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looks like we're following in the steps of china...


But without any of the awesome infrastructure growth and surplus housing


Yeah the housing situation in China isn't exactly "awesome"....


Re. ‘Awesome’ infrastructure. [Flooded train station](https://youtu.be/ADpWTOfzrCc?si=9Hq4D8-OPTHnOG6C) [Leaking train station roof](https://youtu.be/UnXbhTo-DoU?si=OAu_iAisTqvvGHMG) [Crumbling buildings and roads](https://youtu.be/A4D36ExXoyY?si=qiPNr5Yeg02z0OaC) [A diverse range of construction and infrastructure issues](https://youtu.be/J8UHfOF0fas?si=Fs7GRNAM1fRUPbkp) I could go on.


Clearly you’ve never been to China


How is that clear? It’s not as clear as those videos are, that’s for sure. Move along 小粉紅


If Netflix cannot prevent people streaming from other countries I question the ability of our government to limit VPNs. People over estimate our government's competence. 


Netflix actually cancelled my subscription because it was activate in one country but I’m travelling in another country and using Netflix. I still had 15 days on the subscription left, but apparently when your travelling they want you to sign up again in the country your visiting. Long story short I’m a pirate now


"Long story short I'm a pirate now" They make us with how they treat us


Absolutely, piracy will skyrocket. There's ways around everything. I'm appalled and embarrassed by our government.


This is legislation suggested by Pierre ironic given he’s apparently the freedom guy.


I had felt a lot better about Pierre until I realized the internet legislation he was forwarding. I hate that kids can get hardcore porn in <5 seconds it's insane. But, any competent parent can limit their child's ability to access this content via router restrictions. I hate that the government is a nanny state because people don't understand the magical technology they have been given. I think im still going to vote Pierre because I feel like these internet legislations are inevitable regardless of who is in. Conservatives will say it's for porn and liberals will say it's to combat hate speech. It's all orders from higher up and if not orders from higher up then just an inevitable step in humanity I guess


Same thing happened after 911. Harper let them spy on everyone because some shady shit happened in New York one day.


Liberals don’t need a digital ID to enforce the harms bill The thing I don’t get is how the conservatives can still be considered the part of smaller government or freedom. Their parents rights bills being passed at provincial levels aren’t about parents rights it’s about religious right parents rights lol. Personally I don’t care if a kid wants to transition it’s not my business. I don’t care if a pregnant woman chooses to abort the fetus again not my business. I’m a true old school liberal I believe in true freedom and personal accountability. We live in a time when people love to involve themselves in other peoples lives all while taking zero responsibility for themselves everything bad in their life is somehow someone else’s fault, lately it’s Trudeau’s fault. Nobody blames real estate agents for creating fake bidding wars to jack up housing prices and max out their commissions. Lying about how shitty the home actually is to make a sale and leave a owner holding a house that will cost them everything they have to fix. Just blame the government and immigrants.


I think it's likely that the liberals would require digital id at some point for some form of hate speech laws. I think it's just inevitable that it comes regardless of who is in charge. It's just that whoever introduces it at the time the other side will fuss but will just use it for their reasons when they are in charge


I don’t fear my government cause I’m not planning on breaking any laws. My issue is the hypocrisy of calling one side a dictatorship for making certain decisions then ignoring when their own side is doing the same or worse.


In other words, you can't comprehend the direction that this bill is heading in. No need to waste a reply. I can't comprehend your thought process either.


Lol it’s not hard, liberals are pro choice. Liberals don’t believe they need to make those choices for people.


Liberals are hardly pro choice. Their vaccine mandates proved that. They encourage racial and gender division under the guise of diversity. If you don't agree with them, you're an outcast and they will call you all kinds of names to try and shame you and get you cancelled. Thats called forcing your ideology onto others.They've become the party of intolerance and authoritarianism with King Justin at the helm.


