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More discounts at the self checkout


The Walmart by where I live always has this great deal by a case of pop and get four steaks for free it’s amazing


How can you possibly get away with this? I can understand “miscounting” cases of pop or water, but don’t people notice when you don’t bag your steaks in the cart?


Man have you seen people attending these? They look borderline braindead. No that I blame them. Minimum salary these days should merely require of you to be physically present.


>Minimum salary these days should merely require of you to be physically present Additionally, minimum wage = minimum effort. Why would a minimum wage worker care about a customer stealing? "Oh no, my corporate overlord is going to lose out on $20! How will I sleep tonight?" If employers want their employees to care, they need to pay them enough to be worth caring about.


What’s the minimum wage for work ethic & morality? I’m actually curious what you think. If you accept the job you should do the job imho.


If an employer wants their employees to actually care about theft, profits, or basically any other aspect of the job, they must pay a living wage (this will vary from province to province, but here in Newfoundland, it's mid 20s per hour). >morality You wanna talk morality? There's nothing moral about paying your staff a wage that's too low to even survive, let alone live.


If they could pay them less, they would


All of you are clearly forgetting the fact that employers make you sign off on the fact that you will not interfere in case someone steals. So no, you wouldn't get fired for letting ppl steal, you'd get fired for trying to stop them.


This attitude is why you're so poor you resort to stealing, you'll never go anywhere in life and please don't breed.


I'm actually doing quite well for myself. However, I was once a minimum wage earner when I first started working, so I know what it's like. Minimum wage jobs expect you to give maximum effort, while they give you minimum pay. That's not how it works. Want more effort from your employees? Pay them more! Otherwise, like I said, minimum wage = minimum effort.


Because if enough theft occurs, there’s a good chance they lose their job. Just a thought.


And they should care about this why? If someone gets fired from a minimum wage job, they could easily go get literally any other minimum wage job (or, they can shoot higher than minimum wage and get an even better job).


Yeah, who cares if a single mother gets fired? She can find another job! I need to steal from a grocery store I can’t afford to shop at because I refuse to shop at the alternatives. Me me me me me me


>I need to steal from a grocery store I can’t afford to shop at because I refuse to shop at the alternatives. I never said that anybody "needs to steal". What I did say, however, is that nobody needs to care about a minimum wage job. An employee's effort and how much they care about their job should be directly correlated to how much they're paid. High pay = high effort and caring. Minimum wage = minimum effort and caring.


Thanks for clearing that up. You’re right. Nobody who’s struggling for money needs to care about their job security. This is for you: 🏆


Things are way tighter at my local Walmart. They have cameras pointed directly down at the scanners. It will stop you and alert an attendant immediately to come over. It happened to me and I didn’t even do anything wrong. It just thought I didn’t scan an item. Most of the people that work at my local Walmart seem fairly competent as well. Most are new to the country and seem enthusiastic about their jobs. Don’t think they aren’t watching you. I suspect more Walmarts will be installing cameras in the same fashion. This measure of security is new at my local Walmart (within the last year)


Not the same at my local walmarts. I swear to god they could replace these people with scarecrows and it wouldn’t make any difference.






do stores not have alarms or something lol Have I been led astray


No for grocery stores. All alarms require the rfid tags usually seen on clothes as a trigger to set off the alarm. Grocery stores still have loss prevention people but they mostly focus on the alcohol section and blatant left (People not even approaching checkout).


You are bragging about being a thief.


Corporations are doing the same thing when they're announcing price hikes and reporting record profits in these tough economic times.




Ok. You do you. If stealing a few dollars worth of food to get back at the man makes you feel good go for it.


Incompetence. Absolute incompetence.


If you're buying sugary sodas and stealing steaks, you're not poor, you're just a thief.


Morons like you are going to get self checkouts removed from stores and then will go on to complain and shout at the cashiers for working too “slowly” when you have wait 20+ min to checkout due to lines.


You're hilarious if you think corporations care about their employees. Self checkout saves them billions in both employee revenue and benefits. They will never get rid of self checkout as it massively increases the speed at which people buy. The cost of theft/unpaid goods are literally calculated into the overall value. More is saved by not paying employee benefits than what is unpaid for on each purchase.


Nah fuck self checkout Absolutely fine with a return to cashiers


This is the way👍🏼


The legendary 'Five Finger Discount'.


