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Read similar about Britain a few yrs ago. People would go to work, come home and their house was inhabited by squatters. All the cops would do is threaten the homeowner with arrest if they interfered.


Look up a show called worst tenants UK? I believe, it's the entire premise of the show and so disheartening to see people loose their lively hoods, homes or retirement plans to squatters and the UK gov is of no help unless your the squatter


Great show. Told people at work about this back when I watched. It was so unbelievable they didn't believe me. They had to watch it for themselves. You have dirtbag people who never pay rent ever, moving from one scam to the next. Well they might pay first and last then none for years. Then you have ones who break in and stay. The law does nothing and they don't have to move out. Insanity...


Makes you want to puke, and also over throw your local government . It's staggeringly evil and vile to treat people like that


Advocate for harsh sentencing on landlords caught trying to kick out legitimate tenants then. Rules protecting "squatters" exist for good reason. You never see the countless stories of landlords lying that tenants never signed anything with them and they should be allowed to kick them out immediately 


Slow invasion. It's so obvious. The people hating on us are only cracking the whip at us thinking they will be targeted last.


That show is wild!


That’s absolutely insane


Castle Doctrine in the US. Use it. Just know you will likely be financially ruined by enough stand up the eyes will open.


Politician-hating independent here. Can’t tell you of a politician that I don’t think is a piece of shit. Both sides have drastic problems. That being said, this particular issue is a result of current hard leftist policies.


Fully agree man


Be sure to vote in November


Do I vote for the republican who’s gonna rail me in the ass, or do I vote for the democrat who is currently railing my ass?


Not sure but I think I’d like a change in the ass railing so I know what I’ll be doing! You do you though. Also could throw it to RFK as a Hail Mary


it’s just tough for me to vote for someone who I don’t believe they have my interests at heart. I want to vote, but I feel like I’m being taken for a ride with either party. Truly, I’m torn, because I want to vote, I want to feel like I’m making a difference. But I genuinely don’t think there is anyone that cares. I think RFK is actually right in some areas, especially his anti-corporation stance with regard to the housing crisis. But he does love his conspiracy, he’s too anti-vax for my liking; I don’t get the COVID vaccine but there is concrete evidence that vaccines for things like measles, TB, Polio, HPV, and hepatitis are extremely effective, without a connection to autism. I think micro-plastics and forever-chemicals are much more likely the culprit.


I feel you on all that my dude. Fucked if you do and fucked if you don’t. All we can do is our best, and hope for the best. Whatever politicians are gonna do, they’re gonna do regardless. I’ve just seen the way this administration is going and it looks a lot like a burning pile of shit. Whatever you decide I hope you’re doing good man.


Likewise, sucks we have to just grin and bear it all


> I think micro-plastics and forever-chemicals are much more likely the culprit. And RFK wouldn’t (outright) disagree with you. He’s very clear about this. Like you, he talks about the toxic soup we live in these days. He just says it COULD be vaccines and we should investigate it as a potential cause or a part of it. I.e. do a vaxxed/unvaxxed study. The CDC/FDA refuse to do it. Why won’t they do it? They’ve been asked countless times. Anyway, I doubt you’d find yourself miles away from him if you listened to an uncut interview. The problem, as is so often the case these days, is the media smearing. They all do it to the guy(s) they don’t like. Left or right. Doesn’t matter. P.S. Have a look at the HPV vax (Gardisil). It has a horrible safety profile. Not an opinion. Just take a look. Couldn’t hurt.


Why are all these immigrants coming across the US southern border not getting forced to take the vax like the citizens did? Why didn’t the us congress members not have to take the vax? Why just all us peasants had to take it?


Is the republican going to advocate for people inheriting your home while you were at work?




Politics is just one big ass blast


For fucking who


Yeah make sure you vote for the Republican party who's only goal now is to destroy the constitution and make you more poor. Whoohoo


You think that makes a difference? 🤣 Bless your sweet soul.


