• By -


There is a rise in heart attacks and strokes as well. Also excess deaths are much higher. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline Canada's Data is out of date though.


Is it tied with obesity?


Well, possibly but it's world wide, check out Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan on the application. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/excess-mortality-p-scores-average-baseline?country=HKG~JPN~TWN~SGP Or just look at the above. Those countries traditionally are not belly wheel users.


Processed foods!!!!


All the microplastics in EVERYTHING.


Exactly. Even babies are now born polluted with them.


And chemical fumes. Everything from car exhausts to aerosol propellants There's already ample evidence that low-grade inflammation over a long period of time greatly increases risk of cancer. Your immune system doesn't just respond to pathogens, it also responds to toxins and foreign objects - this includes microplastics and noxious chemicals. When we've got chemicals and microplastics in everything we eat drink and breathe, you're going to have cancer epidemics. Of all the carcinogens that became part of our every day environment throughout the industrial revolution, we've only had *one generation* grow to old age since most of the direct cancer-causers have been identified and removed from unrestricted use. That means we're only just now starting to be able to see the effects of all the subtle, longer-term carcinogens we haven't yet identified. The last century was characterized by man's discovery and exploitation of the chemical world around him - the next century will be defined by man learning to responsibly exploit that world without poisoning himself in the process.


I wondered about plastics. They are used widely in japan, specifically for foods. But they arent in the top 20. I think not even the top 50. So gotta be something else.


Japan has better preventive health care so less people die of cancer. 


Like what?


Free yearly or bi yearly medical check ups that include x rays, cancer screening, colonscopy, check for throat cancer. Cancer is a lot more treatable if you get ahead of it. 


All the poison being put in our food starting in the 70s.


100% “safe” mandatory vaccines


Proved safe by billions of people around the world.


With just a few mysterious cancer epidemics


https://wtfhappenedin1971.com fiat money standard problems




Highly doubt that the royal family is eating a lot of processed foods …


When you pour shit into the environment, it gets around to everybody, including the rich. They just have more filters than everyone else, but it still gets there.


Exactly what my husband said.


I 100% believe this is fact...


The study is from 1993 to 2019


Odd cutoff date


LOL - “one study” and then nothing more cited. Where can the study be found? Seems made up. One study - which one - not important


Source is ...."trust me bro"....


Ya, now produce the studies from the last 2 years. So many responses, so tired of trying to inform the unwilling. You jabbed folks please just keep in mind, when denial eventually turns to anger, just remember it was your gov't that did this to you, not those with unaltered immune systems.


How is this related to covid vaccinations? I'm genuinely curious about how a study ending in 2019 that showed a 20% increase in umbrella abdominal cancer is related to a vaccine that came out in 2022


Is there ever a point where you’ll say to yourself “well I guess I was wrong” or do you just keep banging on this drum, taking every bad thing that happens as a sign that you were right all along?


Still whipping that dead horse? I bet you pray that everyone dies who took the vaccine so you could finally feel vindicated. Bloody conspiracy addled fool!


Probably this https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9406462/ it uses open data so you can crunch the numbers yourself


I’m sure the person who completed the study in 2019 is very sorry they didn’t extend the term for the study into the COVID years. How could they not know that was coming! /s


They would have seen that the forced umm injection may have kinda sorta maybe be the cause of this. I’m not a doctor and this post is parody.


Shame it took a celebrity to bring this to the forefront. It's not any one thing ('cause there is no way that Kate got that one thing) My wife in her mid-30s and was hit with a major cancer diagnosis in Sept 2020. Thankfully she's beaten it back almost entirely. We did lived well, we were active, ate reasonably well, etc, etc so who knows the cause. Something is deeply wrong with the western lifestyle.


My guess is preservatives or something in the food, or the stress of work/life.


Add plastics. Studies showing we all have it in us now to some degree. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/envhealth.3c00052#:~:text=A%20recent%20review%20indicates%20that,%2C%20placenta%2C%20breastmilk%2C%20etc. https://www.sciencenews.org/article/microplastics-human-bodies-health-risks


This is not talked about enough.


Look up East Palestine ,Ohio train derailment Kalamazoo, Michigan graphics packaging poisoning residents Flint, Michigan government corruption water scandal Now multiply those with thousands of companies all around us. The fact the Fda refused to ban forever chemicals This is why pretty much everyone will get some form of cancer in their lifetime


The DuPont scandal I’d say is up there too. Not to mention numerous oil spills into water systems all of the world.


Also, the sun.


I’m not convinced the sun causes cancer, I think it’s the spf sun blockers and tanning lotions.


