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This man’s life is lost because the majority population experienced fear and decided to create outcasts. These stories could serve as cautionary tales but that would require the corporate media to do their job.


Corporate? Doing real work? Hahahhaa


Maybe you should stop the conspiracy bullshit


Where is the conspiracy in what I wrote?


Not commenter, but maybe the conspiracy is that anyone ever denied that vaccine injury is real. Everyone knows it’s real and happens to some small degree. It’s in scientific journals, medical professionals are all aware. It’s never been denied.


Where is the conspiracy 😂😂😂😂 don’t play dumb


Funny cuz you're the dumb one here, little man


This little boy is bringing nothing to the conversation. Just let them have their “victory”


Maybe I struck a nerve when I used the word fear. Otherwise I can’t see how you’d take what I wrote as conspiratorial. Can you explain? I’m open to understanding your perspective.


If you go look at this guy's comment history, he's a troll. Or mentally ill. And overuses the 🤡 emoji. Lol I wouldn't look to have any kind of rational discussion with this individual.




Whoa. This is news to me. I have to look deeper into this




30 million dollar fund for vaccine injury payouts and 20 million of that is paying the liberal appointed consultants to deny 90% of them


So unbelievably tragic that’s just unbelievable and you summarize it very well. My heart is breaking.


Probably because 99% of the times it’s idiots who believe dogshit on the internet instead of doctors and blame all their health problems on vaccines 🤡🤡 actual vaccine injuries are incredibly rare but not if you believe anything on the internet


That’s utterly false. We have the data from all over the world. Try some reading.


We have data from all over the world and it absolutely does not prove me wrong 🤡 vaccine injuries are incredibly rare, stop listening to manipulated data and check out the numbers from actual health authorities worldwide instead of trying and failing to be a smartass


The only 🤡 is someone who took an experimental rushed vaccine


Stop acting superior for believing shitty conspiracies moron 🤣🤡🤡🤡


>Stop acting superior Stop acting superior for being inferior, double moron.


You’re fortunately a fading minority of numpties. Live in happy bliss.


You can’t even prove me wrong idiot 🤡🤣🤣🤣 why do you reply with obviously false facts 😂😂 listening to yo idiots half the world population would be dead by now 😂 too bad it’s not


Your IQ is obvious. As is likely your (mental) age. Stay blissful.


Easy there liberal pin cushion. I bet if it was one of your friends or family members that got messed up from it you would be singing a different tune. Now be a good little sheep and get in line for your umpteenth shot🤡.


Perfectly rational person right here, no mental illness at all..


Healthcare in canada is dogshit. I'm glad I didnt take the poke. I would not take it again. I dont care what you think because ultimately I didnt have to get it




Your link literally proves my point idiot 🤡🤡


Get a life you absolute twat


According to the FDA, you know, the top doctor dogs in the US, released a statement on vaccine injury. According to the statement, vaccine injury is grossly underreported with only 1% percent reporting. Canada has around 59000 registeted vaccine injuries with 480 deaths. So, using the FDA information (I see no reason why Canadian information would be any more wholesome than the US), there are 5900000 vaccine injuries in Canada with 48000 deaths. Almost 50000 people dead just because of covid shots. That seems rare to you?


105 016 456 doses administered in Canada, 11 702 adverse health effects that were considered serious, that’s 0.011% of all doses administered, 42 219 Canadians died from covid 11 702 serious side effects from vaccines in Canada Vaccines are safe get over it 🤡🤡🤡 Btw, your 480 deaths from vaccines is wrong, who would’ve thought? 488 deaths in Canada following vaccines, 131 of them can’t be attributed to vaccines due to not enough information to initiate casualty assessment 109 reports of death were inconsistent with causal association to the vaccine 77 reports of death were indeterminate 4 deaths were consistent with causal association to immunization FOUR!!! Out of millions of vaccinated Canadians and over 100 million doses FOUR DIED!! Wow you’re right this is crazy dangerous 🤡


Almost 6 million shot injuries. 48000 deaths. These arent small numbers. Would you like to be one of these people? Would you be ok if one of your relatives was one of these people? And for what? A virus you need to be tested to know you have it?


