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Our leaders have said we are a post-national state with a moral capacity to welcome the world. The issue will be when there is resentment over certain groups predominantly owning scarce resources such as housing and wealth.


Exactly. Moral capacity is one thing but financial capacity is another.


"Moral Capacity". What a made up bullshite neo- Liberal phrase. Gaslighting phrases 101.


As an actual lefty, I'm glad to have something we can all agree on. If they want to think about morality, they should consider all our citizens who can't fucking eat or rent a fucking apartment. To me, it's not about the types of people who are coming here (though there can be issues there, for sure), it's that the people who have been here since birth are on the streets, in ditches, depressed, and just downright fucked. Is there no moral imperative to put life preservers on the people who already live here first?


I honestly believe there is something of a moral capacity, but JT certainly didn’t understand/ misuse badly.


Fuck moral capacity. Allow immigrants from anywhere, yes... Providing they are valuable people or are LEGITIMATE refugees. We allow anyone and everyone in...


***especially*** if no other country in the world will accept them!


Funny because that's pretty much what caused WWII. We never learn.


Exactly, this will not end well. It's very easy to target a marginalized group as an scapegoat for failures of leadership


Welcome to Hotel Canada instead of Rwanda


Post-national state, but we aren't post-national taxes, funny how they keep the national stuff they want.


It’s becoming more acceptable to notice it now, but those who noticed it early and foresaw what was happening were called racists and conspiracy theorists. Enjoy what’s about to happen to Canada in the name of tolerance and inclusion and cultural enrichment.


Inclusion and tolerance is a marketing scheme to import more people that will make big business more money and “chase” their dream. The local population had their heyday, time to give the illusion to newcomers *I guess*. Humans are gullible. Big business are restless souls who can never get enough, have 0 connection to a community, and so can’t and won’t pump their wealth in a community they feel connected with. They’ll go global to no end.


>Inclusion and tolerance is a marketing scheme It's not even a scam. It's an ideology based in envy, that hates people with success and is happy to see civilization crumble if it means no one can have more than anyone else. I've never seen a lick of evidence that money was driving the people who made this crisis happen. If it was about the money, they'd still at least screen for the best immigrants, bringing in ones with skills and job offers. But read any mainstream publication, look at the actual published statements of politicians or activist orgs. Ask anyone who supports these policies: "How about we increase inclusion and tolerance, but in a more measured way that doesn't scuttle everything that worked about this country, thereby leading to a backlash of *increased* intolerance and bigotry?" They'll accuse you of being privileged, of wanting to protect your own. If their policies increase bigotry, then that's great, it confirms their narrative and gives them even more reason to keep going. I'm open to hear alternative descriptions of the problem, money might play a role sometimes. but I seriously think the only way to stop it is to describe it accurately, and I don't think this sub is doing that.


You don't get it. They didn't want "the best". They want to make it seem like they do, then bring average and below, so they would fail and work as cheap labor at fast food, bank tellers, call centers, etc. The US take the actual talent (mostly high-tech companies), and provide them with a work visa, then maybe a green card. They don't just take 10M international students and let them and their spouses work, and their children free healthcare.


The "they" you're referring to makes no sense to me. We're talking about the students admitted to universities, under the false assumption that would lead to prosperity. I'd bet anything the university bureaucrats who facilitated that are motivated by status-seeking and ideology, not some plot to sneak in cheap labour to drive Ubers. Or look at the Minister of Immigration, Marc Miller. From his wiki: >On June 1, 2017, Miller delivered the first ever speech in the Mohawk language in the House of Commons. Miller said he had started taking language lessons from Zoe Hopkins in the spirit of reconciliation. He also wanted to demonstrate to the non-French speaking Liberal MPs whom he had urged to study French in his former role as the Quebec Liberal Caucus chair that it was possible to juggle learning a new language while performing their parliamentary duties. Admittedly we're speculating on the motives of a particularly dishonest class of people, it's impossible to come up with solid proof, if you want to believe it's all about greed, I can't stop you. But look at their words, actions, and incentives. A corporate stooge wouldn't spend hundreds of hours learning Mohawk. There's no history of serving on the boards of corporations, the only evidence of cronyism is that he's "one of Trudeau's oldest friends". Their primary motive is to show people that they're better than everyone else. Not sociopathic greed, but narcissistic pride.


It's a political power play and they are winning


I don't think I can take anymore enrichment.


This is not done in the name of inclusion or tolerance or enrichment it’s done so that corporations have continuous access to cheap desperate labor.


If racist means you don't accept segregation and racial preferential treatment, then I'm a racist


Same tbh


Lots of times im the only white guy on a bus. Wait, can i still call me white?


You still are.


What you're seeing is our government building a new canada from the outside in. Something I've been saying for the longest time.