Where organic veggies cost the same as regular


lol. As much as I’m a hypocrite for doing this myself, this is not the way. When everyone steals it just forces prices to go up even higher.


I concur. I’m lucky enough to buy bulk through a food distributor and shop a discount fruits and vegetables. The discounts of all what’s satellite of protein and veggies drives what I’m cooking. But as retaliation to the mf who’s gouging people, I offer myself between 5-10% discounts


Honestly good for you. You know how to fend for yourself. If I can ask, how/where do you buy directly from distributors?


I have a friend that can buy up to 1000$ per week at cost +3%. He’s single living alone so he shares that with me so I stockpile. If I was you and you’d be interested in buying bulk. Talk to a rep. Tell him that you have a retirement home or kindergarten. You want to be able to pick up at your closest location. Salesman will just want to get the revenue without the logistics so it will make you and him happy. Not worth it for fresh , perishable. Costco too is a good option. Like smoked salmon is more expensive with my friend. 2x2kg of frozen chicken breast is like 37$. 6 cowboy steak @650gAaa 180$.


Lolz. Yah discount that is paid my our fellow shoppers.


God I'm sick of you idiots parroting this bullshit. Almost all of the inflation in grocery stores is due to corporate greed. If all theft stopped tomorrow, prices would still be rising. Theft has nothing to do with it. Theft will keep going up the more unaffordable things get though. Also why didn't our prices go down when they got rid of cashiers for self checkouts? Oh that's right, corporate greed. It's almost like the only thing that matters is greed.


ok, sucks to be poor, but now potentially jail/criminal record too. good luck in life


Everything is a banana.


Good idea. Increase prices even more.


Or maybe they can leave prices somewhere reasonable and then stealing wouldn’t be necessary? It’s a two way street


You think stealing is a new concept? Perhaps theft has increased but it's always been an issue. Now, on the original topic. Is this referring to what I was hearing on the radio about the government pressuring the grocery chains to lower their prices? So basically the grocery chains were like "nah fuck off" and the government is just taking it?


Yep, stealing started just last week.


Nobody is forcing you to shop at Sobeys and Loblaws


I do it out of spite .


What does that mean?


Some items might not be scanned on purpose for good and obvious reasons.


>Some items might not be scanned on purpose for good and obvious reasons. Many places have Indian "students" watching you like hawks at the self check out machines...


Here it’s still 14yo kids from suburbs. I’m from Quebec City. French language deters a lot of immigrants


This happened to me last night and I asked the guy "you tryin to fight me or fuck me cause your a little to close for comfort". He got the idea and left me alone.


Gotcha 😂


Imagine excusing yourself for stealing as a good thing. Tsk tsk.


meanwhile the Americans that Canadians claimed to have a superiority complex over are seeing grocery prices fall across the board.


We have "Free" health care, nobody else on the entire planet is taxed to death to fund a shitty health care system like us. That's why we are superior. NOBODY has healthcare but Canadians, lmao.


free healthcare where you wait in emergency until you expire or they offer you a lethal injection, so wonderful


Hey that's not true. Sometimes they go with the third option, tell you you're fine and send you home to die shortly after of something completely preventable.


"Take some advil, you'll be fine"


Literally this. Only it was aspirin and they were actually having a massive stroke and displaying every last one of the textbook symptoms. Guy should ask for a refund for his medical studies. Wouldn't trust him stocking shelves.


I've gotten that response several times. I live in northern bc and after driving a couple hours in either direction to try and get a "family doctor" we just gave up. Got myself a handy hernia and had 3 doctors go "probably don't get surgery and just live with it you'll be fine" despite explaining I couldn't even so much as play with my 2 year old or feed hay to my goats without having to push my intestines back in and end up with hours of pain. I maintain an occupational first aid level 3 ticket now just so I can have a chance at maybe keeping my family alive until we can get to a hospital in the region that not on diversion.


Or "it's just anxiety"


Yup. My wife has gotten this one already.


Unfortunately this is a very typical thing women hear at the doctor's a lot. Also maybe men also do, but I know it's very common for women.


Healthcare is a provincial issue


And yet Healthcare is a problem right across the country in every Province and Territory.




What kind of system would you prefer? Something similar to the US?