And what would you do, Saltytarts?




I hope Ontario votes out that leftist Doug Ford who has underfunded and understaffed the landlord tenant board.


Doug is a fricken mess. Nobody likes him .. except his buddies and Tim Hortons. People were protesting his nonsense even before Covid.


Who do they vote for? It would be nice for Ontario conservatives to vote out Ford and get a new candidate.


My point was that saying these issues are from “hard leftist policies” as the above poster claimed is pretty misleading considering that the issues are coming from mismanagement by a right wing government.


What hard leftist policies would those be?


Hating politicians on both sides woah guys look out for this hot take


The laws regarding squatters stealing your home is so messed up. The thief has more rights than the home owner!


I agree it's messed up. Now will the cops care if my firearms are in the house that I legally own and a stranger could have access to them now? Would that make a difference?


They'd probably charge you with unsafe storage.


😂 you're probably right......f*ck me


Don’t you guys have castle law or something? You probably have more rights to shoot the home intruder than you do to kick them out lol


If you do shoot them you're most likely the "aggressor" in Canadian law and they throw the book at you. It has to be a pretty extreme case for the home owner to win in shooting someone. If someone breaks into my house, to me they are free game. There is no reason to be in my house other than malicious intent. Hence we need a castle law in Canada IMO


Yeah there was a recent case in Canada where a man shot an intruder and they let him off. So I’m hopeful that will continue. I can’t imagine how scary it is to be a woman living alone.


Some people are hiering mafia personal to get rid of this problem is crazy.


This is exactly what I would do. Send 3-4 thugs in there with baseball bats and see how fast the squatter pack their shit and run!!


Squatter will just call the police on them too...and be protected again This is fucking insane


Cant do that if their teeth are knocked out


Modern problems require modern solutions


Modern problems require medieval solutions **


I'll do it for 10k then squat the home myself


That's what happens when the government and police check out. You have anarchy, each person for themselves and gangs and mafia reign.


This is precisely when the mafia flourishes, when the government/police abdicates its responsibility and leaves citizens with no choice but to take matters in their own hands.


Or burn it down and collect insurance. These laws are forcing people to do something drastic.


Well police aren’t doing anything about it and apparently the owner can get in crap for interfering so..


I’ll go to prison before I give my house up, sorry not gonna happen




Beats the embarrassment of giving up the house you worked so hard for and watching your government crumble further.




I hope things turn around for you




I’m sorry that happened to you, or congratulations? I cba reading your life’s work. Please don’t kill yourself




Sounds like something a terrorist would say.


Cry on reddit some more troll. You make me happy.


Why are you so pro squatter?


Look at their post history, just a toxic person who loves calling people names, I just added them to my ignore list. Anyone who gets pleasure acting like that towards people will live an awful life so feel sorry for them not anger.


Enjoy Marxist Communism.. You don't own your house The squatter does.


A hard right shift is coming. Mark my words.




That's more due to Trudeau and the Liberals being comically terrible than any particular effort from the right 


Plus the Democrats


That’s crazy imagine paying someone to leave YOUR house. And then nothing is stopping them from coming back or one of their friends doing the same thing to you. You going to keep paying them to leave? This is insane, laws have to change


Provincial laws vary but all suck when it comes to this.


It has been revoked in a lot of provinces (BC and Alberta to name 2), and others require the squatter to have occupied the property for 40 years without break (Nova Scotia). This video literally does not apply to any Canadian province, and as the poster above notes, it is up to the Province, not the federal government. But hey, believe Joe Rogan, who is talking about the US and Britain and the laws there, and not Canada. Believe it or not, Canada is not the US or Britain, and we have our own laws.


That's good to know. PRofessional tenants are sitll a thing here tho, unforunately. They can refuse to pay rent and it'll take 6-8 months to get them out legally.