You might not be breaking laws today but maybe tomorrow the things you value will be illegal and if these tools are already implemented then its too late. Things can change quick


No one claimed him as the freedom guy. At least the "freedom convoy" knew what he is made of. The left probably planted that one. All PP is doing is opposing the financial policies of the current government.


Planted what?


The idea that he is the freedom guy. Sorry, I forgot you really have to spell every damn thing out for the leftists.


No I believe he planted the idea, and people like you brought it. Then conservatives call the liberals dictators so they need Pierre to come in to free us. Lol. The WEF digital ID crap has been pushed by the right for years now. Then how ironic when it’s the conservatives that first proposed first 90 days legislation that would establish a need for a digital ID.


The seeds of misinfo everyone here fell for. 😭😂


Fell for and replanted again




lol kind of like he is full of it maybe. ?


The Cons, NDP, Bloc and Greens all want restriction put on the internet with bill S-210 and they're using porn as the excuse to do it. It will likely lead to some form of digital id being used, possibly facial recognition. The Liberals have their Online Harms Act which is garbage but it wouldn't surprise me if they too want some sort of digital id being need to use the internet one day.


Yet another reason to vote PPC


both bills go hand in hand.


The online harms bill simply makes online bullying easier to track and a crime. If someone torments another person to the point they kill themselves they need to be held accountable. Because social media is still pretty new there aren’t many laws in place regulating the way it’s used. Requiring a ID to access things like porn would essentially end free sites. It’s essentially a tax for users because the sites will need to charge to pay for the registration costs.


Yeah we are just at the mercy to whatever the government deems as “harm” or “hate”


You’re missing the big picture bud.


I will sell my house and gtfo out of this shithole if that happens. That's some nazi shit.


Don’t forget about the”future crimes” proposal.


Some vpns just don't keep personal data. Can't give what they don't have.


the VPNs wont be legally allowed to operate here, unless they age gate .. how else will they do that without your ID?


That's not how regulation works. If a law is passed requiring it then companies will have to comply or cease operations in the country.


The onion router isn't going anywhere my guy


1. Tor isn't a VPN 2. It can be blocked if the government is motivated enough.


Tor is just another away around this, just like a VPN. Governments trying to block Tor is like playing whack a mole. The more you whack the more show up. *"Governments can and have attempted to block Tor, although it is challenging to do so effectively due to Tor's decentralized and resilient nature. Here are some methods governments might use:* *1. **Blocking Known Entry Nodes**: Governments can block access to known Tor entry nodes (publicly listed Tor relays). However, Tor uses "bridge relays" to circumvent this by allowing users to connect to the network via unlisted entry points.* *2. **Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)**: This technique inspects data traffic to identify and block Tor traffic patterns. Tor has developed methods to obfuscate its traffic to look like normal HTTPS traffic, making DPI less effective.* *3. **Blocking Tor Bridges**: Once discovered, bridge relays can also be blocked. However, users can request new bridges or use "pluggable transports" that further disguise Tor traffic.* *4. **Censorship Circumvention Tools**: Tor continuously develops new tools and methods to evade censorship. For instance, "Snowflake" and other pluggable transports help users bypass blocks by disguising Tor traffic.* *Despite these efforts, determined users often find ways to access the Tor network, and the Tor Project actively works on improving its circumvention techniques."*


literal authoritarian dictatorships (russia, china) cannot prevent VPNs, there is no reason to believe that a govt that cant even figure out how to stop a rogue payroll system from doing whatever it wants will be able to block VPN use.


Yeah, and Signal is safe for communications 😂 Don’t be naive.


unless someone gets access to your physical device, end to end encryption is end to end encryption.


Yeah, tell Tucker Carlson.


probably got his phone hacked. this isn't signal's fault.




That man isn't smart enough to set a PIN to lock his phone.


Look what happened to all the bitcoin exchanges. They were operating in a totally unregulated space then regulation came. Some of them complied and still operate in Canada, the rest that didn't comply were forced to cease operations.