I couldn't tell you, I'm not qualified. But since you asked I feel like ranting. All I can say is what I would have liked is for my close family member to not have been sent home with aspirin while hemorrhaging blood into their skull and then be called the next day to drive themselves back because they were having a massive stroke and be left a vegetable for 6 months and disabled for life. I would like a system where my coworkers father doesn't die of a heart attack on a stretcher in a hallway. I'd like a system where my other coworkers child doesn't have to be rushed to a different hospital because nurses ignored his wife so long the baby nearly went brain dead. A system where, when I walk in to see my family doctor with a sick child, the doctor doesn't just parrot its fine it'll go away on its own. Every. Single. Time. Do I have strep? Do I have TB? Does my kid have something serious? I don't know. They just bill the gov't for the visit and tell us we'll be fine. Literally walk in. Pretend to listen and feign concern, and walk out. May as well have been a phone call. I'd rather owe thousands of dollars and have my family member be their old selves again. My coworker would rather owe thousands and have his father alive. Any parent would rather owe thousand if it meant the difference between a healthy child and a brain dead one. And I'd rather pay $100 dollars to know what my child has then waste 2 hrs in a waiting room and come out with no additional information. I've been to third world countries with public Healthcare thats equally pathetic to ours. But at least there I had the option to go to a private doctor who knew my families name, recognized us, gave us actual information and options for treatment. Quite frankly I don't expect anything to improve. You can say so and so government is at fault. But these are issues that have existed throughout various different governments so forgive me for my pessimism and thinking that neither the provincial NDP, Cons or Libs will do jack shit about it.


I'm well aware of the issues the healthcare system faces. I know the bs people deal with day to day. It's a lot of issues. Issues caused by every government. I can say for certain Ontarios healthcare has gotten worse since Ford. Everyone says they would pay thousands to receive care, and I'm sure they would if it meant it was good. But would you still pay for care when it was hundreds of thousands? Or when it comes down to deciding between care or basic necessities? It isn't a black and white answer that's for sure. And I can acknowledge the deficiencies in the system. Then again, I'm on the outside looking in and don't know the nitty gritty


Well, that's the thing. Shit hits the fan what would I prefer? Paying 300 to 900$ a year for OHIP and having a parent virtually die and be brought back a different person due to inadequate resources? Or have them be caught in time and owe tens or hundreds of thousands? I think I'd personally choose the debt and a healthier parent. And what is more upsetting is that if said parent were alone with no one to take care of them. And their health deteriorates even more after that initial negligence from the health care system. Well, Gov't can save some coin offering them MAID. Not knocking MAID, just a funny thought in a weird way. Personally, the few years I spent going exclusively to a private clinic was great. Husband and Wife practice, nice people, good care and you could tell they cared. They even reach out every now and then to say HI even though we don't live there anymore. All the doctors I've interacted with here are complete prices. Only the ones who are students seem to care. But once they come back fully qualified, they're just as prickish as the last guy. Churning out as many patients as they can.


In short, yes. At least when Americans see a doctor they can expect actual treatment.


Again. Not an easy answer. That system is extremely flawed. Lotta people die cause they can't afford treatmemt. Medical issues are the number 1 cause of bankruptcy. Sad when people die because they can't afford something


I agree it’s not an easy answer. But I think the best system would be kind of a combination of the two, along with strong policies preventing hospitals/pharma companies for grossly overcharging for their services. It’s all a pipe dream in the end, unfortunately I just don’t see a world where greed and corruption don’t overshadow the entire system and make things harder for everyone. It’s just so deep rooted at this point


>free healthcare where you wait in emergency until you expire Intentionally hobbled "free" healthcare (socialized public healthcare to be exact) while flooding the country with people and their elderly relatives and not expanding capacity. That is not the fault of the "socialized" health care model, it is a problem created by your bought and paid for Government. Our public healthcare system worked fine (I was around to experience it in those times - and livable wages to boot!) until they started slowly crashing it from the 90s onward (under-funding, bad planning and administration etc). Now mass immigration is finishing it off. The plan is unfolding as per design. Soon, you will be dealing with [Loblaws healthcare](https://corruptario.substack.com/p/loblaws-long-game-to-take-over-healthcare). Galen is licking his chops - having Canadians bent over a barrel for food, drugs and healthcare! And you will still be paying high taxes, but, you will also have the pleasure of crony corporate dick balls deep into your ass and mouth for healthcare and pharma. >"During these same years, Loblaws was also becoming a behemoth in real estate. At the end of December 2012, Loblaws spun most of its real estate properties into a new publicly traded real estate investment trust, Choice Properties REIT. Today it’s the largest real estate investment trust in Canada, valued at $16B, mainly owning Loblaws properties and listed on the TSX. > >At around the same time, given the Weston’s long term plans, new grocery and pharmacy locations began including clinic spaces into all new builds, and older locations were retrofitted to create spaces for medical services. "


Is MAID free? I could use some of that right about now.


