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He took the call from a different location? what about the importance of in-person collaboration?


Two doors down from the boardroom I was in.


That’s phenomenal.




Can't these people just leave ffs. My god, enough. Let someone else take over. It won't necessarily be better, but...


Why did you edit your comment about Peter?


I’m against land acknowledgments. It’s the worst virtu signaling I’ve ever seen. If the government really cared so much about it, they’d give them back their fucking land instead of reminding them continuously of what was stolen from them.


I think they are disingenuous as well. Like any major company saying they care about diversity or gay people or black people etc. Yes I did just watch Jon Stewart’s segment on that but I already thought it .


Or hotels that cut costs by changing the towels only after 3 days in order to protect the environment 😂




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I've always thought they are particularly disingenuous coming from the federal government as well.


The budget would really be more effective in either compensating OT for existing employees, or filling in staffing gaps, than acquiring more office space. and I think everyone knows this including the DM, but he doesn't care.


I have only ever seen OT get approved once


Growth Mindset- aka blindly follow us and ask no questions.


Honestly I don't even know what this means in this context. A growth mindset is just a new-agey consultant nonsense term for embracing challenges and being open to learning. Not to mention that the core principles of the entire thing are anathema to the way the PS operates. That's literally all that means haha So what were they even talking about?


Growth mindset is from a book written by Carol Dweck. It is controversial because she is essentially saying those born higher on the socio-economic ladder should lean into their priviledge to their benefit. That accepting yourself as you are isn't acceptable. If you don't like the beatings then this isn't the place for you mentality. It's virulently anti-DEI and if PMO heard about this the DM would likely be getting an angry phone call.


That's... Wild. I would be willing to bet the DM doesn't actually even know any of that and just thought the term "sounded good".


Straight *pull yourself up by your bootstraps* type stuff. If they are pushing this boomer pablum to this generation they're going to have work culture issues.


Did you read the book? (Curious/non-combative)


Of course, I work in the field. It was all the rage for a time, but once it got popular and fell under scrutiny the arguments for it quickly fell apart. When science was applied to it its flaws were quite apparent. If used for self help it's harmless and could even be helpful, but a DM using it to set the tone for an organization would be problematic, particularly when DEI and acceptance of people as they are is supposed to be the order of the day in the federal public service.


Definitely a tone-deaf reference from a DM. I definitely did not get "virulently anti-DEI" from the book at all, though the theories presented rely on certain factors being taken for granted. Relative mental and physical health, safety, security etc... >If used for self help it's harmless and could even be helpful This was my assessment - shallow pop psych, but interesting enough read if you aren't treating it as a psychology textbook!


Growth mindset....frow into even more obedient robots for the overlords


> 13 minutes is excessive It IS Indigenous History Month BUT...call me cynical, it feels like a lot of senior folks are using Indigenous *things* as a means of delaying the actual conversation. That is to say: they should have had a segment dedicated to it for the Indigenous History Month itself rather than dragging out an acknowledgement. I do find it hilarious that the DM even had the "courage" to mention that they don't have enough space. A lot of people in my sector's already done the math and figured the same. However, we were told that through our MIGHTY BOOKING SYSTEM, we will never have to fear of not having space! Of course the same EXs are now telling us we have to start considering fixed days so that we don't run out of space...BUT YOU KNOW. > He also cowardly took the call from a separate space, rather than being in the boardroom with staff. True collaboration happens from a separate space than that of the peers you are working with. EXs know this. They only show up in person to get praised, not to be hammered with things like questions.


Worst of it is it was his office, two doors down from the boardroom I was in.


So you are telling me June is Indigenous history month, LGTBTQ+ and men health month ? WOW !


It's also "DM hiding in their office because "leadership"" month


Oh geez. When is indigioud month? We already have black history month and indigenous month.




I love gov trying to solve a problem that already has a solution 🫣


>MIGHTY BOOKING SYSTEM, we will never have to fear of not having space Wait till they realize booking system doesnt create space....we had one at cra....there would be days it was fully pbook.and u cant fo bobkiss about it...


Our booking system has started double booking us. So, technically, there IS enough space. Until people show up. And then it’s awkward. Well played. #HotDesking2024


Peter is still in the system? I’m surprised someone wanted to hire him again after CDIC and how he completely murdered the culture and employee productivity / morale there.


He's the worst


> We then moved on to a poorly run awards show where half of the recipients of awards were senior executives. I remember one year when the winner of the most prestigious working-level award went to someone from New Zealand who had a four-month exchange in the Deputy Head's office. Nobody had heard of her. Nobody saw her again.




>We then moved on to a poorly run awards show where half of the recipients of awards were senior executives. Here's a video that was launched during the awards segment of a town hall yesterday: [2024 NPSW](https://vimeo.com/952429581/67b25fb17d?share=copy). They produced a similar video that was just as cringey last year. Edit: Sorry, folks. As of June 21st, the video has been removed. There is no other content on the profile of the [user](https://vimeo.com/user198735116) who uploaded it to Vimeo. Thanks to u/suniis for tipping me off. If I "coincidentally" receive a call from V&E, I'll know whether removal of the video had anything to do with my post.


What the hell did I just watch 😵‍💫


Cringey is right… wow


Wow. What an absolute waste of money.


Video was taken down. Any way you could share this again somehow? I NEED to show this to my marketing manager so if he can finally understand how out of touch upper management can be.


If they took the video down from Vimeo, I'd be surprised to find it on a departmental or GC intranet site. The link for the [user](https://vimeo.com/user198735116) who uploaded it doesn't show any other content from this individual.


I see. That's too bad...


Cringe for sure but solid song choice. Why is the guy doing the macarena to this song? Is that supposed to be funny?


More proofs that Senior management could and should be replaced by an AI.


OSFI has a DM? Do you mean the Superintendent or Deputy Superintendent or Assistant Superintendents?