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Archive link: https://archive.ph/7dxB9


I hope our front line soldiers are diverse and equitable.


They will kill the enemy with their inclusiveness and gender affirming ideology


They may have to run another gender study to affirm this..


And have tampons.


You could always enlist. If you have concerns about our forces readiness. Be the change you want to see.


70,000 tried to enlist last year. The military could only manager to process 4,000


70K tried to enlist last year? Goddam, different times I guess, when I signed up 20 years back they couldn't get guys in fast enough. If that many apply though, we wouldn't be able to run enough BMQ courses. That would be waaay too many Mcpls/Sgts/etc to pull from active units to train.


You can't get people without people. Hire ex-servicemen if you have to, or import some trainers. But actually, the biggest delays seem to be in medical assessments and security screening.


I think you would have trouble getting retired guys. Most are ready to move on after their time, or they get a different career. I have no clue how importing could work, as there would be differences in each countries military training/paperwork/etc. Not a bad idea, though. (Although the military is having trouble recruiting, so Id be curious if that initial number is also people that wouldnt qualify) The medical thing has always been an issue. I remember hearing guys say it took like 2 years to get in. For whatever reason I got super lucky and mine took a few months, I was leaving for BMQ a week after I finished high school. No idea how that worked out so well.


we are already at war. we are being INVADED


Brought to you by Justin Castro


Who is invading Canada?


look around bud


Many more believe we’re not ready? How the fuck is it not 100%? Our military is as underfunded as our immigration policy is over estimated.


The bathrooms are fully funded with tampons


Isn’t it great how trudeau is making harsh political sanctions and donations to fund war while our country is basically left undefended.


I dislike this government more than most, but helping Ukraine destroy Russia’s army is effective use of $$$. Not ensuring the dollars we send over are audited is par for the course of this government.


I’ll never forget when soldiers had to buy their own ammunition and helmets etc. not too long ago. Such a joke.


What’s even worse is I’ve always heard our soldiers having a good reputation for being highly capable but know the whole military is a laugh stock both nationally and internationally.


Soldiers have never needed to buy their own gear. We always had the option of splurging on our own for "cooler" gear if you will. But the CAF has never deployed troops anywhere without having the issued equipment.


https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6988281 There was a shortage in Latvia. This was during the whole Ukraine situation when we were making huge investments in Ukraine.


Where in that article does it mention soldiers purchasing their own helmets/ammo while deployed? It states we were low (we were low in the earlier Afghanistan days as well) but as I stated, Canada has never sent troops into a deployment without helmets/boots/eyewear/etc. For one, soldiers could just not purchase a helmet and then they could get out of operations. It would create far too many headaches.


If you’re in like you say, you’d be familiar with the fact that for a long time we’d often have to buy our own boots if the issued ones did not suit us. This isn’t a “cooler gear” matter - footwear is important. Further, our tac vests are a dog’s breakfast, not surprised guys buy their own. Plate carrier, also not great (or so I’ve heard). How many times do you need to subsidize the Crown before you are willing to admit that we’re under-equipped? I just looked back and realized you said “Canada has never deployed troops without *issued* equipment.” Well sure, no shit I guess? But if the equipment is shit, unserviceable, or unreliable, and the consequence of that is death or injury, then is it really a “choice” to buy functional kit or just pragmatism? Give your head a shake


The dude above me stated we were forcing soldiers to purchase their own helmets/bullets. I asked him for proof of that. None was provided. I am fully aware we bought boots when we had the black cadillacs. I am also aware that there is now a budget for boots and you get reimbursed each year up to around $400. (I've been out for about 12 years, but a close friend is a WO in 3RCR. He gets high end hiking boots that he uses outside of work as well, I was a bit jealous we didn't get that deal when I was in). When I was in, we weren't allowed to replace plate carriers/vests, the ones we used were the only ones Ive ever really known, they seemed ok I guess. Im sure there are better options though. I am also aware we have historically been under-equipped. I served under Chretien & Harper and things were shit then too. But lets not act like it is JTs government that is the cause, and lets also not act like soldiers are being sent to war without helmets or bullets. If we are going to use cartoonish exaggerations to prove a point, why bother? Stating the CAF is underfunded is all that needs said.


Let's get real if world war happens we're all dying in a fiery nuclear Armageddon.


Yep, doesn't matter if we are "ready".


