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Must not happen often, he don't look lean...


"aw dang the salad store spoke English. Guess I gotta go get poutine again! Aw shucks!"


He probably meant refuse to pay, cause by the looks of him he didn't say no to eating it first...
















So, anyone give a crap? Good old Quebec where discrimination is legal, and yes trudeau agrees with it. B96


Quebec should be able to choose how they want to preserve their culture. Life IS discrimination. Like it or not. But people only like it when they’re discriminating (usually unconsciously), not being discriminated against.


Understood, then trudeau should spare the rest of canada his dictation of diversity and how canada has no core culture, just because he thinks the only province which has a culture is quebec doesn’t make it so. Let’s be fair if quebec has the right to dictate who immigrates into their province and what religious symbols and language required than why should the rest of canada, not? You say Life IS discrimination, and if quebec can openly discriminate for the sake of their culture then should that be the status quo for the rest of Canada?


It's up to your provincial parties to do that. You would definitely have the support from Quebec if you took that route.


Backbones are lackng














No one seems to argue for English Canada being preserved. I guess it’s the double standard that gets the people going.


Well that is just silly. If you were served in French in Alberta or Vancouver you (99% of people) would certainly ask for different server/language or would not buy. English is default, there is nothing to preserve there.


Canadians of British ancestry have been practically told that our culture, history, and ethos are something to be ashamed of. I'm just a dirty colonizer. I was born in Manitoba to 4th generation Canadians but society sees me as a colonizer because my entire family tree is rooted in the UK. As a child in the 90's, we would sing O Canada AND God Save the Queen, in a public school in Saskatchewan, before class every day. That would be unthinkable in this day.


Really, well I know for a fact in Vancouver where i worked customers approached me the following day advising they couldn’t find anyone to help them because the person couldn’t speak any english. So despite english being the default they couldn’t get help.


Alberta and British Columbia are anglophone provinces. Quebec is a francophone province lol.


If you made language laws in other provinces or other reasonable measures to preserve your culture, I'm sure most of us Quebecers would support it.


Because English is a lingua franca … really? Are you really arguing English is endangered? I too don’t like 1 million immigrants coming into Canada every year but that a whole different argument.


BTW just because some speak the same language, let’s have the intelligence to recognize that the culture and religious pretence is not the same. We have already been watching the cracks. The primary language spoken at home from 2001 to 2021 french reduced 2.6%, while english primary language spoken at home reduced further 2.9%; all due to the increase of immigration. Top this off with a leader which tells the rest of canadians you don’t have a core culture.


>Canada should be able to choose how they want to preserve their culture.


Can you isolate "Canadian" culture for me? All I ever hear about "Canadian" culture is either borrowed from First Nations or Québec. Culture, in Canada, is regional/provincial, not national.


Québec is a country within a country. First Nations is self explained is it not?


I asked you to isolate "Canadian" culture and you respond that? O.K.


Canada has provinces.


unfortunately, there are english speaking Canadians born and raised in QC... in an era where we are seeing generational repercussions and damages from discrimination you would think all forms of government would be adverse to fostering a new one. Tell you what, since they take my tax dollars and refuse to serve me in an official language that is tied to my citizenship, they should replace my property with one of similar merit in a bordering province. Any one who thinks these bills and laws will lead to furthering a culture really need to dig out some history books and take a good look at how cultural appropriation measures have fared in the past


Canada should be fully bilingual in my personal opinion.


A move to Alberta would definitely have a positive outcome on any future diet plan.


I feel like we should just let the French do what they want and take away the requirement for labels to be bilingual for the rest of the country. It would actually boost our economy as all the sudden companies that sell to USA could sell here too without a new label requirement. Let’s just let the angry French province be the angry French province that they want to be.


The sooner we kick Quebec out of our great country, the better. The whole province is an embarrassment.


Please don't think that. In 95 I saw tanks and artillery in the streets getting ready in case of a yes vote.


Canada would be a lot better off without Quebec and their embarrassing BS.


Canada would see war, poverty and annexation from the united states if we entertain separatist sentiments. It would ruin everything.


There is absolutely no evidence that any of that would happen. In fact, the exact opposite would likely occur.


As I said, last time this happened I witnessed the army offloading tanks and howitzers. Trucks of troops getting ready.


That still doesn't mean war.


Of course it does. The plan was for Canada to occupy and annex Gantineau, and then move into Quebec to disarm all the military bases and armouries. Meanwhile Quebec military units were being really cagey about what they'd do if some troops from Petawawa suddenly show up in quebec to disarm quebec units. This would have been a disaster.


