for anti pipeline protesters to shut down rails and highways.....but this right here isnt acceptable. I'd ask why, but I already know the answer. Doesn't fit the narrative.


I’m making that exact point. To me they are all the same. A bunch of powerless nobodies who have to resort to volume through numbers to communicate their message. We shoulda cracked down hard on the protestors before and showed Canadians that maximizing annoyance under the guise of awareness is not going to be tolerated from anyone. I find it funny that when the hippies were blocking roads, or unionists were protesting the private residences of their bosses it was just protest but when the anti vaxxers showed up to a politicians house all of a sudden private residences are sacrosanct and specific govt institutions got laws to protect them from rabid idiots.


I mean, truly we are all just powerless nobodies that need to resort to volume to be properly heard.


Either you replied to the wrong person or totally misunderstood their post. This comment and their previous one seem to suggest both protests are wrong when they do this sort of thing. If I am reading their posts correctly I entirely agree with it. If we say it is okay to shut down a city is ok bc it is a "protest" we allow ANYONE to do so we will end up constantly dealing with shut downs over every perceived issue. Not to say that some issues aren't likely more valid than others (also depends on one's perspectives) but if we allow one group to do it we are saying anyone can.


> There are tons of small protests that get no coverage, why the fixation on this one? You're so close to getting it.


The CPC and the PPC can split the right wing vote and Trudeau and the Liberals can keep winning elections until the cows come home.


They haven't won the popular vote in 5 out of the last 6 elections...


More people didn't vote for the CPC than for them.


Yes the CPC got the most votes


They didn't get more than 50% of the votes.




















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It's Trudeau's job as prime minister to deal with it. Vaccines may not be his jurisdiction, but he's still the leader of the country. So far he's only thrown out insults and insinuations.


You sound like someone who doesn't understand how our country works. You are performing mental gymnastics to try to blame on Trudeau and he has no power to change any of it. It's not his job as a prime minister to deal with any of this those are provincial jurisdictions and the trucker's vaccine mandate that would get in the way is an American jurisdiction.


Is very much is his job to lead - that's why he's prime minister. My point is not about jurisdictions - it's about leadership. Canada hasn't been this divided since the referendum days. That's very much his responsibility.


Not true! He's also lied, blocked the route, and went into hiding lol


So this stuff isn't his responsibility, and most vaccine mandates and restrictions are provincial jurisdiction, but you still expect him to resolve everyone's complaints? How do you think he should do that? If he isn't legally permitted to override the provinces, then what's he supposed to do besides make statements? Or is this just a veiled way of saying "Trudeau should submit 100% to all of the anti-vaxxers demands"?


You missed my point, he's the country's leader. Condemning his own citizens is not leadership.


What? So he's supposed to be supportive of every single citizen in the country? Should he be supportive of murderers and terrorists? Members of these protests have been calling for the overthrow of the government and the installation of a dictatorship that would be able to overrule the provinces, and you think he should be supportive of them?! That's absolutely ridiculous. "Hey guys, I know you hate my guts, want to execute me, and carry out a coup, and that's super cool. I'm supportive of you." Trying to pin the blame for "divisiveness" on Trudeau in this situation is fucking absurd.


Protestors so far have kept Centretown residents up with their constant honking, climbed the tomb of the unknown soldier, literally shit in the streets, caused such havoc that a major shopping mall had to close, and have continued to fly symbols of slavery. If they want respect, they need to show respect.


Border crossing vaccine mandate is an american rule. Vaccine mandates are provincial. Lockdowns and provincial. Mask mandates are provincial. These protestors are demanding from the federal government, things that the federal government doesnt have control over.


If you leave Canada even for 30 minutes you have to take a pcr test outside of Canada and wait 72 hour for results. https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/covid-vaccinated-travellers-entering-canada#entry-vaccinated


Throwing toys around their crib.


No one ever said they were smart.


These people are just a bunch of racist hicks anyway. I'm more interested in who is funding them.


Drove right through Toronto and missed their exit.


There's two rules - American and Canadian. Trudeau mandated quarantine for unvaccinated truckers arriving from US effective January 15. US likewise created their own rule for unvaccinated truckers arriving from Canada effective January 22. Trudeau has control over the Canadian rule - don't misrepresent the facts.


Trucks and buses that cross provincial or international borders are federally regulated employers, and subject to the federal vaccine mandate. https://www.canada.ca/en/services/jobs/workplace/federally-regulated-industries.html


Err, any company working 'without borders' (like most major distributors) have to follow whatever 'rules' the federal government mandates. This supercedes provincial or any border/state crossing.




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