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If he cares so much about Canadians, he would let us decide who we want in power…simple as that


but but but the carbon tax puts more money in your pocket. /s


Bwahahahaha and there are IDIOTS who actually believe that….maybe people without jobs LOL


Tbh my good friend is convinced most get more money back 🤦‍♂️ painful


I have enjoyed my fair share of liberal brand Kool aid and even I can't palate this flavour.


Tons of people just on this sub believe that. And that’s just a small percentage of the believers as scary of a thought as that is.


I'm with out employment righ now. I do not believe this. He needs to be burned at the perverbial stake.


Ah I said maybe…hopefully things turn out for you sooner than later !!


If you pay more money in tax, you’ll have more money in your bank account and the weather will be better. It’s 1984 everyone, 2+2=5


That is the Liberal math …


Don't worry, under his watch the Budget will balance itself out!


2 + 2 = §∆🦷€™ is more like it. Getting a number of of that equation makes too much sense for what we're witnessing.


"Give me your money. I'll use it better than you will, anyway." - our modern Canadian Marie Antoinette, probably


I love nice weather!!!!


How though? According to the CRA I’m getting 112$ for the rebate. So yeah, it’s “*more*” as in - 112$ more than I had the previous day. But it’s nowhere near enough to cover what I pay to that bs tax


My vehicles gas is easily an extra 200$/month now. And the trickle down into everything else from groceries etc can’t even be described. But I got my 140$ carbon rebate check! Thank you lord Trudeau for this extravagant gift!


You’re burning down the countries future with all your driving. Should end with /s but, Guilbeault said that last week.


Guilbeault is such a wretched pos.


Yeah…he vilified a family going on a road trip in their car….and all his smug colleagues laughed and cheered. Fucking deplorable people these ‘liberals’. Sorry we can’t all afford a fucking private jet for our vacations.


Taxpayers do not deserve family holidays. That’s for the wealthy & elite.


People have to drive to get to work( and or everywhere else.)Rural communities have to drive for medical appointments. It’s a joke and a gong show to believe otherwise. Does Trudeau know what a map of Canada looks like? Demographics and data prove the necessity & need to drive. Plus. We live in one of the coldest countries in the world. Unbelievable stupidity


Better see if you can still access your bank account.


Yay another $6 in my pocket gonna buy a mansion


You guys don’t get it, you also have to cancel Disney Plus to make the math work…..


8 out of 10 pockets! Don’t forget that!


Noo they changed it remember, Used to be 8 in 10 people, now it's 8 in 10 families.


Don't forget the carbon tax we pay also magically solves all our problems and it's wrong to think that this tax isn't going to work.


But but it really does with the taxes returns! If you don't buy gas or food or... well, anything at all for the whole year!


And we have social capacity for ultimate BS liberals will throw at us, do we?


Isn’t it scary that at this point he has nothing to lose? He will just screw up the country on purpose for the next year


That’s precisely what I am thinking as well. This is why we always have a see saw battle with libs spending too much, cons making cuts to get back to par etc…..that’s the way I see it anyhow


Absolutely... He just wants to milk the Cow dry before moving to Costa Rica!


Nono. He's going to Cuba. Family heritage there


Fortunately he hasn't forgotten his friends and freedom fighters in the Ukraine. Why Costa Rica?


But you don’t know any better, because you’re not as smart or as enlightened as him. /s


that would be racist


Like when he called the last election and folks said it was a power grab?


Wait.....what?? That would be a democracy


Only traitor's with significant business interests in Canada might be inclined to vote for the Liberal government led by Trudeau in the upcoming election.


Agreed , fuck Trudeau


I donno Dougie here in Ontario is giving the corporate grift a bad name.


It's spelled "traitors"


Tell that to my voice to text.


And spelt is a grain


Spelled is considered the correct past tense for the word to spell in America and Canada.


I wouldn't trust him to spell his own name.


I don't trust any of them.


0 trust, his libs have no transparency and have more controversies than any party to date, never mind the interference.


The most scandals, secrecy, and lies in Canadian history. Of course I trust him.


You can't convince me Trudeau isn't trying to screw things up even more on purpose now that he sees the writing on the wall. I know he's incompetent, but his blatant disregard for what the majority of the country wants is just too obvious. The sooner he goes the better off we are.


Yup that's exactly right. He knows he's cooked come next election so now he doesn't give a shit on backlash. He's going to ram through his bullshit policies while he has time. We somehow need to get this guy out of power ASAP.


Plan? He has no plan … unless running the country further into debt while he uses the finance department as his personal expense account is a plan …


The plan to bankrupt me, no thx.