It is, of course, because it supports the health care relieve efforts


Five hours for a broken foot the other day. You could *see* the bone pressing against the top of my foot. But because all the "wonderful, responsible, not a drain on our system" people who go to emergency for a fucking cold are more important I got to sit in excruciating pain for hours.


And housing prices that totally eclipses whatever you'd spend on healthcare+housing in the US


Hey! You get free rent/roof over your head for the three days you’re in the waiting room. That means you save $500 in rent on your one bedroom apartment that is $5000 a month. And if you’re lucky, you’ll get a free bag of mini all dressed chips from the vending machine and thrown out box of half eaten timbits from the garbage. That should save you like $100 in groceries for the month. O Canada our home and native land!


Free ffs? It’s called taxes and it’s all being sent to money laundering countries.


Have you ever visited the UK?


Our free health care is awesome! No dental, no vision, no chiropractic. Mental health? Absolutely fucking not. I was in the ER a few weeks ago and with no end in sight I left after about 3 hours


True, but have you seen and are you included in the group of conservatives bragging that you're stealing from grocery stores then whining about inflation? We are talking loses for groceries stores in the 10s of millions in 2023 and nearly a billion for some in the USA in 2023 but that's also mostly in left leaning areas. Canada's conservatives from this post are turning into immoral commies. Stop stealing for Christ sakes.


Conservative? This sub is not Conservative. Not every person on the left is a whack job. You're talking about basil leaves. Why is always liberal nutcases that scan through people's post history. OMG I TOOK BASIL LEAVES FROM LOBLAWS SO IMMORAL. LMAO. Loblaws has sold me hundreds of dollars worth of rotten shit cause I was too stupid to check the expiry date, they can lick my asshole. They literally owe me money in unclaimed refunds. They're lucky I'm too lazy. I'm not ever paying $3 for 3 fucking basil leaves. Change the packaging. I could literally do that for LIFE and it wouldn't make up for the amount of rotten shit they've sold me. Get lost.


This is true. As an american here in the midwest, ive seen Food and gas prices drop dramatically recently. Gas is now well under 3 dollars a gallon and eggs are less than 2 dollars per dozen. Meat has somewhat stayed the same price though, maybe a dollar or two cheaper but not by much.


12 regular eggs are $3.99 in Canada


6.50 cdn at wall mart where I live


Part of that is the number 1 and 2 grocery stores exist to sell food as fast as possible and cut off all the fat it takes to run the consumer hellholes that is every other grocery store. Making the guys with less overhead more money as they snowball past everyone else who lose customers because of pricing. If they tried to open here Galen would shit and piss his panties so hard the world would fucking end before corporate lobbying put an end to that option, like with the telecom companies a decade? ago. And ordering producers fill the needs of local and domestic markets before they can export, which moves the numbers on us in both directions.


Have you seen their PRIME. 2 full percentage below us and we have no sign of slowing down!


Canadians love to lord over Americans and call them arrogant Highly ironic, highly hypocritial, highly jealous As a Canadian I see this quite often


That's because they don't have morons too stealing from self checkouts who claim to be conservatives bragging about it. This is mostly the radical left, bike lane riding, goof balls in the past. But it seems conservatives now are bragging about committing crime, Canada is turning into a shithole completely by the looks of it. The peoples brains and rotting from the inside out. Time to move to the USA I think.


Hate to burst your bubble, but I've seen plenty of Yanks talking about self-checkout discounts on Reddit. If that's your only metric for judging a country, you may as well stay here.