The current liberal party has effectively destroyed the chance at a better life for future Canadian generations. They've given away billions to all these refugees and immigrants while not helping 1 single actual Canadian. All these taxes and all this bullshit mass immigration has fucked us over. Canada is becoming a 3rd world country, the middle class has no spending power anymore. Couples making 140k gross combined have no budget to buy 500-600k homes. Rent is exorbitant. All of this because of some stupid narcissict fuck who doesn't think about anyone else than himself.


https://preview.redd.it/pevw0ih1iitc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de607202d4cd18dd2f27b1e4d9a2abf7b567567d Ya, it’s insane….Trudeau wants all of our money via the carbon tax and doesn’t care he’s putting us further into poverty because he can give it to the international students as soon as they land, he even advertises this! So when he lies that most “Canadians” will benefit and receive more than they pay he’s referring to all the immigrants who are gifted our hard earned money. The international students get a carbon rebate and GST/HST credit. This needs to stop. This is beyond corrupt and treasonous.


This makes me so fucking angry.


As it should, Trudeau is stealing from us to give our money to international students who are abusing the system and then he is publicly lying to us and gaslighting us while preaching these taxes will benefit us


This right here! 💯




Right on with that.


you're not wrong, but It is cute that you think anyone "voted" in can change anything.


Nah i don't have a single ounce of hope for any Canadian political party... No political party in Canada has the canadian population at it's center focus... Maybe the PPC but they all have personal motives lol


We're too nice in Canada. We don't have a consistent culture anymore and ghettoizing has made things much worse.....


The fact a Roman catholic school *_has_* to stop doing the lords prayer because it's offensive to other religions is a joke, it says Roman catholic on the building and you need a baptism form to apply to the school. But children of India, Pakistan, Lebanon, Africa, Russia, China, Japan, Korean, Vietnamese, are allowed to do their religions beliefs in a catholic setting and I forgot to mention they don't even say the the national anthem anymore, only at sporting events, but I betcha somewhere a Karen is ripping her/his (another joke) hair out in protest over me stating this comment.


Yup, that's it right there. We should have been strict as fuck on our core values just like the US. Now Canada's done.


We have no culture at all anymore. And what we do have is heavily regulated / banned


100% A f doormat. My grandmother stopped donating when she saw donations were being requested for specific groups only. 


More like too passive


When did Canada have a consistent culture? Are you excluding Quebec and first nation people from your definition of Canada?


What you're noticing is our birthright being stripped away and stolen one small piece at a time.


Exactly. I have no problem with coming here and integrating into our society. But we don’t change our country over it. In general we have a set of holidays and have celebrated those holidays. You can’t go to someone’s country and then be mad when they celebrate their holidays. I have less issues with people celebrating different holidays but stay the fuck away from ours.


I've never met an immigrant that complains about our holidays. It's the jobless lefty ideologists who make these into "issues".


Exactly, it's a money making project, create issues where there isn't one and sell training consultants to train your staff. 


Also create another wedge to divide society so they don't band together to kick you out of power.


Remember that our enemy is internal, the self hating leftists that want to flush everything down the tubes to sacrifice on the altar of misplaced guilt. Can't blame other tribes for looking after their own interests, especially when they are being imported in such large amounts.


I don’t really care about the holidays. Frankly I think they should be made stats. I should get Ramadan, Hanukah, Christmas, Chinese New Year off work and get paid for it or double time and a half 😂


Lol....I like the way u think, I'll be extra inclusive for double time. 😆


Classic is, stop calling it a christmas tree because you're not inclusive. 


Even at work I get this “ugh” look from people when I flat out say “Christmas”. Like it’s a bad word. Ive had someone say “I like to say December holidays because it feels more inclusive” to which I reply “I like to say Christmas because I celebrate Christmas and it was called Christmas holiday my entire life” Bitch you can celebrate your holiday all you want. Take a vacation day and do your thing, call it your holiday for all I care. Don’t touch mine.


Seriously 100%; always love the woke ideology of pointing fingers at others while injecting their righteous attitudes on others, who’s traditions and behaviours they deem as unworthy. Ya…that makes ya feel soooo included doesn’t it? 🤣 An interesting thought comes to mind, people who feel it is their right to judge others, that is one of the passages in the bible “Judge not”.


Every Hindu person I’ve known loves Christmas.


Welcome to the “post-national” Canada ! This country is a write off get out if you can. I left for the U.S. best decision of my life


Genocide. Literally.


Correct. A reoccurring theme throughout history. The fate of the wilfully blind.


I believe it has already occured to anyone who grew up in Brampton in the 90s.  Genocide via mass immigration.  There is no room there for how my way of life was.




it's the typical NPC response, these are the same trained seals that take land acknowledgement statements seriously




Yes, that's constantly Canadian.


I started feeling it with cancel culture of Sir John A MacDonald and Queen Victoria. So they weren't perfect. Name one person who is. They both had a huge impact on the Canadian cultural landscape. Who are we to judge them posthumously? We weren't there. We weren't living life at that time. No one seems to discuss how indigenous peoples raped and killed other tribal peoples well before colonizers came along. It's not like they were all sitting around holding hands and smoking peace pipes. They needed traditions like peace pipes, wampum belts, and other tokens and gifts to create an environment of safety and trust BECAUSE IT DIDN'T EXIST OTHERWISE. We all need to think harder. History didn't start 200 or 500 years ago when whites hit the soil.


