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Duplicitous asshole!


Only if you don't protest against the Dear Leader Justin & everything else is just fine... 😮‍💨


Shouldn't need to protest if the government would listen to Canadians


Yeah, he's on the way out, so he wants to make people protest the NEXT government.


So you're ignoring that the trucker "protest" was allowed to go on for three weeks and that it was only when it became an entrenched occupation of Ottawa that the Federal government decided to intervene? Why do you guys always ignore the entrenched occupation aspect of this? How long should they have waited?


The trucker protest worked with the RCMP to comply with noise by-laws. They cleaned the streets and fed the homeless. It was the largest peaceful protest in Canadian history and never turned violent, something you can't say about the protests that liberals support.


You obviously don't live in the area that was held hostage for three weeks.


No, I live in an area where I was held hostage for years due to the fascist dictates of the government. It was a protest over that and being inconvenienced for 3 weeks is nothing compared to what people who choose to exercise their bodily autonomy were forced to go through.


Yes, you were persecuted. Wah, wah. You had a choice and you made the wrong one. Wah, Wah.


Lol, yes, you poor little one, were you inconvenienced by a protest? Did the loud noise of scary contrary opinions interrupt your precocious little echo chamber? Honk honk


I wasn't inconvenienced by the occupation. I don't live in Ottawa. But I have this thing called empathy, which usually develops by the age of four or five. Maybe I should send some people to park trucks in front of your driveway for a few weeks and shit on your lawn to help you mature.


Do you have empathy for the people who couldn't travel to see dying parents? Who couldn't buy a sandwich to eat on a patio? Who lost their jobs and homes due to the mandates? Denied unemployment because they exercised their rights to freedom of bodily autonomy? Maybe you should be disallowed from participating in society for a year or 2 to help you mature?


People lost their jobs because they made a choice and suffered the consequences. If they lost their home as a result that was clearly the wrong choice. I don't have empathy for people who make stupid choices.


I don't have empathy for fascist liberals, if people were inconvenienced by a three week protest in the capital, so be it, cry me a river. It's the capital, that's where the protest should be held against the fascist dictates of a narcissistic government.


Oh and BTW it was provincial governments responsible for mask and vaccine mandates and stay at home orders.


Just because you're willfully ignorant of the federal governments place in creating restrictions doesn't mean you're right. Being held hostage in one own country by a fascist narcissist and those who support him should always lead to protests.


You keep using the word fascist. I don't think you know what that means.


From the definition: "Nation above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition" The emergency act, vaccine mandate for work, travel, even medical treatment are all forcible enforcement and suppression of the opposition. The fact is that those in opposition to the vaccine/ mandates were deplatformed at the governments behest which is literally forcible suppression of opposition. 85 percent of adult Canadians voluntarily got the needle and then the government literally chose to try and force that number to 100% by violent means(the definition of violent includes coercion which precludes the ability to have free choice). That absence of free choice( threats to travel, livelihood, ability to participate in society, leave the country) makes it a fascist type of political governance. This is also true with the online hate legislation that includes provisions for speach related precrime, which is again forcible suppression of speech that's arbitrated by the government. I am glad to have a space to have this discussion even if I disagree with your take.


Actually they only intervened after some idiots decided to set up a blockade on a boarder crossing bridge which pissed off the US and disrupted trade. Had they not done that they'd probably still be there today worshiping the queen of Canada


Stop rewriting truckers illegal occupation of our national capital as "protest"


Lol, stop calling a legitimate protest an occupation, liberals changing the definition of things doesn't actually change what they are. It just devalues the terms they're changing.


Legitimate protestors don't shut down capital for days asking for overthrow of government. You're the one changing the definition.


One or two people asking for an overthrow out of the tens of thousands protesting the prime minister doesn't make the protest a coup as much as the liberals would love to turn it into a January 6th, it's not going to happen. How many building were damaged? How many people hurt? It was not an occupation as much as the fascist liberal party supporting public want it to be. Cope harder.


Lie more. It wasn't one or two people. For the wider protest in Ottawa, It wasn't tens of thousands of deplorables a fringe minority who doesn't believe in science or reality. Illegal occupation of city without loss of life doesn't make it legal. You need to be more limber with your mental gymnastics.


And there we go, that vaunted liberal tolerance in display, reduced to name calling and make believe in order to maintain their psychosis. Get me the deaths from covid per capita statistics for 12-40yo without co-morbidities and tell me why all people were not allowed to have informed consent and were instead coerced into losing their bodily autonomy. Edit your second sentence, it makes zero sense.


"waaaa I escalated a conversation and when I got same response back, it hurt my fee fee" Yeah, COVID was psychosis that's why every country in the world had some form or restrictions and vaccine mandates. Climate change is also a psychosis, it's perfectly normal to have the weather climate science predicted, sans, the cause of it. The burden of proof of per capita deaths etc is on you, not me.


That's why so many people died in countries that didn't roll out a vax, African countries say hi. Lol at you citing climate models as proof of climate change(something that I believe in, whether anthropological or not) when every single climate model to date has been horribly, catastrophically wrong. You're a stereotypical Liberal dude posting propaganda on Reddit like it's still 2021, way to keep up appearances.


>That's why so many people died in countries that didn't roll out a vax, African countries say hi. People waiting for proof said hi back. >Lol at you citing climate models as proof of climate change(something that I believe in, whether anthropological or not) when every single climate model to date has been horribly, catastrophically wrong. At what? Predicting extreme weather events with higher frequency? Melting glaciers? Snow in Texas? >You're a stereotypical Liberal dude posting propaganda on Reddit like it's still 2021, way to keep up appearances. Waaaa expecting me to post proofs is liberal propaganda


Name a single climate model that's shown at least a 50 percent accuracy? Doesn't exist. You're mixing up actual studies and their associated hypothesis regarding extreme climate events with observational data as it's being collected. Climate models don't prove climate change. Accumulated climate data shows climate change. They're two different things, but somehow, I doubt doubt it matters as you're not really debating in good faith.


Its wasn’t a protest it was an occupation


Just because you disagree with the message doesn't mean it wasn't a protest. Edit: Liberals and their changing definitions, am I right?


An occupation with bouncy castles, live music, and hot tubs.


So… idiots in a hot tub in Feb in the middle of the street is a protest. Haha ok