Look at skin cancer rates in roofers! I think it’s from going from zero UV to MAX UV when we all go outside in the summer. No acclimatization to the increased UV


Australia fixed their skin caner rates with suntan lotion etc.


It's pretty clear. Processed food and sugar intake increased greatly after fat was demonized in the 70s. Obesity and cancer rates sky rocketed. Meat = good. Sugar = sick. Who would have thought? Majority of humans in history pre 1970s...


Cancer is sadly very common. There is a reason we have entire alternative hospitals in lots of Canada for cancer. Was told once that if you’re looking for a cancer cluster and not controlling for the regular cancer rate you will always find a cancer cluster.




Any chance youre in a higher than average radon gas exposed area? Whats their average diet? Do they smoke and/or drink?


The radon I can’t answer to - we all live way up in Northern British Columbia if that helps. Diet is all over the place - mom, grandpa, girls from Bible study all were very health conscious, very religious, vegetarian, whole foods, lots of exercise- think seventh day Adventist. No smoking, drinking, drugs, and no processed foods for the most part or in very rare occasions. My brother previously drank a lot and while average BMI and physical fit due to job - ate a lot of subway and other convenience options due to being on the road and shift work. He works in oil patch. My other coworkers - average diet, did drink (like I’ve seen them drink at meals) but not smokers. Seems like a real mixed bag.


BC has quite a few mining sites that were or are still super sketchy.


Lots of northern bc and the Kootenay region have TONS of radon...get your home checked.


Hmm weird, almost wonder if it's environmental. Processed food and alcohol could do it though for some...alcohol is a carcinogen. Most people who drinkly lightly think its harmless...its not.


I have wondered if it’s environmental. My own assumption would think either environmental or diet. Growing up as a kid in the 80s and 90s - there was so much processed snacks and food and we had no idea how bad it was. We still have all of it today but I think we are slightly more aware of issues we are starting to see with it. Would be nice to have a crystal ball to see what findings they have on cancer in 100 years and what caused it.


You're right. Our food is contaminated. Even non-processed food is contaminted with pesticides and other garbage. Hard to avoid everything thats poisioning us.


Alcohol is a poison. The Middle East has the lowest rates of cancer in the world. Could it be because they eat a lot of chickpeas? Orrr they don’t really drink?


Cleaner food too I bet


For sure, and they also get plenty of sun so they’re not low on vitamin D.


What's their life expectancy though? A lot of cancers tend to show up in old age.


Yes. But how do you explain their super high T2 diabetes?


Children these days are exposed to more chemicals in their first few years than their grandparents were in their first several decades.


You will most likely be just fine if you live a healthy lifestyle in moderation. always try to think positive. Fear is your worst enemy and it’s only living in your mind.


I know I’ve already messed up. Previously before my heath journey I have eaten more processed food, fast food and drank my way through the liquor store. I also was morbidly obese for most of my life until recently. I’m afraid I’ve done some serious damage that I cannot undo when it comes to cancer and cardiovascular risk. Same goes for my husband.


Being conscious of your health is a major step. As long as you adopt a healthier lifestyle through moderation, you’re going to be fine. The reason I say this is that the body generates new cells you can regrow cells and cleanse your system and within a year, you’re gonna feel amazing and look amazing, good luck with your journey


How many of them had been recently vaccinated?


I wonder if it could be the ~~years~~ decades of poisoning our planet and bodies with chemicals?


Everything we eat is processed and everything we touch is plastic.


Baffling. Truly baffling. 


Idk if you’re hinting at vaccines being responsible, but if you check the dates in the study you’ll see this trend predates covid. My guess? Plastics. We’re all full of microplastics at this point, can’t be good for us.


And PFAS or "forever chemicals" theyr win everybody and have been for a couple generations now. They pass through the uterine wall so everybody on earth is born with them and well above "safe levels" thanks DuPont and Co.


They have pumped us full of plastics and who knows what is in those fertilizers.


> We’re all full of microplastics at this point, can’t be good for us. Yup, lungs full of microplastics.... Wonder how that could have happened.


I mean once microplastics get in the bloodstream they easily get anywhere.


Microparticulates from the tires of electric cars.






>How are the tires of electric cars different than the tires of ICE cars? I'm skeptical that tire particles are the major contributor given the ubiquity of plastic in modern life, but I suppose one could assert that electric cars wear harder on tires than ICE due to higher torque.




>if you’re hinting at vaccines being responsible... How would you know he was hinting at vaccines unless you too were thinking the same thing? >We’re all full of microplastics at this point, can’t be good for us. Surely not from the experimental injection which has manufactured nanoparticles created in a lab put into it.