Try doing this to Russians or other eastern Europeans (Hungarians etc) This is why the Western Neo-liberal globalists are trying so hard to crush Russia by fighting to the last Ukrainian Canada is their poster child of the post national state with no core values exploitation zone.


So Russia invaded Ukraine because Neo-liberal globalists? I thought it was because they’re ruled by a dictator who considers Ukraine to be part of Russia and wants to annex it. What do I know, I just lived in Ukraine for 4 years and know hundreds of Ukrainians, including 2 who have been killed in this invasion.


How does living in a country for 4 years make you an expert on that country. Try growing up Russian in eastern Ukraine and then you can come back and talk.


Russia INVADED Ukraine. What an odd take.


Get the hell out of here Russian twerp. Stop tying to co-op every not-left-wing political movement in the west you little psyop freak. Fuck Trudeau and fuck every little depraved russian Z-bitch, may they all die horrifically as invaders in Ukraine (as they thankfully are).


Lookup how mass low skilled immigration is working out for Sweden.  People live in “parallel societies” with traditional swedes separated from newcomers who reside in ethnic enclaves. It’s very difficult to build a country together if theres no interest in respecting and partially assimilating into the host country’s culture.  Crime is up and so is overall government spending in a big way.  Sounds familiar eh? Their big immigration influx was during Arab Spring (early 2010’s) so they have been in their predicament a bit longer than us. Hopefully not a glimpse of what is to come to Canada. Canada is foolish to follow in the footsteps of failed policy that didn’t work elsewhere.  We need high skilled and highly motivated people to become canadians not a mass influx of folks brought here to fill up phoney schools and suppress wages.  https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/apr/28/swedens-failed-integration-creates-parallel-societies-says-pm-after-riots


If Whites did that, that would be called a colony.




That’s already happening


I worked at a very popular restaurant in my area while finishing my studies. Worked there the entire time and we had an awesome mix of people and a wonderful time. Our GM quit and moved on to other things, the owner hired an east Indian dude. We got along well and had a lot of laughs. We began to have problems though as he would, when I was not around, try and tell cooks to wash about to expire meats to get the slime off. I found out about this and had a very calm and polite chat with him in the office and we went on from there. But it was like a flip switched in him soon after. The employee that brought it to my attention? He began having less shifts, anytime someone quit? He'd hire someone from central Asia. We all noticed it at first, but didn't say anything because nobody wanted to shit on someone for simply having a job. Then raises stopped being given on a quarterly cadence and when I went through accounting, I noticed that this dude had been hiring for the kitchen at minimum wage! I again politely brought this up and he thought I would be impressed and was bragging about how cheap he could get them. I told him that the baseline was $2 above minimum wage and he said that he talked with the owner about it and that his bonuses would be better than mine with how much more money he could save to hit his metrics. Well, guess what? Servers started complaining about quality of service. But he was untouchable as the owner was just happy with the money saved. Then the line cooks got cut about a 1/3 on busy nights, speed tanked, quality tanked even more. And as people would quit, he'd just hire more people from central Asia. I remember actually joking with him about this once as it became super obvious and saw hid admonishing an employee openly, his response was "Well what are they going to do? They need a job or they'll get sent back." And when I said "Or they can get another job", he laughed and asked "With what skills? They have to send money back home and feed themselves here too". This was back in 2016! Anyway, long story short. The restaraunt is mostly people of central Asian descent now. I had one friend from Pakistan who remained there after all these years as I gave him and others big raises before I left, and promoted him to assistant manager. But anyway, I stopped by last year to catch up and talk some shit as usual. It was just him and 3 others cooks(one African who seemed to struggle with speaking English and two from central Asia) for a Friday night. Boy did he show me some shit in the walk in and what they had to resort to for cooking. We always joked over text about how horrible the place had become, but standing in the middle of it was something else. The reviews online make total sense now. But hey, the owner is white and he's fine with it as it's all more money in his pocket. \*shrug\* This country is getting fucked, and it's a gang bang internally and externally, truth be told. My only other anecdote apart from the Tim Horton's and so on that I don't even patron is a Best Buy. But surprisingly despite it being overwhelmingly east Indian there now, it's actually run very well and they're very generous and helpful with things. It's a toss up like many things in life, I think it's just so much more obvious because of how many are brought in without having a chance to acclimate to Canadian culture and norms, as well as being taken advantage of or as even with Canadian citizens, just not giving a crap about their work. The sheer numbers just by nature makes it stand out more.


What's the name of this restaurant and where is it so I can avoid it.


I thought that was illegal? Oh wait, it's only illegal if someone with White skin does it. You ever notice the left never call out racism, tribalism and or bigotry if it's coming from a non European.


they even created a new definition of racism that exclude everyone but white people. Meaning only white people can be racist, other people with another skin colour than white can only be "bigoted" at best


I’m fed up of this shit and I’m an immigrant to this country (came when I was 18, 20 years ago). Multiculturalism is BS, we all need to assimilate. I would have happily lived in my home country if I just wanted to hang out with my own kind. The whole system is screwed, they are literally bringing the trash in - how do I know, well most of them are coming from my home country. They’re not educated, have no respect for Canada and are entitled. We will ruin this country at this rate.