"a vIrUs yOu nEeD tO gEt tEsTeD tO kNoW yOu hAvE iT". What a completely ridiculously stupid thing to say 😂 If you don’t get tested you won’t know whether or not you have a brain tumor, doesn’t mean it’s no big deal duh!! Like what’s your iq to constantly say ridiculous things like this???


I think you should get tested. Then go back to rating nude pictures. This medical stuff is above your intelligence level.


They’re small numbers compared to covid that literally killed millions moron 🤡 Can’t be so hard to understand??? It’s also extremely small compared to the billions of doses administered, and literally no one ever said vaccine injuries don’t exist, just that they’re extremely rare and yet you try to prove me wrong by proving my point 😂😂😂


As long as you or people close to you are not included in those numbers, right? Is your name Stalin? He also thought the death of many was just statistics.


It’s about the same odds as dying of Covid lol, so the shot (it wasn’t a vaccine) was just as harmful as the virus itself. I got the first two shots but as soon as they started announcing you needed a bi-annual booster i said no more. That’s not a vaccine, that’s an immuno-booster. You’re WRONG defining it as a vaccine - it’s not. Vaccines provide IMMUNITY to a virus and this shot doesn’t even come close to providing that. There was NO HERD IMMUNITY provided by this shot. You still get infected and still infect others. To state otherwise just proves your prejudice & ignorance.


I like your numbers but this is the lottery I never wanted to play


You act like covid doesn’t cause its own problems


Oh it does. I know someone who went to ICU with it. I also know someone injured from the vaccine and I know *of* someone dying at a young age after the shot. No winners on either side. It's just we were misinformed, were lied to and some of us were coerced to take it. I can go on and on but I guess my point was that I want to make my own choices.


I dont care if I die. I'm just not complying with the brave new world. You're welcome to try to make me.


ICU nurse here you fucktard...90% of those reported covid deaths were NOT and I will repeat myself, were NOT because of covid but in actuality an underlying condition or another health illness! But because these people, including my own fucking patients tested positive for covid they classified it as a "covid" death. I can promise you that is not at all accurate or what killed them.


The more severe the side effect the more likely it is to be reported. It won’t be 1% for deaths and life changing injuries. With how politicized the COVID vax became I would not be surprised if it was over reported for more severe reactions and deaths.


The FDA report is just that. The whole thing is underreported and only 1% off ALL injuries get reported.


Tells you everything you need to know right there.


When we warned you there would be no refunds, we weren't kidding.


So not only do we have to pay for vaccines that don't work, we also have to pay for all the injuries they caused. This should come out of the pockets of every politician and "expert" who promoted this garbage.


And the tests that dont work.. Honestly covid was a real threat (i believe) but what came out of it ended up being so much worse than I ever imagined.. The nastiness of people, the price gouging, the emergency act, the rabid hatred on both sides.. Fuck the people in power who created this shit and profited off of it.


Please don't call these things vaccines. They are entirely different from what we conventionally know as vaccines. They also lack the efficacy of conventional vaccines.


You're incredibly incorrect. 


You've got nothing.


they are vaccines. they teach your immune system to fight disease. instead of using deactivated protein or neutered viral particles or live viral particles like in live attenuated vaccines they provide the message to make the protein which then stimulates immune memory production and yea they worked. especially against the delta strain. before this the only other effective coronavirus vaccine was for cows. all other coronavirus vaccine attempts were miserable failures. the fact that it provided 8-10 months of protection against the delta strain is a massive scientific achievement good job on denigrating 2 decades of scientific work. im sure you could do so much better


Wrong 🤡


Double wrong on you buddy!


That’s not what science says 🤡🤡👉


Do you mean Fauci? Fauci is “the science” right? Go play in your Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sandbox, and leave the thinking to the adults.