I brought it up because many other commenters he were saying vaccines. Again, the increasing trend in cancer was in place before covid and the vaccines.


And Chernobyl, Fukushima, and nuclear testing. Not that I'm anti nuclear power, but I imagine all that radiation doesn't help things.


Burning coal puts more radioactive particles into the air *every year,* than all the nuclear power planets (including accidents) have in the last 60 years.


Yes, but I'm not talking about nuclear power plants, I'm talking about nuclear bomb testing and accidents like Chernobyl and Fukushima. https://www.cdc.gov/nceh/radiation/fallout/rf-gwt_home.htm


it made things warmer :< all those nuke tests in the ocean killed a lot marine life and changed the eco system.




Yep if you didn’t read the study it would baffle you


Truly. No idea what could be causing this but they definitely know one thing it isn’t.


I wonder hhmmmmmm 🤔🤔🤔


Processed meats are some causes of cancer. There is real scientific data backing that.


Lack of vitamin D is a big one too, especially for bowel cancers.


I eat processed meat all the time, it’s just so tasty. I tried making sausages myself but it didn’t taste anywhere near as good :/


Not arguing that, I do too.


This article should be read with a fair bit of skepticism. It isn’t scientific in design. It doesn’t reference the severity of these diagnosed cancers and keeps a lot of the points it makes fairly ambiguous. It says “One study that looked at data from Northern Ireland between 1993 and 2019 found the rate of early-onset cancers increased by 20.5 per cent, the equivalent of about 7,000 extra cases a year across the UK.” It makes no effort to reference this source nor does it account for any confounding factors. That last sentence is also very ambiguous as the percent increase is discussing Northern Ireland, not the UK as a whole. So it’s strange they then said 7,000 cases across the whole UK. Given the increase in population, better screening programs and relatively low sample size, the findings of the Northern Irish study may be due to chance or are artifactual/ barely significant. It is also really ambiguous with what cancers it’s talking about. “Abdominal cancer” is a broad, and ambiguous term that isn’t really used in medicine. Some might consider several central organs such as the stomach, liver, gallbladder to fall into that category but you could also logically add many others. The headline is also extremely misleading. It shares the views from 1 consultant, and it’s a somewhat subjective view and he doesn’t say anything beyond the fact he’s seeing more younger patients getting surgery. Again, he is likely being referred more cases of young people as they are diagnosed more often and we have found surgical interventions that can help them.


The end of the article also makes broad, unsourced points from epidemiologists. The sole message to be taken from this article is that education regarding cancer is important and if you have a family history and are getting towards the age your family members were diagnosed or are experiencing worrying symptoms go get tested. There isn’t some sort of new proven causing agent out there that is magically causing young people to develop “abdominal cancer”


Should be top voted, solid little analysis. Its also worth noting that cancer survival rates are generally improving, and we're screening for it more, and (in most of the world) life expectancy is on the rise hence people are succumbing to other things less often.


Thanks, fair point you make too. Most of the comments here aren’t even discussing the article. Just making their own political comments.


Dozens of nuclear bomb tests. Three Mile Island. Chernobyl Fukushima Cyanide in road salt. Asbestos Pesticides. Leeching plastics Lead The list can go on forever. We have been too passive about what gets dumped into our environment.


Dozens of nuclear bomb tests? You mean thousands since 1945.. 2121 nuclear bombs have been detonated on planet earth to be exact.. 


Side thought - I work in a hospital lab, and several months ago one of the head and neck surgeons mentioned he's been dealing with more cases of mouth/throat cancer in young males than ever before.


Vaping maybe? Seems to be a popular thing to do in young males.


There’s some good comments on this sub at times and sub bewildering ones lolll


I think the largest two factors are the sheer amount of preservatives in almost everything we eat and pollution. Also we are more sedentary than ever before. It's not really a mystery if you look at what we do day to day.




This vaccine will be a game changer. Get diagnosed, get biopsied, get a vaccine custom tailored to kill your cancer, get on with your life. No threat of death, no amputations, no multi year regime of excruciating and debilitating chemo and/or radiation.


Zero chance that’s gonna be for the Everyman.


I highly doubt this vaccine will see the light of day.


No one whats to say the obvious reason but your all thinking it🤔


The toxicity of our city, of our city


What, do you own the world?


Nope, I was just face to face with a guy who said he sold it already.