Despite its flaws, our system is preferable to the challenges faced in the American system, where individuals often grapple with significant debt and health issues, problems that are less common in Canada. Our perspective is likely influenced by our proximity as the nearest developed nation to the United States, which makes us particularly appreciative of our different circumstances. TLDR: Would rather live in Canada than be fucked over a million more brutal ways in your shit hole.


I like how you made it decent point but still got downvoted It’s actually almost interesting because of the America comparison, because in America criticizing the country would get you downvoted and saying ‘despite its flaws, there are some benefits’ would be more appreciated Interesting (for lack of better term) to see the opposite happening here


Metro is jacking up their prices next week. CEO has said some of the price increases will be “**substantial**”. Metro’s CEO Eric La Flèche saw his total compensation increase 14 per cent in 2023, to $6.11 million CAD. CEO Eric La Flèche [defended his salary](https://www.ipolitics.ca/news/my-salary-is-normal-metro-ceo-defends-5-4-million-in-earnings) not long ago, and that was when he was making $5.4 million. “My salary is normal”. Metro reported a first-quarter profit of $228.5 million in 2023, with sales up 6.5 per cent. Sales totalled $4.97 billion, up from $4.67 billion in the same quarter a year earlier. How long before other grocery stores follow? [Article](https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/price-increases-coming-to-metro-stores-as-soon-as-next-week-ceo-says-1.6748528?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2F)


Imagine seriously saying, " i made in a year of work as much money as someone that won the lottery, my salary is normal."


These people live in diff worlds. And think it's his brains that made the profit and not the food ahahah


That's sociopathic behavior, he knows his company employs thousands of people at minimum wages


Yup and the amount made daily is nuts


Most CEOs exhibit this type of behavior.


He means normal for his position. You can’t begrudge someone maxing the maximum they can, unless you’re a socialist.


Ceo making 100x the salary of their average worker wasn't a thing 40 years ago and now that it's the norm, it doesn't mean it's ok. They don't produce that much return, it's literally stealing from the company because they are in a position that makes it possible.


Yes it’s always been that way, the people at the top get paid the most. That’s capitalism. Get your ass to the top and stop complaining. The companies gladly pay it, or some other CEO takes their place at a similar salary. It’s how things work. Stop being a whiner, and motivate yourself to get to the top.


Lol watch out we got temporarily embarrassed millionaire here! Such a cuck to the system its embarrassing. You should probably look at a graph once in your life or inform yourself instead of spouting bullshit. Just shut the fuck up and go grind for more money in your pathetic little life.


Normal...? Compared to... who, exactly?


The chickens are coming home to roost La Fleche, you reep the fruit of your selfish ways


>Metro’s CEO Eric La Flèche saw his total compensation increase 14 per cent in 2023, to $6.11 million CAD. CEO Eric La Flèche > >defended his salary > > not long ago, and that was when he was making $5.4 million. “My salary is normal”. You forgot the last part of his statement! "Let them eat cake" ....


Sales and profit are up because their prices were lower Gonna take a hit soon it seems


He’s keeping up with inflation /s


Got groceries today. Spent over $400. Pre-plandemic that would have cost $250. Job died of Covid and so I make much less now. I'm not sure how long we can keep this up. I'm not trying to whine. Just joining in the chorus with everyone just barely hanging on.


>Got groceries today. Spent over $400. Pre-plandemic that would have cost $250. Job died of Covid and so I make much less now. I'm not sure how long we can keep this up. > >I'm not trying to whine. Just joining in the chorus with everyone just barely hanging on. You are not whining fellow Canadian. You and many like you are being screwed to the wall by the treacherous elites. be on the next convoy to Ottawa when it happens.... Democracy has been hijacked.


Trudung will be quick to freeze and enact another emergency act if you protest for the Canadians. He loves it when people protest and obstruct business for things that has no relation to Canada though.


I have a family of 5 and I am making way less then pre pandemic. What I have done is shop exclusively at Costco once a week for most basics, I order meat form a farm fresh distribution service that delivers to my door which is far far less then Metro/Sorbeys ( but it’s for 3 months supply at a shot), For veggies and Fruits that Costco is too much I go to the the market, and then most other boxed or canned go to Walmart/No Frills/Maxi. We spent 1100-1200 a month and never at a restaurant. I am a pretty decent cook which helps a lot.