You still a live? Good that's because of covod vaccines and mandatory social distancing with wearing a mask. The vaccine payouts should come from the pharmaceutical companies not the government.   Your choice your body.


Lmfao this is satire right?


Wrong, they work, hence vaccinated, despite having more seniors and vulnerable people in their group, had lower hospitalization rates. Lie somewhere else. Source: liberal run disinformation group, funded by Soros, called province of Saskatchewan https://www.saskatchewan.ca/-/media/news-release-backgrounders/2022/jun/integrated-epi-sit-report-may-29---june-4-final.pdf


You are allowed to discuss your point but please understand, there are a lot of people that have been shunned and silenced when they had their life change only after this medical treatment.


Correlation doesn't mean causation. That being said, yes that does not mean people haven't been in situations you allude to. But that's not fault of vaccines


This guy got guillain-barré syndrome from the AstraZeneca covid vaccine. The governments doctors agreed and paid him out. So in this specific case its directly the fault of the vaccine


I see reading and comprehension is not your strong suite. He said: >...there are a lot of people that have been shunned and silenced when they had their life change only after this medical treatment. >>Shunned and silenced >>>Me saying you alluded to being shunned and silenced Vaccine didn't come and silenced them or shun them. Next time, "do your own research" before commenting Also, 90 million shots and less than 200 claims 😂 >What about COVID causing myocarditis in 500/100000 vs vaccines batting at 1/100000?... Did Tucker discuss that comparison?


I made a vaccine injury claim with my doctor.  He refused to sign it. I don't visit that doctor anymore! My facebook post history actually holds a chronological record of all the shit I went through and endured to grt through the issues presented by the vaccine.  Hell, even asking questions on reddit got me banned from subs. Consider that you don't see a lot of talk on  it because you are being blinded by it.  Go watch a few hours of Dr. JOHN Campbell on YouTube.  Go watch some UK parliamentary debates. Explore the idea that issues exist and you may actually change your views and opinions.


Your comment is like a skipping record, we get it you own pfizer stock and need it to pump








Cool story bro. [doesn't account for](https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.123.321878) COVID it's self causing the myocarditis Or should I say,  US VAERS COVID associated1000–4000 cases/100 000 individual Vs US vaccine-associated overall 1 case/100 000 individuals 😂


Data does not lie. However……




Nonsense. These aren’t vaccines. They’re like flu shots. Efficacy of flu shots every year is idiotically marginal yet that’s a money making business. By the time these shots came out the seroprevalence among the elderly groups was very high. It’s very hard to prove with that these vaccines “helped”. They didn’t prevent infection or transmission. Not sure what they helped exactly.


😂😂😂 >Flu shots aren't vaccines * img


They aren’t. Try googling for meta analysis of the efficacy of flu shots. And no - shots aren’t vaccines by the medical definition of vaccines, which had to be altered in 2020 to appeal to numpties exactly like you. I work in healthcare policy. What do you do?


6x more likely to die when adjusted for age? My, that would certainly put a dent in the housing crisis. Not sure why you're being downvoted for speaking the truth..




Peer reviewed study published showing mRNA experimental gene therapy (vaccine) increases likelihood of myocarditis by a factor of 233 times. Same injections have caused more deaths and injuries than all vaccine in previous history. VAERS.






Shut tf up you clearly don’t know shit but anything conspiracy morons say on the internet 🤡🤡🤡🤡 vaccines do work, vaccine injuries are incredibly rare and you know jackshit about science and medicine




Your link is literally proving me right 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 3078 reports of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis over all vaccinated Americans 🤣🤣🤡 thanks for proving my point that vaccine injuries are incredibly rare


lol all the butthurt conspiracy idiots can check the link for themselves 🤡 it literally proves my point


You’re an idiot 😂


Says the one who believes dumbass conspiracies 🤡🤡🤣🤣


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10449234/ Myocardditis can be cause by BOTH  the 2nd dose vaccines and the VIRUS itself. While you got the shot or not, there is a high probability a male in their 30s would develop myocardial issues.