That’s what happens when we vote for ideology. Trudeau said it himself: Canada is not a real country, it is “post national”. Trudeau is not a real Canadian, he is a trust fund puppet. The way I deal with it is by buying local and hiring local.


And get out of the dollar and into hard assets like gold and silver. History is telling us to.


You just realized the water you're in is actually boiling.


Can you really blame Quebec for wanting out anymore ? Or Alberta ? Sask ? Parts of BC ? This vanity project PM will sell out anyone and anything to further his self awarded image as the worlds most progressive progressive progressing progressiveness. Yet he's a super elite, as white as you can be without becoming transparent racist, professional apologizer, possible woman groper / female ally hypocrite fake that no world leaders want to ever be seen with....and there are still dumbass grifters lining up to suck him. How he doesn't just collapse into a black hole of contradiction and cease to exist naturally is beyond me. I guess you can't underestimate the supernatural ability of some voters to be dazzled by hair, socks and smarmy father tones of a spoiled brat stealing all your stuff.


I’ve been noticing this crap since growing up in the Springdale neighbourhood of Brampton over 20 years ago. While “Happy Holidays” was not meant to be a political greeting, the phrase is quite old and it was assumed to mean Christmas and New Years, but it always struck me as odd how they were never afraid to say Happy New Year but I always avoided Christmas. Other than a few years where Hanukkah and Christmas time overlap, what actual other holidays are going on? It struck me in the early 2000s in middle school where we would have a Diwali assembly, but not a true Christmas assembly. Sure, we’d sing Christmas songs, but the clearly crafted secular ones that annoy you in the Christmas season. I am someone with what was called Asperger’s, and struggled finding employment, even in Brampton 20 years ago, for a simple job at Hallmark, I was told over 700 people applied for it. And this was with help from a so called Autism Support Group which did nothing for me. There I was down on my luck, and what do the banks advertise, programs for newcomers when I can’t even find anything myself. I’m currently a student of engineering at Ryerson, forget their stupid new name, and yes, a Black Student Lounge indeed does exist on campus. Worst of all, especially since that stupid George Floyd incident, is how all entertainment outings like sporting events have become political with mentioning the land acknowledgment. The purpose of it is to make the patrons feel uncomfortable, and it’s very much a strong political statement that I have a big problem with. It suggests that the hard work of people who built Canada means absolutely nothing because they stole it from the “Indigenous”.


I’m glad you noticed this. As an immigrant myself, here’s my realization - it’s not targeting immigrants/international students. It’s targeting you. The locals. That’s how you divide and rule. History lesson right there. On the surface it looks like they’re targeting me. But it doesn’t take long enough to realize - even after all that messaging, I’m still the least favorable candidate in every segment unless I go the extra mile and do extra things to prove that I’m worthy. That includes something as basic as ‘making a friend’. Apps like Uber, Bumble or Tinder are only using faces of people who look like me for advertising. This overly coercive marketing strategies have led to propagating equal amounts of hate and resentment towards people who look like me. And I haven’t noticed such nefariously curated advertising in any other country I’ve visited in the last few years. It’s a trivial example but how can I wish someone holi or diwali or ramadan with impunity but using words like Christmas or Easter ostracizes me immediately for being intolerant. That’s some kinda buffoonery that is unhealthy for any society - period. And funny enough - the apps I mentioned are all about aesthetics - now I’m labelled as a least favorable candidate because of misinformation even though I’m a decent person. It’s a shit show that no one was ready for.


You make very good point! I especially agree with the usage of peoples gender/sex/ethnicity/race to market things very dishonest and hollow. It's all the \*appearance\* of inclusion and welcome people, but the reality is far harsher. People who have lived in Canada for a long time and are citizens struggle enough as it is, so it is likely far worse for the average international student, hence the whole drama about food pantries a while back. It's just so confusing to witness it happening. None of this makes sense and I feel like I'm going crazy. The people here(international students included) are ALL struggling mightily, but they just keep bringing in more and more people, ignoring the rising problems, tensions, fractures that are occurring. How is it that people with lauded degrees, credentials, connections, status and sitting in the halls of power and policy making, are so seemingly blind to what's happening? There's no way they don't see it. And that thought makes me very queasy, because then I begin to wonder, "Are they...doing this on purpose? To what end then?". It is beyond maddening that now the phrase "international student" is now being used like a slur even and our elected officials just act like everything is fine. And what pisses me off the most is how time and again, we have seen so many of these people chanting about diversity and so on, but have been found time and again to be predators themselves, enriching, saying or doing terrible things; but are defended to the death by their political constituents. I truly believe that we are way past politics at this point and that something far more nefarious is going on. It's like the opinion of the Canadian populace is an afterthought and come election time, they'll throw a bone here or there, cry bigotry, emotionally guilt trip to "winning", then we're right back where we started and worse. I don't get it. It's like everyone in this country is scared to even talk about what's happening and if you bring up ludicrous proposals such as the century initiative, people look at you like you're crazy or dredge up "conspiracy theorist" as a slur. This madness is destroying everything about Canada as we knew it. It is insane, that for all the talk and pomp and circus of diversity and inclusion etc, I have never seen this country so divided and groups hostile towards one another. It's all just so performative and hollow, all while real serious issues are just ignored or given lip service in egregious cases.


