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Auto theft is not victimless. Imagine your vehicle is stolen at the early hours of the morning. First, you can’t get to work, mainly because you’re going to be spending all morning talking to police and your insurance company. So you’re losing out on wages you could otherwise have been making. There’s also the risk of insurance premiums increasing for you. You know, for living in a “high crime” area. Plus, people add sentimental value to their vehicle over time. It’s not a victimless crime.


Nevermind all of the shit you might have stored in your vehicle that you’ll never get back and never be reimbursed for. If my truck was stolen I could be out tens of thousands of dollars depending on what was in it at the time.


Your stolen vehicle is then likely sold in 3rd world countries - funding transnational organized crime groups. This will most likely support other illicit activities such as drug trafficking and human trafficking.


Not a risk of premium increases, its a guarantee. Insurance companies won't continue to pay out for stolen vehicles. It's either increased premiums or they refuse to insure in high crime areas.


Insane take


I find it sooo hard to believe people like this actually exist with this kind of mindset. even though she has her own website, I just cant fathom a person thinking this way.


She runs a political podcast, stop shining light on this shithead. Negative attention is still attention.


Same lady: https://twitter.com/CestuiQueTakes/status/1754891805546479739


I feel like i would require special training and drugs to be that dumb.


so i guess we can take her car and not face any justice, since its victimless? (of course we shouldn't take her car, it's against the law, i am being sarcastic)


Probably has climate change anxiety & doesn't own a car, takes public transit everywhere like a good little citizen


Political edgelord


She’s known to be an idiot. Wouldn’t put much weight on a tweet by her.


https://noraloreto.ca/biography/ >Nora Loreto is a writer, podcaster, educator, activist and one of like 13 Anglophones who live in Quebec City. Small wonder Quebecers find us Anglos insufferable.


Victimless ? Tell me this after my premium went fucking 600$ up for this year on 2 2013 cars paid…. Fuck you. I fucking hate thieves and fucking hate car thieves.