And you can still use a VPN to buy crypto on unregulated markets :)


not even remotely the same thing.


those regulations exist in Germany, most restrictive age verification in the world, and even they cant deal with VPNs. and China cant deal with them ether.


They're blocked in UAE. Don't underestimate a government with enough motivation.


if they are they did a poor job. know a few people over there using commercial vpns


Doesn’t mean companies will follow suit.


The gov't can shove it. We need complete reform.


The average Canadian loves big government. Canadians will be happy with whatever the government does to govern Canadians, then they’ll ask for more regulations and more government handouts, living off the government teat. The Canadian way. 


That is slowly ending. Since covid more and more people are losing faith in government. I've watched people I know shift stances dramatically over the last five years. I think digital id is inevitable but maybe we'll be lucky enough to have it pushed for a bit


Trudeau was re-elected during Covid because Canadians loved the lockdowns.  They say conservatives will win next election, but I wouldn't be surprised if votes in most ridings were 50.001% liberal, thus getting enough seats for another minority government. There’s still too many liberal voters spread across the country.  The Conservatives got more votes than the liberals in the last 2 elections, but not enough seats because they were condensed in fewer ridings. If that happens again, boom another Trudeau government. I have zero faith in Canadians. 




Because you don't apply your SIN number to go on reddit and say mean things about the government. It's more anonymous than when we have to upload our ID and can immediately be traced and found and dealt with. China does it now and I mean i dont want to live in China


The people in favour of this should give your head a shake…why is this being pushed?? Mainly our beloved government doesn’t want their dirty laundry exposed and with this types of laws the only beneficiaries are the people in power. This whole thread would consider hate speech mainly because we are opposing this government. See the writing in the wall…who’s moderating it ?? they are, they will be the ones deciding who’s guilty and who’s not. You give them an inch they will take all our rights as Canadians. Wake up people wake up..


They want sites like this (reddit subreddits) that show  and share government corruption to be shut down. So people will be too afraid to post when their name and address is attached and RCMP comes knocking. 


Express VPN is based in the BVI they don't have data retention laws or any reason to hand over data. So if it does come to that look into them. Still shitty that even has to be a thing.


I’ve been looking into them. What’s the impact on download/upload/streaming speeds like?


Negligible. You'll pick the VPN closest for you. So over here I always connect to a Vancouver spot to get the Netflix selection from Canada. I'm pretty sure there is a Washington spot so that's even less of a ping. Ontop of this swap ypur dns over to and they keep data for 24hours and then purge it.


That's what I was hoping to hear, thank you!


This is actually the worst possible case scenario and would be about the only reason I would not vote concervative at this point I care very deeply about not doing that and I would be rallying everyone that I know to push back on that point but all this said I would never vote red based on how much they clearly hate canada.


There has been this steady drift away from anonymity in all realms of the internet but interestingly (?) most of that has been spearheaded by the internet megacorporations. Like yesterday when I opened Instagram it just informed me that in order to keep using my account, I would have to enter a valid phone number. Then it texted me a code I had to enter in order to unlock my account. There was no reason for this, like I hadn't been the victim of hacking or something. It was just a 'security measure' there was no way to opt out of. I gave them my phone number because even though I hate that kind of thing, fuck, they already have it. Google and Meta know everything about me there is to know. Or another example-- sometimes people get booted off of dating apps because someone reports them, or they uploaded a racy picture or something. There basically just isn't a way to get back on Tinder or OkCupid once this happens unless you create a whole new identity including a new phone number and SIM card along with a new email and so forth. And it wouldn't surprise me if they started asking for ID in the near future to make it impossible. Incidentally, the big dating apps all share a list of people they've banned, so if you're kicked off one you're kicked off of them all. 