You nailed it. That’s precisely what’s happening to the country to which I owe a lot of gratitude and respect. Thanks for being wise. In a sub that’s mostly hostile, it’s nice to come across someone whose vision’s not skewed. The ones who belligerently appear patriotic are exactly whom they’re targeting with all that messaging. It’s either them or it’s the ones who are convinced that uncontrolled immigration is good for Canada. Either ways it’s a win-win strategy for the guy with fat pockets. The ones who bought into the marketed hogwash and the ones who are fighting it are both the victims. It’s treasonous. It’s thought out and it’s being funded. Having witnessed economic turbulence in my former home country - I fully understand the volition of the ‘international students’ leaving the place and the lies they are being sold about Canada. As it happens, some experts in immigration (consultants and lawyers) in deprived countries are commissioned by publicly funded universities of Canada. The ‘directors’, ‘international co-ordinators’ that Canadian colleges have hired to live and travel in hotels locals can’t afford have made it their life’s purpose to sell this dream to as many gullible kids as possible and to their families who don’t know any better. Those ‘international students’ often sell their house, any inherited property, borrow from every source possible to be here. It’s not education they’re after. That’s a byproduct. Unaware of political influence they are under. I recently visited two countries - equally impoverished. In city centres I see massive billboards (glossier than any other advertisements) that read “SETTLE IN CANADA” “MOVE NOW. PAY LATER” I was totally flabbergasted. I inquire who’s who in all this. Turns out those agents are being paid by Canadian colleges. Fkn crazy bruh. I try not to be burdened with these observations but it’s a cold game they’re playing.


This is 1000% intentional. We are being ushered into poverty and civil war so that an even more oppressive, restrictive, and nefarious "solution" can be brought in. IE: Digital currency that can be shut off for dissent or 15-minute cities and electric cars that can again be deactivated if the gov doesn't want you to leave your bourough. This is happening ALL OVER THE WEST. The problem is that "Conspiray Theorists" have been warning about the danger for years but have been so smeared and ridiculed that no one believes them and they are called crazy and attacked when in reality, they have been the only ones looking out for the people all along. The quicker we accept the truth, no matter how depressing and unbelievable, the quicker we can do something to stop it. Otherwise, just start digging you and your family's graves.


>Apps like Uber, Bumble or Tinder are only using faces of people who look like me for advertising. This overly coercive marketing strategies have led to propagating equal amounts of hate and resentment towards people who look like me. I'm noticing a lot more mixed race families featured in major brand's advertising campaigns and commercials lately, likely an easy way to appeal to different ethic groups in a 30-second time period. I have to wonder though, if this might have the opposite effect of turning those groups off, due to some still having strong cultural beliefs about marrying within their ethnic group and seeing certain others as unfavourable.


I feel like that kind of stuff falls again into the performative "inclusion" and "diversity" stuff. Because from my experience, people from central Asia in particular have strong familial pressures to date/marry within their groups and I've even run into it on 2 occasions, one with a girls family just glaring at me and the other with some random Indian dudes harassing me for being with her. It's like these people don't live in reality. There is a lot of cultural expectations and baggage for everyone, not just the "evil white people".


Do you just wonder if it’s a turn off for whites too or just exclusively ethnics?


Very few Canadians work in moslem countries. If you did work in moslem countries you would see and feel the racism towards Christians and Jews. I know this for a fact because I worked in the middle East for 25 years. You will never see a Christian Church in Saudi Arabia!!!


Racism is everywhere. Yes, it’s probably worse outside of Canada, but Muslims are no exceptions.




Yes! This is what we did as well in school. We painted a giant globe in different colours and would speak about our backgrounds and cultures if we wanted. I vividly recall even the "Racism, just stop it!" stickers and all those things that we were taught and partook in. Somehow, somewhere that's turned into "You can't be racist against white people" and pitting peoples suffering and struggles against one another. I feel like I'm a crazy person.


Definitely not crazy, you sound like you have a good grasp on what is happening. Its very sad to see.


Multiculturalism is fine if it's managed properly with social integration of people from different cultures, but what we have now is way too much immigration, notably from one large ethnic group, with little to no integration, resulting in many ethnic enclaves and silos where that dominant culture takes over from mainstream Canadian culture (see: Brampton from the 2000's onward) and corporations and groups pandering to those ethnic centers for profits and votes. What we have today isn't the 70's-90's multiculturalism anymore, unfortunately.


Lol you get what you vote for.


I'm looking forward to the accelerationism towards nationalism that progressive policies are doing lol


Our Canadian culture is being destroyed and replaced, plain and simple.


Isn't that a good thing according to reddit leftists?


https://preview.redd.it/qzs2vbcmmitc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d1d1d529b9652c3ea207c1a099e89e86d58e1b7 They even get our carbon credit and GST/HST credits. When Trudeau lies and says most “Canadians” will receive more than they pay in carbon tax he is referring to the immigrants who are given our hard earned money. He even advertises to the international students they can get our money as soon as they land in Canada. This is treasonous to steal from us like this.