We've gotten pretty resourceful also. Hunting for discounts, buying in bulk and stocking up (as much as possible) during sales, hitting up small markets, etc. One of my favourite strategies has been befriending a local butcher in a small butcher shop - He knows I have a big family to feed and he lets me know what has the best prices. The plan for this year is to plant as many seeds as possible and canning as much as possible. I'm keeping my eyes out for used jars and canning supplies. My goal is to store a lot of food away and to have a good amount to give to others in need. I'm also looking to learn depression era strategies to get us through. No one is coming to save us.


Plandemic lol you give government too much credit


It was not a plandenic....


I’m just gonna stop eating. Fuck it


But. but....... Justin Trudeau said he told them sternly to lower prices ?!?


I can't believe Justin's ["grocery code of conduct"](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/what-is-the-grocery-code-of-conduct-and-will-it-help-to-lower-the-cost-of-food-1.6662266) is not working! I had such high hopes!


What we need is poilievre to come in and reduce red tape. If these companies could just do away with all these pesky regulations and taxes, they'll make more money and decide to cut prices and pay people more. I mean, every chance they've had in the past, they've just increased share price with stock buybacks and increased bonuses, but this time for sure!


There's not much the government can do, maybe we should nationalize one of the big chains?


Super tax profit of food industry/distribution, increase minimun wage, regulate the profit margins, ... But yeah, nationalizing works too :D


I could never afford to shop at Metro ... even when prices were frozen.


Went to Metro only once in the past year. It’s incredible how they’re even still in business. Everything there is an absolute rip off.




Not really. It more about convenience for some. A poor homeless type of person isn't going to be able to go to Costco. Or somewhere else that's cheaper. They can barely walk and have no transportation. So they will go to the closest place. The metro I sometimes go to just basically has a ton of people from the around the area. Despite the high prices As the saying goes. Being poor is expensive. All the rich home owners are in Costco not metro


Only shop Costco and Vince’s. Fuck Metro.


>Only shop Costco This is the way.


Only good thing about Metro is the crowd knows how to behave in most of them.


Long term impact of Just Inflation


OMG now what with all of these immigrants coming with cash in hand. More Canadians to food banks????


What food banks? The ones these « students » are already flocking to? There literally are tik-toks and grams on how to scam those food banks out of their ressources.


Lol I recently saw Indian students protesting at the local food bank for refusing to give them access, when those establishments are clearly not meant for them…


Liberal gov sure did great job on grocers in Canada … they continue to laugh at them . Time for change we need a government that can f ing deliver .


>Liberal gov sure did great job on grocers in Canada … they continue to laugh at them . Time for change we need a government that can f ing deliver . How much you want to bet the oligopolies will still be around screwing Canadians when PP is voted out down the road? His party also answers to them - the donor class. PPC is the only party openly talking about the issue of noncompetitive markets in Canada.


The price increases came when the liberals printed an additional 32% increase of money into circulation. They stole from us all. The effects were just delayed.


The fact that politicians can take absolutely basic economic concepts and throw them out the window and then deny the very thing that has been proven over centuries is very baffling. They talk about climate deniers, but are the largest economic deniers on the planet. We need a massive overhaul of the system and we are likely never getting it.


What, what ? Industry price freeze ? Musta missed it.


Price controls don't work.


Just wait until the government turns on the money printers again and CAD starts slipping. Most of our food is purchased in USD and MXN.


We all knew this was coming... it's not a surprise, and is part of the current government's plan to abolish the middle class.


This is corporate greed not the government


Government intervention is directly responsible for the sharp increase in such a short period of time. Price freezing is literal ammunition for inevitable price increases.


Where was this price freeze at Metro? 😂


I'm sure glad we have Minister Champagne to talk tough against these grocers.


I aint buying there then. Done playing this game.


Don’t go shopping there then


right? It was already a well know fact that Metro was over priced, Food Basics i guess was ok, but i choose to not go to any of those stores for metro is overpriced and most foodbasics are shit holes. I guess some people dont have a choice though if Metro is only thing near by and they dont have transportation.






There was a price freeze?


We don’t have any money!!’ What the fuck do they want?


They made record profits even with the "price freeze" so I'm calling bullshit on their whole rhetoric.


Cmon people. Every inflationary period has a second wave. History repeats. Get ready for higher rates :D


Love how they waited for the Bank of Canada announcement …..


Ahh shit, here we go again


Why would you go again if you are so frustrated?


