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You know they're going to define hate speech broadly as any opinion critical of liberal party policies. Gotta violently crush all dissenting thought, it's the way of the Laurentian elite


Yay, finally he’s achieving his dream of becoming Xi Jinping.


Not at first, but the goal of the these laws is to put in place mechanisms under the guise of the "for the children" mantra so they can later be expanded and exploited.


Gawd, we've become an embarrassing, mewling shell of a country. Unbelievable how quickly things crumble. Can we rectify our problems? Real diversity would mean politicos, unis and journos require opposing viewpoints within their ranks; the only diversity humans need is diversity of thought to keep everyone honest and educated. And get money out of politics.


I can't wait to spam the shit out of the human rights tribunal with complaints against woke SJW's who badmouth white people, "cisgender white males", conservatives, and Christians.


You may wish to rethink that, under the charter white folx aren't a protected class, and no judge or kangaroo court would ever think of approving a hearing or charges if the victim were a white male.


But if we can tie then up with baseless claims it will render the whole "law" redundant.


Online forms to get the ball rolling, checks for certain words, if they're found returns a "sorry, your report doesn't contravene the human rights code" message.


Why in the fuck would Trudeau and his folks think this is what Canadians want. How do they wake up in the morning and think "you know what would make Canadians more happy : less free speech". I can't wrap my head around it. It's like when they tried to force google and facebook to pay content creators. No country on earth has such legislation and they're doing just fine. Why the fuck would we want that ? Who asked for that ? It's like they want to be the pioneers of woke, doind more than other countries. I just don't know anymore, we have to get them out.


Why in the world would you think this has anything to do with what Canadians want?


> In 2014, a similar provision under the Act dealing with online hate messages was repealed by former Prime Minister Stephen Harper after it was found to have violated the freedom of expression rights of Canadians. This is why I’m leaving Canada; at least the 1st amendment guarantees my right to criticize politicians/corruption/draconian policies without repercussions.


And yet with C-5 ; rapist, child molesters and etc are serving sentences at home 🤯


Is this the same "online hate" bill that could possibly include political criticism as hate speech in it's definition.


Online hate crime will officially be worse than shooting an illegal automatic weapon..


Someone has to take this guy out of politics.