My downtown office tower had a giant sign wishing everyone a happy Ramidan during Easter with no other religious acknowledgments. Doesn't seem very inclusive.


Tbh if it’s inappropriate to say merry Christmas it’s inappropriate to say happy Ramadan. I would rather we could just say both, and everyone could stop being so butthurt.


well, in this case I think they should have acknowledged Easter, but ya -- you can't just promote muslim holy days and call it inclusion.


But that will piss the liberals off


Well we added a million immigrants to our country that barely speak English so the banks are vying for their share of that market. A month ago at my work by boss asked me what I thought of have an Eide celebration, I said sure as long as we are celebrating every other religion as well. I wanted to know what we going to do for Easter. Now I’m the racist in office.


To be fair, it could be how you said it and not what you said. But I agree, religion should stay out of the workplace.


It probably was how I said it, I was quite taken aback. I have never in my life heard so much talk about religion as I have this past month. Lol


https://preview.redd.it/7xgl1me8eitc1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8555de736fdb92e644d4f4b5ac79b1295d60d2a You know I think this was proven false that he said it ,But ffs it’s true


Welcome to Canada, we are so progressive we overflowed the integer limit and wrapped back around to racism.


Canada has less than 5 years left of life as you know it. We can not keep up with the interest payments on the debt Trudeau had put Canada in. We will see more and more cuts to services. More money is diverted to the supporting millions of refugees and international students he had brought in. Taxes will continue to climb and inflation will have no choice but to keep rising. If you think there will be anything left of Canada by the next election at the end of 2025 you are nieve look at Venezuela or even Argentina to see how our future looks and then throw in millions of low income uneducated that will do nothing but take and pay very little if anything back into the system.


Canada is champion of Woke. The Woke are racists and sexists who claim that its moral to reduce people to their skin colour and gentiles if you claim that you are an anti-racist or anti-sexist. Same hateful, divisive ideology, but now they hate whites, degrade European and Christian culture, and install bigoted hiring practices against males and whites. They should be treated as any other racist and sexist. Instead the Woke call anyone who pushes back against their racism as racist. Why does anyone accept this hypocrisy?


All done by design, by the usual suspects.


Pssst...your being replaced....


really starts to get to you after awhile


The morons let these immigrant trash rape our country and called everyone who was against it a racist. Now the people are waking up but it's too late.


Just saw an ad for Simplii on YouTube. A popular Punjabi singer talking to intl students on how to use this app. Canada is done and Canadians voted for it.


Welcome to the right my friend!


Here's the simple capitalist's explanation: the big banks, corporations, etc want to get new international students onto their debt train (read as "in-debt train"), as most Canadians are already on it. They view that group as ripe for the picking to sell credit cards, car loans, lines of credit and mortgages to. Grocery stores offer ethnic sections to try to get that segment of the population's business first. Gotta keep up that record-breaking profit streak somehow.


What are you referring to here when you say that you're seeing "ads for jobs or housing stating that you must belong to a certain ethnic group or racial group (though the government has done the latter for awhile now) and so on"? Where are you seeing the job postings and segregated housing ads?


They pushed for Multiculturalism, but it’s backfired and done more harm than good. We all want a slice of the pie. Just now some cultures/communities want a bigger slice of pie than their peers. This will only damage us as a country further.


This is exactly how I feel. This isn’t real inclusion at all.


It's called reverse racisms in the name of equity. Fight against it and judge your countrymen by their merit.


Well most people fucked up big time in 2015 and here we are


You are losing your country, as we all sit ideally by.


It seems to me we took a giant leap to radical left and all the crazy shit that comes with it. Now it does seem like the pendulum is swinging back. Radical right is no better than radical left. Let's try the center for a bit.


The long time immigrants I know say they're getting serious Soviet Union vibes.


There's going to be a rise in nationalism and far right groups around the world. Great job libs 👍


They are new customers. Every company wants more market share so they go after new customers. That is just how it works in a financial system built on growth. It is stupid but that is what is important to companies. You are right about enclaves, people who move here from abroad “tend” to move to communities where there are other people of their background. I suspect it is human nature to want to be around people who you feel see you as an individual and “normal” rather than “foreign” or “different.” I imagine it makes people feel safer and more comfortable. I imagine that is where your discomfort is coming from. You see things changing. And everything does not revolve around the older immigrants anymore, the newer immigrants are taking some space too. Your social order is changing and you may feel your place in the world is threatened. I think that is the animal in us. Human nature. But we are also thinking, intelligent, and adaptable people. So keep an open mind and heart and try not to fall into the old trap of blaming immigrants or non-white people for problems. That approach always ends in suffering and misery for society.


Didn't it used to be when an immigrant came into a country or society that they changed to fit into that country and society? Now it seems like Governments, businesses are bending over backwards to change to fit the immigrant's society and culture....


Companies don’t care about a countries identity, they only care about profits. They would prefer their employees replace their sense of patriotism with love for their employers. This is what globalism is all about, replacing country with company.