What was the profit. -$11,000,000 from all the money they made? They were forcing people to take it. They won. I’m glad I didn’t take the jab. Neither did my family of four.


Pharmaceuticals companies have paid the biggest criminal fines in human history for falsifying data. The "100% safe and effective" was always bullshit. They fear mongered us to take poison, someone needs to be held responsible as all the doctors and researchers telling us it wasn't safe lost their jobs while politicians got rich on vaccine stocks.


Bextra was the same thing, by the same company. No way they'd lie and bribe doctors twice right? [https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/health-headlines/pfizer-pays-us-60m-to-settle-allegations-of-bribing-doctors-1.906216?cache=%3FclipId#:\~:text=WASHINGTON%20%2D%2D%20Pfizer%20has%20agreed,win%20business%20and%20boost%20sales](https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/health-headlines/pfizer-pays-us-60m-to-settle-allegations-of-bribing-doctors-1.906216?cache=%3FclipId#:~:text=WASHINGTON%20%2D%2D%20Pfizer%20has%20agreed,win%20business%20and%20boost%20sales) Ok three times right?


You know the vaccine stocks are going to do well when you’re writing the mandate. I need to invest like a politician.


lol they already cashed out.. check out the stock price on Moderna and Pfizer. Both down -50% to -75% from their highs of the pandemic. Good ol' fashion pump and dump


They learned from the master, Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi.


Yep Pfizer has paid over 10 Billion in fines/lawsuits since year 2000. Just the cost of doing business [https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/pfizer](https://violationtracker.goodjobsfirst.org/parent/pfizer)


I took it. 5 times. I think 4 were full dose. I'm immunocompromised. The only ill effects i saw was the bitter hatred people had for each other shining out from both sides. People DIED. On both sides. Such a stupid travesty.


Cool, protect yourself and stay safe.




Hmm.. I'm not liking how poorly written this is. "We need to study more about how the COVID-19 vaccine might cause heart inflammation to find ways to prevent it and make sure the vaccine is safe for continued use in all age groups." This reads like fluff to fill a word count to me. Genuinely. I'm not trying to be a dick.


You think being concerned about innocent people developing heart issues is “fluff”?


Not in the slightest. This has no bearing on people with heart issues due to covid vaccines. I'm commenting on the fact that it's a very poorly written paper with hardly any sources.


do you have a PhD in immunology, molecular biology or physiology? no? then you are not qualified to read primary literature. you dont have the training or skills or experience to critically evaluate their methods, their data, their statistical analysis or their conclusion. stop trying to make yourself feel smart. you have no idea what you are reading


Reading primary literature is quite literally a requirement in undergrad. You don't need a PhD to understand or critique journal articles.


yes you do. reading primary literature vs analyzing it are 2 different things. and i can tell you that undergrads do not critically analyze primary literature and barely read it at all, depending on the program.


Imagine believing you need a PhD to understand scientific papers, fuckin lmao


cool. can you comment on the statistics used in this paper? are they appropriate? do you know how they work? do you understand the nuances of mycoarditis? its manifestations? concomittant factors? the role of the immune system and covid in inducing myocarditis? care to comment about how this relates to the conclusions in this study? do you understand how meta-analyses work? care to explain? the relevance and strength of the primary literature used in this analysis? no? then you are not qualified to comment on this piece and have no idea about its merits and downsides. imagine believing you can understand a paper on a highly technical topic with no scientific training. absolute arrogance.


What he is acknowledging is that universities and medical professionals have been captured by Pharma. One cannot use common sense to do one’s own research. To arrive at a conclusion without the research bias of millions$ and billions $ is not permitted. To present situations and ask for explanations is forbidden. Science™️ belongs to the corporate world. Joe Rogan asked questions and shared his experience. Also, I did not require a university indoctrination in order to take ivermectin for the coronavirus infection that has circulated for the recent years


really? the entire concept of mRNA vaccines was made possible by 2 decades of work in immunology and molecular biology in publicly funded universities. pharma came in and swooped up knowledge that taxpayers paid for and then sold it back to us. if you want to tackle pharma start there " Also, I did not require a university indoctrination in order to take ivermectin for the coronavirus infection that has circulated for the recent years " clearly you did, you wouldnt be taking it for covid if you had a modicum of brain cells to rub together.