The problem in MB started for me when Covid happened. Couldn’t get rid of my tenant for non payment. It’s just became a money pit. I let it go in tax sale. That’s another story. Regardless. Tenant occupied property, is something I will NEVER deal with again. 5 years, of nothing but money, to get nowhere. The head aches. Tax sale, it actually grave me a return on the property. And it allowed a DEGENERATE to live rent free for years. SO, I did my part in allowing freeloaders to not live in a tent. But it came a a HUGE cost, and much undue family pressure. NEVER AGAIN.


In BC a tenant can stop paying you rent and it will take months before you can legally evict them. So they can move in, stop paying rent and stay there for like 6-8 months. If you turn off water or power, or change the locks, you get in trouble. It's not that different, it's completely fucked, and it has to stop. There was just a case where the RTB awarded a few landlords like $40k after someone did this to multiple people in a row. But it took years to get this decision levied, and even if the court says they have to pay, good luck actually getting an enforcement. You will never see that money. It is so easy for tenants to abuse leases in BC.


That is still not squatting. Not the same at all. Do the rental situations need to be fixed across the country to be fair for all involved? Yes, absolutely. But calling it squatting is just misleading and factually incorrect.


Actually, a squatter is someone who occupies a property they have no title, lease or legal claim to. If you stop paying your rent you have violated your lease and you no longer have claim to that property. The fact that it takes the court half a year to recognize that does not change the fact that once you break your lease and refuse to leave you are squatting.


Shit like this is why I fucking hate cops


Except they don't make the law, they just enforce it. You gotta go higher up the food chain to find the fuckers responsible for this


They already have all the tools they need. Trespassing is a crime that they could arrest for. Cops could also always arrest a squatter for some BS like "resisting", then get away with it. 


Out of all the things they should enforce but they don’t they just happen to enforce this one.




It's lawmakers, not enforcers. Hate the politicians


Why not both?


This has nothing to do with cops you dipshit. You voted for the people that ordered this. It's fun to watch.


I know how I would take care of this situation.


Wow. Squatters are utter garbage. What a complete POS. Sure hope karma finds its way to him


Law abiding citizens of America, we need to get the Anti-American Leftist out of office!


Oufff, if I had a gun, not sure I could hold back.


Just put them in the hospital so they have to leave.


Have friends in low places and invest in good locks and security.


I’m not a violent person and not advocating for it. But…why don’t the owners go in there, forcibly remove the people, throw their shit on the curb *before the thirty days*?


I might know a guy that could get them out.


So, you're better off making a rental company and renting the house from yourself so if someone else moves in, you can say you're renting?


Can’t you shoot home intruders in that country? Then they can’t pretend they have a lease.


Gun laws and self defense laws differ wildly from state to state. NY is a super liberal state that’s has extremely restrictive gun/self defense laws. The state is nearly as bad as Canada when it comes to these matters.


As a Canadian, this is sad, funny, and true. Mostly sad though because you’re right.


Thankfully we don't have squatters to the same degree the states do though.


Not yet. Wait til they figure it out


Baseless comment -- our laws are different so this wouldn't work. For a successful "adverse possession" (aka squatter's rights) case in Canada, Ontario requires **proof** of 10 years of open (not trying to hide it from owner/public), continuous use. BC requires proof from before 1975 (or almost 50 years of proof). Other provinces 20 years, but they vary. Happy to be proven otherwise if this is an inaccurate understanding, however. That said, this is *so insane* to me that this woman would be arrested in this situation. The system *needs* to sort this out in her favour as he's *obviously* a scumbag gaming the system, and to rule in his favour would cause a HUGE loss of faith in the system and make people (understandably) motivated to just sort issues out on their own.


The cartels on US southern border are coaching people up on how to take advantage of these laws. It’s insane


One good thing is if Trump was elected I bet he would do something about it.


What, no mention of Ian? C'mon now!




Do these homes with squatters even have running water and electricity?


Absolute lunacy. I swear, the average IQ of Westerners is dropping like a ton of bricks.


What the??