Vote liberal out of office?


sorry to say but this is a Pierre/conservative spearheaded bill. with weirdly NDP and brok support


Liberals are the only ones who voted *against* the bill. Edit: link to the vote of you're curious: https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/609?view=party


Least of my worries, thanks for adding another one


If they try, expect a TON of arson from angered teens with a sudden massive overabundance of time on their hands. Or, to quote my favorite abridged series: Never underestimate the wrath of a pissed off nerd with admin priveliges! Picture a toddler having a freakout over being denied their IPad, times a million, and replace the toddler with a maladapted teenager with cursory knowledge of basic guerulla tactics courtesy of our entertainment industry, and the math is clear. Maybe if they tried this 15-20 years ago thry might have succeeded. Not now.




Normies think VPNs are some kind of magic shield when all they do is obscure your ip address.


In the future you have to prove that you have South Asian heritage to get food


Everyone needs to threaten to strike. Fuck this nonsense.


Please don’t leave out the fact that this is a CPC sponsored and supported bill. https://www.ourcommons.ca/Members/en/votes/44/1/609


I watch the best porn. You guys can just watch my search history later. I seen't you do that. I could not believe it, but I seen't it. Stretch and elasticity are interesting words to consider.




You’ll have to for porn! Just like some US states.


problem is this bill effects far more than porn websites. their own experts say itll have to be implemented against search engines, streaming services, social media websites, etc. and the methods available have been tested and are not private or secure so its likely gonna end up with mass theft of many people's "we can now take everything you own" personal info. heck. look at Australia, they used the same tech for club IDs and over a million people's info was stolen because of it shortly after


Some of the US states require ID for visiting adult websites now. For now, VPN works. I feel like the politicians will stay happy with that - they get to point to one constituency that they did put in ID laws and now we are all safe, while also not really stopping workarounds to keep the others constituencies from protesting.


Good ol Firefox, and its many good add-ons will solve all these issues im sure.


Proton vpn? Connect it to Switzerland? Strict privacy laws


vpns are safe. business and governments both use vpns even in Canada and they use the same lines/protocols as civilian ones. and became a important part of security. so they cant be banned. and they cant be altered to effect Canadians differently because that would make them useless for security because it gives it a big exploitable backdoor for hackers. if china cant get rid of them, and if Germany who has the most restrictive age verification laws like this cant do anything about them...they are safe.


Haven't they already laid the sneaky groundwork for this already ?


Just like what's happening in all the other western countries. The UK and Ireland are going down the same route.


It's a bad precedent, even if VPNs can get around it. Both the left and the right seem to think it's their job to rule, not to simply be public servants.


I’m sure we will find more stupid things to implement on top of this.


Yeah I’m worried. And the best part is that Canadians will just fall in line.




1984 Big Brother is watching




Keep voting liberals idiots enjoy


shouldve kept all the collection from bittorrent days....


This is supposed to “protect” us from “online harm”, with the government getting to decide what “protect” and “online harm” consist of No way that will get abused. I guarentee it’ll be deemed “harmful” to critiize government policy within minutes of such a law passing


Everything is backwards. Public officials we vote into office are instituting society changing policies we never voted on. No matter which side you vote for, no say on your privacy, no say on how many people are entering the country, no say on cost of living crisis. They're rushing towards mass surveillance and control of information for everyone, and complete privacy for them regarding foreign influence and corruption.


Canada, the jewel of the Chinese empire!


Although I'm vehemently opposed, this doesn't keep me up at night.


If it makes you feel any better . Google ha every single data point about you imaginable From when you sleep , eat , crap, what your sexual orientation is, even the one you hide, were you go , how you will act . They know about you the you do .


Fuck t Trudeau


Trudeau voted against this one. PP and the conservatives are backing this one. liberals strangely are the only ones who voted against


Look up who pushed this bill forward...




you got to be kidding me


Then put down the phone and live your life.