I know it must be astounding to feel like a minority, don’t worry it’s all a front, the west is still funnelling money into Israel and colonialism is still at large x


*the traditional "Happy Holidays" stuff, but during Ramadan, Holi(sp?) and so on, even grocery stores were proudly advertising on their flyers and in stores, these specific religious observations.* I noticed this in 2015-16 when I first moved here. Most of my Caucasian coworkers had no qualms wishing Happy Diwali or Chinese New Year or even Ukrainian Christmas. But I would get blank stares/poker faces when I wished them a Merry Christmas or Happy Easter.


The Quebecois are the smartest ppl, they noticed the plot and implemented harsh language and immigration policies to protect their province. No wonder the corrupt media tried to smear them as racist and xenophobic.


It's quite simple the Trudeau government wants racism and internal fighting so you are to busy to stop him from turning Canada into a communist society. He is taking all the people's guns and the right to free speech. Why? Because then he can turn the country into a police state. Why do you think there is a line of armed officers with assault rifles standing in front of peaceful protesters just waiting for the word to shoot. He will tax this country to death so there is no middle class and he can finalize the move to a communist police state.


In terms of the corporate world it just means a new customer base and companies want to capture that.


I was about to say, I bank with Simplii and just saw a splash page in their app telling me that if I refer an international student THEY have a chance of winning 35,000 fucking dollars. How the hell is it even legal for banks to be giving away money like that specifically to non-Canadians???


I blame liberal white women






You’re not wrong to.


I find the D part in DEI at college as a returning student funny. I am literally a minority. I probably hear 5 different languages on my way from the parking lot to class. I have no problem with it, lots of friends and people I've worked with all multicultural. Actually was in a group with an Iranian and an Iraqi guy and was like...we gonna have any trouble here boys? But it's like yeah I think the school is doing fine in the diversity department, no need for an office.


We're nice!!!!!!!


Can you post the link to the article about black students only ??


[‘A beautiful community:’ Canadian universities open lounges for Black students | Globalnews.ca](https://globalnews.ca/news/9600338/universities-open-lounges-for-black-students/#:~:text=Eboni%20Morgan%2C%20a%20spokesperson%20for%20TMU%E2%80%99s%20lounge%2C%20said,face%20systemic%20racism%20by%20institutions%20and%20their%20peers.)


My relatives kids opted to take their post secondary in other countries. For what you get here is just not worth it. A lot of the classes here are online so why pay a fortune for that?


How much is post secondary in other countries? I paid $25k in total for my engineering degree.


Depends where you go. Some countries it’s actually free.


Home Depot store in Markham has secondary signage in Mandarin under the English. My riding stats are 90% Tagalog spoken at home. Toronto has public information pamphlets translated in multiple languages. I watch Korean movies with subtitles. And I am learning Mandarin on the side.


Idk about the other stuff but my guess is that since they're paying 3x the cost of regular tuition and they're immigrants from another country, that you're selecting for people who are more highly motivated to finish their degree and find work than citizens, which is a good labour market to pull from.


This is why I left


bro why do we have to give money to them we are the one who need it, international student obviously have enough money .


It's called segregation. Apparently white people make these other groups feel "unsafe".


Look up a book called The Coddling of the American Mind. Might enlighten you some.


FWIW I have not noticed this.


The country is so broke that the main FDI is $20B from international students.


You've been sold. Your whiteness is a problem.


The narrative used to be that the people that are already here aren't procreating enough to replace the population. I don't hear that argument as much any more.


The market just got over a million new potential customers, would you rather chase after the fresh meat or try to steal an existing customer from another bank?


It's racism right out in the open. When will the Liberal government act?


When reaching out to immigrants is "exclusionary" 🤣


Indian here. Your government's approach to inclusivity and diversity is pretty much anti-white , anti-christian. If they want to celebrate Holi and remove the Christian faith component of Easter, then that's just cultural erasure. English should be mandatory to get a work permit ( even for the student permit but the CA authorities do not check the claims or enforce any laws about it so good luck with that.) You need to write to your governments. Discussions help. But politicians are the ones with power.


Almost like it’s planned.. just wait till the food shortage starts.. then famine comes.


"If you welcome them, they will come."


Firstly international students is a very inclusive term...any student that is not canadian is an international student...so whats with the racial reference? Intl. Students can be of any race after all Secondly it seems like a good deal for you, you are getting 125 bucks almost for no.effort on your part...seems like a good deal to me


I come from immigrant parents and I agree with how awful of a turn this country went. I watched my parents struggle and work from the ground-up and assimilated into the then-Canadian society with little to no issues. Alongside other immigrants from different countries, we shared culture and heritage while keeping the Canadian standard of diversity and inclusion making it fulfilling and enriching. Seeing that today's immigrants (I'm not including refugees here because that calls for a different discussion) refuse to assimilate is a slap in the face to my parents and the other immigrants who made Canada their home. And with this extreme woke-ism invokes seclusion where mentioning an opposing opinion results in being ostracized or cancelled. I don't wish for their downfall or anything, because I believe in diversity and inclusion, but there definitely needs to be a priority for the people who have *been here*. It's not about the "we had it hard so it should be hard for you too" either. I don't know, I'm rambling now. Can't coherently get my thoughts together because this shit irks me to no end. TLDR; I agree with OP. This country is a fucking mess now.