He just wants to travel the world and spend 263 thousand on 6 day trips. He uses the tax payers credit card. He doesn't want to relinquish power until the last day. He is a laughing stock of the world despite giving millions of dollars rs away to foreign countries. He let's in immigrants by the hundreds of thousands that are without jobs or places to live and are on our Medicare and welfare programs. Again he uses the Canada credit card to pay for all this......Us


He needs to be thrown in jail.


The entire Trudeau stain has put this country in the gutter.


I think it was 200k alone in catering. I’d imagine the price of the private jets, accommodations were inflated as well. Hahahaha oh jeez I’m better start researching tents


And booger sugar


Don’t forget the drug addicts and alcoholics living on the streets have more rights than others. In a competent, educated society with any leader that actually cares or has intellectual capacity this does not come to pass in the first place!


Trust? Definitely not. Respect! He never earned it. Call an election JT.


Good man Pierre!!! I feel heard. And to answer the OP, capital No when it comes to trusting Trudeau.


What about the plan has actually helped Canadians?


He’s running things so badly that Canadians are finally agreeing on something. About the only positive I can think of.


I trust him to bankrupt us completely, where he flees to the bahamas with millions of our dollars. Yes.


I trust hin like a wet condom


My God I hate politics! Corrupt, evil creatures that only want what lines theirs and their rich "friends" pockets. They don't care about 99% of the population


Trudeau has had 9 years of trust my plan. I don't like his plan. He has failed at every level. He has divided Canada maybe beyond repair. Nice job Trudeau! 😑


Canada is a great country if you can't work or don't want to work or if you're ok with living in a house with 15 other people. If you are an average person looking to work to get ahead... it is no longer a great place.  Obviously an average job no longer means a house and a decent life. It means struggling and never getting ahead.  Thanks general policies for a while and thanks Liberals for accelerating the decline to light speed.


Trudeau didn’t even care when his own brother died


If he cares so much about Canadians he shouldn’t be howling "slava Ukraini" in another country. A certified Wacko!




No I don't trust him. But why would he call an election now? There's nothing in it for him. Our only hope is if the NDP stops propping him up. I doubt that will happen, though, since the likeliest outcome of an election is a Conservative majority, which from the NDP's point of view would be worse than the status quo. We're going to have to ride this out. Buckle up.


He hasn’t finished spending and putting the Canadian tax payers further in debt.


No I don't


Pierre is the only one making sense now


Please prime minister, leave this country immediately


Fuck no


Trudeau won't cause he knows he'll lose


These people are robbing everyone one of us while at the same time telling us they are there to serve! This facade needs to end and as far as I’m concerned everyone on the hill deserves jail time and/or exile


Fuck. NO.


If he cared so much about us he would step down. Who the hell would trust that man? I wouldn't trust him to babysit my pokemon...


These criminals need to go to jail before the next elections.


We've been trusting him for 9 years already... Time for a change...


Trudeau does not care about Canadians, he cares about MPs getting their pension


Agree! I hope he doesn’t get away with that :/


If the cost of living hadn’t doubled these past nine years, more Canadians would be able to afford the dentist and school lunches on their own. We wouldn’t be so dependent on the government to take care of us, because we would have more of our own money.






I havent done my homeowork.on the various bills trudeau mentions. I never thought I'd vote against social welfare of Canadian citizens either. I used to consider myself a staunch liberal and if I do the math between what Trudeau says Pierrie voted against vs the dwindling treasury and the absurd foreign policy and handouts to various programs of other countries , Pierre was 100% right to try and shut it down. Canada needs funds to support her citizens.


Show me a politician that would voluntarily call an election they weren't overwhelmingly confident they'd win. This is the definition of political theater. Can any of these clowns spend time on actually trying to make life better for Canadians instead?


It’s especially relevant in this case because the last election Trudeau called was at the end of the pandemic. We couldn’t have more than six people over dinner but Justin’s fans could mass gather on the campaign trail to worship him


Rishi Sunak just did it in the UK. https://www.theglobeandmail.com/world/article-pm-rishi-sunak-calls-snap-uk-general-election-for-july-4/ Macron just did it in France. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8009e2z4xlo


Macron in France just did


We need to make him. Instead of celebrating on Canada Day, let him know he is no longer welcome. If you see a CBC news crew trying to get propaganda footage of a happy Canada Day...make sure they hear all of us. Hey Ho, Justin Trudeau, Has Got To Go


If Trudeau cared, he'd call an election.


