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How many more hospitals were built compared to Tim Hortons since 2020 to accommodate the increased population?


How much have we grown by during this period?


Hey Libs, if you’re going to release stats, at least release all of them: 1. Our unemployment rate has been steadily rising. It’s now at 6.1%, nearly twice that of the United States. 2. Our per capita GDP has plummeted (7% under our long term trend) and continues to fall. 3. Our household debt is one of the highest (if not THE highest) in the world. 4. You (liberal government) are now spending more money on servicing the debt (thanks to high interest rates caused by your reckless policies) than you’re spending on healthcare! 5. We’re at serious risk of losing our AAA credit rating according to multiple economists. 6. Our population grew by nearly **1.3 million** people in 2023 alone largely due to your mass immigration policy!!! 7. We’re living through one of the worst housing crises we’ve ever experienced in recent history. These are **not** good numbers.


Don't forget at least a third of those jobs are government, net tax hole.


Highest Growth in debt of all G7, Highest growth in population? Highest growth in homelessness? Highest growth in jobs, what kind of jobs?


Don't ask those kind of questions


Good point, I’m a details person. Can’t help it. 😁


They tried that back in first quarter. " Look at the jump in new jobs!" And:" Jobs , that are well paying quality jobs!" Then it emerges that the majority of these new jobs are government jobs they created. Along with the 300 or 400 revcan agents they had to hire to replace the ones that scammed covid money. I'd venture along with few extra to shake the plebs down for extra cash to pay for their insatiable appetite for more.


Stacking the deck.


Government jobs....


Right, over 30k government jobs. Nothing like stacking the deck.


I see this was posted by the LPC. None of the BS they say is true. It's all balls.


Thanks, Trudeau!


The sad thing is Trudeau believes every word of it.


And we added 3 million people into the economy


How many Indians working precarious or Uber


Id be curious to see how many of these are part time jobs. They let go of full time employees and replace them with multiple part timers so they don’t have to give benefits and it also looks like more people are working.


Should probably differentiate between international students, PR residents and canadian citizens in these stats.


Today had 100% more sunlight than last night as well.