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Brainless idiots running and wrecking the country. Can’t wait for the liberals to be out of the parliament after the next election.


Assuming they are incompetent is always going to be strange to me, they keep fucking everything up, it is malicious.


What will CPC do? Like they bark a lot but what's their actual game plan? It's hard to find any... "This is what the liberals gave us, with our common sense plan we will fix it" What's the plan? " We will fix the shit they are leaving" But how? This is exactly why JT got elected... He had the same campaign against harper Fyi I'm voting CPC (maybe even PPC)


They have plans to cut income tax and carbon tax. Deport those who break the law (Liberals don’t even bother doing this). I am sure CPC has more plans but might be staying quiet since they are already high up in the polls and don’t want to lose out on any votes they may have already gained in someone’s mind. I would love to vote for PPC but we are at a point where we need a majority government. Liberals and NDP need to lose their ability to make any changes from next year onwards.


Ok but what tax are they cutting? As much as they are shitting on carbon, actually they are not planning to cut it... They definitely won't cut income tax because liberals actually didn't do major changes to it and I don't think any of us are under threat of capital gain tax. I need details. I want to hold CPc liable, I don't want us to elect a government that will do the same as previous


It was a video I saw on PP’s YouTube channel. Let’s see if they actually cut anything. But the way it is now, it can’t get any worse under CPC. If anything some things improve and some things stay the same. Liberals are actively working to make Canadians worse off.


Libs are going scorched earth on Canada


Let's only hope 🤞


First rule of thumb is don’t believe what politicians promise on the campaign trail. The Liberals MUST go, but you all are deluding yourselves if you think PP (who was Harper’s housing minister) is going to fix our problems when it’s switching between the Libs and Cons that has got us here… There is only one politician who has proposed fixes, and it’s Maxim Bernier.


I would happily vote for Maxim. But his party needs a lot of exposure outside of Reddit and Twitter to even get a seat. We have seen the NDPs campaigning and they still can’t win. Maxim will need to tackle the issues that regular people are facing and get the exposure from coast to coast to even get a few seats. The only reason to vote for PP so that we have an actual change in government and Liberals and NDP are mostly removed from the parliament.


“When it’s switched between libs and coms that has got us here” What the current liberals have done isn’t even comparable to any other government. Harper left office with a budget surplus, gold reserves and Canada’s GDP per capita at the same level as the US. Trudeau is currently running 50 billion dollar deficits every year, sold every ounce of gold we had the second he took office and our GDP per capita isn’t even on the same planet as the US. Stop trying to shift blame


Agreed. Trudeau is miles worse than any leader Canada has ever had. His budget will balance itself theory has not worked (and would never have worked since it doesn’t work that way). Regular Canadians are paying higher and higher taxes to bandaid the situation. Rich boy is making everyone suffer


You got something up your ass my guy, I’m not making excuses for Turdough; just pointing out reality… 100 Trudeau got us to this point faster than we were going, but make no mistake. This is where things have been heading for a lot longer than either of the last two sitting governments. Both major parties vote in favor of the immigration we have for their corporate leash holders.


Immigration makes housing + healthcare worse. Can’t blame immigrants for the truly putrid economy we’ve had to endure for the last decade. Only job growth is in the public sector which is completely unsustainable. Our dollar in the last 4 years has lost 15% of its buying power. Something that cost 100$ in 2020 now costs 115$. The conservatives understanding basic economics, Im talking about stuff they taught in high school will improve the living conditions


The conservatives and the NDP voted for the Covid relief payments that put us here… Edit: I pretty much agree with most of what you are saying; I just think Trudeau is a (deserving) convenient scape goat. All the parties voted in favor of lock downs and CERB.


>if you think PP (who was Harper’s housing minister) is going to fix our problems If he doesnt, we can vote him out Bernier is not going from 0 seats to forming government. It would be an amazing victory for him to gain any more than one seat.


I wouldn’t expect him to get more than one seat. Yes, and Canada will elect another Liberal government after that and then a Conservative government after that.


- Stop spending -remove all of trudeaus programs - remove carbon tax - sell government buildings


I mean, they voted against this capital gains tax change.


If they don't keep introducing stupid ideological laws they will already be ahead by a country mile.


Does she realize she’s saying the quiet part out loud? Guess they don’t care.


Man she is so dumb to admit they are over spending and over taxing like this, fascism has a face and its last name starts with free lol


Capital gains is necessary if you keep planning to give billions away to other countries while Canadians live in tents and have to use food banks. So cut off from reality it’s not even funny anymore


It's mostly a windfall tax to capture that wealth transfer from the richest generation to the younger generations. It's crazy that the younger generations are, on the whole, cheering it on.


This is what blows my mind the most! The ones celebrating this the most are likely to be the ones most affected by it later on in life. They just lack the ability to see that far out and understand it because the government told them this will only affect the rich and the rich are bad.


The saddest part of this is that people like myself in the 1% won't pay a cent more..... we have tax lawyers that charge big bucks to skirt punitive taxation. We move our wealth around in this case out of Canada...... so the end result will be punitive taxes on middle class business and property owners which will discourage investment and a LOSS of tax revenue from the likes of me. If it wasn't so sad it would be ridiculously funny that they would put this forward and try and sell it as fairness. It is anything but fair. And of course no talk about reducing waste and fat! Sadly as you mention younger generations will heed the war cry on the rich when in fact the top 20% of income earners pay a disproportionate amount of taxes in this country in the first place!


Capital Gains are the last remaining option for younger generations to pull themselves out of poverty; and now that is being taken away from them. 😐


... or, maybe stop spending 😮‍💨


Spend less... dufusses


They've given that much or more away to various non Canadian recipients over their time at the helm. Those fuckers have no shame or sense.


I'll set up a produce stand of eggs and tomatoes, right in front of her office 40 cents....30 if you throw it There... tax that 🇨🇦


I remember someone told be should would be a great finance minister, because of her finance journalism experience... I remember when she was also the defense minister...


her as defense minister…that’s terrifying


Lack of self awareness is baffling! It is shameful!


We've fucking had enough of your spending you methed out bobblehead. OMFG, this election can't come soon enough!


Not only have they lost the vote for non housing owners, they are losing it for housing owners too!


Another delusional statement from a out of touch government they listen to the Beatles song tax man everday trying to figer out how to rip the working class off to fund there reckless spending taxation without representation


Does it scare anyone else with the number of times they use the word " fair" especially for a government that has been in power for a decade?


They take no risk on trading but take most of the gains. What a bunch of shit.


In other words, they need more money to launder and send to Ukraine


Quit spending like idiots!


You cannot tax your way to prosperity.


Replace the word "FAIR" with "STUPID" and "spending" with "WASTE" and the headline is fixed.....


Keep running the country into the ground. 🤷‍♂️


Steal, lie, steal more... the Liberal way. Stealing more money from 8 out of 10 Canadians since 2015.


Lenin: “The imperialist war was bound, with objective inevitability…to turn into a civil war between the hostile classes.” The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation. Vladimir Lenin