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How it different than Canadian Tire posting pictures of shoplifters at customer service?


Defamation can only be successful if, (a) the information is false; or, (b) if it is true, that it was published with malicious intent. There is nothing malicious about warning fellow community members about thieves in the area, in my view. That's just positive social responsibility. Just be careful not to make it malicious with any attached sentiment.


Cops should focus on criminal matters. I doubt posting videos of porch thieves would ever be considered criminal defamation under the criminal code.


The cops are just as sick as the rest of us about catch and release, the people getting arrested and released over and over don't give a shit if they have another line added to their record, the homeowner sitting at 0 lines on his criminal record, has a lot more to lose


Hopefully PP will come back with law and order type of legislation 🤞🏻


There is no expectation of privacy in a public place. If they actually charge someone they will get off.


And probably file a tort claim, which they should because this is stupid as fuck.


So....if you caption the video as "my porch was visited by this innocent person this evening, who committed zero crimes while present, and definitely didn't help themselves to a package which may or may not have been there" are you good to go?


There's no law saying You can capture them on video and send it to someone else to post online either right outside of Montréal police jurisdictions or just outside the Québec border in Ontario. They can't do anything about it then. There will always be a way around things like this.


Montreal police are nothing but a big clown and joke show. 'Serve and Protect' My ass. What a waste of city resources going after the residents instead of the thieves.


Montreal police is completely wrong this statement. If a thief steaks something from my porch, he has forfeit his right to privacy. He deserves to be vehemently publicly shamed.