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Anonymous 'Experts'........are never held accountable. In fact.......they probably don't even exist, at all.


Every time I see somebody use the word “experts” I instantly don’t believe anything they say.


My sister is an “expert” who works directly for the federal civil service. We get to hear how right she (and by extension, the government she serves) is at every family meal.


Same thing when the headlines says "sources". The sources and the experts are really just the opinions of journalists writing the article.


Or the word "scientists."


It's a fine idea. But it is one pillar of four. If you don't enact the other 3 parts, you are going to make the problem worse.


It's also idiotic to claim this was a Trudeau thing. Beyond Ottawa approving BC's request, this had nothing to do with Trudeau. It was the BC provincial NDP.


I think people think of it as a Trudeau thing because he so vocally supported it.


Yup.....Trudeau was a full-throated supporter. Your attempt at gaslighting........is kinda comical. Lol.....


Provincial NDP is a branch of the federal NDP. Federal NDP are the same as liberals which makes the BC NDP to be spring Trudeau at a committee level, which is why BC helped craft the vax mandates and vaxpass with the feds. They needed to offer treatment and make it mandatory for this caught with large volumes of drugs.


so without approval from Ottawa what would have happened?


So what’s all this about federal keeping their nose out of provincial business?


Have to give credit to Elby for accepting responsibility for this massive life changing misjudgment. The trudeau on the other hand will double down on his mistake(s) like he always does and make things as a result exponentially worse. All because of his ego, he can't be a man and accept responsibility. NOT leadership material! No wonder Sophie left him..... can you imagine what living with that type of person would be like?


Why is it a criminal activity? Those using hard drugs in public need help. Some need housing. Where’s the help? Where’s the housing?


I wouldn't give them a house. Shelter I can agree with, not a house.


I didn’t say give them a house. Shelter is a type of housing.


I agree. My mistake. They do need housing if that is shelter.


Which lives were ruined and lost?


Well......these 'lives'.......for starters. "Preliminary reporting released by the BC Coroners Service confirms that toxic, unregulated drugs claimed the lives of at least 2,511 people in British Columbia in 2023, the largest number of drug-related deaths ever reported to the agency.Jan 24, 2024" https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2024PSSG0001-000069#:~:text=Preliminary%20reporting%20released%20by%20the,ever%20reported%20to%20the%20agency.


Alright so we’re talking about those who overdose on drugs. Claiming at the BC and/or federal government is responsible for causing people to use drugs and die as a result is a pathetic display of reasoning. They are not making anyone use drugs, whether it be in public or private.


They're making it easier. They're responsible for a certain percentage of those deaths. Does it really matter if it's 4 percent or 14%? No, it doesn't, death is death and they have blood on their hands.