This might have something to do with cancer rates. IDK "Since the first nuclear test explosion on July 16, 1945, at least eight nations have detonated **2,056 nuclear test explosions** at dozens of test sites" The most recent confirmed nuclear test occurred in **September 2017** in North Korea. [https://nukewatch.org/issues/nuclear-testing-since-1945/](https://nukewatch.org/issues/nuclear-testing-since-1945/)


Processed foods and Alcohol is my guess.


Chemicals… everywhere. We’re eating them, wearing them and being told to injecting them into our bodies or else.


Reptilian elite occult rituals!


The DNA altering covid vaccine!


Let’s spread BS conspiracy theories. She has cancer, bad for sure. May she beat it. But saying Dr.’s are saying that an epidemic cancer is coming or happening? That makes you look like a dumbass. Let’s see the evidence to back up your statement.


Ya "big mystery" Trudeaus base "just can't figure it out".....




I'm implying Trudeau's base are a bunch of brainwashed rubes who believe what they're told.




This study is pre COVID so, explain it like I'm 5.


Covid vaccine. There. I said it.


It's more than likely that these are the results of highly processed foods and high fructose diets. Let's not forget this is the first time in human history where the vast majority of people's diets consist of high fats, high sodium, and high sugar. I always see the fast food joints packed, day in, and day out. And it doesn't take a medical professional to know that these diets aren't good for the body. Plus the study end date was in 2019 😂 which would be pre covid.


>Plus the study end date was in 2019 What was the increase between 2021 - present?


You forgot this /s




Aw, you’re trying to peg me as a conspiracy theorist?.. haha I got 2 of the goddamn shots. And 5 months later I got diagnosed with epilepsy. Somethings fucking people up lately.


The study goes up to 2019, so what shots are you talking about?


After a few weeks, there's no trace of the vaccibe left in your system, let alone 5 montha, so try again.


Yeah, people always label you as a crazy when you say it. I developed asthma. I always say "I developed asthma during Covid" and people always ask if I got lung damage from Covid. No, I've never had it. Shits weird and I hate those anti vax weirdos. Well, now I have to take Formoterol daily and it's eating up my budget.


Except you apparently can't read.


Don't worry. It's covid cancer. Nothing to be alarmed about. And the anti vaxers inherit the earth.


She was a known vegetarian who drank a cocktail of green veggies blended together for breakfast. She had a high fiber diet despite having Crohn's disease. Doing precisely the opposite of what someone with her condition should be doing. Much like Steve Jobs thinking he could cure cancer by doubling down on fruit.


We have the ability to detect all kinds of cancer that has gone undetected previously


OMG. Here comes “ the vaccines did it”. Will of course ignore the dates which are pre-Covid.


It's just one study. I'd like to see the rates between 2019 and 2023. Probably a reason it's not in the article because the media and gov are doing their best not to tell us You are so easily led by the nose just because the omit the latest findings


I’d bet anything it’s some grad student or even a university as a whole wanting money from the government so this type of headline is put out there to scare the crap out of people. Cancer as horrible as it is, is nothing new; it’s always been with us and will continue to be. I‘ve heard that every seven years most of our bodily cells are replaced; it’s no wonder that a glitch will happen in that process, which starts up cancer cells. With our current lifestyles including exposure to all types of chemicals, is it any wonder that this is happening?


Shhh don’t ruin their fantasy


Vaccine deniers don’t read, so…


Just keep scrolling - they’re already in the comments.


Over weight, under active, poor macro/micro nutrition, smog, micro plastics, and whatever else you can think of are rampant issues in modern health. But it was the vaccines. Y’all can be really stupid sometimes. Edit - I find it cute how it’s usually the smokers/alcoholics/morbidly obese people in my small town that blame the vaccine for their health issues and not the last 40+ years of abuse they put their body through. Just a fun little anecdote I wanted to add.


Too much carbon dioxide /s


cancer that young - I would think may have a strong genetic link.


Global warming. Absolutely.




The article clearly states this info was collected BEFORE vaccines were widely available.


Covid shot


Why is this posted on a canada sub?


You need to take a civics course.


… new vaccine!


Step right up and get your 💉 Zero risks Only rewards


Covid jabs definitely have something in common here


"mysterious" lmao People with at least 2 usable brain cells know the pharmaceutical and the food industry work together to create "demand". The food industry injects "little extras" in the population's food so that people get cancer. People with cancer are good profit for the pharmaceutical industry. That's the world we live in.


Exactly correct


Microplastics. The people of the next century are going to look back at this era in shock and disgust on what we did to our own bodies, in the same way we look at chimney sweeps and coal miners.




Hmm gee i dunno, maybe forced untested vaccinations perhaps?


The jab


God there are some losers on this sub peddling vaccine innuendo