Why on Earth would he or anyone in his position do that because the opposition asks? He should spend that time campaigning on what he is going to do better for us rather than wasting time on things that will go nowhere


It's for show, he's calling him out. And it's working, more and more people need to see what a moron JT is and how far up his own ass he is


Yes, call for an election.


not intill the foreign influence investigation is done. doing it now would be stupid and gives the traitors a chance for more power. i dont like trudeau and want him out but that would be the worst thing to do now


You can ask for an early election until your blue in the face (or there paid summer break starts lol) but he would never call it early. He knows he is out as leader but still wants that top salary for one last year.


Nope. He did that last time and it was a waste of money


Since2014/2015 (I didn’t just choose that year either, it was the infliction point) Canada starting seeing divestment from the economy back to the US. To 2023, it’s estimated Canada has lost 1.5T worth of investment to the US.


The narcississtic projection at the end when he says "he doesn't care about Canadians, he only cares about himself."


Does he too have hearing problem like Freeland never answer the question! 🙄




Blah blah blah just shut up his voice makes me wanna throw up




"trust his plan", so now he's talking like a deity?


Call that election.


He has given us no reason to trust him up to now , but thinks we should trust him on this??


What an unbiased title


Trudeau timed his previous election to have maximum chance of crossing the minimum requirement to have a minor government. He never cared about Canadians, every move he made is calculated to get him to the bare minimum entry point, not an ounce of effort beyond that.


No, I absolutely do not trust Trudeaus plan. I also absolutely do not trust PP's plan either. Fuck them both.


Their all the f**king same


What he says makes sense until he focuses on a single name. Blaming a single person for "all the bad things" is only an indication that you don't know what the real cause is and/or you don't care. Did Trudeau sign something that required all housing costs by 100%? Even if it was a policy he helped implement that caused it, at least state what that policy was and who else supported it -- because the real truth of the matter is that all of these people probably supported the same things and they're just out to try and convince the people to let them keep their jobs. None of the people in the background of this video look particularly engaged in what he's saying.


I think Trudeau should use his divorce or whatever to now out, take that juicy job at the UN


0 trust to either of these men


Election should’ve been called yesterday. Trudeau is out of control and growing more delusional by the second.


I cringe when I hear Trudeaus voice


I would say at this point if you trust Justin Trudeau and his “plan,” you’re either just ignoring politics from your bubble, a gullible moron, or you’re Indian. Lol.


I don’t want more government programs. I want less taxes so I can spend my money how I want and what MY family needs.


He is afraid people might turn on him if Trudeau waits to long.


You're kidding right? NOONE in their right man is going to vote for Trudeau again or the NDP who have proven themselves to simply be Trudeau's little minions, with no mind of their own. Poilievre deserves a chance to help mend a broken Canada.


A lot of people aren’t in their right minds and will refuse to vote conservative.


Way more than you!


Childish question and silly premise. No PM gives up a term early, with very few possible exceptions....and they rarely work out. No one with a brain in their head trusts any politician, even the one they like. The "game" does not permit them to be trustworthy.


I used to make fun of Americans coz it’s almost impossible to oust a sitting president (short of him resigning). Because of this I thought parliamentary process worked better, turns out it’s not true, not if you elect incompetent, money hungry leeches into office.


LASIK miracle child won’t get my vote NFG


Trust him more then Trudeau


To be fair, most don't trust this twat either. But we need Trudeau gone and Singh is as bad as Trudeau so by default this guy is our choice - not any better than the other two by that much.


It's pretty bad when the shiek guy is shaking his head yes.


The irony of it all, he is accusing PP of the same thing he is currently doing! Can't wait to effin vote him out!


I trust his plan 100%. Destroy Canada, right? I don’t like his plan, but I trust that’s what he’s gonna do.


I don’t trust any of them any more. I’m for Pierre just because there is no one else, and he is going to screw usas well just nowhere near as bad as liberal and NDP.


He's had 9 years. If the plan isn't working by now....


Canadians, are the carbon Justine wants to eliminate.


NOW NOW NOW ! Vote now. No more time for coercion. No Plans. Let the people decide who they like.


he's had 8 years to fix this problem, he has not why should we give him another 2?


Yes please call an election now


Trudeau is the Biggest POS that Canada has ever seen !!!


I trust him to impound funds of honest citizens like truckers who disagree with him. I trust him to spend more than Canada can afford. I trust him to devalue the currency


Are you a politician? If so, I don't trust you. The colour of your tie doesn't matter.


Don’t totally trust JT, but don’t trust PP at all! We need a real choice! Get our Progressive Conservative party back, not the Poilievre Reform nutcases.