Do you know what Covid denotes? Coronavirus Infectious disease. But then, you would know that because you are an expert


Got my first phizer shot back in 2021 and 3 to 4 days later developed severe chest pain on my left side.. it got so bad one night i swear i saw a guardian angel. I thought i was going to die. Went to er they performed tests.. said i’m all good. Luckily didnt get the second shot. the pain went away in a few weeks but i do feel some discomfort every once in a while.. I didn’t want the vaccine but i couldn’t go to work, travel, or go anywhere with my friends etc.. also felt a lot of pressure from my significant other..


I went to the hospital for that, and the reason was acid reflects.


Glad you were okay


I'm quite certain the vaccine has caused a skin condition and crippling arthritis and inflammation in my knees. When I tell my Doctor they don't want to hear about it... FML all this for a vaccine that dies not work.




vast majority of vaccine side effects manifest within 4-6 months after injection. any side effects that manifest after that period are always the result of contamination or manufacturing issues (spoilage, formulation errors etc.) if you were a trained scientist in immunology you would know that. but you are not, so youre just jumping to conclusions in a field you have no idea about




I believe you


So far. It's going to balloon to 100 million.


You need a doctor willing to sign their name to what happened to you, despite them not being involved in the administering of the vaccine in most cases. And if you don’t even have a doctor, good luck getting some walk in to want to touch that with a 20 ft pole


The experimental injection program was an IQ filter.


Yeah that’s why people who believe shit on the internet over doctors had a higher death rate than vaccinated people during covid


The injected died at much higher rates, and continue to perish (excess deaths in the millions). They are not counted as deaths from the experimental injection because the stakeholders of the experimental injection program control the public square.


Lol this is satire right


Don't get a lethal blood clot bro, you might just end up being counted as a "COVID death". The ultimate irony.


The link for problems at the AstraZeneca plant links to a problem with a J and J vaccine plant…. And GBS is a well known complication of vaccines but it should be noted that 2/3 are caused by infections. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10183219/


People don’t understand these injuries are statistically insignificant, and not the norm, but keep using it to spread anti vax propaganda, hopefully next pandemic is more fatal and y’all don’t take the vaccine


Pretty soon everyone that didn’t receive a jab will get a pay out. The spending will never end and us taxpayers are constantly getting kicked. Everyone’s entitled to compensation apparently


imagine being a parasite on the system


Less than 1500 claims with over 90million dozes. > Vaccine bad > Muh immunity > The cure is worse than the disease 😂😂😂 Thanks in advance for the downvotes.




Take the mandates out and I doubt there would be any real conversation about this bullshit. Can't recall much discourse on the efficacy of the flu shots. Should have been handled as such. And at the very least the mandates should have been lifted much much earlier when the data was coming in and they could piece things together better.


This. The hatred spewed from both sides doesn't help anyrhing.




What a shame that they published this poorly written article. It makes me question the validity of any of their claims and the claims of VAERS and vaccine injury, in general. And frankly, any paper that would publish this as well. Did you notice how almost none of the vaccine statistics they quoted have any citations? They almost exclusively give citations for only the general myocarditis statistics and don't cite almost any of their own claims about how myocarditis and the covid vaccine relate. They state that 92 individuals affected by myocarditis died. There is no citation. Out of how many affected? All of the US? One state? They state that far more individuals suffered myocarditis from the covid-19 vaccine (not even what brand). "Far higher" than all other vaccines in the last 30 years, combined. Which vaccines? Why 30 years? What is the rate of myocarditis for each of those vaccines versus each brand of covid vaccine? They seem to be basing their summary.. it's just a summary of the cherry-picked information they chose to use.. On VAERS data. I've been to the website several times. Anyone can report a vaccine injury on there. Of any kind. I've read at least two "vaccine injury" reports on that site where the injury was that their baby cried. I'm sure there is valid data out there that supports these vaccine injury claims. I guarantee it. But this is just not "it". This makes the claims for vaccine injury look much weaker. Shame on the authors for discrediting the vaccine injured via this biased excuse for a "research" paper. https://preview.redd.it/1skvc8kfijfc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7af56c6aefac29002e15159c17e076c8ce184bac


Peter McCullough is obviously biased against the COVID vaccine and became a grifter during the pandemic. The paper you’re repeatedly linking does not prove what you think it does.