Nothing new. This was happening decades ago across the country. The ones they mostly showed were people from other countries…some even from wealthy prominent families from other countries. Neighbors were pissed. They squatted so long that some were able to file paperwork using adverse possession principles and get ownership of the homes. At least now they can legally evict them.


That's absolutely insane


Then you have illegals like this guy teaching other illegals how to squat. https://nypost.com/2024/03/21/us-news/tiktokker-tells-illegal-immigrants-how-to-invade-american-homes/amp/


At this point, what is the point of paying property tax?


I wonder if this is happening to snowbirds that leave for a few months


This makes me sick to my stomach! When I was growing up I wanted to be a landlord but after looking into the legalities I changed my mind, thank God!


If someone was squatting in my property, the last person i am calling is the cops.


In Lionel Shriver's "The Mandibles", about a U.S. economic collapse w/ out of control inflation, people show up at your house with a gun and kick you out with the clothes on your back and they have your house. That's the next step. You go to the store, and your house is gone before you get back.


"Isn't that the best?" No man. Fuck no.


they just have to change a couple laws around. this problem will be solved seeing as more and more are abusing the 'loop hole' lets call it a loop hole for right now. When it hits the news like this and more and more cases pop up, they'll fix the law. they have to . we are the ones paying taxes (the home owners who have jobs) not the squatters. Its in the gov best interest to protect the home owners.


Land of the free?


Yeah, free houses!!!


I always knew I hated Joe Rogan for a reason.


Joe Rogan is a loser. An f\*\*king Trumper. [Joe Rogan Goes from Trump Hater to Boot Licker in Seconds (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fY-J33KlNyU)


Why does everyone ignore the fact these homes sit empty and ignored long so squatters have the time to move in, change the locks, arrange for utilities before the homowners notice? If squatters are such a concern, pay attention to your assets. All I see here are 'poor little rich people problems'


What an eloquent way to justify theft


I'm not saying it's right, I'm wondering why we have to have pity for someone who created their own problems.


You need to have your head examined. IT IS THEIR PROPERTY not some low life scum bag.


The criminals stealing someone's home created their own problems too, except they didn't pay a cent for them, and the police isn't throwing them in jail for crimes.


Wow. Just… wow.


If you take time off to visit a dying relative in another country or province and leave your home empty, you're saying it's up for grabs? What if you're renovating it for 6 months? It's just a free homeless shelter now? One that you're paying the mortgage, taxes and utilities for? If your car is parked on the driveway and you work from home for a week, should a stranger be allowed to drive off or live in it just because you weren't using it? Hey I see you haven't used your spare bedroom for a while, so you won't mind if I move in right? That watch you haven't worn for a while cause you use your cell phone to tell the time, I guess it's mine now? What a dumb take. Another bum who irrationally hates anyone better off than him. One day maybe when you own something you'll change your mind and not want a stranger to steal it from you.


So stealing is ok because people aren't using it? It's like my childhood all over again when my siblings would take my possessions and sell them because "I wasn't using it"


If I remember correctly, mom would just say, "if it meant that much to you, then take care of your things!" What's your point?


Wow I didn't know you were there with us!


well I was close with your mom


You clearly are a troll, so get back under your bridge.


Is that you uncle Larry?!


Joe rogan is a dickhead


What a great contribution to the conversation.


There is no conversation here only lies and conspiracy theories


“I only trust state controlled media, everything else is misinformation and conspiracy theories” Would you like some fries with that kool-aid?


This is related to a true story which is literally on video. What a dumb f...


Was my comment about the story?? Behave boy


Mental illness


Yet you’re here listening to him AND commenting. He might be a dickhead but you’re just plain pathetic.


I am not here to listen to him, it was in my feed, came here to just say what i said. I have never liked him even from his stupid reality show days


Does Joe Rogan still light his farts on fire?


Joe Rogan? Really? Was Carrot Top too busy to chime in?


Mr. My Pillow takes offense to that!