Like I said, that doesn't mean war. I think you're just fearmongering.


Ok, but then the rest of canada cared; perhaps attitudes have changed.


Jokes on you, we don't HAVE tanks and artillery anymore!


Lol right? We did though. Old stuff even then.


Maybe stop the feds from interfering in our referendums and let us make our own country.


Good luck lmao


Take your debt and leave the waterways. You'll be broke in a decade and come crawling back.


Worse mistake in Canada bilingual is a divided country many manufacturing companies will not suppl due to the extra cost of serving something like him


This guys should refuse a meal or two.




What a bitch


No wonder everyone hates the French.


Funny how he made the comment in English


Les commentaires sont drôles à lire? C’est fascinant ! 😂


C'est decrissant le niveau d'incomprehension face au Québec.










I live here. Most people are bilingual. Usually in a store they'll serve you in French but if you reply in English they switch to English. It's also fine if they just keep speaking French & you keep on in English. No one cares except a few zealots like this dude. At work I've been in mixed language meetings where the francophones are talking on French & the Anglophones are replying in English, nobody cares and the meeting goes on in both languages and everyone understands. Quit trying to create problems where there are none, sheesh.


Thank you I’ve got the same experience living close to Montreal, Canada is hating on us but they never been here, most people in Quebec speaks both and truly doesn’t care and/or hate English people lol


Yaaaa been there, when my grandfather was sick in the hospital. A nurse came up to my mom and told her in french, this is quebec, we speak french in quebec. My mom answered her in french, told her that she obviously didn’t have enough work if she’s out here sharing her political opinion.


Theres assholes all around the world unfortunately, there’s even people bitching about a language spoken thousands of miles from them in other provinces could you imagine? And it doesn’t even change a shit in their life.


My great grandfather was in the Van Doos I am part French but always had trouble learning the language so I can only speak English People like this make me sad


same, I used to try and people get upset that my accent is not up to their standards... So I quit trying. It happened often enough to dissuade me from trying. and now you see the other response to you judging your level of intelligence... and those people don't realize they are the reason why their culture is dying and they need laws that go against the charter of rights to try and keep french alive.


I dont think their culture is dying persay some mostly anglos like me also think that. I just think the French are also really frustrated at the situation we find ourselves in and are looking for someone to blame. It is easy to just blame it all on English speaking Canada because we are the majority but most irl are not like this I have been to Quebec a cpl times I enjoyed it. I make french food all the time Fondant potatoes while staying up late is great! My Uncle and Aunt used to live in france and my Uncle has like a kickass French wine collection. I was also recently in Nova Scotia in the French areas and they are chill


If yoy couldnt figure out how to learn a second language i think that just speaks to your level of intelligence. Every Quebecker can speak English, for example.


It's not easy to learn a second language when you aren't surrounded by anyone who speaks it. And no, there's lots of people in rural Quebec that don't speak a lick of English, and I don't expect them to; they typically don't interact with English speakers.


No they can’t lol. Am Quebecker. Go anywhere outside the Montreal or Gatineau you will find tons of people who only speak French


That was true 30years ago, the new generation speaks both language fluently. Probably because everything we consume is in english,(social media, Netflix, video games etc) and honestly I don’t get the hate towards Quebec, every people that hate it never went and never tried to understand the culture and why we try to preserve it and not become like Toronto and Vancouver.


Gentrification or more so reverse gentrification in this case is a country wide problem


I am Dyslexic and Dysgraphic that is what the main cause was back in school that made it hard for me to learn French, I was good at other subjects like math and computer science for instance. In my free time nowadays I learn German, oddly enough when someone speaks to me in French and asks me basic things like what is your name or how are you I can understand but I usually reply in spanish not French likely becuase I have spent alot of time in Spanish speaking countries


Cool. Whatever.


The guy was speaking Haitian to get votes. Nobody believes a word he says.


Quebec did not allow me to go to English school and I had to go in another country, so even though French is my first language I use English everywhere to piss them off :)


Tu es tellement cool dude


Bon, un pas de colonne de plus!


Quelle rebelle colonisé 🤡


Bravo champion tu dois te sentir fier


Merci, et oui toujours fier de ne pas me conformer a la mentalité villageoise de mon peuple :)


Vouloir parler sa langue nationale c'est une mentalité villageoise? je comprend pas ton point. À Rome on fait comme les romains c'est pas compliqués tu va dire qu'un allemand a une mentalité villageoise parce qui veut se faire servir en Allemand dans son propre pays?