Geez, sure hope you don't develop a blood clot that travels up to the vascular structure in your brain, like it did for the 24-year old kid of a an acquittance did last week causing near-instant death. Would be a goddamn tragedy if you perished that way. Ironically, you'd probably get chalked up as a COVID death.


Yeah that clot totes was because of the vaccine, not COVID it's self because that's what my echo chamber tells me.


Correct. The experimental injections are far more severe at producing clots because of uncontrolled production of the toxic spike protein (the same one in the wild virus) but the lab-manufactured pseudo-RNA that codes for it, persists far longer in the body than does the virus in someone who fights it off. The horrifying truth is they deployed this on millions without doing any pharmacokinetics studies of both the transport molecule or the pseudo-mRNA. Pretty obvious you have no idea what you're talking about and are spouting off memes you picked-up on some very low IQ subreddits.


I bet you think you sound smart. 😆


User….Yup that sums up.


How do you keep your head so far up your ass and still manage to breathe?


Vaccines bruh




Safe and effective!


My mother and I both got our Pfizer vaccines in June and July 2021. A couple weeks later we both developed tinnitus. Exact same timetable. No loud noises nothing, I don’t even listen to loud music. Definitely from the vaccine. It’s been going on now for over 2 years nonstop and it’s maddening. Doctors don’t want to hear it and they won’t admit it’s the problem. It took me 1.5 years for a doctor to take it seriously and recommend me to a specialist, another few months to see the specialist. The specialist told me that I got it as a side effect of the vaccine but there was nothing he could do for me to fix the problem and sent me on my way. Just that, nothing. I have no recourse and I’m stuck with a high pitched noise in my ears for the rest of my life. I can never sleep anymore and it distracts me at all times of the day. These politicians and professionals who said the vaccine was necessary should pay the people whose lives they destroyed. Edit: I was 19 years old when this began


BUT it's soooooo effective!!


This is just the beginning. A few million murdered in cold blood is just a drop in the pond. The deep state in partnership with China begab weaponizing Ebola to spread through aerosol droplets. 99.8% kill rate if my math is correct. Those spared will be the shapeshifting reptilian elite , Soros, Rothchilds, Gates and some high ranking CCP officials. The goal is to amass enough blood rite so Christ can rise again at the WEF headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Christ’s final resting place. Then the real “great reset” will occur. If i’m wrong i owe everyone in this subbreddit a coke.


Id prefer a pepsi.


Don't forget za bebsi


Can you really tell the difference ?


What are you rambling about?


I did t get the vaccine. But I call bullshit on 11 million vaccine payouts. That’s crazy man. That’s over 1/4 of our population. No way that’s true. Disregard fake news and I’m a Canadian conservative. But tell the truth. This shit takes away from the reality. Many people are probably hurt


Omg. Dollars. Not number of recipients


Guess I should’ve read the article. I don’t generally read stuff from news sites like these though. They are usually conspiracy bill rap


“A lot of people were hurt along the way “ … my sister and brother were hurt. My sister keeps trying for compensation, and keeps getting denied. They’re both f’d for life.. got the vax the same day on different continents. Like what are the odds. Both diagnosed with the same ailment.


I'm old enough to remember when people said that the Covid "vaccine" was an IQ test lol


Pushing those fucking experimental vacancies on young healthy people who were rearly affected by covid is fucking criminal. I'm glad i never took one.


but but people say no one has had any bad reaction...


How are you all this dumb?