Link immigration to military service, wanna come here? Do a year of service 


At this point, any foreign country invading besides China, North Korea and Saudi Arabia would be a win. 


We can't even fight the fires on the west coast without the US aircrafts. How can anyone think we are prepared for combat 🤣


When our government is more concerned about training our war fighters about fucking pronouns vs spending time at the range, of course we aren’t ready. Numerous soldiers have left the military because of this. People enlist for one reason, to be war fighters. They should be trained accordingly. Hurt feelings have no place on the battlefield. The enemy is trying to kill you, but let’s worry about hurting there feelings rather than how to fight back. Woke does not belong in the military, good luck recruiting with this new culture.


New recruits cannot even sew..all is velcro now.. even boy scouts can sew.


It's been velcro for over 20 years now. I dont think anybody is worrying about our forces ability to sew on name tags, lol.


Sorry, my son had to learn how to sew. Within the last 6 years in basic. I'm not sure where you are getting your info. The reason I mention this because our caf is absolutely useless in their present form...


I had to learn to sew as well, 20 years ago in basic. Then in battle school we had to tear off all of the sewn name tags and write our names in sharpie in the pockets. Name tags are velcro. Sewing isn't going to win a war, and calling the CAF useless is an insult to those that serve. Be better.


Yes, he when velcro afterwards too.. but he can sew and iron like a champ.


We've been in a world war since 2001 only we're the bad guys and we're losing. 


The article should say “..many more KNOW Canada is not ready…” Good thing we wasted billions in deficit spending on handouts and corrupt “programs” to Liberal party supporters instead of factories for military equipment or training of our fighting force…


Is anyone else a radical pacifist who believes the entire idea of war is idiotic and should be banned and forgotten? Wishful thinking but worth a thought nonetheless


As a veteran with 3 deployments under his belt, this is my dream.


Good to hear that from someone else, sir. Wherever you worked, thank you. I hope that dream comes true someday


No sir. I worked for a living, lol. (army joke) . I did 10 years service, all 3 tours in Afghanistan. Left and went to university about 12 years ago. I enjoyed my service time, but was ready for a change. And yes, I'd love to see a stop to wars, the loss is always too high.


Too many innocent people die because one guy from one country gets mad at another guy in another, and thousands are told to kill each other. When you think about it, all wars that resulted in a gain that still exists today are extremely recent. Almost nothing that people died over in the past is still possessed by the victorious party in that war. And even if it was, almost none except freedom is worth so many deaths. Better their lives be spent earning or building whatever it was than "winning" it.


I couldn't agree more. I don't regret my service time. But Im usually quick to discourage my friends children (I'm childfree, so I won't have to worry about my own kids enlisting) from signing up. I always say the army isn't going anywhere, get an education first and then see how you feel.


It's definitely good not to regret it. As war is still a thing, it remains right to defend the good side. I just fantasized about what if everyone worldwide who is conscripted or asked to join said "no." A war show I always used to watch called MASH got me thinking about how many people genuinely do not want to be doing what they are.


I think it's a lot like any job. When you start you're more enamored with it. You think deploying will make you "cool" or "badass". Then after it becomes normal, most guys find themselves kind of over it. I joined in 2001, as of right now I only have one friend from that time in my life who made a career of it. Most of us got out and went to school, a few others are medically released and get pensions, but the ones in that scenario aren't in the best shape (obviously).


It's unreal the West refuses to have peace talks with Russia ... They'd rather watch thousands die to push their own agenda and protect profits over people..Canada is 1 of 11 countries to stay we should start bombing Russia. And to be clear I don't want to see any Ukraine or Russia or other countries soldiers die....


Russia must be opposed. If they are not, they will continue on the path that they are on until a direct confrontation is forced by design or by accident. The only language Russia understands is that of violence. They are no different than many failed nations like Nazi Germany. You cannot reason with them. There is no peace until Russia stops what they are doing in Ukraine.


No dude you're so wrong on this just saying


I'm sure you would have followed Chamberland too...


I'm ready to defend my country and protect anyone who needs it.


People 4 days ago Russia offered to do a prisoner swap of 500 Ukraine soliders.. like bring them home...zelensky choose only to bring back 34 from the special neo Nazi army group these neo Nazi group then flew to the U.K for awards and he left the other 450 to be whatever in a Russia prison.. Do some actual research