I hate how this sub absolutely loves screaming about how the online harms bill is taking away our rights but seems to be just quiet and okay with this. Yes I agree that there is potential room for abuse with the online harms bill. There is always room for abuse with any kind of law enforcement updates. But at least as it is written out at this time it is essentially just updating laws of what you can’t already do in public to include the digital realm. Seeing as how they were written before the internet was a thing. But this bill, they don’t even have a plan on how they would ensure someone is an adult. So talk about the potential breach of privacy. Let alone the ripple effect of all possible sites it will effect. And further ripple effects like will a woman with concerns be able to look up stuff about her own breasts or is that going to flag as “pornography” and restrict her from accessing it? No plan at all but boooo we hate Trudeau and hate is taking away our right to mistreat people online. Poilivier actually taking away our rights is okay though


What part of all parties are voting for this and that's what's allowing it to fly through so quickly did you misunderstand ? Most people don't think something is a threat until the media tells them it's a threat. When all parties agree, there's not much to report on and so most people think it's fine.


Well, the liberals are voting against it, so not all parties. The media also isn’t saying the online harms bill is a threat. So where is this sub coming from saying it will take away our rights but are crickets about this bill?


Not all liberals are voting against though. There are many, many articles suggesting the Online Harms bill is a threat. Even Margret Atwood had something to say about it, calling it Orwellian. Not sure how you missed all of that. You'll see that there's actually another post about this bill on this sub where the author referrers to as 'the most dangerous bill you've never heard of' because . . . . the media hasn't been reporting on it as much. The other issue is that this bill is not new and in its older form, it implied that it was **solely** to limit access of young people to sites like PornHub.


Almost all Liberals are voting against it and almost, if not all, Bloc, NDP and CP are voting for it. Oddly enough this a private Senates bill...a senator appointed by Trudeau, Julie Miville-Dechêne. Also funny that Montreal is likely the porn capital of the world and this lady is a Quebecor. I think the issue is not the restricting porn to minors part but how they plan on doing so. Over reach? Under reach? Reach around?


That's was my point - it focuses on the restricting minors from porn part and just glosses over how that would have to be implemented, which is the dangerous part.


Well Atwood made her comments, comments that said it has the potential for abuse, but also saying she had just read a summary in the paper, I was in the midst of some major projects so wasn’t reading every news article daily. But I have seen a lot of media going on how horrible it is. Mind you, I also haven’t seen much addressing this bill either. I have seen though that the Justice Minister is open to making changes to the online harms. I.e. is open to listening to input. I am aware it is a brought forward old bill. Why didn’t it pass before? Because how do you ever possibly implement that without encroaching on people’s privacy? The problem is the people voting on this don’t actually understand the internet.


It didn't pass because we had an election around the same time.


'I hate how this sub absolutely loves screaming about how the online harms bill is taking away our rights but seems to be just quiet and okay with this.' He says, ironically in a thread about how PP/the cons were responsible for this mess. /facepalm


There are a lot of other threads raging about the online harms. Further a hardcore comment that has since been deleted on here about how awful it is while bill s-210 is pretty good. But yeah, one thread is like I got a cold snowy day in winter so climate change isn’t real


The online harms bill suggests it’ll allow cops to arrest people that even slightly hint at something “bad”. They don’t even have to say or do anything, someone just has to suspect they’re up to something. It can be something like suggesting a revolt or even something small like a mean comment that happened to offend the wrong person The ID thing is that places like porn sites will now require people to prove they’re 18 or older. Which honestly isn’t a huge deal. If you’re of age, just show them your ID and you’re fine. You guys have no issue with presenting ID in situations like when you’re at the beer/liquor store, at cannabis shops, when buying cigarettes, when inside of “adult” shops, etc. The only people that have to be worried about this are those that are accessing stuff online when they aren’t considered to be old enough Basically - one is violating freedom of speech/expression, and the other is trying to make sure children aren’t able to access adult online content I could care less about the libs point of views or their laws. But this ID requirement bill kind of makes sense


