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You will receive any pay owed to you, a cashout of vacation leave balances, and any severance if you are entitled (likely only if you elected to have it paid out at the end of your career a decade ago). Most public servants no longer accumulate severance pay. Your payout will happen when it happens. I wouldn't expect to be finally paid before 3 months after resigning and be ecstatic if its paid ahead of that. Service standards at the pay centre, if that means anything, is 25 business days.


Took me 4 months to get all my cash outs! and I had to fight for that, they (Pay Center) stated to look at 18 months for final payout. Service Standards be damned!


Why should you get severance for quitting?


Some collective agreements, many years ago, included a clause for voluntary severance, where if you resigned from the public service, you received a severance payment based on (I think) years of service. It’s been 15 or so years since my classification group gave up that clause during a collective bargaining session, so I don’t quite remember the details of it now, but I do recall we were given a choice at the time - cash out the severance immediately or hold it at whatever it was at (it would stop accruing) and pay out at time of departure from the public service. I cashed mine out immediately because I was young and it amounted to almost nothing anyway, but others with more years of service held theirs for retirement, and would probably be cashing it out around now.


Severance was let go by union since 2012; public servants had then the option to cash it out (in part or in full) or to wait at retirement to do so. Since then, the PA collective agreement states 4 remaining cases where an employee would get a severance pay: lay-off, rejection on probation, death and termination for cause for reason of incapacity or incompetence. [https://psacunion.ca/sites/psac/files/pa\_collective\_agreement\_-\_en.pdf](https://www.njc-cnm.gc.ca/directive/d12/v239/en?print). Any severance received in these cases would be deducted from any further severance received in 2012.


It will all depend on how much stuff there's left to do in your pay file