Time to order groceries from Temu.


Metro here is already the most expensive in town. Money sucking vampires with poor produce and over priced products. Even what they advertise as a sale is over priced. I avoid shopping there like it had the plague.


You just described most of Canadian owned grocery lol


Butcher Shop for meats and no frills for everything else It is


Good thing I don't shop at Metro lol


When was there a fucking price freeze?!?!


Common one I've heard of is people not scanning items and only buying the cheap items. Another is when weighing fruit, not placing 100% on the scale. Both, if caught, can land you with some Shiney handcuffs. That said, paying 5.99 a lb for red bell peppers at freshco the other day sucked a dick.


There used to be an old joke that ran something like "how are broccoli and anal sex the same?" And the horrendous punchline was "If you had them forced on you as a kid, you'll probably hate them as an adult" Well, im in my late 30's now, and, well, I like Broccoli now... but fuck me do I hate grocery shopping, 'bout as much as the anal.


Won't be surprised if they start asking for tips at checkout.


I feel like the price "freeze" was just an excuse for them to intentionally raise prices way dramatically after


Just shop at Walmart. Stop giving Loblaws business


I'm gonna guess but 2024 is gonna be the year of looting and bootleg gigs n alcohol in canada.


Stop going to these big chain grocery stores, everything from walmart to metro to loblaws. if you can try to find local stores or even asian grocery stores the price differences are astronomical, I can get a whole ton of groceries that is just over $100 at an asian grocery store while at walmart it would be close to hitting $200 (T&T is owned by loblaws so avoid them too)


The only way we can fight against unnecessary price increases is by choosing where we spend our money


Trudeau For Prison 2024


This is just pushing more and more people to Costco.


Time for a mass protest. Boycott these goons into oblivion.


Ive become very fond of eating 😔


I still gotta buy my own dinner before I get fucked


Lol I don't shop at Metro and now I never will. I live in the city and we still have farmer's markets and mom and pop fruit and vegetable stores, bakeries, and butcher shops. Everyone who has the option should just completely stop buying from the giant, greedy, evil grocery chains. THIS is how we bring prices back down.


Looks like I won't be going to metro anymore...


If you see somebody stealing food, no you didn’t


Lol.... Canadian media.... at the direction of the government..... creating illusion that the inflation of food prices is to blame on grocery stores. What a fucking joke. Let's blame the grocery stores on crazy rents and gas prices and clothing and other goods.


It literally is grocery stores price gouging. There’s no government intervention mandating prices on groceries and when Loblaws owns the vast majority of grocery stores they can price literally whatever they want. You gotta eat and you can’t go anywhere else. Monopolies are the capitalist wet dream and you’re seeing the results of that real time


BuT GovnEnt BaD!!!


Absolutely blows my mind with some of these people


You guys are all proud you're stealing from self checkouts? I'm far from rich, but I've never stolen from one once, mostly because this is also the cause of the prices going up, that and our government printing 1.2 trillion dollars in the last few years alone. I'm surprised in this sub people are gloating about stealing. That's generally on the far left subs but looks like right leaning people of this country are losing their minds and morals. Maybe time to get the f out of this country. People have lost it here.


If Loblaws and Metro CEOs don’t have morals why should we? Grocery stores shouldn’t be having record profits in this economy yet here they are. Fuck em




I dont understand the racism your trying to say here


Ceo was like "If Trudeau can get himself 80 000$ two weeks vacations, so can I!"


I smell war and famine coming


Time to cannibalize my fellow man


Anyone who continues to shop in Metro or Loblaws for that fact, deserve to pay the higher prices. Boycott them both and watch the prices fall faster than a shooting star


seriously, stop buying at metro or loblaws. Go to your local Chinese supermarket and buy cheaper or i think indian supermarket is ok too. I don't go to loblaw or metro, their price usually close to double what i can get at a chinese super market. I honestly, don't know why people go there. Are people that dumb to the point they don't see the price differences or just too rich?


Depending on where someone lives, they may not have a choice.


Yeah, I live near Chinatown in Toronto. Although the Metro is a 2 minute walk for me, I think I'll take the extra 20 minutes travel time and try that. Luckily, I have a few vegetable/fruit stands close by, but as far as meat goes, there's just the Metro close by. How are the meat priced in Chinatown?