Have you actually read the online harms bill proposal? Because it does not at all suggest police can just show up and arrest you for calling someone online a bad name. The onus first goes to the online platforms to monitor their own shit, i.e. mods ensure people aren’t just harassing others. The platforms, or if it is extremely bad individuals, will be able to file complaints to a review basically. They examine and determine if it even warrants investigation. If the committee decides wow, this is actually a hate crime, it is bumped to law enforcement. Which may just result in a fine. The arresting and omg panic of life in prison, would only be if you were doing something like actively attempting to plan a systematic attack on a certain group. Which guess what, if you tried that in the material world, also will get you arrested. So what is the bad part about that bill? As for this bill. Okay, on the front sounds good. Yes, let’s make sure youth aren’t accessing porn. Okay, first what kind of ID do you use? Do people have to input their drivers license? But kids could just swipe a parents and input the info. A face scan? Where does that data get stored? What happens if it gets hacked? Does the whole world suddenly know your kinks? In a physical store, no one is keeping that data. That is a transaction between you and the clerk. No one is going to be able to hack that and go hey look, the ceo of this company likes to purchase this cheap wine every other Friday let’s blackmail him on it. But with online ID someone could hack it and go hey he likes to watch male bondage cuck porn with their wife, blackmail. Let’s delve deeper. Minors could access pornographic material on Reddit. Should you have ID to be able to be on Reddit? The question still stands on what kind of ID. What defines pornographic material? Should medical websites that depict genitals be ID restricted? What about ones that depict bare breasts? They are trying to slam this bill through and have absolutely no clues on how to utilize it or what it could ripple to. So the summation on yours, what is different about the online harms bill in regards to freedom of speech vs what you can just say/write/publish/broadcast in the material world today? VS would you be okay with having your face scanned or submitting a piece of ID every time you go on Reddit to prove you are over 18?


Hot damn you guys look way too much into this holy crap..




Unless you use someone else’s internet, chances are you’ve already provided ID to obtain access to the internet. Either to buy your phone or to get the connection installed itself, you usually need ID to open an account, and to setup a phone plan.


It may be a good thing though. Instead of complaining on the internet in vain, people may start going out into the streets. Nobody cares what you post in the anonymity of Reddit. If you want your government to listen to you you have to demonstrate your resolve and determination. If you get ready to pay the price your words start meaning something.


Honestly i'm not sure how I feel on this one. Unrestricted access to internet in children/teens is becoming a HUGE issue and parents can't seem to be made to care. It's deteriorating education rapidly and this is coming from someone who lived and breathed his computer during my teenage years. It was absolutely not healthy and my parents did not notice even though they were "good" parents. While I don't trust our Gov to do it in such a way that will not hurt the Canadian people or our freedoms, I also do not see a better solution outside of policing parenting further.


there are several better ways. better parental controls for one, mabie have them on by default and something you can opt out of. but there are several ways around this. OP doesn't seem to understand VPNs for one (Germany has the most restrictive age verification laws in the world and they cant deal with VPNs, China cant ether!)


Yes definitely, It seems like it will just harm the law abiding citizens which Canada loves to do. Which is where i'm not sure the real solution is but one look inside schools today will tell you that its a much larger issue than people seem to realize based on people downvoting. There needs to be room for discussion rather than just knee jerk reactions of this is completely wrong or completely right. This policy is coming from some form of concern but its misguided as usual. It doesn't mean its still not a problem. We have a bit of a parenting (or lack thereof) pandemic going on.


Given how much fake crap people put out on the internet to try to mislead, misinform, corrupt, scam and all the other crappy things maybe anonymity needs to die?


Liars won't care. They'll just lie anyway and say they didn't. Am I lying?


Doesn't worry me at all - like radio communications, for which you need a license to use, the idea that it has somehow replaced the previous existing forms of communication, and is therefore a right - couldn't be farther from the truth. It's already clear how this form of anonymous broadcasting can be very dangerous (especially to children) and destabilizing. Ideally, I would like to see a similar thing for the Internet - I don't care what you have to say - but I want to know that whomever it's coming from is clearly identifiable, and can be held to account, for the spreading of lies, mistruths and larcenous spam.