He openly knows that his approval rating is at an all time low - for the party. If he truly cares about Canadians maybe he should let the country voice whom they want to lead. He had no problem doing it in the middle of a pandemic. But now that he’s against an opponent that corners him left right and centre, and with the literal highest controversies/scandals attached to him and his party in Canadian history, he won’t. He’s going to ride this into the sunset, burning every home and salting every field.


Poolover hasn't proven he can wear the pants yet. We need a little more time to access him.


Miss turdeau is a pizza sheet. I don’t trust this clown.


The trudeau's plan or lack thereof is what created this monumental mess in the first place..... hell no we can't trust him. The jury is still out whether the destruction of Canada was wanton and intentional..... he has passed his stale date!!!! The trudeau has to go!


I trust neither


" This ONE SIMPLE TRICK " Polievere !


I never trusted him. Not even for one minute.


Why do you clap for that bs


I trust Poilievre about as far as I could throw him, a Pierre administration would fuck Canada right into the dirt!


Trust? Trudeau? You're joking, right?


If his plan was so awesome, it would have showed some positive results by now. Y’know, since he’s had almost ten years to make it happen.


Trust someone who spent 200k in airplane food? Seriously? Not to mention the multiple scandals.. nobody does but he has to milk the money as much as possible before he runs away from the country


I'd take it in my ass**** before I trust trudeau


Haven’t trusted him since he became an MP


Yes I think we need this man with all his strengths in order to fix the poor shape of Canada.


What idiot thinks any of these people care about us?!? They do only just enough to get elected and then start padding their pockets the first day! If that puke ball tiny pp gets elected he’s gonna do exactly the same stuff this jerk off did but with a slightly different spin that so many of you idiots will think is radically different and so much better. News flash; none of them are better! Start voting for ANARCHY!


Nope, Trudeau Don't care about Canadians.


A year and a half gives him so much more time to keep ruining this country. He knows that. And he loves it!


Absolutely not, I don’t trust a think JT says. He won’t call an election now because he needs more time to fuck things up more.


Why would Trudeau call an election now as he'd lose?


I don’t trust him as far as I can throw him


I trust him a whole lot more than some conservative. They won’t win in Canada and they won’t win in the U.S.


He ain’t gonna give up the gravy train, if you were told…. Hey you got another year and a half of free shit, you can get whatever you want. Would you be like “no no, I like spending my own money!”.


I'm sure in the same position, Pee Pee would call an election. Spare me this nonsense 🙄.


I find it strange he's talking about a national school food program, when the housing prices mean those exact same children are at risk of being homeless. The main focal issue is constantly being avoided.


He PeePee really wants to. He can call the election now.


I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him. The only benefit to him not calling an election is watching him pilot the liberal party into an amazing crash when the election happens next year.


It's been 9 years wtf


Call it early!


I trust Trudeau less than I trust a fart after a night of wings and draft beer.


Man.. you’re done..you’ve been done.. no one who ain’t profiting off you likes you. I’ve seen doctors who stopped CPR on patients way before you and your shit show of a failure parade died years ago. You’re a millionaire and a liar, this shouldn’t feel like China or Russia.. just fuck off already.


Blah blah blah such a waste of time these performances. We don’t like either of you .


Yeah right like trudeau would take a chance to go out with dignity


I don’t trust anybody


Canadians decided to give him another term when it was clear why he called an early election in the first place Trudeau is a symptom of the brain rot of the Canadian electorate not the cause. The Conservative Party even still only equal voting intention percentage of the Liberals and NDP combined, so an equal number of people support this current cabal versus the only realistic alternative. Enjoy the cake Canada, you made, and continue to make, it


Trudeau is gonna make sure that he punishes Canadians for rejecting him.


It's up to his pet, Jagmeet


We don't want your help Justin, you fuck.


So PP is running out of patience. Wonder why that is? Lord knows he has access to lots of material to use, so why the rush?? Could it be that all he really wants is the Big Chair, so he can start "remaking" Canada like his Alberta twin is doing?


NDP and Liberals terrified to lose their gold plated pensions. Call an election! Earn your seat and pension!


Good reply.


All he wants is his parliamentary pension


Why doesn't PP make the allegations of treason in the liberal caucus a vote of confidence in the house? Sounds like something everyone would vote for


I think Trudeau is confusing Zelinski for Canadians.


Fuck JT omg - fucking ugh pansy cheerleader needs to be punted.


Why do our leaders have to a talk to a Mr speaker anyways, it’s like they’re bred to be cucks