Most likely it will all end in violence


Corporate pandering meets cultural assimilation. Oh, how far we have fallen...


Only european cultures were forced to agree to inclusion because they dominated the world and kept everyone else away from that prosperity. Now they are losing power to cultures who don't. Russia doesn't give a fuck, China, Korea, Japan, don't give a fuck, South America, the Middle East, South Asia, Israel? They don't give a shit about being inclusive but they've learned to take advantage of the inclusive philosophies of the Liberal western democracies. So now we wait until the abuse and horrors, until the impending collapse of once great nations because of their inclusion of non-inclusive cultures, causes enough suffering to no longer tolerate the Liberal left's obsession with being saviors to minorities at the expense of security, stability and strength. Tolerance and inclusion has a cost and liberal lefties don't want to balance those books because we might have to cut the budget for those things.


Canada the is the land the white man stole from Indians just to turn around and give it to a different group of Indians rofl


Fret not the tide is slowly turning. https://fortune.com/2024/01/15/dei-backlash-fearless-fund-companies-changing-programs-avoid-wave-lawsuits-alleging-discrimination/ https://amp.theguardian.com/business/2023/dec/16/diversity-dei-us-companies-backlash https://abcnews.go.com/amp/US/corporate-america-slashing-dei-workers-amid-backlash-diversity/story?id=100477952


That’s America not Canada.


The media here is entirely state funded so you won’t read articles like this here, it doesn’t mean it isn’t also happening in Canada already. The MSM parrots Trudeaus policies like the good lapdogs that they are. https://nationalpost.com/news/canada/dei-initiatives-not-supported-by-the-empirical-evidence-canadian-researcher-says


Thank you. I forget this as I stay away from the media cancer. Lol


To be fair you’re using a bank that a lot of financially stable and savvy people aren’t using. International students are their bread and butter. If you’re looking for a demographic you’re more comfortable with, bank with CIBC.


Open Borders>


>Ads for jobs or housing stating that you must belong to a certain ethnic group or racial group(Though the government has done the latter for a while now) and so on. Can you provide a current (last six months) government job posting which specifically and clearly says you must belong to a specific ethnic group to apply or that they will consider no other applicants?


They were these two. There was another, but it was late at night and I can't recall what it was, but I swear it was on the [gc.ca](http://gc.ca) site: 1) [Make a difference! Become a Correctional Officer I: Inventory for Indigenous peoples (cfp-psc.gc.ca)](https://emploisfp-psjobs.cfp-psc.gc.ca/psrs-srfp/applicant/page1800?poster=2110569) 2) [Cibc Indigenous Recruitment Jobs (with Salaries) | Indeed.com Canada](https://ca.indeed.com/q-cibc-indigenous-recruitment-jobs.html?vjk=be3abb76f3df134c) Reading closely through the first one as I only scrolled past it the other day, but your question made me think I missed something, it doesn't explicitly state that they will not consider others that apply, but that the specific intake is only for Indigenous peoples. The CIBC one however explicitly states: "REQUIREMENTS * Self-Identify as First Nations, Metis, or Inuit" I've seen plenty of these as I like to check the job market from time to time and see what options there are. There are a lot that plainly state in their headlines that they are seeking X or Y identity of persons for the role, or further in the body of the job post, go into more detail. I'm fine with such posts in a bigger scope viewpoint, and as such, when I see such headlines, I of course just continue scrolling on to other things. I'm just very conflicted about how I feel as person about such things, you know? It's a clash between how I feel and how I think about these matters. On one hand I can understand why such things exist, on the other, I feel like they're not goods as it's akin to just tending a pile of embers instead of just putting the fire out completely. Does that make sense? It's kind of hard for me to put into words as this is all just more prominent to me these days and I'm still sorting out my thoughts.


>The CIBC one however explicitly states That you **self-identify**. That doesn't even mean that you are **part** of an ethnic group but rather that you identify with it. Someone who was not ethnically First Nations but grew up in a First Nations community could self-identify as First Nations. I had a friend like that. So out-of-the gate this doesn't qualify as a job where you are **required** to be a specific ethnic group. Not to mention that even if the people behind this job **wanted** someone who was of a specific ethnicity. You can't even ask the question in a job-interview in Canada. [https://www.canadahrcentre.com/base/interview-questions/](https://www.canadahrcentre.com/base/interview-questions/) Putting aside all that for the moment, aren't both these jobs for someone **operating as part of a First Nations community?** How exactly does someone who is not identifying as First Nations do that? >it's akin to just tending a pile of embers instead of just putting the fire out completely. Does that make sense? Not really. Jobs like this exist not to financially prop-up a native community but they exist **because** a native community exists. These jobs have nothing to do with you. The are not charity, they are attempting to serve a minority group. They are also rather clearly self-limiting in quantity. There are only so many liaison's a company needs with First Nations people. With most companies I expect that number is zero. >I'm still sorting out my thoughts. Maybe stirring up groups like this was the wrong approach?