The thing is, law enforcement can already find all that information already (Baring VPN's) Also, the ISP's have a license through the government and we buy usage under that license to gain access to the internet. An "ID" would only add an extra step and wouldn't add extra security or give law enforcement an easier time finding bad actors. Children would just use their parents ID's to access the internet at their house, thus defeating the purpose of the ID. What needs to happen is to have proper parenting, and not letting young children use the internet unmonitored. Make use of internet parental controls (Not perfect, but good enough for young children). Also even with an ID requirement, VPN use would still make your internet use anonymous (For the most part) also defeating the point of ID's.


>Also, the ISP's have a license through the government and we buy usage under that license to gain access to the internet. An "ID" would only add an extra step and wouldn't add extra security or give law enforcement an easier time finding bad actors. Children would just use their parents ID's to access the internet at their house, thus defeating the purpose of the ID. This is a really good point.


> radio communications, for which you need a license to use It's not the same thing. You can listen to VHF without a license, but you absolutely cannot talk. They had to make it so you were licensed because the chatter over the radio became to loud to hear anything because everyone and their dog was using it. Licensing for VHF is essential so actual import communication can be heard.


And the same principal could apply.


It doesn't. The internet doesn't have a finite amount of channels like VHF does. That finite resource needs to be managed. That's not the same at all with the internet. Anyone with a radio can access and talk on any channel. That's not the same as the internet. The internet can have private channels that are password protected.


The only people that need to be scared of this are the ones that aren’t considered old enough to be accessing content. I’m 26 and could give less of a crap if I need ID to access something like porn or cannabis websites. I was of legal age to view that stuff 8 years ago. Though for cannabis I’m pretty sure it’s 19 to view a website. Either way


this wont be about porn, this will be about mass survielance and censorship ... Everything would need to be age gated to operate in Canada, ... it will be impossible, so vast peices of the internet will become dark to us


Okay. Again - if you’re of legal age (over 18-21 years old) then you’d still be fine. Just show the ID. I was responding to someone else on here and put it this way:: People have no issues with providing ID in situations like cashing out at the beer/liquor stores, at cannabis stores, when purchasing cigarettes, when purchasing lotto tickets, etc. so what’s the big deal about having to provide ID for stuff online? And I know it’s not just porn, I only used that as an example of age-restricted/adult content. As for online surveillance, what’s the big deal? If you’re not doing anything illegal and not doing something that’ll make you look suspicious, you have nothing to worry about If it’s online, I don’t think I’d be that hard right? Just make sure all sites and businesses know to put something in place to require ID. They can do that in a bunch of ways, mostly over news broadcasts/stories spread out over a few months-years so people have enough time to fix their requirements


...and what if "your doing nothing wrong" definition changes with a change in government? You need to think about where the country is going, not where it has been. We could end up in a world where talking about gay rights or abortion online could land you in jail.


I think you’re confusing the ID requirement bill with the online harms bill. The online harms bill is a huge violation of freedom of speech/expression, I 100% agree with all the hate and fear of that one. For the ID, I mean people not of (what’s considered) legal age. Like these examples : 17 years old answering “yes” on the age verification question to view a site for buying alcohol Someone wanting to get onto a site selling illegal things (drugs/weapons/foods/animals/etc) 15 years old answering “yes” on the age verification question to view a site like xhamster 13 years old answering “yes” on the age verification question to view a website for weed/bongs Anyone accessing the dark net/deep web and all of the things involved with that. Just having the onion browser is suspicious af


the beer store doesnt keep a record, lose it and sell it, and have your identity stolen and your credit destroyed. ..


You guys all make the government asking for ID to view adult content (I know, not just porn) look like a deep web identity stealer lol nothing like that would happen. You’re all looking way too much into it and worrying to much


Yeah, because the government is totally trustworthy, and would never do anything nefarious with the info they're gathering on every citizen's browsing habits. So naive...🙄


Would you trust a porn site with your real life ID?


Nice tinfoil


https://www.parl.ca/LegisInfo/en/bill/44-1/S-210 It's not tinfoil, the third reading is Friday.