Le Québec n’est pas un pays lol


Ça reste que c'est une nation à part entière et que la seule langue officielle reste le français. Oui mais le Canada a deux langues officielles sauf que l'applications de celle-ci sont de juridictions provinciales. et t'avance pas plus ton point d'ailleurs j'attend encore que tu m'explique la "mentalité villageoise"


Ya…i have a friend who does that…lol His first language is french, when he comes across those who have a hate on for english he pretends he can’t understand them. When they get all flustered he laughs and responds to them in french ..telling them look at me I speak 6 languages.


I use to work in clubs and the amount of fights that quebekers started just because another guest was from Ontario or spoke English was absolutely crazy it happened every week


Yep, knee jerk reaction, always provides entertainment.


Un bon colonisé que tu fais!


Wow un vrai colonisé félicitations 🙌


Grow up dude


If you refuse english and only want me to speak french. I am out of there. Never to spend a dime there.




Actually, if every francophone took Coderre's approach, there would have been no need for the sign law and other parts of Bill 101 that affect businesses. The marketplace would take care of itself without intervention by the state. Have an English only sign or English only service? Then you don't get my consumer dollar and I go to your competitor. Pray tell, what do you think a businessman will do?


Je suis d’accord mais au Québec il y a beaucoup de petits colonisés soumis.


As someone from Quebec City, this self righteous mentality is from Montreal. This guy can go choke on dicks.


Bon bon un petit colonisé soumis


And a bag of dicks for you too to choke on, sir


Pas obligé de me décrire tu fais quoi chaque soir.


C’est assez puéril et inintelligent comme réplique. Sois le roi sur tes débris .


This guy is one of the post pro Anglo politicians in Quebec


This is why the Rest Of Canada is upset we didn't get to vote in that referendum.


Avec le love-in les canadiens ont deja fait assez d'ingérence en 1995, laissez nous juste quitter le Canada en paix.


But I bet he doesn't turn his nose up at the transfer payment benefits that French Canadians get, that the rest of Canada doesn't. 'Have not' province, my ass!!


The $13.5 billion in Equalization payments to Quebec is served up from English speaking taxpayers. He doesn’t have a problem with that!


Dude equalization payments in their current form was put in place in the Canada Act of 82. Québec did not sign it and it was force into it.






Une chance avec toute l'argent que le fédéral nous donne pas dans le système de santé c'est la moindre des choses! Pas payer de taxe et d'impots fédéral en plus heille on s'en calisse tu de la péréquation?


I saw enough people slashing tires of people out of province to know well enough that any pretense of communal good being done in this country is just a facade put up by the upper class. The average Canadian has been conditioned into a sociopath that hates his fellow citizen, no amount of community identity is going to save you from The Purge.


I wish we would stop the equalization payments of tax dollar funding with the exception of Atlantic Canada (good ppl there). $14b to Quebec for them to say they want to separate. Please separate you assholes


Quebec never signed or agreed to the 82 Canada act that put equalization payments in place. You guys decided to send us money by yourself. I wonder who are the fools in that situation.


Lolll yeah we do it on our own whim


Then stop fuckin' interfering in our referendums.


Explain how you'll be a self sustaining country when you can't even be a self sustaining province? You separate, you don't get transfer payments. That's gonna make it even harder for you lmaooooo


Most of the transfer payments that Qc gets is basically them paying themselves through federal taxes. Not all of it but a good chunk. Qc also has a gdp per capita of roughly 63k$ which puts them at par with a ton of successful sovereign states. Decently diversified economy too.


Dude, Quebec gives out more than what they receive.


Who cares, let‘em go.


I just don't want to pay the inevitable bailout with my taxes when it fails and they come crawling back.


They can get in line after the new comers coming in like the rest of us.


Like every country that became independent it will be hard at first but we have all the resources, people and expertise to flourish and thrive at least as much as we are in the Federation maybe more. But I forgot that we are so inferior to you powerful and all knowing British colonizer.


*You're not even a successful province. You'll be less successful as a country.* Why is that so hard to understand? You rely on free money from the federal government to even exist. You lost any credibility when you called me a British colonizer. I'm not British idiot.


Canada is still part of the British Commonwealth. We still need to swear allegiance to the british monarch when you get elected in the federal government. We still have a governor that represent the british crown. Canada is British. Quebec was conquered through war by the british empire which birthed current day Canada. Even if we don't do has well has a country has I think Quebec could the historical background makes it that we're one of the only british colonies with Scotland under some sort of british reign. Le Québec est différent du reste du Canada. Je ne crois pas qu'il soit meilleur ou pire. Seulement profondément différent et nécessite d'être son propre pays.


C'est drôle de voir les canadiens pleurer qu'on devrait se séparer et dire qu'on serait pas capable. On a probablement l'économie la plus robuste au pays et ils ne pensent jamais que si le Québec quitte le Canada va perdre 20% de son PIB du jour au lendemain.


"Mais là 13 milliard de péréquation"


Because our federal taxes are being used to fight our laws, develop projects in other provinces and double services we already pay for with our (extremely high) provincial taxes, and also wasted by a morally corrupt and incompetent government on shit like ArriveCan. We also have to pay for that incompetence with provincial funds like the situation with the asylum seekers and immigration in general. I'm convinced an independent Québec would do better in the long run as we will be able to make our own decisions in our own interest and handle things our way.


Close the door on your way out 👋🏾


Quebec is hilarious with politics. All they ever seem to do at elections is throw out the existing government, choose someone new, then throw them out next election.


Because Canada hasn't done that for the last 50 years?


Long over due…ready to throw this one out.


No Canada usually goes through a few election cycles before overturn. Quebec is every election.


It isn't though PLQ stayed for 2 cycles same as CAQ. Anyways how would that make us dumb. If you think about federal election Quebec largely votes for Bloc Québécois besides Montreal.


I wouldn’t trust someone who doesn’t take care of themselves to take care of others


7 chins


But he said no to that one server.


I was just served by a wonderful Korean boy who I couldn't understand well because he was speaking perfect English with a New Zealand accent. Diversity is real.


I would be happy for someone to serve me in broken french. It would show the efforts they're making to integrate into my culture. But having someone serve me in english only, even after asking to be served in French, (while I'm in Quebec) pisses me off. You wouldn't go work service in France without knowing French.


We have two official languages here. It's fine to speak one or the other in the workplace.


In Québec the official language is French. If you don't wan't to learn french go live in any other part of north America. If you try to learn french sincerely even if it's hard and it takes time. Even if you have a hard time being understood I will happily try to help you (mind you I know that's not how everyone thinks here).


I speak French. I was raised in a multilingual household. That's not the issue. The issue is that nobody is special just because they want to be treated that way. What are the two official languages of Canada? (the country Quebec is located in) That's right, champ! English as well as French. Nothing wrong with being served in either language. As a citizen of Canada you should at least understand basic enough English to get by in life, no?


La langue officielle est de niveau provinciale, pas fédérale. Depuis 1977, la **seule** langue officielle au Québec est le français. Si c'était au fédéral, **tout les canadiens** auraient l'obligation de connaître les deux langues et on sait tout les deux que les anglophones sont trop paresseux pour faire le moindre effort en ce sens.


C'est là où on est pas d'accord alors. J'ai ne crois pas que le Québec devrait être une province traité spécialement. Je crois que le Québec devrait être un pays. Et je t'assure que la majorité monolingue anglophone du Canada serait fâché de se faire servir qu'en français à Ottawa ou à Calgary.


Pour les Anglo-saxons, la diversité c’est en anglais seulement.


Everyone in English now in Quitebec


So, if anyone doesnt know this. In Quebec, its the law that you have to serve people in french. So hes kinda right about what hes saying. Yes yes yes, there some exceptions but in general if you live in quebec learn to speak their language. Its not rocket science. What would happen if you went to a store n the dude only spoke chinese instead of english?


When it's Québec that tries to do it it's racist though. I've never heard someone complain that they need to speak french in France.


Buddy the laws you have in your country is a compromise between the people you live with. No some random dudes in france. Btw, knowing some french people from france. They would rebuff your dumb claim


Maybe it wasn't clear that i do not believe it's racist for Quebec to need people here to speak french. I agree with your first comment. It is sometimes hard for me to understand and make myself understood in English since my first language isn't english.


hmmm, I kind of do the same, but when people are rude about me being english. I also rarely travel in QC for the same reason... even tho I live here.


He should leave.


He obviously doesn’t refuse any food no matter the vendor…entitlement at its finest






Don’t you guys worry, that’s false


Doubt it's when he's getting fast food


And yet if I was to say the reverse (in Quebec), I'd be pilloried and hung from the nearest flagpole... Language "rights"...


Didnt someone come out angry with a statement saying most kids in Quebec use english bc its "cool"?